The Smart Shopper’s Guide to Scoring the Best Used Treadmills

Are you on the lookout for the perfect used treadmill? You’ve just hit the jackpot because you’re exactly where you need to be (and yes, that pun was totally intended)!

Setting up a home gym or just spicing up your workout routine? A treadmill often becomes the star of the show.

But let’s face it, these fitness buddies can sometimes be a bit too pricey, right? If you’re not keen on spending a fortune but still want to jog your way to fitness, we’ve got a solution.

Enter the world of second-hand treadmills – your wallet’s new best friend. Why go for a used one, you ask? Here’s the scoop: top-quality treadmills are like the tanks of the fitness world, they’re built to endure.

So, a gently used model can offer you the same top-notch performance as its brand-new counterpart but at a fraction of the cost.

I’ve already chatted about the how-tos of choosing and buying used treadmills, but there’s one burning question that deserves its very own spotlight: “Where on earth do you find these high-quality used treadmills?” That’s what I’m here to spill the beans on today.

In this article, I’m going to share my top secrets and insights on where to scout for these pre-owned gems that won’t leave your bank account gasping for air.

Sounds like a good deal?

Let’s get started.

Why Opt for a Used Treadmill?

Choosing a used treadmill over a new one isn’t just about saving money; it’s a sustainable choice that benefits both your finances and the environment. Let’s explore several reasons why opting for a used treadmill can be a valuable addition to your fitness routine.

  • Maximizing Value for Money: Used treadmills are often available at a significantly reduced price compared to new models, offering substantial cost savings. This lower price point opens up access to higher-end models with advanced features, providing excellent value for your investment.
  • A Step Towards Sustainability: Opting for a used treadmill contributes to environmental sustainability by extending the lifespan of the equipment. This choice helps reduce waste and promotes a circular economy, aligning with eco-friendly principles.
  • Potential for High-Quality Finds: When you know where to look, you can discover many used treadmills in excellent condition, having seen light use from their previous owners. In some cases, you may even come across commercial-grade treadmills known for their durability and superior performance.

Second-Hand Stores

Looking for the best-used treadmills? Then, you should start with second-hand stores and fitness equipment outlets.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Varied Selection: These stores often have a diverse range of treadmills, from basic models to more advanced ones.
  • Condition Range: Treadmills in second-hand stores can vary greatly in condition. Some may be nearly new, while others might show more signs of wear.
  • Opportunity to Negotiate: Many second-hand stores allow room for price negotiation, offering the chance to secure a better deal.

Sold out on the idea? Then let me give you a few recommendations:

  • Play It Again Sports: A well-known chain that specializes in used sports and fitness equipment, including treadmills. They offer a mix of individual and commercial-grade options.
  • The Fitness Resource: Known for a wide selection of used and refurbished fitness equipment, including treadmills.
  • Local Thrift Stores: Don’t overlook local thrift stores or charity shops, as they occasionally receive donations of fitness equipment.
  • Specialty Fitness Equipment Stores: Some areas have local stores that focus on selling used and refurbished gym equipment. These stores often provide a warranty even on used items.

Scour the Digital Marketplace

The online marketplace provides a vast and varied platform for finding used treadmills. From widely-known websites to more niche online communities, there’s no shortage of places to search.

Here are some of my favorite platforms and essential tips for navigating these digital spaces safely.

  • eBay: A global marketplace known for its vast selection. You can find treadmills from private sellers and professional dealers.
  • Craigslist: Ideal for local deals, Craigslist allows you to find treadmills nearby, which can save on shipping costs and enable in-person inspections.
  • Facebook Marketplace: A growing platform for local and regional sales, offering the ability to communicate directly with sellers and see their profiles.
  • OfferUp and Letgo: User-friendly apps for buying and selling locally. They often feature a range of used treadmills at various price points.
  • GymTrader and FitnessEquipmentEmporium: Niche sites specializing in used fitness equipment, where you can often find higher-quality treadmills.

Gym Equipment Liquidators

In essence, liquidators sell equipment from gyms that are upgrading their gear or closing down. That’s why they often offer commercial-grade treadmills at significantly reduced prices.

The best way to find a gym equipment liquidator is to search online for one in your area or check for advertisements in fitness-related publications.

Online Refurbished Equipment Retailers

Another useful option is to check online refurbished equipment retailers. These specialize in selling refurbished gym equipment, including treadmills. Refurbished models are often thoroughly inspected and repaired, offering a like-new experience.

I’d recommend looking for online retailers with positive reviews and transparent refurbishing processes. Not every retailer out there does their job well, so you’ll have to dig through and do your research. Plus, check if they offer warranties or guarantees on their products.

Community Forums and Social Media Groups

The internet is to the rescue. Fitness and social media groups can be great resources for finding used treadmills. Members often post about equipment sales or can offer recommendations.

To make the most out of this, make sure to join any local fitness group or forums. Next, engage in these communities and ask for a head-up on upcoming sales or exclusive deals.

Fitness Centers and Local Gyms

Do you prefer the direct approach? Then this one is for you. Sometimes, local gyms sell their old equipment directly to customers. Contacting them directly can lead to first-hand deals.

All you have to do is keep an eye out for announcements or notices in local gyms about equipment sales or upgrades.

Specialty Fitness Stores

Some stores accept trade-ins and sell these used treadmills. They usually inspect and repair the equipment before resale.

Try finding the nearest one, then visit the store to check their inventory and get expert advice on choosing the right treadmill.

Making the Right Choice

Finding the right place for your used treadmill is just one piece of the puzzle. You also need to make sure you’re making the right choice by buying the used machine.

Here are a few tips to help you get started on the right path.

  • Research the Seller: Check the seller’s history and reviews. Reliable sellers usually have positive feedback and a record of past sales.
  • Ask Detailed Questions: Look at the treadmill’s age, usage history, any repairs done, and the reason for selling. Request current photos or videos to verify the condition.
  • Arrange Safe Payment Options: Use secure payment methods and avoid transactions that seem suspicious. Be wary of sellers who request untraceable payment methods.

Inspecting a Used Treadmill

When you’re about to buy a used treadmill, it helps to know what to look for to make sure you get a quality machine that meets your fitness needs.

Here’s what to check for:

Motor Condition

Listen to the motor for any unusual noises. A well-functioning motor should run smoothly and quietly. As you already know, the motor is the heart of the treadmill. Any irregular sounds or overheating issues can indicate wear or internal damage.

Belt Condition

Examine the belt for any signs of fraying, cracks, or excessive wear. Walk on the treadmill to feel for any slippage or sticking. Why? The belt’s condition can affect the safety and performance of the treadmill. Replacing a worn belt can be costly.

Electronic Functions

Test all the console functions, including the display, speed adjustments, incline settings, and any pre-programmed workouts. It should come as no surprise, but faulty electronics can limit the functionality of the treadmill and could be expensive to repair.

Stability and Frame

Ensure the treadmill frame is sturdy and free from any cracks or significant rust. Check the stability during use. A stable and robust frame ensures safety during workouts and the longevity of the machine.

The Price Of a Second-Hand Treadmill

When it comes to determining the fair price for a used treadmill, consider these steps to ensure a successful negotiation:

  1. Research Retail Prices:
    • Visit the manufacturer’s website or popular online retailers like Amazon to find the retail price of the treadmill model you’re interested in.
    • Check out used sporting goods stores, such as Play It Again Sports, to gather a rough estimate of the acceptable price range.
  2. Consider Brand Reputation:
    • Keep in mind that the reputation of the brand plays a significant role in pricing. Reputable brands often command higher prices in the used market due to their quality and durability.
    • Be cautious when dealing with lesser-known brands with questionable records and customer reviews. In such cases, aim for a price that aligns with your budget.
  3. Negotiate Fairly:
    • Start the negotiation process, aiming to reach a price that satisfies both you and the seller.
    • Be aware that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. If a store offers tempting discounts, check for hidden fees, such as delivery and set-up charges.

By following these steps, you can navigate the negotiation process confidently and secure a fair price for your used treadmill without any surprises along the way.

Back on Track: Expert Tips for Running Again After a Calf Strain

Recovering from a calf strain and looking for the best advice on how to get back to training? Then you’re in the right place.

Calf strains are a common injury that happens when the muscles at the back of your lower leg get overstretched or torn. It’s a common affliction among runners and regular athletes alike.

But the real challenge often comes after the initial recovery, which is safely getting back to running after a calf strain.

In fact, Running after a calf strain can be unnerving and challenging. During this key period, the way you approach your training can make the difference between a pain-free and efficient recovery and the risk of re-injury (and more time off the running track, and you won’t want that)

So, how do you walk this fine line? That’s where today’s post comes in handy.

In this article, I’m going to delve deep into the safe ways to resume training post-calf strain. In fact, I’ll walk you through the steps to make sure you return to the pavement or trails as smooth and risk-free as possible.

Sounds like a good deal?

Then, let’s get started.

Understanding Calf Strain: Your First Step to a Safe Running Comeback

A calf strain, a common injury among runners and athletes, occurs when the calf muscles at the back of the lower leg are torn or stretched. These muscles are essential for running, as they help propel you forward and absorb impact with each stride.

Calf strains often result from factors such as overexertion, inadequate warm-up, or pushing beyond your current level of fitness. Symptoms can include sharp pain, discomfort, or a feeling of being “struck” in the back of the leg.

Recovering from a calf strain involves more than simply waiting for the pain to diminish. It requires a careful and structured approach to ensure a safe and sustainable return to training.

Categorizing Calf Strains Calf strains are not all the same; they are typically classified into four grades, each with distinct characteristics. Let’s explore each grade in detail.

Grade 1: Mild Strain

  • Symptoms: Mild discomfort, often feeling more like a tightness or slight pain in the calf muscle.
  • Mobility: Generally, walking is still comfortable, and the injury feels more like a nuisance than a significant hindrance.
  • Recovery Timeframe: Approximately 1-2 weeks.
  • Recommendations: Rest, light stretching, and gradual reintroduction to walking and light jogging.

Grade 2: Moderate Strain

  • Symptoms: More pronounced pain, especially during and after physical activity. There may be mild swelling and bruising.
  • Mobility: Walking is possible but uncomfortable, and running is usually too painful.
  • Recovery Timeframe: Generally requires 2-4 weeks.
  • Recommendations: Extended rest, possible use of compression and ice therapy, and gentle rehabilitative exercises as pain permits.

Grade 3: Severe Strain

  • Symptoms: Sharp pain, significant swelling, and often noticeable bruising. Walking is usually quite painful, and a lump may be felt in the calf muscle.
  • Mobility: Limited; walking may require assistance.
  • Recovery Timeframe: Typically 3-6 weeks.
  • Recommendations: Strict rest is necessary, along with possible immobilization. Rehabilitation under professional guidance is often required.

Grade 4: Complete Tear

  • Symptoms: Intense pain, often with a popping or snapping sensation at the time of injury. Severe swelling, bruising, and a complete inability to use the affected muscle are common.
  • Mobility: Severely restricted; walking is usually impossible without aid.
  • Recovery Timeframe: Usually two months or longer, depending on the severity.
  • Recommendations: This grade often requires medical intervention, including potential surgery, followed by a structured rehabilitation program under medical supervision.

How To Start Running After a Calf Strain

Determining when you can return to running after a calf strain is not a one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on the severity and type of your calf strain, as well as your weekly training load.

For this reason, I highly recommend consulting a medical professional when dealing with a calf injury. They will assess your specific case and provide insight into the severity of your condition, helping you make informed decisions about resuming running.

Returning to running after a calf injury should be approached with caution. In many cases, it begins with short, easy-paced runs. Dynamic warm-up and mobility drills should be performed before any intense training to prevent re-injury.

You should only consider returning to your previous training level when you no longer experience muscle cramps or pain. Instead of immediately attempting the same distances and intensities as before the injury, start with shorter distances at a much slower pace to gradually rebuild strength and flexibility.

Staying active in some form is crucial for a speedy recovery. This can include light activities like walking in the park or engaging in an aqua jogging program to maintain your fitness and mobility.

Your doctor can assess the severity of your injury and provide a more accurate estimate of your recovery time based on the following grades:

  • Grade 1: One to two weeks to resume some running.
  • Grade 2: Two weeks or more to resume some running.
  • Grade 3: Three to six weeks to resume some running.
  • Grade 4: Two months or longer to resume some running.

