The 25 Best Core Exercises For Runners

Looking for the best core exercises for runners? Then today I’ve more than 25 core exercises to share with you.

But before I do that, let me clear up something

It’s no secret that the best way to improve your running is to run more. The rule of training specificity still applies—you practice what you’re looking to improve.

There’s no way around that.

But that doesn’t mean other workout plans don’t have a place in your training program. Cross-training the right way helps improve your overall athleticism and prevents injury. Unfortunately, most runners are well aware of this fact but often choose to ignore it, which is a big mistake.

And as far as I can tell, one of the best forms of cross-training for runners is strength training, especially core training. Your core muscles are, after all, some of the most important muscles in your body. Yet, they are often ignored when it comes to running training programs.

That’s why in today’s article, I decided to share with you a list of the most efficient core exercises for runners that can help improve your running game. But before I get into that, let’s discuss basic core muscle anatomy as well as the benefits of core strength for runners.

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

What Exactly Is The Core?

Let’s break down what the core is all about.

Contrary to popular belief, your core isn’t just your abs. It’s a complex set of muscles extending well beyond the six-pack.

The core includes the whole series of muscles connecting the pelvis, spine, and trunk to each other and the rest of the body. Stretching from the diaphragm and pelvis to the hips and back, these interconnected core muscles provide stability, strength, and power to your upper and lower body.

More specifically, the core involves five main areas.

  • Transverse abdominis—interval core muscles that wrap around your spine and sides
  • Erector spine—your lower back muscles
  • Obliques—both the external and internal muscles on the sides of your abdomen
  • Rectus abdominis—what most people assume when they hear the word “abs.”
  • Other muscles include the glutes, scapula, flexors, and pelvic floor.

The Benefits of Core Exercises for Runners

Why is core training so important for runners?

Many reasons, actually. Let’s briefly discuss a few.

Deep Abs Help You Run Faster. If you have powerful rectus and transverse muscles—mainly the lower and deep abs — you’ll be able to generate more speed and power as you push off the ground.

Maintain Stability. When you neglect proper core work, you increase your risk of inefficient movement. This can create an imbalance like under striding or overstriding in your gait. Such dysfunction can only lead to trouble down the road.

Cor Muscles Protect Your Lower Back. Research shows that a strong core can reduce lower back pain and lower the risk of injury to this vulnerable area.

Hello Six-Pack Abs. Since your core includes all of the abdominal muscles working within your midsection, strengthening them is vital if you want to get the body you’ve always dreamed of.

Reduce injury risk. Research has reported that a strong body is more resilient to injury. And as far as I can tell, the muscles of the core are some of the most important muscles in your body that not only ensure performance but also keep your body structure together.

Keeps going strong. A strong midsection will help you power through the late stages of a tough run or race, keeping form and drive throughout the run/race.

Note: The information listed is by no means an exhaustive list of the benefits that core training offers, but it should give you a clear idea of what you stand to gain by adding a few simple core exercises each week.

The 25 Best Core Exercises For Runners

As a rule, core work should strengthen all the muscles that stabilize and support the pelvis and spine.

To make the most out of your core training, aim for compound exercises that force your core to work hand in hand with other large muscle groups.

The more muscle activation, the merrier.

The following beginner-friendly routine shares exercises consisting of both abs-focused moves—like the classic plank—and compound exercises that hit your entire core.

Perform each move for 30 to 45 seconds, then take a 30-second break before moving on.

As you get stronger and fitter, make the moves more challenging by holding them for longer or doing more reps while taking shorter rest breaks.

Oh…I forgot! One of the best things about this routine is that you can do it anywhere, whether at the office, home, or gym.


I love planks.

This tough isometric exercise hits every angle of the core.

It also works on spinal stability, vital for efficient and pain-free running.

Proper Form

Lie on your stomach and prop yourself onto your toes and elbows with your feet slightly apart.

Your toes should be about hip distance apart, with your elbows resting on the ground in a straight line under your shoulders.

Now lift and straighten your body to form a straight line from your head to your heel. Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the exercise.

Gaze at the floor while keeping your head relaxed and stress-free.

Hold the plank position for 45 seconds.

For more of a challenge:

Hold the position for a full minute or more as you get stronger.

Additional Reading  – Does running give you abs?

Side Planks

This plank variation strengthens the obliques while building endurance throughout the core.

Just make sure you engage your obliques the entire time.

No cheating allowed!

Proper Form

Lie on your side, supporting your upper body on your lower forearm while holding your top arm at your side or up in the air.

Your feet should stack on top of each other.

While lifting your body, keep a straight diagonal line from your head to your feet.

Hold the position for 30 seconds to one full minute, then switch sides.

Balance Plank

An advanced plank variation that builds strength and endurance throughout the body.

Proper Form

Assume a plank position.

While keeping a straight line from your head to toe, hold the position, making sure your lower back, glutes, and abs are all engaged.

While holding the position, extend your left arm in front of you, return to position and then extend your right arm.

Then return to position and lift your right Leg off of the ground behind you, return to position and repeat with the left Leg.

Hold each new position for 3 to 5 seconds, and repeat the cycle for 45 seconds.

For even more of a challenge: Hold each position longer, or do crunches in a plank position by bringing your left elbow down to meet your right knee while lifting the knee, then switch sides.

Russian Twists

Russian twists are some of the best exercises for firing up side muscles.

Proper Form

Have a 5- to 15-pound medicine ball or weight next to you.

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your heels about a foot from your butt

Keeping your back straight, lean back slightly without rounding your spine to a 45-degree angle, and raise your feet off the floor.

Pick up the weight and hold it at chest level, then twist to the right, reaching with the ball as far behind you as possible.

Pause, then rotate to the other side.

Keep alternating sides.

For more of a challenge: Use a heavier medicine ball or dumbbell, or do more reps.


The Superman exercise targets your lower back muscles, vital for maintaining stability in the hip region.

Proper Form

Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended and raise your head off the floor slightly to look like Superman in flight.

While holding this pose, raise your left arm with your right leg roughly 3 to 5 inches off the floor, holding for a 5-second count.

Slowly lower your arm and Leg, and switch sides. Repeat for 45 seconds.

For more of a challenge: Hold the Superman pose longer and do more reps.

Single-Leg Glute Bridge

This excellent core exercise mainly targets the glutes, but other core muscles work hard as well.

Proper Form

Lie on your back with your legs bent at almost 90-degree angle and your feet flat on the floor.

While engaging your core, lift your hips off the ground, so there’s a straight line from your knees to your shoulder.

Extend your right Leg with your toes pointing toward the ceiling.

Hold for a moment, then lower your Leg to the floor and repeat on the other side.

Continue for 45 seconds.

Make sure to use good form throughout the exercise.

No sagging or dipping of the butt is allowed.

For more of a challenge: Flex your legs and reach them as high as you can while solely relying on your glutes to support you the entire time.

Windshield Wipers

Also known as metronomes, this is a powerful core exercise for your obliques.

It’s also key for building rotational core strength, another vital component of good performance.

Proper Form

Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and raised over your hips and your ankles parallel to the floor.

While engaging your core muscles and keeping your hips in contact with the floor, rotate your legs to the right, hold for a moment, then bring them back up and repeat the movement on the other side.

Aim for at least eight reps on each side.

Avoid swinging too fast and using the momentum of the movement.

For more of a challenge: Flex your toes and keep your Leg straight while doing the exercise, or hold the pose longer on each side.

Scorpion Planks:

This tough move will not only give your core a tough workout but also build strength and mobility in your upper body.

Scorpion planks also help you stretch out your hip flexors and obliques, which are often neglected.

Proper Form

Assume a push-up position with your hands on the floor and the balls of your feet resting on a low chair or a bench.

Keep your back and legs aligned in a straight form.

Lift your left Leg off the bench and cross your knee under your body toward your right shoulder as far as you can, then return it to the bench and do the same with your right knee and left shoulder.

Repeat for 45 seconds

For more of a challenge, add a push-up to the top of every scorpion move you make.

The Boat

A fantastic exercise to strengthen your erector spinae, rectus abdominis, and the hip flexors.

Proper form

Begin by sitting up straight on the floor with your knees bet, feet flat on the floor, and back straight.

Next, hold your arms out in front of you as you slowly lift your feet off the floor while keeping them together until they form a 45-degree angle to your torso.

Active your entire core, balance on your tailbone, and keep your back flat the whole time.

Extend your legs so they’re straight and your body forms a V shape.

Hold the pose for a count of 10, slowly lower your legs, then repeat.

Reach your arms straight in front of you while keeping them parallel to the ground.

For more support, feel free to place your hands on the ground or underneath your hips.

Dead Bug

The dead bug (which looks exactly like it sounds) is an awesome exercise for connecting your mind to your core.

It’s an all-encompassing core move that works your deep inner core, mainly the diaphragm, transverse abdominis, multifidus, and pelvic floor; what’s not to like.

Proper form

Begin by laying on your back with your arms extended toward the ceiling, directly over your shoulders, and legs in a tabletop position (both knees bent 90 degrees and stacked over your hips).

Lower your left arm and right Leg at the same time until they’re hovering just above the ground, then slowly return to starting position.

Keep both knees hovering a few inches from the floor.

Engage your core and squeeze your body throughout the exercise, lower back pressed into the floor.

Slowly extend your left leg straight while dropping your right arm overhead at the same time.

Kneeling Extension

Another great move that keeps your core muscles strong, as well as helps prevent lower back pain.

Proper Form

Begin by kneeling on all fours, with your hands beneath your shoulders and knees directly under your hips.

Activate your core muscles and slowly raise your left arm and extend it straight forward.

Slowly lift your right Leg and extend it straight back, and point your toes down.

Hold the pose for a count of ten and slowly lower to starting position, and switch sides.

Repeat five times on each side.

Bicycle Crunches

Regular crunches are too boring.

Spice them up with bicycle crunches.

It’s beginner-friendly, and can be done anywhere, but it’s also challenging.

This is one of the best core exercises you can do—and one of my favorites—targeting not only the usual abs but also the obliques and deep abs.

Proper Form

Lie flat on the ground, with your lower back pressed flat into the ground, knees bent, and head and shoulders raised slightly above it.

Next, place your hands lightly behind your head, then bring your knees toward your chest and raise your shoulder blade off the floor, but be sure not to pull on the back of your neck.

Bring one knee up towards your armpit while straightening the other Leg, keeping both elevated higher than your hips.

Rotate your torso as much as possible so you can touch your elbow to the opposite knee as it comes up.

As you perform the movement, twist through your core as the opposite arm comes towards the elevated knee.

Focus on moving through your core as you turn your torso.

Don’t feel like you have to touch the elbow to knee, but it’s a worthy goal to have.

Additional resource – Guide to running lingo

Scissors kick

Begin by laying on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, and hands underneath the lower back for support.

Next, lift your left leg one inch off the ground while extending the right Leg to the ceiling, then kick the legs, toes pointed. Keep alternating back and forth so that it looks like a scissor motion.

Engage your abs throughout the exercise.

Aim for eight reps on each side to complete one set.

Glute kickback

Start by kneeling on the floor, on all fours, hips lined over the knee, hands directly under the shoulders, and back parallel to the floor.

Next, lift your right leg until your hamstrings are in line with your back, pause, and then slowly lower your Leg back to starting position, then switch sides to complete one rep.

Continue alternating between legs.

The Bridge

Lay flat on the ground with hands on the side and knees bent. Next, raise your hips off the ground by pushing with the heels.

Next, squeeze your glutes for a moment as hard as possible to keep the hips up.

Then take three to five seconds to slowly lower back to the ground to complete one rep.

Mountain climbers

Assume a push-up position, so your hands are directly under your chest at shoulder-width apart with straight arms.

Next, while holding the upper body steady, raise your right foot off the ground, bring the knee as close to the chest as possible, then repeat with the left Leg.

Continue alternating right knee, then left knee to the chest, as fast as possible while keeping good form.

Aim for 16 to 20 reps to complete one set.

Swiss-ball Roll-out

Begin by kneeling on a mat or the floor, elbows bent under the shoulders and resting tightly on a stability ball and core engaged.

To perform the Swiss ball roll-outs, roll the ball forward on the elbows as far as possible, then slowly roll back to starting position while keeping the back straight the entire time.

That’s one repetition.

Do three sets of 15 reps each.

Cross-climber with Feet on a Swiss Ball

Assume a standard push-up position, arms straight, shins resting firmly on a Swiss ball.

Be sure that your body is forming a straight line from the head to the ankles.

