A 10K in miles is about 6.2 miles. This race distance is popular among runners of various experience levels.
But if you’re planning to train for a 10K as a beginner, there are a few other things you’d need to consider.
That’s where today’s post has you covered.
In this lengthy beginner’s guide to 10K training, you’ll discover:
- How Many Miles Is a 10K Race?
- How Much Time do you need To Train For your first 10K?
- The Average 10K Time For beginners
- 10K Training For Beginners – The Exact Couch to 10K plan
- 10K Racing Tips For Beginners
- How to Pace Yourself During Your first 10K
- How to Take your 10K Results To the next level
- And so much more.
Sounds great?
Let’s lace up and dig in.
What’s a 10K Race?
Alongside the shorter 5K, the 10K is one of beginner runners’ most popular race distances. This is the longest standard track event and is regularly raced in road and cross country events.
The 10K is a fantastic challenge for newbie runners while appealing to more experienced runners. The 6.2-mile distance hits the sweet spot of being a challenge without needing long months of hard training, as it’s the norm for half or full marathon events.
10K in Miles – The Full Answer
If you’re new to running or have never run a race before, you might be wondering how many miles is a 10K?
Here’s the 10K in miles breakdown.
The ‘K’ stands for kilometers, roughly 0.6 miles or 1093.6 yards. Thus, a 10K distance is ten kilometers or about 6.2 miles.
More specifically, a 10K is 6 miles and 376 yards or 32,808 feet and 5 inches. A 10K is twice the distance of a 5K, which is 5 kilometers, or 3.1 miles.
If a 10K seems too much to handle, keep in mind that a marathon is 26.2 miles long. A 10K sounds like a jog in the park by comparison, doesn’t it?
Putting Things Into Perspective
As a frame of reference, to complete a 10K distance, you’ll have to :
- Run 25 laps around a standard outdoor track that’s 400 meters long.
- Run 50 laps around a standard indoor track that’s 200 meters long.
- Run a football field—(109.73 meters) —including the end zone—91.14 times.
- Climb the Empire State building (443.2 meters high, including antenna) 26.25 times.
- Scale the Eiffel Tower (324 meters tall) 31.25 times.
Here are some useful links on the history of the 10K and some interesting facts.
- 10K Wikipedia Page.
- Things you need to know before your first 10K race.
- 10K racing tips.
- The PRRO official website.
- The IAAF 10K page.
- How to run a 10K in one hour
Now that you know what’s a 10K in miles, let’s move on to the practical stuff.
How Much Time Do I need To Train For my first 10K?
There’s no black and white answer.
As long as you’re healthy, you can go from being a complete couch potato to running a 10K in around 12 weeks.
Wait, What Do I Mean By a Beginner?
In my book, a beginner is anyone with little to no background in the sport but can walk comfortably for one hour or jog for one mile (1.6 km).
Some of you might be passed this point. If it’s the case, the training plan shared below isn’t for you, but the big picture training and guidelines still apply.
Should Complete Beginners Run a 10K?
Again, I don’t have a definite answer as it depends on your current fitness level. If you’re really out of shape and/or dealing with chronic health issues, shooting for a 10K from the get-go might be out of your reach.
If this describes you, a 5K race is a more suitable introduction to road racing. Use some common sense. Don’t try to bite more than you can chew.
The Average 10K Time For Beginners
How long it takes to run a 10K for beginner runners depends on many factors, including fitness level, sex, age, injury history, training frequency, and motivation.
According to a survey, the average United States 10K finish results is roughly 53 minutes for men, whereas women cross the finish line at around 63 minutes.
Wondering the average time for running a mile in a 10K race? The answer is around 9 to 13 minutes for beginner runners.
The average untrained beginner might be able to jog/walk the entire 6.2 miles in about 70 to 90 minutes. After a few months of training, the same runner can finish under 60 minutes. Anything under 40 minutes puts you in the serious athlete category.
What’s The Fastest 10K Time?
According to Wikipedia, the current men’s outdoor world-record holder, at the time of writing this, is Joshua Cheptegiy of Uganda at 26:11:00, set on October 7, 2020. That’s a whooping 4:12 a mile.
The current women’s world record is 29:01:03 and is held by the Ethiopian Letesenbet Gidey on June 8, 2021.
So What 10K Finishing Time Should I Aim for Then?
Aim for what suits your current fitness level on race day.
That’s the best advice I can give.
If this is your first time doing a 10K, don’t start with a too challenging goal.
Sure, it’s good to have a goal that pushes you, but don’t try to bite more than you can chew—or else, you’ll end up injured or burned out.