Ultimately, only a medical professional can determine the severity of your calf strain and guide you in making the right decisions for a safe and effective recovery. Avoid making uninformed decisions, as they can increase the risk of reinjury, which is best to avoid.

The Plan

Here’s the ideal process in a nutshell:

  • Initial Steps: Begin with short durations of light jogging or running. For example, start with a 5 to 10-minute jog, focusing on a relaxed and comfortable pace.
  • Using the Walk-Run Method: Alternate between walking and jogging intervals. This method reduces strain on your calf and helps in building endurance.
  • Rule of Thumb: A good guideline is the “10% rule,” which suggests increasing your running distance by no more than 10% each week.
  • Monitoring Intensity: Keep your initial runs at a low to moderate intensity. Avoid hill runs or speed work in the early stages of your comeback.

Stretching and Strengthening in Calf Strain Recovery

Recovering from a calf strain involves more than just waiting it out; it requires proactive measures to heal and strengthen your muscles. Stretching and strengthening exercises play a crucial role in this process, serving as both your recovery allies and your defense against future strains.

Stretching is your muscle’s way of reclaiming lost flexibility and elasticity. Gentle stretching exercises help relax the tightened muscle fibers, reducing stiffness and enhancing your range of motion.

On the other hand, strengthening exercises are the foundation for building resilient calf muscles. Gradually increasing the load and intensity of these exercises prepares your calf muscles for the demands of running.

Incorporating both stretching and strengthening exercises into your recovery routine provides comprehensive care for your calf muscles. It’s not just about healing; it’s about returning stronger and more flexible, setting the stage for a safer and more enjoyable comeback to running.

Let’s begin by exploring some effective stretching exercises.

Standing Calf Stretch

Stand facing a wall with one foot in front of the other. Keep your back heel on the ground and lean forward until you feel a stretch in the calf of the back leg.

Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat three times on each leg.

Seated Towel Calf Stretch

Sit with your leg stretched out in front of you. Loop a towel around your foot and gently pull towards you, keeping your knee straight.

Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat three times on each leg.

Next comes the strength exercises.

Calf Raises

Stand on the edge of a step with your heels hanging off. Rise onto your tiptoes, then lower back down past the level of the step.

Do two sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Eccentric Heel Drops

Stand on a step on your tiptoes, then slowly lower your heels below the step level.

Perform two sets of 10 repetitions on each leg.

Integrating Exercises into Your Routine

Aim to perform these exercises daily, especially after a warm-up or at the end of your run.

Gradually increase the intensity and repetitions as your strength and flexibility improve.


The Ultimate Guide to Deep Breathing Techniques For Runners

Looking for a way to take your breathing while running to the next level? Then it’s time to embrace deep breathing

Also known as belly breathing, deep breathing engages your diaphragm, a powerful muscle, which is a technique that can improve your running performance and stamina.

Most recreational runners are chest breathers, but, but switching to deep breathing can help you improve your oxygen intake and reduce the risk of issues like hyperventilation and side stitches.

In this article, I’ll share with you the full guide to deep breathing while running, highlighting the benefits of the practice and delving into the exact step-by-step system you need to incorporate this powerful technique into your running routine.

Sounds like a good deal?

Let’s get started.

The Fallacy of Chest Breathing

s mentioned earlier, many novice runners often succumb to the trap of shallow breathing, characterized by chest breathing. It’s akin to sipping air through a narrow straw, resulting in inadequate oxygen intake and higher carbon dioxide retention, ultimately leaving you feeling fatigued, lethargic, and breathless.

Chest breathing is akin to opting for a straw when you could have the entire glass! It represents an inefficient method of obtaining the necessary oxygen during your run.

Belly breathing, on the other hand, actively involves your diaphragm, enabling you to draw in more oxygen and expel a greater amount of carbon dioxide. It’s analogous to trading that straw for a revitalizing drink from a tall glass.

The Benefits of Belly Breathing

Before we dive into the “how” of belly breathing, let’s explore the incredible benefits it brings to the table.

Trust me; these perks will make you want to embrace belly breathing in every facet of your life, not just during your workouts.

Enhanced Oxygen Uptake and Utilization

Belly breathing allows you to take deeper breaths, which means more oxygen is inhaled with each breath. This increased oxygen uptake can help you to efficiently fuel your muscles and delay fatigue.

Improved Blood Flow and Circulation

The “European Journal of Applied Physiology” published findings that rhythmic, deep breathing enhances blood flow, particularly to the brain and heart, which is essential for endurance sports like running.

Lowering Blood Pressure

A study published in the “American Journal of Cardiology” found that deep breathing exercises can effectively lower blood pressure. The study revealed that participants who practiced deep abdominal breathing for a few minutes daily experienced significant reductions in blood pressure levels.

Stabilization of Heart Rate

Deep, rhythmic breathing has been shown to stabilize the heart rate, making it more efficient during prolonged physical activity. This can come in handy in distance running, where keeping a steady heart rate is key to endurance.

Reducing Stress

Research in the “Journal of the American College of Cardiology” highlighted that slow, deep breathing reduces the ‘fight-or-flight’ response, which lowers stress levels and positively impacts heart health. This reduction in stress can decrease the risk of stress-related heart conditions.

Enhancing Lung Function

A study in the “Journal of Pulmonary Rehabilitation” reported that diaphragmatic breathing exercises improve lung function. As you can already tell, improved lung function can enhances oxygen intake and efficiency while logging the miles. That’s a good thing if you ask me.

Improving Clarity

While deep breathing can indeed improve emotional well-being, its most direct impact for runners is in stress reduction and mental clarity. The calming effect of belly breathing can help you maintain focus, reduce anxiety, and stay mentally sharp during races or long runs.

Impact on Mental Health

The “Harvard Medical School” has published articles explaining how deep breathing techniques like belly breathing can trigger a relaxation response, leading to improved mental well-being. This is crucial for athletes in managing anxiety and maintaining focus.

Better Core Engagement and Postural Alignment

Engaging the diaphragm fully in belly breathing also means better activation of core muscles. This not only helps in maintaining good posture while running but also contributes to more efficient movement and potentially reduces the risk of injury.

How to Practice Deep Breathing

So, you’re ready to unlock the power of belly breathing, but you’re wondering how to make it work for you?

The answer is simple: practice makes perfect. The more you do it, the better you’ll become. There’s no way around it. So, let’s dive into the process of practice with a classic deep breathing exercise.

Find a Quiet Space: To practice deep breathing, find a quiet and comfortable place where you can focus without distractions.

Get into a Comfortable Position: Sit or lie down in a relaxed position. You can do this before or after your run, as well as during your cool-down or stretching routine.

Place Your Hand on Your Abdomen: Put one hand on your abdomen, just below your ribcage. Place the other hand on your chest.

Inhale Slowly: Breathe in through your nose slowly and deeply. As you inhale, focus on expanding your diaphragm, which is the muscle located just below your lungs. Feel your abdomen rise and push your hand outward while keeping your chest relatively still.

Exhale Slowly: Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth. As you exhale, feel your abdomen fall and your hand move inward.

Focus on Your Breath: Pay attention to your breath as it moves in and out of your body. Try to make your inhales and exhales smooth and even.

Count Your Breaths: You can practice deep breathing by counting your breaths. Inhale for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, and then exhale for a count of four. Adjust the count to a pace that feels comfortable for you.

Repeat: Continue deep breathing for a few minutes, allowing your body and mind to relax. You can gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the technique.

Incorporate Deep Breathing into Your Runs: Once you’ve practiced deep breathing in a relaxed setting, try to incorporate it into your runs. Focus on deep, diaphragmatic breaths rather than shallow chest breaths. It may take some practice to make this a natural part of your running technique.

Additional resource – Guide to running lingo

Mastering Belly Breathing in Your Running Regime

Now that you have some insights into deep breathing, let’s explore how you can effectively integrate it into your running regimen. However, it’s important to note that transitioning from practicing belly breathing in a calm environment to applying it during running can be a bit challenging. But fear not, with the right guidance, you can smoothly adopt this technique into your routine.

Start with Low-Intensity Runs

If you’re new to belly breathing, it’s advisable to begin by incorporating it into your low-intensity runs or jogs. This allows you to concentrate on your breathing pattern without the added stress of high exertion. The practice is straightforward – strive to maintain deep, steady belly breaths as you run at a comfortable pace.

Gradual Integration into Higher Intensities

Once you’ve become accustomed to belly breathing during your easy runs, gradually start implementing it into more intense training sessions. Begin with short intervals of high-intensity running, all while focusing on maintaining your proper breathing technique. Afterward, return to a slower pace to catch your breath and reset, if necessary. This gradual approach will help you build the skill and confidence needed to employ deep breathing effectively during more demanding workouts.

Mindful Breathing During Long Runs

When embarking on long-distance runs, it’s crucial to periodically check in with your breathing. Ensure that you are engaging in deep abdominal breathing rather than relying on shallow chest breaths. If you catch yourself predominantly chest breathing, consider slowing down slightly to re-establish your belly breathing rhythm.

Adapting to Different Running Conditions

Keep in mind that various factors can impact your breathing rate, with terrain and temperature being among the most prominent. Be attentive to these variables and be prepared to adjust your pace and breathing accordingly. It’s perfectly acceptable to take walking breaks as needed to stabilize your breathing, especially as you’re mastering this technique.

Breathing Exercises as Part of Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Incorporate belly breathing exercises into your warm-up and cool-down routines. This not only readies your respiratory system for the run but also contributes to a quicker recovery after your run.

Monitoring and Adjusting

Consider using a heart rate monitor or running app to monitor how your breathing patterns affect your performance. With time and practice, you’ll enhance your endurance and running efficiency, ultimately improving your overall running experience.

Listen to Your Body

The most important aspect is to listen to your body. If you feel dizzy, light-headed, or overly fatigued, stop and take a break. It’s important to recognize your current limits and gradually build up your ability to sustain belly breathing throughout your run.

Perfect Your Upper Body Form

Proper upper body form is crucial for efficient deep breathing.

Here’s what you should focus on:

  • Maintain an upright posture with a slight forward lean.
  • Keep your chest out and your back flat.
  • Ensure your shoulders remain relaxed, avoiding any hunching over, even when tackling inclines.

For more on proper running technique, check out the following posts:




Rhythmic Breathing Running

Rhythmic breathing, also known as locomotor-respiratory coupling or cadence breathing, is a powerful technique to enhance your running performance. It involves synchronizing your breath with your running gait, creating a rhythmic pattern that boosts your efficiency and endurance. Additionally, it’s a valuable method for honing your deep breathing skills, as it places emphasis on synchronized breath. Here’s how to master this technique:

  1. Start Slow: Begin practicing rhythmic breathing at a slow pace during your runs. Focus on maintaining the chosen breath-to-step ratio consistently. It may feel challenging initially, but with practice, it will become more natural.
  2. Consistency is Key: Like any skill, rhythmic breathing improves with practice. Incorporate it into your training consistently, and over time, it will become second nature.

Further Deep Breathing Exercises

Incorporating the following exercises into your daily routine can significantly impact your running performance. They aid in building lung capacity, enhancing breath control, and reducing stress – all crucial elements for a successful run. Remember, consistency is key, and if you’re new to these techniques or have any health concerns, it’s advisable to seek advice from a professional.

The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique

Crafted by Dr. Andrew Weil, this technique is a runner’s secret weapon for stress relief and focus. Here’s how it works:

  • Inhale for 4 seconds, filling your lungs and gathering your focus.
  • Hold this breath for 7 seconds, providing a moment of calm before the storm.
  • Exhale smoothly for 8 seconds, releasing any tension or anxiety. This technique serves as an excellent ritual for pre-run mental preparation or post-run cooldown.

Roll Breathing

Visualize your breath rolling through your body like a wave, from the depths of your belly to the top of your lungs. This exercise is fantastic for increasing lung capacity, a must-have for long-distance runners. It teaches you to fully utilize your lungs, ensuring that every breath during your run is maximized for efficiency.

Morning Pranayama Practice

Begin your day with Pranayama to supercharge your lungs and sharpen your focus. These ancient breathing techniques from yoga are ideal for runners seeking to enhance their breath control and mental clarity. A regular Pranayama practice can lead to noticeable improvements in your running performance, particularly in how you manage your breath during challenging runs.

