Your Complete Guide To High Knees – The Benefits & The Technique

High knees

Looking for an exercise that gets your heart through the roof and improves your running? Look no further than high knees.

Though it’s a simple movement, high knees is one of the best cardiovascular exercises.

Performing this simple exercise gets your body moving and your heart racing while also activating your core and leg muscles like nothing else.

But how do high knees help your running form, and how can they perform them correctly? That’s where today’s post comes in handy.

In this guide to high knees, I’ll cover everything you need to know to add high knees to your training plan.

These include:

  • What are high knees
  • What muscles do high knees target
  • The benefits of high knees
  • The proper technique for high knees
  • Common high knees mistake to avoid
  • High knees workouts
  • And so much more

What Are High Knees?

High knees are an excellent cardiovascular exercise used in various sports and disciplines.

High knees is a classic running drill considered a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise. This works well for burning calories and building strength, power, and endurance.

The movement consists of a mix of running in place with exaggerated knee lifts. You basically run, or sprint, in place or a forward direction while driving the knees as high as you can, arms moving up and down beside you – simulating running.

Although high knees may look easy, it’s still challenging and hits about every muscle below your waist, including your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and glutes.

In addition, high knees work well for priming your body for activity thanks to the full body burn and cardio boost. This is why high knees are great exercises for any warm-up routine.

What’s more?

The high knees exercises are also a plyometric movement that improves neuromuscular efficiency, which helps improve your agility, acceleration, explosiveness, and overall speed!

But what I like the most about high knees is that you can do them pretty much anywhere. In your bedroom. Or In the kitchen. Or In the garage. Or At the gym. Or In the office. Or In the park. Or… you choose.

As long as you have enough space, you’re free to “high knee.”

What Muscles Do High Knees Work?

The high knee is a weight-bearing exercise; therefore, it will drastically impact your core and upper and lower body muscles.

More specifically, the exercise mostly targets the muscles of the lower body, and that includes:

  • Glutes
  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Calves
  • Hip flexors

The exercise also requires using the core and abdominals to assist with proper form. You can also get some pump in your biceps and triceps if you contract your arms properly.

Additional resource – Single leg bridge technique

How Many Calories Do High Knees Burn?

This is one of the most common questions people have about high knees.

I hate to break it to you, but I don’t know the exact answer, as it hinges on the individual.

Like any other exercise, it’s not easy to tell the exact amount of calories to burn when you perform this particular exercise since it all depends on variables such as weight, fitness level, age, training intensity, etc.

But overall, high knees will burn around 100 calories every 10 minutes at mild to intense effort. You can burn off more than roughly 60 calories in just five minutes if you up the intensity to the max.

This is one reason high knees are often highly recommended for weight loss and often incorporated into most fitness programs.

To make the most out of it, keep intensity to the max. At the end of the day, the harder you work, the more calories you burn.

Additional Guide – A leg workout for runners

How To Perform High Knees The Right Way

Now that you know a thing or two about high knees let’s look at how you can do them.

What I like the most about high knees is that it is too easy to perform. Plus, you won’t need any equipment or a great deal of technique to master the basic movements.

All you have to do is follow the following guidelines.

Proper Form

Begin by standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms by your side, and weight centered over the ball of the feet.

Drive your right knee and foot back toward the floor as you raise your left knee as high as possible, then bring the left heel toward your glutes. Keep running on the spot while lifting your knees to at least hip height, back straight and landing on the balls of your feet.

Make sure to pump your arms the same way you do while running—or sprinting. This helps generate enough momentum to keep your knees high, even after you get drenched in sweat.

Remember to breathe deeply and as naturally as possible, with a steady and smooth rhythm.

Repeat the movement for 30 seconds, slowly extending the time you perform the exercise.

Additional Resource- Here’s the full guide to RPE in running.

High Knees For Beginners

In case the standard high knees exercise is too challenging, whether you’re in bad shape or have a chronic injury, I’d recommend performing high knees by marching in place. This version has less impact and is beginner friendly.

During this exercise, you’re keeping one foot in touch with the ground at all times.

Additional Resource – Running after knee replacement

Advanced High Knees

Once you’ve mastered the proper high knees technique, it’s time to do more challenging moves.

One version is the weighted high knees. During this exercise, wear a weighted vest or put on light ankle weights and start “high kneeing” as fast and hard as possible.

Additional Resource – How Many Calories Should a Runner Eat

High Knee Sprinting

Bored of running in place? Then make things more interesting by doing the high knee sprinting.

Here’s how.

Start by doing the same high knees movement but move forward on each knee drive.

Make sure to drive your elbows back vigorously while landing on the balls of your feet. Then, quickly drive the next leg up.

You can also try this agility ladder drills routine.

10 minutes Bodyweight-Only Cardio Challenge

As I’ve stated, the high knees exercise is a great warm-up move.

In fact, by simply performing high knees for a prolonged period, you can get a complete cardio workout like nothing else. Of course, this is as long as you don’t mind running in place for an extended period.

But you can also incorporate the exercise into other workout routines to mix them up.

Try the following routine, and remember to start with a 10-minute dynamic warm-up to get your system ready for the intensity.

Circuit training is a fun way to work out and get your endurance and strength in at the same time.

Perform the exercises for one minute, recover for 15 seconds, then move to the next exercise. Move from one exercise to the next with little to no breaks. Rest for one minute at the end, then repeat the circuit.

  • High knees
  • Jumping jack
  • Lateral jumps
  • Push-ups
  • Bear crawls

Repeat the circuit five times. Finish off with a cool-down stretch.

Age Grading in Running: The Ultimate Guide to Fair Performance Comparison

age grading in runners

Have you ever been curious about age grading in the world of running?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Running is a sport that welcomes people of all ages and abilities.

You can find runners ranging from kids to octogenarians at race venues, all striving to be the best they can be. What’s fascinating is that each runner’s performance is unique, influenced by factors like age and gender.

Men and women have different performance levels on average, and older runners might not be as fast as their younger counterparts, and that’s perfectly normal.

But how can you compare your performance to others when there are such variations?

That’s where age grading comes into play.

In this article, we’ll delve into all the details about age grading, its advantages, precision, and even help you determine your age-graded times. So, let’s dive in!

Additional resource – What’s the best temperature for running

What is Age Grading?

Age grading is like the wise old sage of running. It considers your age as a factor and assesses how your performance measures up against others, regardless of age or gender.

This magical formula produces a percentage score for each run, allowing runners to be judged against each other, regardless of age or gender.

It’s like a measuring stick that helps you gauge your abilities accurately

How Does It Work?

Think of age grading as your running time’s BFF, telling you how it stacks up against an “ideal” time for your age and gender. But don’t worry; this “ideal” time isn’t an unattainable world record. It’s more like a customized target that levels the playing field.

Additional Resource – What’s the best temperature for running?

The Math Behind The Tables

Ever wondered how age grading works its numerical wizardry to level the racing field? Let’s take a peek behind the curtain and uncover the math that fuels those tables.

Crunching the Numbers

Age grade tables are the brainchild of number-crunching statisticians who meticulously analyze race times across various age groups and genders. These data treasures span every distance from speedy 5Ks to epic marathons.

Finding the Sweet Spot

By examining these times, the statisticians can identify the cream of the crop for each age and gender. It’s like discovering the “Goldilocks time” – not too fast, not too slow, but just right.

Unlocking the Power of Comparison

Now, here’s where the magic kicks in. These values become the yardstick for comparing performances across different age groups and genders, even when they’re competing in various events.

The Grading Game

So, how does your performance stack up? Age grading allows you to grade your own performance, much like a teacher grading a test. Your race time is compared to the “ideal” time for your age and gender, giving you a percentage score that reveals where you stand.

The Ultimate Equalizer

Age grading is the ultimate equalizer in the world of running. It doesn’t matter if you’re 20 or 60, male or female; it levels the playing field and lets you chase your personal best with a fair shot.

Additional resource – Strava for runners

Where Did Age-Graded Scores Come From?

Ever wondered where those age-graded scores come from? Let’s dive into the backstory:

The Birth of Age Grading

Age-graded scores owe their existence to the World Association of Veteran Athletes (WAVA). This organization is the powerhouse behind master long-distance running, racewalking, and track & field.

From 1989 to 2015

The first age-graded tables made their debut in 1989, and they’ve been evolving ever since. As of my last knowledge update in 2021, the latest update was in 2015 (things might have changed since then).

Benchmarking with World Records

Here’s where the magic happens. WAVA takes world record performances as the gold standard. For each age, gender, and distance category, these records become the benchmarks.

Creating the Age-Graded Tables

WAVA compiles a treasure trove of world record-level standards for ages ranging from 5 to 100, catering to both men and women. They also curate separate standards for various road race distances, like the 5K, 8K, 10K, half marathon, and full marathon.

The Formula in Action

Now, let’s see it in action. If a 50-year-old gentleman clocks a 5K in 31:00, and the world record for a 50-year-old is a blazing 15:00, his age-graded performance would be 48 percent (15:00 divided by 31:00).

