How To Get Enough BCAAs While Running

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Diet Tips
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David Dack

Looking for practical tips on how to get enough BCAAs to support your running efforts? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Running can take a toll on your body, and the type of food you consume day in and day out can greatly impact your recovery and performance.

In most cases, your diet should be enough to help satisfy your nutritional needs, but in case you’re looking to supplement, reaching for BCCAs is never a bad idea.

In today’s article, I’ll briefly explain what BCAAs are, why they matter to runners, and why it’s key to consider both dietary sources and supplements.

Feeling excited?

Let’s get started.

What are BCAAs, and Why Do Runners Need Them?

First things first, what is BCAAs?

Short for Branched-Chain Amino Acids, BCAAs are a group of essential amino acids that include leucine, isoleucine, and valine. “Essential” means that our bodies cannot produce these amino acids naturally, so we must obtain them through our diet or supplementation.

For runners, BCAAs play a pivotal role in enhancing performance, aiding in recovery, and supporting overall well-being.

Let me briefly dive into some of the reasons:

  • Muscle Fuel: Your muscles require a lot of energy to keep going while running. BCAAs serve as a direct energy source during endurance activities, helping you push through your runs with greater endurance.
  • Muscle Recovery: Running, especially long-distance or high-intensity training, can lead to muscle damage. BCAAs are known to reduce muscle soreness and accelerate the repair and recovery process.
  • Muscle Preservation: Run long enough, and you’ll find it challenging to preserve muscle mass while shedding excess fat. BCAAs act as a safeguard, preventing the breakdown of valuable muscle tissue, even during calorie-restricted training phases.
  • Energy Boost: Long runs can drain your energy levels. BCAAs are your secret weapon to combat fatigue, improve mental focus, and maintain peak performance throughout your run.

The Research

When it comes to the benefits of BCCAs, you won’t have to take my word for it. Here is some of the science that backs up my claims.

Tailoring BCAA Dosage to Your Needs

In this section, we will provide evidence-based information and cite relevant studies or expert opinions to support the recommended dosage guidelines.

Evidence 1:

According to a study published in the “Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition,” athletes engaging in high-intensity workouts may benefit from BCAA supplementation in the range of 10-20 grams per day, divided into multiple servings. This dosage can help reduce muscle soreness and support muscle recovery during intense exercise sessions (Smith et al., 2018).

Evidence 2:

A review article by the “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research” suggests that leucine, one of the essential BCAAs, plays a pivotal role in muscle protein synthesis. To maximize muscle protein synthesis, runners may aim for around 2-3 grams of leucine per serving of BCAAs (Phillips & Van Loon, 2011).

Evidence 3:

The “American College of Sports Medicine” recommends considering individual factors such as body weight, training intensity, and dietary habits when determining BCAA dosage. Consulting with a sports nutritionist or healthcare professional can help customize the dosage to meet specific needs (ACSM, 2021).

How To Get BCAA

Now that you know a thing or two about the importance of BCAAs for runners, let’s look at some of the ways you can consume more of them.


While BCAA supplements are available, it’s always advisable to get your essential nutrients from natural dietary sources. Here are some dietary sources of BCAAs:

Animal-Based Sources:

  • Meat: Meat, such as beef, pork, and chicken, is rich in BCAAs, particularly leucine.
  • Poultry: Chicken and turkey are excellent sources of BCAAs, particularly isoleucine and valine.
  • Fish: Fish like salmon, tuna, and trout provide a good amount of BCAAs, along with other essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids
  • Eggs: Eggs, especially the egg whites, contain BCAAs. They are also a complete protein source.
  • Dairy Products: Dairy foods like milk, yogurt, and cheese contain BCAAs, with whey protein being particularly high in leucine.