Next, while bracing the core and keeping the back straight, raise the right Leg off the ball and bring the right toward the left elbow, hold it for a moment, then move the right Leg to start position, and repeat on the other side, left knee to right elbow this time.

That’s one rep.

Do 12 reps to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Medicine Ball V-up

Hold a med ball, and lie on your back with legs straight and arms directly above the head.

That’s the starting position.

Next, while keeping the elbows straight the entire time, lift your torso and legs as you bring the ball toward your feet, pause for a count of three, then slowly lower back to starting position.

That’s one rep.

Do three sets of 12 to 15 reps each.

Spider-man Plank Crunch

Begin in a classic plank position with your forearms on the mat and body straight from head to ankles.

Next, raise your right Leg, and bring your right knee in towards the right elbow, hold it for a moment, then move your Leg back to plank position and switch sides.

Make sure to engage your core and keep your body steady and straight throughout the movement.

Keep alternating sides for a total of 16 reps to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Double Mountain Climber

Get into a push-up position with hands a bit wider than the shoulders.

Next, jump both of your feet up towards the hands, with the knees coming just outside of the elbows, pause for a second, then push back to starting position in one continuous and explosive motion.

Do at least 25 reps on each side to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Jump Squats

Assume an athletic position and stand as tall as you can with the feet spread shoulder-width apart.

Next, while keeping your back straight and head up, squat down until the knees are bent at roughly 90 degrees; then, as soon as you reach the bottom part of the squat, jump up explosive in the air by mainly pressing with the balls of your feet, using the thighs like springs.

Move into the next rep as soon as you land on the floor.

Do 12 to 16 reps to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Plank with Alternating arm and Leg Raise

Assume a standard push-up position with both arms straight, fingers pointed forward, and core activated.

Next, raise your right arm and left Leg, then extend and straighten them both until they are parallel to the floor, hold it for a count of three, then repeat to starting positing and switches sides.

Do eight reps on each side to complete one set.

Shoot for three sets.

Bonus Tip – How To Become A Better Runner

If you’re looking to get the most out of your running workouts, then you should check out my Runners Blueprint System.

My system was specially designed for beginners who either want to start running or take their training to the next level but have little clue on how to do it.

And don’t worry, my ebook is written in a conversational, jargon-free, style.

All you need to do is download it, follow the simple instructions, then start seeing results ASAP.

Here’s what it includes :

  • How to quickly and easily get started running (it’s indeed is easier than you’d think!)
  • How fast (or slow) should you go on your first sessions
  • The exact 13 questions you need to answer before you buy a running shoe
  • The seven most common running injuries….how to deal with them before they progress into major ones!
  • The quick-standing stretching routine that keeps you flexible even if you’re busy as hell
  • The 10-minute warm-upyou must do before any session to get the most of your training
  • And much, much more.

Click HERE to get The Runners Blueprint System today!


Thank you for reading my post.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

Why is My Running Not Improving – The 7 Reasons

runner improving muscles

Why is my running not improving?

Why am I  stalling?

What should I do to take my running performance to the next level?

If you’re looking for answers to these questions, then today you’re in the right place.


Even the most driven runners can see their running performance hit rock bottom.

Many things can trigger such a decline—most of them are fixable, but some more serious.

Knowing which is which—that’s where the challenge lies.

But fret no more.

Why is My Running Not Improving

In today’s post, we’ll take a look at some of the main reasons you’re losing running performance as well as what to do to amend your situation—or prevent it altogether.

Sounds great?

Let’s lace up and dig in.

Note—Get checked by a medical professional to rule out any serious conditions such as heart, blood, thyroid, or other health issues as the culprit behind the decline in your running performance.

I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on the internet.

Running Not Improving Reason – 1. Overtraining

The law of diminishing returns is a universal decree that applies to most aspects of life—training is no exception.

Assuming that you’re in good health and don’t have any underlying issues, the most likely reason you’re losing the spring in your step could be overtraining.

The Fix

To help prevent overtraining, alternate between hard and easy training days and take one day off a week.

On day one, you run hard, feel sore the next day then go easy for as many days as it takes for the soreness to subside.

For example, on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, do high-quality sessions, such as intervals, hill reps, and tempo workouts.

On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, feel free to cross-train or run easy. Then, take a full rest day on Sunday.

You should also keep tabs on overtraining symptoms.

You’re likely in an overtrained state if you’re experiencing more than a couple of the following:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Depressed mood and irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Chronic aches and pains
  • Fatigue
  • Poor sleep
  • Unwanted weight loss
  • Altered sleep patterns
  • Colds and the flu.

Running Not Improving Reason – 2. Not Eating Enough

Food plays a critical role in running performance.

Skimping on calories means mediocre performance and slower times.

That’s why when you’re logging serious miles, you’d need to make sure that your overall calorie intake fits your exercise level and body needs.

Just keep in mind that proper fueling before, during, and after running requires experimentation.

There’s no such thing as a universal rule that applies to everyone.

The Fix

It’s simple.

Eat more.

As a runner, your daily fuel needs exceed those of the average sedentary person.

It’s not uncommon for serious runners to have calorie needs exceeding 2,400-3000 calories per day.

What’s more?

Consume the right proportions of carbohydrates, protein, and fats (50%/30%/20% is a good guideline to follow).

As a rule, get your carbs from good sources such as veggies, fruits, and whole grains instead of processed foods.

You should also shoot for more protein after a hard run to help with recovery.

And don’t shy away from healthy sources of fat—they’re good for you.

Your pre-run choices also matter.

If you’re running hard or for more than 45 or so minutes, it helps to have something in the tank first before braving the outdoors.

I’d recommend any of these snacks.

What else?

Keeping your body well-hydrated is also key.

Proper hydration helps carry nutrients to your cells and flush out your organs.

Shoot for 60 to 90 ounces of water per day, depending on your training intensity, sweat rate, training duration, etc.

Running Not Improving

Running Not Improving Reason – 3. Respect The Weather

The weather has a great impact on your running performance.

Heat is, in particular, problematic as it impacts your athletic performance by raising your heart rate and making you prone to dehydrationwhich slows you down drastically.

Try running in 92 degrees heat with lots of humidity, and your chest will feel like it’s being compressed by an invisible vise a couple of miles in.

While it’s not as challenging as summer running, running in the cold is also tricky.

Snow, ice, wind, slippery surfaces, muddy trails, and freezing temperatures can wear on you and slow you down.

In other words, you simply can’t run as fast when the weather isn’t on your side.

The Fix

Running in weather extremes is the ideal opportunity to work on the skill of running by feel.

Instead of adhering to your typical pace targets, run by effort and time instead of pace and distance.

Focus on your breathing and how you feel.

Then re-adjust your pace accordingly—toss your GPS watch to the side.

Here’s how to dress for winter running.

Additional resource – What’s the best temperature for running

Running Not Improving Reason – 4. You’re Doing The Same Runs

A common mistake many runners make is doing most of their training at the same pace.

But the truth is: if you want to push the pace, you need to run fast.

Different types of training trigger different types of physiological adaptation.

Low to moderate effort runs are key for building an endurance base, strengthening key muscles, and improving overall health.

The Fix

If you want to reach your running potential, you don’t want to repeat the same run every day.

During the course of a week, your running schedule should include a variety of running workouts from easy recovery runs to challenging race-pace intervals.

Easy, mild, and intense runs all have their benefits.

Each run has to have a purpose.

Don’t push too hard when your run is supposed to be easy, but when you have an interval session on schedule, give it your all.

Schedule at least one to two faster-paced workouts per week, like a simple fartlek session.

You can also perform strides to at the end of your easy runs a few times per week.

Additional link – Here’s your guide to running strides

Running Not Improving Reason – 5.You’re Lazy

Another culprit behind the lag in your performance could be as simple as being inconsistent.

You’re not doing your due diligence to reap any gains.

The Fix

Stay consistent by having a plan.

Start by deciding how many days you train each week, even if you don’t have a specific training goal yet.

Then come up with a plan that works for you and your lifestyle, then stick with it.

Keep your focus on the little things that motivate you to run on a regular basis is, whether it’s losing weight, achieving a new PR, or fundraising for a cause.

Running Not Improving Reason – 6. You’re Getting Older

I hate to say it, but oftentimes, age is what’s slowing you down.

Athletic performance—not just running prowess—gradually plummet as we get older.

Research tells us that VO2 Max—which is a metric that describes the amount of oxygen you can take in and deliver to issues—start dripping at about 40 years old and decline at roughly one to two percent per year thereafter.

This means that you could lose up to 10 to 20 percent of your maximum aerobic power between 40 and 50! That’s a huge drop.

The Fix

Although we (still) can’t reverse the effects of aging, there are many things you can do to slow down the decline—and aim to the best at every age.

Here are a few measures to help you control the decline.

Keep it consistent, but listen to your body. By keeping your training regular and knowing when to take a break, you’ll not only keep your athletic performance in check but improve your overall longevity as a runner, too.

Strength train. You naturally lose muscle mass as you age, which affects your athletic performance.

Consistent resistance training can help you mitigate the inevitable decline.

Improve your balance. This isn’t only essential for runners, but also for everyone as we age.

When you lack balance, you’re more likely to fall and/or find it harder to gain your balance as you start to fall.

Into challenges?

Give this 30-day running challenge a try.

Running Not Improving Reason – 7. You’re Not Sleeping Enough

Your performance improves when your body recovers from and adapts to the training stimulus—a process that requires sleep, and lots of it.

Sleep can’t be overlooked, yet a lot of runners disregard it.

Your performance doesn’t improve when you’re cranking out hard reps during a track workout or going for a long run.

In fact, sleep time is your body’s prime time for repair.

Research has revealed that sleep-deprived athlete reports reaching a point of exhaustion about 10 percent faster than well-rested athletes.

What’s more?

Research has also shown that inadequate sleep can also result in increased fatigue, hormone irregularity, low energy, poor focus, mood swings, etc.

The Fix

Aim to sleep at seven to nine hours during the night’s time.

Do the following to improve your sleep.

  • Go to bed and wake up at consistent times.
  • Cultivate a cool-down and window routine before you go to sleep.
  • Avoid heavy dinners or stimulants in the two to three hours before going to bed.
  • Reduce blue light exposure in the evening.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine late in the evening

Additional Resource – Running in polluted areas


There you have it.

The above covers some of the most reasons why you’re losing your running performance as well as what to do about it.

The rest is just a matter of implementation.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

How to Start Running On a Treadmill – 6 Treadmill Workouts for Beginners

Looking for the best guidelines on how to start running on a treadmill?

Then you have come to the right place.

Here’s the truth. the treadmill is thee best way to get into the world of running without risking injury or burnouts. How come? Keep on reading.

In today’s post, I’m sharing with you the essential treadmill workout guidelines you need to get started with indoor running.

By the end of this beginner guide to treadmill running, you’ll learn:

  • How to use the treadmill
  • The benefits of treadmill running
  • The exact treadmill running gear you need
  • How to take your first steps on the machine
  • How to stay motivated when treadmill running
  • The Treadmill running apps you need
  • The exact treadmill workout for beginners
  • Advanced treadmill workouts to try
  • And so much more.

Sounds great?

Let’s press the start button and get started!

*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I’d use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. 

How to Start Running On a Treadmill –  The Benefits

Here’s what you stand to gain from hitting the belt more often.

Less Impact

Running on hard surfaces, like asphalt and concrete, increases the risks of overuse injury.

However, the treadmill belt offers extra cushioning that helps absorb much of this stress.

Forget About the Outdoor Conditions

Outdoor running exposes you to the elements, be it the weather, unsafe streets, uneven surfaces, etc.

All of these can stand in the way of your running success.

Luckily,  you don’t have to worry about any of this when treadmill running.

Simulate the Race

Preparing for a race?

A treadmill can help you nail your perfect pace.

For example, if you are planning for a hilly 10K race, you can simulate that racing experience by incline training or even intervals on the treadmill.

Additional Source – Check this treadmill pace chart

Safer Than Running Outside

You can always run into troubles when doing outdoor running workouts: cracks, ruts, cyclists, cars, people, thieves, stray dogs, the wrong side of town, you name it.

Again, a treadmill can help you sidestep all of these risks.


Dealing with insecurities?

Worry no more.

Hopping on the treadmill gives you more privacy as you don’t have to fret about anyone judging your performance.

You can run at your own pace and call it to quit anytime you want.

Measurable Data

On a treadmill, you have a say on your training conditions, helping you run with more accuracy, whether it’s speed, incline, calories burned, heart rate, step count, and so on.

