Is it Safe to Keep Running After a Concussion?

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Cross Training For Runners
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David Dack

Running and playing are a blast, but have you ever wondered what might happen if you accidentally hit your head and end up with a concussion? Think of it as a secret bump inside your head – it’s not something you can see, but you can definitely feel its effects. 

What’s really important to know is that if this ever happens, it’s a good idea to take a break from activities like running until you’re back to your usual self.

Caution After a Concussion

Beware of Cognitive Impairment

When you get a concussion, it can mess up how your brain works. You might feel confused, need help paying attention, or forget things easily. Doing something that needs lots of focus and coordination, like running, could worsen these problems.

They call it cognitive impairment symptoms. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle when some pieces are missing. Running might make you feel more mixed up and slow down your getting-better process.

So, it’s wiser to give your brain a break from activities that need a lot of thinking and coordination until you’re all healed up. Once your doctor says you’re fully recovered, and there are no worrying brain damage signs, it’s like getting a thumbs-up from a coach to start practicing again.

Remember, while running can be awesome for your body, it’s also cool for your brain! Running can actually help your memory work better and make you feel good. Just like how practicing helps you run faster, giving your brain the right rest helps it work better. 

So, when your doctor gives you the signal, you can run your way to better health and stronger memory!

Be Wary of Increased Symptoms

Doing activities like running after a concussion might make your concussion symptoms worse. These symptoms can include headaches, feeling dizzy, getting sick to your stomach, and feeling very tired.

So, it’s really important to give your brain a break so it can heal properly. If you don’t rest, your symptoms could get worse, and that’s not good. Taking it easy helps your brain get better. It can stop those yucky feelings in your head from getting worse.

Post-Concussion Syndrome: What’s That?

Sometimes, even after your brain seems all better, it might still act a bit strange. This is called post-concussion syndrome (PCS). It’s like when you get over a cold but still have a runny nose now and then. 

With PCS, your brain keeps causing problems even after your bump has healed. You might feel tired a lot, have headaches, or find it hard to focus on things. It’s like your superhero brain is taking longer to get back to its full power. 

Don’t worry, though – doctors can help manage PCS and help you prevent the long-term effects of concussion. They might suggest more rest, less screen time, and other things to help your superhero brain feel 100% again. Just remember, your brain’s still healing, and that’s okay!

Possible Delayed Recovery

Think of your brain as a superhero. When it gets hurt, like with a concussion, it needs time to become strong again. If you start doing active stuff too early, it’s like asking the superhero to work when it’s still getting better – that can make it take longer to heal. 

What your superhero brain really needs is rest. Taking a break from things like running gives it the quiet time it needs to mend itself. When it’s ready, your doctor might give you the okay to slowly get back to activities, but not all at once.

 It’s like training your superhero brain bit by bit. With your doctor’s help, this careful approach helps your brain heal fully and faster. So, remember, patience is like the secret sidekick that helps your brain feel better sooner.

Risk of Further Injury

Imagine your brain as the captain of a team inside your head. When you accidentally bump your head and get a concussion, it’s like the captain getting a little shake-up. Just like when you get a scrape on your knee and need time to heal, your brain needs a timeout, too.

If you jump into running or other active stuff too soon, it’s like the captain getting another shake while still fixing things.

But there’s something super important to know about – it’s called “second-impact syndrome.” It’s like if the captain gets hit again before they’re fully back in action. This is really dangerous and can cause serious problems, some even died because of it. 

So, think of it like this: your captain must finish fixing the team before returning to the game. That’s why giving your brain a quiet break – no running or extra action – is so important. It lets your captain get everything in order, making sure you’re ready and safe for more fun on the field. 

Once your doctor gives the all-clear, you’ll be back to your energetic self, ready to play like a champ!


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