Plant-Based Sources:

  • Legumes and Lentils: Beans, lentils, and peas are plant-based sources of BCAAs. They are also rich in dietary fiber and other essential nutrients
  • Nuts: Almonds, cashews, and peanuts contain BCAAs and make for a convenient snack option
  • Chickpeas: Chickpeas, often used in hummus and other dishes, are a source of BCAAs, especially valine.
  • Tofu and Tempeh: Tofu and tempeh, which are soy-based products, provide BCAAs for individuals following a vegetarian or vegan diet.
  • Quinoa: Quinoa is a complete plant-based protein source and contains all essential amino acids, including BCAAs.
  • Chia Seeds: Chia seeds offer a small but significant amount of BCAAs and are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.
  • Seitan: Seitan, also known as wheat gluten, is rich in protein and contains BCAAs. It’s commonly used in vegetarian and vegan dishes.


BCAA supplements can be a convenient way to ensure you’re getting an adequate amount of branched-chain amino acids, especially if you engage in intense workouts, long-distance running, or strength training with the goal of building muscle.

Here are some considerations when it comes to BCAA supplementation:

  • Intensity and Duration of Exercise: Individuals who engage in high-intensity workouts, long-duration activities (e.g., endurance running), or resistance training may benefit from BCAA supplementation. BCAAs can help reduce muscle soreness, support muscle recovery, and prevent muscle breakdown during intense exercise.
  • Dietary Restrictions: Vegetarians and vegans may have a more limited intake of BCAAs from natural dietary sources. In such cases, BCAA supplements can help meet their amino acid needs.
  • Timing: BCAA supplements are often taken before, during, or after workouts to provide a readily available source of amino acids to the muscles. Some athletes prefer intra-workout supplements to support energy levels and reduce fatigue during exercise.
  • Dosage: The optimal dosage of BCAA supplements can vary based on individual factors such as body weight, workout intensity, and goals. Common dosages range from 5 to 20 grams per day, but it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional or sports nutritionist to determine the right dosage for your needs.
  • Formulation: BCAA supplements come in various forms, including powder, capsules, and liquids. Choose the form that suits your preferences and is easy to incorporate into your routine.
  • Quality: Look for BCAA supplements from reputable brands that undergo third-party testing to ensure quality and purity. Read product labels to understand the ratio of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, as well as any additional ingredients.

How Much Should You Take?

Now, let’s get to the nitty gritty.

The amount of BCAA is a personal choice. In fact, it depends depends on various factors, as mentioned.

To get you started on the right foot, check the following tips

  • Aim for 10-20 grams of BCAAs per day: This is typically recommended for those who engage in intense workouts, endurance training, or strength training. It’s typically divided into multiple servings throughout the day, such as before, during, and after workouts.
  • Pay attention to leucine: Leucine is considered the most critical BCAA for muscle protein synthesis. Aim for around 2-3 grams of leucine per serving of BCAAs.
  • Combine with carbohydrates: Consuming BCAAs with carbohydrates post-workout may enhance recovery by promoting the uptake of amino acids into muscle cells. A common recommendation is to consume a carbohydrate-to-protein ratio of 3:1 or 4:1 after exercise.
  • Individualized adjustments: Factors like body weight, training intensity, goals, and dietary habits. Consulting with a sports nutritionist or healthcare professional can help tailor the dosage to your specific needs.
  • Start with a lower dosage: If you’re new to BCAA supplementation, start with a lower dosage and gradually increase it while monitoring your body’s response. This can help you find the right balance for your individual requirements.

When Should You Take BCAAs

When it comes to BCAAs, you’ve got some flexibility. You can fit them into your routine before and after your training sessions and sprinkle ’em in between as needed.

Now, about the form – BCAAs come in two main flavors: powder and tablets. It’s like choosing between a smoothie or a protein bar; it’s all about your style.

  • Powder: This one’s the powerhouse. It’s versatile, and you can find it in a rainbow of flavors. Mix it into water, your favorite drink, or whatever floats your boat.
  • Tablets: If you’re not into sipping your supplements, tablets are here for you. Pop ’em like vitamins, and you’re good to go.

Here’s a pro tip: If you’re a regular gym-goer, consider syncing your BCAA intake with your runs. Shoot for about 30 to 60 minutes before or after your workout sessions. It’s like fueling up your body’s superhero squad for the mission ahead.

