Running But Not Losing Weight? Here Are The 10 Reasons

runner trying to lose weight but he keeps gaining pounds

Are you tired of lacing up your running shoes, hitting the pavement with determination, and still not seeing those pounds melt away?

Trust me, you’re not alone. If you’ve been wondering why the numbers on the scale seem stubbornly stuck despite your running efforts, then you’ve stumbled upon the perfect post to unravel this weight loss mystery.

Let’s face it, running is often hailed as the holy grail of weight loss. It’s the go-to activity for countless beginners who are eager to shed those extra pounds and strut their stuff with confidence.

I should know because I embarked on my running journey for the very same reason—to bid farewell to those unwanted pounds once and for all.

But here’s the hard truth: running doesn’t always guarantee weight loss.

When I first embarked on my running journey back in 2006, the pounds started melting away. I was ecstatic as I watched the numbers on the scale drop, shedding around 25 glorious pounds within a few months. But then, the weight loss party came to a screeching halt. Despite my unwavering efforts and determination to stay slim, I found myself regaining about 15 pounds within six months. It felt like a cruel cosmic joke.

But here’s the thing—I refused to give up. I knew deep down that consistency was my only option. So I embarked on a journey of trial and error, determined to crack the code and keep those pounds at bay. And you know what? It worked. Today, I stand before you, ready to spill the beans on the main reasons why your weight loss progress may be slower than expected.

Are you ready? Let’s go.

Running But Not Losing Weight Reason – 1. You are Gaining Muscle Mass

Imagine your body as a canvas, and running as the brush that creates a masterpiece of physical transformation.

When you first embark on your running journey, your body undergoes a series of remarkable changes in response to this newfound activity. It’s like a symphony of adaptations and physiological shifts that set the stage for a total body makeover.

One of the most exciting transformations is the shift in your body composition. Picture this: as you lace up your running shoes and hit the pavement, your muscles start to awaken from their slumber and begin to grow stronger.

They become lean and sculpted, like the well-defined strokes of an artist’s brush on a canvas. Running has the power to increase muscle mass, particularly in those key running muscles such as the glutes, quads, and calves.

But here’s the catch: while your muscles are gaining mass and becoming more defined, your fat cells may not be as quick to bid farewell. They cling on stubbornly, like an unwelcome guest overstaying their welcome. It’s possible that you could be building muscle faster than shedding fat, which might leave you scratching your head and wondering why the numbers on the scale aren’t dropping as quickly as you’d hoped.

Additional resource – Here’s how to lose body fat.

Running But Not Losing Weight Reason – 2 Bad Nutrition

Here’s the truth: just because you lace up your running shoes and hit the pavement regularly doesn’t mean you can indulge in a greasy Big Mac or a decadent slice of chocolate cake without consequences.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but that’s not how the real world operates.

Sure, a moderate 45-minute run can torch around 500 calories, but all that hard work can easily be undone if you follow it up with a sugary soda or a tempting donut. It’s like running a race and then taking a detour that leads you right back to the starting line. The calorie deficit you thought you had achieved vanishes in an instant.

In fact, research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) revealed a startling truth: people tend to underestimate the calorie content of high-caloric foods nearly 100 percent of the time.

Here’s what you need to do to remedy this quandary.

First and foremost, focus on eating right. While everyone’s eating plan may differ based on factors like genetics, body type, and metabolism, the general rule of thumb is to choose natural, whole foods at least 90 percent of the time. Think of your plate as a vibrant canvas, filled with colorful fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains that nourish your body and support your running goals.

Next, aim for three satisfying meals a day that keep you fueled and energized for four to five hours without the nagging need for constant snacking.

When it comes to food choices, say a resounding “no” to sugary temptations, processed foods, and anything with a laundry list of unpronounceable ingredients. Remember, the fewer the ingredients on the label, the better.

Portion control is another key aspect of successful eating for weight loss. Grab those measuring cups and spoons and use them to keep your serving sizes in check. It’s a simple yet powerful way to ensure you’re not overdoing it and consuming more calories than you intended.

Timing is everything. Yes, even when you eat plays a role in your weight loss efforts. Consider exploring the concept of meal timing and its impact on your body’s metabolism. It may just give you an extra edge in achieving your goals.

Lastly, keep a close eye on your overall calorie intake. Knowledge is power, and monitoring your calories can provide valuable insights. Utilize a simple online calculator to determine your daily calorie needs and adjust accordingly based on your weight loss objectives.

Additional resource – Clean keto food list for beginners

Running But Not Losing Weight Reason – 3 You Run too Much

Picture this: you’re a dedicated runner, pounding the pavement, logging in those miles, and pushing yourself to new limits. It’s exhilarating, isn’t it? But here’s a plot twist you may not have anticipated: too much running without enough recovery time can throw a wrench in your weight loss vision. Yep, you read that right.

Overtraining is the villain in this story, lurking in the shadows, ready to wreak havoc on your health and sabotage your weight loss efforts. It’s not just about feeling exhausted and fatigued; overtraining can actually mess with your body’s delicate balance, affecting crucial factors like fluid levels, electrolytes, blood sugar, and stress levels.

And guess what? All of these can put a strain on your thyroid and slow down your metabolic rate, dealing a blow to your weight loss aspirations. Talk about a setback you didn’t see coming!

In simple terms, excessive stress, whether it’s from overtraining or other aspects of your life, can be a major roadblock on your weight loss journey, no matter how diligently you champion a healthy lifestyle

Here’s the fix you’ve been waiting for:

Recovery must become your number one priority. Give your body the TLC it deserves and watch as the benefits ripple through every aspect of your well-being. Here’s what you can do to promote effective recovery:

First and foremost, eat for recovery. Focus on post-run nutrition, fueling your body with natural, nutritious foods that replenish your energy stores and support the healing process. Think of it as giving your body the nourishment it needs to bounce back stronger than ever.

Next up, sleep like a champion. Aim for a solid 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted slumber each night. Sleep is when your body works its magic, repairing and rejuvenating itself. Don’t skimp on this essential recovery tool.

To truly prioritize recovery, integrate it into your training program. Schedule dedicated recovery runs, workouts, days, and even weeks. These intentional breaks give your body a chance to recover and adapt, setting the stage for better performance and weight loss progress in the long run.

Running But Not Losing Weight Reason – 4 You’re Not Running Hard (or Long) Enough

You start off on your running journey, taking a few short runs around the block, and you’re thrilled to see a few pounds melt away.

It’s like a magic trick, right?

But then, after a couple of months, you hit a roadblock. Suddenly, the progress comes to a screeching halt. What’s going on? It’s as if your body has decided to play a cruel joke on you.

The truth is quite simple. Our bodies are incredibly smart machines, designed to be efficient and adapt to the demands we place upon them.

So, if you keep running the same route at the same pace, over and over again, your body catches on and says, “I’ve got this.” It adjusts to the workload, and the weight loss party comes to a disappointing end. It’s like hitting a weight loss plateau—a frustrating predicament that can make you want to throw your running shoes out the window.

But don’t despair just yet! The researchers at the University of Tampa have shed some light on this phenomenon.

They found that while running on the treadmill for 45 minutes at a steady pace does promote weight loss, it’s most effective during the initial weeks. After that, the magic starts to fade, leaving you stuck in a fitness limbo.

Here’s what you need to do

First and foremost, be consistent. If you’re serious about shedding those pounds, aim to schedule at least three runs per week, totaling a minimum of 240 minutes of exercise. Consistency is key, my friend.

Now, here comes the secret ingredient: diversify your training. It’s time to kick boredom to the curb and introduce some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your routine. This could mean incorporating sprints, hill repetitions, or other HIIT workouts that will leave you breathless and your muscles begging for mercy. By mixing up the intensity and duration of your runs, you’ll break through that weight loss plateau and reach your running goals in no time.

But wait, there’s more! Don’t limit yourself to running alone. Embrace the world of cross-training. Whether it’s spinning, yoga, weight training, or swimming, cross-training sessions will not only keep you consistent but also accelerate your fitness gains. It’s like adding some secret ingredients to your weight loss recipe.

Additional link – Slow running vs fast running for weight loss

Running But Not Losing Weight Reason – 5 The Scale is Just One Piece of a Much Bigger Puzzle

The scale—a sly trickster, if you ask me. It has a knack for playing mind games and can easily throw you off track when it comes to measuring your weight loss progress. Trust me, it’s not always the most reliable buddy in your weight loss journey.

Here’s the thing: our body weight is like a mischievous rascal, fluctuating by a few pounds from one day to the next. Blame it on the hormonal dance, the foods we consume, or even our hydration levels. These factors can create a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs on the scale.

Let me share a little secret with you: the scale doesn’t tell the whole story. It’s like trying to understand an intricate painting by focusing on a single brushstroke. Weight loss encompasses so much more than what those digits reveal.

But fear not! I have the perfect fix to liberate you from the scale’s mind games. Are you ready?

It’s time to broaden your horizons and embrace a variety of measurements to track your progress. The scale is just one piece of the puzzle, my friend. Consider incorporating other methods to paint a clearer picture of your weight loss journey.