Note – Looking for the best Beginner’s Guide To Running?
Then Check my Runners Blueprint System Here.

Beginner Treadmill Workout

Before we get into how you actually can get started with treadmill running, let’s address some of the most common questions beginner runners have about the treadmill.

How Fast Should I train on the Treadmill As A Beginner?

The answer depends on your current fitness level.

If you’re a sedentary, overweight, 50 years+ beginner, you’re not going to be faster then you once were.

But if you’re already in a good shape, exercise often, and are young, you should be able to crank up the pace  (check out the beginner treadmill routines below for more details).

If you can get to 5 mph or higher as a beginner, that would be terrific.

This will provide you more room for growth while upping your heart rate and pushing your body out of your comfort zone.

Just keep in mind that five miles per hour is the equivalent of a 12-minute mile.

Not bad at all for someone who’s just starting out.

Here’s a cheat sheet so you can have more ideas about your per-mile pace.

  • 5.0 mph = 12:00 minutes per mile
  • 5.5 mph = 10:55 minutes per mile
  • 6.0 mph = 10:00 minutes per mile
  • 6.5 mph = 9:14 minutes per mile
  • 7.0 mph = 8:34 minutes per mile
  • 7.5 mph = 8:00 minutes per mile
  • 8.0 mph = 7:30 minutes per mile

How long Should a Beginner Train on a Treadmill?

Again, the answer depends on you.

Every beginner is different and has a different starting point.

Just do as much as you can in the beginning while staying within your fitness level and paying attention to your body’s needs and signals the entire time.

For a complete beginner, you can start off treadmill training at a slow pace for no more than 15 to 20 minutes three times a week.

Then slowly increase the duration to 30 to 40 minutes over the course of a few week.

Here’s how often should you run per week.

Treadmill Vs. Outdoor Running – Is treadmill running easier than running outdoors?

The answer is not all black or white.

But overall, running on the treadmill is less challenging than running outdoors for many reasons.

When treadmill running, the ground is moving underneath you, making it easier to run faster.

That’s one reason many runners find that their treadmill pace and speed don’t correlate to their outdoor running pace.

What’s more?

When you’re running outdoor, you’re also dealing with the elements and weather conditions, especially wind and heat.

This can make outdoor running more taxing as you have to deal with a lot of resistance.

But on the treadmill, you’re in a controlled environment that’s intentionally designed to make you as comfortable as possible.

It’s also recovery friendly.

For those who just had injury or accident, they don’t need to worry about the ground.

It’s perfectly stable and sturdy.

A beginner runner? Try this couch to 5K plan.

women running on treadmill for first time
Young healthy athletic woman running on a treadmill near the sunny window in the gym and listening music.

How long should you run on a treadmill to lose weight?

If you’re looking to lose weight, especially if you’re really out of shape and/or embarrassed to run in public, the treadmill is exactly what you need.

How long should you train on it depends on you, but I’d recommend that you shoot for at least three 30 to 45 minutes sessions per week 

Wht’s more?

Keep in mind that exercise is only half the battle when it comes to losing weight—the other half being diet.

So, if you train often, and eat clean, you can pretty much guarantee that you’ll be able to lose weight and keep it off for good.

Additional resource – Here’s your guide to running three miles a day.

How To Start Running on A Treadmill
For Beginners?

To make the most out of your treadmill workouts, try to incorporate these two valuable training tips.

Know Your Treadmill

Taking your first few steps on the treadmill can be quite unnerving.

But it’s no rocket science.

In case you have never used a treadmill before and don’t even know how to turn one on, here are the basics:

First, the “Start Workout” or “Quick Workout” button.

Hold the handrails, step onto the belt, simply press this button, and in 3…2…1, the belt will start to move.

The belt will start at a slow walking speed, and it’s up to you to play with speed.

Keep in mind that you may feel wobbly or dizzy when you use a treadmill for the first time—as if you were going to slide back or lean forward.

Don’t panic.

You’re practicing a new motor skill, and it will take a few sessions to feel at ease.

Next, familiarize yourself with the speed controls, the incline/decline options, the “Stop” and the emergency stop mechanism, as well as the programming controls.

Of course, not all treadmills are made equal.

Some are simple and often come with minimal options (think hotel treadmill) while other more fancy treadmill offers a more complicated user interface.

But the basics are still the same: Start/Speed/Stop.

The Right Treadmill Workout Gear

Getting the right treadmill training gear is the first step.

Start by training in proper running shoes.

Of course, you won’t need specific shoes just for the treadmill

(although I’d recommend you do that, so you can still use the same running shoes for indoor and outdoor running— just make sure they are clean ).

As a rule, your running shoes have to fit well, which is why I always advise buying shoes from a specialty running store (here’s is how to make your shoes last longer).

Just like you’d choose proper clothing for outdoor runs, your treadmill runs deserve the same attention.

You also need comfortable wicking underwear. Don’t go for fancy cotton clothes. They won’t cut. They can cause more harm than good—and you don’t want that. I can assure you.

Female runners should also choose a sports bra that hold their chest securely in place.


Choose a lightweight tank for treadmill running. Make sure it’s made from high performance, moisture wicking fabrics to help wick moisture away from your body, keeping you dry and comfortable in the process. Avoid wearing cotton clothing. More than likely, indoor running will make you sweat a lot. And all that sweat will stick to your clothes, causing all sorts of troubles, when wearing cotton fabrics.

To avoid at all times.

Here’s the full guide to proper running gear.

Keep hydrated

Remember to keep your body well hydrated when running on the treadmill. You’ll be shedding a lot of fluids through sweat.

When running on the treadmill for more than 30 minutes, it’s key to drink water to stay hydrated.

As a general rule, drink about four to six ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes.

For indoor running, I’d recommend Hydro Flask’s stainless-steel bottles. Check this reasonably priced water bottle at amazon’s.

I’d recommend the Hydro Cell Stainless Steel Water bottle.

Cooling Fan

Last but not least, if you find yourself sweating more than usual when indoor running (or don’t have proper air conditioning), consider setting up a cooling fan. Sure, some treadmills have a build-in fan, but they tend to be less than powerful and effective.

Plus they only blow air at your face, ignoring the rest of your body. That ain’t good at all.

In addition, expect to sweat a lot—even if it’s cold outside—so get yourself a towel to wipe your arms, hands, and face as needed.

Warm-Up For Your Treadmill Workout

Just like outdoor running, the key effective treadmill training is a proper warm-up.

Skipping it will only increase the risks of premature fatigue and injury.

A good warm-up helps you get your blood pumping and heart rate ticking and be for the hard effort ahead.

Invest in at least 5 to 10 minutes warm-up period, then aim to slowly increase your speed as you go, but never speed up to the point that your form begins to suffer.

Pay attention to your body before you speed up.

Note – Looking for the best Beginner’s Guide To Running?
Then Check my Runners Blueprint System Here.

Partner Up

Just as it’s more enjoyable to pound the pavement in the company of others, the same is true for treadmill running.

In fact, pairing up with a workout partner can turn long treadmill runs into a social hour—or two.

In case you couldn’t find a willing partner, then, at the very least, call a friend or enlist a family member to keep you company.

Additional resource – How to combine keto and running

Visualize a Route

Another trick to help you avoid the dreadmill is to visualize an outdoor route you like running on.

Imagine your favorite outdoor route and pretend that you are on it, running by certain landmarks, and play with the incline to simulate elevation change.

Your brain already has storage of good running memories, and by using active visualization, you’re tapping into that valuable resource and using it to your advantage.

If you have difficulties visualizing, look for pictures on Google images for pristine running routes and imagine yourself tackling them.

Listen to Music

Think of running with music as a dissociative strategy.

It helps take your focus off of what’s ahead.

Also, listening to music while exercising can reduce the perception of exertion and boost endurance by up to 10 to 15 percent.

Pick a playlist with a nice uplifting beat—shoot for the 120-160 bpm range.

Not a fan of music?

Then turn to audiobooks or podcasts.

Some of my current favorites include The Joe Rogan Experience, Embedded, The Rubin Report, etc.

Watch TV

Visual is always the best distraction.

This is why when you run.

n with TV on, it’s more fun and hassle-free

Go for shows you don’t have to be too involved in and would rarely let yourself sit around and watch.

I won’t watch the walking dead finale on the treadmill.

Need some good ideas?

Here’s a list of my favorite shows:

  • How I met Your Mother
  • It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
  • Casa De Papel
  • Stranger Things
  • Daredevil
  • Into the Badlands
  • Preacher
  • Supernatural

Additional resource – Here’s your guide to buying a second hand treadmill.

Treadmill Running Apps For beginners

No matter your running goals are, there’s probably an app for that.

You can find plenty of cheap apps for different running goals that you can download to make your training more exciting.

Need distraction? There’s an app for that!

Need motivation? There’s an app for that!

Need inspiration? There’s an app for that!

Need more structure for your training?

There’s an app for that.

See, there’s an app for almost any running goal or desire.

My best recommendation?

The following:

  • Nike + Run Club. This app provides you with more than 50 guided runs, with over six sessions specifically tailored for the treadmill. The running sessions are roughly 20 to 30 minutes in length and come with audio instructions.
  • Treadmill Trails. If you dread indoor running, then feel free to head outside in the virtual world with this app. Treadmill trails routes take you everywhere from Central Park in New York to Mt. Kilimanjaro.
  • Peloton Digital. In this app, you can choose from more than 170 Tread Studio live and on-demand running classes that can go from 15 to 60 minutes in duration and cover everything from speedwork to race pace training.
  • Studio. Another great app that offers treadmill classes that can last 15 to 60 minutes and work great for beginners runners as well as those training for the 11th
  • Couch to 5K. Are you a complete running beginner? This app is for you. The Couch to 5K provides you with the exact training plan you need to go from a complete newbie to being able to run a 5K in 8 weeks or less. Pretty amazing!
  • Zombies Run! You can turn you run into a virtual game with the app Zombies, Run!. This app turns your treadmill workout into a story about surviving a zombie attack.

Additional resource – How to start running at 50

Treadmill Running Form

Treadmill running form is essential.

Bad form hinders performance and leads to injury.

Keep your treadmill running technique in check by doing the following:

  • Run tall and look straight ahead as if gazing to the horizon.
  • Aim to run with your natural gait, and avoid taking short and quick strides as well as thumping the belt too hard. No good for your sole and ankle.
  • Keep your posture straight, the head should be up, back straight, and shoulders level.
  • Never slouch or curve your back, especially when going against an incline. Open your chest, make space for more air.
  • Let go of the handrails and keep pumping your arms the same way you do when running outside.

how to start running on a treadmill – 6 Treadmill Workouts For

Now that know the basics of safe and efficient treadmill running for beginners, let’s look at a few treadmill beginner workouts.

If you’re not sure how to proceed with your next treadmill workout, here are six treadmill runs to get you started.

how to start running on a treadmill
Young focused fit woman running on treadmill

Routine I – The 30-minutes Beginner Treadmill Workout

If you’re taking up running for the first time, then start with this routine.

This beginner treadmill routine will have you perform intervals of slow jogging interspersed with walking breaks for recovery.

First step Start walking at a 1.5 to 2 mph pace and stick to it for at least 10 minutes.

Be sure to breathe deeply and visualize success all the way through.

Mental preparation is key.

Second Step Pick up the pace and start jogging at 5 to 5.5 mph for two minutes.

This is your first interval, so you shouldn’t push yourself here.

Practice good running form the entire time.

Run as tall as you can, engage your core, let go of the handrails, and swing your arms by the sides.

Keep your form aerodynamic,

Third Step – This is your first two minutes break, so make the most out of it.

Breathe deeply, towel off, and hydrate.

Fourth Step – Repeat the jogging/walking cycle for five times.

If it feels too much, pace yourself and slow it down, especially when your form starts to suffer.

Fifth Step –Slowly decrease your jogging pace and start walking at 2 mph for five minutes and cool down properly.

Breathe deeply and release all tension.

Make sure to also check in with your body and see how you feel.

Try to perform this workout at least three times per week during the first few weeks.

Then, as you get fitter and stronger, increase the time you spend jogging and less for recovery until you can run at a comfortable pace for 30 minutes without gasping for air.

Want more structure? Try my Couch to 5K treadmill Plan.

Routine II – The 30-minute Interval treadmill workout

Already a runner?

Then try this more challenging routine.

First Step – Warm-up for 5-minute by jogging slowly and taking deep breaths.

Skipping on the warm-up leads to premature fatigue, or even worse, injury.

Second Step – Run at your 5K pace (it should feel hard) for one to two minutes, depending on your fitness level.