From Walk to Run: A Safe Beginner Running Plan For Overweight People

If you’re carrying extra weight and thinking of donning those running shoes for the first time, you’re right where you need to be!

As someone who found solace and transformation in running, I can vouch for its incredible benefits.

Running is not just a workout; it’s a journey of self-discovery and improvement, accessible to everyone, regardless of size or background.

Let’s address a common concern: if you’re heavier, starting to run might seem daunting. I get it. There are worries about the impact on your joints or getting winded too quickly.

But fear not! In this article, I’m going to walk (and run!) you through a beginner running plan tailored specifically for those carrying extra weight. This plan is all about getting you moving, feeling great, and doing it all injury-free.

By the end of this post, you’ll be buzzing with excitement and ready to hit the ground running, all while taking the best care of your health and well-being.

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

Consulting a Healthcare Professional

Before you start, it’s crucial to get a green light from your doctor. It’s like getting a car serviced before a long journey – you want to ensure everything is running smoothly. Be open with your healthcare provider about any concerns, including heart health, kidney function, respiratory issues, joint problems, and any medications you’re taking.

When you see your doctor, it’s time for total honesty – no holding back. This is your chance to get a complete physical assessment that’s tailored just for you. Remember, keeping secrets from your doc is like trying to run with your shoelaces tied together – not helpful!

Here are some crucial topics to bring up during your appointment:

  • Heart Matters: Discuss any history of heart conditions or blood pressure issues.
  • Kidney Check: Keep your kidneys in the loop.
  • Breathing 101: Chat about any respiratory conditions, like asthma or other lung issues.
  • Joint Ventures: Don’t forget to mention any joint problems, like arthritis or past injuries.
  • Medication Roll Call: List all the meds you’re currently taking.
  • History Lesson: Share any significant points in your medical history.

Once your doctor gives you the all-clear, you’re ready to embark on your running journey with confidence and peace of mind.

The Gradual Approach

Rushing into running can do more harm than good. I learned this the hard way when I started. So, I recommend the walk/run method. This approach gradually builds your stamina and helps you avoid overuse injuries.

Here’s the brief scoop to give you the big picture:

Week 1-2: Getting Started

Day 1-3 (Alternate Days): Begin with a 20-minute workout.

  • Start with a 5-minute brisk walk to warm up.
  • Run for 30 seconds, followed by a 2-minute walk to recover. Repeat this cycle for 15 minutes.
  • Finish with a 5-minute cool-down walk.

Week 3-4: Building Stamina

Day 1-3 (Alternate Days): Increase the workout duration to 25 minutes.

  • Start with a 5-minute brisk walk.
  • Run for 45 seconds, followed by a 2-minute walk to recover. Repeat this cycle for 20 minutes.
  • Finish with a 5-minute cool-down walk.

Week 5-6: Progressing Further

Day 1-3 (Alternate Days): Extend the workout duration to 30 minutes.

  • Begin with a 5-minute brisk walk.
  • Run for 1 minute, followed by a 2-minute walk to recover. Repeat this cycle for 25 minutes.
  • Finish with a 5-minute cool-down walk.

Week 7-8: Building Confidence

Day 1-3 (Alternate Days): Continue with a 30-minute workout.

  • Start with a 5-minute brisk walk.
  • Run for 2 minutes, followed by a 2-minute walk to recover. Repeat this cycle for 25 minutes.
  • Finish with a 5-minute cool-down walk.

Now, let’s dive into the actual structured two-month plan, including weekly progressions.

Goal: To comfortably run for 20-30 minutes at an easy pace by the end of 8 weeks.

Key Tips:

  • Pace Yourself: Always run at a pace where you can carry on a conversation.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink water before and after your runs.
  • Warm-Up & Cool-Down: Start each session with a 5-minute walk as a warm-up and end with a 5-minute walk to cool down.
  • Rest Days: These are just as important as training days. They allow your body to recover and prevent injuries.

Week One

  • Monday: Run 2 mins, Walk 2 mins. Repeat 6 times.
  • Wednesday: Run 2 mins, Walk 2 mins. Repeat 8 times.
  • Friday: Run 2 mins, Walk 1 min. Repeat 6 times.

Focus: Getting your body used to movement.

Week Two

  • Monday: Run 2 mins, Walk 1 min. Repeat 8 times.
  • Wednesday: Run 2 mins, Walk 1 min. Repeat 10 times.
  • Friday: Run 2 mins, Walk 1 min. Repeat 8 times.

Focus: Building stamina.

Week Three

  • Monday: Run 3 mins, Walk 2 mins. Repeat 6 times.
  • Wednesday: Run 3 mins, Walk 2 mins. Repeat 8 times.
  • Friday: Run 3 mins, Walk 1 min. Repeat 6 times.

Focus: Increasing running intervals.

Week Four

  • Monday: Run 5 mins, Walk 3 mins. Repeat 3 times.
  • Wednesday: Run 5 mins, Walk 3 mins. Repeat 4 times.
  • Friday: Run 5 mins, Walk 3 mins. Repeat 5 times.

Focus: Building longer running blocks.

Week Five

  • Monday: Run 5 mins, Walk 2 mins. Repeat 5 times.
  • Wednesday: Run 5 mins, Walk 2 mins. Repeat 5 times.
  • Friday: Run 5 mins, Walk 1 min. Repeat 4 times.

Focus: Reducing walk intervals.

Week Six

  • Monday: Run 5 mins, Walk 1 min. Repeat 4 times.
  • Wednesday: Run 5 mins, Walk 1 min. Repeat 5 times.
  • Friday: Run 7 mins, Walk 2 mins. Repeat 3 times.

Focus: Gradually extending running time.

Week Seven

  • Monday: Run 7 mins, Walk 2 mins. Repeat 3 times.
  • Wednesday: Run 7 mins, Walk 2 mins. Repeat 3 times.
  • Friday: Run 10 mins, Walk 3 mins. Repeat 2 times.

Focus: Preparing for longer continuous runs.

Week Eight

  • Monday: Run 10 mins, Walk 3 mins. Repeat 2 times.
  • Wednesday: Run 12 mins, Walk 3 mins. Repeat 2 times.
  • Friday: Run 20 mins at an easy, slow pace.

Focus: Running for longer durations without breaks.

Final Thoughts:

  • Celebrate Your Progress: Each week, acknowledge how far you’ve come.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you feel pain or extreme discomfort, take extra rest or consult a doctor.
  • Stay Motivated: Remember why you started and visualize how much healthier and stronger you’re becoming.

The Easy 60-Day Plan For Beginners

If the above plan is a bit complicated for you, try the following simplified version.

Overall Goal: To progressively increase endurance and stamina, balancing longer walks with run-walking intervals.

Week 1: Establish a Solid Base

  • 4-5 Times/Week: Walk for 30 minutes, either indoors, on a treadmill, or outdoors.
  • Focus: Building a strong walking routine.

Week 2: Increase Walking Duration

  • 4-5 Times/Week: Extend to 40 minutes of walking.
  • Focus: Enhancing endurance and stamina.

Week 3: Expand Your Walking Range

  • 4-5 Times/Week: Walk around the block four times or aim for 1 mile on the treadmill.
  • Focus: Increasing your walking distance.

Week 4: Step Up the Walking Challenge

  • 4-5 Times/Week: Walk around the block six times or complete 1.5 miles on the treadmill.
  • Focus: Preparing for more intense exercise.

Week 5: Begin Run-Walking

  • 4-5 Times/Week: Alternate between walking two blocks and jogging one block, gradually increasing the jogging portion.
  • Focus: Introducing run-walking.

Week 6: Enhance Run-Walking Intervals

  • 4-5 Times/Week: Alternate between walking two blocks and jogging three blocks.
  • Focus: Increasing the length of run-walking intervals.

Week 7: Challenge with Longer Run-Walking

  • 4-5 Times/Week: Walk two blocks, then jog four blocks.
  • Focus: Building up to longer run-walking intervals.

Week 8: Intensify Your Effort

  • 4-5 Times/Week: Walk two blocks, jog six blocks, then walk three blocks.
  • Focus: Significantly boosting your run-walking distance.

Week 9: Maximize Endurance

  • 4-5 Times/Week: Walk two blocks, jog eight blocks, then walk two blocks.
  • Focus: Pushing your run-walking distances to new heights.

Chill & Enjoy The Process

If you find yourself hitting a bit of a wall and can’t quite move to the next step in your plan, there’s no need to fret or toss and turn at night over it. This journey you’re on is not a race; it’s a personal journey of growth and improvement.

Here’s the key: stick with the level you’re comfortable with until you feel ready to take that next step. There’s no rush. Every bit of effort you put in is valuable and contributes to your overall progress. Remember, every great runner started somewhere, and the most important thing is that you’re out there doing it.

The fact that you’re trying, that you’re committed to this path, already sets you up for success. Progress isn’t always linear, and sometimes, we need a bit more time at a certain stage to build our strength and confidence. That’s perfectly okay!

Running Technique For the Obese Runners

Let me level with you: if you’re not careful about your running technique, you’re playing with fire. As a beginner, especially if you’re carrying some extra weight, your risk of injury skyrockets if you don’t get your form right from the start.

Yes, we’re designed to run, but that doesn’t mean running form comes naturally to most of us. It’s like trying to learn a new dance routine – at first, you’ll feel clumsy and uncoordinated, but with practice, you’ll start moving with grace and ease.

The problem is a lot of beginners make the mistake of running with bad form, and they end up hobbling to the sidelines with an injury.

Fear not – I’ve got some tips to help you run with proper form and reduce your risk of injury.

  • Run tall. Imagine a string pulling you up from the crown of your head, keeping your back flat and your spine straight. Roll your shoulders back and keep your eyes focused on the road ahead. You’ll feel like a superhero, powering through your run with strength and confidence.
  • Engage your core. Think of your abs like a suit of armor, protecting your back and keeping your posture strong.
  • Hips matter. Don’t forget to keep your hips straight – no sticking your butt out or arching your back like a cat stretching.
  • Go flow. As you run, try to create flow by swinging your arms back and forth in time with your strides. It’ll feel like you’re conducting an orchestra, the rhythm of your feet and hands working together in harmony.
  • Stay relaxed. Running with tension in your body is like driving with the emergency brake on – it wastes energy and increases your risk of injury. Keep your face, neck, shoulders, and hands loose and easy, and let yourself sink into the rhythm of your run.
  • Hire someone. Consider booking a session with a coach or taking a class to work on your technique. Trust me; it’s worth the investment in your health and well-being.


Remember, the journey to becoming a runner is unique for each person, especially if you’re starting with extra weight.

It’s not about speed or distance; it’s about finding joy in the movement and celebrating your progress.

Listen to your body, take your time, and embrace the journey. Running is not just a path to physical health; it’s a gateway to a happier, healthier you.

Thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

How Far is 10,000 Steps – A Closer Look At The Distance

Are you intrigued by the buzz around the magical number of 10,000 steps? If you’re nodding your head, then you’ve just strolled into the perfect spot!

Let’s talk about this fascinating figure that’s taken the fitness world by storm. The 10,000 steps goal – it’s like the secret handshake of health buffs and casual strollers alike.

It’s everywhere, isn’t it? From your fitness-savvy coworker who’s always bragging about hitting their daily target to your neighbor who’s recently joined the step-counting brigade.

But here’s the million-dollar question: What does trekking 10,000 steps actually mean in terms of distance? Is it akin to a leisurely walk in your local park or more like embarking on a mini-marathon? And what’s the big deal about this number, anyway? Well, you’re about to find out, and trust me, it’s as intriguing as it sounds!

In this article, we’re going to unravel the mystery behind these much-talked-about 10,000 steps. We’ll dive into how far this journey takes you and uncover the magic behind this popular fitness goal. Whether you’re a seasoned stepper or just starting out, this is your chance to get the lowdown on what those 10,000 steps really mean.

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

How far is 10,000 Steps?

So, you’re aiming for that golden 10,000 steps a day, but ever wondered how far that actually is? Well, it’s not a one-size-fits-all deal – it all boils down to your stride length.

Your stride length is key here. It’s the distance from the heel of one foot to the heel of the next as you walk or run. It’s a personal thing – taller folks generally cover more ground per step, while those who are shorter have a shorter stride.

