The Benefits of Running and Physical Exercise for Poker Players

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As in other professions and other habits such as sports, poker is a discipline that requires a great deal of preparation to reach an optimal level as a professional player. The stars of this mental sport are aware that they need to maintain a healthy life in which both mind and body are in a comfort zone. Only in this way can good results be achieved.

How to take care of mind and body when you are a poker player?

Imagine you are playing at an online video poker on a reputable Australian casino, Joe Fortune. The game goes on longer than you would like, and with the fast-paced dynamic of the game, fatigue and demotivation start to set in. Your back and legs start to ache from the time you’ve been sitting down, even though the graphics are immersive, and the gameplay is straightforward and hassle-free. Sometimes, despite the motivation to keep playing, your body and mind revolt, as you find it hard to concentrate on the task.

Finally, it’s time for the river, and at that moment, the dealer turns over that card that can change the course of the game. Your brain is racing, your shoulders tense up, and adrenaline is pumping.

It is at that moment that you must understand the need to take care of yourself and avoid overloading your mind and body when playing poker so as not to damage your mood.

Here are ways to take care of your mind and body:

Good nutrition

Nutrition is a must if you want to be healthy. Poker players need to motivate their bodies to endure the long sessions of tournaments; for that, the diet is fundamental. Too much will be a problem, and too little will be also a problem.

Fruits, vegetables, and nuts are recommended since they will give the organism energy and mental agility that seems fundamental. But to abuse it is not good either; Players must vary their diet.

Why Physical Activity is Important for Poker Players

Of course, absorbing nutrients will not be the only thing we will consider in poker.

Poker is often associated with unhealthy behaviors: smoky environments, hard liquor in industrial quantities, and unhealthy food. However, with the advent of iGaming platforms, where anyone can open a poker platform and start playing it, there has been a realization that to play at one’s best, it is essential to be clear-headed to know how to self-control.

In competitive tournaments, for example, concentration must be through the roof; one wrong or risky move can lead to elimination in a flash.

As a sport on its right-included in the table by the International Olympic Committee-poker thus needs not only proper eating behaviors but also good mental and physical preparation.

Finally, poker involves many hours sitting in front of a monitor or at a table beside opponents. This makes it essential to do sports to leave behind toxins and elements the body does not need.

The Benefits of Running

Running, in particular, is something many poker players will enjoy. The phenomenon of the ‘runner’s high’ truly replicates the thrill of playing the classic card game – as you run for a long time, a sudden feeling of relaxation steeps in, which will imbue your body with a burst of happiness hormones.

To achieve the effect, you should get more sleep and strive to run longer – a run of two hours tends to produce the euphoric feeling. So, try to pursue lengthy exercises in order to lower your anxiety and reach the limits of your endurance. Besides, experts recommend that you keep the running pace a bit slower than the 10-K race pace, often referred to as tempo pace.

Elimination of vices

Another element is directly connected to both mental and physical health work: vices. Alcohol, tobacco, or added sugars are best left aside. The organism will suffer if we tolerate these things in addition to the efforts involved in playing poker and dedicating oneself professionally to it. Everyone needs to indulge, but with caution and without the indulgence becoming routine.

Try to disconnect

But not only the body needs to lead a good life in poker, but also the head. Disconnecting is a fundamental activity. Many poker players who have their work at home do not manage to have moments in which they do not think about it. That exhausts one’s brain and does not perform at 100% as needed. That’s why it is so important to combine poker with other activities.

Exercise the mind

And since we are focusing on the brain, it is good to perform mental exercises that put it to the test regularly. Specifically, it can be something on the margin that helps the memory, decision-making capacity, and how to support the pressure.

Research demonstrates a strong link between aerobic exercise like running and the enhancement of cognitive functions. This applies to basic tasks like problem-solving and active, short-term memory. Therefore, strive to prioritize running or other endurance-intensive activities to ensure that your mind operates on the maximum level.

Be consistent

Combine mental exercises with constant and daily training because no one is born learned in the process of learning to play poker, and we can always try something new that we were not aware of.

Manage your money properly

Even those who can already win good picks of money must consider the management of their stack, not only in poker as such but also in everyday life.

Define a good strategy

If you will participate in some tournaments, apply a personal strategy according to your goals. The way to be happy with yourself is to set realistic achievements and be able to reach them.


Poker is a mental sport, so most players need to pay more attention to the physical aspect. The truth is that taking care of your body makes a difference in controlling your mood, concentration, energy, and motivation in that tense moment of the game.

Remember that perseverance and hard work are the keys to poker. So, with discernment, calm, and good physical condition, you will be a few steps ahead of others.

Can Running Help Cure Your Hangover?

Can Running Help Cure Your Hangover?

Have you ever had more drinks than you should the night before a long run?

Maybe one post-run beer turned into three shots and four cocktails, and before you know it, you’re already drunk and calling for a taxi to get you home.

You know what will happen next—the dreaded hangover in the morning.

So should you run with a hangover? Or simply run another day? That’s what we’re going to tackle in today’s article.

Here’s the truth. Running with a hangover is as fun as scrapping your nails down a chalkboard. Not. Really. Enjoyable. At. All.

In today’s article, I’ll explain whether you should run with a hangover. By the end of the post, you’ll know enough to make a very informed decision.

The Impact Of Alcohol On The Body

Let’s first take a look at the impact of alcohol on your body.

Alcohol is a toxin that your body has to get rid of. Around 10 percent of booze is eliminated through breath, urine, and sweat. The liver does the rest, making it the primary organ in charge of detoxifying alcohol.

Once alcohol reaches your liver, the latter releases enzymes that break it down into ketones at a pace of roughly 0.015 /100mL per hour. This means the liver can process up to one ounce of booze, your standard drink, in one hour.

As you can tell, this process takes time, and the longer the toxin stays in your body, the worse your hangover symptoms will be.

Take in more, and you will overwhelm your system, forcing the extra alcohol to accumulate in the blood and body tissues until it can be processed. This is why having too many drinks can cause a spike in blood alcohol concentration that lasts for several hours.

So Can Running Cure a Hangover?

Again, we need some context. So first things first, what’s a hangover?

A hangover consists of a group of nasty symptoms that can develop after consuming alcohol at a faster rate than your body’s ability to metabolize it. That is not the whole story. Hangovers are also linked to mediocre performance, work conflict, and other troubles.

The rule of thumb is the more booze you consume, the higher the chances of experiencing a hangover the next day.

That said, no universal rule tells us exactly how much alcohol we can safely consume and still avoid a hangover. Everyone is different and processes liquor at a different rate. No suit fits all and all that.

When it comes down to it, the impact of a hangover depends on how your body metabolizes the alcohol (explained before).

When you drink alcohol, the intake triggers various bodily reactions that can worsen a hangover. These include :

  • Dehydration
  • Frequent urination
  • A drop in blood sugar
  • Irritation of the digestive tract
  • Expansion of blood vessels
  • And so much more

Depending on the amount and type of alcohol you consume, your hangover symptoms may include the following;

  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain
  • Dizziness, vertigo, or a sense of the room spinning
  • Shakiness
  • Extreme thirst
  • Muscle aches
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Dry mouth and eyes
  • Mediocre concentration
  • increased sensitivity to sound and light
  • Irritability and other mood disturbances
  • Bad sleep or insomnia

These symptoms, and some more, are triggered by the booze itself and the toxins produced while breaking down the alcohol.

Can Running Help Get Rid of Hangover?

If you’re a runner and have engaged in any form of drinking, you must have already heard exercise might help you “sweat out” a hangover.

But is there any truth to this? Or just another urban myth that keeps popping up everywhere?

The Answer

You cannot sweat out a hangover.

You make it worse by attempting to do so, leading to more detrimental symptoms.

That’s why you should avoid high-intensity exercise when recovering from a hangover.

Let’s explain some of the reasons.

Alcohol and Dehydration

Alcohol is a diuretic. The stuff stimulates your kidneys to expel more urine than it takes in, which causes dehydration. This is to blame for hangover symptoms such as headaches, dry mouth, and nausea.

Once dehydrated, your body will lack the key minerals and electrolytes needed to function optimally.

In a severe hangover, running may worsen your symptoms, especially if you had ingested more than you should the night before and haven’t started rehydrating and refueling yet with plain water and real food.

What’s more?

Running makes you work up a sweat which will make your dehydration even worse.

If you restore your body fluids in time, you may be able to exercise later in the day, but don’t use it as a cure. Being dehydrated will only make you feel worse.

Muscle Strain

Alcohol impacts your physiology, increasing levels of lactate and creatine kinase in your blood—both of which can negatively impact your muscles and other organs. This increases your risk of all types of soreness.

And you don’t want that.

Now that you have the answer for whether you should run or not following a night of drinking let’s look at a few measures to help avoid getting dehydrated or sick while drinking so you can maximize your training program.

Pay Attention

When dealing with hangovers, the best way to prevent them is not to have one in the first place.

Any form of excessive drinking will result in hangovers in most people.

Either avoid drinking or drink moderately. If you decide to drink, choose clear alcohols, such as white wine or vodka, which have fewer contaminants but don’t do to excess.

Don’t Run If You’re Dizzy

This should go without saying, but if you’re still feeling drunk or even a bit tipsy, do not run. When it’s the case, your body might not have finished metabolizing the alcohol.

Instead, drink plenty of water, have a full meal, and wait (or nap). Make it a rule to only exercise when you’re not drunk.

Red flags to pay attention to include:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Dizziness or disorientation
  • Throbbing headache
  • Hypersensitivity to light

Drink Water

Our body requires a lot of fluids when we run to regulate body temperature and maintain key metabolic processes.

Your cardiovascular and muscular systems also rely on essential electrolytes and minerals to function optimally.

So before you lace up your running shoes, hydrate—otherwise, you’re asking for trouble. Exercising without replacing the fluid and electrolytes drained by alcohol will make you feel worse.

Are you feeling lethargic? Have a sports drink or coconut water to give your body an even bigger dose of minerals and electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium.

What’s more?

Keep track of your hydration levels. If your urine is clear or light yellow, you’re well hydrated. When it’s not the case, it is time to drink more.

Eat Right To Cure The Hangover

Your diet also helps with your hangover.

To soothe the effects of a hangover, eat something rich in carbs, sodium, and potassium.

Some of the best choices include:

  • Bananas
  • Whole grain bread with peanut butter
  • Oatmeal and fruit

And for the record, the theory that greasy foods cure a hangover is nothing but a myth. So save the bacon and eggs for your post-run meal/breakfast.

Train Light

Running more miles than you should—or too hard—when hungover can worsen your symptoms.

Going for a long run or performing a series of intense 400-meter intervals while hungover is probably not a good idea. If you’re still feeling tipsy, intensity can make you feel worse.

Instead, shoot for something light and easy, and short.

20 to 30 minutes is enough to help you get things going and, hopefully, relieve some hangover symptoms, such as fatigue and brain fog.

If you had a quality workout on the schedule, such as intervals or hill work, move it to another day when you feel fresh and ready.

Can Running Help Cure Your Hangover? – Conclusion

The answer to whether to run or not on a hangover hinges on you and the severity of your hangover.

All in all, I’d recommend that you avoid exercising following a night of drinking—or at the very least, keep the intensity very low and pay attention to your body.

But it’s really up to you. I’m only offering suggestions. You call the shots (no pun intended).

How to increase the speed of running and not to get injured

Running speed is proportional to cadence and stride length. You need to raise at least one of these parameters to increase speed. In this article, the essay writer who provides essay help writing explains how they influence each other and what other factors you need to consider to increase your running speed safely.

Even in an amateur race, there are always two types of runners. Some run with the frequent shuffling of their feet. Others move with sprawling strides. The former has a higher cadence, but the latter has long strides. Both approaches should have a positive effect on speed. Who should we look up to?

Cadence is one of the quantitative characteristics of running, equal to the frequency of steps per minute. Most often, it’s the number of times both feet touches the ground – about 160-200 steps per minute.

To measure a basic cadence, you run at an average pace, count the number of steps with one foot in 30 seconds, and then multiply this by four.

Length of steps

With a longer stride length, you stay in the air longer, which is a plus. But when you land on an extended straight leg, the load on your joints and tendons is significantly increased compared to landing on a leg with a more relaxed knee. At the same time, even a tiny error in landing can lead to injury.

Long stride running is a particular exercise that helps improve muscle work while pushing off while running.

At the same time, it takes more work to maintain a high pace with long strides. If you drastically increase the stride length, the step frequency will decrease, and the speed gain will not be as significant.

Frequency of steps

You’ve probably heard of the ideal rate of 180 steps per minute. But if you increase your cadence by 20-25 steps per minute at once, there’s a good chance that your HR will jump. This is not good either. Keep your base cadence the same by 5% per week or two.

The “magic” number 180 was derived from an analysis of Olympic running. Amateur-level running does not have to be strictly within this value. A slight deviation is acceptable and depends on anatomical features (leg length, joint mobility) and running experience.

