Eat like a Champion: The Essential Guide to a Runner’s Diet for Peak Performance

runner eating

Welcome, fellow runners, to your ultimate guide to designing the perfect nutrition plan for your training. You’ve heard it before: you are what you eat. But as a runner, this couldn’t be more true.

Your nutrition plan can make or break your performance, endurance, and overall health. It’s not just about the miles you run but also about what fuels you.

As someone who’s been running for years, I’ve learned firsthand the importance of a proper diet. I’ve tried various diets and experimented with different macro ratios to see what works best for my body. And today, I’m going to share some insights with you.

Whether you’re training for your first 5K or aiming for a marathon, this guide to macros for runners is for you.

In this comprehensive post, I’ll cover everything you need to know about a runner’s diet – from the exact macros you need to the types of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats you should consume.

But that’s not all – I’ll also teach you how to design your own running nutrition plan, share a sample meal plan for beginner runners, and give you tips on how to stay motivated and consistent with your diet.

Macros Explained

Macros, short for macronutrients, are the building blocks that make up our diets. These are the essential nutrients that our bodies require in large amounts to function optimally.

Macros be broken down into three classes: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Each plays a crucial role in fueling your body and keeping it going, so it’s essential to understand the importance of each.

Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of fuel. They are broken down into glucose, which is used by your muscles for energy during running. Aim for complex carbs, like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and avoid simple sugars.

Proteins are the building blocks of our muscles, and they’re essential for repair and recovery. As a runner, you need to consume enough protein to support your training and aid in muscle recovery. Lean protein sources like chicken, fish, and tofu are great choices.

Finally, we have fats. Fats are essential for a healthy diet and are needed for hormone production, brain function, and energy. Aim for healthy fats, like those found in nuts, seeds, and avocados, and avoid trans and saturated fats.

The exact breakdown of macros for runners can vary based on a variety of factors.

But, overall, shoot for something like this:

55-65% carbs,

20-25% fats, and

15-20% proteins.

In other words, a diet that’s high in carbs, moderate in protein, and low in fats.

However, it’s essential to listen to your body and adjust your macros based on your individual needs. With the right balance of macros, you’ll be able to fuel your body for peak performance and crush your running goals.

The Runners Diet – Carbohydrates For Runners Explained

Carbohydrates are like your body’s own premium-grade fuel. Just like your car needs petrol to run, your body needs carbohydrates to function optimally. But not all carbohydrates are created equal.

While some are complex and beneficial for your body, others are simple and can cause harm if consumed in excess.

Complex carbohydrates, or polysaccharides, are mostly found in grains and are made up of many sugar molecules. They take longer to digest, providing a steady and sustained release of energy, which is perfect for runners who need a constant source of fuel.

Simple carbohydrates, on the other hand, are mostly found in sugary drinks and sweets and are made up of one or two sugar molecules. They provide a quick burst of energy, but it’s short-lived and often followed by a crash, which is not ideal for runners.

It’s important to strike a balance between the two and make sure you’re consuming enough complex carbs to fuel your runs, but not so many that they get stored as fat.

Most experts recommend getting 55-65% of their daily calorie intake from carbohydrates. However, this may vary depending on factors such as fitness level, body weight, and training intensity.

The Runners Diet – Dietary Proteins For Runners

As a runner, you put your body through intense physical demands, which means that your diet should reflect that. One of the most important macronutrients that you need to fuel your body and maintain peak performance is protein.

Protein is like the construction worker of your body. It provides the necessary building blocks to repair, grow and maintain your muscles, tissues, and organs. And when it comes to running, your muscles can take a beating from the repetitive impact and workload. That’s where protein comes in, as it’s essential for muscle recovery and growth.

For those who are looking for convenient and nutritious protein sources, consider checking out premium high-protein meals that cater specifically to the needs of active individuals.

But protein isn’t just important for muscles. It’s also vital for metabolism, digestion, immune system function, and hormonal messaging. According to research, consuming an adequate amount of protein can enhance endurance performance, reduce muscle damage, and speed up recovery time after exercise.

Protein is literally the building block of life.

As such, these compounds are needed to produce energy, maintain primary biological processes, and sustain life.

More specifically, proteins are primarily essential for building, repairing, and maintaining cells, tissues, and organs throughout your body, but also important for other vital bodily functions, including:

  • Metabolism,
  • Digestion,
  • The production of antibodies that fight infections,
  • Immune system integrity,
  • Hormonal messaging,

Dietary proteins can also serve as a source of fuel when your glycogen stores wear out.

This is especially the case during long and hard training sessions. This makes them one of the most important macros for runners.

The Runners Diet – Healthy Fats For Runners Explained

Let me break it down for you in simpler terms. Think of dietary fats as the fuel that keeps your car running. It’s not just about indulging in your favorite fast-food burger or ice cream, though. Good quality dietary fats come from a variety of sources, including plant and animal tissue, and they play a vital role in supporting a healthy body and mind.

Triglycerides are pretty common and found in foods like butter, oils, and meat. Cholesterol, on the other hand, is a type of fat that is made by your body and is essential for hormone production and brain function. Phospholipids are another type of fat that are found in foods like eggs and soybeans and are essential for cell membrane structure and function.

Now, I know what you might be thinking – “Isn’t all fat bad for you?” The truth is not all fats are created equal. While it’s true that some fats should be limited, others, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are actually good for you and can help lower your risk of heart disease and other health problems.

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to pre and post-run nutrition

 How To Design A Running Nutrition Plan

Now that you know all you need to know about macros for runners, let’s see how you can put them into practice

Determine your Calorie Maintenance Level

Calorie Maintenance Level is the magic number that tells you how many calories you should be consuming to maintain your current weight.

While there are many methods to estimate your calorie needs, one quick way is to multiply your current body weight in pounds by 14 and 18. This will give you an approximate range of your daily calorie maintenance level, which is typically somewhere in between these amounts.

If you’re an active runner, your daily energy needs will be higher, depending on the intensity, frequency, and duration of your workout sessions.

Your daily calorie requirements will also vary from day to day, so it’s essential to stay flexible and adapt your intake to match your energy needs. A good rule of thumb for estimating your weekly energy expenditure from running is to use the formula: Weekly Energy Expenditure = Weekly Mileage X Calorie Burn per Mile.

It’s important to keep in mind that this formula is not written in stone and many factors can affect calorie burn while running, such as your body weight, running pace, and terrain. However, it can provide a rough estimate of your energy needs while running, which is crucial for maintaining a balanced and healthy diet.

For example, if your main fitness goal is to lose weight, aim for a daily calorie deficit of around 20 percent below your Calorie Maintenance Level.

On the other hand, if you want to increase strength or improve endurance levels, shoot for a daily calorie surplus of roughly 250 to 350 calories above your maintenance level.

Here are some of the most common recommendations.

  • If your main fitness goal is to lose weight, then shoot for a daily calorie” deficit” of around 20 percent below your Calorie Maintenance Level.
  • If your main fitness goal is to increase strength or improve endurance level, shoot for a daily calorie “surplus” of roughly 250 to 350 calories above your maintenance level.

For more, check this online calorie burn calculator from Runners World.

Additional resource – Best supplements for runners

Get Professional Help

Need more help? Consult a trained sports nutritionist or dietitian.

They can help you better estimate your energy needs, then devise a nutrition plan and even design a weekly or monthly menu book to help you optimize your training and recovery times.

But this might be over the top—especially if you are just starting out and don’t need professional help. However, you can opt for affordable meal delivery kits if you find you don’t have enough time to shop and plan meals. This could really help you stay on your diet.

Additional resource – Guide To BCAAs for Runners

Before A Run

Aim for at least 30 to 40 grams of carbohydrates one to two hours before running.

If you run first thing in the morning, have a small, carb-rich breakfast 20 to 30 minutes before you head out the door.

Running on an empty stomach may, but not always, burn up all of your stored fuel, which can compromise your performance.

If you don’t have the time (or the stomach) for a full breakfast, then experiment with eating a small piece of fruit, a smoothie, or a hypertonic sports drink, before heading out.

The Right Foods

To get the most out of your pre-run meal choices, focus on these four things:

  • Foods you’re familiar with, especially before a serious workout or race. It’s never nice to have a funny tummy during a workout.
  • Low-fat foods.
  • Low-fiber foods.
  • Carb-rich and protein moderate foods.
  • Make sure the food is moderate in both protein and carbs.

Eating During A Run

Now, let’s talk about fueling during a long run. If you’re planning to run for more than 90 minutes, it’s important to consume 30 to 40 grams of carbohydrates for every 45- to 60 minutes of exercise. A gel pack is usually a good choice, delivering about 25 to 30 grams of easily digestible carbs.

Eat Post Run

Don’t forget about post-run fueling! The last thing you want to do is to resume your daily activities with an empty, growling stomach. You never know what kind of unhealthy or unbalanced food you might end up reaching for. So make sure to fuel up properly after your run with a healthy and nutritious meal.

The Tenets of Healthy Eating

Let’s talk about the tenets of healthy eating for runners. Balance, variety, and moderation are key.


Balance is the first step toward nice things in this world.

In order to stay healthy, you always have to tune in between good and bad, also for eating.

Balanced eating is not your typical trendy, yo-yo, or crash diet.

Instead, it’s the type of eating you should stick to for life.

Simply consume essentials and avoid overeating.

By following a balanced diet, you’ll ensure that you’re consuming all the essential nutrients that your body needs to function properly and optimally.

To find balance, get the bulk of your daily calories from these main food groups:

  • Fresh vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Fresh fruits
  • Lean proteins
  • Legumes
  • Nuts

Keep in mind that one food group does not have all the answers.

It cannot provide you with all the nutrients you need.

Additional resource – Guide to runner’s stomach


Your diet could have all the characteristics above, but it might still lack variety, which is the second pillar of healthy, optimal eating.

If that’s your case, then you’re missing out big time.

Before you start being creative, let’s get to know what variety I’m talking about.

Variety stands for opting for a wide range of foods from each main category every day to ensure a nutritious diet.

The more colors, the merrier.

Variety is the spice of life and is definitely a significant goal and milestone when it comes to eating well.

In fact, most nutrition experts would agree that variety is one of the cornerstones of good quality, well-rounded diet.

A study published in the “Journal of Nutrition” revealed that the more varied your food choices, the more likely you’re to get proper amounts of nutrients and fiber.

Also, be sure to opt for a variety of different foods from within the food categories themselves to keep your daily menu interesting and provide you with a wide range of macro-and micronutrients.

Additional resource – 30 Keto recipes  for low-carb eating


Moderation is all about regulating or controlling your daily food intake. It involves making sure not to eat too much or too little of any food or nutrient.

In other words, moderation is really about consuming the right amounts of foods at the right times while meeting your nutritional requirements and maintaining a healthy weight.

Not only that, but moderation also means not going overboard with treats, alcohol, fast food, or restaurant meals.

Of course, feel free to enjoy your treats, but do it once in a blue moon since most reward foods tend to be high in calories but low in nutrients and fiber.

Take more, and don’t blame anyone if you gain significant weight, especially if you are into junk food.

Nutrition experts recommend getting at least the following:

  • Five servings of grains. Examples of one serving include one slice of bread, one small tortilla, ½ cup of whole-grain cereal or cooked oatmeal, one ounce of raw rice or pasta, one cup of ready-to-eat cereal flakes, and ½ cup of popped popcorn.
  • Six servings of vegetables (Fresh, frozen, canned, and dried). Examples of one serving include one cup of raw leafy greens, ½ cup of cooked peas or beans, and ½ cup of cut-up vegetables.
  • Five servings of fruits. Examples of one serving include one medium-sized fruit, ½ cup of cut-up fruit, or ¼ cup of dried fruit.

Runners Diet – The Conclusion

There you have it.

Today’s article is an in-depth dive into the main macros for runners and how to design the perfect running nutrition plan.

But it barely scratches the surfaces of performance nutrition.

That’s why I highly urge you to continue your education and learn more about the subject.

Your diet, after all, is as important as your training.

There’s no way around that.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep running strong

David D.

Ketosis Symptoms – The 7 Main Signs Of Ketosis

heart murmurs in runners

Would you like to learn about the main ketosis symptoms? Then you have come to the right place.

Going on the ketogenic diet is simple enough. All you have to do is severely limit your carb intake long enough to get into and stay in ketosis.

Knowing if you’re in ketosis, however, is no easy task. In fact, telling what’s going inside of your body can be quite challenging.

I don’t blame you. Ketosis can be an elusive beast. But worry no more.

In today’s post, I’ll give you the low-down on the main ketosis symptoms.

But first, let’s delve a little bit deeper into the ketogenic diet and what exactly means to be in ketosis.

What’s The Ketogenic Diet?

The ketogenic diet is high fat, moderate protein, and very low-carb eating plan. In general, it consists of 70 to 80 percent fat, 15 to 25 percent protein, and 5 to 10 percent carbohydrates.

The main objective of the ketogenic diet is to get your body into a state of ketosis by limiting carbohydrates intake to 10 to 30 grams per day. During this, the body switches into burning fat as fuel instead of glycogen.

What’s Ketosis?

Key-tow-sis is a metabolic state in which the body metabolizes fat instead of carbs to produce ketones, employed by our cell to provide energy to perform their normal function.

Under normal conditions, your body uses carbs fuel its energy needs. But when you drastically cut on your carb intake, ketones are produced by the liver, and released into the bloodstream as a reaction to inadequate glucose in the body.

Technically,  the state of ketosis is attained when blood ketone levels are around 0.5  mmol/ L. Here’s a 7-day keto eating plan.

Getting Into Ketosis

ketosis symptoms

The best way to get into ketosis—and fast as possible—is to eliminate all major carbohydrates sources in your diet, usually to less than 30 net grams of carbs per day.

The more restrictive your carb intake is during the early stage, the sooner your body will enter ketosis. So it’s goodbye to bread, rice, pasta, peas, fruits, sugary drinks, chocolate and all of that.

Instead, you’ll be eating plenty of healthy fats, moderate amounts of lean proteins, and some vegetables. Sure, this first step seems brutal, but it’s worth every a headache.

Here’s the full keto food diet list.

Note: Keep in mind that 30 grams of carbs is the equivalent of 3 large carrots, one large banana, or two slices of white bread.

How Fast Can You Get Into Ketosis

If you’ve been on the ketogenic diet for at least a couple of weeks and following the guidelines as strictly as possible, then, you should enter ketosis within three to four days—seven days max.

In general, most people will be able to access a light nutritional ketosis—about 0.6 to 1.0 mmol/L within two to three days.  It often takes more than two weeks to get into optimal and steady ketosis of 1.5 to 3.0 mmol/L.

Additional resource – Keto marathon training

The 7 Ketosis Symptoms to Look for

Once your body enters ketosis, you’ll more than likely experience a range of symptoms.

Here’s what you need to know about the main ketosis symptoms.

Note—if you don’t know the basic tenets of the ketogenic diet, then I strongly recommend checking my previous post here.

1. Reduced Insulin Levels

When you eat carb-rich foods, your insulin levels spike. But, as soon as start cracking down on carbs, you’ll limit these spikes.

Science backs this up.

According to research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, diabetic subjects on a low-carb diet for two weeks not only normalized their glucose levels but also reduced average blood sugar by 30 mg/dl.

In other words, the ketogenic diet is a fantastic way to help regulate blood sugar levels.

To ensure that low sugar levels don’t interfere with your life, do the following.

Have more meals. Plan to eat every four to five hours once you take your first few steps on the ketogenic path. This will help keeps you satisfied and blood sugar levels in check.

Reach for mineral-rich drinks. Instead of drinking plain water, opt for mineral-rich drinks between meals. These include high-quality electrolyte beverages or organic broths.

Have some Exogenous ketones. These are a great way to train your body to rely on ketos for energy before it’s efficient at producing ketones.

2. Experiencing the Keto Flu

A common unwanted effect at the onset of the keto diet is feeling so rundown that you might think you have the flu, hence the keto flu.

This is what I hated the most about the keto diet during the first few days.

I still remember it vividly. On day three or four I got brain fog, and I was in a hazy state where I’d walk into a room and couldn’t remember why I’d gone in there in the first place.

It was really bad.

Also known as “induction flu,” the keto flu mimics the signs of the flu. It consists of a bout of lethargy and flu-like symptoms experienced the first week or so as your body begins to make the transition from burning fat instead of glycogen.

Think of the keto flu as your body’s carbohydrate withdrawal syndrome.

In most cases, the keto flu kicks at the 48-to 72-hour mark. Symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Lethargy
  • Dizziness
  • Sore throat
  • Lack of concentration
  • Brain fog or confusion
  • Irritability
  • Chills
  • Trouble falling—or staying—asleep.

Fortunately, the symptoms are not permanent, and it’s a good sign that your body is now burning fat. 

Once your body has adjusted, these usually resolve within a few days—and often up to a week.

To ease the keto flu, drink plenty of water, increase your dietary fat intake, and consider opting for a sugar-free electrolyte drink.

3. Your Breath Might Smell

Another strange effect of ketosis is that your breath may smell sweet like nail polish remover.

This is caused, as it’s believed, by increased ketone bodies levels in the body. 

More specifically, acetone, which is released in the liver and expelled via the breath. This is also a chemical used in the production of nail polish remover and some paint thinners, and is expelled through urine and breath.

Because of the same reason, some people may notice a slightly metallic, or even fruity, taste in their mouth.

While the bad breath may ruin your mood (or of those you interact with) but, fortunately, it also indicated that your ketogenic diet is going well.

To mask this symptom, brush your teeth more regularly, add essential oils to water, use mouthwash, or chew on sugar-free mints.

Or, simply grin and bear it. It’s, after all, just a question of time since the stinky odor goes away in a manner of weeks.

Additional resource – How to combine keto and running

4. Short-Term Fatigue

Even if you don’t experience all of the symptoms of the keto flu, you might feel tired—maybe just a little bit more tired than usual.

During the first few weeks—not days—you’ll feel as though you have less energy than you usually do when working out, especially when doing high impact cardio sports, such as running.


The initial drop in performance is caused by the reduction in muscles’ glycogen stores, which is the primary and most efficient energy source for all forms of high-intensity training.

While the drop in energy output is a good sign of ketosis, it can be discouraging as it can negatively affect your workouts. It’s actually one of the main reasons beginners—especially the super active— quit the diet before they’re fully keto-adapted.

On average, it may take 10 to 30 days before you’re in full ketosis. Complete keto-adaptation can take up to three months.

During the adaptation period, take it easy.  Reduce your training load. Use less weight, fewer reps, take longer breaks between sets, and reduce the length and intensity of your cardio sessions. Add an extra rest day if you need to.

To help get over this initial hump, take electrolytes supplements to help replace those lost in droves. As a rough guideline, aim for 3000 to 4000 mg of sodium, 1000 mg of potassium, and no more than 300 mg of magnesium per day.

Additional resource – Sodium for for runners

5. You Have Digestive issues

Constipation and diarrhea are most likely the byproducts of eating greater amounts of healthy fats than your digestive system is used to dealing with.

As you limit carb intake, you’re also removing a lot of fiber, such as fruit, grains, legume, and cereals, which may result in constipation. On top of that, revving up fat intake may cause diarrhea.

That’s why digestive issues, such as constipation and diarrhea, are like rites of passage for keto initiates.

As we have seen before, most of these issues should subside after the transition period.

To ease your digestive issues, do the following:

  • Adding keto-friendly high-fiber foods.
  • Consuming plenty of fiber from non-starchy, low-carb, vegetables.
  • Getting enough salt or magnesium.
  • Drinking plenty of water.
  • Cutting on dairy and nut.

Keep in mind that some people have no trouble. So just because you’re not suffering from any stomach issues doesn’t mean that the ketogenic diet isn’t delivering.

Everybody and every BODY is different. That’s why everyone’s digestive system may react differently to a drastic change in diet, such as cutting down on carbohydrates.

Additional resource – 30 Keto recipes  for low carb eating

6. Reduced Appetite

Not all of ketosis symptoms are undesirable. Some are quite sought after. This is one of them.

Besides all of these mildly troubling symptoms, there are also amazing, and quite sought after, ones. The best of which is feeling less hungry.

Many people report drastic drops and reduction in appetite while on a ketogenic diet.

Rather, you’ll find that you tended to feel more sated and satisfied with your meals while needing and consuming much less food thanks to the super high-fat content.

Once you’re keto-adapted, expect to go on long periods without feeling hungry. That’s why the practice of intermittent fasting is pretty common among established Keto’ers.

There are a few reseason why ketosis can tame your appetite. On the keto diet, you’ll be, mainly, consuming lots of healthy fats, lean proteins, and fibrous vegetables. These are the most satiating nutrients that affect appetite hormones, which tames your desire to eat.

Because of this, you’ll almost never feel hungry nor the need for grazing or snacking throughout the day.

7. Increased Ketones

The basic premise of the ketogenic diet is a decrease in blood sugar level and an increase in ketone bodies level in the bloodstream.

The main goal of the ketogenic diet, as previously stated, is to force your body to ramp up production of ketones.

Blood sugar levels fall, and the body releases fatty acids into the bloodstream.

Stay committed for the ketogenic diet for a longer time, and ketones will be the main energy provider of the body.

Here’s the good news. You can easily measure levels of ketone in the blood using a specialized meter. This is the most accurate and reliable way of telling whether you’re in ketosis.

More specifically, the meter measures your ketone levels by calculating the amount of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), which is one of the three primary ketones that get released into the bloodstream once you reach full ketosis.

Technically, a blood ketone level of 0.5 mmol/L is the threshold for entering ketosis.

There’s a variety of devices measuring the presence of ketone bodies in the body, whether in the breath, urine, or blood. This provides an accurate biomarker of your level of ketosis.

According to most experts, measuring ketosis through blood is the most accurate, even though using a glucose meter is more expensive.

This is reliable because it measures both endogenous (created by ketogenic eating, fasting, exercise) ketones and exogenous ketones, such as HVMN ketone.

Nonetheless, this method can be a bit expensive and invasive as it requires a small pinprick to draw blood from your finger. -That’s why most people will only perform one test per week or every another week.

If you’d like to put your ketosis doubts to rest by testing your ketones, Amazon has got what you need.

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.

The Conclusion

Ketosis symptoms vary from person to person. But all in all, chances are you’ll find that at least a few of the above signs of being in ketosis hold true for you.

Ultimately, if you’re applying the tenets of the ketogenic eating plan and stay consistent, you’ll, sooner or later, enter the state of ketosis.

The common thread in the above symptoms is that once your body makes the full transition, most—often all of—the symptoms should subside.

Once you make the full transition, your energy level will start to rise, and the keto flu is but a distance memory. Just be patient.

How long will that take depends on your particular case, genes, diet habits, activity levels, and age.