Now, let’s dive into some simple math (I promise it’s not scary!). To figure out how far you walk, you can use this formula:

Distance (in kilometers)=Number of steps×Stride length (in meters)Distance (in kilometers)=Number of steps×Stride length (in meters)

Let’s make this real with an example. Say the average adult’s stride length is about 0.762 meters. If you walk 10,000 steps, each measuring 0.762 meters, here’s how you’d calculate the total distance:

Distance=10,000×0.762 meters=7.62 kilometers

Distance=10,000×0.762 meters=7.62 kilometers

So, there you have it! Walking 10,000 steps with an average stride of 0.762 meters takes you about 7.62 kilometers. This gives you a clearer idea of what reaching that 10,000 steps goal means in terms of actual distance covered.

Don’t sweat it if this seems a bit much right now. As you keep tracking your steps, you’ll get a better feel for how your stride translates into distance covered.

Stride Length

Wondering how to measure your stride length? It’s easier than you might think. Here’s a step-by-step method to figure it out:

  1. Choose Your Measuring Ground: Find a place where you can walk uninterrupted, like a track or a long hallway.
  2. Count and Walk: Walk at your normal pace for 10 steps, marking the start and end points of your walk.
  3. Measure the Distance: Measure the distance from where you started to where you finished.
  4. Calculate Your Stride: Now, divide the total distance by the number of steps (10, in this case). For instance, if your 10 steps total 7 meters, then one step is 0.7 meters. Multiply this by 10,000, and you’ll find you’ve walked 7 kilometers!

Stride Length: It’s A Personal Thing

Remember, your stride length is unique to you. Your friend’s 10,000 steps might cover a different distance than yours, and that’s perfectly fine. What’s important is that you’re on the move and tracking your progress in a way that’s meaningful to you.

As a general ballpark, walking 10,000 steps is roughly equivalent to covering about five miles or eight kilometers. It’s estimated that it takes about 2,000 steps to walk one mile. But again, this can vary based on your stride.

Real-World Examples

Ever caught yourself wondering how 10,000 steps translate into your daily life? Let’s paint a picture with some familiar scenarios:

  • Park Walkabout: Say you decide to take a leisurely stroll in your local park. To rack up those 10,000 steps, you’d spend about an hour and a half to two hours meandering around. Think of it as looping around a medium-sized park 3-4 times, or imagine circling Central Park’s Reservoir twice!
  • Neighborhood Explorer: Venturing around your neighborhood can also do the trick. If a city block averages about 100 meters, a 100-block walk will get you there. It’s like embarking on a mini exploration, turning down streets you’ve never seen before.
  • Everyday Activities Count: Don’t underestimate your daily hustle and bustle. Whether it’s pacing during a phone call, opting for stairs, or navigating the grocery store aisles, it all adds up. Picture crossing 90 football fields over the course of your day – not all in one go, but in little bursts as you go about your routine.
  • Tourist for a Day: Let’s say you’re a tourist, hopping from one attraction to another in a vibrant city. A day packed with museum visits, historical sites, and downtown strolls can easily hit the 10,000-step mark. By the time you’re relaxing with a coffee at a quaint café, you’ve covered the equivalent of a thorough exploration of about 5-6 city blocks in each direction.
  • Active Workdays: For those in jobs that keep them on their feet, like teaching, nursing, or retail, reaching 10,000 steps can be a natural part of the day. It’s akin to walking the length of a football field about 30 times during your work hours. Your job isn’t just work – it’s a stealthy step accumulator!

How Long Does it Take To Walk 10,000 Steps?

Curious about how long it takes to walk 10,000 steps? Let’s crunch the numbers. Typically, an adult walking at a moderate pace – not too fast, not too leisurely – covers about 1,000 steps in 10 minutes. So, if we do a bit of math, it takes around 100 minutes to reach that 10,000-step goal, averaging about 3 miles per hour.

Remember, you don’t have to knock out all 10,000 steps in one go. It’s all about accumulating steps throughout your day. Whether it’s a brisk walk during your lunch break, strolling to work, or sprinkling short walks here and there, every step counts.

The Varied Nature of 10,000 Steps

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to daily steps. Various factors like your fitness level, health goals, and overall well-being play a role.

It turns out, healthy adults tally anywhere from 4,000 to 18,000 steps daily. Quite the range, right? This just shows that step goals can be quite personal and varied.

The CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise weekly. Interestingly, these guidelines are more about the intensity of your activity rather than just counting steps.

Where You Stack Up

Curious about where you stand with your daily step count? Let’s demystify these numbers and see how they reflect different activity levels:

  • If You’re Less Active: Fewer than 5,000 steps per day puts you in a less active category. It’s a starting point and there’s always room to grow.
  • Average Activity: If you’re walking between 5,000 and 7,500 steps daily, you’re hitting the average mark. It’s a decent middle ground for many.
  • Stepping It Up: Clocking in between 8,000 and 10,000 steps? You’re considered active. Nice work keeping those steps up!
  • Highly Active: Surpassing 10,000 steps daily? You’re in the very active zone, leading the pack in step count.

But here’s the thing – these are just ballpark figures. They offer a general idea of activity levels based on your step count, but remember, we’re all different.

It’s Not One-Size-Fits-All

There’s no magic step count that fits everyone. The key is to find your comfortable spot. This means considering your age, health, fitness goals, and any medical conditions. It’s all about what works for you and what feels sustainable in the long run.

For instance, if you’re in good health and can handle more activity, aiming for a higher step count can be a great goal. It pushes you to be more active and supports overall fitness. But always listen to your body and consult with healthcare professionals or fitness experts, especially if you have specific health conditions or fitness targets.


At the end of the day here’s what matters most.

Whether 10,000 steps take you 4 miles or 6, this goal remains a valuable benchmark in our fitness journeys. It’s not just about the distance; it’s about the commitment to stay active, to keep moving, and to embrace a healthier lifestyle.

So, as we part ways, I encourage you to lace up those sneakers, step out the door, and start counting those steps. Who knows, your next 10,000 steps could be the start of a new fitness adventure! Keep stepping, keep smiling, and most importantly, keep moving forward!

Thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong

David D.

Running and Strength Training Schedule for Beginners

Are you on the lookout for a way to add some muscle to your miles? If that’s a yes, then you’ve sprinted into the right corner of the internet!

You see, when it comes to exercise and fitness, I’ve always believed in finding that perfect balance. It’s like cooking – you need the right mix of ingredients to create a masterpiece. Running, my favorite cardiovascular exercise, is like the main course. But to make it a truly delightful meal, you need some side dishes, and that’s where strength training comes in.

Now, let me share a little secret with you. I used to be just a runner, logging mile after mile without a second thought about lifting anything heavier than my morning cereal bowl. But then, one day, I realized something. I realized that if I wanted to take my running to the next level, I needed to strengthen my body, not just my legs.

So, I mustered up the courage, walked into that weight room, and let me tell you, it was intimidating. All those heavy things, grunting people, it felt like a different world. But I didn’t give up. I embraced it.

And you know what? It was one of the best decisions of my life. Strength training not only made me a better runner but also reduced the risk of those pesky injuries that used to plague me.

But enough about me, let’s talk about you. If you’re new to this, if the idea of lifting weights sounds as foreign as a Martian language, don’t worry. I’ve got your back.

In today’s article, I’m going to walk you through the magical relationship between running and strength training, especially if you’re a beginner like I once was. I’ll show you how this combination can take your fitness journey to new heights, and I’ll even throw in a beginner-friendly strength training schedule to get you started.

Sounds like a plan, right? Well, lace up those running shoes and let’s dive in.

The Benefits of Strength Training for Runners

Ever wondered why adding some weightlifting to your running routine can be a game-changer? Let me break it down for you in a nutshell.

  • Building Muscle Balance: Think of strength training as fine-tuning your body’s engine. It helps maintain muscle balance, drastically cutting down the risk of those pesky overuse injuries that we runners know all too well.
  • Joint Support: Here’s a big win – stronger muscles are like a robust support system for your joints. This is crucial for absorbing the impact of your daily runs.
  • Improved Posture and Alignment: Those core-strengthening workouts? They’re practically a makeover for your posture. And good posture isn’t just about looking confident; it’s about running more efficiently and safely.
  • Boosted Running Efficiency: Imagine feeling lighter and more powerful with each stride. That’s what strengthening, particularly your lower body muscles, does.
  • Mastering Hill Climbs: If hills have been your nemesis, strength training is your secret weapon. It transforms daunting hills into manageable challenges.
  • Enhanced Endurance: Picture yourself running, and fatigue is just a word, not a feeling. Strength training helps delay fatigue, empowering you to run longer and stronger.

Running and Strength Training Schedule for Beginners

First things first: identify your goals. Whether it’s fixing muscle imbalances, refining your running form, or steering clear of injuries, there’s a strength training plan that fits your needs.

Here’s the best part: you don’t need to spend endless hours in the gym. Just 20 to 30 minutes of resistance training two to three times a week can significantly enhance your running performance.

I suggest hitting the weights two to three times a week, ensuring you have at least 48 hours of rest between sessions. It’s crucial to allow your muscles and connective tissues ample time to recover and strengthen.

Let me outline a sample weekly schedule for you. Remember, though, this is just a starting point. Feel free to tailor it to fit your unique journey:

Sample Weekly Schedule:

  • Monday: Strength Training (focus on lower body)
  • Tuesday: Easy Run
  • Wednesday: Rest or Active Recovery (like yoga or a light walk)
  • Thursday: Strength Training (focus on upper body and core)
  • Friday: Tempo Run or Interval Training
  • Saturday: Long Run
  • Sunday: Rest or Active Recovery

Personalization Tips:

  • Adjust the intensity and duration of your runs based on your current fitness level.
  • Mix up the focus of your strength training sessions each week.
  • Listen to your body. If it’s screaming for rest, give it some extra love.

Key Strength Training Exercises for Runners

Now, let’s talk about the good stuff – the exercises that will transform you from a runner to a running powerhouse.

  1. Squats (From Basic to Weighted): These babies strengthen your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core. Start with bodyweight squats, and as you progress, throw in some dumbbells or a barbell for added challenge.
  2. Lunges (Forward, Backward, or Walking): These are like a magic potion for your lower body. They target those leg muscles and improve your balance. Start with stationary lunges and then level up to walking lunges.
  3. Deadlifts (Kettlebell or Barbell): Deadlifts work wonders for your back, glutes, hamstrings, and core. Start with a light kettlebell to get the form right before you go all-in with a barbell.
  4. Planks (Front and Side): Your core’s best friends. Begin with shorter durations and gradually increase as your core strength soars.
  5. Glute Bridges (From Bodyweight to Weighted): These are your secret weapon for running power. Start with just your body weight and then add a weight plate or barbell when you’re feeling adventurous.
  6. Calf Raises (From Bodyweight to Weighted): Don’t forget those calves. They’re essential for ankle stability. Start with bodyweight and then spice things up with dumbbells.
  7. Upper Body Work (Push-Ups, Dumbbell Rows): A strong upper body means better running posture. Adjust the push-up form to your knees if you’re just starting, or go easy on the weights for rows.

Begin with the Warm-up

Before diving into your strength training, let’s talk about the non-negotiable: the warm-up. Think of it like prepping your car on a cold morning – you wouldn’t dream of revving up without letting it idle first.

A solid 10-minute warm-up should be your go-to. Engage in brisk walking, light jogging, and dynamic stretches like inchworms, lunges, and high knees. These activities are crucial for getting your blood flowing and muscles ready for action.

But remember, your routine doesn’t end with the weights clanging. Cooling down is equally important. This is your chance to stretch out and perform mobility drills. It’s not just about winding down; it’s about enhancing flexibility and expediting recovery. Future you will definitely be grateful.

The Importance of Proper Form

Now, onto a crucial part of strength training – maintaining proper form. It’s the foundation upon which all your training rests. Just like a skyscraper needs a solid base to stand tall, your strength training needs proper form to be effective and safe.

When you’re lifting, always prioritize quality over quantity. I understand the urge to lift heavier or push for more reps, but compromising on form is a one-way ticket to injury town.

The mantra here is slow and steady. Engage your core, keep your posture upright, and move with precision. Protect your joints, align your body correctly, and focus on your breathing. It might sound like a lot, but the effort pays off.

No Cheat Reps

I get it, you want to push your limits, squeeze in a few extra reps, but trust me, it’s not worth it. Sacrificing form for a few extra reps can lead to poor technique, injuries, and a waste of your precious time and effort. And who wants that?