How to run faster

First, it is worth asking yourself the question: whether it is necessary at all. After all, we’re talking about running for health and pleasure. An amateur runner can and should focus more on feeling rather than numbers.

But if you’re not interested in running without increasing your numbers, it’s worth remembering that in addition to cadence and stride length, many factors affect your running speed:

  • Choosing the right shoes for your foot structure and treadmill surface;
  • Choosing clothing that wicks away moisture and is appropriate for the weather;
  • Regular exercise, including cross-training to help strengthen the cortex muscles and develop joint mobility;
  • Sufficient rest time, traditional massage or sauna;
  • A good quality warm-up before a run;
  • Adequate goals and patience.

How to run safer

Unprofessional runners often run at their natural stride rate, which differs from the ideal. Some are more prone to injury, and others less so. A pair of scientific papers investigating the difference between the two were presented in June at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine.

The first study involved 32 healthy and 93 injured runners. It showed that the average cadence of the runners in the two groups differed slightly: 164 and 161, respectively.

The scientists compared the load on foot, and the injured runners did have a higher gear. However, they could not correlate this parameter with the cadence of healthy and injured runners.

Another study involved 28 amateur runners who were training for a half marathon. In this case, there was a clear correlation between injury and cadence:

8 out of 12 runners with a cadence below 162 were injured, 67%;

5 out of 7 runners with a tempo of 163-168 were impaired – 71%;

only 2 out of 9 runners with a cadence above 169 were injured – 22%.

It is worth noting that this study did not consider the runners’ initial training. During the study, the average cadence of all participants increased from 165 to 173 due to race preparation. It is likely that runners with higher cadence were initially better prepared and were, therefore, less prone to injury.

The research evidence needs to be clarified. Of course, we cannot say that cadence is irrelevant for safe running. However, starting from this parameter alone does not make sense: it is too early to name the ideal number.

At the same time, less contact with the ground with a greater length of steps also does not guarantee less load on the leg.

Good news

With experience, cadence and stride length increase in parallel, and running become more efficient and enjoyable.

Running in long strides is very tiring and, therefore, unsafe. I was immediately comfortable running with a cadence close to 180. But most of the time, I run in the gym on the treadmill – this helps increase my tempo. When I run outside, the steps lengthen, but the speed stays the same as the steps become less frequent. Either way, I always run without too much fatigue.

Foot Pain From Running – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

foot pain from running

Looking to prevent and relieve foot pain from running?

Then know that taking care of your running feet is the right thing to do.

Your feet are a key running ally. They endure forces up to three to five times your body weight while running. They also propel you forward. For these reasons—and some more—it’s unsurprising that foot pain plagues many a runner.

That’s not the whole story. The human foot is a complex structure of bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, and fascia. As you can tell, this makes it tricky to figure out the exact culprit behind foot pain. And in some cases, there are more than one culprit.

In today’s post, I’ll share the full guide to treating and preventing foot pain from running.

More specifically, I’ll look into the following;

  • The common causes of foot pain in runners
  • The factors that impact foot pain in runners
  • Why does my foot hurt after I run
  • Risk factors for foot pain runners
  • Treating foot pain from running
  • Preventing foot pain after running
  • And so much more.

The Foot Anatomy

Your foot is one of the most intricate structures in your body. It is a complex arrangement of 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than a hundred muscles, ligaments, and tends that work in tandem to support your weight, absorbs shock forces, and propel your body forward while walking and running.

And foot injuries can range from the most annoying issues, such as bruised toenails and blisters, to more serious foot conditions in runners, such as stress fractures and Achilles tendonitis. This, as you can tell, can make diagnosing foot pain in runners a bit tricky, given the variety of likely causes.

But as soon as you figure out the culprit behind your foot pain, you can start treating the pain and preventing further damage.

Why Does My Foot Hurt After I Run?

Foot pain is also quite common among runners.

Running and overuse injuries, unfortunately, go hand in hand. Most surveys report that around 40 to 80 percent of runners incur an injury over the cause of one year of training.

Research that looked into the rate of musculoskeletal injuries in runners reported that around 6 to 40 percent of runners experience foot pain from running.

What’s more?

The more experience you have as a runner, the more likely you will come down with foot pain and injury. Studies have suggested that foot injuries often plague more veteran runners than beginner runners, who are often plagued with overuse injuries such as Achilles tendonitis and shin splints.

Get this.

On every foot strike while running, you’re putting three to five of your body weight on your feet, and research reports that runners take around 1,400 steps per mile at an 8-minute mile pace.

That’s a lot of load in one go, so, obviously, foot issues are nagging among runners.

Is It Normal For The Feet To Hurt After Running?

Yes absolutely. Foot pain is a common complaint among both beginner and veteran runners. It’s, in fact, so common that runners may incur foot injuries every year. Most runners would report feeling foot pain during or after going for a run. The pain is often in the arch, heel, side of the foot, bottom, and toes.

Causes of Foot Pain in Runners

Without further ado, here are the most common causes of foot pain in runners.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common overuse injuries. This condition refers to inflammation and damage to the plantar fascia, which is the fibrous connective tissues that stretch along the foot from the heel bone to the base of the toes.

Plantar fasciitis manifests as pain within the bottom of the foot, anywhere from the arch to the heel. You’re likely feel the pain at its worstin the mornign or just after running.


Plantar fasciitis strikes when the plantar fascia wears out under stress while running.

Common causes of plantar fasciitis include

  • Obesity
  • Poor footwear
  • Straining caused by overextension or overuse
  • Too much running
  • Arthritis

Plantar fasciitis symptoms include

  • Heel pain
  • Arch pain
  • Tightness in the foot following long periods of standing or sitting
  • A stabbing sensation in the arch of the foot


Metatarsalgia, as the name implies, refers to the irritation of the muscles or tissues surrounding any of the five long bones of the foot—known as metatarsals. This area can become inflamed and irritated after running.

This overuse condition feels like a burning or stabbing pain under the toes or in the ball of the foot. Some runners may also feel tingling or numbness in the toes.


Common culprits that contribute to metatarsalgia include:

  • Too much running
  • Ill-fitting shoes
  • Weak or tight foot muscles
  • Foot anatomy limitations

Fat Pad Syndrome

Although the condition is often mistaken for plantar fasciitis, fat pad syndrome manifests as pain that centers exclusively around the middle of the heel. The fat pad functions as a cushion to the heel and helps absorb some of the impacts of walking, running, and jumping.

This condition can develop from overuse or strain while running. Common culprits behind fat pad syndrome include:

  • Inflammation of the fat pad
  • Bad running gait and form
  • Running often on hard surfaces
  • Plantar fasciitis


Common symptoms of fat pads include

  • Pain in the ball of the foot
  • Stinging pain in the arch of the foot
  • Tingling or numbness in the toes
  • Pain when flexing the foot
  • Difficulty weight bearing after running long distances

Posterior Compartment

Posterior compartment syndrome is when pressure builds within the muscle compartments. This, in turn,  hinders blood flow to the muscles and stops oxygen from reaching the cells and nerves, which can cause damage.


The pressure from these conditions can be blamed on swelling or bleeding, which can lead to nerve and cell damage if not left ignored. This injury can be either acute or chronic.

Acute posterior compartment syndrome is a serious injury that usually occurs after a severe injury. Seek medical help immediately if you suspect you have acute posterior compartment syndrome.

On the other hand, chronic posterior compartment syndrome doesn’t require immediate medical attention. But it’s usually caused by overuse during running.

Warning signs of posterior compartment syndrome include:

  • Pain in the tibia (just like shin splints)
  • Pain in the calf
  • Bumps or lumps inside the shin
  • Feeling of pressure or tightness in the calf
  • Numbness in the foot while running
  • Tenderness within the shin.

Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy

If you feel pain most around your instep or inner heel and arch, you might be dealing with tibialis posterior tendinopathy. The tibialis posterior is a crucial muscle that supports the arch and prevents the foot from rolling and collapsing while running.

You might also feel pain along your inner ankle.


Common culprits that contribute to the injury include;

  • Worn-out running shoes
  • Excessive downhill running
  • Overpronation
  • Weak or imbalanced lower leg muscles

Stress Fractures

Stress fractures are some of the most serious running-related overuse injuries. The condition refers to small cracks within a bone or deep bruising of a bone.

More specifically, the most common stress fractures that plague the feet are metatarsal stress fractures. This serious condition causes serious pain in the top of the foot.

Stress fractures occur when the muscles in the foot become fatigued because of overuse or overload, which puts stress on the bone and, eventually, causes a small crack or bruise within the bone.

Though runners are prone to metatarsal stress fractures in any five long bones, the second, third, and fourth metatarsals are the most prone.

The main symptoms of a metatarsal stress fracture are tenderness and pain along the top of the foot that starts as mild nagging pain. This is often only felt during training to excruciating pain that long the top of the foot that refuses to fade away.

You might notice visible swelling and likely discoloration or bruise in the affected area.

Other culprits behind stress fractures include

  • Overuse
  • Sudden increases in mileage
  • Low vitamin D
  • Insufficient bone density and strength
  • Bad running technique

foot pain while running

How To Prevent & Soothe Foot Pain From Running

Now that you know a little more about the cause of foot pain in runners, let’s dive into how to prevent it.

Run in the Right Shoes

The first step toward happy and healthy runners’ feet is to run in the proper pair of shoes.

Improper shoes can also result in serious injuries like calluses, ankle sprain, knee injuries, and other serious troubles.

In fact, according to research, an improper running shoe is one of the leading causes of running injuries among runners of all levels and training backgrounds.

So get the right shoes, or it’s no deal.

When looking for a new pair, seek the help of a podiatrist.

A few running stores have these shoe-fitting experts on duty, so use them to your advantage.

Just keep in mind that every runner is different.

Some require more support, and others offer less cushioning, so you must find the right pair.

Opt For the Right Socks

Picking the right shoes is just the beginning of the story.

You will also need to run in the proper socks.

An ill-fitting and/or indecent pair of socks is one of the leading root causes of foot pain from running, such as blisters.

The best socks for running are lightweight and made from water-resistant materials that wick away moisture and are breathable so you can prevent the undue friction that usually leads to blisters.

The good news is that socks are cheaper than shoes. This makes trying out various sock brands and sizes possible until you find the ideal pair. Remember that you will have to test out the socks with your running shoes.

I think Wright socks are some of the best brands today.

Soften your Skin

The skin on our feet tends to be thick, bumpy, and dry. In runners, the dry skin can lead to heel fissures, where the dry skin cracks and bleeds, which is baaaad!!

What’s more?

The repetitive impact of running can exacerbate the cracks, making them more prone to infection. To avoid this issue, make sure to soften your skin regularly.

Rub the moisturizer into the skin until your feet start feeling supple and soft.

Furthermore, these creams and anti-chaffing sticks can help you prevent blisters—especially during summertime when the feet get sweatier for longer periods.

So if you suffer from blisters regularly, you MUST apply a moisturizer daily.

Do not only apply the cream on the skin but also outside your socks to reduce unnecessary friction—which is the primary cause of blisters.

There are hundreds of lubricants and moisturizers in the market that you can use.

But I recommend using a silicon-based lubricant for the feet as this also helps fend off moisture which is vital for keeping your footsies blister-free and healthy.

Body Glide and Everstride are some of the best brands out there.

I love them, and the foot cream is now something I’m using consistently.

Additional resource – Running shoes for overpronators

Use Ice

Your feet tend to overheat and swell after each run.

One thing you can do to reduce the swelling is to put cold therapy to your advantage.

Therefore, immerse your feet—as long as you don’t have vascular troubles—in a bucket with water and ice for at least 15 minutes after a hard run.

If you can’t tolerate the cold, run cold water from a hose over your feet.

Plus, you can raise your legs and use an ice pack to ease the inflammation.

Apply ice on your feet for no more than 15 to 20 minutes, or you will risk frostbite.

Stop the Fungus

Known as athlete’s foot, this painful infection causes itchy pain, redness, and blisters on the toes and soles of the feet.

And it’s painful.

Here is what to do to keep fungus at bay:

Keep your feet fresh and dry as often as possible.

Why? Fungus finds fertile ground in murky, and by keeping your feet clean, you’re reducing your risks.

But this is easier said than done.

We have about 125,000 sweat glands on each foot (more than anywhere else in the body), and each foot produces about four ounces of sweat daily (roughly an eggcup of moisture).  Increase your chance of beating this condition by regularly changing your socks and using antiperspirants on your feet.

Plus, keep your toenails short and clean.

This will not only prevent the fungus but will also lengthen the lifespan of your socks.

If it’s too late and you have athlete’s foot, then treat it with an over-the-counter fungicide, and take as much rest as needed.

Nail and Foot Care

Long nails can get caught in socks and tear the perfect set you bought.