Just keep in mind that these symptoms do not affect everyone, so if you’re still hesitant about giving keto a shot, try it and see for yourself.

In the meantime thank you for reading my post

Keep Training Hard—And Eating Way Healthier

David D.

The Beginner’s Guide To The Ketogenic Diet

guide to the ketogenic diet

A lot of people suffer from various health problems, such as obesity and diabetes, and the primary culprit is, often than not, the food they eat.

In fact, nutrition has a significant impact on your overall health, period.

As a result, if you eat lots of junk food, then you’ll, eventually, gain weight, become prone to cellular issues, and face a host of trouble.

And you don’t want that.

Enter the Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet is gathering steam like no other diet, and for good reasons.

This nutrition plan has helped lots of people shed weight, improve productivity, get healthier, and so much more.

In today’s post, I’ll explain what the ketogenic diet is, what to eat, what to avoid,  and the best way to get started.

So, are you excited?

Then here we go.

The Beginner’s Guide To The Ketogenic Diet

So, what is the keto diet and why is it taking the world by storm?

Also known as low-carb, high–fat (LCHF), the ketogenic diet is a high-fat, moderate protein, low-carb nutrition plan.

By severely limiting carb intake—usually less than 25 net grams per day—the keto diet forces your body into ketosis, which is the purpose of LHCF.

So, what’s ketosis?

Ketosis is, basically, a metabolic state in which the body heavily relies on fat for energy instead of sugar/glycogen.

Chemically, while in ketosis, your body produces ketones by breaking down fat in the liver, then transforming them into energy instead of relying on carbohydrates to generate fuel for everyday function.

In other words, going keto forces your body to burn fat instead of carbohydrates.

You’re Not Starving Yourself

Just don’t get me wrong.

You don’t enter ketosis by starving your body of calories, but you do so by severely reducing carb intake and replacing it with plenty of dietary fats, and a moderate amount of proteins.

When you eat fewer carbs, glucose levels, go down, which lowers insulin levels.

This triggers the production of ketones that do not rely on insulin to get into and fuel the body’s cells.

ketogenic diet foods

Types of Keto Diets

Since people are different and have different needs and goals, there is also a wide range of keto diets to choose from.

Here are the main ones.

The Standard Ketogenic Diet


This is the most common keto diet that many dieters are familiar with.

The Standard Ketogenic Diet is simple and very effective, especially when it comes to weight loss.

It focuses on:

  • High intake of healthy dietary fats—70 to 80 percent of total calories,
  • Moderate protein—20 to 25 percent—and,
  • Minimal carbohydrates—5 to 10 percent.

This diet is ideal for recreational runners, fitness enthusiasts, or people looking to lose a lot of weight as soon as possible.

The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet


This approach consists of cycling between a typical ketogenic diet, followed by a carb-loading period.

During CKD, you, in essence, you cycle between:

(1) Days of keto dieting during which you consume less than 40 grams of carbs— and

(2) Days of carb-loading during which you consume 400 to 500 grams of carbs to help resupply glycogen stores for prolonged or intense exercise.

This phase may last for 24 to 48 hours.

This keto variation is often recommended for serious athletes and bodybuilders.

So, it might not be suitable for everyone.

The Targeted Ketogenic Diet

During the TKT variation, you go keto most of the day, but then consume the total allocated amount of carbohydrates in one sitting, 60 to 90 minutes before a workout.

The targeted ketogenic diet is a compromise between the classic ketogenic diet and a cyclical ketogenic diet, meaning that you can still provide your body with carbs for intense training, but not step out of ketosis.

The purpose of this is to utilize the fuel provided by carbohydrates effectively before it kicks you out of ketosis.

As a general rule, make sure to become keto-adapted first by following a strict ketogenic diet for at least six to eight weeks, before opting for TKD.

This ensures that you don’t throw yourself completely out of ketosis during the first few weeks.

During the loading window, opt for carbs that are easily digestible with a high glycemic index.

Then, post workout, up your protein intake to assist with muscle recovery, then consume nothing but keto foods.

TKD is most suitable for beginner or intermediate fitness runners or for those who cannot be on a cyclical keto diet for personal reasons.

You Decide

So which one should you follow?

The answer depends on you.

Your own needs and fitness goals should dictate which approach to follow.

But, in general, the standard diet is the way to go—especially if you’re a complete beginner and want to become keto-adapted as soon as possible.

Additional resource – Keto marathon training

Benefits of Ketogenic Eating

Once you get on the keto path, you’ll realize that it’s more than just another trendy eating plan.

In fact, ketogenic eating is a healthy lifestyle approach that offers a host of benefits.

Here are a few.

  1. Keto Aids in Weight loss

One of the main perks of the keto diet is the weight loss effect.

Research has found that people who go on low carb diets shed weight faster than those on low-fat diets, even the low-diet group is actively restricting calories.

According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, subjects following a keto diet were able to achieve better long term bodyweight management when compared to their peers who opted for a conventional low-fat diet.

According to another research, low carb diets were specifically effectively for up to six months, compared to a standard weight loss diet.

  1. Increased Energy Levels

It’s quite common during the first few days on the keto diet to go through the keto flu.

This is a short period in which you experience fatigue, headaches, nausea, confusion, and other unwanted symptoms.

These are the telling signs that your body is making the shift from burning carbs (glucose) for energy to burning ketones (fat)—a process known as ketosis.

Think of it as a rite of passage to the keto world.

This transition phase can leave you feeling depleted for a few days—up to a week, but once you become keto-adapted, you may experience a sharp increase in energy and endurance.

There are many reasons, as explained by keto experts following a ketogenic diet.

Some of these include:

  • Reduced inflammation
  • More ATP per molecule of ketone Vs. Glucose
  • Steady blood sugar levels upregulation of mitochondrial biogenesis.
  1. Keto Reduces Appetite

Most of the dreadful hunger pangs are caused by chronic blood sugar instability.

This what could be blamed for the sudden urge to eat and reach for unhealthy food.

To control your cravings, you’d need to regulate your blood sugar levels.

That’s where the keto diet comes in handy.

Getting into ketosis, then maintaining for an extended period, helps regulate blood sugar, drastically reduces cravings, and provides the brain and tissues with stable energy.

Research had regularly revealed that when subjects avoided carbohydrates and eat more fat and protein, they end up consuming far fewer calories.

Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that high fat, low carb diet were more effective at managing hunger than diets with a greater percentage of carbohydrates.

Further study suggests that high-fat low carb eating may suppress hunger hormones more effectively than standard weight-loss regimes.

Additional resource – Best supplements for runners

  1. Increased Levels of Good HDL Cholesterol

Despite being high in fats, the ketogenic diet is unlikely to negatively impact your cholesterol levels.

The reverse happens.

Eating this way may cut the risk of heart disease markers, such as triglycerides and cholesterol.

Research shows that one of the best ways to increase the good HDL level is to consume fat—and the keto diet is roughly 70 to 85 fat.

When you’re applying the keto diet in a healthy way—as in focusing on healthy sources fats, avocadoes instead of pork rinks for instance—you may improve your heart health by reducing cholesterol.

A one-year study found that 22 of 26 cardiovascular risk factors drastically improved with a keto diet.

The subjects reported a reduction of their fasting triglyceride by 24 percent and an 18 percent boost in good HDL cholesterol and drastic reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Another research found that HDL cholesterol—the good one—drastically improved in those following the keto diet while the bad one—the LDL significantly plunged.

  1. Good For Metabolic Syndrome

There is plenty of studies—roughly more than 160 research paper currently on PubMed with the words “ketogenic” “ketosis,” or “diabetes” in the title alone.

A 10-week study found that high fat and low diet can help diabetic subjects maintain a healthy blood glucose level range.

This research assessed 232 obese patients with type II diabetes.

The result: 36 percent of the subjects no longer needed insulin therapy, with over 50 percent drastically lowering their dose.

Research has found a strong link between the metabolic syndrome and increased risk for diabetes and heart disease.

This condition is a mix of symptoms that include:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Abdominal obesity
  • High triglycerides
  • Low good HDL cholesterol levels

In other words, eating a diet rich in fat and void of carbohydrates, contrary to classic thinking, is actually what might help you reverse cardiovascular diseases symptoms

The keto diet is, again, works very well for treating and alleviating all of these symptoms, research shows.

What’s more?

A body of recent research has looked into the effect of the keto diet on obesity and found that it works very well for not only losing fat but also sparing muscle mass.

  1. Stable Insulin Levels

The high-fat, low carb diet may be very beneficial for people with type II diabetes, which affects hundreds of millions worldwide, especially in the industrialized world.


When you reduce your intake of carb-rich and high processed food, you’ll be better able to manage your blood sugar levels by eliminating—or significantly reducing—large spikes in your blood sugar, reducing the need for insulin.

Research shows that diabetic patients who get on the low carb path may need to cut their insulin dosage by up 50 percent almost immediately.

In a study, 95 percent of subjects with type II diabetes have significantly reduced or eliminated their glucose-lowering medication within six months.

What’s more?

According to a review published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, XX number of studies proved that a ketogenic diet could drastically improve insulin sensitivity for those with type II diabetes.

Yet be careful.

If you’re already taking blood sugar meds, consult with your doctors before making changes to your carb intake—as your dosage may need to be adjusted to prevent hypoglycemia.

Foods rich in healthy fats for balanced nutrition: raw egg yolk in fresh cut half avocado on gray stone background.

Additional resource – How to combine keto and running

  1. Helpful for Many Brain Disorders

Did you know that the ketogenic diet was first used way back in the 1920s to treat children with epilepsy?

This is something I learned about a few months ago in a Joe Rogan podcast. And I instantly became fascinated with the applications of the keto diet for treating brain disorders.

In research, over 50 percent of the children on the low-carb, high-fat regime had lowered the number of their seizure by up to 50 percent while 16 percent of the participant became seizure-free.

Some research goes as far as to claim that the ketogenic diet provides neuroprotective benefits.

These may help reduce the risks for conditions like Alzheimer’s Parkinson.

How come?

The theory is, drastically reducing glucose levels by opting for high fat and very strict carb diet forces body to produce ketone bodies for fuel.

This shift may help treat and reverse neurological disorders and cognitive issues, such as Alzheimer’s symptoms, epilepsy, and anxiety.

  1. Lowered Blood Pressure

Hypertension, or elevated blood pressure, is a significant risk factor for a host of diseases, such as stroke, heart disease, and kidney failure—the list goes on.

Here’s the good news.

A growing body of research over the past few years shows that eating low-carb diets has a huge positive impact on blood pressure, which could cut your risk of these conditions and help you live a longer, healthier life.

  1. You’ll Sleep Better

Your sleep quality will take a massive hit during the first few days on the ketogenic diet.

That’s typical during the adjustment period—when you reduce your carb intake to no more than 20 net gram per day.

But once your body gets adjusted, you’ll find yourself experiencing more alertness during the day and sleep deeper at night.

Research published in the journal Nutrients revealed hat following a low-carb calorie diet drastically reduce daytime sleepiness in a group of obese participants.

During this phase, you may experience insomnia and a bunch of other issues, but once you go over this initial bump, your sleep quality will improve.

You’ll sleep much deeper and much sounder, and feel more rested and energized when you wake up.

To Conclude

I can go on and on.

For more on that, here are a few sources.

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Link 5

Who Shouldn’t Be on A Keto Diet?

As with any drastic change in dietary habits, there are a few safety issues you need to be mindful of if you’re serious about making it down the ketogenic path.

So, if one of the following cases applies to you, then be extra careful.

  • People on hypo-causing meds such as Insulin, Sulphonylureas, and Glinides
  • People on medications such as high blood pressure.
  • Breastfeeding women
  • People with gallbladder diseases
  • People who have had bariatric surgery
  • Etc.

Also, be sure to discuss with a doctor or a certified nutritionist any significant changes in your eating habits before making it, especially when it comes to super carb-restricted ketogenic diets.

keto foods plan


One Week Sample

Here how a week of eating looks like on the ketogenic diet.


  • Breakfast:Eggs, bacon, and tomatoes cooked in coconut oil
  • Lunch:Burger with cheddar cheese, guacamole, and nuts.
  • Dinner:Salmon, egg, and mushroom cooked in coconut oil.


  • Breakfast:Egg, basil, avocado, and cheddar cheese omelet.
  • Lunch:Chicken salad with olive oil and avocado.
  • Dinner:Mackerel with asparagus and spinach cooked in butter.


  • Breakfast: Omelet with peppers, broccoli, salsa, and spices.
  • Lunch:Shrimp salad with feta cheese and olive oil.
  • Dinner: Romaine lettuce with low-carb, high-fat dressing


  • Breakfast:Cheese omelet with vegetables and avocados.
  • Lunch:Ham and cheese slices with almonds.
  • Dinner:Salad greens with high-fat dressing


  • Breakfast:Fried eggs with mushrooms and onions.
  • Lunch: Shrimp salad with feta cheese and olive oil.
  • Dinner:Low Carb Salmon Patties


  • Breakfast:Eggs, bacon, and tomatoes.
  • Lunch:Four ounces of baked fish with butter sauce
  • Dinner:Steak and eggs with vegetables.


  • Breakfast:Coffee with heavy crème
  • Lunch:Burger with cheddar cheese, guacamole, and nuts.
  • Dinner:Three cups shredded cabbage sautéed in butter and onions

Healthy Ketogenic Snacks

In case hunger strikes before one of the main meals, keep it at bay with any of the following options.

  • Cheese with olives
  • Two hard-boiled eggs
  • Strawberries and cream
  • A handful of almonds and nuts.
  • One avocado with pepper and salt
  • Green bean fries
  • Kale chips
  • String cheese
  • Jerky
  • Celery filled with cream cheese
  • Lettuce or cucumber smeared with peanut butter
  • Radishes smeared with butter


So, should you give the ketogenic diet a try?

I hate to sound like a broken record, but it’s really up to. It depends on you.

So you decided what works the best for you. Just be willing to keep an open mind and experiment.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

Good luck!

Natural vs. Processed Foods: Your Ultimate Guide to Nutritional Choices

Between Natural Vs. Processed Foods the difference

Are you a fitness fanatic trying to squeeze every ounce of performance from your workouts?

Or maybe you’re just curious about how the food you eat affects your body.

Either way, get ready to dive headfirst into the tantalizing world of food choices.

Picture this: You’re at the crossroads of your fitness journey, pondering over two paths – one leads to the land of natural foods, the other to the realm of processed foods.

But which path should you tread to reach your goals?

Today, we’re unraveling the mysteries surrounding these culinary choices. From the science behind them to which ones are your fitness allies, we’ve got your questions covered.

Ready? Let’s go.

Natural Foods

You’re strolling down the aisles of a health store, and all you see are kale smoothies and tofu sandwiches. You might think, “Is this the only way to embrace natural foods?”

Well, think again!

Natural foods are not just about veganism and super strict diets; they’re about real, wholesome nutrition.

In simple terms, natural foods are the goodies that haven’t been through a wild makeover in a food lab. They’re the fresh veggies, juicy fruits, unprocessed meats, and whole grains that come straight from Mother Nature’s pantry.

And here’s the kicker: choosing a natural food-packed diet is like giving your body a VIP pass to the wellness club.

These foods are a goldmine of nutrients, with no sneaky additives or preservatives trying to crash the party. Imagine indulging in whole-wheat bread that’s miles healthier than its processed cousin or snacking on oranges instead of settling for sugary orange juice.

Natural foods are bursting with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and all the good stuff your body craves. They’re the unsung heroes that can help control blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, fend off heart diseases, and even aid in shedding those pesky pounds.

And trust us, that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

Why Natural Foods are Better?

Natural foods are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and all the “good” carbs you need. They’re your body’s best friends, offering hydration, fiber, and fatty acids to keep you tip-top.

But that’s not all!

Whole foods are the ultimate defenders of your health. They’ve got the superhero power to regulate blood sugar levels, send cholesterol packing, and keep those pesky cardiovascular diseases at bay.

Say goodbye to the risk of diabetes, shed those extra pounds, and welcome your fittest self, both physically and mentally.

The list of benefits is so long that it could fill a library. But don’t worry, you’re getting the big picture here – natural foods are like the secret keys to unlocking your body’s full potential.

The Foods to Eat

Let’s stock up your nutritional arsenal with some powerhouse natural foods. These are the real game-changers, the superheroes of the food world, here to give you the most bang for your buck:

Fresh Vegetables and Fruits:

Picture a rainbow on your plate – kale, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, cherries, pears, berries, apples, and plums. They’re your ticket to a vibrant and energetic life.

Lean Sources of Meat:

Think free-range chicken, wild fish, grass-fed beef, and fresh fish/shellfish. They’re the protein-packed champions that’ll keep you strong and thriving.

Omega-3 Foods:

Eggs, sardines, wild salmon, and herring. These are like brain food, keeping your mind sharp and your heart healthy.

Whole Grains:

Quinoa, amaranth, barley, whole grain rye, buckwheat, millet, and Kasha. They’re the hearty grains that’ll fuel your adventures and keep you full of energy.

Beans and Legumes:

Lentils and chickpeas are the muscle builders, providing a plant-based protein punch that’ll keep you going.

Nuts: Walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, pistachios, and pecans – the crunchy power snacks that are not only delicious but also full of healthy fats and nutrients.


Flax, Chia, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds. They’re the tiny powerhouses that pack a nutritional punch, giving you all the fiber and healthy fats you need.

Processed Foods

Picture a bustling food lab where scientists and chefs work their magic to transform nature’s ingredients into the tantalizing treats that stock our shelves.

These culinary wizards have four key missions:

  • Postpone Spoilage: They want your food to stay fresh for as long as possible. No one likes a wilted salad or stale bread, right?
  • Make Life Easier: Convenience is king. They aim to save you time in the kitchen so you can spend it on more exciting pursuits.
  • Increase Shelf Life: The longer that cereal or canned soup sits on the shelf, the better. It’s all about ensuring your food stays good to eat.
  • Profit for Manufacturers: Ah, yes, the heart of the matter. Food companies strive to make a tasty profit from their creations, which keeps them in business.

But here’s the catch: processed foods usually have more than one ingredient, and that’s where things can get tricky. These modern marvels of flavor often rely on artificial sugars, dyes, preservatives, and less-than-healthy fats, like trans and saturated fats. These are the puzzle pieces that create the delicious, convenient, and long-lasting foods we know.

Think about it; processed foods include a vast range of items. From canned goods to packaged snacks, from crisps to microwaved meals – they’re everywhere. Even your beloved fast food joints like McDonald’s and Burger King play their part in this culinary universe.

Additional resource – Vitamin D for runners

I see Processed Foods Everywhere

It’s a foodie’s dilemma: the invasion of processed foods. They’ve made themselves right at home in our kitchens, and it seems like they’re here to stay. In fact, if you were to wander down the aisles of your local grocery store, you’d find that a whopping 9 out of 10 items on those shelves have been touched by the hand of processing in some way or another.

But hold on a second – this isn’t just a tale of convenience and cravings. It’s also a warning, a harbinger of potentially not-so-great things for our health. The more processed foods become a staple in our diets, the more we need to think about the impact on our well-being.

Additional resource – Sodium for runners

They are Bad

Processed foods may look enticing with all their flashy packaging and convenience, but here’s the harsh reality: they’re energy bombs, packing loads of calories with minimal nutritional value.

So, imagine this: you’re fueling your body with a diet high in preservatives, artificial ingredients, and a generous helping of added sugars and fats. You might as well be handing your body a chemistry experiment.

Yep, it’s a chemical and structural assault on your system.

Keep up this processed food binge, and guess what?

You’re setting yourself up for a not-so-pleasant rendezvous with a slew of health issues. I’m talking about obesity, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, and even some types of cancer.

These conditions were rare sightings in the world of health before processed foods, particularly sugar and flour-laden delights, waltzed onto the food scene.

Are Processed Foods Always a Bad Choice?

Hold on to your hats because I’m about to drop a knowledge bomb: eating processed foods isn’t always the villain in our nutrition story.

Yep, you heard me right.

There are situations where processed foods can strut their stuff on your plate and still keep you in the realm of good health.

Now, before you gasp in disbelief, let me break it down.

Not all processed foods are equal culprits in the grand scheme of your nutrition plan. In fact, some of them are not just harmless but downright beneficial when consumed in moderation.

I know it might sound like I’m speaking heresy to some of you, but hear me out.

Here’s the deal: the act of processing doesn’t magically turn food into the enemy. Take milk and certain juices, for example. They can be fortified with essential nutrients like vitamin D and calcium, giving you a nutritional boost without the guilt trip.

And let’s not forget about dried herbs – those little flavor powerhouses. Cilantro, chili, ginger, basil, parsley, and oregano, to name a few, are packed with antioxidants and other health-boosting goodies.

Now, here’s where the magic happens. Canned fruit. When fresh fruits are nowhere in sight, canned versions can swoop in as your trusty sidekick. Just make sure you’re not drowning in syrup, and you’re good to go.

The Good

Good examples of lightly processed foods include (but are not limited to) hard-boiled eggs, pre-cut apple slices, and frozen vegetables.

The Bad

Here is a list of heavily processed ingredients and foods to avoid

  • High-fructose corn syrup.
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Artificial dyes
  • Trans fats
  • Fruit or vegetable juices,
  • Fruit canned in heavy syrup
  • Food in a package, can, or box.
  • Food additives such as sodium nitrate, propyl, monosodium glutamate, and bromate.
  • Potato chips
  • Processed meats, especially chicken fingers, bacon, sausage, hot dogs, fish sticks, potted meats, deli meats, and Spam—the brand of canned cooked meat.
  • Salted and/or seasoned nuts.
  • Sweetened yogurts.
  • Ice cream bars

To Conclude

As a rule of thumb, the ideal human diet should revolve around whole and natural food, not food that was manufactured in a lab.

Eating junk food can only do more harm than good—especially if you are trying to lose weight or improve your athletic performance.

Instead, eat primarily real and natural foods for the best nutrition.

One of my favorite healthy eating mottos is, “If your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize it as food, then it’s not food.”

The 101 Best Running Tips and Hacks of All Time

If you’re serious about reaching your full running potential, then you’re in the right place.

In today’s post, I’m sharing more than 100 running tips designed to help make your workout routine a complete success.

Follow these practical, simple, and proven strategies, and you’ll reach your full running potential in no time.

Let’s get this ball rolling…

but first things first, let’s take a look some of the benefits running has to offer:

1. Running Helps you Lose Weight

This is the main reason I took up running, and still one of the most common reasons people start running in the first place.

Running will help lose the extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight.

In fact, for a 200-pound person running can burn more than 900 calories in an hour.

That’s huge.

What’s more?

Research has also shown that running increases the “after burn”, or what’s known as EPOC, standing for excess post oxygen consumption, which is the number of calories you burn after a workout.