What I’d consider a good 10K is anything around 45 to 50 minutes. I’ve concluded this number by averaging 10K times across various ages and genders worldwide (check the charts below).
To finish a 10K in around 45 to 50 minutes, you’ll need to average about 8 minutes a mile.
Keep in mind that runners with more experience will be able to cross the finish line in under 40 minutes, an average of less than 7 minutes a mile.
10K Race Pace Chart
Use this 10K pace chart predictor to estimate your 10K finishing time.
Remember – This is only a prediction of your maximum potential—glorified fortune-telling—. It might not be the reality on the ground.
If somehow you can pass it, kudos to you.
But don’t feel discouraged if you miss it.
Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to cross country running
Average 10K Times Based on Age & Gender
Run Repeat completed an interesting study that showed average running speeds and times for men and women divided by age groups. This study reported that age groups, to no one’s surprise, correlated drastically with an average 10K time, with younger age groups tending to have a faster average running pace.
The research also found that the average competitive 10K time is around 58 minutes for men in the U.S., whereas the competitive finish time for women stands at 1 hour and 6 minutes.
Relying on the data from the same study, the following charts show averages of 10K times by sex and age in the standard format of hours:minute:seconds.
The Couch To 10K Training Plan You Need
Medical Note: The training plan below is quite challenging, and you might not be ready to tackle a 10K, even after six months of training.
This is especially the case if you’re over 40, dealing with comorbid conditions like obesity, heart condition, or have chronic injuries with physical limitations.
Walk First
You should only give my couch to 10K plan a try once you can briskly walk without trouble for one hour or longer. If not, build up your walking endurance and then get on the plan.
As a rough guideline, walk three to four times per week, gradually building your sessions up to longer than 60 to 90 minutes each.
Once you find your rhythm, you’re ready to take on the next level of the 10K training plan described below.
Walk Run
The walk/run method helps your body adapt to the high impact of running without risking injury or overtraining. This mix helps reduce the risks of pain, injury, and burnout while improving your training enjoyment and cardiovascular conditioning.
The walk/run method consists of performing intervals of low intensity running—or jogging—and walking, building your endurance and confidence, and steadily improving your fitness and conditioning.
Remember to perform the running intervals slow enough at the beginning of every run.
Yes, you’ll feel tired after running but not completely exhausted or even give up at the end.
Take More Weeks
The 10K plan isn’t written in stone.
If you feel like the plan is advancing too quickly for you, slow down and repeat a week or two.
Or simply take some more days to rest and recover.
The key is to find your own pace first before adding up more.
It’s so much better to slow down than to let yourself get hurt or discouraged, which could force you to stop training altogether.
Additional resource – Additional resource – How to train for an 8K
Find The Right Intensity
Another thing you can do to stay injury-free is to stick to a conversational pace.
This means being able to maintain a conversation while you’re doing it.
Already panting? Then you must be doing too much. Slow down and let yourself recover.
As a rule, exercise within 65 to 75 percent of your maximum heart rate, which translates to a 6 to 7 on an exertion scale of 1 to 10.
Rest or Cross Train During 10K Plan
Getting injured isn’t the worst thing that can happen to you as a runner. You can also get burned out, which is a real bummer. To steer out of this danger, recover properly between your workouts.
As a rule of thumb, take one day off every week. For most people, that’s usually Sunday, but different strokes for different folks.
During your non-running days, feel free to take more rest days or, if you heed my advice, cross-train.
Cross-training the right way can help you improve your cardiovascular health and strength without the added impact of running.
Ideal cross-training exercises include biking, swimming, strength training, and yoga.
All of these will help you build your endurance and stamina further.
But if I had to choose, I’ll always go with strength training as it helps. Improve running economy and prevent injury.
Do plenty of exercises to strengthen your glutes, hips, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves to make the most out of it.
Additional resource – When to skip a run
The 10K Training Plan For Beginners
Now that you know how many miles is a 10K and how to prepare for it, let’s get to the practical stuff.
My couch to 10K training plan incorporates a mix of low-intensity running—or jogging, walking, and resting.
During the three months of training, you’ll gradually build your running time from 5 to 10 minutes in the first week to 40 to 50 minutes in the last week.
Each week includes one day of complete rest and 3 (optional) days for walking or cross-training, which can help you on your feet without risking burnout.
Note – If this 10K plan is too much for you, try my couch to 5K schedule instead.
10K Racing Tips For Beginners
More 10K beginner tips?
Why not.
You can prepare everything right during your training months only to blow it on race because of a stupid mistake.
Before jumping into the 10K race, keep the following guidelines in mind.