Third Step – Recover by jogging slowly for one full minute.

Fourth Step – Repeat “Second Step” and “Third Step” five to eight times, depending on your fitness experience and training goals.

Fifth Step – End your workout a 5-minute slow jog to cool down.

Stretch gently afterward.

A proper cool-down will help you avoid dizziness and might reduce muscle soreness for the following day.

Additional Resource- Your guide to curved treadmills

Routine III – The Incline Treadmill Workout

Want to take intervals to the next level?  Do them on an incline.

This helps simulate outdoor hill running, which boosts endurance and builds killer lower-body strength.

First Step – Warm-up for 10 minutes.

Second Step – Increase the incline to 3 or 4 percent and run for 90-second at 80 percent of max-effort—a pace that feels moderately challenging.

Third Step (Recovery) – Jog for 60 seconds with no incline.

This is your recovery break.

Fourth Step – Raise the incline to five or seven percent and run for another 90-second at 15 seconds slower than your 10K pace.

Recover for one minute

Fifth Step – Repeat the previous step three to four times, depending on your fitness level and goals.

Choose a steeper incline for more challenge.

Sixth Step – Cool-down

Additional Resource  – When to replace a treadmill belt

Routine IV – The Beginner Tempo Treadmill Run

A treadmill tempo workout teaches your body how to efficiently adapt to increased intensity.

This type of running helps you build up a fairly high volume of intense exercise that enhances both aerobic and lactate-threshold systems.

First Step – Warm-up for 10 minutes.

Second Step – Run a mile at 20 to 30 seconds slower than your half-marathon pace—a pace that feels comfortably easy.

Third Step – Pick up the pace every mile by five to 20 seconds until you’re running the final mile 20 to 30 seconds faster than your half marathon pace.

Fourth step –  Cool-down for five minutes.

Additional resource – How To run with a partner

Routine V – The Pyramid Treadmill Workout

Pyramid workouts are straightforward.

You’re simply kicking off your hard interval at one-minute segments, going for to a longer running segment, and the working you’re back down one minute.

It should take you at least 50 minutes to complete the routine, but that’s not cast in stone.

Do what feels the best for you and remember to always stay within your fitness level.

First Step – Five minutes: The Warm-up

Start with a proper warm-up, jogging for 10 minutes at a speed of 4 to 5 mph with no incline.

Second Step –Seven minutes: 1st Ladder

Increase speed to 6.0 mph and keep it going for the next three minutes. Practice good form.

Keep your torso straight, and body relaxed from head to toe.

Next, increase speed to 7 mph and incline to three percent for four minutes.

Second Step – Two minutes: Recovery

Slow down and recover for three minutes.

Hydrate, breathe deeply, and release any built-up tension.

Third Step – Nine minutes: 2nd Ladder Interval

Increase the speed to 7 mph and incline to three percent for four minutes.

Next, increase the speed again to 8 mph and incline to five percent for five minutes.

Fourth Step – Two Minutes: Recovery

Slow down to 4 mph with two percent incline.

Fifth Step – Nine minutes: 3rd Ladder

Increase speed to 7 to 7.5 mph and incline to five percent and keep running strong for a full five minutes.

For the upcoming four-minute, keep the same speed, but lower the incline to three percent.

Sixth Step – Two minutes: Recovery

Slow down to 4 mph and recover.

Seventh Step – Six minutes: Ladder No 4

Speed it up to 8 mph and raise the incline to three percent.

Then, for the next two minutes, keep the same speed but raise the incline to five percent for the last interval of this pyramid workout.

Eighth Step – Five minutes: The cool-down

Jog slowly for ten minutes at a speed of 4 mph with no incline.

Additional resource – How to become a morning a runner

Routine VI – The Beginner Hybrid Treadmill Workout

Mixing treadmill training with bodyweight exercises can help you burn more fat, improve performance, and bust treadmill boredom.

Here is a CrossFit-Running treadmill workout.

It’s one of my favorites.

You can choose to add these bodyweight exercises into your treadmill workout any way you like.

After a proper warm-up of 5-minutes jogging and some dynamic exercises, do the following.

  • Sprint for 30-second
  • Pushups: 8-12 reps
  • Sprint for 30-second
  • Squat Jumps: 8-12 reps
  • Sprint for 30-second
  • Treadmill recovery: 90 seconds slow jogging.
  • Sprint for 30-second
  • Jumping jacks: 60 seconds
  • Lunge steps: 16 to 20 reps
  • Sprint for 30-second
  • Finish it off with a 5-minute slow jog as a cool down, followed by stretching.

Need more structure?

Try my beginner running plan.

For more, check my how to design your running program guide.



Still wondering how to start running on a treadmill? Then I believe today’s post has you covered.

The above simple training guidelines are all you need start treadmill running.

The rest is really up to you.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

And please if you have any treadmill workouts for beginners, please share.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

Keep running strong.

David D.

Feeling Dizzy While Running? How To Not Get Light Headed When Running

Can Running Help Cure Your Hangover?

Feeling dizzy while running? Then it’s time to to learn more about how not get lightheaded when running.

Here’s the truth. Lightheadedness, dizziness, or blurred vision when running can be alarming, scary, and quite dangerous.

But it shouldn’t stop you from logging the miles.

Here’s the truth.

If you feel wobbly during a run, you may want to determine the reason why that happens, then do something about it ASAP.

Would you love to learn how to exactly do that?

Then you’ve come to the right place.

Here’s the full guide to dizziness while running. By the end of this post, you’ll learn more about:

  • The causes of feeling dizzy during or after a workout
  • The symptoms of dizziness during exercise
  • The link between blood pressure and feeling dizzy when running
  • How To Not Get Light Headed When Running
  • Treadmill running dizziness explained
  • And so much more.

*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I’d use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. 

Feeling Dizzy While Running Explained

Let me start by stating that you probably don’t have a brain tumor if you get dizzy while running.

No need to panic!

Vertigo while running can vary from mild to severe instability that may interfere with your training quality or post-training enjoyment.

The condition can be accompanied by a host of symptoms.

These include:

  • Poor balance or false motion,
  • Blurry vision (without prior history)
  • Nausea, (without projectile vomit)
  • Heavy or floating head,
  • Weakness, or
  • Fainting.

These symptoms can manifest suddenly while running, just after a workout, or build slowly over time.

Dizziness When Running Red Flags

Although feeling lightheaded during or after a run isn’t always problematic, seek medical attention if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • Slurred speech
  • Severe and chronic headache
  • Sudden deafness in one ear
  • Numbness
  • Extreme exhaustion
  • Chest pain and/or palpitations.
  • Projectile vomit

How To Not Get Light Headed When Running

If your head starts spinning or get woozy during a run, various culprits could be to blame.

Here are the main ones as well as how to how to deal with each.

Blood Pressure Drop

If you experience sudden dizziness or lightheadedness right after finishing a particularly intense run, low blood pressure could be the reason.

When running, or exercising in general, your blood pressure increases slightly as your heart works hard to pump blood through your veins and to your working muscles.

But here’s the little caveat.

When you stop running on the spot, you lose that muscle pump, which decreases blood circulation, resulting in lightheadedness and weakness.

how to not get light headed when running

How to Prevent Blood Pressure Drops

Do a 5- to 10-minute cool-down before jumping in the shower.

Give your body enough time to gradually and slowly transition back to a normal and resting state.

Here’s your full guide to proper cool-downs.

Running Too Hard

Running out of breath while logging the miles, therefore, isn’t only a common side effect, but an expected result.

In fact, if you’re not gasping for air every now and then while running, it means that you’re pushing yourself hard enough.

But when you push your body too hard, the increased heart rate level can be problematic.

The increased demands placed on the body combined with heavy sweating (dehydration) can lead to lower blood volume, which results in lower blood pressure.

This can leave you feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or even faint.

How to Prevent Overexertion

Running too much too fast can do more than harm than good, so listen to your body and adjust your training accordingly.

If you’re feeling lightheaded during a high-intensity workout, slow down and take a minute to catch your breath and slow your heart rate.

It’s great to push yourself on the running track every now and then, but don’t turn it into a habit.

Otherwise, you might be setting yourself up for a painful setback.

Dehydration & Dizziness During A run

Dehydration occurs when you shed more water than you’re taking in.

When you run, your core temperature increases.

Your body sweats to bring this temperature down.

You can lose a ton of water and electrolyte while running, especially during long runs in the heat.

Early warning signs of dehydration include:

How to Prevent Dehydration

The best way to avoid dehydration is to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

That way you make sure to stay well hydrated before, during, and after your runs.

Shoot for at least two to three glasses of water during the two hours before you head out.

Also, remember to bring water with you on long-running sessions—especially when training in the heat.

Aim to sip an ounce or two every 15 to 20 minutes.

Low Blood Sugar

Food is energy, and if you’re skipping meals, you won’t have the fuel you need to keep up with the demands of your training.

When this happens, you’ll often feel lightheaded, weak, or experience dizziness or trembling.

This is especially the case when you exercise hard or for too long or when training on an empty stomach.

How To Prevent Low Blood Sugar

Unless you have diabetes, preventing this condition is easy: Have the right food at the right times.

Instead of running on an empty stomach, go for a light meal or snack—preferably one with complex carbohydrates and protein, such as yogurt with fruit as well as apples with peanut butter.

Improper Breathing

Since breathing happens on auto-pilot, most people take for it granted—runners are no exception.

A lot of runners have the tendency to hold their breath or use shallow.

This form of improper breathing does not impede running performance, but could also result in feeling lightheaded.

How To Prevent Improper Breathing

You can no longer control your breath while running?

Slow it down, or stop to rest and recover.

To err on the side of caution, especially if dizziness is a big issue, stick to a conversational training pace.

This means being able to talk while running without panting for air.

You can also try synchronizing your breath with your foot strikes while running.

I’d recommend a 3:2 ratio—in for three steps, out for two-step.

Inhale, inhale, inhale-exhale, exhale, in sync with your steps.

How To Not Get Light Headed When Running On The Treadmill

Another common complaint among runners is feeling dizzy while running on the treadmill, especially when stepping off the machine after a workout.

This is caused by a disconnect between your brain and your body.

When running on the treadmill, your body gets used to the ground moving beneath your feet to meet your steps.

This alters your stride as you come against less resistance during the push-off phase.

But here’s the tricky part.

Once you jump back onto solid ground, the floor becomes motionless.

Your brain is deluded into thinking that you’re moving forward in space, but your body is in reality staying in the same place.

This change in positioning can cause motion sickness or dizziness, especially if you’re not used to treadmill training.

Just keep in mind that the degree of this vertigo actually varies among people.

How to Overcome Treadmill Vertigo

Don’t worry.

This type of vertigo is not dangerous and often goes away after a few treadmill runs.

It’s just a matter of practice and getting your body used to the machine.

One thing you can if you typically feel dizzy after using a treadmill is to slow down gradually.

Reduce your pace over the course of three to five minutes until you’re walking comfortably and breathing normally.

Then, and only then, get off the machine.

Get into a recovery position or simply sit down.


Medical Issues

The above list consists of the most common factors that could be causing (or at least contributing) to your condition, but they don’t cover the full gamut.

In some cases, your dizziness while exercising can be blamed on underlying medical issues,  such as ear problems (likemeniere) and heart diseases (Such as tachycardia, bradycardia, and arrhythmia), or taking certain medications, especially blood pressure medication.

What To Do If You Feel Lightheaded When Running?

If you’re feeling dizzy or lightheaded in the middle of a run, stop running and find a cool spot.

Are you running on the treadmill?

Hit the emergency red stop button and stop down.

Next, elevate your legs above your heart, placing your feet up on a wall, chair, or bench.

This way the circulating blood can go back into your heart and brain.

Try not to push your body more than it can handle.

It’s key to manage dizziness while exercising right.

Ignore your symptoms and it will get worse.

Before picking up running again, try to rule out the cause of the lightheadedness and a practical solution.

In case you adjust your training approach but continue to dizziness while exercising, make an appointment with your doctor ASAP.

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way.

This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

 Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.

Feeling Dizzy While Running – The Conclusion

if you’re looking for answer for how to not get light headed when running, then today’s post has you covered. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for stopping by.

Keep training strong.

Break the 20-Minute Barrier: Master the Art of Running a Sub-20 5K

5K good time

Looking for a sub-20 5K training plan?

You have come to the right place.

Let’s be honest, a sub-20 minute 5K is no easy feat. It requires serious dedication, hard work, and of course, good genes. But don’t let that discourage you! With the right training plan, anyone can crush their personal best and become a member of this elite club.