Remember, quality trumps quantity every time. Prioritize proper form, and if you have to, lighten the load. This way, you’re truly strengthening your muscles, not just going through the motions.

Run First or Later?

This is a common conundrum: Should you run before lifting, or vice versa? Here’s my perspective – start with strength training, then hit the road. Especially for beginners, focusing on lifting first helps you hone your technique and build strength without being pre-fatigued from running.

Later on, as you build more endurance and strength, feel free to mix it up or even separate your running and lifting days.

Start Simple

For beginners, here’s a straightforward plan: aim for two full-body strength training sessions per week, and space them out. You don’t need a gym full of equipment to start; your own bodyweight is an excellent tool. Focus on the five basic movement patterns: squatting, pushing, pulling, hinging, and core exercises. These foundational movements are the building blocks for a successful strength training journey.

Bodyweight exercises are a fantastic starting point. They’re effective and versatile – and research backs this up. As you grow stronger and more confident, begin to incorporate resistance exercises like deadlifts, glute bridges, lunges, and overhead presses. And don’t worry if these terms sound alien; there’s a wealth of online tutorials and guides to help you along.

Find the Proper Amount of Weight

Navigating the world of weights can be a bit tricky, but here’s a simple rule of thumb: start lighter. If you find yourself relying on momentum rather than muscle power, that’s a clear sign the weight is too heavy. You should feel the burn by the last rep, but not at the cost of proper form.

Remember, different exercises call for different weights. For instance, with chest presses, control is key. If you’re swinging the weights, it’s time to go lighter.

Typical Running and Strength Training Schedule

Alright, now for the nitty-gritty – your running and strength training schedule. Here’s a basic plan to help you make progress and stay injury-free:

  • Monday: Interval run
  • Tuesday: Strength workout
  • Wednesday: Easy run
  • Thursday: Strength workout
  • Friday: Long run
  • Saturday: Strength workout
  • Sunday: Rest

The Range of Reps

Reps are more than just numbers; they’re about targeting specific training goals. Here’s a quick guide:

  • 2 to 5 reps: This range is all about building dense muscle and raw strength.
  • 6 to 12 reps: A sweet spot for developing both muscle size and strength.
  • 12 reps and above: Perfect for enhancing muscular endurance.

How to Progress

Once you’ve laid a solid strength foundation, it’s time to level up. Here’s how to keep the momentum going and continue to see gains:

  • Up the Weights: As your muscles get stronger, gradually increase the weight. Aiming for a 5-10% boost every one to two weeks is both safe and effective.
  • More Reps or Sets: Push your limits by adding more reps or sets to your exercises. This incremental challenge helps in continuous muscle growth.
  • Mix Up Your Routine: Keep your workouts exciting by trying new exercises. This not only breaks the monotony but also ensures you’re working different muscle groups.
  • Play with Tempo: Experiment with the speed of your exercises. Slowing down, especially during the lowering phase, can intensify the workout.

Don’t Forget to Rest

Never underestimate the power of rest. It’s as crucial as the workout itself. Resistance training creates those tiny muscle tears necessary for growth. However, they need time to heal – that’s where rest comes in, and it’s why you might feel sore post-workout.

Ensure you’re giving your muscles 24 to 48 hours of rest between sessions. After a full-body strength session, take a full day off. Avoid working the same muscle group back-to-back. For example, if you tackle chest exercises on Tuesday, give those muscles a break until at least Thursday.

Consider splitting your strength training routine. One day, focus on upper body exercises; the next session, switch to lower body workouts. This approach allows muscle groups ample recovery time while keeping your training schedule consistent.

How To Prevent Muscle Cramps In Runners: A Runner’s Guide to Pain-Free Training

Are you tired of muscle cramps sabotaging your runs?

Say no more; you’re in exactly the right spot to find a solution! Let’s face it: there’s hardly anything more frustrating than being hit by a muscle cramp mid-stride. It’s not just a minor nuisance; it’s a full-blown, rhythm-breaking, pain-inducing nightmare that turns a great run into a struggle for survival.

But hey, let’s not dwell on the problem.

Instead, let’s dive into some super effective strategies to keep those pesky leg cramps at bay. Today, I’m going to explain why cramps happen and how you can outsmart them. We’re talking about practical, easy-to-follow tips that will transform your running experience into a smoother, more enjoyable journey.

Sounds like a good deal?

Then, let’s get started.

Leg Muscle Cramps Explained

Muscle cramps can be a real nuisance for runners, and they stem from various causes, including dehydration, muscle fatigue, electrolyte imbalances, and intense training sessions. Additionally, certain medical conditions like nerve damage or peripheral artery disease can trigger these uncomfortable spasms during a run.

So, what exactly is a cramp? Imagine this: it’s an involuntary contraction of your skeletal muscles. Sometimes, this contraction can linger for a while, or it might present as a series of contractions and relaxations within the muscle.

As runners, we’re often more prone to experiencing cramps in specific areas. These include our calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, the arches of our feet, and even along the sides of our bodies. It’s a common issue, but understanding the causes and how to address them can help keep these cramps at bay.

Why Are Cramps a Concern for Runners?

While muscle cramps might not be the kind of overuse injury that typically alarms runners, they’re definitely not to be taken lightly. Here’s a breakdown of why you should pay attention to muscle cramps during your runs:

  • Performance Disruption: Cramps can suddenly throw off your running rhythm and pace. These involuntary muscle spasms can significantly slow you down or worse, make you stop mid-run. This can be particularly frustrating if you’re on a strict training regimen.
  • Pain and Discomfort: Let’s not underestimate the pain caused by muscle cramps. It can be more than just a minor annoyance; the discomfort can distract you and mess with your mental game, making it hard to focus on your run.
  • Increased Fatigue: When cramps strike during a run, they contribute to muscle fatigue. Your muscles have to work harder and tire out more quickly, impacting your endurance and overall performance negatively.
  • Risk of Injury: Running with cramped muscles can be a recipe for injury. These muscles are less stable and coordinated, heightening the risk of strains or tears. Continuing to run through a cramp can worsen the situation.
  • Longer Recovery Time: Recovering from cramps can eat into your training time, leading to prolonged muscle soreness. This delay can be frustrating, especially for runners keen on maintaining a consistent training schedule.

How to Prevent Leg Muscle Cramps While Running

Let’s dive into the core strategies for preventing muscle cramps, starting with the all-important warm-up and cool-down routines.

Warm Up And Cool Down Properly

A good warm-up is the cornerstone of efficient, pain-free running, and it’s vital for warding off muscle cramps. Here’s a straightforward two-step approach:

  • Step One: Begin with a slow, five-minute jog. Focus on taking deep breaths and releasing any tension. This gentle start awakens your muscles and cardiovascular system, gearing them up for the workout ahead.
  • Step Two: After your jog, engage in some quick, ballistic stretches. But remember, stretching a cold muscle too intensely can lead to injury. So, ease into it gently – you definitely don’t want to start your run with an injury.

Once you start running, pacing is key. Pushing beyond your fitness level can be a fast track to cramps and other issues. Maintain a steady rhythm and listen to your body – it knows best.

Crossing the finish line isn’t where your routine ends. The cool-down is just as important as the warm-up. Instead of coming to an abrupt halt, gradually slow down to an easy jog and then a peaceful walk. As you do this, focus on deep breathing and letting go of any tension that built up during your run.

Drink Water & Lots Of IT

I cannot emphasize the importance of drinking plenty of water.

When your body is dehydrated, it leads to a reduction in oxygenation, causing the blood flow to your muscles to dwindle like a flickering candle in the wind. This, in turn, sets the stage for muscle spasms, disrupting your running routine.

Here’s how you stay well-hydrated:

Before you head out for a run, drink 4 to 8 ounces of water – like a traveler filling their canteen before venturing into the unknown.

As you log in the miles, keep replenishing your body with 4 to 6 ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes during your long runs. You should also consider reaching for a sports drink if you tend to sweat profusely and/or are prone to dehydration. This is especially the case during the summertime.

To make sure you drink enough water post-run, weigh yourself before and after each session. For every pound lost, have at least 20 ounces of water.

Replace Electrolytes

Electrolytes play a big role in muscle function and the transmission of muscle impulses. In some cases, whether due to intense training, bad diet choices, or the heat, your electrolyte stores may run on the low. This, in turn, leads to all sorts of problems—muscle cramps are one of them.

One way to keep your electrolyte needs met is to reach for a sports drink. Sports drinks like Nuun and others are rich in the essential electrolytes and carbohydrates to rehydrate your body.

But what if sports drinks are beyond your reach? Then make your own. Craft your own sports drink, a potion of water, and a sprinkle of electrolytes. Bananas are also a great source of potassium and other minerals.

What’s more?

Electrolyte tablets work the best if you want to steer clear of sports drinks and are in it for the long run—both literally and figuratively.

Pacing Right

You’re in the heat of a challenging run, pushing your limits, when suddenly, a muscle cramp strikes out of nowhere, threatening to derail your hard-earned progress. But fear not! With the right pacing strategy, you can outsmart those cramps and unlock your full potential.

Pacing is crucial in running, especially to avoid the onset of muscle cramps. Starting off too quickly can lead to early fatigue and increased cramp risk. The secret to keeping these unwanted guests at bay is finding and maintaining the right pace.

Here’s how you can fine-tune your pacing:

  • Use a GPS Watch: A reliable way to track your pace is with a GPS running watch. Set it to your desired pace and let it guide you with real-time feedback.
  • Pacing Practice Runs: Regularly practice pacing on your runs. Start at a comfortable speed and gradually build up as your endurance improves.
  • Run by Effort: The ‘talk test’ is a great way to gauge your effort. If you can chat comfortably, your pace is probably sustainable. Struggling to speak? Time to ease up a bit.
  • Negative Splits: Try to run the second half of your run a tad faster than the first. This ‘negative splitting’ strategy helps conserve energy early on and finish strong.
  • Interval Training: Mixing faster and slower intervals in your training can enhance your pacing skills. It’s a great way to get used to different speeds and learn how to control your pace.
  • Mindful Breathing: Pay attention to your breathing. Controlled, deep breaths can help regulate your pace and keep muscle tension at bay.
  • Visualize Your Pace: Visualization is a powerful tool. Mentally picturing your ideal pace and form can help you maintain a steady rhythm throughout your run.

Listening to Your Body

When it comes to running, listening to your body is non-negotiable. The best defense against muscle cramps and other running-related discomforts is to heed your body’s signals and slow down when things seem off track.

Here are some early signs of muscle cramps to watch out for and crucial steps to take if you notice them during a run:

Early Signs of Muscle Cramps:

  1. Muscle Tightness: Be alert to any unusual tightness in your leg muscles. This could be a precursor to a cramp.
  2. Twinges or Twitches: Minor muscle twinges or involuntary twitches should be taken as early warnings. They could indicate that your muscles are at risk of cramping.
  3. Reduced Range of Motion: A decrease in the range of motion or difficulty in smooth muscle movement can signal an impending cramp.
  4. Localized Pain: Any specific pain or discomfort in a muscle group is often a tell-tale sign of a developing cramp.

When to Stop and Rest:

If you encounter any of these signs while running, it’s critical to act fast to prevent the cramp from escalating:

  1. Slow Down or Walk: Lower your pace or transition to walking to reduce muscle strain. This can help ease the early signs of tightness.
  2. Gentle Stretching: If you’re feeling tightness or twinges, try some slow, controlled stretches for the affected muscle.
  3. Hydrate and Refuel: Address dehydration or electrolyte imbalances by hydrating and, if necessary, consuming an electrolyte-rich snack.
  4. Massage: A quick massage or using a foam roller can help release muscle tension. If a partner is available, ask them for assistance.
  5. Evaluate Your Form: Check if your running form could be causing the issue. Make adjustments to your stride, posture, or foot strike as needed.
  6. Rest: If these symptoms persist or worsen, prioritize rest. Ignoring these signs and continuing to run might lead to a more severe cramp or injury.

How To Maximize Your Treadmill Workouts: Expert Tips for Optimal Fitness

Looking for practical tips to get the most out of your treadmill workouts? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Think of treadmill training as a trusty sidekick in your fitness journey – it’s convenient, adaptable, and perfect for those days when the weather just isn’t on your side.

