Mastering the Art of Pacing in Trail Races: A Runner’s Guide

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Cross Training For Runners
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David Dack

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably found yourself, at some point, in the midst of a breathtakingly beautiful but brutally challenging trail race, thinking, “How on earth should I pace myself through this?”

Well, you’re not alone.

The fact is, trail racing isn’t a walk—nor a hike—in the park. It’s actually a dance with the wild, complete with all its twists, turns, and elevation surprises. It throws at you a mix of steep climbs and daring descents that flat-road racing doesn’t even come close to.

For these reasons (and some more), mastering the art of pacing in trail races is a game-changer. Unlike the predictable strides on flat roads, trail running is all about knowing when to power up, when to cruise, and when to hold back.

Sounds confusing? I know, but worry no more.

In today’s article, I’m here to guide you through the art of pacing like a pro on the trails. From tackling the gnarly climbs to cruising down those descents, I’ll share strategies and insights to help you keep your energy levels balanced and your spirits high, no matter the terrain.

Sounds like a great deal?

Then let’s get started.

Understanding the Challenge of Elevation in Trail Racing

I’ll never forget my first foray into trail racing. A few years ago, I was about to tackle my first major hill during my very first trail race—the Bromo half marathon. It quickly dawned on me that my usual running pace wouldn’t cut it here. This was more than just a physical climb; it was a mental torture. Every step upwards tested my endurance, my muscles screaming in protest on every step.

But what goes up must come down, right? Descending was a whole other beast. It was less about energy burn and more about trying not to tumble down like a runaway boulder. My knees and quads were on overtime, trying to keep me upright and in control.

I quickly realized that trail racing is nothing like the road escapades I was used to.

In fact, that day I had to learn to toss my road-racing playbook out the window. On the trails, it’s all about effort, not pace. That first steep incline taught me to listen to my body, to find a rhythm that felt sustainable, even if it meant moving at a snail’s pace.

And then there was the terrain. From mud that sucked at your shoes to rocks that threatened to trip you at every turn, the trail was a constantly changing puzzle. I learned to read the ground ahead, adjusting my stride and pace on the fly.

Let me explain more.

do this to make running more fun

Why is Pacing A Trail Race Is Tricky?

I hate to state the obvious but pacing a trail race is a whole different ball game compared to a road race. Unlike the predictability of road races, where sticking to a specific pace guarantees a certain finishing time, trail races throw a plethora of variables into the mix. Here’s why pacing a trail race is more challenging:

  • Terrain: Trail races cover diverse terrains, from muddy paths to rocky trails, snowy sections to sandy stretches. Each type of terrain demands different energy expenditure and affects your pace differently.
  • Greater fatigue: The rugged terrain and longer duration of trail races lead to increased fatigue, both physical and mental. It’s essential to pace yourself conservatively to avoid hitting the wall prematurely.
  • Weather: Unlike road races where you might be shielded by buildings, trail races expose you to the elements. Weather conditions like wind, rain, and sun can significantly impact your pace and performance.
  • Increased risk of mishaps: Spending extended hours on your feet in remote wilderness areas means there’s a higher chance of things going wrong, from getting lost to suffering from injuries or fatigue-related issues.
  • Fueling and hydration: Trail races often take you far from aid stations, making fueling and hydration strategies more critical and challenging to execute. It’s essential to find a balance between carrying enough supplies and not weighing yourself down.

Given these challenges, pacing a trail race requires a different approach. It’s about listening to your body, adapting to the conditions, and being prepared for the unexpected. Let’s dive into some strategies for pacing a trail race effectively.

Race Day Pacing Tips

Race day brought its own set of challenges, a culmination of training, strategy, and mental preparation.

Here’s how I approach it:

Know The Course

The first order of business? Familiarize yourself with the course. It’s like studying a map before setting off on an adventure. I pore over every twist and turn, noting the ups and downs along the way. Understanding the course helps me plan my pacing, ensuring I’m ready for whatever terrain lies ahead.

Develop a Smart Strategy:

Imagine yourself plotting out the course, pinpointing those sneaky uphill climbs that are notorious for draining your energy quicker than a leaky faucet. The golden rule here? Start off with a cool head and a steady pace. It’s like you’re easing into a warm bath rather than jumping into a cold pool – keep it smooth and save some of that fiery energy for the hurdles waiting down the road.

Now, I know it’s tempting to turn it into a sprint from the get-go, especially when you see everyone else zipping past you. But here’s a piece of friendly advice: leave your ego at the starting line. Running isn’t about outpacing the person next to you in the first mile; it’s about finding that sweet, sustainable rhythm that feels like you’re in sync with the universe.