First, let’s break down what it takes to run a sub-20 minute 5K. According to the International Association of Athletics Federations, the current world records for men and women stand at an astonishing 12:37 and 14.11, respectively.

Of course, these times are set by elite athletes who run for a living, but for the rest of us, anything under 30 minutes is a great finish time.

And for those seeking to challenge themselves and reach their full running potential, joining the Sun 20 Minutes 5K club is a true feat. How quickly you can get to sub-20 will depend on your current fitness level, gender, age, and natural talent. However, with the right training and a bit of perseverance, you can do it!

That’s where today’s post comes in handy.

In today’s article, I’ll dive into virtually everything related to running a sub-20 5K. And that includes:

  • The exact breakdown of the distance
  • The right pace for a sub-20 minutes 5K
  • The importance of recovery for maximum running performance
  • How to train for the distance
  • And so much more


Let’s lace up and dig in.

Note- Keep in mind that you’ll need to be pretty close to 20 minutes already to make the needed improvement in 8 weeks. How fast you can get to the sub-20-min 5K depends on you—your current conditioning level, your gender, your age, your response to training, and your natural talent.

A beginner runner? Try this couch to 5K plan.

You can also try my sub 30 5K plan if you don’t feel ready yet.

A Sub 20 5K – The Breakdown

So, how hard is it to run a sub-20 5K?

Regardless of fitness level, experience, gender, age, or any other factor, to run 3.1 miles under 20 minutes, you’ll need to be able to run under the target race of 6:25 minutes per mile for the whole distance—or roughly 4 minutes per kilometer.

For most, running at that sort of speed demands serious training.

That’s why if you’re serious about running your best 5K race or reaching any other challenging running goal, you must break it down into smaller, more easily achievable milestones.

When you do so while training hard and staying committed, you’ll, sooner or later, find yourself at the finish line.

To understand what it takes to run a good 5K, let’s make sure we all understand just how far the race is.

  • A 5K is 3.1 miles in distance.
  • Sub-20-min is anything less than 20 minutes.
  • Divided by 3.1 miles, that’s roughly 6.4 minutes per mile.
  • That equals a 6:26 running pace.

So, if you run the first 3 miles at 6:26 per mile, you’ll reach the 3-mile mark at 19:18, and then you still got 1/10 of a mile to make it to the end.

If you keep up the pace, it will take you roughly 40 seconds to run the last one-tenth of a mile, rounding up at 19:58 race time.

So how do you get there?

Simple: get faster.

How to Run a 5K in 20 Minutes or Less

I hate to sound like a broken record, but running a sub-20-minute 5K will take some serious dedication, but with the right training plan, you can achieve this goal and join the exclusive club of runners who have accomplished this feat.

To get there, you’ll need to prepare your body for sustained speed at a much higher intensity than it may be used to. This means incorporating intervals into your training runs a couple of times per week. Intervals are short bursts of high-intensity running followed by periods of rest or low-intensity recovery.

In my own experience, interval training can lead to significant improvements in running performance, particularly in events like the 5K.

And don’t take my word for it.

A study published in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine found that runners who incorporated interval training into their training plan improved their 5K times by an average of 39 seconds.

Here’s an example.

  • Start with a 15-minute dynamic warm-up.
  • Perform ten 30-second controlled sprints at 80 to 90 percent of maximum effort, getting your heart rate as high as possible. Recover for one minute between each sprint.
  • Cool down and jog for 5 minutes.

For more sub-20 5K specific interval training, here are some suggestions and routines that can be performed on the track or the road.

  • 5 x 1km at race pace with three minutes of jog recovery.
  • 10 x 400m with 60 seconds of jog recovery.
  • 6 x 800m with two minutes of jog recovery.

Take Time to Recover

Running a successful race is not just about training hard and pushing your limits; it’s also about knowing how to take care of your body before and after the race. It’s like preparing a car for a long trip – you need to make sure it has enough fuel and oil and is in good condition to avoid any breakdowns on the way. Similarly, as a runner, you need to make sure you have all the necessary components for optimal performance.

One of the most important aspects of running a sub 20 5K is practicing good recovery. If you don’t allow your body to recover properly, you can easily run yourself into the ground just before race day. That’s why it’s crucial to take a few days off from any type of exercise and focus on stretching and relaxing.

picture of Running Tips

Here’s what you need to do to ensure you’ll be in good shape on race day.

  • Sleep right. You can train hard all you want, but skimping on sleep won’t do any good. Also, pre-race jitters may keep you awake the night before the race. Shoot for at least 8 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep during the night time.
  • Stop any hard training. Take two days completely off from any type of exercise. Ideally, train hard on a Monday or Tuesday and race on a Saturday or Sunday. Spend a few days leading to the race stretching and relaxing.
  • Eat right. Make sure you have enough fuel in the tank. Opt for high-energy and easily digestible food.
  • Drink plenty of water too. Your body is just like a car—you need to put good fuel in it to have performed its best—no way around that.
  • Get there early. Make it to the race site at least an hour before the start. This will give you enough time to take care of the many things that need to be done on race morning, including parking, using the restroom, packet pick-up, etc.
  • Warm-up. Race day is not the day to test out a new warm-up routine. Instead, perform the same warm-up routine as you did during training.

Find Your 20-Minute 5K Pace.

To have the best race experience, it’s key to remember that the race is not a sprint but rather a strategic challenge. Just like a chess game, you need to think ahead and plan your moves accordingly.

The 3.1-mile race is relatively short, so it’s easy to assume that all you need to do is to dash to the finish line.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

In fact, sprinting right off the gate will more than likely result in accumulated fatigue and poor performance.

Sure, research shows that starting a 5K race a little bit faster than your goal pace may help, but don’t start with a sprint.

Instead, opt for an even pace, speeding up gradually and as you go.

Begin by setting into a good rhythm where your breath and heart rate are sustainable.

Ideally, aim for a pace of about five to ten seconds per mile, slower than your goal pace for the first mile.

Keep in mind that it might feel slow, even too slow, and you might be getting passed by runners you want to beat.

As soon as you clear the first mile, start to increase your effort and pace into the goal pace range.

Then run the last tenth as fast as you can.

Push your body harder than you ever had before, and hopefully, you’ll achieve that sub-20 5k time.

But how do you find your goal pace? It all comes down to knowing your body and understanding your limits. Start by setting into a good rhythm and gradually building up your pace over time. Don’t be discouraged if you feel like you’re going too slow in the first mile – it’s all part of the plan.

It’s also important to be prepared to adjust your pacing during adverse weather conditions or difficult terrain. If you encounter a steep hill or headwind during the race, you may need to slow down temporarily to conserve energy and maintain your overall pace.

Be Flexible

While the training plan outlined in this article is a great starting point for anyone looking to run a sub-20 minute 5K race, it’s important to remember that everyone’s fitness level and schedule are different. That’s why you should consider customizing the plan to fit your individual needs.

For example, if you’re a beginner runner, you may want to start with shorter distances or slower paces. Alternatively, if you have more experience, you may want to increase your mileage or incorporate more speed workouts.

It’s also important to consider your schedule when planning your training. If you have a busy work schedule or other commitments, you may need to modify the plan to fit your available time. Consider splitting your workouts into shorter sessions throughout the day or incorporating alternative workouts such as HIIT or yoga to maintain your fitness level when you’re short on time.

Your Sub-20 5K Plan

To help provide you with the exact step by step plan (or at least a path) to follow, here’s a a 3-week training program designed to to get your body ready to run a a 5K in 20 minutes or less.

Week 1

Monday: 30-45 easy run

Tuesday: 5 X 1Km at 4:00 per kilometer

Wednesday: 30 minutes easy

Thursday: Rest or cross train

Friday: 3 X 2Km at 4:10 per kilometer

Saturday: 60 to 90 minutes long run

Sunday: Rest or cross train

Week 2

Monday: 30-45 easy run

Tuesday: 10 hill sprints (45 to 60 seconds sprints)

Wednesday: 30 minutes easy

Thursday: Rest or cross train

Friday: 40-50 fartleks

Saturday: 60 to 90 minutes long run

Sunday: Rest or cross train

Week 3

Monday: 30-45 easy run

Tuesday: 10 X 400m sprints

Wednesday: 30 minutes easy

Thursday: Rest or cross train

Friday: 6 X 800m at 4:00 per kilometer

Saturday: 60 to 90 minutes long run

Sunday: Rest or cross train

Running a sub-20-minute 5K – The Conclusion


By completing this sub-20 5K training plan, you’ve taken the first step towards breaking through your own sound barrier.

Just like a rocket launching into space, you’ve blasted through the limits of what you thought was possible and emerged on the other side stronger, faster, and more resilient than ever before.

Remember, statistics show that only a small fraction of all 5K runners can achieve this feat – so be proud of yourself for having the courage to try. As you continue on your running journey, keep pushing yourself to new heights, and never forget the feeling of triumph you experienced when you crossed that finish line in under 20 minutes.

With each step you take, you’ll be one step closer to the stars. Keep running strong, and who knows – maybe one day you’ll even reach the moon.

How To Run Commute – The Complete Running To Work Guide

run commute

It’s a fantastic way to sweat while doing something productive.

But it requires some preparation and planning.

I’ve compiled today’s article’s ultimate guide to starting your run-commute.

By the end, you’ll learn the following:

  • What is run commuting?
  • The benefits of running to and from work
  • How to get started with run commuting
  • The run commuter checklist
  • How to choose the right running bag pack for running commuting
  • How to plan your route
  • How to get cleaned up
  • And so much more…

Let’s get started

The Benefits of The Run-Commute

Though run-commuting is not a popular way to get to and from work, there are many benefits to doing so.

Let’s discuss a few.

  • Running Is Fast Than Walking. On average, expect to be able to walk three to four miles per hour. But if you can keep an 8-minute running pace, you can cover 7.5 miles per hour or 12 kilometers per hour. In some cities, running can also be faster than driving. For example, driving speeds in crowded cities can be around seven mph.
  • Boosts productivity. Running first thing in the morning improves your productivity. Not only will you arrive at the office feeling awake, but your brain will be functioning at its best.
  • Reduce Stress. Running home from work can help clear up your mind and clear the day’s stress from your system so you can enjoy the rest of your day.
  • No More Traffic. Hate getting stuck in traffic? Then run commuting is for you. By running to work, you’ll no longer have to worry about getting stuck in traffic for hours and hours, moving at a snail’s pace while losing your sanity with every passing minute. Instead, you’ll be the master of your work commute. So say goodbye to burning traffic—as long as you have a realistic run-commute plan.
  • More base miles. One of the best ways to build endurance is to do a lot of long, slow miles. The more miles you can run without fatigue, the faster you’ll likely run on race day. But it’s not easy to find time for them. Running to and from work is a great opportunity to add miles to your weekly total without compromising your lifestyle.
  • Running Is Cheap. Compared to other transportation means, running is cheap. You don’t need to pay for any gas, train tickets, or parking fees. It’s just you and your feet. Of course, you’ll still use up your running shoes, but you’ll use them most productively and frugally.
  • Eco-friendly. You’ll be doing an excellent service to the environment by leaving a “smaller” footprint and inspiring other people to follow (and run) in your footsteps.

How to Start Run-Commuting 

Here are the guidelines you need to become a daily run commuter.

Plan Thoroughly

Success favors the prepared mind—this couldn’t be more true regarding run-commuting.

As a rule, plan out the logistics and running gear needed for the job in advance—you’ll need more than your running shoes.

Here are the five steps to an effective run-commute plan:

  • Make a Run commute list
  • Lay out your running gear
  • Get the right running backpack
  • Plan your running route
  • Have fun Run Commuting

Let’s explain each step.

Make a Run Commute List

Make a checklist of everything you’ll need for the run and work.

Planning takes care of all your excuses not to start running and commuting.

Here are the run commute essentials to consider.

  • Running gear such as your shoes, clothes, reflective vest, and a GPS watch,
  • A small purse,
  • Your phone and other electronics,
  • Work-related stuff, like your laptop, a diary, a lightweight folder, and glasses,
  • door keys,
  • Breakfast and/or lunch packs. Snacks too,
  • A water bottle,
  • A waterproof jacket that wicks moisture away for a rainy day,
  • A spare plastic bag to keep your spare clothes dry,
  • Reflective tape or a reflective vest if you plan to run near sunrise and/or sunset on roads.
  • Towel and toiletries

Of course, you cannot keep all this in your pocket and typical work bag.