For starters, how about taking some measurements? Grab a measuring tape and track the changes in your waistline, hips, and other areas of interest. These measurements can be a fantastic indicator of your progress, even when the scale refuses to budge.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the power of visual evidence. Take some “before” photos and snap new ones every few weeks. Compare them side by side, and you’ll be amazed at the transformation your body is undergoing. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words—much more than a number on the scale.

And here’s a little tip that athletes swear by: keep an eye on your clothing. As your body transforms, your clothes will start fitting differently. That snug pair of jeans will suddenly become looser, and those shirts will drape over your figure in a whole new way. Pay attention to these subtle changes—they’re a testament to your progress.

Now, here’s a refreshing thought: instead of solely relying on the scale, shift your focus to how you feel. Are you gaining strength? Are your energy levels soaring? Can you tackle physical activities with newfound vigor? These non-scale victories are priceless and a true reflection of your overall well-being.

Try some of these ways to measure your progress:

  • Measure your body fat percentage once per month.
  • Measure your waist circumference.
  • Keep tabs on how well your clothes fit. Try on the same pair shirts or jeans every four to six weeks, and look for the subtle differences.
  • Take before and after pictures on a monthly basis.
  • Keep tabs on your emotional states and energy levels. Are you sleeping better? Do you have more energy? Are you feeling less stressed? Do you feel more alive? Etc.
  • Keep tabs on your athletic performance. Is your athletic performance improving? How much you can you run? How long can you run? How fast can you run? Take these fitness tests on every six to eight weeks to see how your fitness level stacks up to the average Joe.

Running But Not Losing Weight Reason – 6 Unrealistic Weight Loss Expectations

Alright, let’s have a heart-to-heart about weight loss. Brace yourself because I’m about to drop some truth bombs. Are you ready?

Here’s the thing: weight loss is not a magical overnight transformation. I know it’s disappointing to hear, but it’s the reality. Contrary to popular belief, shedding those extra pounds takes time—more time than we’d like it to.

Now, don’t get me wrong. We’ve all heard those tales of people who seemingly dropped weight like it was nothing. But here’s the catch: those stories of rapid weight loss rarely tell the whole story. In fact, research shows that losing a substantial amount of weight quickly is not the healthiest approach, nor is it sustainable in the long run. So, let’s put those unrealistic expectations aside.

If you’re feeling frustrated with the scale, it might simply be a matter of not giving it enough time. Patience is key, my friend. Weight loss is more of a marathon than a sprint. It’s about embracing a slow and steady journey rather than chasing quick fixes.

Now, I can already hear you saying, “Easier said than done!” And you’re absolutely right. But fear not, because I have an action plan to help you navigate this weight loss marathon.

First things first, let’s set realistic goals. Aim for no more than one pound of weight loss per week. Yes, you heard me right. Slow and steady wins the race. This means creating a daily calorie deficit of 300 to 500 calories. It’s all about finding a sustainable approach that works for you in the long term.

Running But Not Losing Weight Reason – 7 You Are Under Too Much Stress

Plenty of research has revealed that stress and weight gain go hand in hand.

Not convinced? Check the following studies:

Research 1

Research 2

Research 3

Research 4

Research 5

Chronic stress can contribute to a host of health issues, including:

  • Elevated cortisol. Not only does this mess up your hunger hormone, but also cause extra belly fat storage.
  • Research shows that we’re more likely to reach for ‘comfort foods’ that are rich in sugar and fat when we’re stressed.
  • Skipping Runs. When you feel like the world of the world is on your shoulders, it’s easy to put your run on the backburner in favor of a delicious waffle or a beer.

The Solution

Let’s take a moment to talk about the importance of checking in with yourself and managing your stress levels. Trust me, it’s worth it. But hey, don’t just take my word for it. I’ve got some fascinating research to back it up.

According to a study published in the journal Eating Behaviors, regular meditation can actually help tame those pesky binge eating tendencies and reduce emotional eating. So, taking a few minutes out of your day to consciously center yourself and lower your stress levels could be a game-changer on your weight loss journey.

Now, let’s dive into another reason why you might be running but not seeing those pounds melt away. Are you sleep-deprived? Hear me out on this one. I know that squeezing in your morning runs means sacrificing precious sleep time, but here’s the thing: getting enough shut-eye is crucial if you want to shed those extra pounds.

Multiple research studies have highlighted the link between poor sleep and obesity. It turns out that sleep deprivation is a common risk factor for weight gain. So, if you’re not clocking in enough hours between the sheets, it could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

Think of it like this: sleep is the secret sauce that helps your body function at its best. It’s the time when your body restores itself, balances hormones, and regulates metabolism. When you skimp on sleep, you’re throwing off this delicate equilibrium and potentially derailing your weight loss progress.

Here are a few:

Study 1

A study out of the University of Chicago found that sleep-deprived subjects opted for foods with twice as many carbs and fats as those who had enough sleep.

Study 2

One Mayo Clinic research found that sleep deprived subjects consume an average of 500 extra calories a day.

Study 3

Research out of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that sleep deprivation can increase the chances of late-night snacking and unhealthy food decisions.

Study 4

Research proposes that lack of sleep may lower your resting metabolic rate, which is the rate at which your body burns calories when at rest.

In other words, by skipping on sleep, your body is cooking up a perfect recipe for weight gain.

The reasons sleep affects your weight are manifold. These include :

  • Sleep deprivation can boost both insulin and leptin levels, resulting in the body becoming desensitized to their response.
  • You’re more likely to get takeout for dinner then hit the bed late because you feel uncomfortably full.
  • When tired following a bad night, you may choose to skip your workout or simply do less, burning fewer calories.
  • Being tired and moody the next day sets your brain up to make bad food decision, research shows.

The Solution

Ah, the elusive and often underestimated power of a good night’s sleep. It’s time to dive into the solution for those sleep-deprived nights and the impact they can have on your weight loss journey. Trust me, it’s worth the effort.

To get things rolling, you’ll want to aim for a solid seven to eight hours of quality sleep each and every night. I know, I know, it may require some adjustments to your schedule, but trust me, it’s worth every minute.

Now, let’s talk about improving the quality of your sleep. Here are a few tips to help you catch those Zzz’s like a pro:

First up, let’s talk about napping. A power nap can work wonders, but remember to keep it short and sweet, no more than 30 minutes. It’s like a little recharge for your brain and body.

Next, experiment with different bedtime schedules to find what works best for you. Maybe hitting the hay at 11 pm and waking up at 7 am is your sweet spot. Give it a whirl and see how it feels.

Consistency is key, my friend. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, yes, even on weekends. Your body loves routine, and it’ll reward you with better sleep.

Now, let’s set the stage for a restful night. In the few hours leading up to bedtime, try to reduce distractions and limit your exposure to bright lights. Think of it as creating a tranquil and cozy environment for your slumber.

Oh, and here’s a sneaky culprit to watch out for: stimulants. Avoid caffeine and nicotine at least three hours before bedtime. They can interfere with your ability to drift off into dreamland.

Running But Not Losing Weight Reason – 9 You’re Losing Weight Without Realizing It

Here’s the deal: the scale provides just one piece of the puzzle, your absolute weight. But here’s the thing, that number doesn’t always give you the full picture of what’s really happening in your body.

Stepping on the scale day in and day out only captures the everyday fluctuations in your hydration levels and other trivial weight metrics. It’s like trying to measure the vastness of the ocean with a single drop of water.

But wait, there’s more to the story. Muscle gain can also throw a wrench in the scale’s grand plan. Yes, running might not make you bulk up like a bodybuilder, but it does allow you to build lean muscle mass, especially in those powerful lower body muscles.

So, if you’ve been hitting the pavement consistently and notice those defined running calves and quads, congratulations, you’ve gained some muscle! And here’s the twist: muscle weighs more than fat.

So, it’s no surprise that the scale might not move in the direction you desire or, heaven forbid, it might even show a slight increase. But fear not, my friend, it’s just a sign that your body is getting stronger and more resilient.

Now, let’s get to the solution. First and foremost, step away from the scale obsession. No need to hop on it every single day.

Remember, weight can fluctuate by a few pounds throughout the day due to various factors. Instead, focus on gradual and consistent changes in your weight over a span of three to four weeks. This gives you a more accurate reflection of your progress

To eliminate the influence of external factors, establish a routine. Weigh yourself at the same time of day, on the same day each week. And here’s a pro tip: do it first thing in the morning, before indulging in breakfast or getting dressed. This way, you’re capturing your body’s true state.

But hold on, my friend, there’s a whole world of measurements beyond the scale that can provide valuable insights into your progress. Let’s explore some alternatives:

First, grab a measuring tape and track your waist circumference. It’s a fantastic way to monitor changes in your body shape and inches lost.

Next, consider measuring your body weight percentage. This gives you a glimpse into the proportion of your weight that comes from fat versus other components like muscle and water.

For a deeper understanding of your body composition, you can even get your body analyzed. Various methods, such as DEXA scans or bioelectrical impedance, can provide you with detailed insights.