Also, untrimmed nails lead to the sort of strain that can create blood pooling under the nail, and a long untrimmed toe can cut the neighboring toes, leading to pain.

Keep a keen eye on your nails and trim them regularly. Cut the toenails straight across, and then use a file to smooth out the edges of the nails.

Work your Toes

The foot region is, like your glutescore, and chest muscles, another “muscle group” that needs strength training.

A lot of running injuries can be linked to weak feet. Weakness in the muscles of the feet results in the limited ability of the foot to move into its correct running position. This, over time, contributes to foot pain during and after running.

In other words, you will have less stability in your running gait, which can hinder performance and lead to injury.

Kick your foot strength up a notch by doing these five excellent exercises. Aim for at least 20 repetitions of each exercise, repeating the exercises for two to three sets a couple of times a week.

Toe Raises

Towel Pulls

Walking on the toes

Foot Circles and Points with Therabands (or a resistance band)

Stretching the Toe Flexors

Massage Your Foot Pain

Massaging your feet provides instant relief and may also prevent pain down the road.

So how do you go about it?

Simple. Do a bit of self-massage with a tennis ball.

A tennis or a racquetball are some of the best self-massage tools to stretch out those muscles and release any built-up tension and discomfort in your feet, especially in the soles.

This simple massage can reduce the risks of developing running injuries like Plantar Fasciitis, and what the hell; it does feel good to release the discomfort—especially after a long hard run.

Here is how.

While standing or sitting, put the ball under the arch of your foot, then roll it along your arch and apply pressure to any part of your foot, calling for more attention.

Find the hot spot—where it hurts the most—and slowly roll the discomfort away.

It’s that simple.


When To See A Doctor

You should consult a doctor immediately if the pain is too much to manage.  This is especially the case if you have severe swelling.

You should also make an emergency visit if you notice any evidence of infection, including redness. The inability to bear weight on foot is another red flag.

How to Relieve Foot pain From Running  – The Conclusion

There you have it. If you’re looking for a practical guide on how to treat and prevent foot pain in runners, then today’s post has you covered. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime thank you for dropping by.

Keep running strong.

David D.

When To Replace Your Running Shoes

When to replace running shoes

Do you know how often to replace running shoes?

If you answer no, you’re about to learn all you need to know about running shoes’ lifespan and how to make sense of it.

Here’s the truth.

Running shoes are an invaluable training asset. They help protect and support your feet throughout the running gait, which, in turn, improves performance and prevents injury.

What’s not to like?

Besides finding a pair of shoes that suit your running style and needs, the next thing you need to do to make the most out of your running kicks is to replace them regularly.

So, how many miles can I get out of running shoes? Then you’re asking the right question.

This is, in fact, a common question among most runners – knowing the exact mileage to run before a pair of running is truly worn out and needs replacement.

I hate to break it to you, but there are no black-or-white answers. There’s no formula. The recommended range can be as slow as 300 miles to over 600 miles, as it all hinges on several variables.

In today’s post, I’m explaining how long running shoes typically last and some warning signs that your shoes are past their time.

Let’s lace up and dig in.

Why Replace Running Shoes?

Run long enough, and your running shoes will wear and tear, especially the midsole.

So what’s the midsole, and why it’s so damn important?

The midsole has a thick layer supporting the feet throughout the running gait cycle.

Often made from foam materials, either Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA), Polyurethane (PU), or a mix of both materials.

Viewed under a microscope, the midsole can be seen as made of hundreds of tiny air pockets that look like a sponge.

On every foot strike, these air pockets compress like a sponge, reacting and absorbing the stress and returning energy to you as you begin your next stride. This is the reason behind the bounce we experience in our shoes while running.

Here’s the truth.

When your footwear no longer provides enough protection and support as before, you’ll feel pain.

The longer you run in worn-out shoes—as in they don’t have the structure and components they were designed with—the higher the risk for something to go wrong—and it eventually does.

That’s why replacing your running shoes regularly is one of the best things you can do to prevent overuse injuries.

Additional resource – How to rotate running shoes

How Often to Replace Running Shoes?

Most experts recommend swapping out running shoes every 400 to 500 miles.

If you average 30 miles a week, look for new kicks every four to five months.

But the 500-mile isn’t gospel, even though it works pretty well.

The rule might be too simplistic and doesn’t apply to every runner or every shoe brand.

The exact number depends on many factors, such as running biomechanics (such as foot type and foot-strike pattern), running surfaces, body weight, and the type of running shoe.

Heavy runners who often run on a hard surface may need a new pair at the lower end of the recommendation range, while light runners who stick to

By the same token, if you often stick to a treadmill, you might not need to retire your kicks as soon as you’d if you regularly tackle technical trails.

Here are a few variables that impact your running shoes’ lifespan.

Shoe Construction

The exact mileage limit of running shoes will mainly depend on the way they’re wet-built.  That’s why choosing higher quality shoes will ensure you can reach the maximum mileage they can sustain.

The shoes’ materials impact how the lifespan of the shoes. Higher-quality materials are built for durability and endurance. This helps you get more miles from them.

The Surface

Depending on where you run, the bottoms of your running shoes can break down at various rates.

For instance, asphalt or urban sidewalks are much harder on the bottom of the shoes compared to softer surfaces such as grass or dirt paths.

Where you often run can also impact how often you should replace your running shoes. Whether it’s trails, roads, or a treadmill, pay attention to how the various surfaces affect the condition of your shoes.

Your Weight

Another crucial variable that impacts shoe lifespan is your weight. The heavier you’re, the more load you put on the shoes, wearing them down faster.

Your Running Style

Your pronation type can also impact the lifespan of a shoe and how many miles you can squeeze out of them.

For example, if you tend to overpronate, your shoes will likely wear out faster than a neutral runner training the same frequency.

That’s why you should examine your running gait at a running-specialty store or self-assess yourself, then choose cash that suits your style. This helps the shoes last longer and may save pain and injury.

how to often to replace running shoes

10 Signs You Need To Replace Your Running Shoes

Here’s what you need to pay attention to ensure your running shoes don’t run you into the ground.

1. Check The Tread

Paying attention to the appearance of your running kicks can reveal the early signs that it’s time to replace them.

One pointer is a worn-out outsole.

The outsole is the rubber part that comes in contact with the ground from your heel to the toes, and it’s an essential shoe part as it not only supports your feet but also provides the clearest signs of wear and tear.

Over time, the outsole begins to wear away.

Just like car tires, when they lose tread, the outsole smooths over and starts looking like a bald tire.

Examine any bald spots where the rubbers have worn out or broken away on the outsole.

A little abrasion should be no big deal, but when the tread is completely worn out, and the white midsole is exposed, it’s time to ditch that pair of running shoes.

Here’s the full guide to running shoe anatomy.

2. Check For Absorption

As I previously stated, the midsole is important because that’s part of the shoes that offers most of the support and cushioning come from.

Log too many miles, and this structure starts to break down and become useless.

Here’s how to check the midsole for wear and tear.

Put one hand inside the shoe, then press your thumb into its center (that’s where the midsole is located).

Get new shoes if you can feel your fingers cramming through the shoe and/or if the midsole feels rigid and hard.

You can also perform a flexibility test.

Hold your shoes with laces up, then bend the toe to the heel.

A shoe that folds easily indicates that it lacks proper support and is no longer suitable for running.

If the shoe feels firm, it’s still providing proper support.

3. Damaged Heel

In most cases, all you need to do when your foot slides up and down your shoe is to tighten the laces. But if doing so didn’t help, it’s a sign of significant wear on the inside of the heel as the shoe begins to fray.

4. Lack of Springiness

Though the outside of your shoes may look great, you may need to replace thyme if the sole has compressed, losing its cushioning and springiness ability.

Additional resource- How to prevent runners toe

5. You’re Feeling Pain

If you notice unusual pain while running, the wear and tear of your shoes could be the culprit. Of course, it’s not always the case, but nothing has changed about your training and form; the shoes must be checked out.

So if you experience little niggles in places you had none before — especially in the soles, arches, shins, and knees— then it’s time to look at your shoes.

This is especially the case when experiencing pain on both sides— for instance, in both knees.

6. You Can Feel Everything With Every Step

Feeling every stone with every step is a serious sign of wear. Running shoes should provide protection and proper cushioning so that your feet land softly on the ground without feeling stones and rocks.

If you don’t toss the shoes, it will eventually lead to pains, blisters, and soreness.

7. You Can Feel Discomfort And Pain

The second you feel discomfort or pain while running, the chances are your shoes have run their course. Aches are never a good sign, and one of the problems causing this is worn-out cushioning. The pains usually appear right after a run, a solid sign that you need to replace the shoes.

Yes, these symptoms can appear for other reasons, but you must check your shoes once you notice any muscle stiffness, pain, or discomfort. Always pay attention to the alerts coming from your body. The aftermath of a run should leave you happy and accomplished, not extra-tired and with painful feet, ankles, lower back, or shins.

8. You Notice Slipping

It does look like an obvious pointer. Unfortunately, many people decide to ignore it. Slipping while running on a dry surface usually means it’s game over for the shoes.

If you’re an experienced runner, you already know that slipping can happen, but mostly during winter when the temperatures are cold, and there’s ice on the ground. But once you start noticing it on dry surfaces, get ready to splurge on a new pair.

9. Check The Soles

Flip your running shoes to check the soles for damage, especially in the midsole area. People have different running styles, meaning not everyone will wear their shoes equally. They can look great on the outside at first glance, but paying close attention to their appearance is important once you’ve run over 500 kilometers.

The outsole is usually the first part that shows signs of wear, and the midsole follows. Next, check the treads; if they look worn out, you have some shopping.

10. Check For Blisters

Another sign to remember is constant blisters on your feet after running. It can mean that you simply don’t have the right pair of running shoes or that it’s time to retire the one you have.

So, if you suddenly have blisters, especially in the middle part of the sole, unfortunately, time to ditch your old running shoes. With use, the shoes change their shape, end up worn out, and don’t fit your feet how they’re supposed to.

Making Your Shoes Last Longer

Now that you know something about the many things that wear out your shoes, let’s look at what you can do to prolong your footwear’s life. To help keep your shoes going strong, try these tips.

Use them For Running

Using your running shoes while running errands around the house or the supermarket might make you feel comfortable, but it will also speed up the wear and tear of the shoe, and you don’t want that.

Save your running shoes for running, walking shoes for walking, and hiking shoes for hiking. Every shoe is built with a purpose and for a purpose. You’re doing your body and the shoe a big disservice by using the wrong footwear for the wrong activity.

Rotate your shoes

Another trick to help extend your footwear is to have more than two pairs of shoes in rotation. Rotating your shoes may also grant midsoles enough time to decompress and the whole shoe time to dry out.

Get Quality

Make sure you’re using high-quality shoes. Most experts suggest that running shoes have a lifespan of between 300 to 500 miles. I know, that’s a wide range (more on why later, I promise).

Let’s do some math to put that number into perspective. First, assume an average of 400 miles and check how long your shoes will last.

  • 10 miles a week – 40 weeks
  • 20 miles a week – 20 weeks
  • 30 miles a week – 13 weeks
  • 40 miles a week – 10 weeks
  • 50 miles a week – 8 weeks

Take Care Of Your Shoes

Another key tip is to clean and dry your running shoes after each run to prevent bacteria and smells from forming. This is especially the case following a wet or muddy run.

Had to run into water or rain? Then crumble up some newspaper and stuff it inside your shoes for a quick dry. To help deodorize your shoes, use cedar-filled shoe inserts. This helps refresh stinky running shoes.


There you have it.

The above guidelines cover most of what you need to know about how often to replace running shoes.

Remembering to check them for signs of wear from time to time is crucial to prevent injuries and properly protect your body. These shoes don’t last for a lifetime; they eventually hurt your feet, causing blisters, discomfort, pain and even slipping off the ground. To prevent all these moments, make

The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.


Running with Bunions: Prevention, Care, and Keeping Your Stride

running with a bunion

Are you a runner suffering from bunions?

Then you have come to the right place.

For most people, the word bunion conjures images of ugly foot deformities and long-term pain, especially in the running community.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

As repelling and scary bunions can be, there are a few measures you can take to help you live with them and keep running strong.

In today’s post, I’ll share with you what you need to do to treat and prevent the progression of bunions while running.

More specifically, I’ll dive into the following:

  • What is a bunion?
  • How do bunions form?
  • Can you run with a bunion
  • What causes bunions in runners
  • How to soothe bunion pain
  • How to run safely with bunions
  • And so much more

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

What’s The Bunion?

A bunion, also known as Hallux valgus, is a foot deformity that affects the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, primarily on the inside portion of the big toe. In simpler terms, a bunion occurs when the big toe joint shifts out of its normal position, causing the affected toe to protrude or form a noticeable bump.

This condition typically results from ongoing stress and pressure on the metatarsophalangeal joint. Over time, the big toe may move out of alignment, turn inward, and become swollen, leading to the development of a painful bump on the side of the foot.

