Run and Walk to Success: Unleash Your Potential with the Run-Walk Method

Run Walk Method

If you are a beginner runner looking to improve endurance and conditioning to run for prolonged periods of time without risking fatigue, injury, or burnout, then you are in the right place.

The Walk/Run Method Demystified

The run/walk method is a great method for a beginner runner to get their foot in the door, and for experienced athletes to improve their running performance and race times.

The guy who pioneered this method is Jeff Galloway— a former Olympian, and legendary coach. According to his website, Jeff has coached over 200,000 walkers and runners to improve their running performance throughout his coaching career.

The 101 Best Running Tips and Hacks of All Time

If you’re serious about becoming the best runner you can be, then you’re in the right place.

In today’s post, dear reader, I’m sharing with you more than 100 running tips to help make your workout routine a complete success. Follow these practical, simple, and proven strategies, and you’ll reach your full running potential in no-time.

In fact, today’s post is the ultimate checklist for a stronger, fitter and injury-proof you, whether you’re a complete beginner, a recreational athlete, or a veteran runner.
The 101 Best Running Tips and Hacks of All Time

So, are you excited?

Then here we go…

Obstacle Course Races – An OCR Training Plan For Beginners

picture of Obstacle Course Race

Looking to start training for an obstacle race course, but are unsure how to begin?

Then, buddy, you have come to the right place.

Today I’m going to share with you the guidelines you need for an amazing obstacle race course adventure.

Note: This guide is relatively long, but it’s worth your time. Hence, please give it a try and don’t give up on it.

So are you ready?

Then here we go…

Running But Not Losing Weight? Here Are The 10 Reasons

runner trying to lose weight but he keeps gaining pounds

Running is the best thing you can do to help you lose weight and keep it off for good.

If truth be told, the reason why I started running in the first place was to lose weight, and chances you’ve started (or thinking about it) for similar reasons. Scores of new fitness nuts take up running because, mostly, they want to lose weight.

Nonetheless, and as I have learned the hard way, running does not always lead to weight loss.

This is a hard one to swallow…

Revolutionize Your Run: The Ultimate Guide to Strengthening Your Obliques

Oblique Exercises

When it comes to running, core strength is of paramount importance.

I have already written extensively about the importance of core training for runners (check the post here) and have shared plenty of workout routines to help you target and strengthen these vitals muscles.

Nonetheless, most of the routines I have on my blog tend target most of the muscles of the core, including the glutes, upper abs, lower abs and the obliques.

So today, I decided to share a workout routine that’s specific and targets mainly one muscle group: The obliques.

As a result, if you are looking for a specialized core routine and/or have weaker obliques (or just looking to achieve more definition and sculpt), the routine I’m sharing with you today is perfect.

Here we go…

Top 15 HIIT Running Workout Routines

HIIT Workouts for runners

High-Intensity Interval Training Defined

When it comes to getting the most out of your workout program for fat loss and optimum fitness, high-intensity interval training is the way to go.

Hailed by most fitness experts as the closest thing to a training shortcut that produces quick results, HIIT is backed by sound scientific study and countless personal testimonies.

The exact defining parameters of HIIT are a bit vague, which is one of the reasons there is so much controversy surrounding the topic. Nonetheless, here is a basic definition to get you started on the right foot.

High-intensity interval training involves alternating between intense bursts of anaerobic activity (running, rowing, jump roping, biking, etc.) with periods of moderate or low aerobic activity for recovery.

How to Increase Running Speed: 10 Effective Strategies

runner trying to Increase Running Speed

Increasing your running speed should be on your top priority list whether you have just signed for your first 5K, or looking to improve your marathon time.

The best way to run faster is to run more miles.

Therefore, today I’m going to share with you some creative and awesome training guidelines to help you improve your running speed without logging in more miles

The 101 Best Weight Loss Tips of All Time

Weight Loss woman

I believe that this is the ONLY weight loss article you will ever need to read. This blog post is the ultimate collection of some of the best and scientifically proven weight loss techniques you will ever need to know.

In fact, this is the ultimate insider’s guide on how to lose weight and keep it off for good. This guide will take you through every aspect of weight loss possible, from exercise to diet, motivation and lifestyle.

So if you are looking to lose weight—whether it’s 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds, you name it—then keep on reading.

Unlocking the Power of Tabata Sprints: A 4-Minute Fitness Revolution

female runner doing Tabata Workout routine

Today I’m going to share with you a workout routine that will not only help you burn mad calories and increase overall fitness level, but also help you improve your running and break through any pleateau: Enter Tabata training.

In fact, according to plenty of research, if you do tabata workouts on a regular basis, then you will definitely increase your aerobic and anaerobic power with minimal training time.

Therefore, I encourage you to try the workout I’m sharing with you below, or if it’s too much then try a version of it and see if you are up for the challenge. I do this as a part of my strength and endurance cross training regime.

Speed Training 101: Top 7 Drills for Faster Runners

athlete doing Speed Drills

Do you want to run faster?

Of course you do!

Truth be told, if you are serious about becoming the best runner you can be, you’ve got to do more than just running. In fact, running will only get you so far.

Speed drills enter the picture.

Committing to a regular speed drills routine, for at least 20 to 30 minutes per session two times per week, will definitely help you run faster and become the best runner you can be.

This post, along with the videos and form tips, outlines a series of running drills that you can easily fit in into your training program.