Top 19 Superfoods for Runners: Boost Your Performance Naturally

Super Foods

I hate to sound like a broken record, but the type of food you eat (before, during and after each run) has a significant influence on your running performance and overall health well being.

In fact, the kitchen is a major piece of your training arsenal. Fail to address your nutrition needs, then expect mediocre performance, trouble, injury, you name it.

A simple question

Let’s assume that you could only stockpile your kitchen with only 10 foods. As a runner, which foods should make your list?

I hope you are picking the right list. And in case you don’t know which foods should make up the list, then fret no more. I have done the research for you.

According to my personal experience from trying out different foods and studying a multitude of diets, I came up with this short and sweet list of the foods that you should make a priority.

Top Nutrient-dense Foods only

Run Hard, Recover Harder: The Ultimate Blueprint for Runner’s Recovery

running recovery

In today’s post I’m going to spill the beans on one of the most important and yet often ignored aspects of running: Proper recovery. This piece of the training puzzle is key whether you are beginner runner or an elite athlete.

See, the truth is running, sooner or later will take a toll on your body and mind.

Therefore, you NEED a multitude of ways to help you recover properly. Otherwise, you will be risking injuries and painful burnouts.

How much recovery runners needs?

As a runner, the amount of recovery you need depends on a variety of factors, including your own fitness level, the intensity and volume of your runs and your own experience.

For example, a beginner runner may need more recovery between relatively easy runs than an elite marathoner who runs 60+ miles per week.

So how can you ensure proper recovery? Well read on to discover all the answers you seek.

How to Increase Running Stamina For Beginners – 12 Ways

Running VS. Strength Training

When I began running, I didn’t have much stamina to show for.

In fact, I gave up on running—for numerous times—because within a mile or less, my legs were on fire and I was about to drop dead from breathing so hard and fast.

But all changed when I started to consciously work on increasing my running stamina. That’s when the magic started to happen and my running changed for good—figuratively and literally.

So today, I’m going to share with you some of the tactics you can use to increase your running stamina and endurance—regardless of your current fitness level. The running strategies you are going to read can benefits runners of all levels and training backgrounds.

But first things first.

Let’s delve into what stamina actually means so we can make sure that we are on the right page (and the same book).

Different Stamina meanings

Runners are not created equal. Everyone is different. That’s why stamina means different things to different runners.

The beginner runner (1) may want to run three to five miles without stopping and with much ease, then build on that. The main focus is building a basic cardio base.

Top 11 Weight Loss Rules For Runners

lose weight while running

Most people take up running for mainly one reason: to lose weight.

Heck, that’s what got me into it in the first place. Years ago, I was fat and out-of-shape, but after taking up running everything changed for the better.

Just don’t get me wrong. Running does shed mad calories, but it’s not a guaranteed recipe of success. In fact, some runners still struggle their weight or hit weight loss wall, and unwanted weight gain can happen despite regular training. That’s a fact.

Nevertheless, don’t throw your running shoes away yet. Today you are going to learn how to reach success with your weight loss running routine.

Therefore, here are 9 rules for maximum weight loss for runners.

The Stronger Runner: Unveiling the Secrets of Effective Strength Training

Attention, runners seeking to unleash their inner powerhouse! Get ready to dive headfirst into the ultimate treasure trove of weight training wisdom specifically designed to elevate your running game! In this post, I’m about to unravel the full-fledged guide that will revolutionize the way you approach weight training. Get ready to embark on a journey … Read more