Banish the Stink: How to Keep Your Running Clothes Smelling Fresh

smelly running clothing

Tired of your running gear smelling like a locker room after a few intense runs?

We’ve all been there.

After a few intense runs, those shirts, shorts, and socks can start to rival any gym bag in terms of odor. But fear not, I’m here to unravel the mystery of banishing those stubborn smells. If you’re a runner battling the stink, you’re in the right place.

In this post, we’re diving deep into the world of stinky running gear and uncovering the secrets to make them smell fresh as a daisy.

But before we get to the nitty-gritty, let’s chat about why your running clothes can turn into scent factories.

The Source of The Stink

Bad smells, whether it’s your kitchen trash or morning breath, usually have a common culprit lurking in the shadows: bacteria. Now, for your everyday, run-of-the-mill clothes, a good old-fashioned wash is usually enough to bid those bacteria farewell.

But wait, here’s where it gets interesting – when it comes to high-performance fabrics, it’s a whole different ball game. These technical wonders are engineered to keep you cool and dry, thanks to their fancy synthetic materials. Think of them as sweat-wicking superheroes.

But there’s a catch. These high-performance fabrics have some nooks and crannies where bacteria can hide, even after a thorough wash.

So, while your trusty detergent might work wonders on your everyday jeans, it can struggle to reach those sneaky microbes in your running gear. That’s why your favorite workout clothes can sometimes resemble odor magnets, refusing to let go of those funky smells.

Blame the Technology

You see, the root of the stink problem lies in the bacteria hitchhiking on your skin, cozying up in your fabric fibers. Sounds like a job for a washing machine, right? Well, that’s where things go a bit wonky.

Those high-performance running clothes, the ones that make you feel like a superhero on the track? They’re often made from advanced, stretchy materials – picture smooth synthetic fibers that resemble fishing lines. These materials are designed to whisk moisture away, keeping you cool and dry, which is fantastic for your runs.

But here’s the catch – these high-tech fabrics, while excellent at moisture management, can have sneaky nooks and crannies where dirt and odors love to camp out. So, when you toss them in the washing machine, the typical cycle might struggle to dive deep into those tiny grooves.

And that’s how your synthetic super-clothes can sometimes transform into odor magnets, holding onto those funky smells like a champ.

Don’t Hesitate to Wash

Leaving your running gear in a sweaty pile or stuffed into a hamper after a run is basically like rolling out the red carpet for bacteria. They love dark, damp environments, and the longer your gear stays in that state, the more they party and make a stink.

So here’s the golden rule: as soon as you walk through the door after a run, shed your gear like it’s on fire (or at least take it out of your gym bag) and let it air out. If you’re not planning to do laundry immediately, give those clothes some room to breathe – hang them up or lay them out on a drying rack. Fresh air is their best friend, and it’s your secret weapon against the impending odor invasion.

Air Them out

Your secret weapon in the battle against smelly workout clothes? Fresh air. As soon as you finish your run, make a beeline for exposing those sweaty garments to the great outdoors.

Why, you ask? Well, if you trap your clothes in an enclosed space, it’s like throwing a bacteria party with your gear on the dance floor. Those nasty microbes thrive in dark, damp environments, and the longer you leave your workout clothes in lockdown, the worse the smell gets.

But that’s not the whole story. Besides being bacteria’s best hangout spot, an enclosed space can also do a number on your fabric. It speeds up the deterioration process, meaning your running gear will wear out faster than your running shoes on a sprint. And who wants that?

So, if you’re not planning to do a load of laundry right after your workout, give those clothes some room to breathe. Don’t just toss them on your bathroom floor or into your laundry hamper.

Hang them outside if you can, or if you’re indoors, a drying rack or even the side of a laundry basket will do the trick. Your nose and your running gear will thank you.

Ease up on the Detergent

Ah, the detergent dilemma. Most folks think that dumping in extra detergent is the key to cleaner clothes, but guess what? It’s actually a recipe for trouble.

You see, washing machines are built with a standard cycle that’s designed to handle a specific amount of detergent. When you go overboard with the soap, it doesn’t magically wash your clothes better. Instead, the excess detergent sticks around like an unwelcome guest at a party, causing all sorts of issues.