Additional Resource – Here’s how to run faster

The Practicalities of Age Grading

ge grading isn’t just a numbers game; it has practical applications that benefit runners in various ways. Here’s how:

Comparing Apples to Oranges

One of the core functions of age grading is to level the playing field. It lets you compare the performance of runners who might not be in the same age group, making competition fair. Imagine a 61-year-old gentleman finishing a 5K in 21:30 – it’s a remarkable feat. Comparatively, a 23-year-old clocking 18:30, while faster in absolute terms, doesn’t quite match up. Age grading helps you recognize and appreciate the achievements of older athletes.

A Glimpse into the Past

Ever wished you could time-travel and compete with your younger self? Age grading offers a glimpse into what you might have achieved in your prime. By adjusting your current performance to what you could have done in your younger years it helps you draw a line of comparison with your past self.

Tracking Progress Over Time

For seasoned runners, age grading becomes a tool for tracking progress. As you age, your running times might naturally slow down, but age grading lets you see if you’re still improving relative to your younger days. It’s like a personalized performance history that keeps you motivated.

Targeting Personal Bests at Any Age

Age grading isn’t just about reminiscing; it’s about setting goals. It allows you to identify ideal personal bests for different phases of your running journey. So, whether you’re in your 20s or your 50s, age grading helps you aim for the right targets at the right times.

Additional Resource – Guide To Running Race Distances

Life Is Fair…Sometimes

Age grading, as we’ve discussed, is a valuable tool for fair comparisons in the world of running. However, it’s not without its limitations. Here’s where life isn’t always fair:

Mother Nature’s Unpredictability

Age grading doesn’t account for the unpredictable elements of nature. The weather, temperature, terrain, and other environmental factors can significantly affect running performance. So, while age grading levels the playing field among athletes, it can’t level the weather playing field.

Despite this limitation, age grading remains a useful and fair benchmark for runners. It helps individuals set objectives, track progress, and draw comparisons that might not be apparent in raw race times. So, even if life isn’t always fair when it comes to weather, age grading ensures fairness in assessing your running achievements.

Additional Resource  – Here’s your guide to advanced running metrics

Calculating Your Score

Calculating your age-graded score is a breeze with online calculators. All you need to do is input your age, gender, event distance, and finish time, and voilà! Your percentage score is at your fingertips.

But what does that percentage mean?

  • 100%: You’re in the ballpark of the world record level – elite territory!
  • 90%+: You’ve reached a world-class level – you’re among the best.
  • 80%+: You’ve achieved a national class level – you’re a top performer.
  • 70%+: You’re at a regional class level – strong and competitive.
  • 60%+: You’re at a local class level – respectable and still improving.

Here’s the truth.

Don’t feel discouraged if your score for a certain distance is far from the world record time. Overall, if you score around 90 percent or above, then you should count yourself as world-class (or check if your watch is still working).

Additional Resources:

How To Run in the City – Your Guide To Urban Running

How To Run in the City

Running often in the city and want to make the most out of it? Then this article is for you.

If you live in a city or an urban area, then you know these locations present exceptional challenges for runners.

The streets are crowded with cars, and the sidewalk are crowded with people.

There’s awful traffic, terrible drivers, stray dogs, construction sites, and danger at every corner.

But don’t let these hindrances set you back.

How To Run in the City

As long as you plan your running routes the right way, running in the city can make for an enjoyable session.

In today’s post, I’ll share my best tips for running outdoors in a crowded city.

Avoid Rush Hour

I hate to state the obvious, but running in the city is no easy walk in the park.

City running is a little riskier due to congested roads, increased traffic, pollution, imperfect drivers, and bad road conditions.

The busier the traffic gets, the more likely the risk of crossing paths with other road users—some encounters that might not end be so positive.

Also, you’ll spend more time maneuvering around traffic on busier traffic times than actually moving forward. This might mean burning as much energy dodging cars as moving forward.

For these reasons, and some more, try to avoid hitting the road during rush hour.  Instead, schedule your workouts around rush hours.

These can vary by city, but often that means hitting the pavement in the early morning or later in the after afternoon.

In my experience, even the busiest metropolitan areas are relatively quiet early in the morning or late in the evening.

However, if you’re going to run when it’s dark out there, make sure to stick to a well-lit road. Also, wear clothing with reflective strips for extra visibility.

You can never be too careful out there.

You can also run in the park, trails, or other green spaces. Not only are these spaces less polluted, but research has also found that greenspaces positively impact our health and well-being.

Can’t find any nearby greenspaces? Then at the very least, avoid heavily trafficked roads. Studies have reported that busy roads, to no one’s surprise, have higher levels of air pollution.

On the other hand, running in a  parallel side street can drastically lower your exposure to air pollution. For example, one research reported four times lower carbon monoxide levels on parallel side streets than on main roads.

Additional Resource – What’s the best temperature for running?

Run Against Traffic

Though it’s never a good idea, running on the road might be your only option during a city run.

When it’s the case, it’s key to know, and abide by, the rules of the road. These can vary depending on the city and location.

The golden rule is to run against traffic than with traffic so that oncoming drivers can see you. You can also see oncoming traffic, allowing room to maneuver in case things go awry.

What’s more?

You should also avoid running in bike lanes. Taking up that space will force the biker into traffic, putting them in danger. And you don’t want that, right?

No matter how much we dislike those bikers, it’s no reason to put them in harm’s way.

Additional Resource – Does running make you old

Keep The Music Down

Music can make training much more enjoyable as it helps tune out the discord of city noise and enjoy your time while you run. It’s also a fantastic way to beat boredom on runs—and the rhythms of a killer playlist can even help you set and keep a steady running pace.

Don’t take my word for it. Research has supported the impact of music on improving athletic performance.

Though music has its pros, it also makes you less aware of your surroundings, which can prove risky.

The solution?

Keep the volume somewhat low, so you can still be aware of what’s happening around you.

Running in a dangerous area, but you and your music are inseparable? Then consider only putting one earbud in while you run.

It’s better to be careful than sorry.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to protect yourself from dogs

Check the Forecast

Another thing to be wary of when running in the city is pollution.  Surveys have also found, to no one’s surprise, that busy roads boast higher levels of air pollution.

Air pollution varies with the location and weather. Some cities are more congested, thus expelling more air exhaust.

Air pollution is also often worst during hot and sunny days. But it’s cleaner after rainy or windy weather.

What’s more?

If you have pollen allergies, air pollution can make them worse.

For these reasons, if you’ve any pollen allergies, pay attention to the pollen count, especially on highly polluted days. Research has reported that pollen grains may interact with the chemicals in air pollutants.

Fortunately, as I’ve stated before, running in parallel side streets can drastically lower exposure to air pollution.

Still worried about exhaust fumes? Then try using an activated charcoal anti-pollution mask.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to create a running program

Stay Safe

As far as I can tell that safety is one of the most pressing issues of running in cities. Here are a few safety tips to help you protect yourself out there:

  • Keep your eyes up and scan for any potential danger. Never look down, no matter how well you know the street.
  • Double-check when crossing streets. Bikes can come out of nowhere. I learned this the hard way.
  • Be willing to work around pedestrians on the sidewalks, as they won’t move for you. Most people are busy daydreaming and staring at their phones.
  • Assume that drivers and other road users can see you no matter what time of day it is.
  • Yield to other road users for your and their safety.
  • Make eye contact with road users, especially drivers, before crossing the road to ensure they see you.
  • Keep the music down
  • Stick to well-lit roads with good visibility
  • Wear reflective clothing so other road users can see you better.
  • Put on a head torch on dark mornings or nights to ensure you can see and be seen.
  • Tell someone about your whereabouts and how long you’ll be gone.

Additional Resource – Running and pollution

Map Your Route

Planning your running route ahead of time can help you make the most out of the city’s geography. This can also help you adjust to running in a new city.

What’s more?

Mapping out your routes beforehand reduces the risk of unwanted surprises (such as dead ends or private drives) and removes the fear of getting lost in a new environment.

So before you head out the door, try to find a scenic path or make sure you’ll log most of your miles in less polluted areas. Avoid busy streets at all times.

You should plan your route around parks and other pedestrian-friendly areas.

What’s more?

Timing also matters. Try to avoid outdoor running during times with heavy car and pedestrian traffic. But, again, this varies from city to city and the time of the year.

To help you map out that running route:

  • Join running clubs and their online forums. Some clubs organize virtual runs.
  • Check the USA Track & Field’s online database of routes
  • Use one of the many running apps such as Strava, RunKeeper, MapMyRun, or RunGo. These apps can help you discover popular local runs or develop your own while filtering for distance and elevation.
  • Ask other runners, gym buddies, or friends
  • Join online forums.
  • Don’t give up.

Too much to handle? Then head to the nearest track and field. Here’s how many laps is a mile around a standard track.

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How to run with seasonal Allergies

Night running tips

How to Train For Your First 8K – Training Plans & Advice

How to Train For Your First 8K

Looking to tackle the exhilarating challenge of an 8K race, but feeling a bit lost in the maze of distances and training? Well, my running friend, consider this your ultimate pit stop for all things 8K-related.

