The Cambivo Non Slip Exercise Mat Full Review

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David Dack

Whether you’re a regular runner looking to invest in a yoga mat or a yogi who loves to run, getting the right mat for the job is key.

Yoga is a convenient and easy way to stretch and strengthen your body. But your experience can be less convenient if you’re using a low-quality yoga mat.

That’s why a premium mat is a worthwhile investment. Practicing Yoga on a slippery towel, rug, or super-soft gym cushion can cause pain and injury. Sure, most yoga studios and gyms provide mats for their members, but owning your can be the more hygienic option.

What’s more?

If you prefer to do yoga post-run, a high-quality NON-SLIP mat can make a huge difference in your practice. You’ll need a mat that provides enough grips for your hands and feet so you won’t have to constantly adjust your position—or, God forbid—fall flat on your face.

Although there are many options available, if you’re looking to buy your first—or new—mat, I recommend the CAMBIVO Large Non-Slip Exercise Mat.

This mat is incredibly supportive yet lightweight while also offering the thick and reliable cushioning you expect from a high-quality mat.

The mat is also made from eco-friendly material, has a non-slip surface on both sides, and is pretty big—like really big.

But before we into why this yoga mat is such a great choice, let’s first explain some of the benefits yoga has to offer runners.

Why Runners Need Yoga In Their Lives?

Runners from all levels and backgrounds can benefit from regular yoga practice. The physical, emotional, and mental aspects of Yoga can help you increase strength, prevent injury distress, improve focus—to name a few.

What’s not to like!

The two main benefits yoga offers runners are the following:

Helps With Flexibility

Runners are notoriously known for their tight hips, hamstrings, and calves.

Fortunately, Yoga has some of the best stretches that focus on improving blood flow and flexibility to these key running muscles. This, in turn, not only speeds up recovery but can also improve your performance and protect you against injury.

Improve Total Body Strength

Logging the miles involves a repetitive movement that uses virtually the same muscles over and over.

However, Yoga training engages all of your muscles in a position very different from running.

That’s why doing Yoga regularly can help improve strength and stability within your hips and core, which is key for optimal and pain-free running.

Some other benefits of Yoga include:

  • Improves breathing control and capacity
  • Improve running form
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Weight loss and management
  • Improves focus
  • Improves mobility
  • Improves sleep
  • Enhances well-being
  • And so much more.

How to Get Started

Do you know what the best part about Yoga is?

It’s easy to get started. All you need is the right mat, and a few simple Yoga poses to perform.

Since Yoga has exploded in popularity over the last few decades, there are a ton of types of yoga mats to choose from. This can prove tricky, especially if you don’t know what type of yoga mat you need.

One great yoga mat to try out is the CAMBIVO Large Non-Slip Exercise Mat.

Here are the reasons why you should go for this brand.

Super comfortable

The Cambivo Yoga mat is designed to provide the most comfortable yoga experience. The mat’s thickness lets you easily perform virtually any yoga pose, Yin pose, Stretch, and Pilates.

You can also perform barefoot bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, planks, lunges on the mat.


As someone who tends to sweat a lot, especially post-workout, having a mat with a great grip is non-negotiable.

The mat features honeycomb bottom grips designed to prevent it from sliding around and provides stability on most soft or hard surfaces. You’ll feel easily secured and grounded on the mat as you go through your practice.

Great Cushioning

The Cambivo features a 6mm thickness for stellar cushioning and is resilient for practitioners with excellent stability in any pose.

The thicker the mat, the more cushion to your muscles, bones, and joints. This helps take some pressure away from your joint to protect you from injury. This makes the mat perfect for newbies who require extra padding or just want a bit more comfort.

What’s more?

This oversized mat also protects your carpets and floors from damage during training and reduces noise caused by exercise.

Just keep in mind that thicker mats also test your balance.

Designed For Tall People

Looking for a mat that will allow you to stretch into every position? Then The Cambivo yoga mat has you covered.

The Cambivo yoga mat was designed for taller individuals and those who need longer and wider exercise space by offering extra space to stretch and practice.

At around six feet (72″) long and four feet (48″) wide, The Cambivo yoga Mat is around the double side of your typical yoga studio mat for all-purpose workouts. Thanks to this space, you won’t ever feel limited or restricted by the size of this mat.

For this reason, this yoga mat might be better suitable for home and than to take to a yoga studio since the length requires more space than the typical size mat.

Tear Resistance

The Cambivo yoga mat is constructed with an extra mesh fiber layer in the middle, which improves the durability and lifespan of the mat.

As long as you’re taking good care of your yoga mat, it can last you for a very, very long time. This alone makes paying the extra buck for the Cambivo yoga mat worth it over the long haul.


There you have it! If you’re in the market for a new yoga mat, then the Cambivo yoga mat is exactly what you need.

So what are you waiting for?

Get the yoga mat here for $120 and use the coupon code B24FBW8AB9JV to get 20 Percent OFF!

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