This detergent buildup on your clothing becomes a cozy home for mold and mildew, creating the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. So, what’s the solution? Ease up on the detergent. Instead of the usual amount, try using just half or three-quarters and give your clothes a good old sniff test to check if they’re coming out clean and fresh.

Or better yet, look for a detergent specially designed for fitness and sports clothing. Brands like Tide plus Febreze Freshness Sport or Win High-Performance Sports Detergent are excellent choices. And if you’re still battling stubborn odors, toss in an anti-odor in-wash eliminator like Febreze In-Wash Odor Eliminator for that extra freshness boost.

Skip the Fabric Softener

You see, fabric softeners have a sneaky way of creating a barrier that locks in those unpleasant smells, turning your workout gear into a smelly prison. It’s like they’re saying, “No freshness allowed!” Not only that, but they also obstruct the detergent and water from reaching those nooks and crannies where bacteria love to hide.

And here’s the kicker: fabric softeners have a knack for wreaking havoc on the stretchy materials that make up your technical workout attire. So, not only will your clothes stink, but they’ll also lose their shape and fit.

So, do yourself and your running clothes a favor – steer clear of fabric softeners, whether they come in sheets or liquid form. Opt for detergents that are free of dyes or fragrances instead.

And if you’re battling persistent odors, consider adding half a cup of white vinegar to your wash cycle (check tip No. 5 for more on that).

Pre-Soak Your Running Gear

Before you toss your running clothes into the wash, take a moment to give them a refreshing pre-soak. All you need is four parts cold water and one part white distilled vinegar. Mix them up, and let your clothes bask in this magical solution for about 30 minutes.

Now, why white vinegar, you ask? Well, it has a secret weapon – a low level of acid that’s fantastic at cutting through those stubborn bacteria. While your clothes soak, it works its magic, releasing the odor’s grip on your gear. So when you finally toss them in the wash, those persistent odors are ready to be flushed away, leaving your running clothes smelling clean and fresh.

Wash your Clothes ASAP

When it comes to washing your post-workout, sweat-drenched running clothes, there’s one cardinal rule you should never break: wash them ASAP!

Don’t let your workout clothes steep and marinate in that sweaty concoction; it’s a recipe for stubborn odors. So, as soon as you’re done with your exercise, make a beeline for the laundry room or your washing machine.

Now, here are three golden guidelines for achieving that perfect wash:

(1) Use your hands

If you don’t have a washing machine nearby, don’t fret. Handwashing is your secret weapon. In fact, it might just be the best thing you can do to battle those lingering smells, bid farewell to pesky stains, and extend the lifespan of your cherished workout garments.

(2) Flip Them

When washing your running gear, especially those trusty leggings, flip them inside out. This ingenious move gives your detergent direct access to the smelliest and dirtiest parts of the fabrics. Those areas are where bacteria love to hang out. Plus, it helps protect the exterior of your gear from pilling and wear and tear.

(3) Wash them Separately

If you’re looking to keep your other casual clothing smelling fresh, remember to wash your regular clothes separately. Even if you’ve followed every tip in the book, some odors can be incredibly stubborn. So, avoid passing them on to your work attire or favorite jeans.

Also, resist the urge to mix multiple people’s smelly workout clothes; that won’t end well for anyone involved.

Use the Right Amount of Laundry Detergent

Let’s talk about the magic of laundry detergent, shall we?

But here’s a secret: more isn’t always better.

Using an excess of detergent in the hope that it’ll work miracles might just backfire on you in the laundry room.

You see that excess detergent doesn’t magically disappear; it clings to your workout gear like a clingy friend, forming a rather unpleasant alliance with dead skin cells and potentially fostering some unwanted fungus. Not exactly the laundry day outcome you’re aiming for, right?

So whether you’re a loyal fan of good ol’ Tide or you prefer specialized sports detergents like Nathan’s Sports Wash, here’s a nugget of wisdom: it’s crucial to use the right amount of detergent in your washing machine.

