How Many Miles Is A 100K & How to Train For One

running in the sun

Curious about the 100K race? Then you have come to the right place.

When talking about a 100k race, we’re delving into the world of true long-distance mileage.

In this article, I’ll explain what the 100k race is all about, what it takes to run one, and a few guidelines on how to get started on training.

Sounds great?

Let’s get started

How Many Miles in 100K

So how far is 100K in miles?

Let’s get back to the basics.

One kilometer equals 0.621 miles. So if you multiply 0.621 by 100, you get 62.1 miles.

In other words, a 100k race will have you running 62.1 miles.

That’s a lot of miles.

Still not making any sense?

Let me put that number in perspective.

Running a 100k is the equivalent of running 49 miles more than a half marathon, 36 miles more than a marathon, and over 30 miles more than a 50K.

The race is also the equivalent of 20 5K and ten 10K. Yes, imagine running twenty 5K races in a row. That’s a lot.

The 100k race is considered the gateway distance to the 100-mile race for many ultra runners.

Also known as ultra distance or ultra running, an ultramarathon is any footrace longer than the classic marathon distance of 42.19 kilometers –26 miles.

Additional resource – How many miles is 50K

How long does it Take to Run a 100K?

Overall, the 100K distance may take most runners around 10 to 15 hours to cross the finish line.  This means spending a lot of time running through meal times, cruising in the dark, and spending a whole day on the trail.

But overall, a good 100k time is 09:09:35. If you’re wondering from where I got that number, then know it’s the average 100K time across all ages and genders. A fast 100K time is anything within six hours.

Training For a 100K

It should come as no surprise, but to run such a long race, you’ll need to invest long months—even years—of training.

During your training period, you’ll need to learn more about endurance training, nutrition, injury prevention, recovery, and other aspects so you can maximize your training on all levels.

Training for a 100K is tough, both physically and mentally. It’s not just about having the endurance—it’s about getting in the right headspace too. Running those long distances can sometimes feel pretty lonely, but having someone by your side can make all the difference. For some, a strong support system, or even a partner, is what helps them push through to the finish line. Who knows, maybe your second half could be the motivation you need to power through those last miles. You never know, you might just meet them on sites like, and they could become a key part of your journey!

Additional resource – How long is a half marathon

How To Know If You’re Ready To Train for 100k

Before you jump into 100k training, you’ll want to first have a few ultra-distance races under your belt.

Increasing your training volume over time will grant your body enough either to adapt. Jumping from 5K to 100k is the recipe for failure.

The longer the distance of the race, the more time your body will need to adapt to a higher load. There’s no way around it.

At the very least, have a few 50-mile or 80K races as your starting point. When you follow this recipe, you’ll have to add 20k. Yes, by no means a short distance, but it’s better than making the jump from a shorter distance.

To make sure you’re making the right decision, it’d best to have completed these 50-mile races feeling pretty good.

How to Choose your First 100k

Choose your race wisely to have the best possible first 100K experience.

What do I mean?

When embarking on your first 100k, you’ll want to avoid choosing any event that includes super challenging elements such as altitude conditions or extreme climate.

For this reason, know all of your options. I’d recommend a website such as ultra sign up, where you can check out races. You can search by distance, location, date, and even difficulty.

Train Your Mind

Running a 100K is both a physical and mental challenge. Your mind plays a key role in your approach to training and running such a challenging race.

So if you fail to train your mind as hard as you train your body, you’ll set yourself up for failure.

First, acknowledge that 100k is nothing like the half marathons or marathons you’re completed over the last few years (hopefully).

The rest is details.

Spend More Time On Your Feet

Whether you’re looking to complete or compete in the race, it’s key to expand the time you spend on your feet in preparation.

Your body has to adapt to spending hours and hours on your feet to withstand the challenge on race day.

That’s why hiking is one of the best training methods for building a solid base of endurance leg strength in a low-risk way when it comes to ultrarunning.

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to hydration running vests

More Time On Your Feet

Spending long hours on your feet is key –it’s more important than miles or speed.