Running is also a far superior form of cardio exercise when it comes to weight loss.

According to research from the Medical College of Wisconsin, people who run at a hard exertion level burned off roughly 800 calories per hour—more calories than when opting for the stationary bike, the stair climber, or the rowing machine.

But here is the little caveat.

As you already know, weight loss is a numbers’ game—meaning you will only lose weight if you burn more calories than you take in.

Therefore, to lose weight while running, you need to back your exercise regime with the right diet; otherwise, your results will be limited.

2. Running Makes you Happy

Study suggests that regular exercise is an efficient form of treatment for mild-to-moderate cases of depression and anxiety.

According to research, exercise—and running in particular—can help you relieve anxiety, stress, and depression, reinvigorating you from the inside out.

How does running help?

Well, according to the current scientific belief, running (and other forms of exercise) stimulates the release of good-feel brain chemicals known as endorphins, causing what’s commonly known as “runner’s high,” while reducing the release of the chemicals that exacerbate depression.

Another study published in Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, exercise can help people cope with stress and anxiety after completing a workout session.

Therefore, if you are suffering from depression, anxiety or other emotional/mental issues, then you might need to take up running instead of relying exclusively on the pills.

3. Running Relieves Stress

As you already know, stress is blamed for all sorts of health issues, such as obesity, depression, cardiovascular disease, cancer and so on.

Hence, anything you can do to tame the beast of stress is surely welcomed.

Good news is that running might just be what the doctor ordered.

In fact, if you are looking to curb anxiety and reduce stress, then exercising for at least an hour is roughly three times better than sticking to the couch, according to research from the University of Georgia.

While running, your body releases mood-boosting and good-feel hormones, such as endorphins,  and you increase your heart rate, which reverses damage to the brain caused by stressful experiences, according to research.

Furthermore,  running can also slash your risks of developing tension headaches and migraines, according to a study.

Not only that, running will also give you the opportunity to get outside, breathe clean air, clear your mind, and feel much better about yourself.

So instead of sitting on the couch and staring aimlessly at your laptop, try taking up running.

Additional Resource – Running during lunch break

4. Running is Good for the Joints and Bones

Of course, running is a cardiovascular exercise per excellence, but according to science, running also strengthens the bones and the joints—especially the knees.


First of all, running boosts the amount of oxygenated blood that makes its way to your joints, thereby increasing oxygen delivery and toxins removal.

Furthermore,  running also strengthens the ligaments surrounding the joints in ways that lower-impact exercise routines ignore, which can help you prevent joint pain.

And if you still believe in the myth of “running is bad for the knees,” then you really need to drop it and realize that current research found no link between running and arthritis.

The fact is, running might even help protect you from joint problems later on in your life, according to a famous long-term study conducted the Stanford University and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2008.

Still, if you want to err on the right side when it comes to running and knee problems and/or pain, then you need to run in the right footwear, develop proper running technique, progress gradually and remember to listen to your body the entire time—essential elements of injury free running.

5. Running Boosts Mental Faculties

Running also might help guard you against Alzheimer and other brain related troubles.

According to a study published in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, there is irrefutable evidence showing that consistent aerobic exercise helps beat age-related mental decline, especially when it comes to vital functions such as task switching, problem-solving and working memory.

In fact, according to a study published in Perceptual and Motor Skills, subjects performed 20 percent better on standard memory tests after completing a short treadmill session than they did before working out.

Plus, their ability to solve complex problems also increased by 20 percent.

What’s more?

Well, research has also shown that running promotes neurogenesis, the process of the growth of fresh nerve cells.

6. Running Reduces the Risks of Cancer

Don’t get me wrong.

I didn’t say that running cures cancer, but according to plenty of research, hitting the pavement on a regular basis might help prevent this notorious killer.

In fact, a review of more than 170 epidemiological studies has linked regular exercise to a lower risk of certain cancer, according to the Journal of Nutrition.

According to study, even the simple activity of walking, at least, seven hours per week can help women reduce the likelihood of breast cancer by up to 14 percent than their more sedentary counterparts.

And for those who opted out for more vigorous exercise, mainly running or swimming, for about six hours a week,  were able to reduce their risk by roughly 25 percent.

So it’s really a game changer when it comes to cancer.

7. Running Leads to Better Sleep

Having sleep problems? Running might help.

According to research, running promotes higher quality sleep.

In fact, those who run on a consistent basis in the morning showed a betterment in objective sleep, according to a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health.

Furthermore, research concluded that people with sleeping problems were able to improve the quality of their sleep after starting a regular exercise program, according to a study conducted at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

Another study published in the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity found that people reported sleeping better and feeling more energized during the day if they get at least 160 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise during the week.

So if you are the insomniac type, then the cure might lay with your running shoes, and probably not with a prescription pill.

8. Running Protects you Against Heart Disease

As you might already know, cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of sudden death in the US.

The good news is taking up running is, hands down, one of the best things you can do protect you against heart diseases and reduce the risk of mortality.

According to a study published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology, regular runners have a 45 percent lower risk of death from cardiovascular diseases, and running for no more than five minutes every day can slash the risk of cardiovascular disease by nearly a half.


There a plenty of ways that running helps cut the risk of sudden death, including boosting HDL (or what’s known as the good cholesterol) levels, increasing lung function, reducing blood pressure and enhancing blood sugar sensitivity, along with a host other cardiovascular benefits.

9. Running Adds More Years to your Life

In the longevity circles, running has always been touted as one of the best ways for elongating lifespan and living a healthier and more active life in the later years.

And there is an abundance of studies to support these claims.

In fact, according to a long-term study conducted by the Stanford University School of Medicine, researchers examined the impact of running on health and found that after two decades of research,  regular runners had a significantly lower mortality rate compared to non-runners with about 80 percent of runners still alive, while only 65 percent of non-runners were, after the conclusion of the study.

According to research, runners are regularly found to enjoy and experience a longer lifespan and are found to live on average three years longer than their non-runners counterparts.

So if you are serious about adding years, quality years, to your life, then you should take up running.

10. You Don’t Need to Run a Lot

As you already see, running has a lot to offer.

But that’s not the whole story.

To add more icing on the cake, study after study has shown that you don’t to become an ultra distance runner and be running +100 miles per week to reap the physical and health benefits of the sport.

The fact is, hitting the pavement for no more than 50 minutes per week—the equivalent of two 5K training sessions or a 6-mile distance run—is enough to protect your body from risks of arthritis, high cholesterol, diabetes, and some cancers, leading to an improvement in a runner’s longevity by three to six years, according to a meta-analysis published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

In other words, it will only take a little bit of running per week to reap the optimal health benefits of the sport.

Better Memory Function

For starters, running may help guard you against Alzheimer and other brain-related troubles, according to a study published in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

Research that looked at roughly 153,000 runners and walkers for over a decade  concluded that runners who logged in more than 15 miles each week were 40 percent less likely to die from Alzheimer’s.

In another study reported in Perceptual and Motor Skills, subjects improved their performance on standard memory tests by up to 20 percent following a short treadmill session, compared to pre-training tests.

The subjects’ ability to solve complex problems also increased by 20 percent.

Stress Reduction

Stress has severe adverse effects on your emotional state, behavior, and body.

Negative consequences include intense headaches, chest pain, muscle tension, anger issues, weight gain, sleep problems, etc.

Here’s the good news.

Thanks to the endorphins release, running is a popular stress buster, and one of the reasons so many people hit the pavement.

And it’s not just anecdotes.

Research conducted at the Technische Universität München (TUM), and published in the Journal of Neuroscience has put the endorphin theory to closer scrutiny.

In the research, ten subjects’ brains were scanned both before and after a two-hour long distance run using a Positron Emission Tomography (PET)—and it was revealed that their prefrontal and limbic regions secreted high amounts of endorphins.

Why this matters, you might be wondering?

Endorphins, in case you never heard about them, are one of the so-called happiness hormones that are secreted by the brain’s hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

These are linked to elevated moods, and better alertness and cognitive functioning.

The more endorphins released by the brain, the more significant the effect.

And apparently, running stimulates the release of these neurochemicals into the brain.

A good thing if you ask me.

Mood Elevation

Research reported in Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise revealed that runners have high levels of tryptophan, a brain biochemical that helps move messages throughout the nervous system and is in charge of many functions, including the production of mood-elevating neurotransmitters known as serotonin.

People with low serotonin levels typically suffer from insomnia, anxiety, depression, and overheating issues.

Classic antidepressant medication work by keeping the levels of these neurotransmitters higher and longer in the system.

Wanna know the best part?

Unlike other chemical shortcuts to happiness—medication, running does not come with a comedown.

Smarter Connections

Research has  revealed that exercise enhances your executive functions—or your higher level thinks skills.

These include (but not limited to) mental focus, task switching, inhibitory control, etc.

As you can already tell, these skills are of the utmost importance of leading a successful life.

They’re key to problem-solving, organizing, planning, and regulating behavior.

What’s more?

Running also makes you smarter as it triggers the growth of new nerve cells, neurogenesis—and blood vessels, angiogenesis.

Put together, these help increase brain tissue volume, according to research conducted at the University of Maryland.

In the study, the researchers found an increase in the volume of the hippocampus—the brain region associated with learning and memory—in those who exercised regularly when compared to sedentary peers.

This may not seem as much until you realize, once again, that brain size isn’t known for increasing at any point in adulthood.

We start to lose brain tissue as early as our late 20’s.

Faster Thinking

Do you want to be faster at solving problems and remembering things? Exercise might be what you need.

According to research published in the journal Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, both low-intensity aerobic running, and high-intensity sprinting can enhance your capacity to learn and recall new information and vocabulary.

This is possible thanks to the increased levels of the protein BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), and the neurotransmitter catecholamine, both heavily involved in learning and brain cognitive functions, research shows.

What’s more?

Research has also revealed that older adults with plenty of aerobic exercise experience have better white matter integrity than their non-active peers.

Improved Sleep

Sleep issues affect millions of adults.

Surveys reveal that roughly 50 percent of people aged 50 and older suffer from symptoms of sleep deprivation and other serious sleep disorders.

And yes, you guessed that right.

Running can also help improve your sleep quality.

It might even help you overcome common sleep problems.

Research backs these claims up.

A study out of the Journal of Adolescent Health revealed that those who followed a regular morning running routine showed improvement in objective sleep.

A further study reported in the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity revealed that subjects reported sleeping better and felt more energized during the day when getting at least 160 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise during the week.

Research has also found that regular exercise, not just running, help improve daytime alertness, regulate circadian rhythms, and faster onset of deeper sleep.

The 101 Best Running Tips and Hacks of All Time

without further ado, here’s a list of the best running tips ever.

  1. Get the Right Shoes

Shoes are the most important running equipment.


A proper shoe not only makes running feel more comfortable, but also help improve your performance and ward off all sorts of injuries, including shin splints, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, and foot pain.

How do you pick the right shoes?

The golden rule is to go for a shoe that feels comfortable.

That’s the conclusion of a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

The right shoes have to match your natural foot shape and biomechanics.

As a rule of thumb, leave at least a thumbnail’s distance (roughly 1 cm, or ½ an inch) from the end of your longest toes (while flat on the floor) to the end of the shoe.

In other words, you should be able to freely wiggle all of your toes, with plenty of room to spare.

For the full guide on how to choose the right running shoes, see my post here.

  1. Visit a Specialty Running Store

Don’t know what it takes to pick a proper pair?

Head to a specialty running store dedicated specifically to running-related gear, accessories, and gadgets.

Once you’re there, have your foot type and gait analyzed by the professional staff.

That’s how you’ll find out things you might not know on your own – you might be a severe overpronator or underpronator who needs trainers with a bit of more support than the typical (mostly neutral) runner.

They’ll know and explain what you need.

When you go shoe shopping, treat their staff the way you would a physician.

Be willing to answer all sorts of questions regarding your training goals and personal preferences.

It’s worth the extra cost you’ll pay there to get a true “shoe fitting” service.

  1. Wear the Right Clothing

Once you have the right running shoes, add on some basic running clothing and apparel.

You’ll need shirts for different seasons, preferably made of moisture-wicking technical fabrics that can help pull the sweat away from your skin and keep you dry and comfortable in the process.

Some of the best fabrics include Coolmax and Dri-fit.

Special apparel costs a little bit more than casual clothing, but you’ll find that it’s worth every penny — especially if you’re serious about staying comfortable for the long haul.

You’ll need a couple of pairs of bottoms: shorts, tights, pants, or even a skirt if you find that more comfortable.

And female runners need a good sports bra that both provides support and reduces the risk of chafing.

Other items to consider include (but are not limited to) running sunglasses, hats, hydration belts, sports watches, heart monitors, and more.

Here’s the full guide to cold weather running.

  1. Opt for Smart Socks

The golden rule on running is that you should not run in cotton socks. Cotton absorbs and retains moisture, and since your feet will sweat, running in cotton will leave your feet soggy and moist.

This leads to the two side effects of moisture and friction —calluses and blisters.

Instead, go for technical running socks.

These wick moisture away from your feet, keeping them comfortable and relatively dry.

Smart socks are made from either a blend of natural fibers such as wool, or from synthetic fibers such as nylon, acrylic, or Coolmax.

You can also try compression socks.

  1. Have More than One Pair

According to research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, runners who rotate their shoes among various models during a 6-month period had a 40 percent lower risk of incurring a running injury than those who ran in the same pair through the same period.

If you’re serious about reducing your risk of injury, train in more than one pair.

  1. Clean Your Shoes

If you take care of your running shoes, they’ll return the favor and take good care of your feet.

They’ll also last longer.

Failure to do so will mean that your shoes will lose their cushioning properties sooner than they need to: neglect wears them out prematurely.

Here are a few shoe-cleaning rules:

  • Do not toss your running shoes in the washer. Wash them manually instead.
  • Use an old toothbrush or nail brush and mild soap — preferably an anti-grease soap. A bit of water added in will wash away stains, dirt, and mud.
  • Do not toss your shoes in the dryer. Dry them in the open air under direct sunlight.
  1. Replace Your Running Shoes

Sooner or later, your trainers will wear out and lose their shock-absorption properties.

That’s when you need to ditch them and get a new pair.

Here’s the bad news.

As far as I know, there’s no proven formula that tells you exactly when to replace your running shoes.

That’s because there are many factors that impact running shoe lifespan, including:

  • Running surfaces
  • Runner weight
  • Weekly mileage
  • Training intensity
  • Running biomechanics
  • The climate you run in

As a rough guide, a running shoe should last you between 500 and 600 miles. Once your shoes go beyond this range you’re risking discomfort and pain, as well as injury.

My best advice is to use an app like MapMyRun to keep tabs on the mileage of a specific pair, or you can do it the old-fashioned way, using pen and paper or an Excel spreadsheet.

Additional resource – Guide to running lingo

  1. Tie Your Shoes the Right Way

Tying their shoes is something that well-accomplished 5-year-olds can do with ease. But there are many different ways to lace trainers, and different techniques can not only make them more comfortable, but also help avoid all sorts of discomfort.

According to a study conducted at the University of Duisberg-Essen in Germany, shoe-lacing technique has a huge influence on impact force, pronation, and foot biomechanics.

In this infographic, you’ll find a lineup of top knots to learn.

Infographic source: RunRepeat.Com

Bonus tip: You can also invest in a pair of Lock Laces.

  1. Dress For 10 Degrees Warmer Than What the Thermometer Says

Running during the winter has its challenges, but if you overdress, you’ll get in trouble.

For winter running, you need to aim for warmth, but without making yourself sweat so much that you get a chill.

That’s why I highly recommend that you dress as if it’s 10 to 15 degrees warmer than it is outside. You should feel slightly cold when you take your first few steps outside. Once you get moving you’ll warm up quite a bit, so don’t worry about feeling cold at first.

  1. Try YakTrax

As a winter runner, you need good traction to prevent sliding and slipping — especially when road conditions are freezing and/or snowy.

One thing you can do to make sure that you stay on your feet is to try YakTrax. It’s a traction device that meets the needs of runners during wintertime. They improve control and stability when there’s snow, sleet, and ice underfoot.

  1. Buy Running Garments On Sale

Are you a runner on a tight budget?

Buy your athletic garments at the end of the season.

As with any other store, running specialty stores put sale items on clearance as the weather changes to make room for the new models and styles that are coming in.

I’ve purchased some of my favorite summer running clothes in late autumn or winter when it was too cold to run in them, and my favorite cold-weather running gear when the temperature outside was hot

There’s nothing wrong with last season’s styles. They’re generally made from the same materials, and running clothes are performance tools, not fashion statements.

For the best running shoe deals on the web, check It’s a great website that scours the internet looking for the best deals.

  1. Use GPS Tracking Apps

Being able to measure your day-to-day performance is a great way to reach the next athletic level. After all, if you can’t measure, you can’t improve it.

Fortunately, advances in mobile apps mean that you can challenge yourself each time you head out the door. Running apps are perfect for beginning runners who need a little bit of a push and a way to monitor their progress, as well as for elite runners trying to stay in peak shape throughout the racing season.

That’s why, whether you’re training for your first 5K or your 11th marathon, your smartphone (or any other “smart” device) can be an excellent coach.

Here are a few of some of the best apps out there:

  • Runtastic
  • RunKeeper
  • Strava
  • MapMyRun
  • Edmundo
  • MyFitnessPal
  1. Use a Heart Rate Monitor

Using a heart monitor is like having a coach along for every run. When used right, it can show you, down to the stride, how hard or easy you are working. It can help you find your running sweet spot and prevent overtraining or undertraining in the process.

Here are the four main heart rate training zones you need to be aware of. Plan your workouts within each zone for a well-rounded training program

Zone 1—The recovery or energy efficient zone, it’s roughly 60 to 70 percent of maximum heart rate, or MHR.

Zone 2—The aerobic heart rate zone, it’s roughly 70 to 80 percent of MHR.

Zone 3—The anaerobic zone, it’s about 80 to 90 percent of MHR.

Zone 4—The VO2Max or Red Zone, it’s approximately 90 to 99.99 percent of MHR

Additional resource – How long is a 100-mile race?

  1. Protect Your Electronics

If you do a lot of running in the rain with a non-waterproof phone or GPS watch, then you need to protect your electronic devices from water damage.

Here’s how:

Store your device(s) in a lightweight zip-lock bag. The bag should to be securely sealed to prevent water from leaking in.

You can also cloak your device in plastic wrap, leaving no “skin” exposed. When wrapping, make sure that the charger port is well covered.

What I love about using plastic wrap is that it’s dense enough to protect against moisture but thin enough that you’ll still be able to use the touchscreen through the plastic.

Additional resource  – Choosing a running partner

  1. Manage Your Keys

If all the jingling and jangling of running with keys in your pocket drives you nuts, you’re not alone. Here’s my favorite solution:

Take the key off of its keychain, unlace your shoe a notch, then slide one of your shoelaces through the key and put it on the string. Tuck the key under the other lace before retying your shoe.

To keep the key from bouncing around, tie your shoe using a double knot and secure the other end of the key under the crisscrossed laces.

This technique will give you peace of mind and allow you to enjoy your run.

If you don’t want to do this, you can put a rubber band around your keys before tossing them in your pocket, or try putting them on a shoelace and wearing them like a necklace.

  1. Long Walks First

If you’ve been exercising regularly for the last 3 to 6 months and you’re already in good shape, you may choose to skip this step, but if you’re a real beginner, this is the most important step for building the right foundation.

Before you start running, do plenty of walks to prep your body. Start out with 30 minutes of brisk walking, then build it up to a full hour, three times a week for a full month.

By week four you should be walking for at least 60 minutes at a brisk pace three times per week. Now you’re ready to move onto a walk/run schedule.

  1. Walk/Run

The walk/run method is ideal for helping new trainees get fit without getting hurt. The key here is to gradually stretch your comfort zone without overextending it.

Here’s how to do it

Start with a proper warm-up of 10 minutes of walking at a brisk pace. This will get your heart rate up and the blood flowing to your muscles.

Next, jog slowly for 20 to 30 seconds. Slow it down and walk for 30 seconds to a full minute, then jog again for another 20 seconds.

Keep repeating the cycle for 15 to 20 minutes, then end your session with a 10-minute cooldown.

If everything is going well, increase your running time by 5 to 10 seconds from one session to the next. Do these increases gradually, staying within your fitness level the entire time.

  1. Give C25K a Try

Newcomers to running or those returning to it after a long layoff should give the C25k app a try.

This handy app offers a nine-week training plan that can help you train for a 5K race (roughly 3.1 miles) in a gradual and safe manner. You only need to commit 20 to 30 minutes, three times a week.

Additional Resource – Running during lunch break

  1. Start on the Treadmill

The treadmill is the perfect tool for building endurance without putting too much stress on the body. It gives you full control over your speed and incline, and allows you to adjust your speed and intensity to match your fitness level.

You really can’t overtrain on the treadmill unless you’re doing so on purpose, ignoring your body’s signals of pain and discomfort.

Here’s the workout routine you need:

Warm up for 10 minutes. Start with a 10-minute walk at 1.5 to 2 mph, then jog for three minutes at a pace of 2.5 to 3 mph for next three minutes. Make sure to practice good running form.

Increase the speed to 3.5 to 4 mph and stick to this relatively fast pace for one full minute before slowing back down to a walk for another 4 minutes.

Increase your speed to 3 mph and jog for three minutes, then run for one minute, picking up your pace to 4 to 5 mph (or even faster if your fitness allows it). Back off if your body hurts or your form starts to suffer.

Finish off with a 10-minute cooldown walk.

  1. The Talk Test

As a beginning runner, make sure that you’re running at what is known as a conversational pace. This means you should be able to speak in full sentences on-the-go without gasping for air. Want to test yourself?

If you can recite the Pledge of Allegiance without too much difficulty, you’re not running too hard.

By sticking to this rule, you’ll build your aerobic endurance based on the right foundation, and this will set you up for success later on.

The only exception to this rule is when doing any sort of speed work training. Speedwork includes sprints, fartleks, hill reps, or racing. These are not moves you should concern yourself within the early stages of your training.

  1. Run For More

After three to four weeks of using the run/walk method, start lengthening your running segments until you can run at a comfortable pace for 30 minutes straight.

Depending on your fitness level and training consistency, this may take you a while. But if you stick with it long enough, you’ll get there.

Once you can run for 30 minutes straight without much trouble, feel free to take your running to the next level. That’s when you’re going to start seeing some amazing results.

Once you’ve increased your running time to an hour or more, you will be in good enough shape that you’ll be able to sign up for 5k races, do interval or hill training, and much more.

  1. Avoid The Rueful Toos

Runners who do too much too soon without giving their body enough time to adapt to their new training load will eventually run into trouble. It’s one of the most common mistakes beginners make.