You’ll need a special running bag.

Let’s see how to choose one.

Running Backpack

The most important piece of run commute gear is the one that carries everything—your backpack.

Few things are as frustrating as a backpack that bounces all over the place and causes painful rubbing.

Of course, if you can narrow your carry-on items to your phone, wallet, and keys, then a fanny pack is enough.

But that’s not always the case, as most of us need to carry more, whether it’s clothes, a laptop, toiletries, or any other item.

The market for running packs has grown thanks to run commute’s rising popularity in recent years. You can find these online and in most running shops.

The Right Backpacks For Run-Commuting

Get a backpack that’s specifically designed for running.

These are usually made with ultralight materials and have straps that wrap around the chest or waist level. This helps prevent it from bouncing all over the place during a run

The straps also help evenly distribute the backpack’s weight and hold it comfortably across your back.

Make sure the backpack fits firmly without chafing or weighing you down.

Try out a few before you make up your mind.

Pack Smart

Do not pack more than you must—or this will wear you out, especially when you’re not used to running with weights.

One trick to help you avoid carrying extra items is to bring several days’ worth of toiletries and clothing in your drawer or locker room.

Things to leave at the office may include:

  • Deodorant
  • Suit
  • Loose change
  • Laptop
  • Hard files
  • Towel
  • Work shoes

Not sure if your backpack is waterproof?

Pop your clothes and electronics into a plastic bag.

how to run commute

Know The Route

Always taking public transport to the office? Then you might not know exactly how far is your daily commute.

So, as a rule, know your routine. Then, check your online maps and look for the alternative route if it seems not passable. You can also check out likely routes by car or bike first if you’re unfamiliar with the region.

It’s not fun if you get lost and run out of time. Few things are worse than arriving at the office drenched wet, exhausted, hungry, and behind schedule because you got lost and had to run some extra miles

I’d also recommend looking for the most pedestrian-friendly areas, especially if running through an urban area.

Running on the freeway is no fun—it’s also illegal.

What’s more?

Have a few running routes of different lengths to vary your running distance and make your training more enjoyable.

When It’s Too Far

Let’s be practical.

If you live 30 miles from your office, then you’ll have to run an ultramarathon every time you run commute. That will be asking for too much.

Here’s the workaround: you don’t have to run the whole distance.

Here are three options:

  • Get off the train or bus a stop earlier, then log the remaining miles on your feet.
  • If you drive to work, perhaps you can find a safe parking lot, then run the rest of the distance to the office.
  • Look for a colleague who lives closer to the office and asks them to join you.

Give It a Test Run

Anything that can derail you from your new plan during the early stages will discourage you from carrying on.

Before running to and from work, your first step should be to test your running gear and run-commute strategy.

Doing this will ensure that everything is in place and working smoothly. Once you know you have a solid strategy and backpack, try your first few runs on days when the weather is friendly.

Get Cleaned Up

Unless you’re willing to spend the next work shift avoiding all of your colleagues, then having a shower is a must.

Most office buildings have a shower (even facilities for fitness fanatics), but what if your workplace is a shower-free zone?

The easy solution is to take a bus/train to the office, then run home and shower in the comfort of your home.

Insist on running to work, but your office building is a free shower zone?

Consider visiting nearby cheap gyms or pools you can join and use their changing facilities.

Take Care of Your Hygiene

Here are the essentials:

  • Shampoo,
  • Soap,
  • Deodorant,
  • Comb,
  • Foot powder,
  • Wipes,
  • Lotion

You can easily find all of this in the travel section of any department store.

Get all you need, stash all your toiletries in a little bag, and store it in your drawer.

How To Run Commute  – The Conclusion

Here you have it!

Now you know all there is to know about running to and/or from work.

I hope you start doing that soon.

So please make sure to build this awesome running habit ASAP.

Thank you for reading my blog


How To Choose The best Running Shoes for Overpronation

running shoes for overpronators

If you’re a runner who overpronates, you might consider getting running shoes specifically designed for this condition.

Overpronation may cause shin splints, runners’ knees, and other overuse injuries—not ideal issues to deal with while logging the miles, right?

But what’s overpronation to start with? And how do running shoes for overpronators help (if they help)?

Keep on reading to find out the answers.

In this article, I’ll briefly overview overpronation and how to choose the best running shoes for overpronators.

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

What Is Pronation

To understand overpronation, let’s first discuss what pronation means.

Pronation refers to the foot’s natural movement from heel to toe during foot landing while walking or running.

When your foot hits the ground, it rolls inward to absorb the shock, and your arch bears, on average, three times your body weight.

Those with arches that collapse excessively are overpronators, while those whose arches collapse relatively little or not enough are known as supinators.

A neutral runner is someone whose arch collapses an average amount—not too much or too little.

Overpronation Explained

Overpronation refers to the excessive inward roll of the foot following a foot strike.

Technically, it occurs when your foot rolls more than 15 percent inward or downward during the foot strike cycle

When you overpronate, you’re putting more weight on the inner side of your feet. This puts excessive strain on your big and second toes.

The uneven weight distribution undermines your foot and negatively impacts other biomechanics of your legs.

Most notably, overpronation can cause strain on the big toe and second toes and instability in the lower legs, especially in the tibia, which can increase your risk of shin splints, knee pain, etc.

More than often, runners with the condition are often considered to have “flat feet.”

The Solution To Overpronation

One of the best ways to limit the effects of overpronation is to wear shoes specifically designed to address such a problem.

These are called stability and motion control shoes and offer much support and structured cushioning.

This can limit the excessive inward rolling of the foot during a foot strike, which, in theory, may help prevent injury.

But before you start using shoes for overpronators, ensure you do overpronate.

Don’t try to fix something that ain’t broken!

How To Determine Your Pronation Style

You can take many tests right now to get your pronation checked.

Go To A Running Store

The easiest (and most effective) step is to head to the local running specialty store and ask the staff to analyze your technique as you run—or walk—on a treadmill.

If you don’t have access to a sports store or want a more personalized approach, consider consulting a podiatrist and have them assess your pronation style.

The Wear Pattern Test

Don’t want to go anywhere or spend any money?

Then simply check the wear patterns on a pair of worn-out shoes.

The wear location and severity can tell you whether you need stability or motion-control shoes (more on that later).

This method can also provide extra clues about the impact on your feet. This can help you decide where you might need more support and cushion.

To perform this test, get a pair of running shoes that you have already worn out extensively. Then check the bottom of the shoes and see where the most wear is.

If most of the wear appears on the inside edges along with the ball of the foot and the heel, along the inner edge, and toward the big toe, you likely overpronate

Note – Using stable running shoes won’t cure or correct your overpronation.

Sorry, it’s too late for that. Every runner pronates. The natural inward-rolling motion is part and parcel of the gait cycle. As a runner who overpronates, you’ll need maximum support and stability.

Shoes made for overpronators are usually designed with extra arch support, a firmer midsole, and some additional cushioning that offers plenty of support.

This helps distribute the shock stress of running more effectively to limit pronation.

Since overpronation is a common issue for runners, most running shoe companies provide stability shoes and their neutral models with various degrees of support depending on your overpronation level.

How to Choose The Right Running Shoes For Overpronator

Got the confirmation about your overpronation?

Time to move to the next step.

Stability Vs. Motion Control

The main difference between stability and motion control shoes is the degree of support and cushioning.

Both stability and motion control shoes are designed to manage overpronation but to different degrees.

Stability shoes only provide midsole support and are often designed with few other support systems. This makes them ideal for runners who overpronate slightly.

On the other hand, motion-control shoes are for more severe pronation issues.

These offer support virtually everywhere on the shoe—from the midsole to the heel.

Motion-control shoes are also designed with additional support in the heel of the shoes and the arch.

Motion-control shoes also tend to be less flexible than stability shoes, allowing for less movement of the feet.

This is why these shoes are heavier and more durable than the average.

This may make your running experience less comfortable, especially if you’re not used to running in them.

Not sure how to make sense of this?

Err on the side of stability shoes.

These tend to be more flexible and less heavy than motion-control shoes.

They’re also easier to run in.

If the overpronation is causing problems, try moving onto motion control shoes.

The Checklist For Running Shoes For Overpronators

In short, here’s is what to look for when choosing running shoes for overpronation:

  • Proper arch support
  • Good stability
  • A supportive and cushioned midsole or insole
  • A firmer structure and sole
  • A durable outsole, preferably made from rubber
  • Motion control for serious overpronators.

The 5 Best Running Shoes For Overpronators

Below are some shoes that offer some of the features that overpronators need.

Feel free to experiment, then choose the shoe that best suits your needs.

Asics GEL-Kayano 24 Lite-Show

ASICS Gel Kayano 24 is one of the best shoes for overpronators, providing comfort and stability.

This shoe focuses on the two primary spots where you need a lot of support as an overpronator—the heel and midsole.

Despite the extra cushioning in those key areas, the shoe is also lightweight and flexible.

What’s more?

ASICS lite-show reflective technology helps you stay more visible in low light conditions, which is key for staying safe when running early in the morning or at night when it’s dark outside.

Asics Gel-Kayano 27

Another awesome shoe designed by Asics for the overpronator.

This shoe is one of the top stability shoes, designed with a dual-density midsole, a structured heel counter, and an outsole Guidance line to guide your foot straight and lessen pronation.

The sole is also more flexible to help encourage a more natural gait.

What’s more?

The mesh upper helps your feet cool and comfortable.

Brooks Addiction 14

This fantastic motion-control shoe works very well for runners who require a lot of stability on their runs and heavy runners who overpronate.

It also provides a generous fit, ideal for those with flat feet or using custom orthotics.

Remember that Brooks Addiction shoes tend to be heavier than other shoes since they have a lot of cushioning.

Saucony Omni ISO 2

In Latin for “everything” or “all,” Omni ISO 2 is a stability shoe that works well for overpronators.

It has a good fit and comes in a good-looking design.

The shoe also features ISOFIT technology, which appeals to various foot types as it adapts to most foot types for a comfortable fit.

Running Shoes For Overpronators – The Conclusion

There you have it!

If you’ve ever wondered how to deal with overpronation while running, you know something about the subject.

Being well-informed is key to making the right decision—running is no exception.

Please feel free to leave your questions and comments in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

How To Choose The Best Knee Brace for Running

knee brace for knee pain

Run often enough, and you’ll, sooner or later, experience knee pain. Most runners suffer from knee pain at one point or another. This pain can range from annoying aches to debilitating pain that can stop anyone in their tracks.

Research shows that the knee joint is afflicted by roughly 50 percent of all running injuries. In addition, as many as 70 percent of runners report experiencing knee pain at some point.

That’s a lot of runners in pain, and if you happen to be one of them, you’ve more than likely considered using a knee brace in the hope of soothing your pain and speeding up recovery.

In this article, I’ll explain a few things you need to know when considering a knee brace for running. But the most important thing is to consult a doctor or a physical before “fixing” any issue with a knee brace.

More specifically, I’ll look into the following:

  • What is a knee brace for runners?
  • The benefits of knee braces
  • Can you run with a knee brace?
  • When to wear a knee brace for running (and when not)
  • The different types of running knee braces
  • How to choose the right knee braces for runners
  • And so much more

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

What is A Knee Brace?

A knee brace is a catch-all term for various devices designed to provide * support to the knee joint and (hopefully) relieve pain and/or speed up recovery post-injury.

Knee braces are usually made from foam, metal, plastic, or elastic straps and materials and come in many colors, designs, and sizes.

There are various knee braces, such as knee sleeves, motion control brace, and several more (explained below), which offer a range of knee joint support levels.

A good knee brace usually applies pressure around various structures of the knee. This, in turn, may provide additional support for knee stability.

But here’s a little caveat. It’s not always easy to tell when your knee requires extra support.

What’s more?

There’s a wide range of braces in the market—so what kind suits you the best?

So do knee braces work?

The best answer I can come up with is a definite maybe.

Companies that make these devices claim—and often exaggerate—the many benefits of their products.

It’s marketing, after all. Who could blame them?

But scientific research is still in the woods.

Check the following studies:








Here’s my best advice.

If you’re considering using a knee brace because of knee pain from running or have a history of a knee injury, consult your doctor about your options.

Don’t let the marketing lure you in.

Only your doctor can decide if and when you should use a knee brace for knee pain while running—and the decision should be made based on your knee condition.

Now that we got the medical warning, let’s get more into the specifics.

Should You Run With Knee Support

I hate to sound like a broken record, but you’ll experience knee pain from running sooner or later. The more miles, the more likely for knee support to follow.