So, how much should you use? Well, I’d recommend sticking to no more than two teaspoons of high-performing brands like Persil, Wish, or Tide for a full load. Trust me, it’s often more than enough to get your laundry smelling fresh and clean.

Now, if you want to go that extra mile in the battle against lingering odors, here’s a neat trick: during the rinse cycle, add half a cup of baking soda to your laundry. This humble kitchen staple works wonders in helping banish those stubborn smells for good.

Additional resource – How to clean running shoes

Add Vinegar

Let’s talk about a laundry hack that’s practically a superhero when it comes to keeping your running clothes smelling as fresh as a field of daisies!

Enter white vinegar, the magical elixir that can work wonders in banishing those stubborn odors from your workout gear. Trust me; this might just be the miraculous cure you’ve been searching for.

So, here’s the secret recipe for this laundry superhero: the vinegar pre-wash tactic!

Step 1:

Find a clean kitchen sink (because cleanliness is key when battling odors), and prepare a solution. Mix one part white vinegar with four parts cold water.

Now, toss your sweaty workout clothes into this concoction and let them chill for at least half an hour. This nifty trick not only disinfects your clothes but also loosens those stubborn stains before the wash.

Step 2:

After the pre-soak party, it’s time to proceed with the main event—the washing! You can choose to do this either manually or by using a trusty washing machine. Your clothes will be primed and ready for battle against those persistent odors.

For an extra odor-fighting punch, consider adding one cup of white vinegar to your wash during the rinse cycle. And if you’re dealing with a truly epic stink, don’t hesitate to up the ante by using two cups.

6. Hang Them to Dry

Most running clothes are like little tech wonders, engineered from special fabrics that insulate heat and wick away moisture. They’ve got all the bells and whistles, and you’ve come to love the performance they offer. But, and it’s a big “but,” you should never just toss them in the dryer.

Why, you ask? Well, high heat can spell disaster for your beloved gear, causing shrinkage or damage that shortens its lifespan. And let’s be honest, we want our running clothes to last as long as possible, right?

So, what’s the smart move here? The best way to dry technical fabric is to let it air dry. If you’re lucky enough to have a drying rack in your bathroom, that’s the perfect spot to hang them. If not, look for a sunny spot where your clothes can bask in the sunlight.

Here’s a fun tidbit: The sun’s rays are like nature’s little laundry assistants. They naturally discourage the growth of bacteria and work like magic to zap stains and odors right out of your clothing, keeping them cleaner and fresher for longer.

But I get it; sometimes, life throws a curveball, and you need your gear ready ASAP. In those desperate times, you might consider using the dryer. If you do, opt for the lowest heat setting available. It’s a compromise that will save the elastic and minimize shrinkage or damage to your clothes.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to dry running shoes.

Conquer Winter Workouts: Essential Guide to Cold-Weather Running Gear

Hey there, winter warriors!

It’s that time of year again when the frosty winds and shorter days might tempt you to hibernate indoors. But wait! Before you trade your running shoes for cozy slippers, let’s talk about something magical: winter running.

Sure, the cold months can be a bit… well, chilly, but that’s no reason to hang up your running shoes. In fact, it’s the perfect opportunity to experience the thrill of running in a winter wonderland.

Picture this: You, bundled up like a pro, taking brisk strides as the snowflakes dance around you. The crisp air filling your lungs, and the world, still and serene, is your playground. Trust me, it’s an adventure waiting to happen!

Now, I get it; winter running can seem daunting. But fear not, because I’m about to spill the beans on how to conquer the cold and turn your winter runs into exhilarating escapades. From the right gear to pro tips, we’ve got it all covered.

So, are you ready to defy the winter blues and embrace the chill? Well then, let’s lace up those shoes and dive into the wonderful world of winter running!

The Golden Rule Of Proper Winter Running Clothes

When it comes to dressing for winter runs, there’s one golden rule that can be your saving grace: the 20-degree rule.

Here’s why it’s your best ally for staying comfortable and avoiding over-layering:

The Science Behind It

Your body’s perception of temperature changes as you start running, and your heart rate increases. What initially feels chilly can quickly turn into a comfortable temperature.