And last but not least, keep an eye on your body fat percentage. It’s an excellent indicator of your overall progress and can help you see beyond the scale’s deceptive games.

Running But Not Losing Weight Reason – 10  You Have A Medical Condition

Maybe you’re not losing weight, despite running regularly and eating well, is because you have got an underlying health condition.

A host of medical conditions can hinder weight loss or cause weight gain. Among them are:

  • Cushing’s syndrome. Occurs when your adrenal glands release too much cortisol, resulting in the buildup of fat in your abdomen, upper back, and face.
  • Happens when your thyroid is underactive, resulting in a limited production of the thyroid hormone, which is key for burning stored fat.
  • Polycystic over syndrome. Or PCOS, this condition is caused by a hormonal imbalance, affecting more than 5 million women in the US alone.
  • Insulin resistance. Or hyperinsulinemia, this is the umbrella term for host health issues thought to be rooted in insulin resistance.
  • You’re more likely to turn into eating to ease your emotional issues. Some antidepressant medications (SSRIs) can also cause weight gain.

The Solution

Regardless of your exercise, diet, or lifestyle habits, if you’re piling up the pounds and don’t know why, consult with your doctor to rule out a medical issue as the cause.

Although you might feel tempted to give up, don’t. Most of these medical problems can be solved.

Running But Not Losing Weight – The Conclusion

If you’re having trouble losing the pounds while running, you need to get real get back to basics—most of which I shared with you today (as well as this previous post).

It’s not only important to pay attention to what you’re putting in your mouth, but also how much sleep you’re getting, your stress level, your training intensity, and the fact that you might have medical issues that are sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

I know it’s hard to keep track off, but it’s worth the effort.

Just remember to take action, start small, and build these healthy habits gradually.

Then it’s just a question of time.

Losing weight is a messy business, especially when you’re a fat runner.  There are no shortcuts nor silver bullets—and it requires hard and persistent work to see results—the type of result that works for the long term.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

Keep Running Strong.

David D.

How to Lose 25 Pounds – 51 Science Backed Ways

Looking for the best advice on how to lose 25 pounds (or more) in the fastest time possible?

Then you have come to the right place.

Here’s the truth.

Losing 25 pounds isn’t the easiest thing in the world. It requires work, effort, time, and a lot of sacrifice. This is especially the case if you have a bad record of diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits.

Nothing can be changed overnight.

But with the right tools and a long-term plan, it can be done.

Let’s see how.

In today’s post, I’m sharing with you more than 50 science-backed on how to lose 25 pounds and keep them off for good.

  1. Prioritize Exercise

Exercise is a cornerstone of any successful weight loss plan. It’s not just about shedding pounds; it’s about building a healthier lifestyle.

Here’s how to prioritize exercise and make it a consistent part of your routine:

Find Your Fit:

Choose an exercise that suits your lifestyle and interests. Whether it’s running, weightlifting, cycling, or dancing, the options are endless. Pick something you genuinely enjoy.

Commit to Consistency:

Consistency is key. Aim to work out at least three to four times a week. Start small if needed, like a few runs a week, and gradually expand your repertoire.

Schedule It:

Treat your workouts as non-negotiable appointments. Put them in your calendar just like you would for meetings, doctor’s appointments, or family events. This way, you’re less likely to skip them.

Variety Keeps It Fresh:

Don’t limit yourself to one activity. Explore different exercises to keep things exciting. I’ve ventured into biking, trekking, yoga, and CrossFit, adding variety to my routine.

2. Develop Healthy Habits

Building lifelong healthy habits is the key to not only losing weight but also maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s about making gradual changes that stick.

Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you cultivate these habits effectively:

Start Small:

Trying to overhaul your entire lifestyle overnight can be overwhelming and counterproductive. Instead, focus on changing one habit at a time. Begin with a clear and attainable goal.

Create Rituals:

Building a ritual or routine around your new habit can make it easier to stick to. For instance, if you want to eat more vegetables, make it a daily ritual to include at least three different veggies in your meals.

Stay Committed:

Consistency is key to forming a new habit. Research suggests that it takes about a month for a habit to become ingrained. So, stick to your new ritual for at least a month before moving on to the next one.

3. Run Your Butt Off

Running is a high-impact cardiovascular exercise that burns a significant number of calories. By committing to regular runs, you create a calorie deficit, which is essential for weight loss.

Running also has the added benefit of boosting your metabolism, which means you continue to burn calories even after your run is over. This effect can last for hours, contributing to weight loss.

Over time, as you build up your running routine, your endurance and stamina will improve. This enables you to exercise for longer periods and burn even more calories.

Check these articles to help you start running the right way:

4. Lift Weights

Muscle tissue requires more energy to maintain than fat tissue. By building lean muscle through strength training, you’ll naturally increase your resting metabolic rate, allowing you to burn more calories even when you’re not working out.

While cardio exercises like running primarily help with calorie burning, strength training focuses on reshaping your body by toning and defining muscles. This can lead to a leaner and more sculpted appearance.

For more icing on the cake, studies have shown that combining cardio with strength training can result in greater fat loss compared to cardio alone. This combination taps into both aerobic and anaerobic systems, helping you shed excess fat effectively.

What’s more?

Strength training not only helps with weight loss but also improves your overall fitness. You’ll notice increased strength, better posture, and enhanced joint stability, making everyday activities easier and more enjoyable.

5. Exercise in the Morning

Exercising in the morning not only jumpstarts your day but also offers some compelling benefits backed by research:

Morning exercisers tend to stick to their fitness routines more consistently. It makes sense; when you work out in the morning, you’re less likely to encounter schedule disruptions or unexpected commitments that can derail your plans later in the day.

Studies have shown that people who exercise in the morning often put in more effort and time during their workouts compared to those who exercise later. This can lead to more effective calorie burning and better fitness results.

What’s more?

Energy Boost: Morning workouts can increase your alertness and energy levels for the day ahead. The endorphins released during exercise can enhance your mood and mental clarity, helping you tackle your daily tasks with enthusiasm.

6. Set Realistic Goals

Setting an audacious weight loss goal that’s far from your current reality can lead to discouragement. When you don’t see rapid, massive changes, it’s easy to get disheartened and give up.

The Power of Realistic Goals:

Instead, take a pragmatic approach. Start with small, achievable milestones. For instance, aiming to lose a pound a week is an excellent starting point. It’s a goal that’s challenging but attainable, and when you achieve it, you’ll feel motivated to keep going.

Celebrate Small Wins:

Every time you hit one of these realistic milestones, celebrate it! Recognize your progress and use it as motivation to reach the next one. Remember that lasting weight loss is a journey, not a sprint.

Track Your Progress:

Keep a record of your achievements, whether it’s in a journal, on a fitness app, or with a supportive friend. Seeing your accomplishments in black and white can boost your confidence and keep you on track.

Adjust as Needed:

Be flexible with your goals. If you’re consistently surpassing your weekly target, consider challenging yourself a bit more. Conversely, if you’re struggling to meet your goal, don’t be afraid to adjust it to something more manageable. The key is to keep moving forward.

7. Build A Habit of Exercise

Transforming exercise into a habit is a key step in making it a permanent part of your lifestyle. Here’s a bit more insight into building and maintaining this habit:

The Habit Loop:

Understanding how habits work can be a game-changer. According to Charles Duhigg, author of “The Power of Habit,” habits consist of three components: cue, routine, and reward. In the case of exercise, the cue might be setting a specific time each day, the routine is the exercise itself, and the reward could be the sense of accomplishment or the post-workout endorphin rush.

Consistency is Key:

Consistency is what makes a habit stick. Committing to at least three exercise sessions a week is a fantastic start. During the initial 4 to 6 weeks, your focus should primarily be on maintaining this consistency.

Variety Keeps it Fresh:

As you rightly pointed out, variety is the spice of life. It applies to exercise, too. Mixing up your workouts can prevent boredom and plateaus. Try different activities to keep things interesting and challenge your body in various ways.


Having a workout buddy or sharing your goals with someone can be a powerful motivator. You’re more likely to stick to your habit when you know someone else is counting on you.

Track Your Progress:

Documenting your journey can be incredibly motivating. Whether you keep a workout journal, use a fitness app, or participate in challenges, seeing your progress over time reinforces your exercise habits.

8. Dodge Injuries

Injuries can be frustrating setbacks, but they also provide opportunities to learn and grow. Here’s some additional advice on injury prevention and management:

Proper Warm-Up and Cool-Down:

Always start your workouts with a good warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints for exercise. A dynamic warm-up, including stretching and mobility exercises, can go a long way in preventing injuries. After your workout, cool down with some gentle stretching to aid recovery.

Listen to Your Body:

You’ve nailed it with this point. Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or pain during your workouts. Discomfort is a signal that something might be wrong, so it’s crucial to address it promptly. Ignoring pain can lead to more severe injuries.


Incorporate cross-training into your routine. This involves mixing different types of exercises to work various muscle groups. Cross-training not only prevents overuse injuries but also keeps your workouts fresh and exciting.