Running is a high-impact activity. For this reason, the sport is notoriously known for many overuse injuries. Knee problems are common.

Don’t take my word for it. Research published in the Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute reported that roughly 20 to 40 percent of all knee issues occur at the joint, specifically the patella or the kneecap. This area experiences a lot of wear and tear linked with high-impact exercise for long periods.

So when should you start wearing a knee brace?

A knee brace might be helpful if the pain gradually starts and isn’t an acute injury.  You can also use it as a proactive tool against knee injury. This is why many pro athletes wear knee braces during training and competition.

Fortunately, wearing a knee brace, as we’ll see today, may help soothe and prevent knee problems and allow you to keep training comfortably and pain-free for the foreseeable future.


When Should You Use a Knee Brace?

The rule of thumb is to use knee braces when you’re experiencing knee pain or would like to prevent injuries during running.

Knee braces can also be used for rehabilitative goals, for example, following an ACL injury.

When it’s the case, a brace may limit the movement of joints while allowing the patient to slow recovery and regain their range of motion.

Keep in mind: Use a knee brace under the guidance of your doctor or therapist, who can help you pinpoint the exact culprit behind your knee pain.

Don’t fall for the hype.

When Should You NOT Wear a Knee Brace?

Despite the ads, a knee brace won’t answer all of your knee pain prayers

In reality, sometimes, using one can cause more harm than good.

If you’re dealing with a serious injury, such as a sprain or ligament tear, you should rest your knee instead of wearing a brace and pushing through the pain.

Even if you use the best brace worldwide, you risk worsening your injury. So, if you experience stubborn pain or swelling or can’t fully straighten or bend the injured knee, it’s time to visit a doctor.

Once you get the green light from your doctor, then it’s to pick a proper brace and start running slowly against it. The severity of your injury will determine your mileage and the kind of knee brace.

What’s more?

Remember that a knee brace is a temporary tool to fix any underlying problems that lead to knee pain.

What’s more?

Some medical conditions can make you prone to the side effects of using a knee brace. In addition, avoid using a knee brace if you’re experiencing pain in your lower limbs or have diminished sensation.

How To Choose The Right Knee Brace – Based on Brace and Injury Type

There are many types of knee braces, coming in various sizes and shapes and performing different functions.

While some knee braces are designed to prevent injury, others are designed to help speed up recovery. This is why you need to know the REASON you need a brace. Applying the right solution starts with understanding the problem. Otherwise, you might do more damage.

For this reason, the best running knee brace for you depends on your specific needs.

Let me explain some of the common types.

Knee Sleeve

Although not technically braces, knee sleeves are the most common type of knee support.

These come in various sizes; you can slip them over your knee under any clothing.

Knee sleeves offer compression to the knee and help soothe swelling and pain in the whole area.

But still, allow you a full range of motion.

Since they’re minimalist braces, these work best for reducing and soothing mild running pain.

For serious cases of knee pain, choose a brace that offers more stability and support, just like the following.

Patellar Brace

Looking for more support?

Patellar braces, as the name implies, help guide the kneecap—the patella—to track evenly and reduce pressure on the tendon.

This option works very well if your knee pain is caused by Runners Knee or Jumper knee (patellar tendonitis).

These are designed to prevent the patella from moving out of place. They’re usually employed to treat the causes of patellar tendinitis and patella sublocation. You can choose between a sleeve or a hinged design for patellar stabilizers.

Wraparound Brace

If you’re looking for maximum support while keeping somewhat of normal range of motion, look no further than a wraparound brace.

These cover roughly as much of the knee as a sleeve but tend to be thicker, which provides more support and stability.

Wraparound braces work well for runners dealing with mild to moderate knee pain.

Monitor your usage duration and whether your symptoms improve when using such a brace.

Avoid using them on a religious basis. Too much support can be…a little bit too much!

Rehabilitative Knee Brace

Recovering from a knee injury?

A rehabilitative knee brace helps regulate movement to protect the affected ligament from further damage.

This lets the knee recover at its own pace without any rushing. To get the right rehabilitative knee brace, consider going to a professional. For example, bracing services at Reflex Knees can ensure the brace is fitted correctly.

Functional Braces

Have a history of knee injuries?

Try functional braces.

These work well for runners who require a higher level of protection and support post-surgery.

This brace helps keep the injured knee properly aligned during bending movements. This, in turn, helps protect the ligament from further damage.

The Conclusion

Knee braces work very well for protecting against knee pain while running, but relying on them too much and too often can prove problematic.

As a rule, use knee braces only in pain cases, then stop once your condition improves.

And yes, get the green light from your doctor before you start using one.

If pain persists, or you regularly need a knee brace, consult a doctor or physical therapist to determine the root of your pain.

Tips For Using A Knee Brace

Here are a few things to remember when shopping for a brace for knee pain.

Choose The Right Level Of Protection

So, what’s the proper level of protection for a knee brace?

It depends on what’s ailing you.

As I have already explained, different knee braces offer various levels of support.

It’s up to you and only you to decide which ones make the more sense.

The rest is just details, as the saying goes.

Good Fit

Just like running shoes, your knee brace has to fit properly if you want it to work for you.

As a rule, a knee brace should feel comfortable and snug.

It has to firmly fit your knee without restricting blood flow or clamping on too much.

All in all, the simpler the brace, the easier it fits.

Those made from elastic materials can be simply used as a sleeve over the knee.

You just need to find the right size for you.

The Right Compression

So how tight should the brace be?

As a rule, you should experience a feeling of tightness around your knee when wearing a knee brace.

But it has to feel comfortable and offers the support needed.

Is the brace too tight or cutting circulation? Then go for a larger-sized brace or loosen the straps.

The 2-Finger Trick

Would you like to know how to ensure a proper fit?

Perform the 2-finger trick.

The fit of a knee brace depends on its type.

But performing this trick can help you decide which is best for you.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Begin by putting on the brace and securing the straps you normally would.
  • Slide two fingers between your leg and the strap.
  • It may be too tight if your two fingers hardly fit under the strap.
  • When it’s the case, loosen up the strap and try again.

What’s more?

Have your brace examined by your doctor, who can confirm that you’re using the right one correctly.

Be Consistent

Remember to wear the brace during running—or any form of physical activity that causes pain in the knee joint.

In other words, you have to be consistent about it, or it won’t help much.

But do not push too hard.

Stop running and review your actions if you feel abnormal pain or tenderness.

Paying attention to your body is the golden rule of staying fit without getting hurt.

Knee Braces For Runners – The Conclusion

Using knee braces while running can relieve pain and protect our knees from further damage and injury.

But as a rule, it’s key to use a brace correctly and stick to your doctor’s advice to get the maximum benefits from it—otherwise. As I repeatedly say, the brace may harm your fitness and well-being.

And you don’t want that.

Please feel free to leave your comments and question in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep running strong.


Stress Fractures In Runners: Causes, Symptoms, Tests & Treatment

running 3 miles a day

Out of all running injuries, nothing strikes more fear into a runner’s heart than stress fractures. They’re a painful, nagging condition that requires long weeks, even months, of recovery.

What’s more?

This notorious injury is common among runners, especially those that run long distances and/or push themselves more than they should.

So would you like to learn more about how to manage stress injuries in runners? Then you’ve come to the right place.

In this post, I’ll provide a full overview of stress fractures in runners. By the end, you’ll learn the following:

  • What is a stress fracture?
  • The causes of stress fractures in runners
  • The most stress fracture-prone areas in runners
  • The main symptoms to look for
  • Can you run with a stress fracture?
  • And so much more

Stress Fractures In Runners Explained

Also known as a hairline fracture, basically a small crack or severe bruising in a bone.

Stress fractures are the classic form of overuse injury caused by the gradual build-up of trauma from repetitive submaximal loading and bad posture.

The typical stress fracture onsets as a stress reaction, which manifests as swelling around the bone.

Then, in case it progresses, it can develop a small crack. If this injury reaches this stage,  you’ll likely have to rest the injured limb for a few weeks—even months—to let your body heal.

Surveys show that stress fractures may account for 20 percent of all running injuries.

Athletes who participate in high-impact sports like basketball, football, and soccer are also prone to this condition.

In some cases, but rarely among productive age runners, stress fractures may be blamed on inadequate bone mineral density or bone diseases, such as osteoporosis.

They can also be traced to genetic disorders or nutritional and hormonal imbalances.

Stress Fractures Vs. Bone Breaks

This may surprise you, but a fractured bone and a broken one aren’t technically the same.

As I explained earlier, a stress fracture is a bone crack or break that occurs when force is applied to a bone repeatedly and over time.

This means that they develop slowly over an extended period.

The other characteristic is your bone stays still in the same place. You won’t even notice anything except the ongoing pain or bruising.

On the other hand, the typical bone break happens when an outside force is applied suddenly to a bone. The key here is the discontinuation of bone structure.

Falls, car accidents, and sports contacts like football can often cause bone breaks.

Common Stress Fractures In Runners

A stress fracture can strike any bone, but the weight-bearing bones are most prone in runners.

Let me explain.

The lower leg in the shin bone (the tibia) is the most affected area.

Survey shows that about half of all stress fractures occur in the tibia.

But stress fractures are also common in other bones.

The foot, especially the second metatarsal, is another stress fracture-prone bone.

More specifically, the second and third metatarsals in the foot, according to the American Academy Of Orthopedic Surgeons. According to surveys, roughly 25 percent of all stress fractures strike these two bones.

The condition is also pretty common in:

  • The heel, what’s known as the calcaneus;
  • The ankle joint, more commonly in a small bone called the talus;
  • The fibula, the outer bone of the ankle and lower leg; and
  • The navicular is a boat-shaped bone on the top of the midfoot, specifically in the ankle between the talus and the cuneiform bones.
  • The talus is a small bone located within the ankle joint

Extreme (but rare) Cases of Stress Fractures

The bigger bones in your pelvis, hips, and femur are also prone to stress fractures, which aren’t common among runners.

And only a few people can feel it since it’s not the main weight-bearing.

Causes of Stress Fractures While Running

The primary cause of the condition is, of course, overuse.

If you increase your training volume and/or intensity too fast and over a short period, you’re setting yourself up for injury.

Other factors that may contribute to stress fractures include:

  • Bad footwear. Running in improper running shoes that provide little or no shock-absorbing ability.
  • Being a female runner. Research shows that female athletes are more prone than male athletes. This is blamed on the so-called “female athlete triad,” a mix of eating disorders, bone density issues, and menstrual dysfunction.
  • Running technique. Overstriding may sometimes contribute to tibial stress fracture as it stresses the main weight-bearing bones more.
  • Inadequate nutrition. For example, insufficient vitamin D intake can put you at risk, according to research from The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery.
  • Bone conditions. Bone disease compromises bone strength and density. Osteoporosis is one example.
  • Weather condition. Research shows that stress fractures are more common in the winter than in any other season of the year due to a deficiency in Vitamin D.
  • Foot Abnormalities. According to research, runners with anatomical foot abnormalities, such as fallen arches, are more prone to stress fractures than those with a neutral arch.
  • Muscle tightness. Research from the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy reported that tight calves make you roughly five times more likely to sustain a metatarsal stress fracture.

Symptoms of a Stress Fracture

If you notice any bony tenderness that worsens during running but subsides during rest, you might be experiencing the onset of a stress fracture.

Stress fractures are characterized as achy or generalized pain in and around the affected area.

You can’t pinpoint the exact place.

This pain usually develops slowly and worsens during running or any weight-bearing activity.

Pain worsens the more miles you log in. Then, it becomes highly localized to a specific “area” on the bone, which will even be painful to the touch. Sometimes it causes bruising but is mild.

Devoid of rest, the pain gradually worsens—to the point where it limits your range of motion and alters your running gait.

stress fractures while running

How Are Stress Fractures Diagnosed

Sometimes, your doctor can diagnose a stress fracture from a medical history and physical checkup, but imaging tests are often required to confirm the condition.

Since stress fractures are thin, X-rays usually cannot spot them, especially shortly after the onset of pain. The doctor may recommend an MRI or CT scan in addition to the physical checkup.

Can you Run With a Stress Fracture?

Though you might feel tempted to run on a stress fracture, it’s never a good idea. Running through a stress fracture does nothing but delay healing and will likely cause a compensatory injury for changing your running gait.

From my experience and the stories I’ve heard, I wouldn’t risk it.

It’s the dumbest thing you can do as a runner.

Running through the tibia, fibula, or fracture requires a more serious injury. It’s also painful since these are the major weight-bearing bones that withstand a lot of the stresses of running.