Ever thought about hiking those first few miles instead of running them into the ground? It might sound a bit unconventional, especially when you see your competitors darting ahead, creating that early gap. But trust me, it’s like playing the long game. And finishing strong? That’s a victory in my book.


Visualize Success:

Mental prep is just as important as physical training, if not more so. I spend time visualizing the course, picturing myself conquering each segment with ease. This mental rehearsal builds confidence and helps me stay focused when the going gets tough.

By the time race day rolls around, I’ve already run the course a hundred times in my mind, so I know exactly what to expect and how to handle it.

Finding Your Ideal Starting Pace

Kicking off a long-distance trail race at the right pace is crucial. I’ve been that runner who bolts out of the gate, only to pay for it later.

Now, I rely on my heart rate monitor and a good sense of my current fitness to find a comfortable pace that I can hold onto. It’s about running your own race, not getting swept up in the adrenaline of the start.

That’s why I opt for a conservative start—easing into the race allows my body to adjust gradually and saves my energy for the later stages.

Breaking It Down:

I find it helpful to break the race into smaller, more manageable segments. It’s almost like setting mental checkpoints along the way.

This not only helps with pacing but also gives me little victories to celebrate, keeping my spirits high and my focus sharp. Viewing the race as a series of smaller challenges makes the overall distance feel more attainable.

Don’t Follow The Crowd

Being strong doesn’t necessarily mean pushing your pace to the max from the get-go. It’s more about having that ace up your sleeve, that extra burst of energy saved for just the right moment, instead of going all out and just trying to hang on for dear life. The real race begins in the second half. That’s when you make your move, when the real magic happens.

And here’s something interesting – try not to get caught up in racing against others too early on. A study from 2016 threw light on something called “herd behavior,” which basically means we might end up adopting a pace that doesn’t really suit us when we try to keep up with the pack.

It’s a pacing trap!

However, as the race progresses into its latter stages, feel free to let that competitive spirit loose.

Racing against others in the second half can be a huge motivational boost. It’s like getting a second wind – suddenly, you’re not just running; you’re racing, and every overtaken competitor can feel like a mini victory.


Using Competitors’ Pace:

Leading the pack isn’t always the best strategy in a race. I’ve found that observing the pace of those around me can be a valuable guide. If the group’s pace feels too aggressive early on, hold back, conserve your energy for the later stages.

Conversely, running alongside faster competitors has pushed me to maintain a pace I might not have attempted solo. It’s a delicate balance, knowing when to take the lead and when to follow the pack.


In ultra-marathons, adaptability is paramount. Despite meticulous planning, races are full of surprises. Weather conditions can change, your body may react differently than expected, and the terrain might present unforeseen challenges.

Being ready to adjust your pacing, nutrition, and hydration strategies on the fly is a hallmark of seasoned ultra-runners.

Fuel Up:

Your nutrition and hydration strategy are critical in ultra-marathons, acting as your lifeline to keep your body fueled and prevent energy depletion. Crafting a personalized nutrition plan is essential, focusing on a mix of easily digestible carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Finding what works best for you, whether it’s gels, bars, or whole foods, and timing your intake to maintain steady energy levels is key.

Hydrate, Then Hydrate Some More:

Hydration is equally vital, especially in challenging conditions like high altitudes where dehydration is a real risk. I prioritize pre-hydration and keep a water bottle and gels within reach during the race to stay hydrated.

However, it’s not just about carrying fluids; it’s about understanding your body’s needs, the race conditions, and planning your refills strategically to avoid both dehydration and overhydration, which can both derail your race.

Listen to Your Body

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all pace that guarantees a win. It’s more about tuning into your body’s own signals – kind of like keeping an eye on a car’s tachometer to avoid pushing the engine into the red zone.

Your body knows its limits; it whispers hints and nudges about when to push harder or when to pull back. So, listen closely to those intrinsic cues, and let them guide you to your personal best. It’s not just about crossing the finish line; it’s about how you run the race.


The art of pacing in trail running is a journey that knows no end. With each race and every trail, I gain new insights, refining my strategy and deepening my appreciation for this demanding yet beautiful sport.

Mastering pacing in trail racing hasn’t come without its challenges. It’s been a journey of trial and error, with a few instances of starting too fast and hitting the infamous “bonk” on remote trails.

Yet, with each race and every run, I’ve grown. I’ve learned to respect the mountains, to both fear and relish the descents, and to embrace the unpredictable nature of trail running.

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