Don’t fall into the trap of “too much, too soon, too often, too fast, with too little rest.” Instead, build a solid base of easy, short, aerobic distances before you up the ante with speed, distance or hill training.

Even if you feel like you can do more during the first few months of training, rein that temptation in. The temporary sense of accomplishment you might get is not worth the risk of a painful injury or a burnout.

  1. Dynamic Warm-up

A good warm-up is the backbone of effective training, especially when doing hard, intense runs such as interval sessions or hill runs.

Warming up the right way can improve your performance as well as reduce the risk of injury.

Here’s a simple routine you can try.

Do at least ten reps of each exercise below for two to three rounds.

  • High kicks
  • Lunge with a twist
  • Inchworms
  • Hip stretch with a twist
  • Butt kicks

Or check my full routine here.

  1. Cool Down Right

The cooldown is just as vital to your performance and fitness as the warm-up.

A proper cool down can help transition blood from the working muscles to the normal resting flow, but when you stop on the spot, blood can start to pool in the legs and feet, leading to dizziness, vertigo, and discomfort in some people.

Here’s how to cool down properly. Jog or walk for at least 5 to 10 minutes (depending on your training intensity). Then do some post-run strength, mobility, and stretching exercises.

  1. Stretch After Your Runs

The benefits of stretching are a hotly debated topic in both the scientific and running world, but I still recommend stretching as a way of preventing injury and improving performance.

Here a few benefits of stretching:

  • Improves muscular coordination
  • Reduces lower back pain
  • Enhances posture
  • Alleviates post-run soreness
  • Increases range of motion

Whatever you do, don’t stretch before a run like we used to do in high school gym class. Studies show that static stretching before a workout can compromise performance and may lead to injury (think muscle tears).

Aim to stretch for at least 10 to 20 minutes after a workout, focusing on the main running muscle groups including the hips, the glutes, the hamstrings, the quads, and the calves.

Hold each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, and breathe deeply into your stretch to release any tension or discomfort.

  1. Learn Lexicology

As you get more into running, sooner or later you’re going to run into some technical jargon. As is true in most sports, running has its own verbiage that you need to get good at if you’re going to be serious about calling yourself a runner.

In other words, you have to talk the talk.

Here is my full list of running jargon, where you’ll find more than 160 definitions of most common running terms.

  1. Have a Plan

“If you fail to plan, then you’re planning to fail.”

That quote might sound like a cliche, but that does not make it any less true, especially when it comes to running. Following a training plan will help you remove the guesswork from your workout routine.

Pick a training plan. You can find an array of intricate plans online, with something for everyone. All in all, the best plan is a well-rounded plan, whether you’re a recreational runner doing it for health and fitness or an elite marathoner hoping to optimize your performance.

Include the following five elements in your training program:

  • Interval workouts
  • Tempo runs
  • Hills runs
  • Long runs (or LSDs)
  • Easy run (for recovery).
  1. Add a Long Run

Longs runs are vital for training. They increase stamina, build proper form, burn mad calories and will get you in tip-top running shape for any race or distance. And adding long runs into a running plan is not that complicated.

After at least six months of regular training, increase your longest running session—typically, your weekend workout—by up to 10 percent from one week to the next. Keep doing this until you’re running for two and a half to three hours.

Do your long runs at approximately 60 to 70 percent of your 5K pace—that should be a comfortable pace. To make sure you’re doing LSD runs right, do a quick talk test whenever you feel you might be working too hard.

  1. Speed Work

Whether you’re looking to outpace your running buddy or aiming to beat your current PB at a given distance, speedwork is the way to go. It can also increase your range of motion, improve your conditioning, burn mad calories and build muscle mass, all of which can make you a stronger and fitter runner.

Here are the main speedwork sessions you need to add to your training schedule:

  • Classic 200m sprints
  • Tabata sprints
  • 400m laps around a track
  • Short and medium hill sprints
  • Fartlek sprints

As a rule, aim for quality over quantity. Speedwork should account for no more than 20 percent of your weekly total mileage.

  1. Sprint

Long sessions have their benefits, but to take your running to the next level, sprinting is of the utmost importance.

A form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), sprinting can help you burn three times more calories than steady-state running. According to studies, it also boosts your metabolism and helps develop killer lower body strength and speed.

What I really like about sprinting is that it takes just half an hour to complete an entire session. What’s not to love?

Here’s how to proceed:

Start with a proper warm-up. Do five minutes of slow jogging followed by dynamic movements such as knee circles, inchworms, lateral lunges and walking lunges.

Then go for your first sprint, running at 70 percent of your top speed for 30 seconds. Take a minute to recover and then do it again, running your next sprint at 80 percent of your max effort.

Shoot for eight to ten sprints, then finish off the workout with a decent cooldown. Jog slowly for five minutes, then stretch your whole lower body.

  1. Tempo Run

Also known as lactate threshold, LT, or threshold runs, tempo workouts are faster-paced runs that are vital for boosting metabolic fitness.

The primary purpose for tempo runs is to increase your lactate threshold level, the point at which the body fatigues at a certain pace.

As a general rule, your tempo workouts should feel comfortably hard. A good example is a comfortably hard and sustained 3- to 4-mile run.

Here’s how to proceed:

For a five-mile tempo workout, start by warming up with a 5-minute slow jog, then run a mile at 20 seconds slower than your half-marathon pace.

For the remainder of the workout, pick up the pace every mile by five to 10 seconds until you’re running the final mile 20 seconds faster than your half marathon pace.

  1. Tackle the Hills

Hills build leg strength, boost lung capacity, improve running form and reduce the rate of injury. For these reasons and more, do not avoid hill workouts, but make sure you train using proper form. Your uphill running should mimic your sprinting form.

Here’s how:

  • Run tall, with your core engaged and your back flat. Do not lean forward.
  • Engage your hamstrings, quads, and glutes on the way up. Make sure to push from the hip while engaging your entire lower body to get up the hill.
  • Feel free to walk on the steepest sections of any given hill.
  1. Train Negative

If you want to improve your running speed/time, practice negative splitting. This means running the second half of your session a bit faster than the first.

In the ideal negative split run, once you reach the midpoint of the workout each mile gets increasingly faster than the last. As long as you finish the last mile faster than the first, you’re in a good place.

Here’s an example of a 4-mile session:

After a thorough warm-up, run your first two miles at an easy and controlled pace—shoot for 15 to 30 seconds slower than your average pace for that distance. Once you’ve reached the midpoint, pick up your speed to a 10K or 5K pace, then switch to maximum speed for the last 100 to 200 feet of your run.

  1. Try Fartleks

Fartlek is a Swedish term that means speed play. It’s a non-structured form of interval training developed in the early 1930s.

The primary purpose of a fartlek workout is to increase your speed and endurance in the most unpredictable and playful way possible.

Here’s how to proceed:

Start your workout with a 10-minute warm-up jog, then sight an object in the distance: it can be a tree, a parked car, or a building. Run towards it fast. Once you reach it, slow down and recover. Sight the next object and repeat.

Whatever you do, make it random. Make it fun.

  1. Try Tabata Protocol Runs

Made famous by a 1996 study by Dr. Izumi Tabata and his colleagues, the Tabata protocol is a very specific method of interval training proven to shed body fat and increase performance.

A session consists of twenty seconds of maximum burst (max effort/max reps) followed by ten seconds of recovery.

To do Tabata, sprint for 20 seconds at full speed, then rest for 10 seconds.

You can also up the ante by adding in some bodyweight exercises to make the workout more challenging.

Here’s a simple Tabata protocol to try.

  • Set 1: Sprint at a moderate pace for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
  • Set 2: Do as many push-ups as possible in 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
  • Set 3: Sprint for another 20 seconds at max speed. Rest for 10 seconds.
  • Set 4: Do as many squats as possible in 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
  • Set 5: Sprint as fast as you can for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.

Rest for two minutes and repeat the whole circuit twice.

  1. Cross Train

Cross training is vital for runners because it can help prevent overuse injuries such as runner’s knee, ITBS, shin splints, and stress fractures, as well as lower back issues, hip, joint and knee pain.

Cross training can also boost your speed, increase your stride length, improve your running form and boost your overall fitness and health level.

Here are eight super-effective training methods to try:

  • Yoga
  • Cycling
  • Weight training
  • CrossFit
  • Swimming
  • Jumping rope
  • Rowing
  1. Get Explosive

Plyometric training, also known as explosive or jump training, is another excellent cross-training method that research shows can increase running speed and power.

This type of training requires a fast and forceful recruitment of muscles fibers through high velocity, dynamic moves. These are key for building explosive power both on and off the running field.

Here’s a list of some of the best explosive exercises for runners:

  • Squat jumps
  • Box jumps
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Burpees

Here’s my full guide to plyometric training.

  1. Practice Planking

The core is made up of the muscles that connect the upper and lower body. It includes the glutes, lower back, hip, and abdominal muscles.

Your core muscles work in tandem to hold your torso upright and provide stability for your entire kinetic chain while running. That’s why you MUST do a core strengthening routine two to three times a week.

One of the best exercises for runners is the good old planks. I cannot recommend these enough. In addition to building up your core, they’ll also help develop endurance and strength in the shoulders, arms, and back.

Check the following tutorial to help you build and keep good plank form.

  1. Test Yourself

To improve your running, you MUST measure it — otherwise, you’ll have no idea whether you’re progressing.

The best way to measure your fitness progress is to test it.

Check my full guide to fitness testing here.

Here are the main tests you should be taking on a monthly basis:

  • The 400m sprint
  • The one-mile run
  • The Cooper 12-minute test
  • A 5K distance run
  • A 10K distance run
  1. Build the Habit

There’s are few things that feel worse than falling off the fitness wagon after investing so much time into building the right foundation.

That’s why even once you’ve reached your fitness goals, you have to keep your training program going strong. Quit or slack off, and you risk undoing all your hard work—and you don’t want that.

To stay consistent with your new running routine, make sure you turn it into a habit.

Here’s how:

  • Use a calendar and book your running sessions the same way you schedule an important family event or work meeting. If you create a sense of urgency and importance around your run, you’re more likely to carry through.
  • Start running with a friend or training partner. This will boost your motivation and add a sense of accountability to your program. This is vital for consistency.
  • Resolve to run at least three to four times a week for the upcoming 8 to 12 weeks. Do what you have to do never to miss a session.

For my guide on habit formation, check this post.

  1. Set Goals

When it comes to running, it’s vital to have something to work towards regardless of your training aspirations.

Whether your goal is weight loss, improved performance, stress relief, or anything else, having a set of goals creates a benchmark of progress as well as a sense of accomplishment once you start achieving them. I cannot overemphasize the importance of goal setting—even if it’s something you’ve never consider doing before.

Setting goals is what helped me go from being a complete couch potato to becoming a consistent runner, so please start setting fitness goals.

Here’s the golden rule of good goal setting:

Make your goals S.M.A.R.T., And that’s an acronym that stands for Specific; Measurable; Achievable; Realistic; and Time-related.

For my in-depth article on this topic, check my post here.

  1. Run With a Partner

Running is, by definition, a solitary sport and a solo journey, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Research shows that pairing up with a training buddy can lead to better consistency, help you become more accountable, and may even make you exercise a bit harder than you would when you run alone. All of these can do wonders for your running routine.

I’d go so far as to claim that training partners might be the most valuable tools you can have as a runner.

Ask a friend, a family member, a gym partner, or neighbor to run with you.

If you can’t find a suitable partner among people you know, join a local running group or hunt for one online.

  1. Chart Your Progress

As I’ve already stated, if you can’t measure it you can’t improve it.

That’s why I keep stressing the importance of monitoring your progress (or lack thereof, for that matter).

Keep a written log of your running routine. You don’t need anything fancy – a standard training journal, a spiral notebook or a plain notepad will suffice.

Here are some of the things and factors you need to keep track of:

  • Your running times
  • Your running distances
  • Your heart rate (and its fluctuations)
  • Calories burned
  • Running routes
  • Aches, pains, and injuries
  • Cross training workouts and reps
  • Body weight
  • Body measurements

Use Excel spreadsheets to create simple charts for tracking your progress.

You can also keep tabs on your progress online using sites like MapMyRun,, or RunKeeper.

  1. Run To And/Or From Work

Finding balance between everyday life obligations, work chores, and a running routine is no easy feat. This is especially the case if you’re already burning the candle at both ends.

Instead of running to catch up with the train or a bus, try running to or from work. Put your commute time to good use. But whatever you do, make sure you do the following two things:

First, plan your run-commute thoroughly. Have everything ready the night before, from clothes to shoes, hydration and more.

Second, invest in the right backpack. You might need to think this one through before you make a buying decision. Your pack should be runner-friendly and must not bounce with every step.

  1. Reward Yourself for Your Successes

Rewards are positive reinforcement, and can be a powerful motivator.

When you reach a certain benchmark or achieve a given goal, treat yourself for the hard work you’ve put in and what you’ve accomplished.

Here are some ideas:

  • Buy a new running shirt or a pair of shorts
  • Have a meal at a nice restaurant
  • Watch your favorite Netflix show
  • Go on a special trip
  • Go to the movies
  • Take a long nap
  1. Try Zombies, Run!

For runners looking to turn their everyday workouts into an immersive adventure through a zombie-infested wasteland, look no further than this fantastic gaming app — especially if you’re running out of enthusiasm and need to add a bit of adventure and fun.

Zombies, Run! is an amazing audio adventure for thriller-seeking runners. Thanks to this game you’ll be the hero of your very own zombie adventure story. You’ll run through various missions while being chased by zombies, while also collecting the items you need to progress through the game.

Additional resource – How to Do a Run Streak

  1. Listen to the Right Music

Studies have linked listening to music to improved athletic performance, better training experience, and superior training consistency.

It’s not rocket science. All you need is the right playlist for the job.

Here’s the golden rule: when picking songs for your running playlist, stick with songs that have a BPM (Beat Per Minute) in the range of 120 to 140.

Here’s how:

You can do it manually, but it’s a real hassle. I don’t recommend this method unless you have a lot of time to spare.

Instead, check out websites that have already compiled thousands of songs and playlists tailored to all sorts of runs and events. and RunningPlaylist.Com are two of the best of these.

  1. Get Ready the Night Before

To set yourself up for running success, lay out your running gear the night before your workout. Doing so will help eliminate any barriers between you and your workout, save you a lot of time, and keep your mornings stress-free and smooth.

It should take you no more than 5 to 10 minutes to get these things together:

  • Your running clothes, including pants, socks, t-shirt, underwear, etc. (or sleep in them if you want to)
  • Your waterbottle
  • Your music playlist
  • Your pre-run snack
  • Your running route
  • Your workout
  1. Join Online Fitness Groups and Forums

Online health communities, whether they’re fitness groups, forums, social media website or some other type of group, are all great venues for expanding your social circle and connecting with like-minded fitness folks.

Joining up will help you increase your motivation and give you the push you need to exercise a little bit harder and stay consistent over the long haul.

Some of the best fitness-oriented online resources include:

  • Men’s Health
  • Runners World Forum
  • My FitnessPal
  • Fitbit
  • Cool Running
  • Jefit
  • BodySpace
  • Nerd Fitness
  • Transformative Fitness
  1. Race

Choose one of the many running-related events in your area, whether it’s a fun local 5K race, an obstacle race course, or a serious half-marathon or marathon distance challenge, and pay your registration fees in advance to keep yourself accountable.

Just make sure that the race fits your fitness level and schedule. If you’ve never done any sort of running before, spend a few months preparing for the race and make it a shorter distance such as a 5K or 10K run.

  1. Change The Direction of Your Runs

If you run the same route day in day out, sooner or later you’re going to get bored, and that’s when you’re most likely to slack off. It’s bad for your consistency and overall training experience, so switch up your running route regularly.

The simplest way to do this is to run your typical route backward every other week.

Don’t like this idea?

For another option, use crowd-sourcing apps like MapMyRun or a web resource like WalkJogRun to find and discover new routes close to where you live.

  1. Run in The Morning

Becoming a morning runner was a true godsend for me. It helped me stay consistent and become the runner I’m today.

As a bonus, research shows that those who exercise first thing in the morning are more consistent and efficient than the folks who work out later in the day.

Morning runs can improve your mood, boost productivity, shed more calories, and increase your focus and energy for the rest of the day, so if it’s all possible, run first thing in the morning.

Here are the golden rules:

  • Prepare the night before by laying your workout gear out
  • Aim for seven to eight hours of quality sleep
  • Place your alarm clock far away from your bed to force yourself to get up and out
  • Drink plenty of water and have a light pre-run snack before you head out the door
  1. Work on your Running Form

Proper training form is king, whether you’re lifting weights in the gym or circling the running track. The right technique can help reduce your risk of injury and make your workouts more efficient.

Run with bad form, and you’re risking all sorts of strains, aches, pains, and injuries.

Here’s how to build good form:

  • Run tall.
  • Prevents neck strains by keeping your head straight and your eyes straight ahead. Don’t look down at your feet.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed, back, and down. Don’t let them tense up toward your ears.
  1. Lean Forward

This is something I learned from the Chi Running method, and I’ve found it to be very helpful.

Instead of running with a upright posture, run with a slight forward lean of about 8 to 10 degrees. By doing so, your body falls forward with every step, which in theory helps propel you forward and increases your stride turnover.

Mastering the forward lean is more easily said than done. One major mistake I see many runners make is leaning from the waist. Running this way can put a lot of undue pressure on the lower back and slows you down.

Instead, lean from the ankles while engaging your core muscles and keeping your spine straight, allowing for no bending in the waist.

  1. Keep Your Body Relaxed

As a runner, tension is enemy number one. It wastes energy, triggers bad form and can compromise the quality of your workout, leading to premature fatigue and increasing the risk of injuries.

Check your form throughout your run, allowing no chance for tension to creep into your workout.

Here are the few hacks that can help:

  • Shake your arms and hands every couple of miles and try rolling your neck forward, backward, and to the sides.
  • Imagine you’re holding an egg in each hand, gently cupping your palm with your thumb resting on your fingers instead of clenching your fist.
  • Breathe deeply and consciously, letting go of tension and discomfort. You have to get good at catching yourself in the act, and that requires practice.
  1. Pump Your Arms

As a runner, you’re, mainly relying on your legs to propel you forward, but that’s not the whole story. Your arms can help too.

Research shows that opting for a strong arm swing has a drastic impact on the smoothness of your running gait, resulting in a reduced workload on your legs and an increase in your economy of motion.

To boost your endurance and speed, drive your arms in a fluid motion, forward and backward, aiming for a 90- to 100-degree bend at the elbows. Do not pump your arms across the midline of your body—doing so wastes energy and tires your muscles. It might also hinder the forward motion of your body.

Your elbows should swing anywhere between the waistline and chest.

  1. Kill the Bounce

Research shows that vertical oscillation (running with a bounce) has an enormous negative impact on running economy and speed.

When your body is moving up and down too much, you’re wasting a lot of energy and putting undue pressure on your lower body, especially your quads. This leads to premature fatigue and soreness.

Here’s how to keep it under control:

  • Imagine you’re running under a low roof hovering a few inches above your head. Do not hit your head on the ceiling.
  • Land with your foot almost directly below your knees. Do not let your foot land in a spot ahead of your knee.
  • Focus on a faster leg turnover by running lightly and landing softly on your foot. Think quick steps. Focus on keeping your feet under your knees.
  1. Shorten Your Stride

When you overstride your foot lands on the ground well ahead of your hips. This runs the risk of increasing the stress load on your lower body. It also creates a braking effect that can hinder performance.

So, what’s the solution?

It’s simple: shorten your stride. Doing so helps reduce the braking effect and encourages a smoother, more natural running gait.

Here’s how:

  • To cover more ground, focus on springing off rather than trying to lengthen your stride.
  • Think short, light foot strikes and keep shortening your normal stride until you reach the perfect running cadence.
  • Keep your knee positioned above your foot and keep your shin vertical as your foot strikes the ground below you.
  • To boost speed, increase your leg turnover, driving your leg back from the hips instead of reaching forward with your foot.

All of this may sound a little complicated, but with a little of practice you’ll be able to wrap your head around it in no time.

  1. Increase your Cadence

In running lexicology, running cadence stands for the number of steps you take per minute while running.

When it comes to improving speed, cadence is a vital factor. Opting for the proper cadence reduces the impact of stress on your feet, knees, and ankles, and improves running economy.

According to Jack Daniels (the legendary running guru), the optimal cadence for running is roughly 170 to 180 steps per minute.

Your cadence doesn’t have to be exactly 180 throughout your training — in fact, your racing cadence and easy training cadence shouldn’t be the same.

  1. Breathe Rhythmically

Rhythmic breathing is a form of synchronized breathing that consists of timing your breaths to your foot strikes. The right breathing ratio depends mostly on your current fitness level and training intensity.

So how do you pick the right ratio?

If you’re a complete beginner, start with a 3:3 ratio. This means that you breathe in on three steps—RIGHT foot, LEFT foot, RIGHT foot, then breathe out on the next three steps—LEFT foot, RIGHT foot, LEFT foot.

Using this pattern, you will be taking in roughly 25 to 30 breaths per minute.

This ratio is also ideal for easy (and recovery) runs.

If you feel like this is too slow for you, opt for a 3:2 ratio: inhale on the RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT foot strikes, then exhale on the LEFT, RIGHT foot strikes.

A 2:2 ratio is ideal for when you’re running a tempo pace, or whenever you need more of a push. For the most part, this means cruising at roughly your 10K race pace, or maybe a bit slower. For quality workouts, opt for a 2:1 or even 1:1 ratio.

Here’s my full guide to proper rhythmic breathing while running.

  1. Breathe Deeply

To improve performance and stamina, cultivate the habit of diaphragmatic breathing.

Most runners are chest breathers. That’s neither the most efficient nor the healthiest way to breathe while running. Chest breathing increases the risks of hyperventilation and reduces your intake of oxygen while running.

The good news is that by switching to deep breathing you get more oxygen into your bloodstream. This can boost lung power as well while reducing the risk of side stitches.

  1. Downhill Running

As the saying goes, what goes up must come down. That’s why you should never forget the importance of downhill running.

On the descent, proper form can improve your performance and reduce post-workout soreness—especially in the quads.

Here’s the right way to run downhill:

  • Stay upright, keeping your posture perpendicular to the ground beneath you. Do not lean back or overstride, as doing so creates a braking action. The only exception is on the steepest grades.
  • Brace your core to keep control over your body and the hill. Don’t let the hill control you on the way down.
  • Do not look straight down. Look ahead while focusing on the line you wish to follow for balance.
  • Increase your cadence, aiming for quick, light steps and fast leg turnover.
  1. Let Go of the Handles on the Treadmill

When you’re running on a treadmill, holding onto the handles may help when fatigue starts to set in, but doing so will compromise your overall workout.  Positioning your hands on the handles aligns your body in an abnormal way, leading to discomfort and even injury, especially in the hips, lower back, knees, and shoulders.