Let’s kick things off with a little geography lesson: an 8K race spans a precise distance of 4.97 miles. It’s like embarking on a captivating journey that balances the endurance of a 5K with the exhilaration of a 10K. An intermediate-distance event that holds the promise of accomplishment for runners of all levels, even if you’re just dipping your toes into the running world.

Today, I’ve got your back with a comprehensive guide that will unravel the mysteries surrounding 8K training. From understanding the distance and setting goals to exploring the terrain of the race itself, we’ll leave no stone unturned. Consider it your one-stop-shop for all things 8K.

Let’s lace up and dive headfirst into the realm of 8K running adventures!

How Far is 8K?

So, how many miles does an 8K actually cover? Well, my friend, the “8” in 8K stands for eight kilometers. Now, unless you’ve been living in a land where the metric system hasn’t quite caught on, you’re probably familiar with the concept of kilometers. However, if you’re in the US, Liberia, or Myanmar, well, you’re still holding onto the imperial system for dear life. Don’t ask me why, it’s just one of those quirky things.

To bridge the gap between miles and kilometers, let’s do a little math. One mile is equivalent to approximately 1.6 kilometers. In turn, one kilometer is roughly 0.62 miles. Now, here’s where the numbers dance their way to the finish line—an 8K race clocks in at around 5 miles. Ta-da!

What’s a good 8K Finish Time?

Now, let’s shift gears and talk about what constitutes a good finish time for an 8K race. Keep in mind that the definition of “good” can vary from one runner to another. However, for most beginners embarking on this 8K adventure, a solid range to aim for falls between 40 to 50 minutes. That’s right, my friend, you’re looking at conquering those 8 kilometers within that time frame.

If you’re up for a challenge and eager to set a milestone to beat, aiming for the 40-minute mark can be a fantastic achievement for beginners. It’s like reaching that summit and planting your victory flag for all to see.

Is It Hard to Run an 8K?

Again, there’s no black-or-white answer since each runner is different. If you’re a beginner, running 5 miles out of the gate might be out of the question without the right build-up.

Conversely, intermediate or advanced runners may run the distance within 30 minutes or less.

Is an 8K Good For Complete Beginner Runners?

Although an 8K is indeed shorter compared to its 10K and longer counterparts, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it as your very first running race. Why, you ask? Well, diving headfirst into the deep end of the pool might be a bit too much for you to handle right off the bat. We don’t want you feeling like you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, do we?

Think of it this way: running an 8K as your inaugural race is like attempting a triple somersault before you’ve even mastered a simple cartwheel. It’s not impossible, but it might lead to disappointment and frustration if your body isn’t quite ready for the challenge.

So, here’s my humble suggestion for all you newcomers to the running world: start with a 5K event. These delightful races are perfect for dipping your toes into the world of competitive running. They give you a taste of the excitement, the camaraderie, and the exhilaration of crossing that finish line. Plus, they allow your body to gradually adapt to the demands of running in a competitive setting.

Now, don’t you worry if you’ve already got some running experience under your belt. If you can confidently conquer 5 miles without skipping a beat, then by all means, go for that 8K! Remember, different runners have different strokes, and some of you may already possess the skills and stamina to tackle the challenge head-on.

The 8K Training Plan Explained

It’s time to dive into the juicy details of your training plan. Think of it as a delicious recipe that will guide you through your weekly runs, helping you build the strength and endurance needed to conquer that 8K finish line with a triumphant smile.

Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty, let me drop a little nugget of wisdom. It’s crucial to give your body some breathing room between your runs. So, as a general rule, avoid running two days in a row. Your muscles and joints will thank you for the thoughtful consideration.

But fear not for non-running days are not meant to be boring and sedentary. Oh no! This is where the magic of cross-training comes into play. Cross-training is like adding a dash of variety to your training regimen. It’s a chance to indulge in activities other than running that you genuinely enjoy. Think of it as a buffet of fitness options, waiting for you to dig in.

You’ve got options. Strength training, biking, swimming, yoga, hiking—the world is your oyster. Choose activities that ignite your passion and complement your running journey. Personally, I have a soft spot for strength training. It’s like adding secret ingredients to your running recipe. Hit the weight room at least twice a week and unleash the power of compound exercises.

Squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups, and planks—they’re like the main course of your strength training feast. These compound exercises work wonders in building your total body strength and fortifying your muscles against pesky overuse injuries. Trust me, a strong and resilient body is the key to sustained running success.

But hold on, we’re not done yet. We can’t forget about the essential garnish that adds that extra touch of flavor to your training—stretching and foam rolling exercises. Picture them as the icing on the cake, the cherry on top. Incorporating these practices into your routine will help your muscles recover and adapt to the increased demands of training.

How Many Days a Week should you Run?

Here’s the secret sauce: You can train for the 8K by running no more than three times per week. That’s right, my friends, three days of running can be enough to prepare you for the challenge that lies ahead. But hey, if you’re feeling particularly adventurous and crave more mileage, go ahead and up the ante to four days per week. It’s all about finding the sweet spot that suits your individual needs and goals.

Now, before we jump headfirst into the training frenzy, let’s talk about the importance of balance and gradual progression. You don’t want to bite off more than you can chew and end up with an unsavory running experience. So, here’s the deal: Be mindful of increasing your weekly volume by more than 10 percent per week. Studies and research papers have shown that exceeding this threshold can increase the risk of injury and hinder your overall progress. We don’t want that, do we?

Let’s talk about the star of the show—the long run. This is the session that will put your endurance to the test and make you feel like a true champion. Typically, the long run is best reserved for weekends when time stretches out like a scenic road ahead. Start with a humble distance of around three or four miles and gradually build it up week after week. Add a half mile to your long run each time until you reach a satisfying maximum of around seven miles. It’s like climbing a mountain, one step at a time, until you reach the summit.

Are You a Beginner?

Hey there, newbie runner, I’ve got a game plan that will ease you into the world of running and help you conquer that 8K challenge with style and grace.

I’m going to take a stroll down the path of the run/walk method, a tried and true approach that will help you add distance to your running regimen safely and effectively.

Picture this: you start by running for two minutes, feeling the wind in your hair and the thrill of movement. Then, you gracefully transition into a two-minute walking break, allowing your body to catch its breath and recharge. Repeat this for a total of 20 minutes, alternating between running and walking like a well-choreographed routine.

As your training progresses and your running legs grow stronger, it’s time to level up. The goal now is to spend more time running and take shorter breaks. Gradually increase the duration of your running intervals while reducing the length of your walking breaks. It’s like building a house of cards, one careful adjustment at a time. Before you know it, you’ll be running non-stop for a solid 30 minutes, feeling like a true running superstar.

Now, let’s talk about my 8K beginner plan. It assumes that you can already run non-stop for about 10 to 15 minutes or cover a mile. If that’s the case, you’re ready to embark on this 8K journey. However, if you’re starting from ground zero with zero running experience, I’d suggest starting with a couch to 5K plan. This will allow you to gradually build your running endurance at a less aggressive pace, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable progression

How To Start Training for An 8K?

Just like any other distance, mastering the art of the 8K requires a delicate balance of running, nourishing your body with the right fuel, and embracing a healthy lifestyle. It may sound like common sense to you (after all, you’re here seeking wisdom), but you’d be surprised how many runners, especially beginners, overlook these fundamental principles.

Race Day Strategy

Now, let’s talk race day strategy—the secret sauce that can make or break your performance. Remember this golden rule etched in the annals of running wisdom: don’t try anything new on race day. Stick to what has worked for you during training, from your tried-and-true strategy to your trusty shoes, comfortable clothing, and reliable nutrition plan. Consistency is key, my friend.

If you’ve been following the run/walk method during your training, don’t abandon it now. Trust in the process that has brought you this far. Believe in your abilities and maintain that winning formula. But hey, if you’re feeling a surge of energy and that fiery determination burning in your chest, go ahead and unleash your inner gazelle in the final stretch of the race. Pick up the pace, push yourself beyond your limits, and savor the taste of that exhilarating sprint to the finish line.

Though it might seem rudimentary to you (especially since you’re here reading this article), you might be surprised that not many runners—especially beginners—follow those three simple principles.

The Training Plan

My eight-week 8K training plan is designed for beginner runners who want to run an 8K race. The training plan also works for runners training for a 5-Mile race since 8K is roughly five miles.

Remember that my beginner 8K plan assumes you can run at least a mile. If this is out of the question, you might want to start with my couch to 5K plan here and train at a less challenging pace over two months.

