How to Increase Running Stamina For Beginners – 12 Ways

Running VS. Strength Training

Looking for the best advice on how to increase running stamina for beginners? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Here’s the truth. Improving running endurance isn’t the easiest thing in the world. It requires a lot of effort, sweat, time, and miles on the road.

But, with the right training strategy and mindset, you can build your running stamina over a relatively short period without risking injury or burnout.

Let’s delve into how.

How to Increase Running Stamina For Beginners

Without further ado, here are 12 best strategies for building running endurance. Put them following into practice and you’ll, sooner than later, get fitter and stronger without getting hurt.

*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I’d use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. 

1. Gradual Progress

The key to building running stamina without risking injury and/or burnout is to “train smart.”

What does that mean?

Smart training involves gradually increasing mileage and speed while being consistent over the long haul.

It’s the gradual adaptation rule at work.

The gradual adaptation rule is a universal principle.

And it applies to all runners, whether the beginner trying to make it around the block for the first time or the 2:30 marathon junkie prepping for their next race.

You need to adopt the gradual adaptation rule whenever you’re exercising—not just when running.

In fact, once you fully internalized the mindset, you’ll be on your way to success, regardless of the goal you’ve set for yourself.

2. Run-Walk

This is for you beginners out there.

You have to be extremely careful if you’re starting out. This is my best advice on how to increase running stamina for beginners.

If you’re a complete running newbie and are serious about warding off injury and/or overtraining, then start on the right foot.

The best way is to opt for the run/walk method.

Here’s how:

Start with a 10-minute brisk walk, then alternate 30 seconds of easy paced jogs and 30 seconds to one full minute of walks.

As you get fitter, run for longer and take less and less recovery.

Keep doing this until you can run for at least 25 to 30 minutes straight without much huffing and puffing.

3. Add a Long Run

Once you’ve built enough stamina,  add distance to your runs, especially your longest run of the week.

Why are long runs so vital?


These strengthen the heart, flush waste from tired muscles, improve running form, etc.

I can go on and on, but you get the picture.

For the full guide to the Long Run, check this post.

How do you fit a long run into an existing running program?

Make sure at least 25 to 30 percent of your weekly mileage is devoted to the long run.

The exact percentage will depend on your overall mileage, training goals, and fitness level.

If you hate long runs, then this post is the exact thing you need to help you overcome that feeling.

Sample Workout

On your next long run, stick to a comfortable, consistent pace for at least 50 to 70 minutes.

As you get stronger, aim to increase your long run duration by no more than 5 minutes from one week to the next.

Gradually extending distance gradually helps you drastically reduce your risk of injury and/or overtraining.

Whatever you do, make sure your long runs are carried out at a comfortable pace that would allow you to run and carry on a conversation at the same time.

If you push the pace too much, you’ll end up hurting yourself, and that’s not the purpose of training.

4. Tempo Runs

Tempo runs have one main purpose: they help you improve your lactate threshold level.

This is the level of exertion at which lactic acid starts accumulating in the muscles.

The better your threshold pace, the further and faster you can run.

The Ideal Tempo Pace

During tempo runs, your running effort should feel difficult enough, but not so hard that you can’t sustain your pace.

That pace is slightly slower than your 10K race pace.

Sample Workouts

Variation I

After a 10-minute warm-up running at an easy pace, run the next three to four miles at tempo pace.

Finish it off by cooling down with a 5-minute slow jog.

Variation II

To spice up your long runs and make them more challenging, do a negative split run.

Here’s how.

Run the first portion of your long run at a comfortable pace.

Once you reach the midway point, gradually pick up your pace until you’re running the last three to four miles at tempo pace.

When you’re done, cool down with a 10-minute effortless jog.

Note – Looking for the best Beginner’s Guide To Running?
Then Check my Runners Blueprint System Here.

5. Interval Running

Interval training does more than just improve speed and power.

It’s also an excellent tool for boosting athletic endurance and stamina.

The Structure of an Interval Run

Interval training is one of the most frequently referenced training trends.

According to experts, the method is hailed as the closest thing to a miracle when it comes to achieving optimum fitness.