Instead of touching the equipment, swing your arms backward and forward while engaging your core. This will not only help you keep good form, but will also engage your core, give you a full body workout, and burn more calories.

  1. Have a Pre-run Meal (or Snack)

The main goal behind a pre-run meal is to give you a boost of energy without giving you a troubled stomach on the road.

For a proper pre-run meal, focus on high-quality carbs and low-fiber, low-fat foods.

Make sure you time your pre-run meals correctly. Timing is the most critical variable in the pre-run meal equation.

As a general guideline, if you have an hour or more before a run, you can eat at least 250 to 300 calories worth of food. If you’ve no more than half an hour before a run then eat no more than 140 calories worth. This is frequently the case if you’re running early in the morning but don’t want to go out the door on an empty stomach.

  1. Post-Run Eating

The foods you consume immediately following a run are crucial for optimizing recovery and energy renewal.

Your post-run meal should score high on protein to help repair muscles and speed up recovery. You should also take in good carbohydrates to replenish your glycogen stores and get your body ready for your next run.

Here are three of my favorite post-workout meals:

  • Chocolate milk. The mix of carbohydrates (chocolate) and protein (milk) is just right for refueling your weary body. In fact, according to a study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consuming chocolate milk after a workout can increase muscle protein synthesis.
  • Fruit salad. Fruit will not only help you replenish your energy stores with needed energy, but it will also help break down nutrients. Plus, the mix of fruits delivers a healthy punch of enzymes—anti-inflammatory properties that speed up recovery.
  • Egg whites deliver a healthy punch of proteins and key amino acids, which can help you rebuild damaged tissues after strenuous exercise.
  1. Hydrate Properly

Dehydration can lead to all sorts of serious issues such as headaches, premature fatigue, muscle cramping, decreased coordination, heat exhaustion, and more.

To keep it at bay, drink plenty of water, regardless of whether the weather is cold or warm. As a general rule, you need at least 12 to 16 glasses of water a day.

Please take note that the previous rule isn’t written in stone. The exact amount of water you need depends on many variables, including your age, body weight, gender, fitness level, training distance/intensity, sweat rate, physiology, and outdoor temperature.

One way or another, I highly recommend that you stay well hydrated throughout the day.

  1. Look At Your Pee

I hate to sound like a broken record, but research shows that dehydration can lead to decreased performance, premature fatigue, seizures, blood clots, and even death.

To check for signs of dehydration, look at your pee. You should be drinking enough water throughout the day for your urine to be a light straw color, or mostly clear with a tinge of yellow.

If your urine looks like chardonnay, or is yellow or orange, then you’re dehydrated and need to be drinking a lot more.

Additional resource – How to Stop urine leakage in runners

  1. Get More Iron

Iron is a vital component of the body’s red blood cells. Blood cells contain hemoglobin, and are crucial for transporting oxygen to your body’s various muscles and tissues. Iron deficiency leads to a reduction in hemoglobin level, which in turn hinders proper oxygen delivery.

Some of the best food sources for iron include egg yolks, lean meat, dark green leafy vegetables, lean meats, dried fruits, legumes, and whole grains. You can also go for iron-enriched or fortified cereals and bread.

To improve absorption, consume iron-rich foods with vitamin C like orange juice.

  1. Have a Sports Drinks

Sports drinks are runner-friendly beverages that score high on both carbohydrates and electrolytes. These two nutrients are vital for staying well fueled and hydrated during intense aerobic activity.

Aim for taking in at least 30 to 50 grams of carbs for each hour spent running, but keep in mind that 8 ounces of a typical sports drink might contain roughly 16 grams of carb. During a long run, aim for taking in 4 to 6 ounces of fluid for every 20 to 30 minutes spent running.

Some of the best brands include Gatorade, HEED, PowerBar Perform, and GU Roctane.

If money is an issue, then the next tip will come in handy

  1. Make your Own Sports Drink

I make my own sports drinks using whole foods and natural ingredients, and I love it. By doing so, I’m saving a lot of money while choosing a healthier path by going for more natural, whole ingredients.

For the icing on the cake, making your

How to Lose 25 Pounds – 51 Science Backed Ways

Looking for the best advice on how to lose 25 pounds (or more) in the fastest time possible?

Then you have come to the right place.

Here’s the truth.

Losing 25 pounds isn’t the easiest thing in the world. It requires work, effort, time, and a lot of sacrifice. This is especially the case if you have a bad record of diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits.

Nothing can be changed overnight.

But with the right tools and a long-term plan, it can be done.

Let’s see how.

In today’s post, I’m sharing with you more than 50 science-backed on how to lose 25 pounds and keep them off for good.

  1. Prioritize Exercise

Exercise is a cornerstone of any successful weight loss plan. It’s not just about shedding pounds; it’s about building a healthier lifestyle.

Here’s how to prioritize exercise and make it a consistent part of your routine:

Find Your Fit:

Choose an exercise that suits your lifestyle and interests. Whether it’s running, weightlifting, cycling, or dancing, the options are endless. Pick something you genuinely enjoy.

Commit to Consistency:

Consistency is key. Aim to work out at least three to four times a week. Start small if needed, like a few runs a week, and gradually expand your repertoire.

Schedule It:

Treat your workouts as non-negotiable appointments. Put them in your calendar just like you would for meetings, doctor’s appointments, or family events. This way, you’re less likely to skip them.

Variety Keeps It Fresh:

Don’t limit yourself to one activity. Explore different exercises to keep things exciting. I’ve ventured into biking, trekking, yoga, and CrossFit, adding variety to my routine.

2. Develop Healthy Habits

Building lifelong healthy habits is the key to not only losing weight but also maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s about making gradual changes that stick.

Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you cultivate these habits effectively:

Start Small:

Trying to overhaul your entire lifestyle overnight can be overwhelming and counterproductive. Instead, focus on changing one habit at a time. Begin with a clear and attainable goal.

Create Rituals:

Building a ritual or routine around your new habit can make it easier to stick to. For instance, if you want to eat more vegetables, make it a daily ritual to include at least three different veggies in your meals.

Stay Committed:

Consistency is key to forming a new habit. Research suggests that it takes about a month for a habit to become ingrained. So, stick to your new ritual for at least a month before moving on to the next one.

3. Run Your Butt Off

Running is a high-impact cardiovascular exercise that burns a significant number of calories. By committing to regular runs, you create a calorie deficit, which is essential for weight loss.

Running also has the added benefit of boosting your metabolism, which means you continue to burn calories even after your run is over. This effect can last for hours, contributing to weight loss.

Over time, as you build up your running routine, your endurance and stamina will improve. This enables you to exercise for longer periods and burn even more calories.

Check these articles to help you start running the right way:

4. Lift Weights

Muscle tissue requires more energy to maintain than fat tissue. By building lean muscle through strength training, you’ll naturally increase your resting metabolic rate, allowing you to burn more calories even when you’re not working out.

While cardio exercises like running primarily help with calorie burning, strength training focuses on reshaping your body by toning and defining muscles. This can lead to a leaner and more sculpted appearance.

For more icing on the cake, studies have shown that combining cardio with strength training can result in greater fat loss compared to cardio alone. This combination taps into both aerobic and anaerobic systems, helping you shed excess fat effectively.

What’s more?

Strength training not only helps with weight loss but also improves your overall fitness. You’ll notice increased strength, better posture, and enhanced joint stability, making everyday activities easier and more enjoyable.

5. Exercise in the Morning

Exercising in the morning not only jumpstarts your day but also offers some compelling benefits backed by research:

Morning exercisers tend to stick to their fitness routines more consistently. It makes sense; when you work out in the morning, you’re less likely to encounter schedule disruptions or unexpected commitments that can derail your plans later in the day.

Studies have shown that people who exercise in the morning often put in more effort and time during their workouts compared to those who exercise later. This can lead to more effective calorie burning and better fitness results.

What’s more?

Energy Boost: Morning workouts can increase your alertness and energy levels for the day ahead. The endorphins released during exercise can enhance your mood and mental clarity, helping you tackle your daily tasks with enthusiasm.

6. Set Realistic Goals

Setting an audacious weight loss goal that’s far from your current reality can lead to discouragement. When you don’t see rapid, massive changes, it’s easy to get disheartened and give up.

The Power of Realistic Goals:

Instead, take a pragmatic approach. Start with small, achievable milestones. For instance, aiming to lose a pound a week is an excellent starting point. It’s a goal that’s challenging but attainable, and when you achieve it, you’ll feel motivated to keep going.

Celebrate Small Wins:

Every time you hit one of these realistic milestones, celebrate it! Recognize your progress and use it as motivation to reach the next one. Remember that lasting weight loss is a journey, not a sprint.

Track Your Progress:

Keep a record of your achievements, whether it’s in a journal, on a fitness app, or with a supportive friend. Seeing your accomplishments in black and white can boost your confidence and keep you on track.

Adjust as Needed:

Be flexible with your goals. If you’re consistently surpassing your weekly target, consider challenging yourself a bit more. Conversely, if you’re struggling to meet your goal, don’t be afraid to adjust it to something more manageable. The key is to keep moving forward.

7. Build A Habit of Exercise

Transforming exercise into a habit is a key step in making it a permanent part of your lifestyle. Here’s a bit more insight into building and maintaining this habit:

The Habit Loop:

Understanding how habits work can be a game-changer. According to Charles Duhigg, author of “The Power of Habit,” habits consist of three components: cue, routine, and reward. In the case of exercise, the cue might be setting a specific time each day, the routine is the exercise itself, and the reward could be the sense of accomplishment or the post-workout endorphin rush.

Consistency is Key:

Consistency is what makes a habit stick. Committing to at least three exercise sessions a week is a fantastic start. During the initial 4 to 6 weeks, your focus should primarily be on maintaining this consistency.

Variety Keeps it Fresh:

As you rightly pointed out, variety is the spice of life. It applies to exercise, too. Mixing up your workouts can prevent boredom and plateaus. Try different activities to keep things interesting and challenge your body in various ways.


Having a workout buddy or sharing your goals with someone can be a powerful motivator. You’re more likely to stick to your habit when you know someone else is counting on you.

Track Your Progress:

Documenting your journey can be incredibly motivating. Whether you keep a workout journal, use a fitness app, or participate in challenges, seeing your progress over time reinforces your exercise habits.

8. Dodge Injuries

Injuries can be frustrating setbacks, but they also provide opportunities to learn and grow. Here’s some additional advice on injury prevention and management:

Proper Warm-Up and Cool-Down:

Always start your workouts with a good warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints for exercise. A dynamic warm-up, including stretching and mobility exercises, can go a long way in preventing injuries. After your workout, cool down with some gentle stretching to aid recovery.

Listen to Your Body:

You’ve nailed it with this point. Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or pain during your workouts. Discomfort is a signal that something might be wrong, so it’s crucial to address it promptly. Ignoring pain can lead to more severe injuries.


Incorporate cross-training into your routine. This involves mixing different types of exercises to work various muscle groups. Cross-training not only prevents overuse injuries but also keeps your workouts fresh and exciting.

Rest and Recovery:

Don’t underestimate the power of rest. Adequate rest allows your body to heal and grow stronger. Make sure to get enough sleep and give your muscles time to recover between intense workouts.

9. Walk More

Walking is an excellent and accessible exercise for individuals at various fitness levels. It’s especially beneficial for those who are just starting their fitness journey or have specific medical conditions that limit high-impact activities.

Here are some additional points to consider when incorporating walking into your fitness routine:


As you get more comfortable with your daily walks, consider gradually increasing the intensity. This can include adding jogging intervals, as you mentioned. The progression keeps your workouts challenging and helps you continue to see improvements in your fitness and weight loss.

Proper Footwear:

Invest in a good pair of walking or running shoes to ensure comfort and reduce the risk of foot-related issues.


While brisk walking is an excellent exercise, consider adding variety to your routine. Explore different routes, walk in nature, or listen to your favorite music or podcasts to make your walks more enjoyable.

10. Exercise at the Same Time Each Day

Consistency in workout timing is key to building a sustainable exercise habit. While some people find that exercising in the morning suits their schedule and energy levels, the most important factor is selecting a time that aligns with your lifestyle and allows you to stay consistent.

Here are a few additional tips to consider when establishing a regular workout routine:

Morning Exercise:

If you prefer morning workouts, as you mentioned, there are several benefits, such as kickstarting your metabolism, enhancing mood, and ensuring that life’s unexpected events don’t interfere with your exercise plans.

Evening Exercise:

For some individuals, evening workouts fit better into their daily routines. Evening sessions can help relieve stress accumulated throughout the day and may allow for more leisurely workouts.

Lunchtime Exercise:

If mornings and evenings are challenging, consider utilizing your lunch break for a quick workout. Many people find it refreshing to break up the workday with physical activity.


Tell a friend or family member about your chosen exercise time and ask them to hold you accountable. Having someone to share your goals with can motivate you to stay consistent.

11. Keep Track of The Food You Eat

Monitoring your calorie intake is indeed a valuable tool for weight management. It provides awareness and accountability for what you eat, making it easier to make informed decisions about your diet.

Here are some additional tips and insights to make calorie tracking effective and sustainable:

Calorie Goals:

Determine your daily calorie goal based on your weight loss or maintenance objectives. You can use online calculators or consult a registered dietitian to help set realistic targets.

Portion Control:

Be mindful of portion sizes. Even healthy foods can contribute to weight gain if consumed in excessive amounts. Measuring and weighing your food can help you stay within your calorie goals.

Nutritional Balance:

While calories are important, don’t neglect the quality of your diet. Aim for a balanced intake of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and prioritize nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

12.  Plan in Advance

Planning your responses to hunger and potential cravings is a smart strategy for maintaining a healthy diet. It helps you make conscious choices and reduces the likelihood of impulsive, unhealthy eating.

Here are some additional tips to enhance your preemptive dieting efforts:

Meal Planning:

Plan your meals in advance. This reduces the chances of making poor food choices when you’re hungry and pressed for time. Prepare balanced meals with a combination of protein, fiber, and healthy fats to keep you satisfied.

Healthy Snacks:

Keep a selection of healthy snacks readily available. As you mentioned, nuts, raisins, or other whole foods are excellent options. Having these on hand makes it easier to resist less nutritious choices when hunger strikes.


Thirst can sometimes masquerade as hunger. Staying well-hydrated throughout the day can help curb unnecessary snacking. Try drinking a glass of water before reaching for a snack to see if your hunger subsides.


While planning is important, allow yourself some flexibility. It’s okay to occasionally enjoy treats or indulgent meals as long as they’re part of an overall balanced diet.

13. Fill Up on Veggies

Incorporating a variety of colorful vegetables into your daily diet is a fantastic way to enhance your health and support your weight loss goals.

To make this action step even more engaging and informative, let’s delve deeper into the benefits of consuming a rainbow of veggies:

Colorful Nutrients:

Different colored vegetables contain unique sets of nutrients. For example, orange and yellow vegetables like carrots and bell peppers are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body and supports eye health. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are packed with vitamins K and C, folate, and iron, essential for overall wellness.

Fiber Powerhouse:

Vegetables, regardless of their color, are excellent sources of dietary fiber. Fiber aids in digestion helps regulate blood sugar levels, and, as you mentioned, promotes a feeling of fullness, reducing the temptation to overeat. It also supports a healthy gut microbiome, which is linked to numerous aspects of well-being.

Antioxidant Protection:

The vibrant colors of vegetables often signify the presence of antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols. These compounds help combat oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.


Vegetables are incredibly versatile and can be incorporated into various meals and dishes. You can sauté, roast, grill, steam, or enjoy them raw in salads. Experimenting with different cooking methods and flavor combinations can make your vegetable-rich meals exciting and satisfying.

Here’s a list of 11 superfoods you need for maximum fitness and health.

Additional resource – Here’s how to reduce body fat.

14. Fill Half Your Plate with Vegetables

Indeed, prioritizing vegetables on your plate is a smart strategy to ensure you consume more of these nutritious foods and naturally control your calorie intake.

Let’s elaborate on this action step:

Visualize Your Plate:

When you sit down for a meal, picture your plate as a canvas and the vegetables as the vibrant base. This mental image reinforces the importance of vegetables in your meal.

Filling Yet Nutrient-Dense:

Vegetables are voluminous, meaning you can eat a substantial amount without consuming excessive calories. By filling half your plate with veggies, you’re crowding out calorie-dense, less nutritious foods.

Balanced Nutrition:

This approach promotes a balanced intake of macronutrients and micronutrients. Vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, while lean protein and whole grains offer sustained energy and satiety.

Color Variety:

Aim to incorporate a variety of colorful vegetables. Each color represents different phytonutrients and antioxidants that contribute to your overall health. For example, red vegetables like tomatoes contain lycopene, which is known for its potential health benefits.

Recipe Exploration:

Experiment with various vegetable preparations and seasonings to keep your meals exciting. Roasting, grilling, or adding herbs and spices can enhance the flavor and make vegetables more appealing.

15.  Remove The Junk

One Absolutely, creating a supportive environment can significantly impact your ability to stick to a weight loss plan and resist unhealthy temptations.

Here’s how to effectively transform your environment to align with your goals:

Purge the Pantry:

Start by conducting a thorough sweep of your kitchen cabinets, refrigerator, and pantry. Remove items high in sugars, unhealthy fats, and processed ingredients. Donate non-perishable items to local food banks, if possible.

Smart Grocery Shopping:

When restocking your kitchen, make a shopping list that prioritizes nutritious, whole foods. Stick to your list to avoid impulsive purchases of unhealthy items.

Visibility Matters:

Arrange your kitchen so that healthy foods are easily accessible and visible. Keep fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious snacks at eye level while placing less healthy options in less prominent positions.

16.  Cook at Home

Cooking at home not only allows you to control the quality and quantity of your meals but also offers several other benefits.

Here’s how you can make home cooking more enjoyable and sustainable:

Simple Recipes:

If you’re new to cooking, start with simple and beginner-friendly recipes. There are countless resources online, including cooking websites, YouTube channels, and cookbooks, that offer easy-to-follow instructions.

Prep in Batches:

Set aside time each week for meal prep. Chop vegetables, marinate proteins, and cook grains in advance. This will save you time on busy days and make cooking feel less overwhelming.

Try New Ingredients:

Experiment with different fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins to keep your meals interesting and diverse. Trying new foods can also expand your culinary skills.

Cooking Classes:

Consider taking a cooking class, either in person or online. Learning new cooking techniques and recipes can boost your confidence in the kitchen.

Kitchen Essentials:

Invest in essential kitchen tools and equipment, such as quality knives, pots, and pans. Having the right tools can make cooking more efficient and enjoyable.

Cooking Apps:

Explore cooking apps that provide step-by-step instructions, recipe suggestions based on available ingredients, and nutritional information.


17.  Snack Smart

Healthy snacking can play a crucial role in weight management and overall well-being.

Here are some additional tips to make snacking a smart and satisfying part of your daily routine:

Portion Control:

As you mentioned, moderation is key when it comes to snacking. Measure out your snacks in advance to avoid overindulging. Pre-portioning snacks into small containers can help.

Balanced Snacks:

Aim for snacks that provide a combination of macronutrients, including protein, fiber, and healthy fats. This balance can help keep you full and satisfied between meals. For example, pair apple slices with peanut butter or Greek yogurt with berries.

Fresh and Whole Foods:

Whenever possible, choose whole and minimally processed foods for your snacks. Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are excellent choices. Avoid snacks high in added sugars, artificial additives, and unhealthy trans fats.

Avoid Late-Night Snacking:

Late-night snacking can disrupt your sleep and lead to weight gain. Try to finish your last meal at least a few hours before bedtime to allow for proper digestion.

18.  Feel Real Hunger

Emotional eating can be a significant hurdle in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Here are some additional strategies to help you manage emotional eating:

Identify Triggers:

Pay close attention to the situations or emotions that trigger your emotional eating. Keeping a journal can help you track patterns and identify specific triggers.

Find Healthy Alternatives:

Instead of turning to food when you’re stressed or emotional, explore alternative coping mechanisms. Consider activities like deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or a relaxing bath to manage stress and emotions.

Emotional Awareness:

Learn to recognize and name your emotions. Sometimes, simply acknowledging your feelings can help prevent impulsive eating. Ask yourself if eating is the best way to address your emotional needs.

Delay the Decision:

When you feel the urge to eat emotionally, try delaying your decision for a few minutes. Use this time to evaluate your hunger and whether eating is the best solution.

Additional resource – Here’s how to lose 100 pounds.

19.  Don’t Skip Breakfast

A nutritious breakfast provides essential nutrients and energy to kickstart your day and can help with weight management. Here are some additional tips for a healthy breakfast:

Balanced Nutrition:

Aim for a balanced breakfast that includes a combination of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. This balance helps keep you full and satisfied until your next meal.


Including a good source of protein in your breakfast, such as eggs, Greek yogurt, or lean meats, can help you feel full and reduce the likelihood of snacking.


Fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains promote fullness and aid digestion.

Healthy Fats:

Incorporate sources of healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and seeds into your breakfast for satiety.

Additional resource – Keto recipes for low-carb eating

20.  No Liquid Calories

Cutting out sugary drinks is a great step towards a healthier diet. These beverages can contribute a significant amount of added sugars and empty calories to your daily intake.

Here are some additional tips to help you stay hydrated with healthier options:


As you mentioned, water is one of the best choices for staying hydrated. It has no calories, and it’s essential for overall health. Carry a reusable water bottle with you to make it easier to drink more throughout the day.

 Herbal Tea:

Herbal teas, such as green tea, chamomile tea, or peppermint tea, are excellent calorie-free options that can provide a variety of flavors and potential health benefits.

Sparkling Water:

If you crave carbonation, opt for plain sparkling water or seltzer. You can also find flavored sparkling waters without added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Infused Water:

Enhance the flavor of your water by infusing it with fruits, vegetables, or herbs. Experiment with different combinations like cucumber and mint, lemon and ginger, or berries and basil.

Unsweetened Iced Tea:

If you enjoy iced tea, choose unsweetened varieties and add your own natural sweeteners like honey or a touch of fruit juice if needed.

in your beverages until your taste buds adjust to less sweetness.

21.  Run on an Empty Stomach

Exercising on an empty stomach often referred to as “fasted cardio,” can indeed encourage your body to use stored fat as a primary source of energy.

This approach can be effective for some individuals looking to enhance fat loss.

However, it’s important to consider a few factors before adopting this practice:

Individual Variation:

Fasted cardio may not be suitable for everyone. People’s responses to exercise on an empty stomach can vary. Some individuals may feel energized and experience fat loss benefits, while others might feel fatigued or dizzy.


While it’s fine to exercise on an empty stomach, staying hydrated is crucial. Drink water before and during your workout to prevent dehydration, especially if you’re running in the morning.