Rest and Recovery:

Don’t underestimate the power of rest. Adequate rest allows your body to heal and grow stronger. Make sure to get enough sleep and give your muscles time to recover between intense workouts.

9. Walk More

Walking is an excellent and accessible exercise for individuals at various fitness levels. It’s especially beneficial for those who are just starting their fitness journey or have specific medical conditions that limit high-impact activities.

Here are some additional points to consider when incorporating walking into your fitness routine:


As you get more comfortable with your daily walks, consider gradually increasing the intensity. This can include adding jogging intervals, as you mentioned. The progression keeps your workouts challenging and helps you continue to see improvements in your fitness and weight loss.

Proper Footwear:

Invest in a good pair of walking or running shoes to ensure comfort and reduce the risk of foot-related issues.


While brisk walking is an excellent exercise, consider adding variety to your routine. Explore different routes, walk in nature, or listen to your favorite music or podcasts to make your walks more enjoyable.

10. Exercise at the Same Time Each Day

Consistency in workout timing is key to building a sustainable exercise habit. While some people find that exercising in the morning suits their schedule and energy levels, the most important factor is selecting a time that aligns with your lifestyle and allows you to stay consistent.

Here are a few additional tips to consider when establishing a regular workout routine:

Morning Exercise:

If you prefer morning workouts, as you mentioned, there are several benefits, such as kickstarting your metabolism, enhancing mood, and ensuring that life’s unexpected events don’t interfere with your exercise plans.

Evening Exercise:

For some individuals, evening workouts fit better into their daily routines. Evening sessions can help relieve stress accumulated throughout the day and may allow for more leisurely workouts.

Lunchtime Exercise:

If mornings and evenings are challenging, consider utilizing your lunch break for a quick workout. Many people find it refreshing to break up the workday with physical activity.


Tell a friend or family member about your chosen exercise time and ask them to hold you accountable. Having someone to share your goals with can motivate you to stay consistent.

11. Keep Track of The Food You Eat

Monitoring your calorie intake is indeed a valuable tool for weight management. It provides awareness and accountability for what you eat, making it easier to make informed decisions about your diet.

Here are some additional tips and insights to make calorie tracking effective and sustainable:

Calorie Goals:

Determine your daily calorie goal based on your weight loss or maintenance objectives. You can use online calculators or consult a registered dietitian to help set realistic targets.

Portion Control:

Be mindful of portion sizes. Even healthy foods can contribute to weight gain if consumed in excessive amounts. Measuring and weighing your food can help you stay within your calorie goals.

Nutritional Balance:

While calories are important, don’t neglect the quality of your diet. Aim for a balanced intake of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and prioritize nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

12.  Plan in Advance

Planning your responses to hunger and potential cravings is a smart strategy for maintaining a healthy diet. It helps you make conscious choices and reduces the likelihood of impulsive, unhealthy eating.

Here are some additional tips to enhance your preemptive dieting efforts:

Meal Planning:

Plan your meals in advance. This reduces the chances of making poor food choices when you’re hungry and pressed for time. Prepare balanced meals with a combination of protein, fiber, and healthy fats to keep you satisfied.

Healthy Snacks:

Keep a selection of healthy snacks readily available. As you mentioned, nuts, raisins, or other whole foods are excellent options. Having these on hand makes it easier to resist less nutritious choices when hunger strikes.


Thirst can sometimes masquerade as hunger. Staying well-hydrated throughout the day can help curb unnecessary snacking. Try drinking a glass of water before reaching for a snack to see if your hunger subsides.


While planning is important, allow yourself some flexibility. It’s okay to occasionally enjoy treats or indulgent meals as long as they’re part of an overall balanced diet.

13. Fill Up on Veggies

Incorporating a variety of colorful vegetables into your daily diet is a fantastic way to enhance your health and support your weight loss goals.

To make this action step even more engaging and informative, let’s delve deeper into the benefits of consuming a rainbow of veggies:

Colorful Nutrients:

Different colored vegetables contain unique sets of nutrients. For example, orange and yellow vegetables like carrots and bell peppers are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body and supports eye health. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are packed with vitamins K and C, folate, and iron, essential for overall wellness.

Fiber Powerhouse:

Vegetables, regardless of their color, are excellent sources of dietary fiber. Fiber aids in digestion helps regulate blood sugar levels, and, as you mentioned, promotes a feeling of fullness, reducing the temptation to overeat. It also supports a healthy gut microbiome, which is linked to numerous aspects of well-being.

Antioxidant Protection:

The vibrant colors of vegetables often signify the presence of antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols. These compounds help combat oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.


Vegetables are incredibly versatile and can be incorporated into various meals and dishes. You can sauté, roast, grill, steam, or enjoy them raw in salads. Experimenting with different cooking methods and flavor combinations can make your vegetable-rich meals exciting and satisfying.

Here’s a list of 11 superfoods you need for maximum fitness and health.

Additional resource – Here’s how to reduce body fat.

14. Fill Half Your Plate with Vegetables

Indeed, prioritizing vegetables on your plate is a smart strategy to ensure you consume more of these nutritious foods and naturally control your calorie intake.

Let’s elaborate on this action step:

Visualize Your Plate:

When you sit down for a meal, picture your plate as a canvas and the vegetables as the vibrant base. This mental image reinforces the importance of vegetables in your meal.

Filling Yet Nutrient-Dense:

Vegetables are voluminous, meaning you can eat a substantial amount without consuming excessive calories. By filling half your plate with veggies, you’re crowding out calorie-dense, less nutritious foods.

Balanced Nutrition:

This approach promotes a balanced intake of macronutrients and micronutrients. Vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, while lean protein and whole grains offer sustained energy and satiety.

Color Variety:

Aim to incorporate a variety of colorful vegetables. Each color represents different phytonutrients and antioxidants that contribute to your overall health. For example, red vegetables like tomatoes contain lycopene, which is known for its potential health benefits.

Recipe Exploration:

Experiment with various vegetable preparations and seasonings to keep your meals exciting. Roasting, grilling, or adding herbs and spices can enhance the flavor and make vegetables more appealing.

15.  Remove The Junk

One Absolutely, creating a supportive environment can significantly impact your ability to stick to a weight loss plan and resist unhealthy temptations.

Here’s how to effectively transform your environment to align with your goals:

Purge the Pantry:

Start by conducting a thorough sweep of your kitchen cabinets, refrigerator, and pantry. Remove items high in sugars, unhealthy fats, and processed ingredients. Donate non-perishable items to local food banks, if possible.

Smart Grocery Shopping:

When restocking your kitchen, make a shopping list that prioritizes nutritious, whole foods. Stick to your list to avoid impulsive purchases of unhealthy items.

Visibility Matters:

Arrange your kitchen so that healthy foods are easily accessible and visible. Keep fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious snacks at eye level while placing less healthy options in less prominent positions.

16.  Cook at Home

Cooking at home not only allows you to control the quality and quantity of your meals but also offers several other benefits.

Here’s how you can make home cooking more enjoyable and sustainable:

Simple Recipes:

If you’re new to cooking, start with simple and beginner-friendly recipes. There are countless resources online, including cooking websites, YouTube channels, and cookbooks, that offer easy-to-follow instructions.

Prep in Batches:

Set aside time each week for meal prep. Chop vegetables, marinate proteins, and cook grains in advance. This will save you time on busy days and make cooking feel less overwhelming.

Try New Ingredients:

Experiment with different fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins to keep your meals interesting and diverse. Trying new foods can also expand your culinary skills.

Cooking Classes:

Consider taking a cooking class, either in person or online. Learning new cooking techniques and recipes can boost your confidence in the kitchen.

Kitchen Essentials:

Invest in essential kitchen tools and equipment, such as quality knives, pots, and pans. Having the right tools can make cooking more efficient and enjoyable.

Cooking Apps:

Explore cooking apps that provide step-by-step instructions, recipe suggestions based on available ingredients, and nutritional information.


17.  Snack Smart

Healthy snacking can play a crucial role in weight management and overall well-being.

Here are some additional tips to make snacking a smart and satisfying part of your daily routine:

Portion Control:

As you mentioned, moderation is key when it comes to snacking. Measure out your snacks in advance to avoid overindulging. Pre-portioning snacks into small containers can help.

Balanced Snacks:

Aim for snacks that provide a combination of macronutrients, including protein, fiber, and healthy fats. This balance can help keep you full and satisfied between meals. For example, pair apple slices with peanut butter or Greek yogurt with berries.

Fresh and Whole Foods:

Whenever possible, choose whole and minimally processed foods for your snacks. Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are excellent choices. Avoid snacks high in added sugars, artificial additives, and unhealthy trans fats.

Avoid Late-Night Snacking:

Late-night snacking can disrupt your sleep and lead to weight gain. Try to finish your last meal at least a few hours before bedtime to allow for proper digestion.

18.  Feel Real Hunger

Emotional eating can be a significant hurdle in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Here are some additional strategies to help you manage emotional eating:

Identify Triggers:

Pay close attention to the situations or emotions that trigger your emotional eating. Keeping a journal can help you track patterns and identify specific triggers.