Interval training uses quick bouts of intense exercise to boost endurance and stamina.

The length and intensity of each interval depend more than anything on your fitness level and training goals.

Beginner runners should start with shorter sprints at a moderate effort, while competitive athletes can tailor an interval workout to meet their specific racing goals.

Intervals  extremely effective when it’s combined with traditional running training (think easy runs, tempo runs, and long runs).

Where to Do Them

You can perform an interval training workout on any smooth flat surface.

If that suits your established running loop it’s fine, but a trail is out of the question.

Here’s how to proceed with your next interval run.

Head to your local track.

Start your workout with a proper warm-up.

Jog slowly for 5 to 10 minutes to get your body ready, then sprint at 85 to 95% of your maximum effort for 30 seconds. Jog for one minute to recover.

Repeat this cycle six to eight times, then finish with a cool-down. Jog slowly for 5 minutes and then stretching.

Variation I

Go to a flat surface running area and complete a thorough 10-minute warm up.

Then do 8 to 10 200m sprints at your maximum speed.

Walk or jog as recovery for at least 30 seconds to one minute between each rep.

Finish the workout with a cool down.

Variation II

If you want a greater challenge, perform Workout I but do it on a hilly route.

Ideally, aim for a hill with a  6 to 8 percent grade that should take you 20 to 30 seconds to reach its pinnacle at top speed.

Additional resource – How to run a faster mile

6. Perform Yasso 800s

Doing Yasso 800s is a simple method for increasing stamina, especially if you’re planning on tackling a marathon.

So, what do these consist of?

In essence, they’re hard 800-meter run intervals interspersed with jogging recoveries lasting one minute or longer.


Unless you have a good way of gauging speed and distance, perform this workout solely on a track or a treadmill.

This is so you can measure the 800-meter distance (roughly two laps around a standard track.)

Sample Workout

After a 10-minute thorough warm-up, run 800 meters at a challenging pace. This can be a tempo pace.

Jog for one to two minutes to recover, then repeat.

If you’re a beginner, do no more than four sets per session.

Add more as you get stronger and more fit.

Remember to stay within your fitness level the entire time.

7. Cross Train To Increase
Running Endurance

To become a good runner, you’re going to have to run a lot.

In fact, you’ll have to follow a well-rounded program that includes all kinds of runs: long runs, intervals, speed work, hill work, fartleks and recovery runs.

But running will only take you so far.

You also need a comprehensive cross-training program to back up your road miles.

Here are four activities to consider:

  • Swimming: Swimming is one of the best total body endurance and strength workouts you can do. Get the most out of it by using proper technique and doing interval swims. Swimming is also ideal when you’re recovering from an injury.
  • Biking: Whether you prefer road biking or mountain biking (my favorite), make safety a priority. Approach your biking the same way you approach running—do long weekend bikes, interval bike workouts, hill rides and recovery rides.
  • Strength Training: This type of training strengthens the bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles, and that means increased performance and less chance of injury. Do plenty of total body exercises, including squats, deadlifts, and pull-ups.
  • CrossFit: This crazy fitness philosophy is all about non-specificity. It improves all elements of fitness, including cardio, endurance, strength, speed, agility, flexibility — you name it.

8. Weightlifting

If you’re an avid reader of my blog (you are, right?) then you know I’m a strong advocate of weight lifting for runners.

As a matter of fact, I believe it’s the best complement to your outdoor workouts.

How does weight lifting boost endurance?

It’s quite simple.

A regular routine helps you strengthen key running muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones.

This helps you improve running efficiency and total body endurance.

The Training Guidelines You Need

What follows are some useful weight lifting strategies for making the most out of your gym time.

Go Compound

First, do plenty of compound moves.

These consist of total body moves like squats, deadlifts, push-ups, and step-ups that recruit a lot of muscles.

Compound exercises improve strength better than classic isolation exercises, like bicep curls, leg extensions, and calf raises.

When performing these compound movements, allow yourself at least 30 to 60 seconds of rest between each exercise.

Lift Fast and Intense

For a more intense workout, lift weights at an extremely fast pace.