Week – 1

Monday – Rest or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy run: 1.5 miles

Wednesday– Rest or Cross train

Thursday– Easy run: 2 miles

Friday– Rest or Cross train

Saturday– Easy run: 2 miles

Sunday – Rest

Week – 2

Monday – Rest or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy run: 2 miles

Wednesday– Rest or Cross train

Thursday– Easy run: 2 miles

Friday– Rest or Cross train

Saturday– Easy run: 3 miles

Sunday – Rest

Week – 3

Monday – Rest or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy run: 2.5 miles

Wednesday– Rest or Cross train

Thursday– Easy run: 2.5 miles

Friday– Rest or Cross train

Saturday– Easy run: 3 miles

Sunday – Rest

Week – 4

Monday – Rest or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy run: 2.5 miles

Wednesday– Rest or Cross train

Thursday– Easy run: 3 miles

Friday– Rest or Cross train

Saturday– Easy run: 4 miles

Sunday – Rest

Week – 5

Monday – Rest or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy run: 3 miles

Wednesday– Rest or Cross train

Thursday– Easy run: 3 miles

Friday– Rest or Cross train

Saturday– Easy run: 4 miles

Sunday – Rest

Additional Resource – Here’s how to create a running program

Week – 6

Monday – Rest or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy run: 3 miles

Wednesday– Rest or Cross train

Thursday– Easy run: 3 miles

Friday– Rest or Cross train

Saturday– Easy run: 5 miles

Sunday – Rest

Week – 7

Monday – Rest or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy run: 3 miles

Wednesday– Rest or Cross train

Thursday– Easy run: 3 miles

Friday– Rest or Cross train

Saturday– Easy run: 6 miles

Sunday – Rest

Week – 8

Monday – Rest or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy run: 4 miles

Wednesday– Rest or Cross train

Thursday– Easy run: 3 miles

Friday– Rest or Cross train

Saturday– Easy run: 2 miles

Sunday – Race Day

Additional Resource – Here’s how to run a 10K in one hour

The Way To Write Research Proposal In Sports Professionally

**This is a guest post**

Sports are significant to physical growth and learning. Regular physical activity is a chance to maintain normal mental health and be in shape. Every age group has a passion for discussing sports. That’s why teachers often give tasks connected to this topic. Keep reading to learn how to create an excellent proposal in sports.

What Is A Research Proposal?

A research proposal aims to provide a clear and succinct overview of the study you want to conduct. It states the primary concerns or research questions you want to answer. Simply said, a research proposal is a formal, organized paper that details the topic, rationale, and methodology of an intended study. The target audience for the assignment is a prospective supervisor, committee, or college. Most importantly, your work must persuade others to support your concept.

What Is The Purpose Of Your Research Proposal?

Its purpose is to determine whether experts in that field can support your chosen subject of study. It will be considered as part of your application’s review. The research plan that you hand in as part of your application is only the beginning point. As your ideas develop, the study you have suggested will also alter.

Research Proposal: What Does It Consist Of?

Everybody who wants to know how to write a proposal should answer the “what,” “why,” and “how” of the study. Let’s take a closer look at every part and learn what they contain. Before that, you might also check out some general advice on creating a proposal that rocks.

The Subject

Make sure your work describes your study subject in detail. That must be clear and unmistakable. If you want others to understand what you’re researching and why you need to be specific in your subject. One more task is giving a comprehensive summary of your intended study. It goes without saying that you shouldn’t begin writing your proposal until you have a clear theme in mind.


It is not sufficient to only suggest a study subject; you must also provide evidence for why your proposal is unique. To rephrase the question: what sets it apart? What void does it fill in the existing body of literature? There’s a good chance it won’t be accepted if it’s a rehash of previous studies.

However, creativity on its own is insufficient. After that, you must explain why your suggested subject is significant. Why is it important? How would the world benefit if you successfully answered your research questions?


Some details must be spoken about seriously. Think about the following questions.

  • How exactly will you go about conducting your study?
  • Is the methodology you used suitable?
  • Can you execute the strategy with the resources (both financial and human) at your disposal?

You should also include a high-level overview of your approach and significant design choices. Answer the following key questions:

  • How about a quantitative or qualitative strategy?
  • What kind of sectioning, if any, will be included?
  • Can you describe the methods you’ll use to gather information?
  • In what ways will you examine the data you’ve collected?

How To Write It, And Where To Find Examples?

Professors often forget to give enough instructions on papers’ structure and content. No wonder many students feel confused before starting to work on an essay. To find the answers to your questions and write correctly, you might use Studydriver proposal examples. Luckily, today students are not left alone with their troubles, and many professionals are willing to help. Although the specific style and structure expected of a research proposal varies from institution to institution, there are “fundamental parts” that commonly make up a framework.

We talk about:

  • The title that gives context
  • A detailed introduction and context to the proposed research
  • Limitations and implications of the study.
  • An early literature review that covers the important studies in the field.
  • Analysis of the planned study layout (methodology).

How To Write Such An Essay About Sports?

The structure and all the general rules mentioned above are the same for sports proposals. The main distinctive feature here is choosing a proper topic. Sports is a huge industry with plenty of room for growth and development. You’ll be inundated with catchy themes to discuss. Remember that your subject should be something that:

  • interests your target audience
  • helps to address a pressing problem
  • presents a novel way of looking at an established idea.

It’s excellent if your sports research topics are new, but there should be enough info about it anyway. You must be sure that you have sufficient evidence to support your idea. Do extensive research to get the necessary data. The best approach is to amass as much information as you can.


When you write your research proposal, it is crucial to keep in mind the overarching primary aim. Persuade your reader! Your research concept has to be sold in terms of its applicability and feasibility. Therefore, place your primary emphasis on developing a topic proving your point.

About the Author

Agatha Sturridge is a professional writer. She specializes in research papers, critical thinking, and other essay types. She can be an excellent choice if you are looking for a reliable writer to get your homework done. Agatha’s research focuses on developing writing talents as they relate to various fields.

Break the Barrier: Conquer the Sub-1:30 Half Marathon with This Game-Changing Training Plan

How To Run A Sub 1.30 Half Marathon

If your goal is to run a sub-90-minute half marathon, then you’re in the right place.

Here’s the truth.

Running a half marathon in under 90 minutes isn’t for the faint-hearted and requires more than just average running skills. It takes a burning passion to push the limits and surpass them.

But the good news is that almost anyone can do it with the right approach. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, there are specific strategies and techniques that can help you achieve your goal.

In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into what it takes to run a sub-90-minute half marathon. And that includes:

  • The required pace for the 90-minute HM
  • The prerequisite you need to have
  • How to start training for the 1.30 half marathon
  • The EXACT workout paces you need for a 90-min half marathon
  • The training plan to follow
  • And so much more

So, whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting, let’s lace up our shoes and start the journey towards the sub-90 minute half marathon.

The Required Pace For A 1.30 Half Marathon

To achieve a 90-minute half marathon, you’ll need to run at an average pace of 06:50 minutes per mile or 4:15 per kilometer or faster. That’s no easy feat, and it requires an incredible level of fitness and training.

To even begin this journey, you need to have a solid running base, meaning you should be able to comfortably run a sub-18 5K, sub-40 10K, or a sub-3:15 marathon.

The 1.30 Half Marathon Plan – Who is it For?

Running a sub-90-minute half marathon is not for the faint of heart, but it is a goal worth pursuing. This plan is designed for experienced runners who are willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve this feat.

But let’s be real here. The average runner may find it difficult to reach such an ambitious goal. Many runners set lofty goals without considering the amount of effort and dedication required to achieve them. It’s important to know what pace you need to run on race day to meet your target time, and this plan is specifically tailored to help you reach that pace.

So what does this plan entail? You’ll be hitting the pavement four or five times a week with a mix of easy, tempo, fast, and steady runs. Each week includes 1-2 easy runs, one speed-based run, and one long run to build your endurance. You’ll also be incorporating cross-training workouts twice a week to strengthen your muscles and prevent injury. And don’t forget to take one rest day a week to allow your body to recover and rejuvenate.

But this isn’t just about putting in the miles. This plan is strategically designed to improve your speed and endurance. Each week includes threshold and race pace runs, with targeted work on short and medium intervals. You’ll also be doing tempo workouts as long runs that include race pace work to simulate race day conditions.

The Requirements Of Running A 1.30 Half Marathon

Firstly, it’s important to know that running a sub-90-minute half marathon requires more than just showing up on race day and running as fast as you can. It requires preparation, consistency, and dedication.

If you’re already an experienced runner and have completed several races before, then you’re on the right track. However, if you’re a beginner runner, don’t be discouraged. With the right training plan and attitude, you can work towards achieving this goal in the future.

To give yourself the best chance at success, I’d recommend that you can already complete a half marathon in or around the 110-minute mark. This means that you have a good base to work from and can focus on improving your pace. If you can run a 10K within 40 to 42 minutes, then you’re definitely on the right track to achieving your sub-90-minute goal.

How Long is The HM Training Plan

The 12-week timeframe of the 1.30 HM plan is designed to help you find the sweet spot of training duration. Train for less than eight weeks, and you may not have enough time to build a good base. Train for longer than 16 weeks, and you risk losing the motivation and drive to train.

However, what if your target half-marathon race is scheduled for more than three months out in the future? Then, it’s recommended that you add a sub-goal along the way. This could be running a 10K race or another half marathon to help you build your confidence and momentum along the way. Remember, the journey is what matters—not just the destination.