Find Healthy Alternatives:

Instead of turning to food when you’re stressed or emotional, explore alternative coping mechanisms. Consider activities like deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or a relaxing bath to manage stress and emotions.

Emotional Awareness:

Learn to recognize and name your emotions. Sometimes, simply acknowledging your feelings can help prevent impulsive eating. Ask yourself if eating is the best way to address your emotional needs.

Delay the Decision:

When you feel the urge to eat emotionally, try delaying your decision for a few minutes. Use this time to evaluate your hunger and whether eating is the best solution.

Additional resource – Here’s how to lose 100 pounds.

19.  Don’t Skip Breakfast

A nutritious breakfast provides essential nutrients and energy to kickstart your day and can help with weight management. Here are some additional tips for a healthy breakfast:

Balanced Nutrition:

Aim for a balanced breakfast that includes a combination of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. This balance helps keep you full and satisfied until your next meal.


Including a good source of protein in your breakfast, such as eggs, Greek yogurt, or lean meats, can help you feel full and reduce the likelihood of snacking.


Fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains promote fullness and aid digestion.

Healthy Fats:

Incorporate sources of healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and seeds into your breakfast for satiety.

Additional resource – Keto recipes for low-carb eating

20.  No Liquid Calories

Cutting out sugary drinks is a great step towards a healthier diet. These beverages can contribute a significant amount of added sugars and empty calories to your daily intake.

Here are some additional tips to help you stay hydrated with healthier options:


As you mentioned, water is one of the best choices for staying hydrated. It has no calories, and it’s essential for overall health. Carry a reusable water bottle with you to make it easier to drink more throughout the day.

 Herbal Tea:

Herbal teas, such as green tea, chamomile tea, or peppermint tea, are excellent calorie-free options that can provide a variety of flavors and potential health benefits.

Sparkling Water:

If you crave carbonation, opt for plain sparkling water or seltzer. You can also find flavored sparkling waters without added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Infused Water:

Enhance the flavor of your water by infusing it with fruits, vegetables, or herbs. Experiment with different combinations like cucumber and mint, lemon and ginger, or berries and basil.

Unsweetened Iced Tea:

If you enjoy iced tea, choose unsweetened varieties and add your own natural sweeteners like honey or a touch of fruit juice if needed.

in your beverages until your taste buds adjust to less sweetness.

21.  Run on an Empty Stomach

Exercising on an empty stomach often referred to as “fasted cardio,” can indeed encourage your body to use stored fat as a primary source of energy.

This approach can be effective for some individuals looking to enhance fat loss.

However, it’s important to consider a few factors before adopting this practice:

Individual Variation:

Fasted cardio may not be suitable for everyone. People’s responses to exercise on an empty stomach can vary. Some individuals may feel energized and experience fat loss benefits, while others might feel fatigued or dizzy.


While it’s fine to exercise on an empty stomach, staying hydrated is crucial. Drink water before and during your workout to prevent dehydration, especially if you’re running in the morning.

Start Slow:

If you’re new to fasted cardio, start gradually. Begin with shorter, lower-intensity workouts and see how your body responds. Over time, you can increase the duration and intensity.

Post-Workout Nutrition:

After your fasted workout, it’s essential to refuel your body with a balanced meal or snack. Include a combination of carbohydrates and protein to help with recovery and muscle repair.

For more tips on losing weight by running, read this post: Top 9 Weight Loss Rules For Runners.

22.  Do Intervals

Incorporating interval training into your workout routine can indeed be an effective way to enhance fat burning and boost your metabolism.

Here’s a breakdown of how to get started with interval running:


Begin your workout with a 5-10 minute warm-up, which can include light jogging or brisk walking to prepare your muscles for the intensity ahead.

Sprint and Recovery:

Start with 30-second sprints at a high-intensity pace, pushing yourself to near-maximum effort. After each sprint, allow yourself one minute of active recovery, which can involve jogging or walking at a slow pace.

Repeat Intervals:

Perform this sprint and recovery cycle for a total of 6 to 8 repetitions. As you progress, you can gradually increase the number of intervals.

Cool Down:

After completing your intervals, cool down with 5-10 minutes of light jogging or walking to gradually lower your heart rate and prevent muscle stiffness.


Incorporate interval running workouts into your routine 1-2 times per week, allowing at least 48 hours of recovery between sessions to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.

Here are six interval workouts to help you lose more fat.

23.  Buddy Up

Exercising with a workout partner or in a group can provide numerous benefits, including increased motivation, accountability, and enjoyment.

Here’s how to find and utilize a training buddy or group effectively:

Recruit a Workout Buddy:

Approach a friend, family member, co-worker, or someone at your gym who shares your fitness goals or interests.

Discuss your workout plans, goals, and availability to ensure compatibility.

Choose someone who can commit to a similar exercise routine and schedule.

Join Group Workouts:

Many gyms and fitness studios offer group classes or training sessions.

Attend classes that align with your fitness goals, whether it’s yoga, CrossFit, spin, or boot camp.

You can also find local sports clubs, running groups, or cycling clubs that welcome newcomers.

Online Communities:

Explore online fitness forums, social media groups, and fitness apps that connect you with like-minded individuals.

Join virtual fitness challenges or programs where you can interact with others pursuing similar goals.

Accountability and Support:

Regularly communicate with your workout partner or group to ensure you’re both staying on track.

Share your progress, challenges, and victories to build a supportive fitness community.

Stay Committed:

Schedule your workouts in advance and stick to them.

Be reliable and punctual for your workout sessions with your partner or group.

24. A Short Workout Is Better Than None

If you’re pressed for time, don’t skip your workout – just shorten it to a 15-minute session.

After all, a short workout is better than none.

One study from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville found that people who lifted weights for 15 minutes a day three times a week boosted their metabolic rate.

They also stayed consistent with their training schedule 95 percent of the time.

Do a quick workout instead of calling it a day.

And that’s the case whether you’re lifting weights, running a quick sprint session, or walking up and down the stairs for no more than 15 minutes. It will do your body good.

Additional resource – Guide to running slang

25.  Chew Slowly

If Eating slowly and mindfully is an excellent practice for managing your food intake and promoting weight loss.

Here’s how to incorporate this habit into your daily routine:

Create a Relaxing Meal Environment:

Find a comfortable and peaceful place to eat, free from distractions like television or electronic devices.

Set a pleasant atmosphere, perhaps with soft music or dim lighting, to encourage a leisurely meal.

Savor Each Bite:

Take small bites and chew your food thoroughly. Pay attention to the flavors, textures, and aromas of your meal. Put your utensils down between bites to slow down your eating pace.

Practice Mindfulness:

Be present during your meal. Focus solely on eating rather than multitasking.

Engage your senses in the experience of eating, savoring the taste and aroma of your food.

Use a Timer:

Set a timer for 20-30 minutes to allocate enough time for your meal. This can help you pace yourself and prevent rushing through your food.

26. Use Smaller Plates

Recent scientific studies have brought to light a fascinating connection between plate size and portion control.

The evidence is clear: the smaller the plate, the smaller the portion you’re likely to consume.

So, it’s not just about aesthetics or tableware trends; there’s some real science behind it.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. It’s not just about your plate size; it’s about your waistline, too. Some experts argue that our expanding waistlines and the growth of plate sizes are closely linked. It’s like they’ve been on a proportional journey, and that’s not a road we want to travel down.

But fear not. There’s a simple and effective solution to this problem. Opt for smaller plates, and you’ll essentially be tricking your brain into thinking you’re eating more than you actually are. It’s a clever psychological hack that can help you cut down on calories without feeling deprived.

Picture this: you switch to a smaller plate, load it up with your favorite meal, and your brain says, “Wow, that looks like a substantial portion!” You start eating, and before you know it, you’re satisfied, and you’ve consumed fewer calories than if you had used a larger plate.

I can promise you this: by making this small change, you’ll find yourself eating less and feeling fuller with the same amount of food. It’s a win-win situation for your waistline and your overall health.

Now, let’s talk action steps. Here’s what you can do:

Plate Swap:

Trade in those oversized plates for smaller ones, ideally in the 7 to 10-inch range. This simple switch can make a world of difference.

Downsize Your Dinnerware:

It’s not just plates – think about smaller dishes, bowls, glasses, and even silverware whenever possible. The smaller your serving vessels, the less food you’ll be tempted to pile on.

27.  Snack Before a Big Meal

Before you dive headfirst into your next meal, consider reaching for a healthy snack. It might seem counterintuitive, but it’s a smart strategy backed by science.

Here’s why it works.

When you choose a healthy snack, like an apple or any other fruit or vegetable packed with fiber, you’re doing your body a favor. These foods fill up your stomach, taking the edge off those pesky hunger pangs that can lead to overeating later.

Now, let’s break it down into a simple action step:

Snack Attack:

Grab an apple or pick another fiber-rich fruit or vegetable that tickles your taste buds.

Munch Away:

Enjoy your snack before you sit down for your main meal.

By doing this, you’re effectively signaling to your body that it’s time to eat. Your stomach starts to feel satisfied, and your brain gets the message that you’re not starving. As a result, you’re less likely to go overboard when your main course arrives.