How to Use BCAAs

The usage of BCAAs can vary based on several factors, including your goals, body weight, and activity level. Here’s a general guideline on how to use BCAAs:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations: Most BCAA supplements come with dosing guidelines provided by the manufacturer. These guidelines typically suggest the serving size based on factors like body weight and activity level. Be sure to read and follow these recommendations as a starting point.
  • Consider your training schedule: Timing your BCAA intake around your workouts can be beneficial. Some common timing options include:
  • Pre-pre: Taking BCAAs 30 minutes to an hour before a run can help provide a source of energy during your run and support muscle protein synthesis.
  • Intra-workout: Consuming BCAAs during your run, especially for long or intense sessions, may help reduce muscle breakdown and fatigue.
  • Post-workout: BCAAs can aid in muscle recovery and repair when taken after your run. Combining them with carbohydrates may enhance their effectiveness.

How To Find Quality BCAA

Let’s talk BCAA quality because you’re no rookie now. You know what to look for, and we’re about to break it down!

Powder Vs. Pills

It’s like the classic debate: team powder or team pills. Powdered BCAAs are your powerhouse option. Why? Because companies can pack more essential amino acids into each serving. If you’re popping pills, you might need a bunch to match the powder’s punch.

Additional resource – The full guide to electrolytes for runners


Let me tell you, when it comes to supplements, quality isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s an absolute necessity. Picture this: the world of supplements is less like a fortress with strict rules and more like the Wild West – a little bit unpredictable and untamed. That’s why going for products that have been through third-party testing is like having a trusty sheriff in town.

Here’s a bit of insight for you. In the supplement market, not all products are created equal. Some manufacturers might try to cut corners, sneak in ingredients that aren’t exactly top-notch, or use labels that are more fiction than fact. But third-party testing? It’s like having a neutral, eagle-eyed observer making sure everything’s on the up and up.

And who are these guardians of supplement quality? Think of Consumer Lab and Labrador as the detective duo of the supplement world. They’re the ones doing the deep dives, the extensive reviews, separating the good from the not-so-good, the effective from the ineffective.

Then there are organizations like Informed Sports and NSF – they’re like the gold standard, the seal of approval you want to see. When a supplement has their certification, it’s a green light for trustworthiness and quality. That’s the kind of assurance you need when you’re choosing what goes into your body.

Be Wary of other Ingredients

Here’s a checklist for the savvy BCAA shopper:

Beyond the Big Three: Don’t just fixate on those three essential amigos – leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Keep your eagle eyes on the “extras.” Check for sneaky sweeteners, fillers, artificial flavors, and colors. Think of your body as a temple – why let any chemical mischief-makers crash the party?

  • The Hidden Elements: Be a label detective. Investigate the ingredients list. Are there any questionable additives? Gluten? Sugar? It’s like a mystery novel, and you’re looking for clues to separate the suspects from the heroes.
  • Amino Acid Allies: Scan for other amino acids like Threonine or Tryptophan. Sometimes, they like to join the BCAA club, and that’s a good thing!
  • Mixability Matters: Picture this: You’re pumped for your BCAA boost, and you mix it with water and… clumps. Ugh! That’s a buzzkill. Opt for a powder that plays nice with water – no drama, just a smooth blend.
  • Flavor Fun: Flavor is the cherry on top. BCAA powders come in different personalities – from the mysterious unflavored to the life-of-the-party lemon-lime. Choose the flavor that makes your taste buds do a happy dance. After all, you deserve it!


BCAA supplements, my friend, are like the Wild West of the supplement world. There’s no sheriff in town to keep things in check.

Here are some cautionary tales:

  • Regulatory Vacancy: These bad boys aren’t regulated. Yep, you heard right. So, who’s keeping an eye on these supplements? Hint: No one.
  • No Magic Elixir: While BCAAs can be your trusty sidekick, don’t expect them to turn you into a superhero. They might help with muscle magic, but they won’t make you leap tall buildings in a single bound.
  • Pricy Picks: BCAAs aren’t exactly the bargain bin of supplements. You might want to consider other options that give you a more bang-for-your-buck amino acid party.
  • Whey to Go: Ever heard of whey protein? It’s like a protein buffet with all nine essential amino acids invited. Plus, it’s not just budget-friendly; it’s also a speedy digester.

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