Preventing Over-Layering

Over-layering can lead to excessive sweating and discomfort. It’s a common mistake to overdress for the cold, only to regret it once you’re warmed up.

How It Works

If the outdoor temperature is 40 degrees Fahrenheit, following the 20-degree rule means dressing as if it were 60 degrees.

Expect to feel a bit cold during the first part of your run. As your body generates heat, you’ll quickly warm up and feel comfortable.

Layer Wisely

With the 20-degree rule in mind, opt for a moisture-wicking base layer, an insulating layer, and a windproof and waterproof outer shell as needed.

The Exact Winter Running Gear You Need

Dressing for winter running is all about covering your body from head to toe, leaving nothing exposed.

Doing this will not only make running in the cold more enjoyable and protect you from the cold and wind, but it will also prevent chapping, frostbites, and a host of other troubles.

Additional Resource – Here’s the full guide to a proper running kit.

Winter Running Clothes 1. Your Head and Neck

Keeping your head and ears warm during cold-weather runs is crucial for comfort and regulating your body temperature.

Here’s why it matters and how to do it right:

  • Significant Heat Loss: Your head is a prime area for heat loss, accounting for up to 10% or more of your body heat. Keeping it covered is essential.
  • Material Matters: Opt for a lightweight thermal hat made of technical materials. These fabrics lock in just the right amount of heat while keeping your head warm and dry.
  • Balaclava Bonus: Balaclavas are fantastic for extreme cold. They cover the head and part of the face, providing ultimate protection. You can even pull them over your mouth to warm the air you breathe.
  • Ear Protection: If you prefer not to wear a full hat, go for a thermal headband or ear warmer. These keep your ears toasty while preventing overheating.
  • Music Lovers’ Solution: Headbands also help music lovers by preventing pain in the inner ear caused by airflow between earbuds.
  • Vaseline or BodyGlide: For added protection, apply Vaseline or BodyGlide on exposed skin, especially on your lips, cheeks, nose, and ears. This guards against frostbite, chapping, and windburn.
  • Balance is Key: While staying warm is essential, be mindful of overheating. Dressing in layers allows you to adjust your attire as your body warms up during your run.
  • Windy and Frigid Days: On extremely windy and frigid days, extra coverage for your neck and face is a lifesaver.

Additional Resource- Here’s your guide to running sunglasses

Winter Running Clothes – 2. Upper Body Winter Workout Gear

Alright, winter warriors, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty of dressing for those chilly runs. When it comes to winter runs, the name of the game is layers. But not just any layers—smart, moisture-wicking, warmth-trapping layers!

Why Layers, You Ask?

The right layers act as your cozy cocoon, locking in precious body heat. So, even when it’s icy outside, you’ll feel snug as a bug in a rug.

Stay Dry, Stay SafHere’s the kicker—these layers don’t just keep the cold out; they also let the sweat out. That’s right; they’re breathable! Say goodbye to that clammy feeling and hello to dry, comfortable runs.

Look for fabrics that are lightweight, comfy, and breathable. One word of advice: steer clear of cotton! Cotton traps moisture, leaving you feeling like a walking icicle. Not fun..

Here is how you should layer on your upper body for an enjoyable and safe winter running experience:

Base Layer

Alright, let’s dive deeper into the world of winter running layers, starting with the MVP—the base layer. When it comes to staying toasty during those frigid runs, this layer is your best buddy.

Why Is the Base Layer So Important?

It’s the layer in direct contact with your skin, so it sets the tone for how warm and happy you’ll be out there.

This layer’s role is to wick moisture away from your skin. Fabrics like polypropylene, Thermax, Dryfit, CoolMax, or Thinsulate are your go-tos here. Say goodbye to sweaty discomfort.

Why Not Cotton?

Cotton may be comfy for your PJs, but it’s a no-go for running in the cold. Cotton traps moisture, leaving you feeling like you took a dive into a chilly pool. Not fun, right?

Choose Your Sleeve Length Wisely

If it’s above 35°F, a long-sleeve base layer can work wonders. But hey, it’s your run, your rules. Experiment with different layers until you find your perfect combo.