30.  Sit Down To Eat

Eating on the run is the quintessential maneuver of busy folks everywhere. But here’s the thing, my friend – just because life has you constantly on the go, whether it’s work, family errands, or whatever else fills your day, it’s not a free pass for mindless munching.

Why should you steer clear of this eating-on-the-go habit? Well, the answer is simple but oh-so-important. When you eat without paying attention – be it in the car, on a bus, while walking, or while chatting away on the phone – you’re setting yourself up for a two-fold problem.

First, there’s the risk of overeating. You see when you’re not mindful of what you’re consuming, it’s all too easy to let those portions creep up. It’s like your brain is distracted, and your stomach just keeps sending signals for more.

But it doesn’t stop there. The second issue is the quality of the food you tend to choose on the move. We’re talking about the dreaded “grab-n-go” options – those quick, often unhealthy snacks that beckon from convenience stores and vending machines. They’re notorious for falling into the “bad eating” category, loaded with empty calories and unhealthy fats.

So, here’s your action step to break this cycle:

Take a Breather:

When it’s mealtime, find a moment to sit down and savor your food. Step away from eating in cars, trains, and buses and the distractions of phones and walking.

Choose Wisely:

Now, I get it – sometimes those grab-n-go meals are your only option. When that happens, be prepared. Opt for healthier choices like apples, nutritious yogurt, or peanut butter. These options can be surprisingly satisfying and provide your body with the fuel it needs.

31.  Drink Water

Recent studies have highlighted a fascinating link between drinking water before a meal and its positive impact on weight management.

It turns out that having a glass of water before you dig into your meal can be a game-changer.

But here’s the kicker – it’s not just about plain old H2O. You can also enlist the help of water-rich foods, such as many vegetables and some fruits. These foods are like nature’s hydration heroes, and they have a superpower – they keep you feeling full for longer.

Why is this so important?

Well, when you’re satiated and hydrated, it becomes easier to fend off those pesky, unhealthy cravings and resist the urge to overindulge.

Now, let’s put this knowledge into action with a simple step:

Make a conscious effort to stay well hydrated throughout the day. And here’s a smart, easy-to-follow trick – sip on at least one glass of water before each meal.

By doing this, you’re giving your body a gentle signal that it’s time to eat. Plus, you’re already filling up some space in your stomach with water, which can help you avoid eating more than you need.

32. Eat Natural, Real Food

I you’re absolutely right, and you’re not alone in saying it – highly-processed foods are like weight gain’s best friend. It’s a well-known fact that what you put into your body matters, and getting back to basics is key to a healthier you.

So, let’s dive into this essential concept: the closer your food is to its natural state, the better it is for you. It’s like giving your body a nutrient-packed gift every time you choose unprocessed, whole foods.

Why is this so crucial? Well, it’s all about what these foods bring to the table – quite literally. When you opt for natural, unprocessed choices, you’re loading up on essential nutrients that nourish your body and keep those hunger pangs at bay for longer periods.

Now, let’s turn this wisdom into an actionable step:

Make it a commitment to eat clean all the time. This means going for foods that have undergone minimal processing. Think about vibrant vegetables, fresh fruits, and wholesome proteins like fish, chicken, and beans.

By following this simple guideline, you’re not only making healthier choices for your body but also setting yourself up for success in managing your weight. These nutrient-rich options will leave you feeling satisfied and energized, all while helping you maintain a healthy weight.

33. Eat Plenty Of Eggs

Scientific studies have been giving eggs a gold star in the weight loss department. People who make eggs a regular part of their diet tend to shed more pounds and sport slimmer waistlines compared to those who don’t. But wait, there’s more!

Picture this: a breakfast showdown between eggs and bagels. Studies have actually shown that opting for eggs in the morning can help reduce hunger and overall food intake when compared to bagel-based breakfasts. It’s like eggs have this magical power to keep your tummy satisfied.

But it’s not just their filling nature that makes eggs awesome. They’re packed with lean, high-quality protein that your body loves. And the goodness doesn’t stop there – eggs also bring a wealth of other nutrients to the table, like choline, healthy fats, lecithin, and more.

So, here’s your simple action step:

Make eggs a regular part of your meals, especially at breakfast. Aim for two to three whole eggs a day.

34. Have a Cheat Day

It’s important to remember that nobody is perfect, especially when we’re striving to achieve challenging goals like weight loss. Perfection isn’t the name of the game; it’s about finding a balance that works for you, both physically and emotionally.

I’ve been down that road, too, and I can tell you from experience that denying yourself any indulgence can eventually lead to bigger slip-ups. We’re human, after all, and we all have cravings that deserve some attention now and then.

Here’s an action step that can help you navigate this journey:

Embrace Your Cravings:

First and foremost, acknowledge your cravings. They’re a part of life, and it’s perfectly normal to have them.

Plan Your Treat Time:

Instead of letting those cravings build up until they explode, choose a specific time each week to indulge a little. For some, it’s Saturday dinner; for others, Sunday evenings work best. This designated treat time is your chance to relax your strict dietary rules and enjoy whatever you’ve been craving.

35.  Make Your Diet Public

There’s nothing more humiliating than the prospect of public disapproval, so use it to your advantage.

Sharing your intentions with your spouse, friends, family, and co-workers can indeed work in your favor by holding you accountable for your progress.

Here’s an action step that takes it to the next level:

36. Go Public:

Don’t be shy about your goals. Share your commitment to making healthier choices with as many people as you can. This could include announcing your weight loss journey on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Visualize Progress:

Consider posting “before and after” progress pictures. They not only showcase your transformation but also inspire others on similar journeys.

Daily Updates:

Share your daily menus and workout routines. This transparency not only helps you track your own progress but also invites feedback and support from your community.

Open Up:

Don’t be afraid to share the ups and downs of your journey. Write about your inner demons, frustrations, and challenges. It’s not just about the triumphs; it’s about the real, raw experience of working toward a healthier you.

36. Ease The Stress

S You’re absolutely right, my friend. Stress and weight issues often form an unholy alliance, whether it’s the emotional stress that leads to comfort eating or the physical stress that wreaks havoc on your body’s ability to burn fat and build muscle. It’s a double whammy we all need to tackle.

So, let’s dive into some action steps that can help you take control:

Recognize and address stress triggers in your life. This could involve relationship conflicts, work-related stress, or even those tricky “grey zones” where uncertainty and ambiguity reign.

Find healthy ways to manage stress, whether it’s through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or seeking support from a therapist or counselor.

Eliminate Distraction

You’ve hit the nail on the head, my friend! In our hyper-connected world, distractions are everywhere, pulling us away from what truly matters – our health, our relationships, and our personal growth.

So, let’s make a bold move and declare distraction as enemy number one. Here’s an action step to help you reclaim your time and attention:

Tech-Free Zone:

Start small but impactful. The next time you sit down for a meal or gear up for a workout, make it a tech-free zone. Put your phone away, turn off the TV, and disconnect from the virtual world.

Focus on the Present:

Engage your mind fully in the task at hand. When you’re eating, savor every bite, enjoying the flavors and textures. When you’re working out, concentrate on your body’s movements and how it feels. This mindfulness not only enhances your overall experience but also helps you make healthier choices.

38.  Use The Glycemic Index

R You’re absolutely right, and it’s fascinating how research has shown that low-carb diets can be quite effective for weight loss and long-term weight maintenance. It’s all about making smart choices and being mindful of the glycemic index.

Now, let’s delve into an actionable step to help you navigate this terrain:

Glycemic Guidance:

The glycemic index (GI) is your secret weapon. It’s like a compass for making dietary decisions. Foods that score high on the GI, typically over 70, are often packed with sugars and starch. These include rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, flour-based foods, and most processed options.

Steer Clear of High-GI:

Your action step is clear – avoid foods that rank above 70 on the Glycemic Index. These foods can quickly spike your blood sugar levels, triggering a cascade of insulin production that can lead to hunger pangs and various health issues.

40.  Don’t Eat in Front of the TV

A study from the University of Massachusetts really highlights an important point about mindful eating – the impact of distractions on our food consumption. It’s incredible how something as seemingly harmless as watching TV while eating can lead to consuming those extra calories.

So, here’s a straightforward action step to help you regain control over your eating habits:

Mindful Mealtime:

When it’s time to sit down for a meal, make it a sacred moment. Turn off the TV, put your phone aside, and create an environment where you can fully immerse yourself in the pleasures of eating.

Savor the Flavor:

As you eat, pay attention to the textures, flavors, and aromas of your food. Chew slowly and relish each bite. This mindfulness not only enhances your enjoyment of the meal but also puts you in tune with your body’s satiety signals.

Cutting Calories Mindfully:

The beauty of this practice is that it can naturally lead to eating less. By being present in the moment and paying attention to your body’s cues, you’re less likely to overeat. As you mentioned, this alone could help you cut at least 300 calories a day, which is a significant step toward your health and weight management goals.!

