How to Get into Running – The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

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Cross Training For Runners
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David Dack

Are you ready to lace up your sneakers and embark on an exhilarating journey? Well, guess what? You’re about to dive into the awesome world of running, where health, happiness, and adventure collide in a symphony of strides!

Imagine this: a sport that not only boosts your mood but also fends off chronic diseases, burns calories, and even adds more years to your life. Running is the magical elixir that keeps your body and mind in tip-top shape, and the best part? You can experience all these incredible benefits with just one foot in front of the other

Now, I get it – getting into running can feel like staring at the peak of Mount Everest, wondering how on earth you’ll conquer it. But fret not, my friend, because I’ve got your back, and we’re going to make this journey an epic adventure!

In this action-packed post, I’m going to unveil some of my all-time favorite running tips, tailor-made for beginners like you. Whether you’re a complete rookie or someone who’s dabbled in running but wants to level up, you’re in for a treat!

So, let’s buckle up those running shoes, get our hearts pounding, and unleash the inner road warriors within us! Ready? Set? Let’s hit the ground running

How To Get Into Running?

If you’re gearing up to hit the pavement and dive headfirst into the world of running, I’ve got a golden nugget of advice for you: slow and steady wins the race!

You see, getting into running is like embarking on a thrilling adventure, and just like any epic journey, you don’t want to sprint out of the gate.

Trust me; that’s a recipe for disaster. Many beginners fall into this trap, and before they know it, they’re nursing pesky injuries that can put their running dreams on hold.

In fact, even if you’re the epitome of fitness, with perfect technique and a sleek $200 running shoes, hitting the pavement is no joke. It’s a high-intensity, high-impact exercise that demands respect.

So, what’s the secret sauce? 🤔

Well, it’s as simple as taking baby steps before going full-throttle! Before you dive into running headfirst, let’s ease into it like dipping our toes into a cool, refreshing pool on a scorching day.

Here’s the plan – for a couple of weeks, let’s schedule three to four one-hour walks. Yep, you heard me right – walking! This way, we get our bodies moving, our muscles grooving, and we’re prepping ourselves for the thrill of running without overwhelming our systems.

Now comes the exciting part – let’s sprinkle in some running into those walking sessions! It’s like finding a hidden treasure while exploring a mysterious forest. We’ll start with short bursts of running, just like a playful bunny hopping through the woods. Warm up with a 5 to 10-minute stroll, then introduce some low-intensity jogging for about 30 to 60 seconds, followed by brisk walking to catch our breath.

As we get fitter and more confident, we’ll gradually increase the time spent running while giving ourselves shorter recovery breaks. It’s like leveling up in a video game – with each step, we unlock new powers and build our running strength!

The Walk/Run Demystified

Imagine this – you’ve been strolling along for three or four weeks, enjoying the sights and sounds of nature, and embracing the pure joy of walking. But now, it’s time to level up our game! We’re going to add a sprinkle of running to our walks, like tossing in some magical pixie dust to ignite our running spark!

Here’s the secret sauce to our Walk/Run sessions, and trust me, it’s like discovering the treasure map to running success.

First, let’s warm up with a delightful 5 to 10-minute walk.

Then, it’s time for the grand reveal – we’ll alternate between low-intensity jogging and brisk walking, like dancing through a waltz with our feet gracefully gliding across the ground. Picture this: jogging for 30 to 60 seconds, then enjoying a refreshing walking recovery. It’s like dancing to the rhythm of our heartbeat!

As we continue our journey, we’ll get fitter and stronger, just like a hero gaining new powers. With each session, we’ll increase the time we spend running while taking shorter and shorter recovery breaks. It’s like unlocking secret levels in a thrilling adventure game!

Before we know it, we’ll be running like the wind, conquering the trails with little huffing and puffing. It’s like the triumphant moment when a superhero saves the day!

Now, let’s take it step by step – no need to rush! We’ll start with short periods of running, like testing the waters before diving into the deep end. Eight minutes, ten minutes, thirteen minutes – each milestone brings us closer to the epic 15-minute mark

And here’s the best part – once you’ve comfortably conquered the realm of running for 30 to 40 minutes, only then should you consider adding more distance and intensity. It’s like adding sparkles to a masterpiece painting, making it shine even brighter!

Walking to Running Ratios

Here’s the secret to mastering the walk-run method like a pro: take the walk breaks before fatigue even dares to knock on your door! That’s right – it’s all about staying one step ahead of the game.

You see, there’s a misconception floating around like a mischievous ghost – some believe that you should only take breaks when your legs start to groan in exhaustion. But hey, we’re debunking that myth right here and now!

The real magic lies in taking those recovery breaks well before fatigue even thinks about crashing our running party.

Now, let me unveil the three enchanting walk-to-running ratios for you to experiment with – pick the one that calls to your adventurous spirit! 🌟

First, we have “The Newbie” ratio – a gentle introduction to the world of running. Picture this: jogging for 20 to 30 seconds, then treating yourself to a luxurious one to two minutes of walking bliss.