Be Specific in Training

Running a half marathon is no small feat, and if you’re aiming for a specific time, it’s important to be specific in your training. It’s like sharpening a knife – you want to hone in on your target pace by training at that pace for shorter distances and durations during your workouts. But don’t just focus on the pace; the key to running your fastest race is teaching your body to clear lactic acid faster than it builds up. That’s why it’s important to include sessions with 20 to 60 minutes at your target race pace at least once a week.

However, it’s important to find the right balance. You don’t want to perform too many half marathon pace runs as this may increase your injury risk. Follow the 80/20 percent rule in which three-quarters of your miles should be easy, whereas the rest should be hard. For example, if you log around 40 miles a week, 32 of these should be easy, while the remaining 8 miles should be devoted to some form of speedwork.

Having variety in one’s running plan is the signature move of a well-rounded program. And that’s a good thing. A study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine found that runners who followed a structured training plan improved their 5K and 10K times significantly more than those who did not follow a plan.

Additional resource – Maintaining muscle during marathon training

Easy Runs

Easy runs should be performed at a comfortable pace and are designed to give you a good aerobic base. Don’t stress too much about the distance or speed of these sessions – they should be enjoyable and easy.

You should be able to keep a conversation going on easy runs, so they’re perfect to do with friends. If you can’t hold a conversation, you’re going too fast.

To err on the side of caution, I recommend using a heart rate monitor. Your target zone should be around 65 and 75 of your maximum heart rate.

Interval Training

If you’re looking to race at a fast pace, then you should train at your race pace (and a little bit faster) at least once a week. This is where interval training comes in, which consists of running one fast interval followed by one slow interval.

Then you repeat for the duration of the session. Interval training is the best way to improve your speed when training for a half marathon. Speedwork can also teach your body how to recruit more and more muscle fibers while running.

In my 1.30 HM training plan, I include various interval work, ranging from 400-meter to 2Km intervals. The intervals should be performed as instructed in the plan. For shorter repeats like 400 and 800, I recommend doing them on a track, but for longer repeats, you might want to do them on the road.

Here’s how fast you should perform interval training:

  • 400-m reps – These should be drastically faster than your HM race pace, at a roughly 6:00 per mile pace with a 60-second recovery jog. Ten mph or 16.2 km/per hour for treadmill sessions.
  • 800-m reps – Same as above, shoot for 6:20 pace per mile again with a 90-second recovery jog. 4 mph or 15.2 km/per hour for treadmill sessions.
  • 1K intervals – Again, at slightly faster than race pace and should be at roughly 6:40 with a two-minute recovery jog. Nine mph or 14.5 km/per hour for treadmill sessions.
  • 2K intervals – These should be performed at your goal race pace of 6:50 per mile with a two-minute recovery. 8.6 mph or 14.1 km/per hour for treadmill sessions.

Remember not to overdo it; otherwise, you risk being too overtrained for the other runs in the plan.  Overall, the total interval distance shouldn’t exceed 15 to 20 percent of weekly mileage.

For more guidelines on speedwork, check the following posts:

And here’s the average time to run a mile.

Tempo Runs

Tempo runs consist of non-stop sessions with a build-up halfway to a 10K race pace, and they’ve a lot to offer.

Tempo runs are fantastic strength builders and are a must, especially when training for a half marathon. They also help keep pace without building too much lactate in your muscles, which eventually helps keep a faster pace for a longer period.

The typical tempo runs would start with 10 to 15 minutes of easy running, then speed up gradually for 20 to 30 minutes near the midpoint, then 5 to 10 minutes easy as a cool-down toward the end.

That’s all.

I’d also recommend performing your tempo workouts at your target half-marathon pace, which is 5:50 per mile. Build up the speed gradually, not suddenly.

If this is your first time doing tempo training, start with tempo intervals of 2 to 5 minutes at a tempo pace with 1 to 2 minutes of easy running as recovery in between. Shoot for about 20 minutes at a tempo pace.

Increase the distance until you can finish five or six miles at a tempo pace a couple of weeks before race day.

Additional resource – How long is a half marathon

Girl in sportswear does warm-up in the park on a cloudy day.

Long Runs

Taking on the 90-minute half marathon means that you likely already do a long run of roughly 90 minutes or longer every weekend.

If it’s the case, then I’m not surprised.

Long runs are the bread and butter of endurance training.

They’re the best for building aerobic endurance.

But how do you increase distance without incurring injury?

The key is to do it gradually. As a rule, build up the distance of your long runs gradually. Following the 10 percent rule is the best way to go.

During the program, you’ll add 1-2 miles to your long run every 1-2 weeks. You’ll also be taking a recovery week every 4 to 5 weeks in which you reduce the long run distance by 30 percent.

To complete a sub-90-minute half marathon, you’ll want to run more than 13.1 miles during your long peak runs—4 to 6 weeks before race day.

Don’t try to run these sessions too fast.

Forget about how fast or far you’re going. Focus on spending more time on your feet. Time over distance.

Many runners often complete long runs too fast, but even a mild effort can benefit your half-marathon performance.

Start your long runs at a super easy pace, then work up to a mild effort—around 7:50 per mile pace is good. Then, as race day approaches, throw in a few miles at the end at your race goal pace. But don’t overdo it.

Stick to a comfortable, conversational pace, except when a 3/1 long is prescribed. This is a session where you run to cover the first two-thirds of the run at a conversational pace, then speed up near your goal HM pace over the last one-third of the run.

Overall, you should be feeling refreshed, not exhausted, at the end of the run.

Warm Up

Before you hit the road and start logging miles, it’s important to warm up properly to lay the foundation for an efficient run. Think of it as priming your body for the physical challenge ahead. Without a proper warm-up, your body may struggle to keep up with the demands of your workout or race.

  • For speed workouts and races, a 10 to 15-minute jog is a good start. But don’t stop there. To get your muscles ready, add some dynamic movements like leg swings, lunges, and squats to your routine. And to get your body firing at all cylinders, throw in a few 100-meter strides at near maximum speed.
  • For long runs, you can warm up on the go by starting the first few miles at a slow pace. But a 10-minute brisk walk followed by a few dynamic exercises will help ensure your muscles are properly warmed up.

Additional Reading – Half marathon pace chart

Stretch And Strength

While most half-marathon training plans focus mainly on running, cross-training is essential for improving performance and preventing injury. By doing non-running workouts like strength training, you can build overall body strength and endurance without subjecting your body to more running-related stress.

The ideal strength routine for endurance runners would consist of push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, bench presses, planks, and other compound movements to build overall body strength and endurance.

What’s more?

I’d also recommend stretching regularly after your runs. Static stretching helps release tight muscles and as well improves overall mobility.

Just keep in mind that these are, in fact, easy days, so don’t overdo them. Keep it light. Keep it easy.


Proper recovery is key to achieving your 90-min half marathon. By incorporating proper recovery practices, you’ll get the most out of your runs while limiting your risk of injury.

Pay attention to your fatigue level, especially as race day nears—and don’t lose sleep over taking a day or two off.

Your Pacing Strategy

To run a sub-1:30 half marathon, it’s essential to pace yourself properly throughout the race.

One effective strategy is to break the race down into smaller segments and pace accordingly. For example, you can divide the half marathon into three 4-mile segments and one 5.1-mile segment. During the first two segments, aim to run slightly slower than your goal pace.

In the third segment, aim to run at your goal pace. Finally, during the last segment, aim to slightly increase your pace.

What’s more?

Be sure to adjust your pacing based on factors such as course elevation, weather conditions, and individual fitness level.

Weekly Mileage For Running A Sub 90 Minutes Half Marathon

One of the keys to success is building up your weekly mileage gradually. While there’s no magic number of miles that will guarantee you a sub-90-minute finish, most runners will need to put in some serious work to get there.

If you’re currently running around 20 miles per week, don’t worry, you can still get there! Aim to gradually increase your weekly mileage to around 40 miles throughout the early weeks of your training. Think of it like building a sturdy foundation for a skyscraper. The more miles you run, the stronger your endurance base will be and the faster you’ll be able to run.

But it’s not just about running more miles. You also need to be smart about how you structure your training. Keep your long run mileage to around 25-35% of your weekly volume. For example, if you’re running 26 miles a week, aim for a long run of around 6-9 miles. Going too hard or too fast can lead to injuries that will only set you back in your training.

As you build your weekly mileage, be sure to also focus on cross-training and strength training to prevent injury and build overall body strength. A strong body is a resilient body, and you’ll be better able to handle the rigors of training if you’re doing push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, and other compound movements.

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to the Yasso 800 Workout

The 1.30 Half Marathon Training Plan

Now, onto the training plan. This is just a guide, so feel free to adjust it to fit your schedule and needs. But remember, consistency is key. You won’t get to the finish line in under 90 minutes if you’re not putting in the work.

This plan includes a mix of easy runs, speed work, and a long run each week to help you build endurance and speed.