41.  Add Protein to Every Meal

Protein isn’t just for building muscle and workout recovery; it’s a secret weapon for weight loss, too. It’s all about feeling satisfied and preventing those pesky cravings and unhealthy snacking sprees.

Here’s an action step to put protein to work for you:

Protein-Packed Plates:

Make protein a star player at every meal, and don’t skip breakfast in this game. Including protein in your morning meal sets the tone for the day, keeping you feeling full and energized.

Post-Workout Fuel:

After you’ve given your all in your workout, your body craves nourishment. Make sure to include protein in your post-workout meal or snack to aid in recovery and muscle repair.

Protein Sources:

There are plenty of healthy protein sources to choose from. Eggs, fish, chicken, and grass-fed beef are all excellent options. You can also explore vegetarian sources like tofu, beans, and lentils if that suits your dietary preferences.

42.  Set a Kitchen Curfew For 12 Hours

The kitchen can be a magnet for mindless snacking, especially when it’s not mealtime. It’s amazing how those late-night munchies can add up over time, isn’t it? But here’s a smart strategy to regain control over your eating habits:

Set a Kitchen Curfew:

After your dinner rituals are done and the kitchen is clean and tidy, declare it off-limits. Make this a designated time when you’re not allowed to enter the kitchen. It’s like drawing a line in the sand to stop those late-night snacking urges in their tracks.

Visual Reminder:

If you need a visual cue, the masking tape idea is brilliant. Place it across your kitchen doorway to serve as a reminder that the kitchen is closed for the night.

43. Personalize Your Plan

You’ve hit the nail on the head – there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to workouts and diets. We’re all unique individuals, and what works for one person might not work for another. It’s all about finding the perfect match for your body and lifestyle.

So, let’s talk about taking a customized approach to your health and weight loss goals:

Personalized Program:

Recognize that you are your own best guide on this journey. Start by developing a personalized program that considers your fitness level, body type, personal preferences, and specific weight loss goals. It’s about tailoring your plan to fit you like a glove.

Be Your Own Guinea Pig:

Embrace the idea that you’re the best expert on your own body. Experiment with different workouts and diets to find what resonates with you the most. Pay attention to how your body responds, what you enjoy, and what yields the best results.

Stay Flexible:

Remember, nothing works 100 percent of the time for everyone. Be open to adjustments and changes along the way. What works for you today might evolve as your body and goals change.

44.  Step Away From The Scale

While it’s essential to monitor your progress, relying solely on the scale can indeed lead to stress and frustration.

Here’s a more balanced approach:

Weekly Weigh-In:

Weigh yourself once a week, no more, no less. Consistency in timing and frequency helps provide a more accurate picture of your progress over time.

Scale Perspective:

Remember that the numbers on the scale are not the ultimate truth. They can fluctuate for various reasons, including water retention, muscle gain, and more. Don’t let those digits define your self-worth.

Alternative Measures:

Consider using alternative methods to track your progress. Take before and after photos to visually see changes in your body composition. A tape measure can also be a fantastic tool to gauge inches lost or gained. How your clothes fit can provide valuable insights as well.

45.  Get Plenty of Sleep

Did you ever stop to think about how sleep (or the lack of it) can sneakily lead you down the snack attack path? Well, it totally can!

So, get this: researchers at the University of Chicago found that folks who only got around five and a half hours of sleep decided to snack their way through the day more than those who snoozed for a solid 7 hours. Yeah, you heard that right – less sleep, more snacks. Not exactly the winning combo for your waistline.

Now, I’m no sleep expert, but here’s something I’m 100% sure about – a good night’s sleep is like a superhero cape for your brain, your body’s recovery crew, and your inner athlete. It’s like the ultimate secret sauce for peak performance and rock-solid health.

So, here’s your action plan, my friend:

Get cozy, pull up those sheets, and aim for a sweet 8 hours of high-quality, uninterrupted sleep every night. Your body and brain will thank you in the morning, and you’ll be well on your way to feeling your best.

46. No Alcohol

When it comes to shedding those extra pounds, it’s important to know that alcohol can be a bit of a roadblock. You see, alcoholic drinks are often loaded with sugars that don’t do your fitness goals any favors.

So, here’s an action step to help you navigate this challenge:

Trim Down on Spirits:

Consider cutting down on your alcohol consumption, especially if you’re aiming for fat loss. Those sugary concoctions achieve little more than compromising your hard-earned fitness gains.

Sip Slowly and Smartly:

If you do decide to have a drink, take it slow and savor the moment. After your first drink, consider switching to a club soda with a refreshing twist of lime. It’s a healthier choice that can help you manage your calorie intake.

47. Every Once in a While, Reward Yourself

Have celebrating your milestones is a fantastic way to make your weight loss journey more enjoyable and motivating. It’s like giving yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.

So, here’s an action step to keep the momentum going:

When you reach a notable milestone, treat yourself to something special that you genuinely enjoy. Whether it’s splurging on a new pair of running shoes, indulging in a relaxing manicure or massage, or even going on a fun date – it’s your moment to celebrate!

48. Monitor Your Progress

Measurement is the key to improvement, whether you’re in the boardroom or on a journey to shed those extra pounds. It’s all about keeping an eye on your progress to make informed decisions and stay on track.

Here’s an action step to help you stay on top of your weight loss journey:

Gauge Your Progress:

Make sure you’re actively measuring your weight loss journey. Track a range of metrics, including body measurements (especially around the waist), body weight, body fat percentage, exercise and workout plans, daily calorie intake, and energy levels.

Choose Your Method:

Find a method that works for you when it comes to tracking. Just like you mentioned with your Bodyminder workout journal, use a tool or system that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences. Whether it’s a journal, an app, or spreadsheets, the important thing is to consistently record your statistics.

49.  Get The Support You Need

The company you keep can truly make or break your journey towards a healthier you. Support and positivity can fuel your progress, while negativity can easily drain your motivation.

So, here’s an action step to help you build your tribe of supporters:

Choose Your Tribe Wisely:

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who not only understand what you’re going through but also share similar fitness visions. These are the people who will cheer you on, celebrate your victories, and provide a shoulder to lean on during tough times.

Seek Support:

If you find it challenging to get your friends and family on board with your fitness mission, consider joining a weight management course or participating in weekly support group meetings. These environments are filled with individuals who are on similar journeys and can offer invaluable support and motivation.

50. Be Your Own Coach

When it comes to achieving success and staying motivated, the most impactful coach you can have is the one inside yourself. It’s about harnessing your inner drive, especially when the going gets tough.

So, here’s an action step to help you connect with your inner coach:

Take some time for introspection and delve deep into your heart and mind. Explore what truly motivates you, what ignites your passion, and what fuels your determination. It might be a vision of a healthier body, the desire to be a positive role model for a child, or simply wanting to feel great about yourself.

By uncovering your inner motivations and tapping into your personal reasons for embarking on this journey, you’ll have a powerful source of self-motivation. It’s like having an unwavering ally on the frontline, ready to tackle every challenge that comes your way.

51. Eliminate The All-Or-Nothing Mentality

the all-or-nothing mentality can be a real stumbling block on the road to weight loss success. It’s important to remember that perfection is not the goal, and slip-ups are a natural part of the journey.

Here’s an action step to help you navigate this mindset:

Instead of being overly critical of yourself for mistakes or weak moments, view them as opportunities for growth. When you slip up, don’t beat yourself up; instead, assess what happened, learn from it, and make positive changes moving forward.

By shifting your mindset to one that values progress over perfection, you’ll create a healthier and more sustainable approach to weight loss. It’s all about turning setbacks into stepping stones on your journey to a healthier you. Keep moving forward, one positive step at a time!

How to Lose 25 Pounds – The Conclusion

A comprehensive guide to reaching your weight-loss goals.

I wish I’d had this handy guide before I started my own journey.

I hope it helps you with yours.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions below. In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

David D.

Top 11 Weight Loss Rules For Runners

lose weight while running

Most people take up running for mainly one reason: To Lose Weight. Truth be told…that’s what got me into it in the first place. Years ago, I was fat and out-of-shape, but after taking up running everything changed for the better.

Just don’t get me wrong. Running does shed mad calories, but it’s not a guaranteed recipe for success.

In fact, unwanted weight gain can happen despite regular training, and I know many of a consistent runner still struggling with their weight. I can’t deny that… No one can… With that said, don’t throw your running shoes away yet. Today you are going to learn how to reach success with your weight loss running routine.

 Weight Loss Rules For Runners

As a result, here are 9 rules for maximum weight loss for runners.

1. Just Do it

It’s simple as it sounds. You just need to do it. But that does not mean that’s going to be easy. Simple does not always mean easy. As a beginner, you need to slowly introduce the habit of running into your life. Don’t worry about mileage nor calorie burn. All you need to concern yourself with is trying to get fit without getting hurt.

That’s the motto you need to keep in mind. Enter The Run-Walk Method Start off with the walk-run-walk method. If you are overweight and/or out-of-shape, begin your running journey by mixing slow running intervals—30 seconds for the seek of the argument—with sets of walking period of no more than a minute. As you get fitter, aim to increase the time you spend running while taking less and less for recovery.