Because the metatarsophalangeal joint bears a significant portion of the body’s weight during walking and running, bunions can be quite painful, especially when engaging in physical activities like running.

While a bunion may begin as a mild issue, it can worsen over time, potentially becoming a severely debilitating and visually noticeable foot deformity.

Bunions are relatively common, affecting a large percentage of the global population. They are estimated to impact about 25% of individuals aged 18 to 65 and more than one-third of people over the age of 65.

This condition is particularly prevalent among individuals who spend extended periods on their feet, such as waitstaff, nurses, teachers, and many runners.

What Causes Bunions in Runners?

Bunions can develop in runners due to a variety of factors, much like the causes of foot problems in general. Some of the factors and conditions that can contribute to the development of bunions in runners include

  • Loose Joints and Tendons: Individuals with naturally loose joints and tendons may be more prone to developing bunions as the joints and ligaments around the big toe may not provide adequate support.
  • Bad Footwear: Wearing shoes that are too tight, narrow, or have a narrow toe box can increase pressure on the big toe joint, potentially leading to the formation of bunions.
  • Low Arches: Runners with low arches (flat feet) may be at greater risk of developing bunions as the lack of arch support can affect foot mechanics and joint alignment.
  • Genetics: A family history of bunions can increase an individual’s susceptibility to developing them. Genetic factors can play a significant role in determining foot structure and function
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy-related hormonal changes and weight gain can lead to changes in foot mechanics, potentially contributing to bunion development.
  • Jobs Requiring Long Standing Periods: Occupations that involve prolonged periods of standing or walking, such as teachers, nurses, or cooks, can place continuous stress on the feet and toes, increasing the risk of bunions.
  • Weak Foot Muscles: Weakness in the muscles that support the arches and toes can affect proper foot mechanics and contribute to bunion formation.
  • Muscle Imbalances: Muscle imbalances in the feet and lower legs can lead to abnormal foot mechanics, potentially causing bunions over time.

Does Running Cause Bunions?

Running itself doesn’t directly cause bunions to develop, but it can exacerbate existing bunions and contribute to their progression. The development of bunions is primarily influenced by genetic factors and foot structure, as mentioned earlier.

The key points to consider are:

  • Genetic Predisposition: Bunions often run in families, suggesting a genetic component. If your parents or close relatives have bunions, you may be genetically predisposed to develop them as well.
  • Foot Structure: Certain foot structures, such as having low arches or flat feet, can increase the risk of bunions. These structural characteristics can be inherited and are not caused by running.
  • Running Impact: While running itself is not a direct cause of bunions, the repetitive impact and pressure placed on the forefoot and toes during running can aggravate existing bunions. The friction between the bunion and the side of the running shoe can lead to increased pain and discomfort.
  • Exacerbation: Serious cases of bunions can significantly impact a runner’s ability to continue their training. In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to correct the joint deformity.

Additional resource – Black toenail guide

Can You Run With A Bunion?

It depends!

If it’s not causing you much grief or discomfort, go ahead and keep up your training. Just remember, your choice of shoes can make a world of difference we’ll dive into that soon).

But if that bunion is making a fuss, don’t fret.  I’ve got your back with some top-notch precautions to ensure a pain-free run. No need to cut your run short because of those pesky bunions.

Keep scrolling to find out how to keep running comfortably with a bunion.

Do Bunion Correctors Work?

Bunion correctors, such as toe splints or separators, may provide some pain relief and improved comfort for individuals with bunions, but they are not typically considered definitive solution for correcting or eliminating bunions. The effectiveness of bunion correctors can vary from person to person, and research on their long-term impact is limited.

Studies have shown mixed results when it comes to the ability of bunion correctors to realign the big toe or permanently correct bunions. While some individuals may experience reduced pain and discomfort while using these devices, the overall impact on bunion alignment appears to be limited.

It’s important to understand that bunion correctors are often recommended as a conservative, non-surgical option to manage bunion-related symptoms, such as pain and pressure. They may provide temporary relief by promoting better toe alignment and reducing friction between the toes.

However, they are not a guaranteed method for correcting the underlying structural issue causing the bunion.

Treating and Preventing Bunions While Running

Most bunions are permanent unless surgically removed or corrected.

But there are a few steps you can take to make running with bunions more comfortable, even to slow a bunion’s progression.

Tape The Bunion

Taping or padding the affected toe can be a helpful strategy for individuals with bunions who experience discomfort or pain while running. Here’s how you can tape your bunion:

Materials needed:

  • Medical tape or adhesive padding: You can find these items at most drugstores.
  • Toe separator (optional): Toe separators can be used in combination with padding for added relief.


  1. Prepare your foot: Make sure your foot is clean and dry before applying any tape or padding.
  2. Apply padding: Cut a piece of medical tape or adhesive padding to the appropriate size to cover your bunion. The padding should be soft and cushioned to reduce pressure on the bunion.
  3. Place the padding: Carefully apply the padding over the bunion, ensuring that it covers the bunion’s prominent area. You may need to adjust the positioning to find the most comfortable and protective fit.
  4. Secure the padding: Gently press down on the padding to make sure it adheres to your skin and stays in place.
  5. Consider toe separators (optional): If you have toe separators, you can use them in conjunction with the padding. Toe separators help create space between your toes and reduce friction. Place them between the affected toe and its neighboring toe.
  6. Put on your running shoes: Ensure that your running shoes provide enough space to accommodate the padding and any toe separators comfortably. You should not feel excessive pressure or discomfort when wearing your shoes.

By padding and taping your bunion, you can help reduce the direct pressure and friction on the affected area, which may alleviate pain and discomfort during running. However, it’s important to note that this is a temporary solution and may not address the underlying structural issue causing the bunion.

Additional resource – Side stitch when running

Strength Exercises

Strength training not only makes your foot muscles strong but can also protect you against bunions. Now, don’t expect these exercises to magically zap your bunions away – they’re like that stubborn roommate who never moves out.

But they can definitely make your life more comfortable and keep those bunions from getting any fancier.

So, why does this matter?

Well, stronger foot muscles mean better support for your tootsies. And if you’re a runner or just love to strut your stuff, you’ll appreciate the improved mobility in your big toe and less of that nagging discomfort during your daily strolls or jogging sessions.

Now, let’s dive into the muscles you want to target. Think of it as a superhero lineup for your feet:

  • Adductor Halluces: These little guys help bring your big toe back to center stage.
  • Flexor Halluces Brevis: These champs keep your big toe flexible and ready for action.
  • Abductor Halluces: The bodyguards of your big toe, they prevent it from wandering off.
  • Fibularis Longus: The supporter of your pinky toe, ensuring it doesn’t feel left out.
  • Tibialis Posterior: The stabilizer – it helps keep your arch from taking a vacation.

Now, for the fun part – the exercises! Here’s your superhero training program:

  1. Single-Leg Calf Raises: Get ready to stand on one leg and give your calf muscles a workout they won’t forget.

  1. Shin Release with a Lacrosse Ball: Roll out those shins to ease tension and improve flexibility.

  1. Toe Extensor Exercise: Train your toes to lift like they’re reaching for the stars

  1. Calf Release with a Lacrosse Ball or Foam Roller: Roll away the stress in your calf muscles with the help of a lacrosse ball or foam roller. Check out this video [link] for guidance.

  1. Big-Toe Adductor Exercise: Get your big toe moving with this exercise that uses a resistance band.

Have The Right Shoes

Finding the right shoes for your running adventures is like finding the perfect sidekick. They need to have your back, especially if you’re dealing with bunions. Trust me, the right shoes can be a game-changer, and the wrong ones? Well, they’re like that villain who just won’t quit.

So, here’s the scoop – head over to a specialty running store pronto. These folks know their stuff and can help you find the perfect-fitting shoes to keep those bunions in check.

Now, let’s talk shoe features to look out for:

  • Go Wide: Wide-fitting running shoes are your new best friends. They provide your bunions with the space they need to breathe and stretch out. It’s like giving them their own cozy room. You wouldn’t want your big toe feeling cramped, right?
  • Go Soft: Soft toe boxes are a lifesaver. They help prevent any unwanted rubbing or chaffing on your bunion, especially if it’s feeling tender or has some extra fluid hanging out. Soft is the way to go!
  • Go Low: Say goodbye to elevated heels! Look for shoes with no heel elevation, also known as ‘zero drop’ shoes. They keep your feet happy and bunion-friendly.
  • Enough Room: The toe box is where it’s at. Make sure there’s plenty of space for your toes to wiggle and groove without feeling squished. Opt for shoes with minimal stitching and breathable mesh around the bunion area – they won’t cramp your style.
  • A Flexible Sole: Think of it as giving your feet a little workout. Look for shoes with flexible soles that let your foot muscles do their thing. Rigid soles? No thanks, they’re like that annoying friend who won’t let you dance freely.

Use the Right Knot

You know what they say: it’s all in the details – even when it comes to lacing up your running shoes. Tying them the right way can make a world of difference, especially if you’ve got bunions.

Here’s the trick – focus on loosening up those laces near your toes. This nifty move reduces the pressure on your toes, bunions, and the ball of your foot. It’s like giving your feet some breathing space!

But wait, there’s no need to fret if you’re not sure how to master this lacing technique. I’ve got your back with this handy YouTube tutorial. It’ll walk you through the “Bunion Step-Over” lacing technique, making it a piece of cake

Seek Surgery

When those at-home remedies just aren’t cutting it, and your bunion pain is cramping your running style, it’s time to consider the big guns – surgery.

Now, don’t get too anxious; this isn’t your run-of-the-mill operation. It’s what the experts call a “bunionectomy.” It’s a fancy term, but it gets the job done.

Research has reported over 100 types of surgery can be performed to remove bunions. Common interventions include repositioning ligaments, tendons, and the joint, causing alteration in the angle of the big toe.

The goal? To realign that big toe joint, wave goodbye to the deformity, and restore normal function – all while giving your foot some much-needed relief.

The process is a bit messy. The surgeon delicately opens up that big toe joint and works their magic to reposition the bones.

In some cases, they may need to do a bit more, like trimming bones or securing things in place with metal plates or screws. It’s all in the name of getting your feet back in tip-top shape.

But here’s the pro tip: when you’re on the hunt for a surgeon, make sure you find one who knows the running game inside and out. Bonus points if they’re a runner themselves – that’s when you know you’ve hit the jackpot.

So, if you’re at that point where bunion pain is just too much to bear, don’t hesitate to reach out to a sports podiatrist who can guide you through the process and help you get back to pounding the pavement in no time.

Full Recovery Period

A bunionectomy can put you out of commission for a few days to a few weeks and wearing a surgical boot for roughly a month.

Full recovery from this can take anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks. So, going back to your former running glory should take a while.

This might sound like a long time away from your running shoes.

But it’s a much better option than suffering severe pain on every step you take while running.

Don’t you think so?

During your recovery period, do plenty of low-impact exercises to keep fit and going strong.

Running With Bunions – The Conclusion

Although the above measures seem simple, they can make a big difference. Dealing with bunions while running does not have to be complicated—as long as you know what you’re doing.

You can make some simple changes to how you train that can protect you and prevent the progression of toe deformities.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

Keep Running Strong.

David D.

Running With Asthma – The Complete Guide

running with asthma

It’s no secret that running with asthma can be tricky.

Many runners with asthma may experience wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, or chest tightness during and after running.

That’s why many asthmatic people try to avoid running.

But, in actuality, cardio workouts, like running, may help you improve breathing control and minimize the effects of asthma, research shows.

Today’s article will dive into the benefits and downsides of running with asthma and how to do it the right way.

More specifically, I’ll look into the following:

  • What is asthma
  • The benefits of running for people with asthma
  • The challenges
  • Can you run with asthma
  • How to run safely with asthma
  • And so much more

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

Note – Just because you cough or have difficulty breathing while running doesn’t mean you have an asthma attack. A host of conditions can mimic asthma, such as vocal cord dysfunction or allergies. Consult your doctor for a full diagnosis. Also, get the green light from your doctor before you start running or make any drastic exercise change.

Exercise-Induced Asthma Explained

Asthma is a respiratory condition known for inflammation, swelling, and narrowing of the airways. Besides the increase in mucus release, these airway issues can cause difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing, rapid respiration rate, and stubborn respiratory infections.

There are many types of asthma, but in runners (and active people in general), the most common one is what’s known as exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, or EIB for short. As the name implies, this condition is triggered by exercise—running is no exception.

EIB causes wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and other symptoms during or after exercise, triggered by narrowing airways.

What’s more?

It’s possible to be diagnosed with EIB without a diagnosis of asthma.

A survey shows that roughly 10 percent of people with asthma symptoms only during exercise don’t have a history of the condition.

What Happens When you Run With Asthma?

Since running is a form of cardiovascular exercise, logging the miles with asthma can be chilling. Any narrowing of the airways may restrict breathing, making it harder to deliver enough oxygen to your heart and work muscles.