Week – 1

Monday – Rest Day or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy Run: 4 miles

Wednesday—Speedwork: 6 X 800M

Thursday– Easy Run: 4 miles

Friday—Rest Day or Cross train

Saturday– Steady Run: 4 miles

Sunday – Long Run: 10 miles

Week – 2

Monday – Rest Day or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy Run: 5 miles

Wednesday—Speedwork: 10 X 400M

Thursday– Easy Run: 5 miles

Friday—Rest Day or Cross train

Saturday– Steady Run: 6 miles

Sunday – Long Run: 10 miles

Week – 3

Monday – Rest Day or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy Run: 5 miles

Wednesday—Speedwork: 5 X 1K

Thursday– Easy Run: 6 miles

Friday—Rest Day or Cross train

Saturday– Steady Run: 4 miles on hills

Sunday – Long Run: 11 miles

Week – 4

Monday – Rest Day or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy Run: 6 miles

Wednesday—Speedwork: 4 X 2K

Thursday– Easy Run: 4 miles

Friday—Rest Day or Cross train

Saturday– Tempo Run: 4 miles

Sunday – Long Run: 12 miles

Week – 5

Monday – Rest Day or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy Run: 7 miles

Wednesday—Speedwork: 12 X 400M

Thursday– Easy Run: 5 miles

Friday—Rest Day or Cross train

Saturday– Steady Run: 6 miles

Sunday – Long Run: 13 miles

Week – 6

Monday – Rest Day or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy Run: 7 miles

Wednesday—tempo run: 5 miles

Thursday– Easy Run: 5 miles

Friday—Rest Day or Cross train

Saturday– Steady Run: 7 miles

Sunday – Long Run: 13 miles

Week – 7

Monday – Rest Day or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy Run: 7 miles

Wednesday—Speedwork: 8 X 800M

Thursday– Easy Run: 6 miles

Friday—Rest Day or Cross train

Saturday– tempo Run: 6 miles

Sunday – Long Run: 14 miles

Week – 8

Monday – Rest Day or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy Run: 7 miles

Wednesday—Speedwork: 8 X 1K

Thursday– Easy Run: 7 miles

Friday—Rest Day or Cross train

Saturday– Tempo Run: 6 miles

Sunday – Long Run: 14 miles

Week – 9

Monday – Rest Day or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy Run: 7 miles

Wednesday—Speedwork: 5 X 2K

Thursday– Easy Run: 8 miles

Friday—Rest Day or Cross train

Saturday– Tempo Run: 7 miles

Sunday – Long Run: 15 miles

Week – 10

Monday – Rest Day or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy Run: 7 miles

Wednesday—Speedwork: 12 X 400M

Thursday– Easy Run: 7 miles

Friday—Rest Day or Cross train

Saturday– Steady Run: 7 miles

Sunday – Long Run: 15 miles

Week – 11

Monday – Rest Day or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy Run: 5 miles

Wednesday—Speedwork: 10 X 1K

Thursday– Easy Run: 6 miles

Friday—Rest Day or Cross train

Saturday– Tempo Run: 6 miles

Sunday – Long Run: 10 miles

Week – 12

Monday – Rest Day or Cross train

Tuesday – Easy Run: 4 miles

Wednesday—Speedwork: 8 X 400M

Thursday– Easy Run: 3 miles

Friday—Rest Day or Cross train

Saturday– Steady Run: 3 miles

Sunday – Half Marathon Race Day

Additional Resource – Your Guide To Running Heart Rate Zones

The 90-Minute Half Marathon Plan – Conclusion

Crossing the finish line of a half marathon in under 90 minutes is like summiting a mountain peak – it’s an exhilarating achievement that only a select few can claim.

According to my own estimates, less than 5% of all recreational half marathoners can break the coveted 90-minute barrier.

But don’t let that discourage you – with hard work, determination, and a little bit of grit, you can join the elite ranks of sub-90 half marathoners.

So, lace up your shoes, set your sights high, and prepare to conquer the road ahead. Remember, every step you take brings you one step closer to the summit – so don’t give up until you reach the top!

Compression Pants for Running: Your Ultimate Guide to Enhanced Recovery & Performance

Compression Pants for Running

Looking to soothe tightness, prevent strain, and speed up recovery? Then look no further than a pair of Compression Pants for Running.

Many runners swear by wearing compression gear, whether leggings, compression socks, shorts, or other items, touting an increase in athletic performance and recovery rate.

Originally prescribed by physicians and sold in drug stores, compression gear was initially designed to improve circulation for issues like arthritis and diabetes. In fact, compression gear has been employed as far back as ancient Greece to help with wound healing. However, these days, compression gear has taken the fitness market by storm.

When choosing compression clothing, there are a few key factors to consider, including size, material, and length.

In this guide, I’ll address all your concerns about selecting the right running compression garments. So, whether you’re looking for enhanced performance or faster recovery, read on to find the perfect compression gear for your running needs.

What Is Compression Clothing for Running?

Compression pants, often referred to as compression leggings, are snug-fitting garments primarily made from breathable spandex. They closely resemble leggings but are designed to be even tighter, hugging your body from the waist down to your ankles.

Originally, compression leggings were developed to prevent vein-related issues like varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis from becoming chronic conditions. However, their benefits extend beyond medical applications. But getting varicose veins treatment is a better option.

Runners, in particular, have embraced compression pants for various reasons.

Key Benefits of Compression Pants:

  • Support for Affected Areas: Compression pants provide targeted support, making them ideal for managing lower-body pain or injuries (excluding the feet). They act as a second skin, offering stability and reducing muscle strain.
  • Moisture Wicking: These pants are designed to wick moisture away from your skin, preventing chafing, blisters, and rashes during your runs.
  • Muscle Warmth: Compression technology keeps your leg muscles warm, reducing the risk of muscle injuries and promoting faster recovery.
  • Pain Reduction: If you experience muscle stiffness or soreness, compression pants can help alleviate discomfort and improve overall comfort.
  • Joint Stability: They offer added stability to your joints, which can be particularly beneficial during high-impact activities like running.

Why Wear Compression Leggings for Running

Ever wondered why some runners swear by compression leggings? These snug-fitting garments offer more than just a stylish appearance; they can significantly enhance your running experience.

Let’s dive into a few of the reasons you need to be sporting these compression wonders:

  • Reduced Muscle Oscillation: Compression leggings provide a tight fit that minimizes muscle oscillation during high-impact activities like running. This stability can lead to improved running form and less energy wasted on unnecessary movement.
  • Enhanced Circulation: By compressing the muscles, these leggings help push blood back towards the heart, improving circulation. This can lead to better oxygen delivery to your muscles, reducing fatigue and enhancing endurance.
  • Aerodynamic Benefits: Research published in the “Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise” journal has shown that compression gear can provide a “small aerodynamic drag reduction.” This advantage is especially relevant for speed sports like running, where every second counts.
  • Joint Support: Compression leggings offer added support to your joints, reducing the risk of injuries during intense workouts. Research in the “Journal of Sports Science” has highlighted the positive effects of compression gear on joint movement control and muscle torque.
  • Improved Running Economy: These leggings can enhance your running economy by promoting better biomechanics and muscle coordination. This can translate into increased running efficiency and reduced energy expenditure

Additional Resources:

How To Choose Running Compression Pants

Now that you know a thing or two about compression pants, let’s look into how to choose the best pair for you.

Size and Length

Before making a decision, familiarize yourself with size charts provided by most brands. Many brands offer online size guides to help you choose the perfect fit. Trying on a couple of sizes and returning those that don’t suit your body shape is a smart move.

Compression pants come in various lengths, including 7/8 length, capris, ½ length, and shorts. Your choice of length should take into account the season and your personal preferences.

Opt for shorter lengths like shorts or 7/8 tights in hot summer weather to stay cool and comfortable. Full-length tights may not be the best choice in the scorching heat.

Shorter Vs. Longer

Shorter pants offer better ventilation and a wider range of movement. Longer pants, on the other hand, help prevent chafing, making them ideal if your thighs tend to rub together during runs.

Avoid Loose Fit:

Remember that compression pants that are too loose won’t provide the desired pressure for your muscles and joints, diminishing the benefits of compression gear. Ensure a snug but comfortable fit.

Prevent Overlapping:

If you opt for 7/8 tights, pairing them with long socks can prevent any uncomfortable overlapping.

Additional Resource – Your guide to running jackets

The Right Tightness

Your compression pants should fit snugly but not be so tight that they cut off your circulation. They should feel like a second skin, providing support without restricting your movement.

When you first put on your compression pants, they should feel exceptionally tight. Don’t be alarmed; this is normal. The fabric will gradually adapt to your body shape, and the tightness should diminish with wear.

Choose Your Regular Size:

Start with your regular size when selecting compression pants. Keep in mind that they should feel tighter initially but become more comfortable over time

Additional Resource – Your Guide To Joggers Nipples

Material Quality

Look for compression leggings made from materials that offer stretchiness for flexibility, breathability to keep you cool, and moisture-wicking properties to keep sweat at bay.

Most running compression pants use materials like polyester, polyester-spandex blends, or nylon blends to provide a snug fit. Polyester-spandex blends offer excellent stretch and moisture management.