Want more? Check my posts: The 8-Week Beginner Runner Program & Absolute Beginners’ Guide To Running. The good news is that, on average, and in less than 8 weeks, you’ll be able to run for at least 30 minutes without much huffing and puffing.

Nonetheless, once you are passed that mark, your body, being the amazing and smart machine it is, will eventually adapt and get used to that level of stimulus. This means that you won’t be burning as many calories as before. This is what’s known as plateau territory And once that happens, you’d need to up the ante by doing interval training to break through the plateau.

Note – Here’s your guide to calories burned running one mile.

2. Pass the Plateau

Plateaus are part and parcel of any training process. Running for burning belly fat is no exception. That’s why you need to get ready for them and know exactly what to do to get pass them.

Do Intervals Intervals are ideal for shedding belly fat, and boosting metabolism. They are challenging and will increase the amount of oxygen you use to perform and recover, leading to a greater calorie burn.

For me, getting on the interval training track was a big game changer. Not only did interval training help me shed those extra pounds

I was struggling with for some time, but also improved my running on all levels.

If you have never tried intervals before, then don’t be swayed by their power. Instead, be careful and take it gradually. As a beginner, start off your interval run by doing sprints at 70 to 80 percent of your maximum effort for no more than 30-second, then jog for one full minute for recovery. Repeat the cycle 8 to 10 times and end the session with a cool-down.

3. Set Realistic Goals

Once you know your daily calorie needs, it’s time to set goals.

Not any goals though. Your goals have to be realistic. Otherwise, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure.

Losing weight while running is going to take you a while. Many runners, especially enthusiastic beginners, fall into the trap of setting a stereotypical goal weight, regardless of their fitness level, lifestyle, and body type.

Here’s the truth. Everybody and every BODY is unique, and your ideal weight for optimum energy, performance, and health might not be what society says it should.

Since roughly 3500 calories is needed to shed a pound of weight, it’s likely that you’ll drop no more than a couple of pounds per week.

Instead of setting unrealistic goals, go for achievable goals. Aim to lose no more than two pounds a week. As weight can fluctuate on a daily basisit might also be helpful to expand beyond the scale and overall weight to also include goal body fat and a few body measurements to keep motivated and objective on your journey.”

4. Know your Calorie Needs

When it comes to it, weight loss is a matter of doing your math.

Weight loss is a numbers’ game, really.

To lose weight while running, you have to burn more calories than you are taking in; that’s why you must know how many you need in the first place. Here comes the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

Calculate Your BMR The basal metabolic rate (BMR) a rough estimate to set your basic energy needs and describes the number of calories you would need to keep your organs and body ticking each day if you did nothing but sleep for 24 hours.

Here are two resources to help you calculate BMR without much hassle:

Link One

Link Two T

o shed the pounds, you must reduce your total caloric intake, whether by burning calories through running or following sound diet practices.

The best way is to do both for maximum results. As a general guideline, to stay on the safe, healthy side, aim to cut no more than 200 to 300 calories per day. The progressive approach always works way better.
couple running trying to lose weight

5. Set Good Weight Loss Goals

Goals are the specific markers you need to keep your fat loss resolution going strong.

They provide you with clarity, a sense of direction, and will help propel you forward, especially when you feel that all the odds are stacked against you. Henceforth, make sure to write and rewrite them on a daily basis.

Your goals should be challenging, but they also must be realistic. That’s why I always run my goals though a reality check. And you should be doing the same. As a result, before you set that substantial weight loss running goal, ask yourself (and be honest) whether it’s actually achievable. Believe me, it pays, both for the short and long term, to have the right fitness goals.

Additional Source – Does Running Burn Belly Fat?

6. Do Your Own Thing

Don’t fall into the trap of setting a common weight loss goal.

The truth is, we are not the same. I’m different. You are different. Everybody is different. What works the best for me regarding optimal health, energy and performance may not be the same of what works the best for you. That’s why you need to set your own goals.

Have a say in your life. Don’t let society dictate what’s best for you. And keep mind that skinny is not always good, even if it looks good.

Add a Deadline Also, put a time limit on your goals. The sense of timing adds urgency to your goals, making their achievement more likely. A major reason why most don’t make it down the road is the lack of a sense of urgency, a symptom of overthinking the process and not taking action. Classic case of paralysis by analysis.

7. Stay Fueled

To run your best, you need to stay well fueled. But that’s no invitation to overeat. You just need to opt for the right foods that can help you perform your best while shedding the extra pounds for good.

In other words, eating should be about fueling you up, not filling you up, period. Opt for a breakfast that’s high in protein, healthy fat foods like low-fat yogurt, oatmeal and especially eggs (they are my favorite!).

Make sure also to eat plenty of vegetables, nuts and limit your intake of fruits—they score high on fructose, a form of sugar that can lead to weight gain. Steer clear of fat-free processed foods, which often score low on nutrients and high on chemicals. If you want more, maybe you need a radical lifestyle change.

For that case… Try The Paleo Lifestyle Something that worked like a miracle for me is following the Paleo diet ( I know it’s more than a diet ;-). This eating philosophy has helped clean my act when it comes to the everyday diet decision I make.

So it didn’t just help lose weight, it also helped me eat much healthier and develop and maintain healthy eating habits—the cornerstone of optimal nutrition. And most people who tried it have reached similar conclusions. You just need to give your body time to adjust to it. That’s the hardest part.

Additional link – Slow running vs fast running for weight loss 

8. Go Long

Among more than 120,000 runners, the ones logging the greatest amount of weekly mileage were the leanest, according to the National Runners Health Study.

Hence, if you are serious about getting into the best shape of your life—look and endurance wise—aim to extend your weekly mileage.

It’s no secret. The more miles you log in, the more calories you are going to burn off. As a general guideline, an average person burns off about 100 calories per mile while running. As a result, if you opt for a 7-miler run, you’ll burn roughly 700 calories. It’s simple math. Just don’t freak out. You don’t need to opt for long runs every day of the week. In fact, just one long run a week, preferably on the weekend, can help you get the max calories burning benefits.

Any run that’s more than 45 minute can be considered a long run. Nonetheless, this rule is not written in stone. That’s why the exact duration varies from one person to the next.

That’s why you ought to find what works the best for you and build on that. I know this goes against what I said earlier about the power of intervals, but you still need long runs—at least one per week—for a balanced running program.

Additional resource – Here’s how long does it take to lose 100 pounds.

9.Keep a Journal

You cannot improve on what you can’t measure. This quote is one of my favorite management quotes. It also works very well for managing your calorie intake.

One of the best ways to prevent mindless eating and stealth calories intake is to keep track in a journal of everything you’re putting in your mouth.

Doing so might sound tedious, but it pays off. Believe me.

Plenty of studies found that people how monitor their food intake via a food journal lose more weight and keep it off for longer than those who don’t take notes.

A recent study conducted by the National Institute of Health reported that subjects doubled their weight loss when they logged their food intake regularly.

Keeping track of your daily diet choices and reviewing it regularly will help you see and get a bird’s view of where your diet needs improvement.

When you see how that donut or bag of cookies adds to your daily caloric intake, it might be easier to eliminate.

Assessing these details on a regular basis will help glean vital information about your habits and what needs changing. It will also highlight ways you can make healthier choices.

Start by logging everything you eat for at least one month, making sure to keep tabs on important details such as macro breakdown, calorie intake, timing of the meal, etc.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to run faster

10. Add Strength Training

Strength training will not only help you build a leaner and stronger body, but it’ll also help you become a better runner.

In fact, athletes who strength train regularly—two to three times per week—increased their leg strength and boosted their endurance, which is vital for weight loss and top performance, according to study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. That’s why you ought to supplement your road work with a proper strength training program.

Additional resource – How to measure body fat percentages

11. Be Patient

If you are anything like me, high expectations and short-term thinking is deeply ingrained within the way you think about the world and how things “ought” to happen. In fact, that’s how we are wired in western civilization.

When we want something we want it now, not tomorrow, not a week from, and definitely not a year from now. And this type of thinking has got us into all sorts of trouble. Check this excellent post on the dangers of instant gratification thinking. Delaying instant gratification is a hard pill to swallow especially when it comes to fat loss expectations.

Blaze Your Own Path Trying to follow in the footsteps of these overnight makeovers is often overwhelming and will only get you frustrated.

To dodge the silver bullet myth, make small changes, one at a time, and build on them. For starters, make running a habit. Then try eating a healthy breakfast every day. And so on. You get the picture.

These habits will eventually add up until you build that desired lifestyle.

Therefore, if you are not there yet, trust just be patient, and it will happen. The universe abides by the law of cause and effect, and as long as you opting for the healthy path (cause), you’ll definitely get to your desired destination.

Additional resource:

How to cut sugar intake

Guide to running terms

Conclusion The key to getting the weight loss results you are after is your speed of implementation. So make sure to start applying the above running guidelines as soon as you can. In the meantime, feel free to leave your comments below, or send me your questions if you need any help. Thank you for reading my post. Image Credit – Ed Yourdon Through Flick Enregistrer