Over 90 percent of people with asthma suffer from asthma symptoms during or after exercise.  Even if you don’t have chronic asthma, you can still develop exercise-induced asthma. Surveys show that around 10 percent of asthma-free people may experience exercise-induced asthma.

If you have asthma, your body reacts by narrowing the airways, which is known as bronchoconstriction. This causes wheezing, tightness in the chest, and shortness of breath as your oxygen levels plummet. Over 90 percent of people with asthma suffer from exercise-induced bronchoconstriction.

This can be a frightening experience whether you’re dealing with exercise-induced asthma or it’s triggered by pollution.

What’s more?

Asthma symptoms can come and go, and specific triggers, such as cold air, smoke, dust, mold, and pet danders, can cause flare-ups (often out of nowhere). In addition, the ebb-and-flow nature of the conditions makes managing it a little more challenging.

What’s more?

Exercise-induced asthma is common among top athletes, including Olympic athletes and professional hockey players.

Factors that may increase the risk of exercise-induced asthma include:

  • Dry air
  • Cold air
  • Air pollution
  • Long-distance running
  • Chlorine in swimming pools

Common Asthma Symptoms in Runners

Common symptoms of EIB may begin during or soon after running, lasting for an hour or longer if left untreated.

The symptoms may appear five to ten minutes after exercise ends and often go away within an hour of rest.

Some of these include:

  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue during running
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Mediocre athletic performance

Can You Run With Asthma?

Of course, you can – as long as you take the right measures since exercise generally may worsen asthma symptoms for some people.

Here’s the truth. Running DOES improve lung function, but it often doesn’t feel that way when you’re coming down with an asthma attack and/or when you first start.

Of course, running may not boost your lung capacity since your body size primarily determines it. But, according to research, logging the miles regularly can help your lungs perform better.

With proper care and medication, you can reach your full running potential. However, remember that you might need to take even more measures during winter since cold air can trigger asthma attacks (more on this later.

how to run with asthma
Jogging outdoors. Young man and woman running at park

Can You Run a Marathon With Asthma?

And the answer is yes, of course, you can.

Don’t take my word for it. The legendary marathoner Paula Radcliff had asthma throughout her career.

And she’s not the exception. Surveys have shown that over 700 athletes that completed the 2012 London Olympics had confirmed asthma. Yet, the same athletes were twice as likely to gain a medal than their asthma-free rivals.

Again, don’t get me wrong, though. Training for a marathon while having asthma isn’t going to be easy. The more severe asthma you have, the harder it will be.

But don’t let that stand in the way of your marathon goals. Instead, approach it the same way you approach any other injury – Devise an action plan and learn how to stay consistent.

Is Running Good For Asthma?

Running with asthma can certainly has its cons, but there are a lot of benefits to gain if you choose to log the miles.

This may shock many people, but research found that running is good for people with asthma. The impact of running and exercise on asthma has been examined for a while and is widely recommended by health and medical experts.

In addition to the well-known benefits of running, such as improving endurance, increasing strength, losing weight, reducing  stress, and building bone density, hitting the pavement can also help you manage asthma symptoms in the following ways:

Additional resource – Dealing with heart murmurs

Running Improve Asthma Control

Yes, that’s right. Running can be an ally when it comes to dealing with asthma.

Again, don’t take my word for it.

Research examining the effect of endurance running for five weeks on an adult with mild asthma reported that endurance running could boost the aerobic fitness of adults with asthma. The researchers also suggested that it also limits the severity of exercise-induced asthma.

Another review of 11 studies with over 500 subjects with asthma concluded that aerobic exercise, such as running, improved overall asthma control in most of the subjects. This improves asthma control and limits the rate and severity of asthma attacks.

Improved Lung Function

I hate to state the obvious, but weak lung function indicates asthma.

Here’s the good news. Research has found that sticking to a consistent exercise routine can improve lung function and slow down the age-related decline in lung function in asthmatic people.

For example, this study has demonstrated that high-intensity exercise improved lung function while slowing down the decline in adults with mild or moderate asthma.

Improved Oxygen Uptake

Running is a cardiovascular exercise per excellence. Hence it improves the oxygen delivery capacity of your lungs. Again, a study has found that improved oxygen capacity can make breathing much easier, especially when it comes to improving lung strength and function. As you can tell, this can lead to oxygen uptake increases.

The more efficient your oxygen uptake, the less effort it takes you to breathe.

Reduce Airway Inflammation

Airway inflammation is one of the main signs of asthma, resulting in wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. So anything that helps soothe inflammation in the airways can help reduce asthma symptoms, especially when they’re triggered by airway inflammation.

Guess what’s good for this? Of course, exercise.

Again, don’t take my word for it. Research has found that three-month aerobic exercise plans reduced airway inflammation markers in asthma patients.

How To Run With Asthma

If you’re serious about running regularly with asthma, paying attention to your satsuma is key. Then, you can take a few measures to ensure your training is safe and comfortable.

Without further ado, here are a few measures to help you make the most of your runs when you have asthma.

Have A Running With Asthma Action Plan

Failing to plan is planning to fail. This is a true statement whether you’re trying to make a 6-figure income or planning to run with asthma.

A good asthma action plan should include preventive measures to manage asthma symptoms and limit flare-ups. In most cases, it should contain more than a few strategies for running with asthma to feel more confident in your ability to train safely and comfortably.

When you create an effective asthma plan, you’ll have the strategies you need for running with asthma which will improve your confidence to have effective and safe training.

For the most effective plan, consult your doctor and know your options. For example, they might prescribe a daily inhaler to reduce risk by soothing airway irritation.

The plan should help you manage your EIB symptoms.

What’s more?

Your doctor might also suggest you take a rescue inhaler around 10 to 15 minutes before


I cannot emphasize the importance of proper warm-ups while running. This is especially the case if you’re running with asthma.

A good warm-up prevents injury and ensures good performance. It could also keep your asthma at bay by preparing your lungs for the hard work ahead. By easing into your runs, you’ll give your airways and lungs enough time to handle the hard work to come. Otherwise, you might risk a flare-up, and you don’t want that.

Always begin by jogging slowly for five minutes, then perform a set of dynamic stretches quickly and continuously.

Think lunges, inchworms leg swings, butt kicks, etc., then do a few short, hard pick-ups—or bursts of speed running at a controlled pace.

Carry Your Inhaler

Have your rescue inhaler with you while out running. And this is the case whether it’s something you tend to use often or not. The moment you start experiencing symptoms while running, use it right away. No more dilly dally.

Find The Right Time

If you’ve known asthma triggers, such as smog or pollen, figure out when to run outside.

Pollen is often higher in the early morning, whereas smog is usually problematic later in the day.

As a rule, avoid running or only go for a short run on days when pollen counts are elevated.

Check Pollen Counts

Is Pollen a trigger for you? Then make sure to be careful during the spring when the pollen count is high since pollen causes cause bronchial spasms and airway irritation that can lead to flare-ups.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but you always have the option of moving your runs indoors on days when the pollen count is high.

Know Your Limits

The key to avoiding asthma attacks while running is to start slowly and pay attention to how fast and far you can go.

Don’t push your body too far—or you’ll regret it later.

So how do you keep things under control?

Measure your training intensity using the talk test.

You’re likely okay if you can keep a conversation going while running.

If your breathing becomes restricted or you start to feel faint or dizzy, ease back and rest until your breathing is back to normal. I’d recommend that you rely on effort instead of pace or mileage to guide your runs.

Pay attention to your breathing and notice any signs of an asthma attack, such as flushed skin, faster breathing, excessive sweating, wheezing, coughing, or chest tightness.

If you feel any of these, slow down or stop and take your rescue inhaler. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Choose The Right Weather and Season

In general, it’s best run in humid and warm conditions.

Pay attention during spring and fall.

Some of you might have pollen or grass sensitivity that triggers asthma.

If you have to run outside in the cold, put on a scarf or facemask to cover your mouth and nose— this helps warm the air up before it reaches your lungs, preventing it from irritating your airways.

Or, jump on the treadmill—indoor running is less like to induce an asthma attack.

Check Air Quality

Pollution is a common cause of asthma symptoms.

I recommend using an app like and checking the air quality before heading out for a run. Keep it short or very easy if it’s yellow.  I recommend skipping your outdoor run and training indoors if the air quality is orange or red. It’s not worth it.

For the best air conditioning, I’d recommend running after it rains. You should also try running on trails to avoid pollution from cars and industrial zones.

Cover Your Face

As I hate stated earlier, even if you don’t have asthma, you might cough while running in cold temperatures. The reason is simple. Breathing in cold and dry air can irritate your airways, which is a trigger for bronchospasm.

For this reason, I’d recommend covering your mouth and nose while running, so the “warmed” air you exhale helps moisten the air you inhale.  Avoid a bandana or face cover made from cotton, which can freeze in cold and wet conditions.

Your best options are a fleece balaclava or neck gaiters.

Take Your Meds

Take your allergy medication roughly 4 hours before running. Some research suggests that taking too close to running time may impair your breathing, and you don’t want that.

Asthma medication used before working out can control and mitigate exercise-induced asthma symptoms, especially short-acting beta-2 asthma medication, such as albuterol.

Even if you only use it once in a blue moon, it’s better to safe than sorry. Consult your doctor if you have persistent side effects from medication, such as palpitations or tremors, before you start logging miles.

Pay Attention to Your Body

If your lungs are acting up, slow down or stop running altogether.

You may experience wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, or coughing.

Next, get your rescue inhaler and follow your asthma treatment plan.

Start running again once your symptoms subside by walking slowly or even walking.

Running through the symptoms only makes things worst.

When to See A Doctor

If you’re dealing with asthma, it’s key to consult your doctor before starting a running plan. They can work with you to make the right training and treatment plan. This helps that running is safe.

What’s more?

Remember that various health conditions may mimic asthma and cause similar symptoms, making getting a thorough and accurate diagnosis important.

Running with Asthma  – The Conclusion

Ultimately having asthma shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your running goals and living a healthy lifestyle.

And, in some cases, running with asthma can help your symptoms

By taking the right asthma measures during and after your runs, you can safely and comfortably keep running and doing this sport to meet your training goals.

So lace up those running shoes and run with them.

Aqua Jogging For Runners – The Benefits & Technique

aqua jogging

Aqua jogging is a fantastic cross-training, rehabilitation, and conditioning workout for runners, and it’s getting more popular among elite athletes.

It’s also pretty simple. You strap a floatation device around your middle, head into the deep end of a swimming pool, and simulate the running movement by treading water. The rest is just details.

So what’s the most effective aqua jogging method? Should you only cross-train when inured? How to make the most out of aqua jogging? That’s where this post comes in handy.

In today’s article, we’ll explore some benefits of running in deep water and how to add it to your workout routine.

More specifically, I’ll cover:

  • What is aqua jogging
  • What’s the science behind aqua jogging
  • How to use aqua jogging to supplement your road miles
  • What is the proper aqua-jogging form
  • Aqua jogging workouts to try
  • Who should and should not do aqua jogging
  • What is required aqua jogging gear
  • The pros and cons of aqua jogging
  • How to increase aqua jogging efficiency
  • And so much more.

Sounds great?

Let’s get started

What is Aqua Jogging?

Aqua jogging has gathered a lot of steam over the past few years. However, unlike using an elliptical machine or cycling, aqua jogging is quite similar to running on land—at least regarding the range of motion and muscle engagement.

Also known as deep water running, aqua jogging simply runs while in water but without touching the pool bottom. It involves using a floatation device and then moving your arms and legs in a running motion in the deep end of the pool and practically removes any jarring effect of running.

Aqua jogging is a powerful crossbreed of running and swimming that is gentle on your joints and muscles. Still, it can help keep or even boost your cardiovascular endurance and improve your running technique (we’ll dive into the benefits later on).

It simply simulates the running movement but with the assistance of water in the pool. You put on a flotation device around your midsection, jump into the deep end of the pool and move your arms and legs in a running motion.

It’s the ideal form of cross-training for runners since it mimics virtually the same running movements and employs the same muscles as running.

Your goal is to avoid touching the bottom or the sides. Instead, you move around the pool at a slow and steady pace. Buoyancy device is designed to keep you balanced and upright in the water so you can focus on aqua jogging.

Don’t have a belt? Then you can run laps in the shallow waters of the pool. Aqua running is most effective in deep water, though some specific exercises can also be performed in shallow water.

Who Should Try Aqua Jogging

From the looks of it, virtually all runners can reap some benefits from aqua jogging, but if you fall into any of the following groups, aqua jogging will be so much more beneficial if you:

  • Are nursing or recovering from an injury and you need to maintain your fitness
  • Have tight tips or are prone to injury
  • Spend long hours in a seated position
  • Don’t normally cross-train, train
  • Have arthritis since the pressure of the water can help soothe the pain
  • Are overweight and dealing with issues with joint pain
  • Have access to a pool and love to be in the water

Is Aqua Jogging Good For Runners

Of course, it is. Let me explain why.