Whether you’re training for a marathon or a 100K, long slow runs are the bread and butter of endurance training.

You’ll want to do at least one slow long run every weekend.

As a rule, aim to complete at least one 50K a week or so before race day. Serious runners should have already covered more than 70K at one go and done several 50K races recently.

I hate to state the obvious, but you’ll need to build up your long runs in a gradual and structured way instead of trying to log in as many miles in one weekend. Follow some common sense.

Complete your long runs at a comfortable, easy, and conversational pace. It should be around 3 to 4 of your RPE.

You can also try doing back-to-backs, which means running two long runs on consecutive days. This training strategy gets your body adapted to running on tired legs.

Additional resource – Guide to Marathon Des Sables

Choose A Realistic 100K

Are you looking to run your first 100K race? Then I’d recommend choosing an event course that’s relatively flat, well-supported, and in a comfortable climate and weather.

Leave things such as heat, humidity, elevations, and hyenas for when you’re more experienced. That amazing race through the desert or the jungle or whatever will be there next year—and the year after that—no need to jump stages.

Start at where you’re at—not where you want to be.

Few things are as worse as coming to an ultra race but having to quit halfway through because you weren’t prepared enough. This will prevent you from going again, and you don’t want that.

Build Your Base

It goes without saying, but before you set up to train for an ultra race, you’ll want to build the right pace first.

One of the most common mistakes ultra runners make is failing to build an appropriate foundation to handle the physical and mental demands of ultra racing.

Before you start driving a car, you’ll need to learn how to turn one on, shift gears, etc.

The same logic applies to ultra-distance training.

At the very least, you should be running five times a week pain-free for 6 to 12 months before you even consider signing up for an ultra race.

Trying to skip stages will result in underperformance and injury.

An ultra-running plan is similar to any other running plan. Make sure your runs are easy and not too long—shoot for 45 to 90 minutes, depending on your current fitness and goals.

Aim to complete four to six key long or back-to-back run weekends.

Then once you have a base, add in a weekly long run as you’d for marathon training.

Get your body used to running consistently 18 to 20 miles weekly.

Then a couple of months before the race, increase your long run distance every second or third week.

At the very least, you should peak at around 22-24 miles per long run a few weeks before race day. Then you should work it out for 30 miles about four weeks before race day.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to run faster

Learn To Fuel

Besides logging enough miles, the most important aspect of endurance training is getting your energy needs met.

That’s why you need to learn how properly fuel your body—otherwise, you’ll be running out of fuel soon, and you don’t want that.

You might get away in a shorter distance without a concrete fueling strategy.

But having a fueling strategy is crucial for the 100K race.

Start by deterring your calorie needs and fluid loss per hour.

Use the following formula to calculate your calorie needs.

Then take this sweat test to determine your hydration needs.

I recommend testing different combinations of foods and products to see what works for you.

Some of these should include:

  • Fruits
  • Gummies
  • Energy bars
  • Gels
  • Sports drinks

Make sure to have found out what works the best for you before race day.

Finding out what works is trial and error, but you’ll find out what works best if you keep experimenting. It’s just a matter of time.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but it’s key to master your fueling and hydration strategy before race day. Your body will require continuous energy to help you get to that finish line.

Additional resource – How to choose trail running gaiters

Trail Running First Aid Kit – The Complete List

What is A Good Running Pace For Beginners

If you don’t know how to make up your own trail running first aid kit, you have come to the right place.

Hitting the trails is a fantastic way to explore nature and connect with the world.

But it’s not a safe walk in the park.

Although trail running isn’t the most extreme outdoor sport, it’s key to know the risks and how to take care of yourself when things take the wrong turn.

To err on the side of caution, have your own trail running first aid kit every time you’re out there, so you’re ready for anything. You don’t know what’s going to happen next.

Expect the best but prepare for the worst and all that.

This article will give you an overview of the most important items that should be added and included in your trail running first aid kit. Keep in mind that these are just suggestions. The way to put together your own kit should be based on your needs, preferences, training terrains, and medical health. The rest is just gravy.