When the Mercury Drops…

If it’s colder than 35°F, consider tossing a midlayer into the mix for extra protection against the chill.

Additional guide – Here’s how to breathe when running in the cold

Middle Layer

When the mercury dips below 25°F, this layer becomes your best friend. It’s the key to trapping precious warmth on those bone-chilling days.

Choosing the Right Fabric

Look for fabrics like Dryline, polyester fleece, Thermafleece, Polartec, Akwatec, or Thermax. These materials excel at keeping you cozy.

Stay Warm, Stay Stylish

Depending on your preference, you can go for heavier layers made from fleece or polyester. Or if you’re braving frigid temps, consider an insulated jacket..

Outer layer

The outer layer is your final line of defense against the cold, rain, snow, and wind. It’s like your trusty shield, protecting you from Mother Nature’s worst moods.

Base, Mid, and Outer Layer

For low temperatures and precipitation, you need a trio of layers: a moisture-wicking base layer, an insulating midlayer, and the grand finale, your outer layer.

The Zipper Advantage

Opt for a jacket with a zipper or half-zipper. This nifty feature lets you regulate your temperature by zipping up or down. If things get too toasty, tie your jacket around your waist. Easy peasy!

Extra Length and Handy Pockets

Cover Your Assets: Look for a longer jacket that covers your behind. It’s a lifesaver in cold, wet conditions. And don’t forget pockets! They’re perfect for stashing your hat and gloves when you start feeling the heat.

The Right Fabrics for the Win

Fabric Matters: When shopping for an outer layer, focus on fabrics like Supplex, ClimaFit, nylon, Gore-Tex, Microsuplex, and Windstopper. These materials are like armor against the cold.

Vest Option

Go Sleeveless: If you’re not a fan of jackets, consider a vest. It’s a fantastic alternative that keeps your core cozy while letting your arms breathe.

Additional Resource – What’s the best temperature for running?

Winter Running Clothes 4. Hands

Chilly fingers cramping your running style? Say no more! I’ve got the scoop on keeping those digits toasty during your winter workouts.

The Mighty Mittens vs. Cool Gloves

Slip on a trusty pair of gloves when the mercury drops below 40 degrees F. Opt for gloves crafted from technical materials to keep your hands warm and dry. Polyester blends work wonders for winter runs.

Tech Savvy? Choose Wisely!

Are you glued to your smartphone even when you run? No worries! Look for gloves with “tech tip fingers.” They’ll let you work your touchscreen gadgets with ease while keeping your hands snug.

Additional Resource – Your guide to the best running hats.

Mittens for Frigid Days

When the cold bites and gloves just won’t cut it, it’s time to embrace the warmth and comfort of running mittens. These cozy hand-warmers are a true game-changer for frosty runs.

Hand Saver Extraordinaire

Mittens are your ultimate “hand savers.” They outperform gloves in the battle against the cold, providing top-notch protection and warmth.

Stay Toasty with a Handy Trick

While you’re out on your chilly run, keep those mittens toasty by gently clenching and unclenching your fists. Just remember, don’t overdo it—too much tension can zap your energy.

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to hydration running vests

, winter running clothes – 5. Lower Body Gear

When it comes to your lower half during winter runs, remember this golden rule: dress for temperatures that are 20 degrees warmer than they actually are. Now, let’s dive into your options:

These are my top picks for staying cozy in cold weather. They provide that essential compression layer against your skin, wicking away sweat and keeping you dry and warm. Look for synthetic fabrics like Thinsulate, polypropylene, and Thermion for the best results.

Another option is layering. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer, then add running tights or pants over them. This combination keeps you warm while effectively managing moisture.

If you’re into a unique style, you can wear shorts over your tights. It’s not just a fashion statement; it also adds an extra layer of insulation.

Winter running clothes – 6. Winter Running Socks

Your feet deserve some love, especially during winter runs. Here’s the deal: never, and I mean NEVER, wear cotton socks for running. Cotton doesn’t play nice with moisture; it soaks it up and stays wet, making your feet cold, miserable, and susceptible to frostbites and blisters.

Instead, treat your feet to wicking socks made from materials like wool, CoolMax, or acrylic. These socks keep your tootsies warm and dry, which is precisely what you want for winter runs.

