How Long Is A Half Marathon?

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Cross Training For Runners
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David Dack

A half marathon is exactly 13.1 miles.

For many, a half marathon is a challenging distance. It’s also one of the most popular distances around the world.

When I signed up for my first half marathon, I had no idea what 13.1 miles felt like. Sure, I could picture the distance on a map, but running it?

That was a whole other story.

Whether you’re about to tackle your first or eyeing your next, let me walk you through it as your coach—and someone who’s been there.

Breaking Down the Distance

Alright, the half marathon is officially 13.1 miles.

It sounds huge, but let’s put it into perspective.

Ever run laps around a track? You’d need to complete 53 laps to hit that distance.

Or, to make it even more real, you’re looking at about 20,000 steps. (Yes, I checked my watch during my race—it’s a lot of steps.)

As you can already tell, the half marathon length is quite precise. This strangely precise distance forms the full marathon length, which has a long history. Here’s the full guide to how long a marathon is.

Is a Half Marathon Hard?

I won’t sugarcoat it—it can be tough, especially if you’re new to endurance running.

That’s why you should follow the right HM training plan to help you build endurance and strength, regardless of your current fitness level.

With the right plan, everything is “relatively”’ easy. At least consider something within your reach.

If you’re a beginner, start with the couch to a half marathon plan. During this plan, you start with easier sessions that consist of walking and running; then, you build up your weekly volume over long weeks up to the event.

This allows you to gradually build your endurance without risking injury or burnout.

What’s more?

If you’ve just finished running a 5K or 10K race and still looking for more challenges, signing up for a half marathon is the exact thing you need

When I started training, I followed a walk/run plan. My first few weeks? Brutal. But each week, as the distances grew, so did my confidence. If you’re like I was, feeling unsure, take it slow. Build that endurance over time; trust me, you’ll surprise yourself.

Average Half Marathon Finish Time

Let’s talk time. Most beginners finish between 2 to 3 hours. When I was prepping, my goal was to finish without pressure on time. I’d recommend focusing on crossing that finish line for your first race.

I remember crossing mine in 2 hours and 45 minutes, exhausted but proud. You’ll get there whether walking, jogging, or somewhere in between.

If you’re more experienced, maybe you’re eyeing that 1-hour 40-minute mark. That’s awesome! But remember your race, your pace. Don’t worry about what others are doing. My personal best came after I stopped chasing times and started running for myself.

My advice? Just enjoy the journey.

For me, consistency was key. Some weeks, I felt amazing and crushed my runs. Other weeks, I struggled. But as long as I kept showing up, I made progress. It’s just a matter of time and practice. The rest is just details.

Training for a Half Marathon

Most half-marathon training programs last between 12 to 16 weeks. At the very least, it will take three months to race, but it depends on your starting option.

Beginner runners must follow a beginner half marathon plan—such as the couch to half marathon plan—that lasts no less than 16 weeks to be race-ready.

However, if you’re more of an intermediate runner, expect to train for 12 to 16 weeks for the distance.

Last but not least, advanced runners will follow a plan that’s 12 weeks long.

However, keep in mind that these are just suggestions. Your current fitness level is the deciding factor.

Tips for Beginner Runners

If this is your first time training for a half marathon, here are a few things I wish someone had told me:

  • Consult a Doctor: Always check with your doctor before training, especially if you have health concerns. When I started, I was dealing with some knee issues, so having that check-up gave me peace of mind.
  • Sign Up in Advance: Committing to a race well ahead of time keeps you motivated. Having that race date circled on my calendar was a constant reminder to stick with my training, even on the days I wasn’t feeling it.
  • Choose a Good Plan: There are many training plans, but choosing one that fits your schedule and lifestyle is important. I’ve made the mistake of trying to follow a plan that had me running way more than I could realistically fit in, and it only led to frustration. Find something you can stick with.
  • Get Proper Running Shoes: This one’s huge. Seriously, invest in a good pair. I ran in the wrong shoes in my first half and paid for it with blisters and knee pain. A good pair of running shoes is essential; you don’t want to skimp here. Head to a specialty running store and get fitted—this changed everything for me when I started running longer distances. Expect to pay around $100, but it’s worth every penny.
  • Build Your Mileage Slowly: Start small, and don’t try to do too much too soon. I always follow the 10% rule, increasing my weekly mileage by no more than 10%. It’s a simple way to avoid injury while still making progress.
  • Cross-Train: Strength training, yoga, biking—these are all great ways to build your fitness without pounding the pavement daily. I’ve found that adding strength training into my routine helped me avoid injury and made me a stronger runner overall.
  • Come Up With a Race Strategy: Once your training’s on track, it’s time to think about race day. Have a pacing plan in mind and break the race into smaller chunks in your head. For example, if you aim to finish in two hours, think about how you want to pace each mile. I like to break the race into thirds—run the first part easy, stay steady in the middle, and then pick up the pace toward the end.
  • Stay Motivated. Training for 13.1 miles can feel like a grind sometimes. When I was losing steam, I told everyone about my race. The accountability from friends and family kept me going. Find your tribe—whether it’s an online running group or your neighbors cheering you on.

In Conclusion

The half marathon is as much a mental challenge as it is physical.

Many a day, I questioned if I could do it. But here’s the thing—every single mile gets you closer. Trust the process, be patient with yourself, and remember why you started in the first place.

So, lace up, get out there, and make this half marathon yours. You’ll look back on this journey and realize that the distance wasn’t the hardest part—it was taking that first step. And guess what? You’ve already done that.

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4 thoughts on “How Long Is A Half Marathon?”

  1. Great breakdown! I’m a marathon runner, but I didn’t realize how much strategy goes into preparing for a half marathon as well.

  2. Thanks for this! I’ve been training for a half marathon for the past few months, but I didn’t fully grasp the distance until I saw it broken down like this.

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