Is There Life Insurance Specifically For Runners?

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Cross Training For Runners
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David Dack

As a runner, you are constantly working to keep yourself fit and healthy. Running is a passion that requires a conscientious commitment, which is exactly the sort of thing that improves the quality and length of your life. As such, you may be wondering if there is life insurance geared specifically towards runners.

While you are unlikely to find insurance products designed for runners, being a runner can impact your life insurance. You can choose the best option from the types of life insurance available with your specific needs in mind. Your runner’s lifestyle may also impact your premium, if you choose life insurance that requires a medical examination.

Life insurance can be confusing for anyone. Here’s what you need to know about life insurance as a runner.

What type of runner are you?

Before getting into the ins-and-outs of life insurance itself, it is important to reflect on how the type of running you do impacts your body.

If you run a few miles every day and occasionally complete a half-marathon, your health is likely ideal for a life insurance medical. Your heart health is likely benefiting from all the cardio, and since you are not pushing your body to extremes, it is likely in great shape too.

If, however, you regularly run marathons (and practice running long distances between those marathons), you may have experienced some issues impacting your muscles, tissues, bones, etc. That being said, these issues are unlikely to raise your premiums, as they are not injuries that put you at a higher risk of untimely death.

The same cannot necessarily be said for trail runners. Life insurers ask about any dangerous hobbies. Depending on the types of trails you run, your hobby could be considered dangerous. In most cases, you won’t have to worry. Only if you are trail running on mountains where accidents happen or where the elements are particularly risky might this come into play.

What life insurance should you get?

The good news is that as a runner, you will probably benefit from a medical exam by getting lower premiums. There are plans which don’t require medicals, but if you’re confident about your health, there is no need to avoid an exam.

In terms of the type of life insurance itself, there are two main categories: term insurance and whole life insurance.

Term life insurance covers you for a specific period of time – usually around twenty years. Many people get term insurance when they are in the prime of their life. It will take care of their families while children are still in school, but will not benefit them in any way once the term ends. It is the cheaper type of life insurance.

Whole life insurance, on the other hand, covers you for the rest of your life. Rather than paying a premium so as to get a fixed payout in the event of death, your premiums contribute to the eventual payout. Whole life insurance is significantly more expensive, but is perfect for people building real wealth for their families.

Your choice of life insurance will have more to do with your career and ambitions than with your running lifestyle (unless running is your career, of course). Choose whatever makes most sense to you, but try to do so as soon as possible. The younger you are when you start a life insurance policy, the cheaper it will be.

Do you need life insurance?

As a runner, you may be healthier than most of your agemates. Your heart health may be exceptional. Do you really need life insurance if you are healthy?

Unfortunately, no one can control everything that happens to them. Even if you manage to keep your heart healthy, there are other illnesses which you might get. There is also the possibility that you will be in an accident or simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Waiting until you are diagnosed with an illness to get life insurance is unwise, as you may not be able to get cover at that point. Getting life insurance when you are young and healthy is the best decision. It will ensure that your family is taken care of, without you having to spend too much money every month.

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