In my experience, Smartwool and Breath Thermo socks are top choices for winter running. Personally, I’m a fan of Smartwool Ph.D. Toe Sock Mini – they not only regulate temperature but also keep those stinky bacteria at bay.

Additional Resource – How to choose a running jacket

7. Shoes For Winter Running

When you’re hitting the snowy, slippery, and wet trails of winter, your choice of footwear can make or break your run. Regular running shoes, with all their ventilation, just won’t cut it when you’re battling the elements.

So, what should you look for in winter running shoes? Protection, traction, and warmth are key. You’ll want shoes that shield your feet from rain, snow, and all that winter nastiness. Plus, a little extra traction goes a long way in preventing those icy slips and slides.

Consider investing in a pair of winter-specific running shoes designed to tackle these conditions. They often feature waterproof or water-resistant materials, warm insulation, and improved traction. These specialized shoes will keep your feet cozy and safe, so you can keep conquering those winter runs.

So what’s the solution here? You have three options to choose from:

Option 1: Trail shoes

When it comes to winter running, having the right footwear can make all the difference. Trail running shoes can be a fantastic choice, especially if you pair them with moisture-wicking socks and do your best to avoid puddles.

Here’s why trail shoes shine in winter conditions:

  • Waterproofing: Trail shoes are often designed to be waterproof or water-resistant. This means your feet stay dry even when you encounter slushy, wet, or snowy terrain.
  • Traction: These shoes are built for the rugged outdoors, so they typically offer excellent traction. That extra grip can be a lifesaver on slippery winter trails.
  • Durability: Winter can be tough on your shoes. Trail running shoes are built to withstand rugged terrain, making them a durable choice for the season.

However, keep in mind that trail shoes might not always be the perfect fit. In some situations, you may need even more traction and protection. So, assess your running environment and choose your footwear accordingly.

Here is your second option.

Option 2: Winter shoes

When the cold weather sets in, and you’re determined to keep running, don’t underestimate the importance of the right footwear. Winter running shoes, especially those with waterproof features like Gore-Tex, can be a game-changer.

Here’s why winter running shoes are a must-have for chilly, wet, or snowy conditions:

  • Waterproof Protection: With waterproof fabrics in the shoe’s upper, your feet stay dry even in freezing rain or slushy snow. No more soggy, uncomfortable runs.
  • Traction: Winter running often means dealing with slippery surfaces, whether it’s icy sidewalks or wet trails. These shoes provide the extra traction you need to stay on your feet.
  • Stability: Uneven terrains and unpredictable winter surfaces require stability. Dedicated winter running shoes, like the Saucony Men’s Xodus 5.0, offer the support and balance you need.

Option 3: Winter-Proof your Shoes

Winter running can be challenging, especially if you don’t have dedicated winter or trail running shoes. But fear not, there are a couple of hacks to make your regular running shoes more winter-friendly:

  • Duct Tape for Extra Protection: If you can’t afford a pair of Gore-Tex or winter shoes, duct tape can be your best friend. Cover the mesh on the upper and toes of your regular running shoes with duct tape. This provides extra protection against cold, wind, and moisture, keeping your feet warmer and drier.
  • YaxTrax for Improved Traction: YaxTrax is a handy accessory that you can easily strap onto your running shoes. These traction aids offer better grip on icy roads and slippery terrain. They are a game-changer for winter runners, especially if you encounter icy patches during your routes. Just remember to remove them when running on dry surfaces to avoid feeling clunky.

Note – Here’s how to breathe in the cold.

Winter Running Gear – The Conclusion

Your comfort level while running in the cold will depend mainly on your own personal preference, how fast you are running, how long your run is, and how much you tolerate the cold, so your ideal winter running outfit may differ from mine or someone else’s.

Therefore, nothing is written in stone here.

In the end, it’s your call to make.

Every person is different and responds differently to different temperatures and weather conditions.

I hope you find my tips on proper cold-weather running gear to be helpful. And in case you have any additional tip you swear by and you would like to share, feel free to add them in the comments section. I will be really grateful.