Recover Well
The last week before the big day, do your 50-minute long run.
But in the two to three days before the race, rest and let your body recover.
Sign Up Early
To keep training consistent, sign up for a race as early as possible.
That way, you’ll have a clear goal to work toward.
It’s like giving yourself a commitment contract to stick to your training plan.
There’s no turning back.
Once you’ve picked an event, then build your training volume gradually and slowly
Get Ready The Night Before
To keep your mind focused on the race instead of everything else, lay your running gear out the night before the race.
Then, try to get as much sleep as possible, aiming for 8 to 9 hours of high-quality, nonstop sleep.
I know some of you can get too excited and can’t sleep well before the due date.
Remember, recovery is vital for a good racing experience.
A sleepy runner is a lousy racer.
Pace Yourself During Your first 10K
During your first 10K, try to run the whole distance evenly. If you start off too fast, you’ll regret it in the end—assuming you’ll be able to make it up to the finish line.
The key is to start slow…really slow and gradually add your speed.
For example, if you plan to finish the 10K race in 60 minutes (a realistic goal if you ask me), plan to clear each kilometer marker at 6-minute intervals.
If you still feel you have more energy in the end, pick up the pace as you near the finish line.
You can also do a negative split.
Run the first 5K at an easy, very easy pace.
Then, once you’re past the 5K mark, gradually increase your speed and make each mile a bit faster so that once you reach the final stretch, you’re definitely at your Max.
Eat For Performance
Don’t starve nor stuff yourself.
On Race day, eat something that provides you with enough energy without upsetting your stomach.
For this reason, you’d have to test out different eating strategies during your regular weekday runs.
That’s how you’d know what works and what doesn’t.
There are a lot of meal plans, but you have to find what works best for you.
Listen to Your Body
This is the most important advice –whether you end up racing or not.
If you’re experiencing acute pain while racing, stop running immediately and seek medical help, but if you’re mildly sore, rest for a day and see how you feel.
If you just got a classic, not-so-serious running injuries such as blisters or chafing, then consider it a badge of honor and just push through.
Take your 10k training plan To the next level?
Already snatched a few medals or recorded a good timing and want to take things to the next level?
The following tips can help.
- Train consistently. Real growth happens when you stick with your training for a long time. Training for a few months and then calling it quick after running your first 10K is a waste of timel. Instead, think bigger. I’m done with 10k, how about the half marathon or even marathon later?
- Perform drills – instead of simply focusing on logging more miles, do speed drills that help boost your speed and endurance. This may involve performing interval training, hill reps, or temp workouts. Maybe you can finish faster on the next race? You never know your potential until you push yourself to your limits.
- Improve your cadence. This refers to the number of steps you can take during one minute of running. Improving your cadence helps you run much faster with less risk for injury.
Bonus Tip: How Do I Become a Better Runner?
The answer to that question lies within my Runners Blueprint System.
My system was specially designed for beginners who either want to start running or take their training to the next level, but have little clue on how to do it.
And don’t worry, my ebook is written in a conversational, jargon-free, style. All you need to do is download it, follow the simple instructions, then start seeing results ASAP.
Here’s what it includes :
- How to quickly and easily get started running (it’s indeed is easier than you’d think!)
- How fast (or slow) should you go on your first sessions
- The exact 13 questions you need to answer before you a buy a running shoe
- The seven most common running injuries….how to deal with them before they progress into major ones!
- The quick standing stretching routine that keeps you flexible even if you’re busy as hell
- The 10-minute warm-up you must do before any session to get the most of your training
- And much, much more.
Click HERE to get started with The Runners Blueprint System today!
Now that you’ve crossed the finish line of this article, let me sum up the main points explained:
- The 10K in miles is 6.2 miles.
- You can train for a 10K whether you’re a beginner or a more advanced runner
- The average finish time for 10K for beginners is around 50 to 80 minutes.
- Following proper 10K training strategies is the best way to get you to the finish line.
Now not only that you know what’s a 10K in miles, but you actually have a practical 10K training plan.
That’s awesome.
But without following through and taking action, nothing will change.
So please start training now, and never deviate.
The rest is just details, as the saying goes.
Feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.
In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.
Very useful! But I am confused as the 13 week training schedule in the article and in the chart are different. Please help.
In week one, you state that we are to “repeat” the run/walk 7 times…which technically means that we do 8 sets total. Is that what is meant, or are we supposed to perform the run/walk 7 times?
When you say repeat 3 times, does that mean do it once and then another 3 times or 3 times in total?
In total
Hi David, do you have a training program for 8weeks for 10k?
What’s your current 10K time?