Next up, we have “The Intermediate” ratio – a confident stride towards running greatness. Imagine this: jogging for three to five minutes, then indulging in a two to three-minute walking retreat.

And finally, for the seasoned warriors, we have “The Experienced” ratio – for those who’ve mastered the art of running with grace. It’s like a dance of endurance and power: jogging for a glorious eight to ten minutes, followed by a refreshing 30-second to one-minute walking interlude.

Take Your Time When Starting a Running Routine

Listen up, because this cardinal rule is a game-changer: gradual progression is the name of the running game! It’s like planting a seed and letting it bloom into a magnificent flower at its own pace.

If you’re not willing to embrace this rule, well, running might not be your cup of tea. And trust me, you don’t want to mess around with injuries that could bring your running dreams to a screeching halt.

Imagine this – you dive into running full-throttle, like a rocket taking off into the skies. But guess what? Your body hasn’t quite caught up with your soaring ambitions, and soon enough, you crash-land into a world of pain and disappointment. That initial spark of interest fizzles away, and you’re left feeling defeated and demotivated. That’s a path we definitely want to avoid!

So, here’s the golden key: let your body adapt, my friends. It’s like a beautiful dance of patience and progress. Whether you’re a running newbie or an elite athlete, your ligaments, tendons, joints, and muscles need time to acclimate to the high-impact forces of running. It’s like building a strong foundation for a sturdy castle!

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your running prowess be! Embrace the journey, savor the process, and be kind to yourself along the way. You didn’t become a total couch potato in just four weeks, right? So don’t expect to transform into a marathon guru overnight.

Distance Matters

Alright, folks, here’s a motto to live by when it comes to running: TIME first, DISTANCE later. Let that sink in like the sun gently rising over the horizon.

I know, I know, it might sound like I’m repeating myself, but trust me, it’s worth emphasizing. Before you start tackling those long distances and intense workouts, you’ve got to build a solid foundation of cardio and stamina. It’s like constructing a fortress before charging into battle!

And hey, here’s a friendly reminder – you’ve got your whole life ahead of you to work on your fitness goals. Don’t let those pesky unrealistic expectations boss you around and dictate your pace.

runner doing Quadriceps Exercises

Comfortable Pace–The Talk Test

One thing you can do to exercise within your capacity is to monitor your training pace.

Enter the Talk Test

Now, let me introduce you to a nifty little trick to keep your training in check – the Comfortable Pace, also known as the Talk Test. It’s like having your own personal trainer right beside you.

Picture this: you’re out there pounding the pavement, and you want to make sure you’re exercising within your capacity. That’s where the Talk Test comes to the rescue.

Here’s how it works: if you can chat away with your running buddy during your training sessions, then congratulations! You’re not pushing your cardiovascular system to the brink. Phew, what a relief!

But, and this is a big BUT, if you find yourself huffing and puffing like a steam engine, then it’s time to ease up a bit. Slow down, catch your breath, and find that sweet spot where you can still hold a conversation without turning into a tornado of gasps and pants.

Your breathing should be like a calm river, not a raging storm. And hey, you should be able to recite the Pledge of Allegiance without stumbling over your own breath.


Listen up, fellow runners! I’m about to drop some wisdom that might just save your running career – REST days are the real deal. Don’t shrug them off like they’re just another item on your to-do list. They are as crucial to your progress as the training itself.

You see, when you push your body to the limits, it needs time to recover and recharge. It’s like refueling your car after a long journey – you can’t keep driving on an empty tank.

And let me tell you something else – they’re not just about physical recovery. Oh no, they’re also essential for keeping your mental game strong. Running can be tough on the mind, and burnout is lurking around the corner like a sneaky shadow. But fear not! Regular rest days are your secret weapon against burnout, keeping your enthusiasm alive and your motivation soaring.

Now, you might be wondering how many rest days are enough.

Here’s a rule of thumb – make friends with two days off every week. Trust me, your body and mind will thank you for it.

How Long Does it Take To Become A Runner?

If only I had a crystal ball to give you a precise answer, but alas, I’m not that kind of wizard. You see, running is like a journey into the unknown, and each runner’s path is unique, like fingerprints on a window pane.

Now, I don’t mean to sound like a broken record, but it’s the truth – we’re all different. We have different bodies, minds, and spirits, and we respond differently to the challenges of running. So, don’t go looking for a one-size-fits-all answer, because there isn’t one.

But fear not! There are a few factors to consider when trying to unlock the mystery of your running journey. First and foremost, take a peek at your starting point. What’s your current shape? Have you been active before, or is the couch your best friend? Embrace where you are right now, my friend, for it’s the starting point of your amazing adventure.

Age is another curious factor to ponder. Younger runners tend to bounce back quicker. But don’t let age define you; it’s just a number on a piece of paper. The truth is, you can get into running at any age.

Now, body weight might weigh on your mind, but remember, it’s not the scale that matters; it’s your determination and spirit. Whether you’re carrying a few extra pounds or not, running will embrace you with open arms, supporting you every step of the way.

How To Get Into Running – The Conclusion

There you have it. If you’re planning to get into running then today’s article should get you started on the right path. The rest is really up to you.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

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