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Cross Training For Runners
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David Dack

You can make your fitness routine sustainable and consciously avoid climate-damaging products. Here are some tips to make your workout more environmentally and climate-friendly. 

Air conditioning systems, electrically powered fitness equipment, elaborate lighting in gyms, and highly processed animal protein drinks – the conventional fitness industry is often lagging when it comes to sustainability. Gyms, which are open around the clock, have a high energy consumption. To stop supporting this trend, you can switch to environmentally friendly alternatives. They are even cheaper. Where you can not be worried about the climate is setting a bet on Canadian Ivibet.


Tip 1: Train outside or at home

Gyms can maintain their energy-intensive operations if they continue to be funded by enough members. You can train your physical fitness in a more energy-efficient way without a gym membership:

You don’t need a treadmill for endurance training: jogging, walking, or cycling are best done in the fresh air. With the right equipment, this is no problem even in winter or in the rain. Slow jogging is particularly easy on the joints.

You can also do strength training away from the gym with the help of home workouts: Either do it at home or use public green spaces. You don’t need much more than a mat. 

There are now so-called outdoor gyms in many cities: here you can work out in the fresh air for free on equipment that works your arms, back, legs, and stomach – without using any electricity.

Tip 2: Buy sustainable sports equipment

Many fitness machines are anything but sustainable, both in terms of their manufacture and disposal. Even the production of fitness equipment consumes large amounts of energy and therefore releases many CO2 emissions. If you want to buy additional equipment for your outdoor or home workout, you should therefore follow a few tips:

Second-hand goods are not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective. On online portals, for example, you can easily find dumbbells, yoga mats, fitness balls, and other equipment that has already been used but is still in working order. By continuing to use them, you save valuable resources. For reasons of hygiene, you should clean and disinfect the products thoroughly before using them for the first time.

As part of a study, Reebok tested popular fitness equipment for its sustainability. The result: a DIY dumbbell made of polyethylene causes the least CO2 emissions at 0.4 kilograms per piece. The gym ball follows this with 0.6 kilograms. The most environmentally harmful of the ten products examined is the desk exercise bike with 3.7 kilograms.

Use a yoga mat instead of a sports mat for your workouts. According to the Reebok study, the latter causes 3.2 kilograms of CO2 emissions. With a yoga mat, the figure is only 0.7 kilograms. 

It is even more environmentally friendly if you do without any additional equipment during your sports routine. After all, you can also train effectively with bodyweight exercises, a high number of repetitions, and the right combination of workouts.

Sportswear in particular contains a lot of microplastics, as the material should be particularly breathable and stretchy. If you wash your clothes, the microparticles they contain end up in the water. To prevent this from happening with plastic, you can buy a Guppyfriend. This collects the microplastic so that you can dispose of it in the correct waste garbage can.

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