But let’s be real: there’s so much more to treadmill running than just pressing ‘start’ and zoning out. It’s about crafting a smart, strategic plan that turns your time on the treadmill into a powerhouse of fitness gains.

That’s exactly what I’m diving into today.

I’m here to spill my top secrets and strategies that will elevate your treadmill game, whether you’re lacing up your running shoes for the first time or you’re a seasoned pro looking to refine your routine.

I’ve got tips that will transform your indoor runs into something you look forward to – making them more effective, more enjoyable, and, let’s face it, a whole lot less monotonous.

Sounds like a good deal?

Then, let’s get started.

Setting Realistic and Achievable Goals

Whether you’re aiming to up your productivity on the job or enhance your treadmill sessions, it all boils down to setting the right goals. And I can’t stress enough how crucial this is.

So, what’s the best approach? It’s simple: SMART goals. This framework has been a game-changer for me. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. By using this approach, you create objectives that are clear, realistic, and perfectly aligned with your overarching running ambitions. Believe me, it makes a world of difference.

Here are a few examples to kickstart your goal-setting journey:

  • Improving Endurance: Say you want to boost your treadmill endurance. Set a goal like running for 30 minutes non-stop within the next two months. It’s specific and has a clear timeline.
  • Losing Weight: If shedding some pounds is your aim, choose a realistic and healthy target. Maybe it’s losing a certain number of pounds through a blend of treadmill workouts and dietary changes over a set period.
  • Training for a Race: Preparing for a race? Set a goal to complete a certain distance within a target time. Utilize your treadmill to mimic race conditions and keep track of your improvements.
  • Increasing Speed: Fancy speeding up your runs? Aim to run a mile in under a specific time by gradually cranking up your treadmill’s speed during your sessions.

I could go on about the ins and outs of setting effective running goals, but these pointers should give you a solid start.

Understanding Treadmill Features and Functions

So, have you set your running goal? Fantastic! Let’s take it to the treadmill. But hold on a sec – before you step onto that treadmill, it’s crucial to understand its features. Trust me, a treadmill is more than just a ‘start’ and ‘stop’ machine. Its various functions, from incline settings to pre-set programs, can transform your workout experience.

If you’re new to treadmill running, don’t worry. I’ve got some tips to help you make the most of these features.

Using Incline Settings:

  • Mimic Outdoor Running: Cranking up the incline can simulate outdoor running, adding some spice to your indoor workout.
  • Target Different Muscles: Incline running hits different muscle groups, especially in your legs and glutes, more than flat-surface running.
  • Boost Calorie Burn: Higher inclines mean higher intensity, which can up your calorie burn.

Speed Settings and Their Use:

  • Warm-Up and Cool-Down: I always start slow for warm-ups and cool-downs. Gradually increase the speed as you warm up and slow down towards the end.
  • Interval Training: Interval training is my go-to for a high-energy workout. I alternate between sprinting and jogging or walking, changing the speed settings to match.

Utilizing Pre-Set Programs:

  • Diverse Workouts: Most treadmills come with pre-set programs that automatically change speed and incline. It’s great for structured workouts and keeping things interesting.
  • Goal-Oriented Programs: Pick programs that align with your goals, be it endurance, weight loss, or interval training.

I know this might seem overwhelming if you’re new to treadmills, but trust me, it’s simpler than it sounds. Once you start, you’ll quickly get the hang of it and soon be operating the treadmill like a pro. Just don’t hesitate to experiment and explore the different settings.

Optimizing Running Form and Technique

Proper running form matters, whether you’re hitting the trails or the belt of a treadmill. That’s why optimizing your running form is key to getting the most out of your treadmill sessions. Good technique is all about running efficiently, helping to prevent fatigue and reduce injury risk. What’s not to like, really?

Here’s how to develop proper treadmill form.

  • Stay Upright: Keep your body upright with a slight forward lean from the ankles, not the waist. This improves proper alignment and balance.
  • Look Forward: Focus your gaze ahead, not down at your feet, to maintain a neutral neck and spine position.
  • Hands Relaxed: Avoid clenching your fists. Keep your hands relaxed as if you were holding an egg in each hand without breaking it.
  • Relaxed Swing: Let your arms swing naturally from the shoulders. Keep your elbows at a 90-degree angle, and avoid crossing them over your chest.
  • Avoid Overstriding: Landing with your foot too far in front of your body can lead to inefficient running and increased stress on your legs. Aim for a comfortable, natural stride length.
  • Maintain a Mid-Foot Strike: Try to land on the middle of your foot rather than your heel or toes. This helps distribute impact more evenly and can reduce the risk of injury.
  • Avoid Landing Harshly: Try to run softly on the treadmill to reduce noise and impact. This can also help in avoiding excessive stress on your joints.

Here’s the full guide to proper treadmill running techniques.

Partner Up

Just like hitting the pavement is more fun with friends, treadmill running can also be a social and enjoyable experience. Teaming up with a workout buddy can transform a long treadmill session into an engaging social hour (or two). The camaraderie and shared motivation can make the time fly by.

If you’re struggling to find someone who’s up for a treadmill challenge, why not get creative? You could call a friend or ask a family member to keep you company. Even a virtual partner, chatting over the phone or through a video call, can add a social element to your workout.

Additional resource – How to combine keto and to run

Visualize a Route

To beat the monotony of the treadmill – sometimes playfully dubbed the ‘dreadmill’ – try visualizing an outdoor route you love. Picture yourself running past familiar landmarks, and adjust the incline to mimic elevation changes. This technique can be surprisingly effective.

Your brain holds a treasure trove of pleasant running memories, and through active visualization, you can tap into these positive associations. This mental strategy helps make treadmill running more engaging and less of a chore.

Struggling with visualization? A helpful tip is to search for images of scenic running routes on Google and imagine yourself conquering these paths. This practice can provide a mental escape and add an element of adventure to your treadmill workout.

Listen to Music

Listening to music while running can be an excellent dissociative strategy. It shifts your focus away from the exertion and can even reduce the perception of effort, potentially boosting your endurance by 10 to 15 percent. Aim for playlists with a beat in the 120-160 bpm range for an uplifting experience.

Not a music fan? Audiobooks or podcasts can be equally engaging. Some popular ones currently include “The Joe Rogan Experience” and “The Rubin Report.

Watch TV

Adding a visual element to your run can make it more enjoyable. Running with the TV on can be a fun distraction, especially with shows that don’t require intense focus or emotional investment. Save the gripping finales like “The Walking Dead” for couch time.

Looking for show recommendations that are easy to enjoy while on the treadmill? Here’s a list of some popular ones from 2019 to 2022:

  • “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”: A light-hearted comedy that will keep you entertained with its humor and quirky characters.
  • “The Witcher”: Dive into a fantasy world with short, action-packed episodes ideal for a quick run.
  • “The Umbrella Academy”: An engaging mix of superheroes and family drama, perfect for keeping your mind occupied.
  • “Bridgerton”: Immerse yourself in the regency era with this visually captivating series.
  • “Ted Lasso”: A feel-good, heartwarming show that’s perfect for lifting your spirits as you pound the treadmill.
  • “The Mandalorian”: For sci-fi enthusiasts, enjoy this thrilling Star Wars spin-off during your workout.
  • “Money Heist (La Casa De Papel)”: Although intense, its fast-paced nature makes it great for a high-energy run.

Additional resource – Here’s your guide to buying a second-hand treadmill.

Treadmill Running Apps for Beginners

No matter what your running aspirations are, there’s likely an app designed to help you achieve them. Today’s tech-savvy world offers a myriad of affordable apps catering to various running needs, making your training sessions more dynamic and engaging.

Looking for a distraction? Motivation? Inspiration? Or more structured training? There’s an app for each of these desires. Here are some of my top recommendations:

  • Nike + Run Club: This app is a treasure trove with over 50 guided runs, including sessions tailored for treadmill workouts. Ranging from 20 to 30 minutes, these runs come with audio guidance to keep you on track.
  • Treadmill Trails: If indoor running isn’t your cup of tea, Treadmill Trails can virtually transport you to scenic locations like Central Park or even Mt. Kilimanjaro. It’s a great way to escape the monotony of treadmill running.
  • Peloton Digital: Offering more than 170 live and on-demand Tread Studio running classes, this app covers everything from quick 15-minute sprints to comprehensive 60-minute race pace training.
  • Studio: Ideal for runners of all levels, Studio offers treadmill classes ranging from 15 to 60 minutes. Whether you’re a beginner or prepping for your 11th race, there’s something here for you.
  • Couch to 5K: New to running? Couch to 5K is your go-to app. It provides a structured plan to transition you from a beginner to a 5K runner in 8 weeks or less.
  • Zombies, Run!: Add a twist to your treadmill workout with Zombies, Run! This app turns your run into an immersive game where you’re surviving a zombie apocalypse.


Additional resource – How to start running at 50

Conquering Runner’s Knee: Proven Prevention Strategies for Pain-Free Running

Looking for practical guidelines to help you prevent runners’ knees for good? Then you’re in the right place.

Let’s face it: runner’s knee is a real pain – quite literally. It’s one of those stubborn overuse injuries that can throw a wrench in your running routine, and nobody wants that. It’s not just annoying; it’s also alarmingly common, affecting runners across the spectrum, from newbies to seasoned marathoners.

So, what’s the game plan?

Prevention is key – it’s always better to stay a step ahead than to play catch-up with injuries. Lucky for you, I’ve got some solid, science-backed strategies up my sleeve to help protect those precious knees from the dreaded runner’s knee.

In this guide, I’m going to unpack everything you need to know: what a runner’s knee really is, the science of dodging it, and, most importantly, actionable tips to keep your knees as strong and healthy as your running passion.

Ready to make runner’s knee a thing of the past and keep your running journey smooth and pain-free?

Awesome, let’s dive in and kickstart your journey to stronger, happier knees!

What is Runner’s Knee?

Let’s dive into the world of runner’s knee, or as the medical community calls it, “Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome” (PFPS). It’s a familiar foe to many runners and athletes, but it’s not exclusive to them. This overuse injury can affect anyone involved in activities that put a lot of stress on the knees – think hiking, cycling, or even prolonged sitting with bent knees.

From my experience and what I’ve learned along the way, here are some common symptoms of runner’s knee to watch out for:

  • Pain Around the Kneecap: This is the hallmark of runner’s knee. The pain can range from a dull, nagging ache to a sharp, intense discomfort. It often flares up during activities like running, squatting, or climbing stairs.
  • Crepitus: That grating or popping feeling when moving your knee? It’s a sign to pay attention to.
  • Swelling: Some people might notice mild swelling around the knee joint, signaling inflammation.
  • Instability or Weakness: If your knee feels wobbly or like it can’t be trusted to support you, that’s a red flag.
  • Pain During or After Activity: The pain associated with runner’s knee can strike during physical exertion and linger afterward, even during rest periods.
  • Difficulty in Bending or Straightening the Knee: When simple actions like bending or straightening your knee become painful, it’s time to take notice.

Knowing these symptoms is the first step. Next, we’ll look at practical ways to prevent runners’ knees and keep you moving smoothly on your running journey.

Steady and Slow

It might sound obvious, but this piece of advice is golden: go steady and slow, especially when it comes to ramping up your running routine. As someone who’s learned this lesson the hard way, I can tell you that most running injuries, including the dreaded runner’s knee, often stem from doing too much, too quickly.

Trying to fast-track your progress in running is like sending an open invitation to injuries. Our bodies need time to adjust to the increased demands of running. Making abrupt changes in your training, like suddenly increasing your intensity or mileage, is akin to trying to sprint before mastering a steady walk.

If you’re new to running, this caution is especially for you. I remember my early days of running, eager to push harder with each session. But patience and gradual progression are key. Start slow, allowing your body to adapt, and then gradually increase your intensity and mileage over months, not days.

Strength Train

The best defense against runner’s knee, and indeed most running-related injuries, is to build a solid foundation. As someone who has navigated the ups and downs of running injuries, I firmly believe in the old adage, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

It’s all about creating a robust base that not only protects you from the dreaded runner’s knee but also shields you from a myriad of other potential injuries. This foundation isn’t just about physical strength; it encompasses your entire approach to running, from your training regimen to your recovery processes.

