Myrtl Routine – The Complete Guide

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Cross Training For Runners
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David Dack

Looking to learn more about the myrtl routine ? Then you’re in the right place.

The first step for preparing for a run or race is a proper warm-up.

However, static stretches—holding a pose for 20 seconds or longer—are not the way to prepare your muscles for what’s ahead.

Instead, perform a dynamic warm-up, which has become the norm and the go-to routine among everybody from the beginner runner to elite athletes.

This helps improve range of motion and strengthen and activate key running muscles.

What’s more?

Most dynamic exercises are convenient and can be performed at any time to make you ready for a workout.

One of the most popular routines is the Myrtle routine, a bodyweight, straightforward set of exercises that suits everyone.

In this article, I’ll share with you the full guide to the Myrtle routine, discuss its benefits, and explain the exercises you should be performing in detail.

Sounds great? Let’s get started.

What Is Myrtl Routine?

In essence, the Myrtle routine is one of the most effective routines that help build up hip muscle strength.

The routine is done in roughly ten minutes.  The routine consists of easy-to-do bodyweight exercises that focus on the hip girdle, a region often neglected by runners.

The movements may seem too simple to be effective, yet they help a lot.

First developed by Jay Johnno’s, a running coast in Colorado.

More specifically, the exercises target the stabilizing, smaller muscles around the hip girl that are key to support while running. This can be quite helpful, especially as you get tired during the last miles of a long run or race.

Performing the prescribed exercises on a regular basis can help improve flexibility and derange of motion to prevent pains and injury during training.

The Benefits of Myrtl Routine For Runners

Dynamic flexibility, core strength, and strength training are key for running.

As a runner, you should perform a flexibility routine before and after every run. This would improve your running game to a great extent. Even five minutes of stretch work can help increase your blood flow and heart rate.

How Often Should You Perform The Myrtle Routine

do the Myrtl routine three to four times per week—or at least before each of your runs—regardless of the distance.

By making it a part of your pre-run routine, you” be built the habit of doing it more often. That’s a good thing if you ask me.

The Myrtle Routine For Runners

Here are the exercises you need to perform to complete the Myrtl routine.

Lateral Leg Raises

Begin with laying on your right side, legs straight. Raise your left leg to a 45-degrees and then slowly lower it. Keep your legs straight the entire time.

Perform five reps with the neutral foot, another 5 with toe pointed up, and five reps with toes pointed to the floor.

Next, switch sides and repeat.


Lay on your right side while keeping your knees bent at 45-degrees.

Next, while keeping your heels together, lower your left leg, then repeat. You should form a shape of the clamshell.

Shoot for eight reps on both sides to complete one set.

Hold the pose for a moment, then slowly lower your knee back to starting position.

Additional resource – Guide to big toe pain from running

Donkey Kick

To do donkey kicks, start on all four in a table position, then bring your right knee toward your richest.

Next, kick the left leg behind with the foot flexed, and the knee bent to create a hook over your back.

Shoot for eight reps, then switch to the other side.

Fire Hydrant

Again, start in table position, then raise your right leg to the side until your knees reach your hip height.

Next, while keeping your knee bent, lower it to the starting position.

Shoot for eight reps on each side.

Donkey Whips

Begin with your hands and legs down in a table position.

Next, raise your right leg and extend it behind you. Then, swing it to the right side and then back to the center.

Perform this movement five-time, then switch sides.

The Myrtle Girdle Exercises

The Myrtle routine also focuses on the muscles in the girdle to improve the range of motion. In most cases, your mobility and range of motion degrade the longer you run regularly.

Hurdle Trail Legs

Begin by standing straight while keeping your hands on your hips or the wall for support.

Next, stand on your left leg and imagine that you’re skimming your right leg over a hurdle at the hip joint.

Perform five reps, then switch sides.

Once the set is compelled, repeat the entire movement while circling your leg backward.

Knee Circles

Start on your fours. Then make backward circles with your right leg whelk keeping your knee bent.

Shoot for five reps and then switch sides.

Linear Leg Swing

Begin by standing, feet hip-width apart. Feel free to grab a wall or a chair for balance

while keeping your body straight; swing your right leg in the front and then in the behind. Make sure your foot is reaching roughly hip height when you swing it.

Complete ten reps, then switch sides.

Linear Leg Swing With Bent Leg

Stand tall with your feet hip-distance apart next to a wall and rest your right arm on it for balance.

Next, bend your left knee at 90-degree to hip height in front of you, then swing it to the front and behind.

Shoot for ten reps on each side.

Additional resource – How to warm up for a race

Lateral leg swings

Start straight with your feet hip-width apart while facing a wall, then place both hands on it for support.

Raise your right foot out to the right side, then swing it across your body.

Keep swinging your right foot back and forth for a total of 10 reps, then switch sides.

Lateral Leg Raises

Lay down on your right side while keeping your legs straight.

Next, leave your left leg to 45-degrees, then lower it. Repeat the movement five times with neutral foot, five times in toe position, and five times switch toe-in position.

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