Trail Running First Aid Kit – The Essentials

A trail running first aid is an integral part of any runner’s gear who loves to spend time on trails and outdoors.

The kit is there to help deal with and manage emergencies and injuries that may strike while trail running. It should include everything so you can be prepared for anything.

Some of the items that should be included in this type of kit include:

  • Bandages and gauze
  • Tweezers
  • Athletic tape
  • Rescue whistle
  • GPS Tracking Device
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Band-aids
  • flashlight
  • Zofran for nausea when running
  • Moleskin for managing blisters.
  • Band-Aid
  • Sanitizer or alcohol wipes
  • Steri-Strip, two sizes for wound closures.
  • Fire: waterproof matches
  • Tobasco
  • Biopatch, which is anti-microbial.
  • Tourniquet
  • Benadryl for allergy reactions
  • Tape: Coban, waterproof tape

Don’t get me wrong. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but, at the very least, it should get you started on the right foot.

At a minimum, you should carry:

  • Band-aids
  • Sterile wipes
  • GPS Tracking Device
  • Moleskin
  • Athletic tape
  • Antiseptic
  • Rescue whistle

Now let me explain why these tools are so important when you’re outdoors for a long time.

Additional Resource – Running while constipated.

Anti-bacterial Bandage

You’ll need these if (when) you fall.

Athletic tape

One of the most common injuries among trail runners is ankle sprains.

Once you sprain your ankle, you’ll need something to support the injured limb on your way back home.

That’s why having an athletic tape with you in case your roll your ankle can help.

You can roll-tape your ankle in many ways.

Check the following YouTube tutorials on how to do it right.

Rescue Whistle

Although most running/hydrations packs may feature a built-in whistle in the chest strap, you should consider getting a much louder whistle. No one cannot mistake the source of whist as a sign of distress.

Rescue whistles are a key safety tool every trail runner should have. This makes it easier for others to find you in case things turn bad.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to protect yourself from dogs

GPS Tracking Device

This may not be reliable deep in the woods where the network is scarce, but having a GPS tracking device can help keep track of your position and ensure that you’re relatively safer while logging the miles.

Additional Resource – Here’s the full guide to running watches


No network? No problem, as you can always go to the old school by carrying a map with you.

Unless you know the area you’re running like the back of your hand, you should carry a map, or at the very least, have an offline map of the area on your phone.

You’ll want to know how to get out of there fast in case you get injured or have an emergency.

Additional resource – Running with a labral tear

Mobile Phone

It goes without saying, but in case things make a turn to the worst, you’ll be at least prepared to phone for help.

Bear Spray

Running in an area with bears? Then you should have a bear spray on hand. You never know.

The spray can also protect you from aggressive anime and keep you safe while in the wilderness.


Running early in the morning or late in the evening? Then you’ll want to know where you are putting your feet, especially on technical terrains.

That headlamp is a key piece of gear for any serious trail runner, especially if you plan to spend any time out there in the dark. A headlamp attaches to your head (or helmet) which frees up your hands while running or hiking.

Additional resource – How to choose trail running gaiters


These work well for managing blisters and preventing them from getting worse.

Although blisters are by no means a serious injury, suffering one on the trails can make your running experience less than ideal. It sucks when every step you take is painful.

Blisters suck, especially when you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere. So please take the right measures to prevent and treat them.

Additional Resource – Here’s the full guide to feeling bloated after running

Stomach Problems

If you’re prone to diarrhea or GI issues, you should include smooth glide Stomach Relief in your trail emergency kit.

Additional Resource – Here’s the full guide lower abdominal pain while running.

Allergic med

Have some allergies? Then remember to take any necessary medication to manage your condition.

Current Medication

Already have a medical condition and/or injury that requires medication?

That’s another thing to include in your trail first aid kit. It’s different for everyone—you know what you need. Leave nothing for chance.

Be Careful

Whether tackling technical terrains or running a loop around your neighborhood, the best way to stay safe is to pay attention to your surroundings and what’s happening around you.