Fabrics with a higher concentration of nylon are excellent for wicking sweat away from your body quickly, helping you stay dry during your runs.

For colder weather, look for compression pants that may incorporate merino wool for added warmth.

If you sweat a lot or often run in hot conditions, opt for compression leggings with anti-microbial properties to help prevent odors and bacteria buildup.

Avoid Cotton:

Steer clear of compression pants that contain cotton. Cotton dries slowly and can lead to chafing, making it unsuitable for active workouts.

Additional resource – Your guide to running compression arm sleeves

High Visibility

Look for compression pants that feature reflective strips. These strips can enhance your visibility in the dark, especially during early morning or evening runs when visibility is limited.

If you prefer compression pants in dark colors, consider pairing them with bright-colored tops or accessories. This contrast can help you stand out to drivers and pedestrians.

Add reflective accessories such as vests, armbands, or hats with reflective elements. These can further enhance your visibility.

Consider wearing multiple layers, including a reflective vest or jacket, for added visibility during nighttime runs.

Choose well-lit routes or paths that are less likely to pose safety hazards. Familiarize yourself with the area to know where potential obstacles might be.

Additional resource – Sore quads after running


Pockets in your compression pants allow you to carry small essentials like keys, cards, or gels without the need for additional accessories or belts.

You can enjoy a more comfortable and distraction-free run when your essentials are securely stored in your pocketed pants.

Compression pants with well-placed pockets can prevent items from bouncing or shifting during your run, ensuring they stay in place.

Need to access your keys or energy gels? Pockets in your compression pants provide easy access without having to stop or slow down.

When choosing pocketed compression pants, consider your specific needs. Some pants have small key pockets, while others feature larger or multiple pockets. Think about what you’ll need during your run and select pants that cater to those requirements..

Additional Resource – Prevent chafing when running.

Price of Running Compression Pants

High-quality compression pants are designed to withstand the rigors of frequent use. They’re less likely to wear out, tear, or lose their compression over time, saving you money in the long run.

Premium materials and construction methods make for a more comfortable running experience. You’ll appreciate the fit, feel, and breathability of quality compression pants during your workouts.

Quality compression pants are engineered to enhance your performance. They offer better muscle support, moisture-wicking properties, and improved compression, helping you perform at your best.

While cheaper options may seem like a deal, they often need frequent replacement. High-quality compression pants can last for several seasons, ultimately saving you money.

Compression pants with medical-grade compression can provide valuable benefits like improved circulation, reduced muscle soreness, and faster recovery. These benefits are well worth the investment.

Additional Resources

Compression Pants for Running – The Conclusion

There you have it! If you’re planning to purchase a set of compression leggings for running, then today’s post has you covered. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Why Are Physical Exercises as Important as Logical Ones?

**This is a guest post**

Why Are Physical Exercises as Important as Logical Ones? General training of the body is an essential part of modern life. Of course, there is no need for immense strength and agility today as many centuries ago. People no longer need to be hunters and preppers to ensure their sustenance. Life is established, and today sport is a chance to support your health, have a great time, and socialize with like-minded people. It’s important for the student, teacher, office or police worker. Even retired people need activity to maintain strength and longevity.

The Benefits of General Training of the Body

Physical activity should not be perceived as an obligation, which is immensely irritating. On the contrary, it is necessary to do exercises with joy. This will allow you to enjoy every movement to recharge your energy and vigor. It is not relevant whether you provide writing services or legal advice, design premises, or engage in sewing. To learn more about the benefits of physical training, you can order expert paper at EduBirdie Canada. Your activity is not accompanied by constant movement, and there are a lot of such spheres. To compensate for the lack of activity, it is recommended to do sports. It can be a visit to a yoga center, a regular swim in the pool, or working out on fitness equipment.

Life Expectancy Extension

Increasing life expectancy should not only be a concern for the elderly. It’s something we should have been thinking about since high school and college. The good news is that education involves more than just acquiring knowledge and using writing services. Physical education is provided in educational institutions. It makes it possible to develop harmoniously in all directions: to gain knowledge, to use the best research paper writing services in the USA, and to build muscles. At the same time, students remain physically active and often participate in competitions between courses or universities.

According to studies, regular exercise increases life expectancy by an average of seven years. This is because moderate exercise reduces the risk of developing heart problems. Negative manifestations related to the work of other internal organs are also bought over.

Improvement of the Cardiovascular System

Sports keep the heart and blood vessels in good shape and improve the condition of the muscles. Normalization of health is related to the reduction of the cholesterol level during exercise. Blood clotting is also reduced, which is important for excellent well-being.

Weight Correction

During general training of the body, you expend a lot of energy. This reduces the amount of fat and contributes to the normalization of weight. You should do different exercises for active weight loss.

Improving Cognitive Functions

Thanks to sports, brain function improves. This applies to memory and cognition of new themes. Physical exercise stimulates the creation of neurons. Accordingly, you will have no difficulty learning and remembering the material you are interested in.

Normalization of Sleep

Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise contributes to the normalization of sleep. But it is necessary to determine the time when physical activity brings optimal results. In some cases, evening exercise excites and disrupts your usual sleep regime.

Improved Skin Condition

Thanks to the general training of the body, the metabolism of the liver is normalized, and the processes of the cardiovascular system come back to normal. This contributes to the improvement of the skin. But you will notice changes in appearance only if you exercise regularly.

Improvement of Digestion

The condition of the stomach and intestines plays an important role. It is not necessary to use medication to normalize digestion. Start with general training of the body, and things will get better. In addition, you will strengthen your immune system and get your weight in order.

Excellent Emotional State

With a sedentary lifestyle, the body stops coping with stress. To avoid negative manifestations, exercise. The method is as effective as taking antidepressants. Only in the first case, recovery and rejuvenation take place.


Sitting at your lesson in classes, working in an office, or at a machine, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, you will encounter problems with the back, joints, and other parts of the body. A half-hour of exercise or physical activity at the gym is enough to make you feel great and increase your life expectancy. You will notice an improvement in all areas, from your general condition to your mood.

Your Ultimate Guide to Online Fitness: Top YouTube Channels for Runners

High knees

In today’s digital age, staying fit has never been more accessible. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting your fitness journey, YouTube offers a treasure trove of workout channels that cater to all levels of expertise and fitness goals.

Whether you don’t have the budget for the gym or have no time for it, you can find many efficient online videos to help you reach your fitness goals.

From classic bodyweight exercises and yoga to Pilates and high-intensity interval training sessions, the following picks have something for everyone.

I’ve rounded up some of my favorite YouTube channels in today’s article to add much-needed variety to your indoor fitness routine.

Just make sure you are connected to a reliable internet so that you can continue to stream YouTube seamlessly. If you are looking for suggestions, I recommend reaching out to Xfinity customer service to sign up for super-fast internet at affordable rates.


The Running Channel

When it comes to running, whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or just lacing up your sneakers for the first time, The Running Channel is your go-to destination for top-tier content.

Established in 2009, this channel boasts over 553,000 subscribers and has been a consistent source of inspiration, knowledge, and camaraderie for runners of all levels.

At the heart of The Running Channel is a vibrant community of runners who share a common passion for pounding the pavement.

The channel’s mission is simple yet profound: to provide exceptional content that caters to runners’ diverse needs and experiences. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, The Running Channel welcomes you with open arms.

Energetic, Informative, and Practical

What sets The Running Channel apart is its dynamic team of hosts. These individuals bring not only high energy but also a wealth of knowledge to the table. They understand the intricacies of running, from race day jitters to hill training. You’ll find their advice invaluable, whether you’re striving to shave seconds off your PR or simply aiming to enjoy your daily jog.

Diverse Content for Every Runner

One of the channel’s strengths is its diverse range of content. From engaging race vlogs that let you experience the thrill of marathons around the world to practical training advice that can help you reach your peak performance, The Running Channel has it all. With videos that are concise and to the point, you can quickly absorb the information you need.

More Than Just Running

While running is at the core of The Running Channel’s identity, they also understand the importance of cross-training and staying active in various ways. You’ll discover a treasure trove of at-home workouts tailored specifically for runners. Whether it’s strength training, flexibility routines, or injury prevention exercises, they’ve got you covered.

Fitness Blender

When it comes to high-intensity training that you can do from the comfort of your own home, look no further than Fitness Blender. This dynamic duo, Daniel and Kelli, have created a fitness haven for over 6 million subscribers. Their channel is all about making fitness accessible and effective, and it’s an ideal choice for those who want to level up their workouts.

A Workout Powerhouse

Fitness Blender is your go-to source for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts on YouTube. With over 150 HIIT routines available, you’ll never run out of challenging and sweat-inducing exercises.

The best part? You don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership. These workouts are designed to be done in the comfort of your living room, proving that you can achieve serious results with minimal equipment.

A Duo of Experts

Daniel and Kelli are more than just fitness enthusiasts; they’re experts in the field. Their qualifications span across various domains, including nutrition, psychology, physiology, and more.

This expertise shines through in their workouts, which are not only physically demanding but also backed by science. You can trust that you’re in capable hands as you work toward your fitness goals.