Start Slow:

If you’re new to fasted cardio, start gradually. Begin with shorter, lower-intensity workouts and see how your body responds. Over time, you can increase the duration and intensity.

Post-Workout Nutrition:

After your fasted workout, it’s essential to refuel your body with a balanced meal or snack. Include a combination of carbohydrates and protein to help with recovery and muscle repair.

For more tips on losing weight by running, read this post: Top 9 Weight Loss Rules For Runners.

22.  Do Intervals

Incorporating interval training into your workout routine can indeed be an effective way to enhance fat burning and boost your metabolism.

Here’s a breakdown of how to get started with interval running:


Begin your workout with a 5-10 minute warm-up, which can include light jogging or brisk walking to prepare your muscles for the intensity ahead.

Sprint and Recovery:

Start with 30-second sprints at a high-intensity pace, pushing yourself to near-maximum effort. After each sprint, allow yourself one minute of active recovery, which can involve jogging or walking at a slow pace.

Repeat Intervals:

Perform this sprint and recovery cycle for a total of 6 to 8 repetitions. As you progress, you can gradually increase the number of intervals.

Cool Down:

After completing your intervals, cool down with 5-10 minutes of light jogging or walking to gradually lower your heart rate and prevent muscle stiffness.


Incorporate interval running workouts into your routine 1-2 times per week, allowing at least 48 hours of recovery between sessions to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.

Here are six interval workouts to help you lose more fat.

23.  Buddy Up

Exercising with a workout partner or in a group can provide numerous benefits, including increased motivation, accountability, and enjoyment.

Here’s how to find and utilize a training buddy or group effectively:

Recruit a Workout Buddy:

Approach a friend, family member, co-worker, or someone at your gym who shares your fitness goals or interests.

Discuss your workout plans, goals, and availability to ensure compatibility.

Choose someone who can commit to a similar exercise routine and schedule.

Join Group Workouts:

Many gyms and fitness studios offer group classes or training sessions.

Attend classes that align with your fitness goals, whether it’s yoga, CrossFit, spin, or boot camp.

You can also find local sports clubs, running groups, or cycling clubs that welcome newcomers.

Online Communities:

Explore online fitness forums, social media groups, and fitness apps that connect you with like-minded individuals.

Join virtual fitness challenges or programs where you can interact with others pursuing similar goals.

Accountability and Support:

Regularly communicate with your workout partner or group to ensure you’re both staying on track.

Share your progress, challenges, and victories to build a supportive fitness community.

Stay Committed:

Schedule your workouts in advance and stick to them.

Be reliable and punctual for your workout sessions with your partner or group.

24. A Short Workout Is Better Than None

If you’re pressed for time, don’t skip your workout – just shorten it to a 15-minute session.

After all, a short workout is better than none.

One study from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville found that people who lifted weights for 15 minutes a day three times a week boosted their metabolic rate.

They also stayed consistent with their training schedule 95 percent of the time.

Do a quick workout instead of calling it a day.

And that’s the case whether you’re lifting weights, running a quick sprint session, or walking up and down the stairs for no more than 15 minutes. It will do your body good.

Additional resource – Guide to running slang

25.  Chew Slowly

If Eating slowly and mindfully is an excellent practice for managing your food intake and promoting weight loss.

Here’s how to incorporate this habit into your daily routine:

Create a Relaxing Meal Environment:

Find a comfortable and peaceful place to eat, free from distractions like television or electronic devices.

Set a pleasant atmosphere, perhaps with soft music or dim lighting, to encourage a leisurely meal.

Savor Each Bite:

Take small bites and chew your food thoroughly. Pay attention to the flavors, textures, and aromas of your meal. Put your utensils down between bites to slow down your eating pace.

Practice Mindfulness:

Be present during your meal. Focus solely on eating rather than multitasking.

Engage your senses in the experience of eating, savoring the taste and aroma of your food.

Use a Timer:

Set a timer for 20-30 minutes to allocate enough time for your meal. This can help you pace yourself and prevent rushing through your food.

26. Use Smaller Plates

Recent scientific studies have brought to light a fascinating connection between plate size and portion control.

The evidence is clear: the smaller the plate, the smaller the portion you’re likely to consume.

So, it’s not just about aesthetics or tableware trends; there’s some real science behind it.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. It’s not just about your plate size; it’s about your waistline, too. Some experts argue that our expanding waistlines and the growth of plate sizes are closely linked. It’s like they’ve been on a proportional journey, and that’s not a road we want to travel down.

But fear not. There’s a simple and effective solution to this problem. Opt for smaller plates, and you’ll essentially be tricking your brain into thinking you’re eating more than you actually are. It’s a clever psychological hack that can help you cut down on calories without feeling deprived.

Picture this: you switch to a smaller plate, load it up with your favorite meal, and your brain says, “Wow, that looks like a substantial portion!” You start eating, and before you know it, you’re satisfied, and you’ve consumed fewer calories than if you had used a larger plate.

I can promise you this: by making this small change, you’ll find yourself eating less and feeling fuller with the same amount of food. It’s a win-win situation for your waistline and your overall health.

Now, let’s talk action steps. Here’s what you can do:

Plate Swap:

Trade in those oversized plates for smaller ones, ideally in the 7 to 10-inch range. This simple switch can make a world of difference.

Downsize Your Dinnerware:

It’s not just plates – think about smaller dishes, bowls, glasses, and even silverware whenever possible. The smaller your serving vessels, the less food you’ll be tempted to pile on.

27.  Snack Before a Big Meal

Before you dive headfirst into your next meal, consider reaching for a healthy snack. It might seem counterintuitive, but it’s a smart strategy backed by science.

Here’s why it works.

When you choose a healthy snack, like an apple or any other fruit or vegetable packed with fiber, you’re doing your body a favor. These foods fill up your stomach, taking the edge off those pesky hunger pangs that can lead to overeating later.

Now, let’s break it down into a simple action step:

Snack Attack:

Grab an apple or pick another fiber-rich fruit or vegetable that tickles your taste buds.

Munch Away:

Enjoy your snack before you sit down for your main meal.

By doing this, you’re effectively signaling to your body that it’s time to eat. Your stomach starts to feel satisfied, and your brain gets the message that you’re not starving. As a result, you’re less likely to go overboard when your main course arrives.

30.  Sit Down To Eat

Eating on the run is the quintessential maneuver of busy folks everywhere. But here’s the thing, my friend – just because life has you constantly on the go, whether it’s work, family errands, or whatever else fills your day, it’s not a free pass for mindless munching.

Why should you steer clear of this eating-on-the-go habit? Well, the answer is simple but oh-so-important. When you eat without paying attention – be it in the car, on a bus, while walking, or while chatting away on the phone – you’re setting yourself up for a two-fold problem.

First, there’s the risk of overeating. You see when you’re not mindful of what you’re consuming, it’s all too easy to let those portions creep up. It’s like your brain is distracted, and your stomach just keeps sending signals for more.

But it doesn’t stop there. The second issue is the quality of the food you tend to choose on the move. We’re talking about the dreaded “grab-n-go” options – those quick, often unhealthy snacks that beckon from convenience stores and vending machines. They’re notorious for falling into the “bad eating” category, loaded with empty calories and unhealthy fats.

So, here’s your action step to break this cycle:

Take a Breather:

When it’s mealtime, find a moment to sit down and savor your food. Step away from eating in cars, trains, and buses and the distractions of phones and walking.

Choose Wisely:

Now, I get it – sometimes those grab-n-go meals are your only option. When that happens, be prepared. Opt for healthier choices like apples, nutritious yogurt, or peanut butter. These options can be surprisingly satisfying and provide your body with the fuel it needs.

31.  Drink Water

Recent studies have highlighted a fascinating link between drinking water before a meal and its positive impact on weight management.

It turns out that having a glass of water before you dig into your meal can be a game-changer.

But here’s the kicker – it’s not just about plain old H2O. You can also enlist the help of water-rich foods, such as many vegetables and some fruits. These foods are like nature’s hydration heroes, and they have a superpower – they keep you feeling full for longer.

Why is this so important?

Well, when you’re satiated and hydrated, it becomes easier to fend off those pesky, unhealthy cravings and resist the urge to overindulge.

Now, let’s put this knowledge into action with a simple step:

Make a conscious effort to stay well hydrated throughout the day. And here’s a smart, easy-to-follow trick – sip on at least one glass of water before each meal.

By doing this, you’re giving your body a gentle signal that it’s time to eat. Plus, you’re already filling up some space in your stomach with water, which can help you avoid eating more than you need.

32. Eat Natural, Real Food

I you’re absolutely right, and you’re not alone in saying it – highly-processed foods are like weight gain’s best friend. It’s a well-known fact that what you put into your body matters, and getting back to basics is key to a healthier you.

So, let’s dive into this essential concept: the closer your food is to its natural state, the better it is for you. It’s like giving your body a nutrient-packed gift every time you choose unprocessed, whole foods.

Why is this so crucial? Well, it’s all about what these foods bring to the table – quite literally. When you opt for natural, unprocessed choices, you’re loading up on essential nutrients that nourish your body and keep those hunger pangs at bay for longer periods.

Now, let’s turn this wisdom into an actionable step:

Make it a commitment to eat clean all the time. This means going for foods that have undergone minimal processing. Think about vibrant vegetables, fresh fruits, and wholesome proteins like fish, chicken, and beans.

By following this simple guideline, you’re not only making healthier choices for your body but also setting yourself up for success in managing your weight. These nutrient-rich options will leave you feeling satisfied and energized, all while helping you maintain a healthy weight.

33. Eat Plenty Of Eggs

Scientific studies have been giving eggs a gold star in the weight loss department. People who make eggs a regular part of their diet tend to shed more pounds and sport slimmer waistlines compared to those who don’t. But wait, there’s more!

Picture this: a breakfast showdown between eggs and bagels. Studies have actually shown that opting for eggs in the morning can help reduce hunger and overall food intake when compared to bagel-based breakfasts. It’s like eggs have this magical power to keep your tummy satisfied.

But it’s not just their filling nature that makes eggs awesome. They’re packed with lean, high-quality protein that your body loves. And the goodness doesn’t stop there – eggs also bring a wealth of other nutrients to the table, like choline, healthy fats, lecithin, and more.

So, here’s your simple action step:

Make eggs a regular part of your meals, especially at breakfast. Aim for two to three whole eggs a day.

34. Have a Cheat Day

It’s important to remember that nobody is perfect, especially when we’re striving to achieve challenging goals like weight loss. Perfection isn’t the name of the game; it’s about finding a balance that works for you, both physically and emotionally.

I’ve been down that road, too, and I can tell you from experience that denying yourself any indulgence can eventually lead to bigger slip-ups. We’re human, after all, and we all have cravings that deserve some attention now and then.

Here’s an action step that can help you navigate this journey:

Embrace Your Cravings:

First and foremost, acknowledge your cravings. They’re a part of life, and it’s perfectly normal to have them.

Plan Your Treat Time:

Instead of letting those cravings build up until they explode, choose a specific time each week to indulge a little. For some, it’s Saturday dinner; for others, Sunday evenings work best. This designated treat time is your chance to relax your strict dietary rules and enjoy whatever you’ve been craving.

35.  Make Your Diet Public

There’s nothing more humiliating than the prospect of public disapproval, so use it to your advantage.

Sharing your intentions with your spouse, friends, family, and co-workers can indeed work in your favor by holding you accountable for your progress.

Here’s an action step that takes it to the next level:

36. Go Public:

Don’t be shy about your goals. Share your commitment to making healthier choices with as many people as you can. This could include announcing your weight loss journey on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Visualize Progress:

Consider posting “before and after” progress pictures. They not only showcase your transformation but also inspire others on similar journeys.

Daily Updates:

Share your daily menus and workout routines. This transparency not only helps you track your own progress but also invites feedback and support from your community.

Open Up:

Don’t be afraid to share the ups and downs of your journey. Write about your inner demons, frustrations, and challenges. It’s not just about the triumphs; it’s about the real, raw experience of working toward a healthier you.

36. Ease The Stress

S You’re absolutely right, my friend. Stress and weight issues often form an unholy alliance, whether it’s the emotional stress that leads to comfort eating or the physical stress that wreaks havoc on your body’s ability to burn fat and build muscle. It’s a double whammy we all need to tackle.

So, let’s dive into some action steps that can help you take control:

Recognize and address stress triggers in your life. This could involve relationship conflicts, work-related stress, or even those tricky “grey zones” where uncertainty and ambiguity reign.

Find healthy ways to manage stress, whether it’s through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or seeking support from a therapist or counselor.

Eliminate Distraction

You’ve hit the nail on the head, my friend! In our hyper-connected world, distractions are everywhere, pulling us away from what truly matters – our health, our relationships, and our personal growth.

So, let’s make a bold move and declare distraction as enemy number one. Here’s an action step to help you reclaim your time and attention:

Tech-Free Zone:

Start small but impactful. The next time you sit down for a meal or gear up for a workout, make it a tech-free zone. Put your phone away, turn off the TV, and disconnect from the virtual world.

Focus on the Present:

Engage your mind fully in the task at hand. When you’re eating, savor every bite, enjoying the flavors and textures. When you’re working out, concentrate on your body’s movements and how it feels. This mindfulness not only enhances your overall experience but also helps you make healthier choices.

38.  Use The Glycemic Index

R You’re absolutely right, and it’s fascinating how research has shown that low-carb diets can be quite effective for weight loss and long-term weight maintenance. It’s all about making smart choices and being mindful of the glycemic index.

Now, let’s delve into an actionable step to help you navigate this terrain:

Glycemic Guidance:

The glycemic index (GI) is your secret weapon. It’s like a compass for making dietary decisions. Foods that score high on the GI, typically over 70, are often packed with sugars and starch. These include rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, flour-based foods, and most processed options.

Steer Clear of High-GI:

Your action step is clear – avoid foods that rank above 70 on the Glycemic Index. These foods can quickly spike your blood sugar levels, triggering a cascade of insulin production that can lead to hunger pangs and various health issues.

40.  Don’t Eat in Front of the TV

A study from the University of Massachusetts really highlights an important point about mindful eating – the impact of distractions on our food consumption. It’s incredible how something as seemingly harmless as watching TV while eating can lead to consuming those extra calories.

So, here’s a straightforward action step to help you regain control over your eating habits:

Mindful Mealtime:

When it’s time to sit down for a meal, make it a sacred moment. Turn off the TV, put your phone aside, and create an environment where you can fully immerse yourself in the pleasures of eating.

Savor the Flavor:

As you eat, pay attention to the textures, flavors, and aromas of your food. Chew slowly and relish each bite. This mindfulness not only enhances your enjoyment of the meal but also puts you in tune with your body’s satiety signals.

Cutting Calories Mindfully:

The beauty of this practice is that it can naturally lead to eating less. By being present in the moment and paying attention to your body’s cues, you’re less likely to overeat. As you mentioned, this alone could help you cut at least 300 calories a day, which is a significant step toward your health and weight management goals.!

41.  Add Protein to Every Meal

Protein isn’t just for building muscle and workout recovery; it’s a secret weapon for weight loss, too. It’s all about feeling satisfied and preventing those pesky cravings and unhealthy snacking sprees.

Here’s an action step to put protein to work for you:

Protein-Packed Plates:

Make protein a star player at every meal, and don’t skip breakfast in this game. Including protein in your morning meal sets the tone for the day, keeping you feeling full and energized.

Post-Workout Fuel:

After you’ve given your all in your workout, your body craves nourishment. Make sure to include protein in your post-workout meal or snack to aid in recovery and muscle repair.

Protein Sources:

There are plenty of healthy protein sources to choose from. Eggs, fish, chicken, and grass-fed beef are all excellent options. You can also explore vegetarian sources like tofu, beans, and lentils if that suits your dietary preferences.

42.  Set a Kitchen Curfew For 12 Hours

The kitchen can be a magnet for mindless snacking, especially when it’s not mealtime. It’s amazing how those late-night munchies can add up over time, isn’t it? But here’s a smart strategy to regain control over your eating habits:

Set a Kitchen Curfew:

After your dinner rituals are done and the kitchen is clean and tidy, declare it off-limits. Make this a designated time when you’re not allowed to enter the kitchen. It’s like drawing a line in the sand to stop those late-night snacking urges in their tracks.

Visual Reminder:

If you need a visual cue, the masking tape idea is brilliant. Place it across your kitchen doorway to serve as a reminder that the kitchen is closed for the night.

43. Personalize Your Plan

You’ve hit the nail on the head – there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to workouts and diets. We’re all unique individuals, and what works for one person might not work for another. It’s all about finding the perfect match for your body and lifestyle.

So, let’s talk about taking a customized approach to your health and weight loss goals:

Personalized Program:

Recognize that you are your own best guide on this journey. Start by developing a personalized program that considers your fitness level, body type, personal preferences, and specific weight loss goals. It’s about tailoring your plan to fit you like a glove.

Be Your Own Guinea Pig:

Embrace the idea that you’re the best expert on your own body. Experiment with different workouts and diets to find what resonates with you the most. Pay attention to how your body responds, what you enjoy, and what yields the best results.

Stay Flexible:

Remember, nothing works 100 percent of the time for everyone. Be open to adjustments and changes along the way. What works for you today might evolve as your body and goals change.

44.  Step Away From The Scale

While it’s essential to monitor your progress, relying solely on the scale can indeed lead to stress and frustration.

Here’s a more balanced approach:

Weekly Weigh-In:

Weigh yourself once a week, no more, no less. Consistency in timing and frequency helps provide a more accurate picture of your progress over time.

Scale Perspective:

Remember that the numbers on the scale are not the ultimate truth. They can fluctuate for various reasons, including water retention, muscle gain, and more. Don’t let those digits define your self-worth.

Alternative Measures:

Consider using alternative methods to track your progress. Take before and after photos to visually see changes in your body composition. A tape measure can also be a fantastic tool to gauge inches lost or gained. How your clothes fit can provide valuable insights as well.

45.  Get Plenty of Sleep

Did you ever stop to think about how sleep (or the lack of it) can sneakily lead you down the snack attack path? Well, it totally can!

So, get this: researchers at the University of Chicago found that folks who only got around five and a half hours of sleep decided to snack their way through the day more than those who snoozed for a solid 7 hours. Yeah, you heard that right – less sleep, more snacks. Not exactly the winning combo for your waistline.

Now, I’m no sleep expert, but here’s something I’m 100% sure about – a good night’s sleep is like a superhero cape for your brain, your body’s recovery crew, and your inner athlete. It’s like the ultimate secret sauce for peak performance and rock-solid health.

So, here’s your action plan, my friend:

Get cozy, pull up those sheets, and aim for a sweet 8 hours of high-quality, uninterrupted sleep every night. Your body and brain will thank you in the morning, and you’ll be well on your way to feeling your best.

46. No Alcohol

When it comes to shedding those extra pounds, it’s important to know that alcohol can be a bit of a roadblock. You see, alcoholic drinks are often loaded with sugars that don’t do your fitness goals any favors.

So, here’s an action step to help you navigate this challenge:

Trim Down on Spirits:

Consider cutting down on your alcohol consumption, especially if you’re aiming for fat loss. Those sugary concoctions achieve little more than compromising your hard-earned fitness gains.

Sip Slowly and Smartly:

If you do decide to have a drink, take it slow and savor the moment. After your first drink, consider switching to a club soda with a refreshing twist of lime. It’s a healthier choice that can help you manage your calorie intake.

47. Every Once in a While, Reward Yourself

Have celebrating your milestones is a fantastic way to make your weight loss journey more enjoyable and motivating. It’s like giving yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.

So, here’s an action step to keep the momentum going:

When you reach a notable milestone, treat yourself to something special that you genuinely enjoy. Whether it’s splurging on a new pair of running shoes, indulging in a relaxing manicure or massage, or even going on a fun date – it’s your moment to celebrate!

48. Monitor Your Progress

Measurement is the key to improvement, whether you’re in the boardroom or on a journey to shed those extra pounds. It’s all about keeping an eye on your progress to make informed decisions and stay on track.

Here’s an action step to help you stay on top of your weight loss journey:

Gauge Your Progress:

Make sure you’re actively measuring your weight loss journey. Track a range of metrics, including body measurements (especially around the waist), body weight, body fat percentage, exercise and workout plans, daily calorie intake, and energy levels.

Choose Your Method:

Find a method that works for you when it comes to tracking. Just like you mentioned with your Bodyminder workout journal, use a tool or system that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences. Whether it’s a journal, an app, or spreadsheets, the important thing is to consistently record your statistics.

49.  Get The Support You Need

The company you keep can truly make or break your journey towards a healthier you. Support and positivity can fuel your progress, while negativity can easily drain your motivation.

So, here’s an action step to help you build your tribe of supporters:

Choose Your Tribe Wisely:

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who not only understand what you’re going through but also share similar fitness visions. These are the people who will cheer you on, celebrate your victories, and provide a shoulder to lean on during tough times.

Seek Support:

If you find it challenging to get your friends and family on board with your fitness mission, consider joining a weight management course or participating in weekly support group meetings. These environments are filled with individuals who are on similar journeys and can offer invaluable support and motivation.

50. Be Your Own Coach

When it comes to achieving success and staying motivated, the most impactful coach you can have is the one inside yourself. It’s about harnessing your inner drive, especially when the going gets tough.

So, here’s an action step to help you connect with your inner coach:

Take some time for introspection and delve deep into your heart and mind. Explore what truly motivates you, what ignites your passion, and what fuels your determination. It might be a vision of a healthier body, the desire to be a positive role model for a child, or simply wanting to feel great about yourself.

By uncovering your inner motivations and tapping into your personal reasons for embarking on this journey, you’ll have a powerful source of self-motivation. It’s like having an unwavering ally on the frontline, ready to tackle every challenge that comes your way.

51. Eliminate The All-Or-Nothing Mentality

the all-or-nothing mentality can be a real stumbling block on the road to weight loss success. It’s important to remember that perfection is not the goal, and slip-ups are a natural part of the journey.

Here’s an action step to help you navigate this mindset:

Instead of being overly critical of yourself for mistakes or weak moments, view them as opportunities for growth. When you slip up, don’t beat yourself up; instead, assess what happened, learn from it, and make positive changes moving forward.

By shifting your mindset to one that values progress over perfection, you’ll create a healthier and more sustainable approach to weight loss. It’s all about turning setbacks into stepping stones on your journey to a healthier you. Keep moving forward, one positive step at a time!

How to Lose 25 Pounds – The Conclusion

A comprehensive guide to reaching your weight-loss goals.

I wish I’d had this handy guide before I started my own journey.

I hope it helps you with yours.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions below. In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

David D.