Here is what you need to do:

  • Glute Bridges: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips up towards the ceiling, squeezing your glutes at the top. Lower back down and repeat. Your glutes will thank you!
  • Squats: Ah, the classic squat. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your body as if you’re sitting back into an imaginary chair, and then push back up through your heels. It’s like a workout for your entire lower body.
  • Lunges: Step forward with one leg and lower your body until both knees form 90-degree angles. Push off your front foot to return to the starting position and switch legs. Lunges are fantastic for strengthening those quads.
  • Deadlifts: Grab a barbell or some dumbbells, keeping your knees slightly bent and your back straight. Lower the weights to just below knee level, then return to the standing position. It’s a killer exercise for your hamstrings and glutes.
  • Leg Press: If you have access to a leg press machine, use it. This exercise targets your quadriceps and will help improve your patellar tracking.

Here’s how to integrate these exercises into your workout plan:

  1. Consistency is Key: Devote at least 2-3 days a week to strength training. It’s not just a one-time thing; consistency over time is what will yield results.
  2. Balance Your Routine: Alternate between core, lower body, and upper body exercises to maintain overall strength and balance.
  3. Warm Up: Always warm up before diving into strength training to prepare your muscles and joints.
  4. Post-Run or Rest Days: Consider doing strength training on days when you’re not running or after a run to complement your workout.

Stretch Your Muscles

In my running journey, I’ve learned that flexibility is a key component of a successful training regimen. Stretching regularly has not only improved my range of motion in my joints but also helped reduce muscle tightness, which can lead to poor running form.

Let me tell you, when the main muscles used in running – like the calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps – are flexible and limber, they’re better prepared to handle the demands of those miles we love to log. In my experience, ensuring these muscles are well-stretched has been instrumental in reducing the risk of overuse injuries and keeping my body aligned correctly.

Here are some effective stretches for these muscle groups:

Calf Stretch:

Find a wall and stand arm’s length away from it. Place your hands flat against the wall at shoulder height. Step one foot back and press your heel into the ground, keeping your back leg straight. You’ll feel the stretch in your calf. Hold for 30 seconds and switch legs.

Hamstring Stretch:

Sit on the floor with one leg straight and the other bent so the sole of your foot is against your inner thigh. Reach for your toes on the straight leg while keeping your back straight. Feel that stretch in your hamstring? Hold for 30 seconds and switch legs.

Quadriceps Stretch:

Stand up straight and bring one heel up towards your buttocks, grabbing your ankle with your hand. Feel the stretch in the front of your thigh? Hold for 30 seconds and switch legs.

Try to incorporate these three stretches into your training program.

Additional resource – How to start aqua jogging

Foam Rolling

Ever since I incorporated foam rolling into my running routine, I’ve noticed a significant difference in how my muscles feel and perform. If you’re looking to elevate your stretching and muscle release techniques, I highly recommend giving foam rolling a try. It’s not just for runner’s knee; it can be a game-changer for various running-related discomforts.

Foam rolling works by targeting those tight knots or trigger points in your muscles and fascia. From my experience, addressing these points is crucial as they can lead to muscle imbalances and altered biomechanics, often culminating in conditions like Runner’s Knee.

But there’s more to foam rolling than just working out knots. When you roll over a foam roller, you’re also boosting blood circulation. This increased flow of blood can speed up recovery after your runs, which, in my opinion, is a huge benefit. Additionally, regular use of a foam roller can significantly reduce muscle soreness, leaving you feeling fresher and more ready for your next run.

Now, let’s dive into the techniques that have worked wonders for me:


Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Then, place the foam roller under your calves. Next, while supporting your body weight with your hands behind you, roll up and down the length of your calves. Focus on any tight spots. Spend 20-30 seconds on each calf.


Sit on the floor with your legs extended and the foam roller under your thighs. Next, while using your hands to lift your hips slightly off the ground, roll up and down your hamstrings from just above the knees to the base of your glutes. Spend 20-30 seconds on each leg.


Lie face down with the foam roller placed under your thighs. While supporting your upper body with your elbows and forearms, roll up and down your quadriceps from just above the knees to the hips. Spend 20-30 seconds on each leg.

IT Band:

Lie on your side with the foam roller under your bottom leg. Next, while supporting your upper body with your forearm and your top foot, roll along the length of your outer thigh, from just above the knee to the hip. Spend 20-30 seconds on each leg.

Improve Your Running Form

Think of your running form as the foundation of a house. Just like a solid foundation keeps a house stable, good running technique can help prevent Runner’s Knee.

So, what happens when your form is off? Poor form can lead to improper alignment, increased impact forces, and overuse of certain muscles, all contributing factors to Runner’s Knee. On the other hand, maintaining good technique can significantly reduce the stress on your joints, including your knees.

Here’s how I’ve honed my running technique to keep my knees happy:

  • Stand Tall: I always imagine a string pulling me up from the crown of my head. Standing tall, with a slight forward lean from the ankles and not the waist, has been a game-changer for me.
  • Stay Relaxed: I make sure my shoulders, arms, and hands are relaxed while running. Tension is a knee’s enemy, so I try to stay as loose as possible.
  • Land Lightly: Aiming for a soft landing with each step can really ease the impact on your knees. I think of it as trying to run as quietly as possible.
  • Maintain a Forward Lean: Leaning slightly forward from my ankles, not my waist, encourages a midfoot or forefoot strike. This has been crucial in reducing the strain on my knees.
  • Engage Your Core: A strong core equals a stable torso, which in turn helps maintain proper posture while running.
  • Shorten Your Stride: Shorter, quicker strides work better for me than long, loping ones. They help prevent overstriding and foster a more efficient running gait.
  • Optimal Cadence: Aim for a cadence of about 170-180 steps per minute. A higher cadence usually results in shorter strides, which means less stress on the knees.

Run on Proper Surfaces

I hate to sound overbearing, but  I can tell you that where you run matters more than you might think. Running on hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt can really take a toll on your knees. The shock and impact from these unforgiving surfaces can, over time, lead to knee pain and injuries.

Your knees, delicate as they are, tend to favor softer ground. Here are three knee-friendly surfaces I’ve come to appreciate:

  • Grass: There’s something about running on grass that’s kind to your knees. It’s softer, absorbs shock better, and lessens the impact compared to concrete. I often head to local parks or sports fields for my grassy runs.
  • Trails: Trail running is a great mix of surfaces – dirt, gravel, leaves, pine needles – and it’s been a game-changer for my knees. Trails not only reduce impact but also add an exciting variety to my runs.
  • Synthetic Tracks: Many communities have synthetic tracks made of rubber or polyurethane. These are great for cushioning your steps and are ideal for track workouts or longer runs.

And here’s another tip: Variety isn’t just the spice of life; it’s a boon for your knees, too! I make it a point not to stick to the same route every time. Mixing up surfaces can give your knees a much-needed break from repetitive impacts.

Tips for Route Variation:

  • Mix It Up: Plan routes that include a combination of pavement, trails, and grass. This diversifies the impact on your knees.
  • Hills and Inclines: I love adding hills to my routes for an extra challenge and to change the stress points on my legs.
  • New Sceneries: Don’t hesitate to explore new neighborhoods, parks, or even cities. It keeps running exciting and fresh.
  • Safety First: Whenever I’m trying a new route, especially in unfamiliar areas, I always prioritize safety.


Dealing with runner’s knee can be tough, especially if it’s due to biomechanical factors or a history of knee issues. That’s where orthotics come into play. As someone who’s explored various ways to keep knee pain at bay, I’ve found that these specially designed insoles can be a real lifesaver.

Slipping orthotics into your shoes helps maintain a healthier foot position, which in turn can ease the stress on your kneecap and aid in faster recovery. Here’s why you might want to consider them:

  1. Improved Alignment: If you struggle with overpronation or have high arches, orthotics can be a game-changer. They work to align your feet and lower limbs correctly, reducing strain on your knees.
  2. Shock Absorption: Some orthotics come with extra cushioning, which is great for absorbing shock during runs, thereby minimizing knee impact and injury risk.
  3. Stability: Providing additional stability, orthotics promote a balanced gait and can help prevent overuse injuries.

But how do you find the right orthotics? Consider your foot type—high arches, flat feet, or neutral? Then think about materials: rigid for stability or soft for cushioning. Also, factor in your running terrain – trails, track, or pavement – as it influences the type of support and durability you need. And don’t hesitate to consult a podiatrist or running expert for personalized advice or custom-fit orthotics.

Watch your Body Weight

It’s pretty straightforward – carrying extra weight puts more strain on your knees. I’ve seen many runners alleviate knee pain simply by losing weight. If you’re aiming to shed pounds through running, it’s crucial to do it in a way that’s kind to your knees.

Here are some tips for smart weight management:

  • Gradual Progress: Aim for steady, sustainable weight loss to avoid muscle loss and injury risk.
  • Balanced Diet: Opt for a diet rich in nutrients and steer clear of extreme diets or severe calorie cuts.
  • Portion Control: Be mindful of how much you eat. It’s easy to overeat without realizing it.
  • Regular Exercise: Mix up your running with strength training and flexibility exercises to build muscle and support weight loss.
  • Consult a Nutritionist: Personalized advice from a dietitian or nutritionist can be invaluable.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water is crucial for metabolism, and mistaking thirst for hunger is common.
  • Prioritize Recovery: Don’t skimp on rest and recovery. Adequate sleep is vital for regulating hunger and supporting weight management.

Avoid Overtraining

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my running journey, it’s the importance of avoiding overtraining. It’s the leading cause of overuse injuries like Runner’s Knee – and they don’t call it ‘overuse’ for nothing.

Here’s why overtraining is a trap you want to avoid:

  1. Increased Injury Risk: Overdoing it can strain your muscles and joints, upping the chances of injuries.
  2. Decreased Performance: Ironically, overtraining can actually hinder your progress instead of helping it.
  3. Burnout: Mentally and physically pushing too hard can zap the joy out of running, leading to burnout.
  4. Weakened Immune System: Intense training without proper recovery can take a toll on your immune system.

So, how can you steer clear of this common pitfall? The answer is gradual progression. It’s crucial for building strength and resilience while minimizing injury risk. It’s all about striking that perfect balance between pushing yourself and allowing your body to recover.

Steps for Smooth Progression:

  • Start Slow: For beginners, start with a manageable distance and pace. It’s all about listening to your body.
  • Follow a Training Plan: A well-structured beginner’s plan can guide you in gradually increasing mileage and intensity.
  • Increase Mileage Gradually: Stick to the “10% rule” to avoid overdoing it.
  • Rest and Recovery: Incorporate rest days. Remember, recovery is when your body gets stronger.
  • Patience is Vital: Endurance building is a slow and steady process. Don’t rush it.

Listen to Your Body

Listening to your body is your secret weapon in the battle against running injuries!

Trust the Signals: Picture this: Your body is like your own personal messaging system. It’s constantly sending signals to let you know how it’s feeling. The key is to pay attention!

The Golden Rule: Here’s the golden rule of injury prevention: If it hurts, stop! That’s right, my friend. Pain is your body’s way of saying, “Hey, slow down, we need a breather here!”

No Pain, No Gain is a Myth: Forget the whole “no pain, no gain” nonsense. Running through pain is like trying to drive a car without oil—it’ll break down eventually.

Patience, Grasshopper: Remember, your body needs time to adapt to new challenges. Rushing the process is like trying to bake a cake in 5 minutes—it’s a recipe for disaster.

Additional resource – Running shoes for overpronators

The Conclusion

To Recap

Here is my master 4-step plan for preventing the runner’s knee (and runner’s pain) for good.

  • Strengthen your lower body muscles
  • Improve flexibility
  • Improve running form and mechanics
  • Avoid doing too much

That’s all

Thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong

David D.

How To Run Your Fastest Mile: Proven Strategies for Peak Performance

Ready to unlock the secrets to your fastest mile yet? You’re definitely in the right spot!

Here’s a little secret: mastering the mile isn’t just about speed; it’s an art form, a blend of strategy, pacing, and knowing your own strengths. In fact, the mile race is short yet demanding, where every second counts.

Your mission? Start strong but smart, conserving just enough energy to unleash your full power in the final stretch. Today, I’m going to be your guide to nailing that perfect balance.

In today’s post, I’ll dive into essential pre-race preparations, pacing strategies, and mental tips to transform those critical minutes into your personal victory lap. And it’s not just about the run; it’s about the journey to get there – the preparation, tactics, and sheer determination.

