Bid Farewell to Lower Back Pain: 5 Core Exercises for Relief

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Running Workouts
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David Dack

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re tired of that nagging lower back pain that just won’t quit. Well, guess what? You’re not alone. In fact, a whopping 80 percent of adults have danced with this troublesome twinge at some point in their lives. It’s like an unwanted party crasher!

But here’s the good news: I’ve got your back, literally. Surveys tell us that low back pain is the indisputable champion of musculoskeletal conditions in the U.S. It’s practically a household name. You know it, your neighbor knows it, and even your dog probably knows it!

So, what’s the deal? What’s causing this uninvited guest at the pain party? Well, it could be a lineup of usual suspects: bad posture, a pulled muscle, questionable exercise form, overtraining, and let’s not forget our arch-nemesis, excessive sitting. They’ve all taken a swing at our precious lower backs.

But here’s where the plot thickens – the hero of our story: core exercises! Yes, you heard it right. Strengthening those core muscles isn’t just about getting six-pack abs (though that’s a pretty nice bonus).

It’s about waving goodbye to that lower back pain once and for all. So, are you ready to kick that pain to the curb? In today’s post, we’re sharing some straightforward exercises that will have you saying “good riddance” to lower back pain.

Let’s dive in!

Picture of Piriformis Syndrome

Core Strength and Spine’s Health

Dealing with persistent back pain can feel like dealing with an unwelcome guest who just won’t leave. But here’s a potential game-changer for you: exercise. That’s right, the right kind of exercise can be a powerful tool against back pain.

Before you dismiss the idea, thinking, “Exercise, with my back pain?” hear me out. Research supports this approach. Exercise increases blood flow to your lower back, which helps alleviate stiffness and speeds up recovery.

Core training is particularly effective. Think of your core as a superhero’s suit, providing support and stability to your body. A strong core is about more than just looks; it’s a critical support system for your lower back and spine, aiding in posture and movement.

When your core isn’t strong, it’s like expecting spaghetti to support a brick wall – your passive structures, like ligaments and bones bear the load, increasing the risk of pain and injury. Plus, a weak core can contribute to related issues like hip pain.

So, if you’re ready to tackle back pain and enhance overall well-being, it’s time to embrace core strengthening exercises.

1. Bird Dog

Now, let’s dive into the first exercise in our arsenal to conquer that pesky back pain – the Bird Dog. Picture this as your superhero warm-up act. It’s like stretching before the main event, and trust us, it’s a crowd-pleaser.

This exercise is like a double whammy. It’s all about hitting those core and low back muscles right where it matters. You see, it’s not just about getting stronger; it’s about finding your balance too. And who doesn’t want to feel as steady as a rock?

Proper Form:

Begin on all fours, like a graceful tabletop. Your hands should be stacked under your shoulders, and your knees right under your hips.

Now, imagine you’re about to take off like a bird – your right arm reaches out in front of you while your left leg extends straight back. Keep your back flat as a pancake, and make sure those hips are playing nice with the floor.

At the same time, give your left leg a little kick backward until it’s perfectly aligned with your torso. Extend your right arm as if you’re reaching for something awesome.

Hold that pose for a moment, like a majestic bird in flight, before slowly returning to your starting position.

Don’t forget the golden rule: alternate sides! You’ll want to aim for 10 to 12 reps for each side. Keep that back, neck, and head in a friendly, neutral alignment to give your neck and shoulders some love.

2. Dead Bug

My next move is like a secret handshake for your core, specifically targeting the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and hip flexors – all the supportive muscle groups your lower back needs to stay happy. Meet the Dead Bug!

Proper Form:

Begin your adventure by lying face up with your arms stretched toward the ceiling. Your legs should be in a tabletop position, with knees bent at a 90-degree angle.

Here’s where the mystery begins: extend your right leg, straightening it at the knee and hip. Slowly lower it down until it hovers just a few inches above the ground.

Engage your core like you’re about to reveal a grand secret, and don’t forget to squeeze those butt muscles throughout the entire exercise.

Keep your back pressed firmly into the ground. No arching allowed! Imagine you’re hiding a secret treasure under your lower back, and you can’t let anyone find it.

Finally, bring your leg and arm back to their starting positions with all the grace of a secret agent. And remember, we’re all about secrecy here – alternate sides for a total of 16 to 20 repetitions..

3. Pelvic Tilt

Prepare to uncover the power of the Pelvic Tilt – one of the most recommended exercises for those grappling with low back pain, and trust me, it’s not just hype.

Proper Form:

Begin this fantastic journey by lying on the ground with your knees bent and your arms resting gently by your sides. Ensure your feet are parallel and hip-distance apart.

Imagine this as your quest: You must keep your mid-back firmly planted on the ground throughout the exercise.

Now, channel your inner explorer and tilt your pelvis toward your chest without using your legs or glutes. Engage those core muscles like a superhero on a mission.

Feel the power? Hold this magnificent pose for a count of five, and then gracefully repeat it 8 to 10 times.

Ready for the advanced level of this quest? Embark on a journey of spine articulation with a pelvic curl. Picture it as an epic adventure: bring your chest, then your belly, and finally, journey all the way down to the pelvic floor.

4. Glute Bridge

The Glute Bridge is a truly awesome exercise that bestows strength upon the muscles of your lower back and glutes.

Proper Form:

Embark on this noble quest by lying on your back with your knees bent, arms resting by your sides, and feet placed flat on the ground, hip-distance apart.

As you prepare for battle, engage your core and use your heels as your trusty weapon to push into the ground.

Rise valiantly, lifting your buttocks off the ground until your upper body and thighs form a formidable, straight line from your shoulders to your knees.

Hold this noble pose for a moment, ensuring your knees stand resolute and do not collapse inward.

As the battle concludes, gently lower your buttocks back to the ground and take a moment to rest. Repeat this heroic feat 12 to 15 times to complete one set, and aim to conquer three sets in total..

5. Prone Leg Raises

Prepare to embark on an exercise journey that engages your butt and low back muscles, like knights protecting the kingdom.

Proper Form:

Begin in a prone (face-down) position with your palms resting upon the ground under your noble forehead.

As you engage your core gently, commence the ascent of your right leg towards the heavens. Ensure your right knee remains steadfastly straight as your thigh gracefully rises from the battlefield of the floor.

Hold this majestic position for a count of three (isometrically) before guiding your leg back down to the ground while maintaining its steadfast straightness.

Inscribe your tale of valor with 12 to 15 reps on each side to complete one set, and aspire to conquer three sets in total..


Voila! These core exercises are your trusty companions on the journey to vanquishing back pain and fortifying your spinal health. Remember, showing up and putting in the effort is your key to victory. The devil may be in the details, but you’ve got the sword to slay those demons!

We welcome your comments, questions, and tales of your own battles in the section below. Until we meet again, keep your training strong and your spirit unyielding.

Yours in strength,

David D.

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