Top 19 Superfoods for Runners: Boost Your Performance Naturally

Super Foods

Ready to supercharge your performance and take your running game to the next level? Well, guess what? It all starts with what you put on your plate! Yep, you heard me right. The food you eat before, during, and after each run can make a world of difference, not just in your running performance, but also in your overall health and well-being

Here’s the deal: neglecting your nutritional needs is like trying to run a marathon with shoes that are two sizes too small. It’s a recipe for mediocrity, injury, and burnout. But fear not, my friend, because I’m about to let you in on a little secret that will revolutionize your diet.

In today’s article, I’m sharing with you a list of the most incredible, nutrient-dense foods in the world!

These powerhouses of nutrition are packed to the brim with everything your body craves. We’re talking top-notch quality carbohydrates to fuel your runs, proteins to repair and build those hardworking muscles, and fats that give you the sustained energy you need.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Food For Runners – 1: Beans

Let me tell you a little story about my relationship with beans. Back in the day, I used to turn my nose up at those humble legumes. They just weren’t on my culinary radar. But oh, how things have changed! In my mid-20s, I took a leap of faith and gave beans a chance—and boy, am I glad I did!

You see, beans are like hidden treasures of the food world. Not only are they incredibly delicious once you develop a taste for them, but they also come with a whole host of benefits for us runners. Picture this: one cup of beans serves up a whopping 15 grams of fiber. That’s like getting a fiber-packed superhero cape that swoops in and provides you with 60 percent of your recommended daily minimum! And let’s not forget about the 20 grams of protein they bring to the table. This protein power duo not only tames those hunger pangs but also helps keep those notorious overeating tendencies at bay. It’s like having a personal bodyguard against mindless snacking.

But wait, there’s more! Beans are not just fiber and protein powerhouses. They’re also bursting with vitamins, antioxidants, slow-burning carbs, and a wide range of minerals. It’s like a nutrient extravaganza, with each bean bringing its unique set of goodies to the party. And here’s the kicker—they’ll leave you feeling satisfied, energized, and ready to conquer the world without weighing you down like a lead balloon. I

Oh, and here’s some exciting news for those with type 2 diabetes. A study published in the Archive of Interval Medicine found that incorporating beans, along with their legume buddies like lentils and chickpeas, into your diet can actually improve blood sugar control and reduce the risks of heart diseases. That’s like getting a double win for your health, all thanks to these humble legumes.

Food For Runners – 2: Lentils

Let me introduce you to the true superhero of the legume world—lentils! These tiny powerhouses are like metabolic dynamos, packed with an arsenal of nutrients that can give your body the boost it craves.

First up, let’s talk about iron. Lentils are an iron-rich treasure trove. And trust me, iron is a nutrient you don’t want to mess with. It’s like the secret fuel that powers your body’s engine. When you’re low on iron, it’s like running on an empty tank. You’ll find yourself getting tired at the drop of a hat, and even a simple jog can leave you feeling dizzy and drained.

Not to mention, iron deficiency can show up on your skin, giving you that pale appearance, and weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. But fear not, my friend, lentils have got your back. They’re here to replenish your iron stores and supercharge your energy levels.

But that’s not all—lentils have an entire arsenal of nutrients to offer. Think of them as a compact package of essential vitamins and minerals. They’re like a treasure chest of Vitamin B, potassium, and other valuable goodies that your body craves. These nutrients work together like a symphony, supporting your overall health, boosting your metabolism, and keeping your body functioning at its best.

And here’s the best part—lentils are not only a nutritional powerhouse, but they’re also incredibly convenient. They’re like the MVPs of meal prep. With lentils, you don’t have to spend hours slaving away in the kitchen. They’re like the culinary wizards that can go from bag to plate in less than half an hour.

Food For Runners – 3: Avocados

First things first, avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats. Don’t let the word “fat” scare you away because these are the good guys that your heart loves. It’s like having a heart-friendly ally by your side.

Research studies have shown that avocados can work their magic by helping to lower levels of LDL, which is the notorious artery-clogging bad cholesterol. But that’s not all—avocados also have the superpower to boost your levels of HDL, the good cholesterol.

But the wonders of avocados don’t stop there. They’re like a treasure trove of over 20 vital nutrients, all wrapped up in a creamy green package. Inside, you’ll find choline, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B, just to name a few.

These nutrients play a unique role in supporting your overall health and well-being.

Now, let’s talk about potassium, another runner-friendly nutrient that avocados have in abundance. Think of potassium as the conductor of your body’s orchestra. It’s like the maestro that regulates heart and muscle contractions, keeping everything in harmony.

However, it’s important to remember that while avocados are delicious and nutritious, they do come with a caloric punch. Think of it as a worthy indulgence. One avocado packs roughly 220 calories and 20 grams of those beneficial monounsaturated fats.

Food For Runners – 4: Eggs

Let’s talk about one of my all-time favorite protein sources—the incredible egg. I absolutely adore eggs, and I’m here to tell you that you shouldn’t shy away from them either.

If you’ve been avoiding eggs because you’ve heard they’re bad for your cholesterol, it’s time to rethink that notion. Recent research has shown that eggs don’t have a negative impact on blood cholesterol levels and are not the culprits behind heart attacks. So go ahead and crack those eggs with confidence!

But wait, there’s more! Eggs are not only delicious but also one of the best foods you can consume if you’re looking to shed those extra pounds.

They are a powerhouse when it comes to nutrition. Packed with protein and healthy fats, eggs have the incredible ability to keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer, all while being low in calories. It’s like having a satiety superhero on your plate.

What makes eggs even more extraordinary is their abundance of essential amino acids—the building blocks of protein that your body needs for a wide range of functions, from creating brain chemicals to building strong muscles.

Protein is like the construction crew that builds and repairs your body, and eggs provide an excellent source of these essential nutrients.

When you consume protein-rich foods like eggs, they work their magic by keeping you satiated for longer periods, helping you eat less throughout the day. But that’s not all. The protein found in eggs, especially in the yolks, stimulates the release of a hormone called glucagon. Think of glucagon as as the hormone that promotes fat burning, helping you on your weight loss journey.

In fact, research conducted by the Pennington Biomedical Research Center found that having eggs for breakfast can make a significant difference in your hunger levels throughout the day compared to a breakfast consisting of complex carbs, like a bagel. So, starting your day with an egg is like setting yourself up for success and keeping those hunger pangs at bay.

Eggs truly are an “eggcellent” option for your morning meal. I personally enjoy having two or three eggs, scrambled to perfection, with a generous serving of greens and a drizzle of olive oil. It’s a delightful combination that fuels my day and keeps me energized.

Food For Runners – 5: Sweet Potato

One of the standout qualities of sweet potatoes is their impressive content of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that can work wonders for our bodies.

Think of beta-carotene as a shield against the oxidative stress that comes with intense workouts.

It helps protect our cells from damage and aids in post-exercise recovery. Sweet potatoes are like little orange powerhouses, supplying us with this essential nutrient to support our athletic endeavors.

But that’s not all the goodness sweet potatoes have to offer. They’re also abundant in Vitamin A, a nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy eyes, preventing sun damage (a must for all outdoor runners), and boosting our immune system. Think of Vitamin A as your superhero sidekick, keeping your eyes sharp and your immune system in tip-top shape.

And let’s not forget about the mighty Vitamin C found in sweet potatoes. As runners, we put our bodies through rigorous workouts, and that can lead to the production of free radicals—those pesky molecules that can cause oxidative stress.

But fear not, for sweet potatoes come to the rescue once again! Packed with Vitamin C, they provide us with a natural defense against those running-induced free radicals. It’s like having a shield to protect our cells and keep our bodies performing at their best.

Now, let’s talk about convenience. As athletes, we’re always on the lookout for quick and nourishing pre-run meals. Well, look no further than sweet potatoes! These versatile tubers can be easily incorporated into your pre-run routine. A cup of mashed sweet potato serves up approximately 55 grams of carbohydrates, giving you a fantastic energy boost for a solid hour of running. It’s like fueling up with nature’s own energy source.

Food For Runners – 6: Blueberries

Picture this: as you conquer those miles, your body is hard at work, churning out free radicals through its metabolic processes. These pesky molecules can wreak havoc on your cells and hinder your performance. But fear not, for blueberries are here to save the day!

In a groundbreaking study conducted at Cornell University, researchers found that blueberries reign supreme when it comes to antioxidant capabilities among a whopping 25 fruits and berries. They’re like the superheroes of the antioxidant world, ready to fight off those free radicals and keep your body in top shape. So, when it comes to antioxidant power, blueberries take the crown.

But that’s not all blueberries have to offer. These little gems are also packed with an abundance of manganese, a mineral that plays a crucial role in converting carbohydrates, protein, and fats into energy. Think of manganese as the fuel pump for your running machine. It helps your body efficiently transform the nutrients you consume into the energy you need to power through your runs. With blueberries by your side, you’ll have that extra boost to crush your goals and keep your energy levels soaring.

Whether you prefer sprinkling them on your morning oatmeal, blending them into a refreshing smoothie, or simply popping them as a post-run snack, blueberries are a versatile and delicious way to fuel your runs and support your overall well-being.

Food For Runners – 7: Kale

Let’s talk about Vitamin K, a key player in bone development. As runners, our bones endure a lot of stress and impact. But fear not, because kale is here to fortify your skeletal system. Packed with Vitamin K, this leafy green superhero ensures your bones stay strong and resilient, even in the face of high-intensity running. In fact, just one serving of kale delivers a whopping 700% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin K.

Now that’s a bone-boosting dose you don’t want to miss!

But wait, there’s more! Kale has another trick up its sleeve: Vitamin C. We all know that keeping our immune system in top shape is crucial for runners. The last thing we need is to be sidelined by infections, viruses, or pesky colds. Luckily, kale comes to the rescue with its sky-high Vitamin C content. A single serving of this vibrant green goodness provides a staggering 200% of your daily recommended dosage of Vitamin C. With each bite of kale, you’re giving your immune system the support it needs to fend off those unwelcome invaders.

What’s more?

Besides being a Vitamin K and Vitamin C powerhouse, kale also boasts impressive amounts of vitamins A and B6, iron, and calcium. It’s like an all-in-one nutrient package tailor-made for runners.

Food For Runners – 8: Spinach

Picture this: Popeye, the iconic cartoon character, with his bulging biceps and unrivaled strength, has a secret weapon tucked away in his back pocket—spinach. But here’s the fascinating part: Popeye’s creator wasn’t just spinning a tale. He tapped into the real science behind spinach, harnessing its incredible ability to provide both strength and power.

This leafy green superhero is armed with a special ingredient called nitrates, and they hold the key to unlocking your running potential. Research has revealed that spinach is packed with these nitrates, which act as mighty boosters for your performance on the road. How, you ask? Well, nitrates have the remarkable ability to supercharge your circulatory system and muscles by maximizing the delivery of oxygen and essential nutrients. It’s like having a turbocharger for your running engine, propelling you forward with enhanced endurance and efficiency.

But that’s not all—spinach has more tricks up its sleeve. Let’s talk about Vitamin K, a nutrient that plays a vital role in maintaining healthy bones. If you want your running adventures to be supported by a strong skeletal system, spinach is your go-to teammate. This leafy green powerhouse is loaded with Vitamin K, ensuring that your bones stay robust and resilient, ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

Now, let’s address another health aspect: blood pressure. We all know that maintaining a healthy blood pressure is crucial for our overall well-being, especially as runners. And guess what? Spinach comes to the rescue yet again. Hidden within its vibrant leaves are peptides, little wonders that work their magic by lowering blood pressure. It’s like spinach has its own team of superheroes, swooping in to keep your blood pressure in check and allowing you to run with confidence and ease.

But the goodness of spinach doesn’t stop there. This leafy green powerhouse is a treasure trove of essential nutrients that your body craves. Think of it as a nutritional goldmine, boasting generous amounts of Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and iron. These nutrients play crucial roles in supporting your overall health, from bolstering your immune system to maintaining strong muscles and optimizing energy production. Spinach truly is a one-stop shop for all your nutritional needs.

Food For Runners – 9: Wild Salmon

Imagine diving into a culinary adventure fit for a king—a journey where taste, nutrition, and performance converge.

A succulent four-ounce serving of wild salmon gracing your plate, brimming with a mighty 30 grams of protein. It’s no wonder that wild salmon has earned its royal title as the king of fish. With each flavorful bite, you’re fueling your body with a protein powerhouse that supports muscle growth, repair, and overall strength. It’s like granting your body a regal feast fit for a champion.

But wait, there’s more to this majestic fish than just its protein prowess. Wild salmon holds a secret weapon in the form of selenium—an antioxidant that works tirelessly to promote cardiovascular health. It’s like having a loyal knight protecting your heart from the perils of oxidative stress, ensuring that it beats strong and steady throughout your running adventures.

Now let’s delve into the magical world of Omega-3 fatty acids. These precious nutrients, abundantly found in wild salmon, hold the key to reducing post-workout inflammation. Imagine this: as you push your limits on the road, your muscles may experience some battle scars in the form of inflammation. But fear not, for the Omega-3s in wild salmon come to your rescue, soothing those inflamed muscles and speeding up your recovery process. It’s like having a healing potion specially brewed for runners, granting you a faster rebound and keeping you ready for your next run.

But here’s where things get truly enchanting. Wild salmon’s benefits extend far beyond health—they have a direct impact on your athletic performance. Prepare to be amazed by the findings of a study published in the prestigious European Journal of Applied Physiology. This research uncovered a captivating link between fish oil supplementation (rich in Omega-3s) and enhanced cardiovascular performance.

Imagine your heart as the valiant hero of your body, pumping life-giving blood with every beat. This study revealed that fish oil supplementation can boost your heart’s stroke volume—the amount of blood it pumps with each contraction. It’s like unlocking a hidden power within your heart, enabling it to pump more blood, deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your hard-working muscles, and propel your performance to new heights.

But that’s not all—the magic doesn’t stop there. Fish oil supplementation also sparks an increase in cardiac output—the grand total of blood that your heart pumps out. It’s like giving your heart an extra burst of energy, allowing it to unleash its full potential and propel you forward with renewed vigor.

Food For Runners – 10: Watercress

Imagine a vegetable so dense with nutrients that it effortlessly claims the top spot on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s list. Yes, you heard that right—watercress reigns supreme as the ultimate nutrient powerhouse. It’s like a shining gem among ordinary foods, elevating your plate to a whole new level of nutrition.

Let’s unravel the magic of watercress and uncover why it’s a true superhero among greens. First, its antioxidant power is nothing short of extraordinary. Picture a battalion of antioxidants armed and ready to combat the free radicals that can wreak havoc on your body. Watercress leads the charge, delivering a formidable army of these protective agents that shield your cells from damage and contribute to your overall well-being.

But that’s not all—watercress has a secret weapon called Vitamin K. This essential nutrient plays a crucial role in bone health, ensuring that your skeletal fortress remains strong and resilient, especially during high-impact activities like running. It’s like fortifying your body’s architectural structure, equipping it with the strength to endure any challenge that comes your way.

And let’s not forget about the hidden treasures that lie within watercress. It’s a treasure trove of other valuable nutrients, waiting to be discovered. From Vitamin A, which supports healthy vision and boosts your immune system, to Vitamin C, which bolsters your body’s defenses against the oxidative stress of running, watercress delivers a wealth of benefits.

But what makes watercress even more remarkable is its ability to offer all these nutritional wonders while being exceptionally low in calories. It’s like indulging in a guilt-free feast, where every bite fuels your body with nourishment without tipping the scales.

Food For Runners – 11: Walnuts

Picture this: you’re on the move, conquering the world one stride at a time, and suddenly hunger strikes. You reach into your pocket and retrieve the ultimate energizing snack—the mighty walnut. These bite-sized powerhouses are not only convenient but also brimming with benefits that will keep you running strong.

Let’s crack open the walnut’s secrets and discover why it’s a go-to snack for on-the-go runners. First, let’s talk about the Omega-3 fatty acid ALA. Studies have shown that ALA can effectively reduce the type of inflammation that poses a threat to your cardiovascular health. It’s like providing a protective shield for your precious arteries, ensuring smooth blood flow as you conquer each mile.

But the wonders of walnuts don’t stop there. These remarkable nuts also play a role in bone health, keeping your skeletal system strong and resilient. The ALA found in walnuts has been linked to a reduced breakdown of bones, providing a solid foundation for your running adventures. It’s like giving your bones the support they need to endure the impact of each footstrike, preventing any cracks or fractures along the way.

Now, let’s delve into the heart-healthy properties of walnuts. These little gems are rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fats, which have been shown to have a positive impact on cholesterol levels. Say goodbye to the dreaded LDL cholesterol, also known as the “bad” cholesterol, as walnuts have been found to effectively lower its levels.

But the benefits of walnuts extend beyond the heart. These plant-based powerhouses are a treasure trove of essential nutrients. Just think of the fiber, Vitamin B, and antioxidants they contain. Fiber keeps your digestion in tip-top shape, promoting a healthy gut and preventing any hiccups along your running journey.

Vitamin B provides an extra boost to your energy levels, keeping you fueled and ready to conquer any distance. And let’s not forget about the antioxidants, such as Vitamin E, which act as your body’s defenders, warding off the harmful effects of oxidative stress and supporting your overall well-being.

Food For Runners – 12: Salmon

Picture a 3-ounce serving of salmon, delivering a modest 150 calories, while generously providing you with 20 grams of protein and 7 grams of fat. It’s like a well-balanced symphony of nutrients, carefully orchestrated to fuel your body and support your overall well-being.

One of the crowning glories of salmon lies in its abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. These remarkable compounds have been extensively studied and hailed for their incredible health benefits. Research has shown that consuming omega-3s can help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart diseases, and even ward off a myriad of health troubles.

But the wonders of omega-3s don’t stop there. These fatty acids are also champions in the battle against inflammation. Whether you’re recovering from an intense workout or striving to build stronger muscles, the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s can be your trusted allies. They help your body bounce back faster, promoting faster recovery and supporting long-term muscle growth. It’s like having a team of skilled healers working behind the scenes, ensuring you’re always at your peak performance.

Let’s not forget about another key nutrient found abundantly in salmon: iodine. This mineral plays a vital role in proper thyroid functioning, which is crucial for maintaining an optimally running metabolism. It’s like a conductor orchestrating your body’s internal symphony, ensuring every process runs smoothly and efficiently. By including salmon in your diet, you’re giving your body the fuel it needs to keep your metabolism humming along.

When preparing salmon, let your creativity shine. Broiling is a fantastic cooking method that brings out the fish’s natural flavors, while keeping the calorie count in check. Enhance the experience with a delightful blend of spices, a splash of lemon juice, a sprinkling of herbs, or a touch of garlic. These additions will infuse your dish with tantalizing flavors, all without adding extra calories. It’s like painting a masterpiece on your plate, transforming a simple fish into a culinary masterpiece.

And remember, salmon isn’t the only fish that offers these remarkable benefits. Cast your net wider and explore the seas of flavor with sardines, mackerel, trout, herring, and other types of oily fish. These are equally rich in omega-3s and can be delightful additions to your seafood repertoire.

Food For Runners – 13: Broccoli

Broccoli, the green superhero of the vegetable kingdom, may not have been love at first sight for me, but once I discovered its incredible benefits, I couldn’t help but fall head over heels for it. This versatile veggie is not just a pretty face; it’s a nutritional powerhouse that can support your weight loss journey in more ways than one.

Let’s delve into the magic of broccoli and unlock its secrets to shedding those unwanted pounds. This cruciferous delight is brimming with dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins, making it a superstar in the realm of healthy eating. But the real star quality lies in its low-calorie and low-fat profile. It’s like finding a treasure trove of nutrition without the guilt of excess calories or unwanted fats.

So, how exactly can this mighty green veggie help you on your weight loss quest? Well, its high fiber content plays a pivotal role. Fiber is like a trusty sidekick that swoops in to keep you feeling full and satisfied, all while helping you control those pesky hunger pangs. By adding broccoli to your meals, you’re giving your body a fighting chance against the temptations of overeating. It’s like having a loyal ally in your battle against the munchies.

But wait, there’s more! Broccoli is not just filling; it’s also incredibly low in calories. Just imagine, a generous cup of cooked broccoli weighing in at a mere 6 ounces and boasting only around 50 calories. It’s like nature’s gift to calorie-conscious individuals. And here’s another interesting tidbit: cooked broccoli is roughly 90 percent water by weight. So, not only does it satiate your appetite, but it also keeps you hydrated, contributing to your overall well-being.

Let’s not forget about the dazzling array of nutrients that broccoli offers. It’s like a nutritional treasure trove, packed with calcium, and a bounty of vitamins, including the mighty trio: A, C, and K. These vitamins are like a dynamic trio of protectors, standing guard against various health ailments. From fighting cancer to keeping blood pressure in check, and even combating heart diseases, they play a crucial role in maintaining your well-being. In fact, a single cup of cooked broccoli surpasses the daily requirements for both Vitamin K and C.

To make the most of broccoli’s benefits, let your culinary creativity soar. Toss it into your salads to add a vibrant crunch, or serve it as a delightful side dish to complement your main meal. And guess what? You can even enjoy it for breakfast! Starting your day with a filling and nutritious meal sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Food For Runners – 14: Apples

Apples, the portable powerhouses of the fruit kingdom, have won my heart for their convenience and undeniable snacking appeal. But let me tell you, their benefits go far beyond their portability. These vibrant fruits are a true treasure trove of fiber and an array of valuable nutrients, making them a smart choice for those aiming to shed some extra pounds.

Now, let’s address the burning question: Can an apple a day truly  helps keep those pesky pounds away? The answer is a resounding yes! A fascinating study published in the esteemed journal Nutrition revealed that overweight women who indulged in three apples (or pears) each day for a three-month period actually shed more weight compared to those who opted for a similar diet but replaced the fruits with oat cookies. Women should also take plenty of multivitamins for an effective weight loss plan. Learn more about it here.

So, what makes apples so incredible for weight loss?

Well, let’s start with the fact that a large apple boasts approximately five grams of fiber. Fiber is like the hero of your digestive system, keeping things running smoothly and promoting a feeling of fullness. And here’s another fun fact: apples are comprised of roughly 85 percent water. It’s like nature’s way of ensuring that you stay hydrated and satisfied.

But that’s not all! Apples have a few more tricks up their sleeve. They contain a compound called quercetin, which acts as a powerful ally in the fight against cancer, promotes healthy lung function, and even helps reduce the risk of cholesterol damage. And let’s not forget about pectin, a soluble fiber found in apples that contributes to that delightful feeling of satiety. It’s like a natural appetite suppressant that keeps you feeling satisfied for longer, preventing those pesky cravings from derailing your progress.

And the nutritional goodness doesn’t stop there. Apples also offer a dose of potassium, vitamin C, and a host of other valuable nutrients that support your overall well-being. It’s like a nutritional treasure packed into a single fruit, ready to nourish your body from the inside out.

