The 8-Week Beginner Running Plan

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Beginner Runner
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David Dack

Thinking about getting into running but not sure how to take the first steps?

Then you need a beginner-friendly running plan.

I remember when I decided to get into running—it felt overwhelming. The thought of hitting the pavement was intimidating, even for just a few minutes.

But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be!

If you’re thinking about starting your running journey, let me walk you through it, step by step, with the plan I wish I had back then.

We’ll start slow and steady—trust me, it’s the best way to stay injury-free and enjoy the process.

Let’s get to it.

Start Slow—Seriously

I can’t stress this enough: my biggest mistake early on was going too hard and fast.

I’d lace up my shoes and think I could crush a few miles.

Spoiler: it didn’t go well.

I ended up with shin splints that sidelined me for weeks.

Not just beginners who are guilty of this. Even for those already in decent shape, have perfect technique, and have $200 shoes, running will always be a high-intensity, high-impact exercise.

Not much we can do about that.

So here’s my advice—take it slow.

When you’re just starting, you’re building a foundation, which takes time.

Think of it this way: you wouldn’t try to lift the heaviest weight in the gym on your first day, right? The same goes for running. Your muscles, tendons, and joints need time to adjust to the new impact.

That’s where the rule of gradual progress comes into the picture. Try to ignore this rule and you’ll only end up hurting yourself. And that’s not what you want for sure.

How Long Does it Take?

Sorry, I don’t have the EXACT answer because every runner is different and responds differently to the high-impact stress of running.

Every runner is unique—with every meaning of the word.

In other words, it all depends on the individual.

To give you some perspective, the following are the factors to consider when determining how long it should take you to become a runner.

  • Your current shape—or how to fit you where before you take up running.
  • Your age. The younger you are, the quicker you can get in shape.
  • Your current body weight. If you are overweight or many pounds heavier, then chances are it’s going to take you a little bit longer than someone with a healthy weight.
  • Your running program. If you follow my free beginner running plan, there’s a strong chance you can make it ASAP.

The Run-Walk Method—My Lifesaver

Let’s talk about something that saved me when I started—Jeff Galloway’s run-walk method.

I’ll be honest: I wasn’t thrilled at the idea of walking in between my runs at first. I thought it would slow me down. But here’s the truth: it made running doable and helped me avoid injuries.

You start by alternating between running and walking. It could be 30 seconds of jogging followed by a minute of walking or more running and less walking as you get fitter. It’s about finding a rhythm that works for you. When I first did this, I ran longer and felt stronger without realizing it!

Walking to Running Ratios

To make the most out of the walk/run method, you must choose the right recipe. And that entirely depends on your starting point.

Here are three walk-to-running ratios to experiment with. Pick the Ratio that feels the most appropriate for you.

  • The Newbie: Jog for 20 to 30 seconds. Then walk for one to two minutes
  • The Intermediate: Jog for three to five minutes. Then take a two to three minutes walking break.
  • The Experienced: Jog for eight to ten minutes. Then walk for 30 seconds to one full minute.

What’s more?

Another thing to remember is to take walk breaks before the no-return point; otherwise, it might be too late to keep going.

Keep It Conversational

One of my running buddies used to say, “If you can’t hold a conversation, you’re going too fast.” And she was right. Your pace should be relaxed when you start, like chatting with a friend. This is what we call a “conversational pace.” If you’re huffing and puffing, slow down. It’s not about speed in the beginning—it’s about consistency and building a base.

beginner runner

Time First, Distance Later

Here’s another lesson I learned the hard way: don’t focus on distance immediately. It’s tempting to hit that 5K or 10K milestone, but building up your stamina first is more important. Focus on the amount of time you spend running, not the distance. When your body is ready, the distance will come naturally.

Don’t Skip Rest Days

Trust me on this one—your body needs time to recover. When I first started, I thought I could just power through every day, but all it got me was sore muscles and burnout. Plan two weekly rest days, and don’t feel guilty about them. Rest days are just as important as your running days.

The Right Shoes

One last thing—ensure you’re running in shoes that work for your feet. Trust me, good shoes make all the difference. It was like night and day when I switched to a pair that properly supported my feet.