If a route, place, person, or whatever gives you the hilly bellies, trust your gut and run in the other direction.

Additional resource  – Here’s your guide to pain on top of the foot while running.

Trail Running First Aid Kit – The Conclusion

Don’t get me wrong. The list I’ve provided above is by no means the most exhaustive list of all things you could carry on a trail run. However, stuffing your trail pack may seem excessive for a relatively short run.

So use some common sense.

How To Fix Sore Quads After Running

prevent running injuries

Do you often get sore quads from running? Then you have come to the right place.

Quad soreness is a common problem among runners—beginners and elites alike. In most cases, the pain is just annoying, but sometimes it can even sideline the most committed for days, or weeks, at a time.

In this post, I’ll dive into the causes of quad soreness and then share a few measures and tips that you can try to fix sore quads and return to running strong and pain-free.

If your quads are sore more than often, taking a few measures can help you return to running strong and pain-free.

But first, let’s cover the basics.

What Are The Quad Muscles?

The quads, or quadriceps, refer to the four muscles located in the front upper thigh between the pelvis and knee.

The four muscles include:

  • The rectus femoris—which runs down the center of your thigh from the hip to the kneecap
  • Vastus lateralis—which is located on the outer side of the front of the thigh
  • Vastus medialis—which runs along the inner section of the front of the thigh
  • Vastus intermedius—which extends down the center of the thigh

Although the quads are made of these four different muscles, most people think of them as one simple muscle and system.

Your quad muscles work “hand in hand” with your hamstrings to extend and bend your legs and perform other vital functions. That’s why the quads are some of the most important running muscles and are vital for all types of athletic endeavors.

For this reason, the quads are some of the most important running muscles and a key driver in virtually all athletic sports. This, as you can already tell, also means they’re susceptible to overuse or injury, which might the reason you’re experiencing quad soreness after running at times.

The price we pay.

Causes Of Quad Soreness In runners & What To Do About it

Training mistakes are the main reason behind most running injuries—quad soreness is no exception.

Muscle soreness is your body’s way of telling you that you’ve been gone a little beyond its comfort zone.

This happens when you put a lot of stress on the cells that make up your quads that aren’t quite used to the intensity of the exercise, which happens when you try to run further or faster than you’re used to.

Fortunately, over time, your quads will be more robust. But the keyword is time, and when you’re trying to rush things out and skip stages, you start getting too hurt.

Why Do my Quads Hurt After Running?

In most cases, some quad soreness is no cause for alarm. For example, if you changed up your training load recently, your quadriceps might experience delayed onset soreness (DOMS).

This condition is believed to be mainly caused by discomfort linked with micro-tears in the muscles during training.

This is thought to be a residual effect of the build-up of lactic acid in the muscle from intense training.

But dealing with chronic quad pain likely means a more severe injury.

Additional resource – Labral tears in runners

Drastic Increase in Volume

As previously stated, the main culprit behind quad soreness is overuse.

So it should be no surprise to experience soreness when you try increasing your overall training load—either by logging more miles or doing more speedwork. Both impact the workload of your quads.

As you up to training, you also increase the load on your quads, making them sore afterward.

Beginner Runners

If you just took up running for the first time, don’t feel surprised if you feel sore quads after running.

How come?

It takes time for your muscles to adapt to the high-impact nature of running. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen overnight.

So if your quads are especially painful than your other muscles, it doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with your technique, stride, or body. It’s just a part of the process.

Improper Landing

Another thing that may strain your quads is landing too far out in front of your center of gravity. This is known as overstriding and is believed to cause a plethora of overuse running injuries such as runners’ knees and ITBS.

Too Much Downhill Running

Although downhill running may feel like a break—especially after the climb portion—most runners are taken back by how sore their quadriceps can get the next day.

The reason is simple. Your quadriceps take in much more impact and stress when traveling downhill than while running on flat surfaces. For example, the impact of running on a flat surface is around two to three times your body weight with each step.