Sounds like a great deal?

Let’s get started.

Race day advice for running your fastest mile

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the true distance of a mile, a formidable challenge with an intriguing history. The term “mile” traces back to ancient Rome, derived from the Latin “mille passes,” meaning one thousand paces. Interestingly, it was originally defined as one thousand strides taken by Roman soldiers, with each stride encompassing two purposeful paces. This fascinating origin story gives a whole new perspective to the mile as we know it today.

As a runner in the United States, where miles are the standard for measuring distances, I’ve become quite familiar with this iconic unit. However, for those more accustomed to the metric system, let me offer a quick conversion: a mile is approximately 1609.34 meters. So, when you’re on the track, gearing up for four laps (and a bit more) will see you conquer a mile.

To truly grasp the magnitude of a mile, indulge me in a little thought exercise. Picture yourself strolling leisurely for about 20 minutes. By the time you finish this relaxing walk, you will have covered a mile. It’s a distance that seems more manageable when you think of it this way.

Or, imagine you’re standing at the starting line of a football field. To cover a mile, you would need to span an astonishing 17 and a half football fields. It’s quite an impressive distance when visualized like that, right?

And for those familiar with the busy streets of New York City, consider this: walking through roughly 20 city blocks will bring you to the one-mile mark. Next time you’re navigating the city, think about how each block adds up to this historic and significant distance.

Why the Mile Matters

Don’t let its shorter distance deceive you – the mile holds a special place in my heart and in the running world. Sure, it might not cover the vast distances of those epic marathons, but mastering a fast mile is an adventure in itself. It demands a mix of endurance, strength, physical fitness, and mental grit that truly tests your mettle as a runner. Pushing through a mile at a brisk pace is like unleashing your inner speed demon and stretching the limits of what you thought possible.

But the mile is more than just a sprint or a test of speed. It’s a journey.

Putting in the time and effort to improve your mile performance comes with long-term perks. Focusing on this distance has helped me build a strong foundation of endurance and strength, which has been crucial for my running journey. It’s like laying down a solid base that propels you toward greater achievements in future training.

Every time I work on shaving seconds off my mile time, I’m not just chasing a number. I’m developing quickness, boosting my cardiovascular health, and improving my running efficiency. These improvements have a ripple effect, enhancing my performance across all distances.

How Long Should It Take To Run 1 Mile?

I wish I could give you a straightforward answer, but the truth is, the time it takes to complete a mile varies widely among runners, influenced by a host of factors. Your fitness level, age, weight, height, gender, and running experience all intertwine to shape your mile time.

For beginners, setting realistic expectations is key. If you’re just starting out, you might find yourself completing a mile in about 12 to 15 minutes. This pace can be comfortable, maybe even adopting the run-walk method where jogging and walking take turns. It’s a great way to build endurance without pushing yourself too hard too soon.

Now, for those who’ve been running for a bit and are looking to pick up the pace, the average time to beat is somewhere between 8 to 12 minutes per mile. Achieving this is no small feat; it demands dedication and a level of training that really pushes your capabilities.

But why not aim higher? For the seasoned runners who’ve spent years honing their craft, breaking the 6-minute mile barrier is often the goal. That’s a pace that really gets your heart racing!

To give you a bit of inspiration, let’s talk about Eliud Kipchoge, the marathon maestro. In the Berlin Marathon, he clocked an awe-inspiring 2:01:09. That’s about 4 minutes and 37 seconds per mile. Can you imagine maintaining such a pace? It’s the stuff of legends, the kind of performance that sets a runner apart in the annals of athletic history.

The Fastest Mile Ever Run

It’s July 1999 in the historic Stadio Olimpico in Rome. A young Moroccan named Hicham El Guerrouj steps onto the track, his eyes set on transcending the limits of human speed. What unfolds next is nothing short of spectacular.

In an awe-inspiring display of athleticism and sheer will, El Guerrouj shatters expectations, completing the imperial mile in an astonishing 3 minutes and 43.13 seconds.

That’s right – 3:43.13! Witnessing this, I remember thinking, “This is what the pinnacle of human performance looks like.” El Guerrouj’s record-breaking run etched his name in history as the fastest mile runner the world has ever seen.

But the story of the mile isn’t just about the men. Let’s turn the spotlight to the incredible women who have made their mark. Sifan Hassan, an Ethiopian dynamo, has left me and many others in awe with her unbelievable speed and endurance.

She claimed the title of the fastest mile ever run by a woman, completing it in a staggering 4 minutes and 12.33 seconds. Watching Hassan run is to witness a blend of grace and power that redefines what’s possible.

Here’s a fun fact that always fascinates me: since 1976, the mile has been the only non-metric distance officially recognized by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). In a world dominated by metric measurements, the mile stands as a unique and beloved challenge, its legacy cemented by the incredible feats of runners like El Guerrouj and Hassan.

Preparing for Mile Race Day

The countdown to race day is on, and believe me, how you prepare in these final days can make all the difference. It’s not just about the miles you’ve logged in training; it’s about setting the stage for your body and mind to deliver their best performance.

Here are some essential tips I’ve gathered over the years that have helped me gear up for mile races:

  • Optimal Rest: Rest is just as critical as your training sessions. I’ve found that ensuring I get plenty of sleep leading up to the race is key. Aiming for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night can leave you feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle the race. Trust me, a well-rested body is a high-performing one.
  • Mental Preparation: I always take time to visualize my race. Imagining myself maintaining my desired pace, feeling strong and unstoppable really boosts my confidence. Also, setting realistic and positive goals for race day is a mental game-changer.
  • Fine-Tuning Your Training: As the race nears, I start to taper my training. This means reducing the intensity and volume of workouts, not stopping altogether. It’s all about giving your muscles the chance to recover and conserve energy for the big day.
  • Developing a Pre-Race Routine: I swear by my pre-race routine. A mix of light jogging, dynamic stretching, and specific warm-up exercises helps calm my nerves and gets me in the zone. Having this familiar routine in the days leading up to the race provides a sense of control and readiness.
  • Race Day Nutrition: Planning your meals on race day is crucial. I usually go for a light yet energizing breakfast – think oatmeal, bananas, or a bagel with peanut butter. It’s best to steer clear of heavy, greasy, or unfamiliar foods that might disrupt your stomach.
  • Know the Course: If you can, familiarize yourself with the race course beforehand. Knowing the layout – the turns, inclines, and declines – helps strategize when to push hard and when to conserve energy. Plus, getting comfortable with the terrain can ease some race-day jitters.


I know it might sound repetitive, but trust me, warming up properly is a game-changer before you tackle that fastest-mile attempt. A good warm-up isn’t just about injury prevention; it’s the foundation for peak performance.

So, what’s my go-to warm-up strategy? Dynamic stretches, without a doubt. Here’s why and how I do it:

  • Start with a Light Jog: For me, the warm-up begins with 5-10 minutes of easy jogging. This gentle start boosts your heart rate and body temperature, making your muscles more flexible and responsive, setting them up for the intensity to come.
  • Dynamic Stretching: Dynamic stretches are all about movement, perfectly aligning with the demands of running. These are my favorites:
    • Leg Swings: I usually find something stable to hold onto and then swing one leg back and forth, followed by side-to-side swings. It’s a great way to loosen up the hip flexors and glutes.
    • Lunges with a Twist: I incorporate a twist towards my front leg while doing forward lunges. It’s a two-for-one deal: stretching the legs and waking up the core muscles.
    • High Knees: Either in place or moving forward, I lift my knees high. It’s like a mini cardio session, getting the heart pumping and engaging the core and hip flexors.
    • Butt Kicks: Jogging while kicking my heels up to my glutes is a fantastic way to warm up the hamstrings.

Get Your Mind Ready

When it comes to the mile, mental preparation is just as crucial as physical readiness. Don’t be fooled by its seemingly short distance; this race can pack a punch. From my experience, every one of those four laps around the track demands respect and mental fortitude.

Here’s how I mentally gear up for the challenge:

  • Visualize the Four Laps: Before the race, I take some time to mentally walk through each of the four laps. I set specific time goals for each lap and visualize myself running the perfect mile. I see myself maintaining strong form, staying tall, and using efficient technique throughout.
  • Set a Challenging Goal: I always encourage setting ambitious goals. As race day approaches, it’s easy to second-guess yourself, but stick to your plan. It doesn’t matter what your current mile pace is; pushing beyond your comfort zone is where growth happens. It’s something I firmly believe in.

For instance, if a 7:30 mile was your best a few weeks back, why not aim for a sub-7-minute mile on race day? Setting such targets has always spurred me on to stretch my abilities and achieve new personal bests.

Stick to Your Target Lap Time

When you have a mile goal, the key is in the details. Here’s a tactic I’ve found invaluable: divide your target mile time by 4. This will give you your target lap time, which is crucial for a consistent pace.

Let’s say you’re aiming for a 7-minute mile. That means each of the four laps on a standard track needs to be completed in about 90 seconds, or 3.45 minutes per kilometer. Keeping this pace in mind has always helped me stay focused and on track during my training runs.

Have A Stopwatch

During mile training, one of the most useful tools in my arsenal has been a stopwatch. It’s simple but incredibly effective.

With a stopwatch in hand (or on your wrist), you can accurately measure your lap times, ensuring you’re maintaining the right pace in line with your mile training plan. It’s been a game-changer for me, allowing for precision and helping me adjust my pace as needed. Whether I’m doing interval training or just a regular training run, my stopwatch has been an essential companion, keeping me honest and on target.

The First Lap

In the first lap, I like to set off a bit faster than my overall goal pace. It’s tempting to get carried away by the initial excitement, but it’s crucial to find a balance. Aim for a quick pace, but save some energy for acceleration later.

I’ve learned that while you’re likely to slow down in the subsequent laps, a strong start can make up for time lost later. Just be cautious not to burn out all your energy right at the beginning.

The Second Lap

The second lap is all about settling into your target pace. This lap is crucial for maintaining that pace and conserving energy for the challenging part of the race.

If you’re aiming for a 7-minute mile, for example, try to hit around 1 minute and 45 seconds on this lap. By the halfway mark, you should be clocking in at about 3:25 to 3:29.

The Third Lap

The third lap is where the real test begins. This is where you need to dig deep and push hard to maintain your pace. It’s often the toughest part, mentally and physically.

To keep myself motivated, I dedicate this lap to someone important in my life, promising not to let them down. This lap is crucial – it often determines whether you’ll hit your goal time.

The Fourth Lap

Now comes the final lap, where you give it everything you’ve got. If you’ve slowed down in the previous laps, this is your chance to make up for it. The end is in sight, and it’s time to push harder than ever.

In the last 200 meters, I go for the “kick” – a full-on sprint to the finish line. It’s exhilarating and exhausting, but crossing that finish line makes it all worthwhile.

Post-Mile Race Recovery

Crossing that finish line is just the beginning of another important phase: recovery and reflection. Having crossed quite a few myself, I know how vital it is to focus on proper post-race practices. They not only help your body recover but also allow you to assess your performance and plan for future races.

Here are some strategies I’ve found effective for cooling down and recovery, along with tips for reflecting on your mile race:

  • Cool-Down Routine: Just like the warm-up, cooling down is a must. I always take time for a gradual cool-down to help my body return to its normal state. This step is crucial to reduce stiffness and soreness after the race.
  • Hydration and Nutrition: Rehydrating is key. I make sure to drink water or sports drinks to replenish fluids. Listening to your body’s thirst cues is important. Also, don’t forget to fuel up with a meal or snack rich in carbs and protein within 30-60 minutes after finishing the race. It’s essential for muscle recovery and energy replenishment.
  • Active Recovery: I’ve found that engaging in low-intensity activities like walking, swimming, or yoga can be beneficial. They aid in recovery while being gentle on your muscles.
  • Assess Your Performance: Post-race, I always take time to reflect on my performance. What strategies worked? Where can I improve? Analyzing split times, pacing, and my physical and mental state at various stages of the race provides valuable insights.
  • Setting Future Goals: Based on my race experience, I like to set new goals. These might be time-based, distance-oriented, or focused on different training aspects. It’s a great way to stay motivated and continuously improve.
  • Celebrate Your Achievement: Last but not least, celebrate your effort and dedication, regardless of the outcome. Completing a mile race is a commendable achievement in itself.