My 8-Week Plan For Beginner Runners

This eight-week program is designed to take you from a complete beginner to being able to run a 5K distance comfortably

My beginner plan assumes that you’re a beginner runner who can already walk briskly for one hour four to six times per week. If that’s out of the realm of possibility, I’d recommend starting with a walking plan first.

Note: if you can already run for more than half an hour with ease, then skip this.

Experienced runners may up the ante by doing other forms of running, such as sprints, hill reps, or working on increasing mileage for the long run.

P.S – You can also Try this couch to 5K plan.

Beginner Running Plan – Week 1:

Warm up by walking for 5 minutes at a brisk pace.

Then alternate running for one minute at an easy pace followed by three minutes of brisk walking.

Example: Run 1-minute, walk 3-minute.

Repeat the cycle 5 to 7 times.

Finish off the sessions with a 5-minute easy walk.

Do three sessions per week.

Beginner Running Plan – Week 2:

Run 2-minute, walk 2-minute. Repeat six times.

Do three workouts.

Beginner Running Plan – Week 3:

Run 3-minute, walk 1-minute. Repeat five times.

Do three workouts.

Beginner Running Plan – Week 4:

Run 5-minute, walk 90-second. Repeat four times.

Do three workouts.

Beginner Running Plan  – Week 5:

Run 8-minute, walk 1-minute. Repeat three times. Do three workouts.

Beginner Running Plan  – Week 6:

Run 12-minute, walk 1-minute. Repeat three times. Do three workouts.

Beginner Running Plan  – Week 7:

Run 15-minute, walk 1-minute and run another 15-minute. Do three workouts.

Beginner Running Plan  – Week 8:

Run 30-minute at an easy and controlled pace. Do TWO workouts.

This is a basic beginner plan, so feel free to adjust this program to meet your own needs and fitness level.

More Resources for The Beginner Runner

For more beginner running advice, check some of my posts here:

That’s it for today.

Please make sure to take action and remember to always stay within your fitness level. I hope my free running program for beginners has you covered.

Thank you for reading this short post.


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17 thoughts on “The 8-Week Beginner Running Plan”

  1. Hi, just read your 8 week beginner program found it on Pinterest. Any advice for someone starting out that is obese, I am talking 70-100 lbs over weight. I was thinking that maybe don’t be so concerned with the 8 week duration don’t think of it in a time sense, think of it more as progress. I was also thinking instead of trying to run for the first week how about walking really brisk instead, where you really get your heart rate up that minute doesn’t sound very long but if you are out of shape and overweight maybe just taking baby steps would be better. Any thought on this would be appreciated. Cheers Lisa

  2. This is a fantastic training program! I’m not a big fan of running, but this really help me getting into running at easy pace… Thank you!!

  3. haha thats so funny we had to do that to in under 8 minutes :/ so i did this and i really liked it. i would run to seaside and back , and i liked it so much i did crosscountry!

  4. Any breathing tips as this seems to always be my problem even though I only have seasonal asthma and use an inhaler before a workout. I know listening to music would help but I’m deaf with a cochlear implant and its hard having 2 diff. Devices on me in order to use an iPod or MP3 player. I live in Phoenix AZ. Are you aware if there are any training places for beginners?
    Thank you!

  5. Okay then.

    Warm up by walking for 10 mintues then alternate between 5 to 10 seconds slow jogs and one to two minutes walking intervals. That should do the trick for now

  6. Hi Cheryl, I also have allergy problem. I used sinus rinse and take Clarin( I do take Triease essential oil,work really good) I have Cochlear implant too. You should have a mic to hook up to your ipod or cell phone. I used them both when I running and workout. Good luck!!

  7. Hey, i’m willing to do this beginner running program, i just have a question. If I do this on a Treadmill, when you say “run” you mean like 6/7 km/h?

  8. Run or jog at a pace that feels most comfortable to you. I think 6 km/h is a good starting point but it’s really up to you. Please keep me in the loop with your progress Oriana

    Happy Running!

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