Workouts for Every Fitness Level

Whether you’re a beginner looking to kickstart your fitness journey or a seasoned athlete craving a new challenge, Fitness Blender has something for everyone. Their workouts come with clear instructions and modifications, ensuring that you can tailor each session to your fitness level. With their guidance, you can gradually build strength, endurance, and agility.

Variety and Consistency

Variety is the spice of life, and Fitness Blender understands this well. Their channel offers an array of workout types, from HIIT to strength training to yoga. This variety keeps your routine fresh and exciting, preventing boredom and plateaus.

Plus, their consistent upload schedule means you’ll always have new content to explore and incorporate into your fitness regimen.

Additional resource – Does running build muscles?


When it comes to home workouts, HASfit believes that everyone should have access to effective exercise routines. Founded by Coach Kozak and Coach Claudia, this channel is dedicated to making fitness achievable, enjoyable, and adaptable to your needs.

With nearly two million subscribers and over 1,000 full-length workouts, HASfit has become a go-to resource for those seeking fitness guidance from the comfort of their own space.

A Treasure Trove of Workouts

HASfit doesn’t just offer a few workouts—it offers a library of options. With over 1,000 full-length workouts, you’ll never run out of ways to challenge yourself. Whether you’re looking for beginner-friendly routines or advanced workouts, HASfit has you covered.

They believe that fitness should be accessible to all, regardless of your starting point.

Structure and Variety

With such an extensive collection of workouts, it’s natural to wonder how to navigate it all. HASfit makes it easy by organizing its content into playlists. You can choose workouts by muscle group, fitness level, or specific goals.

This thoughtful organization ensures that you can find the perfect workout to meet your needs without feeling overwhelmed.

Tools for Success

HASfit goes beyond YouTube with its dedicated website and mobile app. These resources provide additional support for those looking to take their fitness journey to the next level.

You can exercise alongside Coach Kozak and Coach Claudia, track your progress, and access helpful fitness tips and plans.

Accessible Equipment

While many of HASfit’s workouts require little to no equipment, some may incorporate items like weights or resistance bands. The good news is that these are simple and affordable tools that can enhance your workouts.

If you’re new to fitness, you can start with the basics and gradually invest in equipment as you progress.

HASfit is a testament to the belief that fitness knows no boundaries. With their extensive workout library, thoughtful organization, and commitment to accessibility, Coach Kozak and Coach Claudia have created a fitness haven for all.

Whether you’re looking to shed some pounds, build muscle, or simply stay active, HASfit provides the guidance and support you need to succeed.

Yoga With Adriene

Do you often find your hamstrings feeling tight and inflexible? If you’re a runner, you’re not alone. The good news is that yoga can be your secret weapon for addressing this issue and taking your performance to the next level. One of the standout channels for yoga on YouTube is “Yoga with Adriene,” and here’s why it should be on your radar.

Unlock Your Potential with Yoga

Yoga is more than just a workout; it’s a holistic approach to enhancing your physical and mental well-being. For runners, it offers a valuable cross-training opportunity that can make a significant difference.

Yoga helps strengthen your entire body while simultaneously improving flexibility and mobility in your muscles and joints. This combination is essential for peak performance and injury prevention.

Meet Adriene: Your Yoga Guide

With over 6 million followers, Yoga with Adriene stands out as one of the most successful yoga channels on YouTube. Adriene’s approach is refreshingly straightforward and free from the mysticism often associated with yoga.

Her down-to-earth teaching style makes yoga accessible to everyone, whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a complete beginner.

Tailored to Your Needs

What sets Yoga with Adriene apart is its commitment to offering yoga practices for people of all backgrounds and experience levels. If you’re new to yoga, you’ll find beginner-friendly classes that gently introduce you to the practice.

For runners seeking to enhance their performance, there are specific sessions designed to address your unique needs.

Adriene’s versatility ensures that you’ll find the right yoga practice to suit your goals.

More Than Just Poses

While yoga is renowned for its physical postures (asanas), it encompasses so much more. Yoga with Adriene explores various aspects of yoga, including breathwork (pranayama) and meditation.

These components contribute to improved mental focus, reduced stress, and an overall sense of well-being—benefits that extend far beyond your yoga mat.

Tight hamstrings are a common concern for runners, but they don’t have to hold you back. With “Yoga with Adriene,” you have a trusted guide to help you unlock the full potential of your body. Whether you’re looking to increase flexibility, prevent injuries, or simply find a moment of tranquility in your day, Adriene’s channel has something to offer.

Additional Resource  – Here’s your guide to advanced running metrics

VO2 Max Productions

Ready to take your running to the next level? Meet Sage Canaday, the host of VO2 Max Productions, your go-to channel for stellar running content. Sage isn’t just any host; he’s a professional runner with a wealth of knowledge and experience to share.

A Runner’s Runner

Sage Canaday’s credentials speak for themselves. He’s a pro runner who has competed in two US Olympic marathon trials and excels as an ultra mountain runner. But Sage is more than just a runner—he’s a multifaceted individual. He bakes vegan cookies, plays guitar, and, most importantly, shares practical tips and insights on how to become a better runner, whether you’re a novice or a seasoned athlete.

The Numbers Speak

With over 90,000 subscribers and a staggering 16 million views, VO2 Max Productions has become a trusted resource in the running community. Sage’s content is laid out in a simple, approachable manner. Think of it as a friendly chat with a pro runner who’s passionate about helping you succeed.

A Treasure Trove of Running Wisdom

VO2 Max Productions primarily focuses on long-distance running tips and advice. However, it doesn’t stop there. You’ll find a mix of tutorials that cover essential topics like injury prevention, strength training, and diet.

Sage delves into the nitty-gritty of proper running form, the intricacies of a runner’s diet, and valuable tips for long-distance running and optimal performance. Whether you’re seeking to improve your form, enhance your diet, or gain insights into long-distance running, this channel has you covered.

When it comes to elevating your running game, knowledge is power. Sage Canaday’s VO2 Max Productions offers you the knowledge you need to reach new heights in your running journey.

Whether you’re aiming to conquer your first marathon or push your ultra mountain running to the limits, Sage’s friendly guidance and expert insights will be your constant companion.

Additional Resource – Strength Training program for runners

Common Diets that May Aid Weight Loss 

**This is a guest post by my friend Naileth Ariza Barrera**

High-calorie, ultra-processed foods are easy to overconsume. These kinds of foods are sweet, delicious, and not satisfying, but they are also low in nutrients. Medical experts have discovered that eating high-calorie foods increases a person’s chance of contracting deadly illnesses of the kidney and heart. Medical research also highlighted that overweight and obese people have an increased chance of suffering from these illnesses if they don’t reduce their calorie consumption and eliminate excess body fat.

Fixing the Obesity Epidemic

Reducing calorie consumption and getting rid of body fat is not as easy in reality as it is in theory. One of the best methods of achieving this is by being on a calorie-restricted diet. Unlike exercise, dieting can be incorporated into a hectic schedule. When combined with adjustable gastric balloons, diets can reduce calorie consumption and help you burn excess body fat much faster. Here are healthy foods diets you should consider if you are fat.

Dash Diet

Every food diet has what it’s designed to accomplish in the body. Nutritionists created the dash diet to improve blood circulation and stop hypertension. To achieve this, the diet helps reduce the amount of sodium intake in the body. The diet is prepared with lots of vegetables and fruits.

Fruit Diets

Packed with minerals and vitamins, fruit dieting is one of the best ways of reducing calorie consumption. When fruit dieting, no amount of fruit consumption is excessive as long as you don’t get any stomach problems. Fresh fruits are more advisable for fruit dieting when compared to dried fruits.

Water Diet

Water should be your best friend when looking to burn a large amount of body fat. Water contains zero calories which makes it the perfect liquid for fatty people. Regular consumption of water, at least 15 cups daily, has proven effective in burning excess body fat. To effectively carry out a water diet, the person will need a lot of discipline and determination. Drinking a glass of water before you sleep at night and after you wake in the morning is also advisable.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to much to run to lose weight

Zero Or Low Carb Diet

This type of diet is mainly for those who like eating seafood. In this diet, you substitute carbs with highly proteinous foods like fish; if you eat carbs, it must be limited to 60g daily. According to a medical review published in 2015, a low-carb diet proved effective in burning a large percentage of body fat.


Abstaining from edibles for a certain period during the day is one of the most effective diets for fat people. The trick behind this diet is when you become hungry and in need of energy, the body begins to burn excess fat to convert them to energy. This should be practiced once a week as the body needs other nutrients to survive and stay healthy. However, if you can’t wholly stay without food and water, you can opt for water fasting, where you can only drink water without eating.

Additional resource – Here’s how long does it take to lose 100 pounds.

Gastric balloon is your solution

If you don’t want any specific diet, you can simply opt for a gastric balloon system. These systems make it impossible for you to eat irrespective of the food selection. You may experience some stomach problems after getting the gastric balloon. In this case, consult your doctor.

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to pre and post run nutrition