Here’s the truth. Running is a cardiovascular exercise per excellence. But it has a huge downside – it’s also hard on your body. Surveys show that most runners will get injured at one time or the other during one year of running.

Yes, overuse injuries are that rampant, and for the serious runner, there is no bulletproof way to sidestep this nagging issue.

Aqua jogging enters the picture. Initially designed as a fix for injured and recovering athletes, aqua jogging is a fantastic tool for runners nursing an injury.

Since you’re performing similar movements to running underwater, aqua jogging isn’t hard to learn.

The Benefits Of Aqua Jogging For Runners

When done correctly, aqua jogging offers a lot of benefits to runners.

By adding aqua jogging to your running plan, you’ll boost your cardio power, improve form and build muscular strength—all while limiting the wear and tear on your muscles and joints.

Here are a few.

Maintaining Fitness Through Injury

Aqua jogging is often used to maintain cardiovascular conditioning and help recover after an injury. The water resistance, the free range of motion, and the minimum impact on bones and joints allow you to exercise pain-free without risking further injury.

Of course, don’t take my word for it.

The research examined a group of ten well-trained runners who exercised exclusively with deep water running for a month and compared 5K race performance pre-deep water and post-deep water running.

The conclusion?

The researchers reported no statistical difference in 5K time or other metrics for performance, such as lactate threshold and submaximal oxygen consumption.

In English, please. This means aqua jogging can help you maintain running fitness for up to a month, even if you’re well-trained.

In another experiment, the researchers monitored the impact of aqua jogging over six weeks. During the study, 16 subjects were divided into two groups:

  • Group I  did aqua jogging sessions
  • Group II ran on land.

Opting for the same training durations and intensities, the researchers reported no statistical difference in performance markers such as blood lactate, maximal blood glucose, and body composition between the two groups.

Helps With Recovery

Looking for a tool to help you with recovery? Look no further than aqua jogging.

Water running is the go-to option for injured runners as it allows them to run without pain or risk making an injury associated with hitting the pavement worse. It gives you that running-related workout without making your injury worse. It can even speed up your recovery time.

Again don’t take my word for it.

This research has reported that aqua jogging can be employed as a recovery tool to speed up the repair of damaged muscles after hard training. Another research has also reported that aqua jogging g while rehabbing an injury can help maintain optimal shape

So what does this mean?

This means that aqua jogging is a super useful recovery tool and the ideal cross-training method for injured runners.

Additional guide – Heart murmurs and running

Burns A lot of Calories

Research has reported that running in deep water may burn more calories than on land, so if you’re looking to maintain a healthy body weight while on a running sabbatical, aqua jogging should help.

But how many calories aqua jogging burns is tricky. The average calorie burn for a 30-minute aqua jog may hover around 200 to 250 calories. But that’s exactly what is average. So you never know for sure.

Improved Muscle Strength

Running through water is more challenging than running on land. Since water is denser than air, your movements in the water are met with greater resistance than it is used to.  Moving in water has around 12 times the resistance of air.

This, in turn, helps build strength in often neglected areas in runners, such as the hip flexors and arms/shoulders.

Aqua jogging also forces you to keep an upright posture which is a great strengthener for your core muscles.

Intense But Gentle

Aqua jogging offers a great workout that’s also gentle on your body. If you’re looking to reap the benefits of regular exercise but can’t join in because of injury or chronic conditions, aqua jogging is the ideal choice for low-impact aerobic exercise.

All runners, beginner and elite alike, can benefit from jogging in the deep water.

Build Proper Technique

Aqua jogging isn’t just for injuries. One of its main benefits is simulating land running techniques. Like when you run on land, aqua running calls for a strong and upright posture.

That’s why deep-water running is a fantastic way to improve your running technique without increasing the pounding on your muscles and joints. In other words, it allows you to focus on refining your technique in a safe, low-impact setting.

What’s more?

Aqua jogging helps improve running form because the resistance of the water makes it harder to swing your arms.

Keep your legs moving and leaning forward (more on aqua jogging form later).


By simulating land-based runs, intervals, tempo, or fartlek, you’ll reap the same benefits without adding stress to your running muscles and joints. Water running is also a safe and effective alternative to running on land on hot or cold days.

Improved Balance

Running in deep water improves coordination and balance by building strength in your supportive muscles and enhancing your agility skills in the comfort of a warm swimming pool.

The Downsides of Aqua Jogging

There’s no such thing as the perfect exercise. ALL workout routines come with downsides. And aqua jogging is no exception.

The main downside of aqua jogging is that you won’t be able to get your heart as elevated as when running on land.

What’s more?

Thanks to the water resistance, you likely will feel sore when you first begin aqua jogging.

What’s more?

Depending on where you live, you might have trouble finding a proper to practice in. This may make sticking a regular aqua jogging routine tricky.

How to Get Started With Aqua Jogging

Now that you know more about the benefits of aqua jogging for both injured and injury-free runners, it’s time to jump in the pool.

The Gear You Need For Aqua Jogging

Aqua jogging requires little gear.

As a runner, you’ll want an active swimsuit, goggles, and—most importantly—a flotation belt.

The Floating Device

A good running floatation belt should help put you into a forward as if running on land. So, getting a floatation belt is key if you’re trying to focus on your form.

Some pools may have this equipment, usually near the kickboards and pull buoys. Just whatever you choose, pick a comfortable belt that does cause any rubbing or blisters on your body like some of the belts at the pool.

I’d recommend all aqua jogging beginners to use a belt as it helps keep you torose above the water—otherwise, you’ll be spending too much energy trying to stay afloat, which is not ideal.

Once your technique improves, you can run in deep water without help.

As a rule, make sure the pool end in which you train is deep enough so your feet won’t reach the bottom when you run. In addition, having the right posture is crucial to effective aqua jogging. You’ll want to stay completely upright—with your feet directly under your shoulders.

To warm up, start treading water on the spot for 5 to 10 minutes, driving your arms and legs in a running motion, and using good form

Aquatic Shoes

One additional gear to consider is a pair of aquatic shoes. These may allow you to achieve better cardiovascular intensity when compared to skimping and running barefoot in deep water.

Most aquatic shoes are designed with purposefully placed fins and vents that make it easy to increase your heart rate and keep there, which might be one of the most frustrating aspects of deep aqua jogging.

Some of these shoes are also designed with detachable cushioned insole for better comfort and arch support for stability. The shoes also feature drainage ports for fast drying.

What’s more?

A pair of aquatic shoes will help you against slips and falls. As you might already know, the smooth pool floor of shallow water makes the stage for the ideal slip-n-slide surface to glide over.

Start Slow

Take it slow if this is your first time trying aqua jogging or you haven’t been in the water for a while.

I’d recommend spending a few days getting used to the feeling of water and swimming with gentle strokes and kicks until you feel comfortable. I’m not implying that you should become a pro swimmer before you start aqua jogging, but some familiarity with the water should help

Aqua Jogging Form

Using proper form is key to getting the most from every workout. As a rule, try to mimic your natural running style.

Here are a few hints:

  • Bring your knees toward your chest and go through your full range of motion the same way you’d on land but in a more exaggerated manner.
  • While keeping your fists closed, pump your arms vigorously.
  • Keep your body straight and avoid leaning forward too much, which is somewhat different than your typical running posture.
  • Perform higher knee lifts and a more compact back kick than running on land.
  • Find a focal point at eye level ahead of you to keep your head level. Avoid wobbling your shoulder.
  • Strive to establish an efficient, smooth-running form without any excessive movement.
  • Keep your posture close to perpendicular to the surface of the pool. Imagine you have a cord through your center, pulling you up.
  • Just as you’d when pounding the pavement, run tall with your body straight and pay attention to upper body rotation. Imagine yourself running around an athletic track or along a beautiful trail. Don’t let your hands move past your aqua running belt and come up to roughly chest height.
  • Keep your core engaged and shoulders locked in place, pointing down the pool.Don’t cheat. Avoid paddling with your hands. Keep driving your arms back and forth rather than across your body.
  • Keep your fists loosely closed, and let your legs carry you forward.
  • Avoid holding on to the side of the pool when recovering. Instead, keep your legs moving as if you’re treading water, and breathe deep.

Aqua Jogging Without A Belt

Planning to try aqua jogging without a flotation belt? Then know it can be done. But it’s going to be harder and more energy-consuming than using a belt since you have to work hard to stay upright.

Using a flotation device helps make aqua jogging easier and can shift your center of buoyancy, forcing you to change your running position. But, with no belt, your lungs become the center of your buoyancy, forcing you to engage your core muscles to stay upright. But, of course, this also works at your core.

The thing is. A flotation belt helps with form, and when you’re using it, you’ll get to focus on moving fast, increasing your heart rate, and getting a good session. On the other hand, having no belt will make the workout much more challenging as you’ll work harder to keep your head out of the water.

To keep your head above water while aqua jogging with no belt, do the following:

  • Move your legs back at a wider angle than when running on the road
  • Perform fast leg turning
  • Push down your feet at the bottom of the stride
  • Keep taking deep breaths
  • Engage your core

Like swimming for the first time, with little practice, you’ll get much better and get a good workout without the belt. After that, it’s just a matter of practice and patience.

Warming Up For Aqua Jogging

Warm up for your workout by doing a few minutes of easy pool running, just like you’d do easy running on dry land. Your warm-up doesn’t have to be complicated. Keep your heart rate at around 60 to 70 percent of your max.

A Beginner Aqua Jogging Workout To try

Aqua running workouts can recreate and mimic the time-based interval format of the typical running program.

Here’s a beginner aqua running routine.

10-minute dynamic warm-up, followed by:

Three minutes of medium tempo effort—80 percent of max power.

  • One minute of running hard at your maximum speed.
  • 2-minute rest.
  • Repeat four times.
  • 5-minute cooldown.

The Pyramid Aqua Jogging Workout

10-minute easy warm-up, followed by:

  • One Minute hard – 30 seconds easy
  • Two Minutes hard – 30 seconds easy
  • Three Minutes hard – 30 seconds easy
  • Four Minutes hard – 30 seconds easy
  • Four Minutes hard – 30 seconds easy
  • Three Minutes hard – 30 seconds easy
  •  Two Minutes hard – 30 seconds easy
  • One Minute hard – 30 seconds easy
  • 10 minutes easy cool down.

The Aqua Jogging Fartlek Workout

10 minutes easy warm-up, followed by:

  • One minute sprint at your maximum heart rate. This is an all-out effort.
  • One minute medium jog at around 80 to 90 percent max. This should feel like a tempo effort.
  • 30-second recovery jog.
  • 30-second medium effort.
  • One minute all-out effort
  •  One-minute recovery jog
  • Repeat the tempo, sprint, and recovery efforts at random intervals for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
  • 10-minute easy cool down.

Aqua Jogging For Runners – The Conclusion

I won’t lie to you and pretend that aqua jogging is nothing but a walk in the park.

It isn’t.

Running in deep water is numbingly boring and requires much more physical and mental effort than running on dry land.

There’s no scenery to enjoy while doing this.

Plus, you’re moving forward really, really slow.

But, as you can see in today’s post, it’s worth the effort.

The benefits of aqua jogging are too good to pass on.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

How to Avoid Wild Animal Attacks While Trail Running

Would you like to learn how to prevent animal attacks while running? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Whether you’re an urban athlete or a trail junkie, you’re like to come across different creatures of the animal kingdom sooner or later.

Pursue running long enough; whether you’re a trail junkie or an urban athlete, an aggressive animal will likely cross your path sooner or later.

These unforeseen run-ins with wildlife during a run can be unnerving. However, most such encounters while running will be harmless.

But, to err on the side of caution, you should learn in advance what to do when you encounter an animal during a run (both for your and the animal’s safety). That’s where today’s post comes in handy.

Fearing Animal Attacks While Trail Running

One of the main fears preventing many runners from trail running is an animal encounter.

But here’s the truth.

Although the danger is real,  the fear of wildlife shouldn’t keep you away from the trails.  Trail running isn’t any more or less dangerous than road running – as long as you take the right precautions.

There are risks whenever you leave your home—and trail running is no exception.

The Bad News

How often have you read news articles about runners and outdoor ashless getting harmed or killed by rampant wildlife?

If this is news to you, check the following articles;

A woman gets attacked by a bear in the middle of a marathon

I can go on and on, but by now, you should have heard of plenty of horror stories. And the media is doing a great job at scaring us from venturing into the trails.

But it shouldn’t. Death is always around the corner. We drive cars. We cross the street. We meet strangers. We do many things that might invite Angel’s death to our doorsteps. Life is dangerous.

And so it trails running.

The fact is, we are exposed to several dangers every time we hit the trial.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but animal encounters are lower on the list. The main danger, in my experience, is serious injury from fallen goon technical terrain, roots, or, God forbid, rocks.