Food For Runners – 15: Chicken Breast

A 3-ounce portion of boneless, skinless chicken breast (or half a chicken breast) is a mere 140 calories, making it a smart choice for those watching their waistlines. But wait, there’s more! This poultry delight packs a whopping 25 grams of high-quality protein.

But here’s the real magic: indulging in grilled, skinless chicken breast helps you consume fewer calories while keeping hunger at bay. By opting for the lean and mean version without the skin or breading, you’re not only reducing calorie intake but also maximizing satiety.

Now, a word of caution: steer clear of the seductive temptations of fried chicken, chicken strips, and chicken nuggets. These little troublemakers are notorious for their calorie-loaded nature and unhealthy fats that can sabotage your hard-earned progress. Let’s keep our focus on the grilled goodness that keeps our bodies nourished and our taste buds satisfied.

While we’re on the topic, let’s talk about the importance of choosing free-roaming, organic chicken. These feathered friends live their lives in more humane conditions, allowing them to roam and enjoy a more natural diet. Not only does this benefit the chickens themselves, but it also ensures that we’re consuming a higher quality product that aligns with our commitment to healthier living. Plus, let’s be honest, the taste of organic chicken is truly something to behold. It’s like nature’s way of rewarding us for making mindful choices.

But hey, I get it—personal preferences play a big role here. Whether you go for organic or not, the most important thing is to savor the flavors and embrace the nourishing power of this versatile protein source.

Food For Runners – 16: Tuna

Imagine cracking open a can of this fishy delight, and within that mere 100 grams of tuna lies a powerhouse of Vitamin D, ready to shower you with its goodness. We’re talking about a dose that covers half of your recommended intake, packing a serious punch to keep your bones strong, your immune system in top shape, and your overall well-being soaring.

But wait, there’s more! We’re about to unveil the tantalizing connection between tuna and your love life. It turns out that Vitamin D, in all its glory, has a remarkable effect on your libido.

According to a study conducted by the esteemed Medical University of Graz, this marvelous vitamin actually works its magic by regulating a sneaky chemical called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). You see, SHBG has a knack for suppressing libido, but Vitamin D comes to the rescue, limiting the levels of this libido-squelching villain and allowing your desire to soar.

But let’s not forget that tuna has a lot more to offer than just its bedroom-boosting powers. It’s a nutritional powerhouse, teeming with protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and a host of other essential nutrients that your body craves..

Just remember, moderation is key. While tuna is a treasure trove of health benefits, it’s important to be mindful of your consumption. Opt for sustainable sources, such as pole-and-line caught or troll-caught tuna, to ensure you’re making a responsible choice for both your health and the environment.

Food For Runners – 17: Chocolate

Chocolate often gets a bad rap, with whispers of guilt and indulgence floating in the air. But fear not because when enjoyed in moderation, the dark variety can be a game-changer for your health and overall well-being. Yes, you heard that right – chocolate can actually be good for you!

But hey, don’t just take my word for it. A study conducted by experts in the field has revealed that dark chocolate, with a cacao content of at least 70 percent, can work wonders for your precious blood vessels. How, you ask? Well, it’s all about that remarkable increase in elasticity.

You see, indulging in the velvety smoothness of dark chocolate can give your blood vessels a boost, enhancing their flexibility and promoting better circulation throughout your body. This means improved blood flow, reduced risks of stroke, and a heart that’s singing with gratitude.

But hold on, there’s more to this chocolatey tale. Dark chocolate, with its rich and complex flavors, isn’t just a treat for your taste buds. It’s a powerhouse of stimulatory compounds that can rev up your energy levels and boost your performance.

What’s responsible for this delightful burst of energy, you may wonder? Well, it’s the dynamic duo of caffeine and theobromine that dance within each bite of dark chocolate. These compounds have been known to awaken your senses, sharpen your focus, and give you that extra kick to conquer your day.

Food For Runners – 18: Raw Milk

Raw milk boasts a bounty of muscle-healing proteins that can work wonders for your post-workout recovery. It’s like giving your muscles a superhero’s embrace, providing them with the building blocks they need to bounce back stronger and faster. With every glass, you’re nurturing your body from within, setting the stage for accelerated rejuvenation.

But that’s not all, my friends. Raw milk is a hydration hero, offering a refreshing dose of pure, thirst-quenching water with every sip. It’s like a cool, revitalizing waterfall cascading down your throat, replenishing your body’s fluid levels and keeping you well-hydrated. This natural hydration boost is a key ingredient in keeping you fueled and ready to conquer your day.

Let’s not forget about the essential nutrient that raw milk brings to the table: calcium. This mighty mineral is a champion when it comes to bone health, providing the foundation for strong and resilient skeletal structures. With each glass of raw milk, you’re giving your bones a loving embrace, ensuring they stay robust and ready for whatever challenges come your way. It’s like fortifying your body’s fortress, equipping yourself with the tools for long-lasting strength.

Now, here’s an intriguing twist. Did you know that enjoying a glass of raw milk around bedtime can work its magic while you sleep? Yes, you heard it right! Raw milk possesses a secret weapon in the form of slow-digesting casein proteins. These proteins ensure a gradual release of nutrients, creating a sense of sustained nourishment throughout the night. But that’s not all—raw milk has the power to enhance the release of sleep-promoting melatonin and serotonin, ushering you into a deeper and more restful slumber..

So, how much raw milk should you savor? Well, that depends on your personal preferences and needs. But let me offer a gentle suggestion: make it a daily ritual to indulge in at least one cup of this liquid gold. Give yourself the gift of nourishment and wellness, knowing that with each sip, you’re embracing the remarkable benefits that raw milk has to offer.

Food For Runners – 19: Spice

Studies have shown that capsaicin, the star of the chili pepper show, has the remarkable ability to curb your appetite and rev up your fat-burning furnace. It’s like having a personal trainer for your metabolism, pushing it to new heights and helping you shed those unwanted pounds. This magical substance has even found its way into weight loss supplements, solidifying its reputation as a secret weapon in the battle against excess fat.

But that’s not all. Let’s turn our attention to another spice that deserves a moment in the spotlight—black pepper. Beyond its role as a flavor enhancer, black pepper harbors a secret ingredient called piperine, a potent thermogenic compound that works wonders for your body.

Recent studies have revealed that piperine, with its remarkable thermogenic properties, can do more than just add a kick to your favorite dishes. It has the power to reduce inflammation and thwart the formation of new fat cells, a process known as adipogenesis. It’s like putting a roadblock in the way of excess fat, preventing it from taking up residence in your body. The result? A reduction in body fat, cholesterol levels, and waist size—truly a triumphant victory in your quest for a leaner, healthier you.

So, it’s time to embrace the spicy allure of red chili pepper and the remarkable benefits it brings to the table. Sprinkle it on your favorite meals, infuse it into your sauces, and let its fiery essence awaken your taste buds and supercharge your fat loss journey. Don’t be afraid to embrace the heat—it’s a small price to pay for the potential rewards that await.

Bonus Food: Whole Psyllium Husks

Whole psyllium husk may not be the most famous runner in the superfood race, but it certainly deserves a place at the starting line. If we consider its high fiber content, whole psyllium husk becomes an essential player for runners looking to maintain digestive health. 

This unassuming supplement works tirelessly to aid in regular bowel movements and can also help manage cholesterol levels. Additionally, the gel-forming fibers in whole psyllium husk are great at keeping hunger pangs at bay, providing a feeling of fullness that can assist with weight. 

Not only that, but whole psyllium husks are known to prevent colon cancer. That’s because a high-fiber diet protects against colon cancer in general, meaning whole psyllium husks can be a great ally in the fight. And if that wasn’t enough, whole psyllium husks can also reduce your risk of heart disease, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, and so much more.

So next time you’re stocking up on pantry essentials, remember to reach for whole psyllium husk—the underdog that supports both your digestive well-being and your running performance

The Greatest 72 Running Tips Of All Time

Looking for the best running tips on the web? Then you have come to the right place.

Whether you’re a beginner runner, a weekend warrior, or a seasoned athlete, the following running guidelines can help you improve your performance, prevent injury, and reach your fitness goals.

What’s not to like!

Let’s dive in.


To become a runner, you need to start running.

It’s that simple, period.  Accept the challenge and do your best—even if it scares the hell out of.


If you are a beginner runner, then you need to think in minutes, not miles.

Shoot for a 30-minute run while opting for the walk/run method.

Once you can run for up to 30-minute with ease and without taking breaks, then aim to up the ante.


To make sure that you are running at a comfortable pace, take the ‘run-talk’ test.

If you can keep a conversation going with your buddy while running without much trouble, then you are opting for the right beginner running pace.


Yes, you can walk in your running shoes, but you just can’t run in your walking shoes, period.

So do yourself a solid and get the right pair.

Spend at least $50 on a good pair.

It should last you at least 500 miles.


When purchasing a running shoe, make sure that they are wider and longer than your bigger foot—your dominant side.

Also, steer clear of pointed shoes and always seek the advice of a specialist when in doubt.


Breaking into a fast running pace is the recipe for premature fatigue, even injury.

As a result, start your runs right and do a warm-up.

I usually start my runs with a 5-minute jog.

If I feel any tightness or soreness in my muscles, then I gently stretch it away.


Rushing back to the real world with too much gusto after a run is a big mistake.

Instead, invest time in a proper cool-down by taking at least  10 minutes to stretch, relax your body and contemplate on what you have just completed.


Keep a keen ear on how your body felt both during and after a run.

Doing so can help you avert trouble and can set you in the right direction toward achieving your running goals.

Try My Beginner Guide

If you’re looking for a simple guide on how to start running, lose weight, and stay injury free, then make sure to check out my Runners Blueprint System!

My system was specially designed for beginners who either want to start running or take their training to the next level, but have little clue on how to do it.

And don’t worry, my ebook is written in a conversational, jargon-free, style.

All you need to do is download it, follow the simple instructions, then start seeing results ASAP.

Here’s what it includes :

  • How to quickly and easily get started running (it’s indeed is easier than you’d think!)
  • How fast (or slow) should you go on your first sessions
  • The exact 13 questions you need to answer before you a buy a running shoe
  • The seven most common running injuries….how to deal with them before they progress into major ones!
  • The quick standing stretching routine that keeps you flexible even if you’re busy as hell
  • The 10-minute warm-up you must do before any session to get the most of your training
  • And much, much more.

 Click HERE to get started with The Runners Blueprint System today!


“keep it simple, stupid” should be your motto when it comes to training—whether you are prepping for your first 5K or about to compete in an ultra marathon adventure.


The right foundation can take you a long way.

After building it, then you can move on to adding hill reps, pace work, speedwork, and eventually race strategy.

Just be sure to have the right foundation first.


Building up mileage is not an upward straight arrow.

In fact, every third or fourth week of training, you should cut back on mileage to recover.

Injecting recovery week into your training program can help you dodge overtraining—with all its vows—and stay on track for the long haul.


Work on increasing your total body strength—especially the core. Work also on your mobility, flexibility and balance.

Think in wholesome terms and your fitness and health will be forever in your debt.


Reaching a weekly mileage of about 10 miles per week can significantly boost your aerobic capacity- and help you ward off heart trouble.

10 miles is the benchmark—you can always add more once you’ve built the lung power.


Junk miles are not just junk.

Those slow miles done during warm-ups or recovery days play a vital role as well.

Junk miles can shed some serious calories and grant you the mind focus you need to work on improving your running form, plus other fitness and health benefits.


Just because you can run a 10-miler without breaking a sweat does not mean that you go can through a 8 X 400m on the track at a fast pace—unscathed.

That’s why you need to always keep a beginner mind when approaching a new running training method. Stay humble, and you’ll surely achieve progress.


Doing all of your workouts in the comfort zone is comfortable, but it’ll not help you improve much.

That’s why you would need to step out of your comfort zone and embrace quality training.

You just need to find the sweet spot—challenging but healthy.


If you run, let’s say 20 miles per week, then be sure to log at least 4 to 6 miles of quality miles.

These miles will boost your aerobic capacity and help you run faster, further with less fatigue.


Hills are runners’ worst nightmare, but they are exactly what the doctor ordered.

Hill work is the best form of resistance training that there is, and can also help you run faster and improve your running mechanics and form.

All this while lessening the risks of injury.


Fartlek training is a less structured form of interval training that was developed in the 1930s.

It’s simple, start with a warm-up jog, run flat out, jog for recovery, then sprint again without following a strict distance recipe.

Sprint and jog on feel, not on benchmarks. Image


Start a training log and keep track of your quantifiable gains (and losses).

This is the best way to shed light on darker aspects of your training so you can judge what needs to stay and/or to go.


The best way to find what works the best for you can only happen through embracing the trial and error process.

Our mistakes show us the road to success, period.

Ignoring the feedback you get from your training is the biggest mistake you can ever make, so learn from it and make the right adjustments and you’ll improve.


Success varies from one person to the next, and once you find what works the best for you, you need to keep it up by building a ritual around it.

Repeat it as habitually as possible until it’s a part of your training program.

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel.


To improve your running, you ought to measure it.

And the best way to do so is via regularly testing yourself.

Compete in races as part of a plan to test your fitness level, progression and race pace.

Do regular test runs to see if you are improving or slacking.

Additional resource – Guide to running lingo


Keep your body fully relaxed throughout the running session.

Breathe deeply, keep your shoulders relaxed and let your jaw hang loose.


Don’t clench your fists in a tight grip.

Instead, be sure that your fists are loose, thumbs gently resting on the fingers as if you were holding on a delicate butterfly in each palm.

Clenching builds unnecessary tension that leads to discomfort and energy waste.


From the looks of it, running is solely a lower body activity. But to get efficient with your running, your upper body can also be of help.

That’s why you ought to move your arms more—especially when trying to gain speed.

Just take a look at sprinters, and you’ll get the idea.

Seek-Advice-runningImproving your running style on your own has its limits. In fact, you would need to seek the advice of a specialist—such as a podiatrist or a coach—to help you nail down your running mechanics.

If you can’t afford a specialist, then rub shoulders with elite runners and learn the skill by osmosis.

Become-a-Morning-Runner According to study, those who exercise first thing in the morning tend to stay more consistent with their training programs than those who do it later on.

So, score high points in the consistency game and become an early morning runner.

Believe me; it’s like an addiction.

Once you taste the joys of the morning run, you’ll never be the same.


If you are not a morning runner, then schedule your runs during your lunchtime breaks.

Noontime running is the perfect break from the workday, and can also ramp up your dose of Vitamin D—the daylight. Plus, it can also help you avoid eating a heavy lunch.


If 20 minutes is all you have, then go for it.

A short run is better than none.

This also helps you ingrain the habit of exercising no matter how crazy and chaotic life can be.


Running against traffic can help you stay alerted and have your eyes opened on any danger you may face.

We all hear about the traffic statistics, so don’t let yourself be just another statistic.

Better safe than sorry.


Sticking to the same running route is the recipe for boredom.

Instead, be sure to add variety to your training by changing up your running routes regularly.

This will not only help you outrun boredom, but it’s also good for injury prevention and developing proper running mechanics.


Running on hard and uneven surfaces is a major cause of running injury.

So do your body (and knees) a solid and stick to softer surfaces whenever possible.

This can be hard living in urban areas where pavement surfaces are  the norm, but your best to run on proper surfaces.


Top athletes in all fields have a little trick they use to stay top of the game.

Hint: it’s in their heads.

Visualization techniques have the been the staple of mental training for decades, and you should be putting them to good use as well. .


Goals provide clarity and direction.

Plus, they do your motivation wonders.

So set them right and update them regularly.

Better yet, sign up for a challenging race and set your training goals around it.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to protect yourself from dogs


Jotting down your goals on a piece of paper is a must, just don’t write them on stone.

Goals can vary according to your body’s response to training and your aspirations.

So make sure to rewrite and upgrade your goals whenever it’s necessary.

Plus, just the mere act of rewriting a goal can enforce it.


Goals are key to success, but when you set unrealistic ones, you are setting the stage for disappointment, and failure and all the enthusiasm can turn into resentment.

That’s why you need to run your goals through a reality check.

Shoot for a reasonable goal and build on it.

Remember, you’ll never know what’s unrealistic until you try it.


Ask any person why they are not running—or not working out in general—and they’ll surely spit out a list of excuses.

I don’t have the time, I’m too old, I don’t know why and so on.

Iif you want to stay on the training track, you have to fight that allegedly logical voice that “manufactures” all that crap.


Why are you running? Come up with at least five reasons and keep them close to heart.


I owe my training consistency to a long list of running partners. Heck, I was dragged to running by my steadfast cousin.

You should be doing it too.

Instead of venturing down the running path on your own, try to schedule your runs with a training buddy, even a running group.

Do that, and consistency and motivation will come in handy.


Peer pressure can do your motivation and consistency wonders.

This instinctive force is so powerful that you just can’t resist it, but you have to take the first step by joining a club or a running group.

It can bring out the best in you.

There are plenty of clubs out there, just pick the ones that feel right for you and are a match to your training goals and schedules.


I love running because I can make it fun.

It’s like play for me.

Yes, of course, it can get serious when I’m prepping for a race or trying to break a personal record, but if it’s not fun, I wouldn’t be doing for long.

Fun is the road; fitness is merely the result.


A training buddy can help you push the pace and stay consistent with your goals, but sometimes going solo is exactly what the doctor ordered.

Going solo is important especially if you are trying to recover from a hard run and don’t want to push the pace.

Going solo is also a great way to be alone with your thoughts on the road, just you and your legs pounding the pavement with no other worries.


Get out of a training running rut by injecting at least four 30-second pace pickups (not all-out-sprints) on your next 30-minute run.

This will not only help you dodge boredom, but also get your heart rate up and boost your performance.


Well, not literally, unless you want to spend the night in jail.

Technology based performance tools—think heart monitors, chronometers, GPS tracking and the like—can surely help you improve your performance, but relying heavily on such tools can be counterproductive.

Sometime you ought to run with your imagination.

Run with yourself.

Run with no worry about performance and numbers.

Run naked.


When doing easy runs, take the time to enjoy the scenery.

Smell the roses, breathe deeply, look over the horizon, ap

preciate the beauty that surrounds you, and remember to have fun.

Don’t get trapped in the training-is-everything mindset; otherwise, you’ll definitely get drained out.


I just couldn’t go for a run without my music on.

In fact, one of my major reasons to running is listening to music.

Running has become the activity I do just to listen to music. 

So use music to get your mental state up to the challenge.


To keep running for the long haul, think in terms of the current moment.

Thinking about your past will make you feel guilty, and thinking about the future will invite worry.

The only moment is the now, and all change can only happen in the now.


Runners of all creeds should follow a well-balanced diet.

Aim to eat about 70 percent carbs, 20 percent protein, and 10 percent fat.

Base your diet around carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, and potatoes since glycogen—a product of carbs—is a vital source of energy on the run.

You would also need the protein for rebuilding damaged muscle tissue and recovery.


Make sure that you are getting the most bangs out of your diet choices by expanding your nutritional gamut and testing (and tasting) new food each week.

The more varied the colors, the better.

Just keep it healthy.


If you are serious about making the most out of your runs, then hydrate.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and if you are planning for a long run, then take a bottle of water with you—this is especially true during summer time.


Make pre-run meals a priority.

About one to two hours before a run, have a small meal to fill up your energy tanks.

Pick what you like; a sports drink, fruit smooth

ie, or even a small sandwich.


Choose low-fat bars (less than 5 grams) and packing no more than 250 calories.

Gorging on energy bars will only make you fat, even compromise your running.

So be moderate. It’s energy on the go, not a holiday meal.


Eating during the recovery window—the hour following a run—is crucial for recovery and energy replenishment.

Choose a mix of carbs and protein to get the most results.

Something like a banana-milk-shake is ideal because it scores high on carbs—essential for replenishing the empty tanks—and protein—the recovery process.


Everyone needs a healthy dose of the multivitamins in their lives, but runners need even more thanks to the stresses of exercising.

The high impact nature of running can produce damaging free radicals and may even cause some harm to the red blood cells your feet—that why you would need the multivitamins to take care of the collateral damage.


Iron deficiency can lead to fatigue and other serious health trouble.

The bad news is that runners are more prone to suffer from iron deficiency than the average person.

That’s why you ought to eat plenty of fish, dark meats, liver, eggs, beans, and nuts.


Overtraining can wreak havoc on performance and health.

But you can ward it off by keeping tabs on your normal heart rate.

If your morning pulse rate is higher than normal— 10 beats or more— then you haven’t recovered from the previous run.

Take time off or back off until it comes down to its regular rate.


Going too fast too soon increase your risk of injury and overtraining.

To ward off the trouble, adopt a progressive mindset.

Do as little as possible and build on that.

Think baby steps.

Walk before you run if you have to.


The old motto of ‘no pain, no gain’ may sound tempting to follow, but it’s not always the safe approach when it comes to injury-free running.

Most of the time, pain is just pain and can be counter-productive.

Any one can train himself or herself into the ground.

You should always strive to “get fit without getting hurt”—That’s the motto.


Building up mileage is not a straight upward arrow.

In fact, every third or fourth week of training, you should cut back on mileage to recover.

Injecting recovery week into your training program can help you dodge overtraining—with all its vows—and stay on track for the long haul.


Bad days, bad workouts, injuries, emotional sand pits and the likes are a part of the training life.

Expect them, and when they happen, be sure to get over them as soon as possible.

Allow yourself some time to stew over them, then just let go.

Wallowing in sorrow and self-pity will not get you where you want to go.


To train for the marathon, you won’t necessary need endless hours of training.

By running for about 45-minute two times a week, and by incrementally boosting the length of your the long run, you would be able to pull off the 26.2-miler beast.


Marathon training can get you into the best cardio shape of your life, but you should learn when to stop.

That’s why you should never run for more than 3 hours straight in training.

Quality always defeats quantity, and marathon training is a fine example.


During marathon training, pains and aches are bound to arise.

Overtraining and most marathon-related injuries can be prevented by just keeping a keen ear on your body and readjusting your training accordingly.


To get the most bangs out of your marathon race, don’t keep your eyes on just one goal—pulling it off in less than three hours for instance—but you should develop a range of goals so that can bolster your odds of success.


A great taper period is what will make the difference between a great race and a disaster—especially if you have been putting the sweat in training.

As a result, gradually decrease your training volume in the three weeks before the big day.


Don’t let race jitters highjack your running pace during the first miles—that can be hard to resist thanks to the race-day adrenaline rush.

Pick up your pace slowly and consciously hold yourself back during the early miles.


Once you finish a marathon race, take some time to take note of what went right and what was right down awful, then move on.

Just let it go and forget about your last marathon before you sign up for another.

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

 Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.