However, on the downhill, the impact is drastically higher since the ground is moving away from you, as in you are falling further down. Due to the compacted stress, your quad develops micro-tears, leading to excessive soreness over time.

The Solution

The downhill section is part and parcel of any running routine, especially if you live in a hilly area. You just can’t avoid downhills altogether.

But if you’re limping around due to sore quads, it helps to avoid them for a few days to give your body a chance to bounce back.

Additional resource – your guide to running with metatarsalgia

Limited Hip Mobility

Another common cause of quad soreness in runners is limited hip mobility, which is a known side effect of a sedentary lifestyle.

When you spend a lot of time in a seated position, you’ll force your hip flexors to work overtime and tighten up.

The solution

There are many exercises that can help you undo all that sitting.

The following stretches can activate and loosen your tight hip flexors, especially before a run.

Some of the best ones include

The Standard Quad Stretch

Lying Quad Stretch

The Kneeling Quad Stretch

What’s more?

You should also consider foam rolling your hip flexors after stretching to soothe any tightness or firmness before you run.

Try the following foam rolling exercise

How to Prevent Quads Soreness After Running

Here are the steps you need to prevent sore quads from running.

Warm-up And Cool Down

Start all of your runs—and workouts with a proper warm-up.

Trying to run while still feeling some quad soreness? Then perform your usual warm-up, then do a few easy stretches if your muscles still feel tight.

By properly warming up, you’ll help prevent your muscles from getting overly tight, which leaves you prone to injury.

A good warm-up routine should include plenty of dynamic exercises with flexibility and activation drills to help transition your body into “running mode.” This is especially the case after prolonged sitting.

Once you feel warmed up, ease into your run. You might still experience soreness on your first few steps, but it should fade as you continue.

If your soreness is chronic or getting worse as you keep running, stop running altogether and perform some pain-free cross-training instead. Think yoga, strength training, swimming, cycling, etc.

Additional Resource – Your Guide to Groin Strains While Running

Change Your Cadence

Cadence refers to the number of times your feet hit the ground in one minute of running. Also known as stride rate, cadence helps indicate whether you’re landing under your center of gravity or reaching your legs too far forward in front of your body.

The slower your cadence—the fewer steps you take per minute—the more likely you’re overstriding, the higher the impact you place on your ankles, knees, and hips.

Most research indicates that the optimal cadence for runners is around 180 steps per minute.

Additional Resource – Here’s the full guide to running watches

Strengthen Your Quads

The best way to safeguard your quadriceps from getting sore in the future is to make them stronger.

When you do this, you increase the tissue’s capacity for training and stress bearing.

The stronger the muscles, the more training capacity and the less risk of experiencing pain and injury when you log in more miles.

Some of the best exercises that strengthen the quads include:

  • Squats
  • Split squats
  • Lunges
  • Leg presses

Stretch After You Run

Build a habit of regularly stretching your running muscles, especially after hard runs and workouts.

Although dynamic stretching is the way for pre-run stretching, you should always stretch statically following a run.

Focus on your hips, hamstrings, calves, and of course, your quads and anything that felt tight during the run.

Try some Ice Therapy

A useful measure to soothing muscle soreness, especially after hard training, is ice baths.

Even jumping in cold water for a few minutes can help speed up recovery.

Ice therapy may also force your blood vessels in the quads to tighten, which promotes the draining of lactic acid out of your muscles.

Taking an ice bath is simple. All you have to do is fill a bath with cold water, then slowly immerse yourself into the cold water. Next, add some ice. This should slowly ease your way into it, especially if you hate the cold.

Not a fan of ice baths? Then try applying some ice packs on sore areas. Just make sure not to overdo it. You shouldn’t be icing any body parts for more than 10 to 15 minutes.

Additional resource – Common running injuries

Try Massage

Another option that has been shown to reduce muscle soreness is massage.

Massaging the impacted muscle(s) boosts blood flow, which helps bring oxygen and nutrients to the area, speeding up recovery.

Massage also reduces tension and stress in the muscles by helping loosen them up, which removes stiffness.