Of course, you also risk getting lost or exposed to extreme weather conditions on the trails.

How to Avoid Wild Animal Attacks While Trail Running

Here are some general tips to help you stay safe out there

Use Common Sense

Overall, wild animals tend to avoid humans but can attack if they feel in danger. You shouldn’t get out there to pick fights with animals – The odds are not in your favor.

Pay attention to your environment, the type of wildlife you’re likely to encounter, and the risk they pose. Avoidance is the best strategy.

Don’t Panic

I know I would panic if I were suddenly being stared down by an angry bear. But the golden rule of staying calm as possible is the way to go. Animals can sense fear, and losing one’s s$$t tells the animal you’re a likely victim. This, in turn, may goad an attack. And you don’t want that

Keep Distance

Stick to marked trails as often as possible during your trail runs. The safest thing to do when you run across an animal is to give it distance. You’re, after all, on their turf, so you better respect that fact. Most wildlife feels threatened when you invade their territory.

Animals mostly become aggressive once they feel distressed or threatened. However, animals will also attack if they’re wounded, starving, dehydrated, etc.

Be Prepared

Depending on where you’re going, being prepared may mean having defensive tools, such as pepper spray, a sharp knife, a club, or even a firearm. You can also use rocks or whatever you can lay your hands on to fend off an animal attack if things turn wrong.

Petting Is A Bad Idea

Avoid petting animals in the wild at all times. That cute baby bear trotting alone likely has a mother nearby who will attack if she thinks you are dangerous. Touching wildlife is out of the question. It’s neither safe for you nor for them.

Make Noise

An effective strategy to protect yourself from wildlife is to make noise and a lot of it. If not careful, you can easily frighten a wild animal, which might provoke an attack. So whenever you approach a dense route or sharp corner, make some noise, so the wildlife knows you’re nearby.

If you come across one, talk calmly to them so they know you’re a human and do not mistake you for dinner.

Be A Tracker

Watch for animal tracks and droppings as you run through the wilderness. These often indicate the presence of animals nearby. Therefore, stay alert and keep a safe distance.

You can also go the extra mile by learning to identify scat and tracks of various animals (link).

Partner Up

Whether you’re running through a dark alley or a secluded trail, there’s always strength in numbers. The more people with you, the less likely a predator will dare to approach and attack.

That’s why running with another person—or a group—will greatly reduce the risks of an imminent attack.

Avoid Animals

In the end, the best way to survive a dangerous wildlife encounter is to avoid it in the first place. Overall, most animals may go out of their way to avoid humans.

Believe it or not, we’re at the top of the food chain. And most animals are well aware of that fact.

That said, just like us, animals will fight tooth and nail for their survival and their cubs’ survival. So you’re better off not threatening either one.

How to Manage Wildlife While Running

Here’s a more personalized approach to dealing with various and common animal encounters during your runs.

Avoid Dog Attacks While Running

Run long enough, and you’ll eventually come across a dog.

Canine encounters are, after all, one of the most common animal encounters.

Usually, behind a fence or on a leash, dogs pose little to no threat, yet that’s not the case all too often.

Dogs can get territorial, defend their turf, and act aggressively.

And you never know how other people treat the dog.

That’s when an untrained, aggressive, and unsupervised dog attack can cause serious damage.

(Check this story)

Warning signs:

  • Charging through doors
  • Hindering your path
  • Stopping eating on the approach
  • Getting very still and ridge
  • Barking and showing teeth
  • Lunging forward

How To Approach Them

  • Avoid eye contact, or you’re asking them to lunge at you.
  • Stay calm. A dog will pick up on your fear.
  • Stop running and stand tall. Avoid many any jumpy movements that can trigger the canine chase instinct
  • Avoid sticking out an open hand or jumping up and down excitedly.
  • Stand sideways while keeping the dog in your side vision.

Avoid Wolf Attacks While Running

The image of coming face to face with a pack of hungry, wild wolves may send shivers down your spine, but attacks on humans are not the norm.

They’re so rare as this animal would rather avoid people at all times.

Behaviorally, wolves tend to be pack hunters covering huge uninhabited areas. That’s why if you spot one in the wild, chances they’re not alone.

What’s more?

Wolves are coursing predators; they love the chase and will pursue prey on the run.

Warning signs:

  • Bristling the pelt as if looking bigger and more threatening
  • Erect Ears
  • Crouching backward
  • Making a barren, irritated expression
  • Curling back the lips to show the fangs and gums

How To Approach

  • Make a lot of noise. Shout at the wolves as loud as possible.
  • Toss branches and rocks at the animal but without looking vulnerable.
  • Raise your jacket or shirt over your head to appear bigger and more threatening.
  • opt for a strong, confident body posture
  • Back away slowly if you see a wolf before it sees you.
  • Avoid eye contact, but don’t look scrawny. A wolf considers eye contact a challenge.
  • Do not run. You’re not fast enough.
  • When attacked, keep the wolf away from vulnerable spots such as your neck and head. Then attack their nose and eyes. Go for their head if you’re lucky enough.

Avoid Mountain Lions Attacks While Running

Also known as panthers or cougars and weighing between 120 to 180 pounds, mountain lions are infamously stealthy and, at times, lethal predators.

Typically, mountain lions prey on mammals, such as deer, raccoons, and beaver.

But occasionally, they develop a taste for humans.

About 10000 mountain lions are believed to dwell in the Western U.S. alone.

You’re likely to run into one either in the late spring or early summer.

During this period, young mountain lions gain independence from their mothers and drift widely, seeking untaken territory.

Warning Signs

  • Crouching
  • Stalking while trying to stay under the radar the entire time.
  • Creeping and moving silently toward the prey.
  • A mountain lion often goes for the neck and shoulders on the fence.

How to Approach

  • Always give the animal enough space to escape
  • Stand tall and make loud noises, raising your arms slowly and opening your jacket. Try banging rocks together.
  • Pick up a branch, wave it around, or toss it at the animal to show you have no fear. Act the part of a predator.
  • Do not run. Again, you’re not the fastest animal here.
  • Do not bend or crouch to pick up anything, nor turn your back.
  • If attacked, fight back and protect your neck and throat. Again, pepper spray will be so helpful in this case.
  • Again, pray, pray very hard.

Avoid Bears Attacks While Running

Bears tend to be omnivorous.

They prefer to munch on berries rather than human flesh, which doesn’t make them less threatening.

Most bear attacks result from the animal feeling threatened and then reacting in a manner that eliminates the threat.

Nothing personal.

The worst thing you can do is to startle them as you come running across the corner.

And God forbid, if you surprise a nursing mother, you’ll get attacked as she tries to defend her cubs if she thinks you’re a threat.

Mother bears are behind 70% of all fatal human injuries.

Solo males on the hunt are dangerous, too.

Warning Signs

  • Bear seems hostile, as in standing tall, groaning, etc.
  • Swatting the ground or nearby vegetation with the front paw
  • Lunging or feign-charging toward you
  • Ears getting flat against the head

How To Approach

  • Pay attention so you can spot a bear scrabbling around in the bushes before it sees you.
  • Be loud. Shout at the bear. Hopefully, it understands that you’re human, not prey.
  • Get the hell out of there if you spot any cubs. It’s not time to take pictures.
  • Avoid climbing trees. Most bears are better climbers than you.
  • Throw things at the bear, displaying confidence.
  • Keep bear spray on you so you can use it quickly if an aggressive bear is 30 to 40 feet away.
  • When attacked, drop on the ground and play dead. Protect your face with your forearms and the back of your neck with your hands.
  • Pray, and pray hard.

Avoid Deer Attacks While Running

Deer are timid by nature and make off the moment they spot a human.

They’re also rarely aggressive and one of the most common animal encounters for runners.

But a deer feeling threatened is another story; a deer attack can cause serious damage.

Avoid provoking this animal, especially during the fall—the mating season during which they’re most aggressive.

Warning Signs

  • Deer approaching you while making loud noises
  • Changing  the stance and ear posture
  • Avoid Stomping the feet while huffing

How To Approach

  • Avoid getting close to one, especially on foot. You don’t want to be kicked and fly.
  • Pay attention to your running route to avoid a collision.
  • Have situational awareness.
  • When attacked, climb a tree or hide behind a rock.

Avoid Snakes Attacks While Running

Snakes are another animal that poses little to no threat, as the majority tend to fall within the harmful variety.

Only a small minority of snakes are poisonous, so you shouldn’t treat them all as if they are.

For example, there are only 20 species of venomous snakes in the U.S.—the most dangerous one is the infamous rattlesnake.

If you encounter a snake with a triangular-shaped head—as opposed to a round one—your life might be in danger.

That’s a telltale sign of a poisonous serpent.

Like most other animals, snakes are only a danger when harassed or feel threatened.

Otherwise, they want nothing to do with you.

What’s more?

Most snakes are nocturnal creatures, spending most of the day sleeping or sunning themselves, and are most active throughout spring and early fall.

The Warning Signs

  • Hissing
  • trying to escape
  • Feign striking
  • Assuming an S position.
  • Withdrawal of the head or tail
  • Hiding the head
  • Watching you and stalking your movement.

How To Approach

  • Pay attention to where you’re placing your feet and hands, especially when running over a log or climbing over boulders.
  • Suppose you see a snake on a trail or road; back away slowly and far from the snake. Stop and sprint in the other direction if you have to. If you are confident enough to jump far, take a big leap.
  • Do not goad the snake in any way. But, again, this is not the time for selfies.
  • When attacked, stay calm and head to the emergency room ASAP. Call 911 if you suspect a poisonous attack. Keep in mind that sucking out venom only works in the movies. Sucking venom makes it spread quicker into your system. Lethal!

Avoid Moose Attacks While Running

This may surprise you, but moose are likely the most dangerous farmyard animals.

They’re huge and have a bad temper, so stay away from them for your safety.

Again, moose want nothing to do with you unless they feel endangered.

Bulls—the male moose—is super territorial, and females may see you as a threat to their calf.

Moose pose the most danger during the spring—the calving season—and fall—the rutting season.

Warning Signs

  • Broadside display in an attempt to show off size.
  • Animals move their ears, smacking their lips and raising the hair on their hump.
  • Yes, a pissing contest.
  • Pawing the ground with the forefoot.
  • Licking the lip

How To Approach

  • Keep your distance from moose.
  • Suppose it charges, sprint away. They often drop the chase after a few strides.
  • When attacked, climb a tree or head for the fence. It’s not the time to test your superpowers (not yet).

Avoid Animal Attacks While Trail Running – The Conclusion

Exploring the unknown while logging the miles is one of the greatest pleasures of being a runner.

All in all, keeping your eyes open is your best defense against animal attacks while running.

If you see one before it sees you, you’ll have enough time to scurry away and avoid an unpleasant experience.

Any experience running into wildlife?

Feel free to share along with your tips and tricks!

Here’s the full guide to running safety.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

Stay safe out there.

Keep Running Strong.

David D.

How to Walk 10,000 Steps A Day?

walking 10,000 steps

Walking is good for you. It helps you stay fit, lose weight, and improve endurance—I can go on and on.

However, increasing your daily step count is easier said than done. Maybe you spend most of your day behind a work desk, live in a not-so-walk-friendly city, or don’t feel like doing it after a long day.

Whatever your reasons (and excuses), don’t give up before you read the rest of this article.

Though a 20-minute walk daily is better than sitting at home the whole day, more is usually better. Many health organizations and fitness experts recommend that people should take around 10,000 steps a day.

At a glance, 10,000 steps may sound like a lot to process, but if you build the right habits, aiming for 10,000 steps per day can be a realistic goal.

In today’s article, I’ll delve into the following:

  • How many miles is 10,000 steps
  • How Many Steps Should You Take A Day?
  • How many calories do you burn walking 10,000 steps per day
  • How Long Does it Take To Walk 10,000 Steps?
  • Benefits of walking 10000 steps a day
  • How to walk 10k steps a day,
  • Proper walking form
  • And so much more

Sounds great?

Let’s lace up and dig in

10,000 Steps Per Day Explained

Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the past few decades, the 10K step daily target is a practice you must be familiar with.

But did you know that the 10,000 steps principle didn’t come from science but from a marketing campaign?

Yes. And here’s the whole story.

The 10,000 steps per day came from pedometers sold in Japan in the 60s. Shortly after the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games, a Japanese company started selling a pedometer called the Manpo-key. In Japanese, Manpo-key translates to 10,000 (Man), steps (P.O.), and meter (Kei).

The fitness device became an overnight success, and the number seems to have stuck.

How Many Steps Should You Take A Day?

This is where things can get a little bit murky.

But science may have the answer. Research has reported that healthy adults typically log roughly 4,000 and 18,000 steps daily. Even if you’re bad at math, this makes the 10,0000 steps per day a realistic goal for most people.