What’s the next plan?


If it’s an incomplete fracture with no misalignment, bandage, and casting might help. But if it’s a complete fracture with multiple breakages, a knife and fixation are the only solution.

Next? Six months rest.

As a rule of thumb, avoid running through a stress fracture.

What Should I Do If I Do Have A Stress Fracture?

If you suspect a stress fracture, stop training altogether and do what you must to speed up recovery.

Next, visit a physician—preferably a podiatrist or an orthopedist—to have it diagnosed.

Let me break down what you need to do.

Stop High Impact Exercise

Your first step is to let the affected bone(s) recover completely following injury.

It takes at least 28 days for complete remodeling.

I’d recommend that you cross-train during your recovery period.

Choose exercises with minimum impact.

Ideal options include aqua jogging, cycling, swimming, or yoga.

You’re good to go if you avoid high-impact weight-bearing exercises like running, rope jumping, and plyometrics.

Keep it as long as you feel comfortable before adding the intensity.

Reassess every month.

Cold Therapy

Apply ice on the affected area to keep swelling down and ease tenderness.

I’d recommend using a frozen bag of beans or ice wrapped in a towel or cloth for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, at least three times a day.

Just whatever you do, do not apply a source of cold directly on your skin.

Compress it

Compress the injured limb by lightly wrapping it in a soft elastic bandage to reduce swelling.

Elevate it

Keep your injured limb raised higher than your chest level.

Using a hanging traction device can help.

Severe Cases

What should you do if home treatments don’t improve your symptoms?


Consult a doctor or podiatrist.

They will help you determine your injury’s exact location and severity and what to do next to bounce back and speed up your recovery.

Left untreated, stress fractures can result in the bone breaking completely.

Further Tests

First of all, expect to be X-rayed.

But you may need to do more.

Often, traditional X-rays may look healthy as they might not be enough to spot a stress fracture, especially when the fracture is not completely through the bone.

For this reason, I recommend you consult a sports-oriented physician for a thorough bone scan.

They’ll typically recommend a nuclear bone scan, an MRI, or other advanced imaging techniques to fully detect the condition.

The Doctors Recommended Treatment Options

Your doctor will recommend taking an NSAID—Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs— such as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol to alleviate pain and reduce swelling.

Depending on the area and the severity of the stress fracture, your doctor might also recommend a splint, a cast, or protective footwear  (such as a wooden-soled sandal or a stiff-soled shoe) to immobilize the injured limb.

Crutches are also recommended to keep weight off the injured leg until you’re past the acute phase.

Sometimes, your doctor may need to put a fracture boot on the injured limb to keep the bones fixed.

This helps eliminate the stress on the leg and speed up recovery.

Expect Surgery As The Worst-Case Scenario

In extreme stress fractures, surgical intervention is needed to patch up the damage, especially when the fracture line has extended completely across the bone, or you have low bone density.

This is done by inserting a type of fastening, known as internal fixation, to support the bones of the injured area. External fixation might be one of the treatment choices for osteoporotic patients.

Again, it depends on the severity and alignment.

How long It Takes To Recover From A Stress Fracture

Recovery time varies from one runner to the next.

The good news is that most stress fractures will heal after time and rest.

Some people can recover well, starting from 28 days, but most take six weeks to six months or even longer.

That’s a wide range.

And reason stress fractures are categorized into two main groups:low risk” and “high risk.”

A stress fracture within the low-risk category often heals independently and may not call for aggressive treatment measures such as long rest time or crutches. This category includes fibular and tibial stress fractures as well as metatarsal stress fractures.

On the other hand, a high-risk stress fracture often occurs in areas notorious for healing poorly. Examples include stress fractures of the pelvis, navicular, and femur. If you develop fractures in any of these bones, you’ll need drastically longer times away from running and a proactive approach to resuming running again.

The only good news is that these high-risk fractures are less common in runners than in the low-risk types.


Stress Fractures in Runners – The Conclusion

There you have it!

If you’re serious about learning to better manage stress fractures from running, then today’s post should get you started on the right foot.

The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Running In the Sun – Benefits, Risks & Tips

running in the sun

Looking for the best advice on running in the sun? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Running in the sun is inevitable at one time or another, but it’s key to understand the benefits and risks of doing so.

Though skipping a run is never a good idea because it’s “too sunny,” you’ll want to ensure you’re safe.

How come?

Excessive exposure to sunlight can cause skin issues. When running in the relentless summer, your skin is prone to drying, flaking, chafing, windburn, and, most importantly, painful sunburns.

To make things worse, runners are especially prone.

Today’s post lays out all you need to know about protecting your skin while running in the sun. More specifically, I’ll dive into the following:

  • The danger of sunburns
  • Runners and Skin Cancer
  • Is It Okay To Run In The Sun?
  • Why Is Running In The Sun Harder?
  • The Pros of Running in the Sun
  • How To Avoid Sunburns When Running In The Sun
  • How to Choose the Right Sunscreen for runners
  • When runners should consult A Dermatologist

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

The Dangers Of Sunburns

Sunburns put you at a higher risk for dehydration, heat stroke, premature aging, and, most importantly, skin cancer.

Here are some horrifying stats:

  • More people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year than cancers of the lung, breast, prostate, and colon combined.
  • Roughly 5 million people are treated for skin cancer in the U.S., according to
  • One in five Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime
  • According to the American Cancer Society, one person dies from melanoma cancer every hour.

Feeling terrified?

You should be.

Runners and Skin Cancer

As far as I can tell, running has a few downsides, but a big one is that it puts you in the high-risk category for skin cancer.

This isn’t just me talking: my statement is based on many scientific papers.

One example is an Australian study in which researchers reported that marathon runners suffer more abnormal moles and other skin lesions often associated with skin cancer than a less-outdoorsy control group.

Another research published in the Archives of Dermatology reported that marathoners had increased numbers of age spots and abnormal moles—all of which increase the risk for malignant melanoma.

The reason is obvious.

When you spend extended periods training under the ruthless sun, you expose your skin to high levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, the most detrimental environmental risk factor for skin cancer.

Not only does spending extended periods outdoors increases exposure, but research also found that long * intense training—think long-distance training—may suppress the immune system, which makes you more prone to skin damage.

Is It Okay To Run In The Sun?

Yes, you can—as long as you’re doing it right.

The truth is, it’s safe to keep running in the sun. But If you’re running long distances and spending more and more time under the sun, it’s key to take the right precaution to protect yourself (some of which I’ll share with you later).

Why Is Running In The Sun Harder?

Running outdoors on a cold day or during the evening is one thing. Completing the same run when the sun is out is another thing.

Although most runners enjoy running on a sunny day, it usually feels much more challenging as you try to pick up the pace or go the distance.

So how come?

I hate to state the obvious, but running in the sun feels harder because sunshine is often accompanied by heat.

Running at high temperatures forces your body to exert more effort, thus, making your normal pace feel drastically harder to maintain, especially over a long distance.

Here’s the truth. The heat of the sun saps your energy fast. That’s why running when it’s hot can increase your perceived exertion. It feels much more challenging than the same run on a cooler or overcast day.

You should always put this into consideration. Making the right choices during the summer can make all the difference.

That’s not the whole story.

A blazing sun can also impair your vision, especially without sunglasses. It can also make exposed skin feel super sensitive.

The Pros of Running in the Sun

Though the risks of running in the sun are no secret—age spots, burns, premature aging, tan lines, cancer—the joys of running in the sun are plenty.

Let’s look at a few of these benefits.

Simulates Altitude Training

Don’t have the time to head to higher lands? Then try running in the heat as an alternative for boosting your endurance and power. Research has reported that training regularly in the heat impacts your body in the following ways:

  • Improved sweat rate
  • Reduced overall body temperature
  • Reduced blood lactate
  • Improved blood plasma volume
  • Increased skeletal muscle force
  • Etc.

So what does this mean?

Simply, running in the heat stresses your cardiovascular system, which strengthens your heart and allows you to run farther and faster, especially in extreme weather conditions.

running in the sun skin protection

Sun Exposure

I hate to state the obvious, but sun exposure, as you already know, is good for you. It’s highly recommended. Ultraviolet rays from the sun provide our skin cells with the needed energy to kick off the process of vitamin D synthesis.

But what do you know about vitamin D?

This is a key vitamin that improves bone strength by allowing for calcium absorption.

That’s not the whole story.

Conversely, lack of vitamin D has been associated with many conditions. For example, weight gain, depression, and some cancers, such as breast, colon, and heart, have all been linked in some way to vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D is crucial because it helps to absorb calcium, which is key for stronger bones. Devoid of vitamin D, calcium absorption isn’t possible.

Make You Faster

Another benefit of running in the sun is improved speed.

Again, don’t take my word for it.

Research from the American Journal of Sports Medicine reported increased speed in cyclists after spending around 20 minutes exposed to UVA rays via a Uva lamp.

The researchers suggested that improved performance is due to nitric acid. When released into the bloodstream, this compound boosts blood flow, increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients that flow into muscles.

Just remember that too much exposure, as with any good thing, can put you at a higher risk for a slew of issues rankings from the nagging annoyances to serious, even fatal, conditions.

How To Avoid Sunburns When Running In The Sun

Here are a few safety measures to help you protect your skin throughout your summer workouts.

Choose the Right Sunscreen

Recent surveys have revealed that just over 14 percent of American men and only 30 percent of American women slather on sunscreen before going out.

This simple measure might be the easiest way to prevent millions of yearly cancer cases.


Not all sunscreens are created (or made) equal.

Some are significantly better than others.

For the best protection, opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen that shields you against UVA and UVB rays. It must also be water resistant and have an SPF of at least 30, preferably higher.

This will greatly reduce your risk of sunburn while running.

Put On Your Sunscreen the Right Way

Once you get your hands on a strong sunscreen, use it properly.

To get the lotion to bind with the skin, apply it for at least 20 to 30 minutes before heading out.

Cover all of your exposed skin to err on the side of caution.

Slather it on your face, ears, neck, shoulders, arms, legs, and anywhere else at the sun’s mercy.

Sunscreen is not bulletproof. It will wear off eventually, putting you at risk as the day passes. To avoid this, reapply your sunscreen, especially when planning to run for more than 60 to 90 minutes.

Skipping this step results in many runners complaining about sunburn despite using strong sunscreen when they first set out.

Run Early Or Late

I hate to sound like Captain Obvious, but the easiest way to prevent a sunburn is to avoid sun exposure, but it’s not always possible unless you only run at night.

But I’d generally avoid running between 10 a.m. and 4 p. m.

That’s when the sun is at peak intensity.

Even on the hottest summer days, early morning or late evening is drastically cooler, so get your run done then, and you’ll feel pretty damn good about it all day.

This also helps you avoid heat-related conditions.

If you must run outdoors when the sun is strongest, take cover in the shade as much as possible and slather on sunscreen, then hope for the best.

Protect Your Face

Whether running, walking, or hiking, your face gets a lot of sun exposure.

So what should you do?

Wear a hat or a visor to keep your face shaded to prevent more sunlight exposure to protect your face when running in the sun.

What’s more?

Visors are also great for protecting your eyes and face from sunshine, which cools you down and helps prevent squinting.

Wear The Right Clothing

Another helpful measure for limiting the risk of sunburn while exercising outdoors is to wear the right clothing.

Choose items that meet these three criteria:

(1) Tightly woven, as this prevents the penetration of ultraviolet rays through the fabric

(2) Darker in color, so less UV radiation reaches your skin

(3) Made from the right materials (usually nylon or a nylon-polyester blend)

Want more protection?

Look for clothing made with Ultraviolet Protection Factor (ULF) fabrics.

The higher the UPF rating, the less UV radiation reaches your skin.

Also, wear sun-protective sleeves for exposed arms and a visor or hat with a brim to protect your scalp and face.

Visors are especially helpful since they protect your face without trapping heat.

Consult A Dermatologist

Excessive exposure to sunlight means you’ve undoubtedly sustained some damage to your skin. And this is the case even if you do your best to protect your skin against sun exposure.

For this reason, it’s key to check with a dermatologist regularly—at least once per year—to monitor your skin health and measure any damage or issues before it becomes a real problem.

Running in the Sun – The Conclusion

Here you have it! You all need the above guidelines to protect your skin and prevent painful sunburns while running in the summer. And it’s not rocket science! All you have to do is take action.

Now it’s your turn.

Do you have any sun protection tips for us?

What’s your favorite sunscreen?

Cmon, talk to us.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

Keep Running Strong

David D.