This will help you add an element of endurance training to your strength workouts.

Combine Em

Try mixing and matching aerobic exercises and strength training.

One example is doing 400-meter runs at a challenging pace, then working out with a dumbbell, or Kettlebell, or doing bodyweight exercises.

Sample Workout

After a thorough warm-up, perform 12 to 16 reps of the following exercises with a challenging weight.

Take one minute of rest between each set.

  • Deadlift
  • Barbell Rows
  • Back Squats
  • Walking Lunges
  • Thrusters

Additional Resource – Is Walking 10000 Steps daily good for you?

9. Embrace Plyometrics To Increase
Running Stamina

After a few months of strength and interval training, you’re ready for some more action, and plyometric exercises are just the ticket.

What are they and how can they help you become a better runner?

Plyometric training is all about doing explosive movements.

It can help you become a better runner by improving your running form efficiency.

Being more explosive benefits runners for many reasons.

Once you start becoming more explosive, your entire body will start moving faster without you putting in any additional effort.

Science backs this up.

Check out these two studies.

Sample Workout

After a thorough dynamic warm-up, do 45 seconds to a minute of any of the following exercises

  • Burpees
  • Box Jumps
  • Squat jumps
  • Jump knee tucks
  • One leg hops (30 seconds on each leg).

Rest for one minute, then repeat the cycle two to three times.

10.  CrossFit Training

Still looking for more endurance-building strategies? Give CrossFit (CF) a try.

CF is a diversified training program designed to improve all facets of fitness.

These include speed, strength, agility, endurance, coordination, and stamina.

CrossFit is commonly referred to as functional fitness.

This is achieved through the use of bodyweight training, plyo exercises, Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics rings, sled pushes, Kettlebell exercises, interval-style cardio workouts, and much more.

I enjoy doing CF, and still do WODs (Workout Of the Day) at least a couple of times a week.

A standard WOD might include sprinting, rope climbs, power cleans (an Olympic weightlifting move), and slamming a medicine ball against the floor or a wall.

Sample Workout

Here’s a beginner-friendly WOD called the Cindy (CrossFit workouts have universally-used names).

In a 20-minute period, do as many reps as possible of the following circuit: 5 Pull-ups -> 10 Push-ups -> 15 Squats

11. Don’t Forget Recovery

I hate to break it to you, but running every day won’t turn you into the fastest and strongest runner alive.

Rather, doing helps you achieve nothing but run your body into the ground. And you don’t want that.

This might sound like a counterintuitive, thing to do, but taking time to rest is essential.

In fact, the right recovery strategy is as important as the training itself.

Downtime is when your body bounces back from the training load it’s just endured, and rebuilds and repairs damaged muscle tissue.

Skimp on recovery, and you’ll be putting a large dent in your fitness progress.

That I can promise.

Action steps

Give your body enough time to fully recover and recuperate.

Take a reload week every third or fourth week of intense training.

During this week, you reduce your mileage by 40 to 50 percent.

Even if you’re not doing intensive training, a reload week is a must.

You should also do a recovery run following  a hard session.

At the very least give yourself a light week either when training hard for an extended period or upon noticing early warning signs of overtraining.

These signs include an elevated heart rate, chronic fatigue, persistent soreness, and insomnia.

12. Be Consistent

In the end, consistency and patience are the names of the game.

The workouts and training guidelines suggested here are some of the best, but nothing happens if you’re not consistent.

As with anything else in life, practice makes perfect.

There’s no way around it.

Don’t expect to improve your running endurance if you only lace up your running shoes twice a week.

Action Step

Here are some of the things you need to achieve staggering training consistency:

  • Turn your running program into a habit. Here’s your complete guide.
  • Pair up with a training buddy.
  • Change up your running program. Here’s your complete guide.
  • Join a running club.
  • Try running twice a day.

How To Increase Running Stamina For Beginners – The Conclusion

That’s all you need to know about how to increase running endurance, both for the short run and the long run, literally and figuratively.

Feel free to leave your comments below, or send me your questions and suggestions.

Thanks for reading my post.