Research from the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity recommends that we should be taking between 4,000 to 18,000 steps per day.

However, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults do 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of intense exercise a week instead of aiming for a daily step count.

That said, please remember there’s no specific magic number of steps for an age group. What’s right for one person might not be the same for another since everyone is different.

For instance, if you have a chronic condition that impacts your ability to walk, I’d urge you to consult your doctor to know your options and determine your best action plan. Otherwise, aiming to reach the higher end of the daily step count is a good idea if you’re healthy.

Recommend Daily Step By Age

Age is an importance variable when it comes to daily step count.

Overall, daily activities reduce as we get older. This also impacts how many steps we should take per day.

According to the center for disease control and prevention (CDC), the younger you’re, the more likely you’re meeting their guidelines for aerobic activity.

What’s more?

A review has reported that people over 18 take around 4,000 to 18,000 steps per day. However, a study examining how many steps children and adolescents take revealed a daily account of anywhere from 10,000 to 16,000 steps per day.

The researchers also reported that the daily step count drops drastically as teenagers approach age 18.

How come?

Daily step count will likely decrease as we age as we either become university students and/or enter the workforce.

The younger we are, the more steps we need to take. This is primarily due to walking around during the school day, joining physical education classes, or simply having fun with friends outdoors.

As a general rule, research suggests that kids aim for a minimum of 6,000 to 15,000 steps a day once they learn how to walk properly and their bones have completely developed. Kids that are overall more active, whether they regularly play sports or run often around the playground, should be on the higher end of the range.

How Far are 10000 Steps?

Ten thousand steps equal roughly five miles, or eight kilometers—about two hours of physical movement.

Unless you have an active job, such as a teacher or waiter, taking 10,000 steps a day with everyday activity is tricky. For example, surveys show that less-than-active individuals log around 3,000 steps or fewer per day of running everyday errands.

Most adults have a stride length of roughly 2.1 to 2.5 feet, so it would take more than 2,000 steps to cover a mile. Of course, the taller the person, the longer their stride is likely to be

How Long Does it Take To Walk 10,000 Steps?

Overall, most adults can comfortably log in 1,000 steps in ten minutes. This is likely slower than if you deliberately walked fast because you’re late but testily faster than you would walk during an easy stroll.

At around 3 miles per hour, it’ll take 100 minutes to cover 10,000 steps.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not recommending that you should walk the entire 10,000 steps in one go. In general, you’ll build up to it through your day-to-day activities. Remember that you might need to do a 30 to 45-minute walk to reach the 10,000-step goal.

Every step counts. And the more you walk, the more steps you accumulate. For example,  you could walk during lunch break, walk to work, or have a walk-and-talk work meeting—the options are virtually endless (more on this later).

Fortunately: Getting there is a real challenge regardless of your fitness level. Whether you walk, jog, or run, as long as you’re motivated, you’ll succeed.

Additional resource – How to Do a Run Streak

walking 10,000 steps per day
Sport Fitness Women running exercise in modern city wear wellness sportswear outside. Young woman workout outdoor exercising on bright sunny outside. Healthy wellness lifestyle woman concept.

Where you Stack Up

Are you taking enough steps every day? Check out the following:

  • Inactive – Fewer than 5,000 steps per day
  • Average – Between 5,000 to 7,500 steps per day
  • Active – Ranges from 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day
  • Very active – More than 10,000 steps per day.

Note – Don’t feel frustrated if your daily step is low. By applying some of the strategies shared below, you’ll be on your way to taking more steps every day than before.

Can Walking 10,000 Steps Help You Lose Weight?

Of course, walking can help you reach your goal weight as long as you burn more calories than you take in through your diet.

Not losing weight while walking 10,000 steps every day? Then take a look at your diet and/or exercise more.

Weight loss is a numbers game. You simply need to burn more calories than you eat to lose pounds. Calories in Vs. Calories out. Most experts recommend a calorie deficit of roughly 500 calories daily to lose one pound a week.

Therefore, walking 10,000 steps a day can help you achieve your goals to lose or keep a healthy weight.

Overall, expect to burn around 30-40 calories per 1,000 steps of walking. This can add up to 300 to 400 calories by walking 10,000 steps. But keep in mind that this is just a rough estimate. Although every step burns calories, the exact amount.

The calorie burn rate varies widely among people. Factors impacting calorie burn include weight, speed, stride length, walking surface, and fitness level. But overall, the more steps, the better.

Why 10,000 Steps Per Day Is Good For you

The long list of fitness and health benefits of spending more time on your feet is inspiring.

Walking regularly improves cardiovascular fitness, helps you lose weight, strengthens bones, boosts endurance, and reduces your risk of developing certain chronic diseases such as heart problems, osteoporosis, type II diabetes, and some cancers.

Let me explain more.

Disease Prevention

Research published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity shows that walking daily can help overall health and reduce certain health risks such as diabetes, heart disease, and blood pressure.

Improved Strength

By definition, walking is a weight-bearing exercise. This, in turn, helps improve strength in your main walking muscles.

Walking also puts pressure on your bones, which helps boost bone strength.

Improved Endurance

I hate to state the obvious, but walking builds endurance. The more you walk, the more endurance you build.

So gradually increasing your daily steps, even by little, can help you slowly improve your overall endurance and conditioning. Once you can comfortably walk for more than 90 minutes per day, you can up the challenge by doing more intense exercise, such as running.

Achieve Healthy Weight

Walking can also help you lose weight and keep it off for good.

Of course, don’t take my word for it.

Research from the University of Texas revealed that taking fewer than 5,000 steps daily may limit your body’s ability to metabolize fat the next day.

This fat build-up can boost your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Just remember to back up your walking routine with a healthy diet—otherwise, all the steps will be in vain when losing weight.

Establish a Routine

Even if you don’t like to plan, having a daily routine helps keep you on track.

As a rule, choose a time of the day that works best for logging your daily recommend steps, then try to stick to it every day so that it becomes a habit.

Remember that there’s no right or wrong time of day to walk, but if you keep it up for long enough, it’s usually easier to form the habit. The rest is just details.

Your 10,000 steps plan might look something like this:

  • By 10:00 am, I’ll have 2,000 steps done
  • By noon, ill have covered 3500 steps
  • By 03:00 pm, I’ll have reached 5000 steps
  • By 06:30 pm, I’ll have finished 7500 steps.
  • By 09:00 pm, I’ll have completed 10,000 steps.

Choosing a template like this provides a schedule and accountability—both work better for achieving any goal.

Determine your Current Average

The best first step you can take (no pun intended) to take more daily steps is to start by determining your current baseline. Monitor your step count for a few days using a step counter or a smartphone app. Remember that you shouldn’t try to jump from 2,000 steps a day to 10,000 overnight. It doesn’t work that way.

Once you determine your average baseline, aim to add 1,500 to 2,000 steps a day. That’s around walking one mile extra per day. As your body gets used to the extra movement, take more steps by lengthening your walks or walking more often so you can get closer to logging 10,000 steps per day (more on this later).

Get A Fitness Tracker

You cannot improve on what you cannot measure. You need a reliable fitness tracker to monitor your daily step count.

Many useful fitness trackers are on the market, so find one that suits your budget and goals. But please use it often and right. Don’t just buy it for the sake of having one. It’s not worth it.

The one I’d recommend is Fitbit. It keeps track of your daily step count, heart rate, elevation gain, sleep cycles, and other vital stats.

Lunch Hour Walk

If possible, walk around the block for 20 to 30 minutes from your allowed lunchtime break. Too lazy to walk around outside? Try to walk indoors.

In 30 minutes, you can log in to 3400-3700 steps—more than a third of the goal.

What’s more? Depending on weight, walking pace, and terrain, you might burn as many as 200 calories.

You’ll also feel more focused at work. Your boss will approve.

Go Hands-Free

Another tactic to help you fit in a few more steps is to take your work calls on the go (or simply avoid the conference room and have walking meetings).

Regardless of the reason behind the call, the minutes spent strolling while on the phone add up.

Walking while on a 20-minute phone call is worth roughly 1700-1900 steps—or about 20 percent of the daily goal. Bonus, you won’t feel lonely on the track.

 Active Weekends

Some weekends you want to do nothing but lounge on the couch, but you’re better off being more active. Staycation is fun, but you don’t want the weekend laziness to get carried to your until Monday, right?

There are many options. Here are a few:

  • Explore a nearby town on foot
  • Take a hike at a local mountain
  • Sign up for a charity walk
  • Visit a local park and immerse yourself in local trails

In short, anything that gets out of the house and moving is a good plan for the weekend.

Park Farther Away

Whether it’s your workplace, the mall, or the grocery store, make it a habit to park as far as possible from your destination.

Even a couple hundred steps walking to or from parking adds up fast.

What’s more?

Sticking to the back of the parking lot will protect your car from many a dent and ding.

Get Off Earlier

If you commute to work using public transport, hop off your train or bus one stop—or more—early.

Picking up the pace to catch your work meeting could win you over 1700 precious steps in 20 minutes—or  18 percent of your daily goal.

Partner Up

Bring along your family and friends. Walking together is a fantastic opportunity to connect with others and be more social, which can drastically impact your health and well-being.

Time also passes quickly when you’re walking with someone else.

Play With your Kids

Schedule aside a family walking time for 30 to 45 minutes, if possible, three or more days per week.

This will help you get one step (no pun intended) closer to achieving your target of daily physical activity and your kids’ too.

In addition, introducing an active lifestyle in the early years will improve your kids’ performance.

There are many games you can play. You can hit the park to play soccer or Frisbee. Hide and seek is another wonderful game. Or simply take the kids for a walk around the block.

Walk To The Store

Live within 15 to 20 minutes of walking distance of the grocery store, pharmacy, or post office?

Then consider getting there on two feet instead of four wheels.

Even if the post office is too far, it is still not an excuse as you can simply park your car a little farther then walk the whole way.

Take The Stairs

Taking the stairs helps a lot. This is because each flight of stairs you walk up is roughly the equivalent of taking 40 steps on flat ground.

For example, if you work on the fourth floor, you can squeeze in over 200 steps by avoiding the elevator when you get in and leave home for the day.

What’s more?

Climbing stairs burn about 70 to 100 calories in 20 minutes, depending on your size, fitness level, etc. The faster pace and/or the more weight you carry, the more calories you’ll burn.

Walk The Dog

Calling all dog owners. Walking your dog is a fun way to spend quality time with your dog while logging in your steps.

It’s also something you have to do every day. So even if you’re not in the mood for walking, your dog might be. Remember that your dog is not a doll. It requires physical activity the same as you.

Remember to WALK the dog instead of letting him out of the leash to roam around.

I’d recommend that you follow his lead, and before you know it, you’ll have taken more than 3000 steps in 30 minutes.

Get Dancing

To add some fun while chasing after those 10,000 steps, put on your favorite song and dance around your living room like you don’t care—there’s no one watching, after all.

Hopefully, no one is. So you can count it as a fun cardio workout.

Get A Standing Desk

Standing desks follow the same logic – they allow you to work while you stand. These have a lot to offer, from protecting against back pain and heart disease to lowering your risks of weight gain.

Can’t afford a standing desk?

Look for tasks where you can stand, such as reading hard-copy reports or taking conference calls on the go.

Use A Pedometer

You cannot improve on what you cannot measure. And to measure something, you need to know how to track it.

That’s where using a pedometer can come in handy.

This device helps you monitor your daily step count. This can motivate and help keep you accountable for your 10,000 steps goal.

What’s more,

Some of these devices are programmed with a goal of 10,000 steps per day.

For example, realizing that you have only logged in 3000 steps and it’s already 4 pm should incentivize you to spend more time on your feet before you call it a day.

Your Walking Technique

Lastly, to get the most out of your walks, do it right—practice good form the entire time.

Good technique helps you walk longer while avoiding pain. What’s not to like?

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Keep a straight posture. Do not lean back or forward.
  • Stand up straight with shoulder back but relaxed.
  • Avoid sitting back on your hips
  • Keep your chin parallel to the ground while gazing ahead.
  • Keep moving your hips from side to side in a continuous manner.
  • Keep your core muscles engaged and firm
  • Point your feet forward. Pointing your feet too much outward or inward may cause injury.
  • Keep your body tall. Avoid arching your back but allow the natural curves in your spine

Getting Started With 10000 Steps A Day

You don’t need to shoot for 10,000 steps from the get-go. Start small; go slow.

This is especially true if you haven’t walked for more than 20 minutes a day in a long while.

Generally, start with 20 to 30 minutes of consecutive walking. If that’s too much, shoot for three 5-minute walking at a time. The more active you’re, the more you can do. You’re doing your health and well-being a great service by going the extra step instead of sitting on your watching TV.

10K steps per day –  The Conclusion

There you have it! If you’re looking to increase your daily step count—and why not reach 10,000 steps or more—then today’s post will get you heading in the right direction—no pun intended. The rest is really up to you.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.