If you cannot invest time or money in a professional massage, try doing some gentle self-massage by using a massage tool such as a stick or a foam roller.

Check the following YouTube Tutorial on how to do it:

Eat Well

Your food choices also impact how sore you feel following a run. After all, what you put in your body makes a big difference in both recovery and performance.

Aim to replenish your fuel tanks as fast as possible post-run.  Research has suggested that your muscles might be the most receptive to nutrients within the first few hours after exercise.

Opt for a good balanced, and nutritious meal after a run. Focus on carbs and protein. You should also add in some healthy fats as well.

Most experts recommend taking 3 grams of carbs to every 1 gram of protein.

As a general rule, shoot for a post-run food ratio of 1 gram of protein for every 3 grams of carbs. You can try a protein shake or smoothie of fruits and yogurt—your choice.

Great examples include

  • A protein shake
  • A bagel with peanut butter
  • Yogurt and banana

Don’t have the stomach for solid food following a run? Then try drinking chocolate milk. This should provide your body with enough carbs, protein, and other nutrients to kickstart the recovery process.

What’s more?

Drink plenty of water as it helps flush out toxin buildup that piles up throughout your muscles. Here’s the full guide to proper hydration.

Additional Resource – Here’s the full guide lower abdominal pain while running.

Take Plenty of Recovery

When it comes down to it, the best way to ward off quad soreness—and most other pains—is to give your body plenty of time to rest and bounce back.

Don’t jump into another hard run or workout the next day or soon, as this can only worsen your pain.

Instead, make sure to give your body time off to rest.

Downtime allows your body to soothe muscle soreness and pain so you can return to running to your fullest.

Additional Resource – Here’s the full guide to feeling bloated after running

Sore Quads After Running – Conclusion

Although it’s possible to keep quad soreness at bay by taking some of the above measures, if pain persists, you’re better to visit your doctor throughout the examination. This is because you might be injured or have a condition to blame for your pain.

Running Shoes Vs. Cross Trainers – The Main Differences

Running Shoes Vs. Cross Trainers

Although running shoes and cross-trainers have a lot in common, the differences between the two means that you must choose the right type for activity.

So what are some of these differences, and how can you tell which one is?

Worry no more.

In this post, I’ll share the full guide on the key differences between running shoes vs. cross-training shoes so you can more easily choose the best for a given activity.

Training Vs. Running Shoes

Although running and cross-training (or non-running exercise) are two entirely different ways of training, many people still wear the same footwear for both activities.

This is a big mistake

Although running shoes and cross trainers can look the same to the untrained eye for injury prevention, comfort, and performance, it’s worth using the right shoe for the right activity. Otherwise, you’ll set yourself up for poor performance, pain, or even injury.

Let’s get into why.

What Are Cross-Training Shoes

Cross trainers are designed for a wider range of motion and multi-directional movements, including jumping, cutting, breaking, stopping, and changing direction quickly. This makes cross-trains suitable for a variety of workouts.

They also feature a flatter sole than standard road running shoes, which makes them more flexible.

What’s more?

Cross trainers also tend to be flatter with a lower heel-to-drop.

Cross-Training shoe Purpose

As the name implies, cross-training refers to a range of various workouts. By the same token, cross trainers are the all-catch term that refers to a wide range of shoes for different activities.

Additional Reading  – Your guide to the heel to toe drop.

Think of cross-trains as your all-in gym shoe.

Cross trainers are designed to perform a variety of roles. You can use them for almost any non-running exercise, such as strength training, the elliptical machine, yoga, stretching, Zumba workout, or CrossFit.

This includes weight-bearing exercises such as squats and lunges, changes of direction, and multidirectional moves such as jumping.

Therefore, the main function of good cross trainers is to provide support and stability for the different exercises and movements you’d perform during cross-training.

In most models, cross-trainers feature a flatter and smoother outsole to increase ground contact for better stability. They also have a rounded edge to limit the risk of ankle rolling. This shoe also features a flexible midsole for multi-directional movement.

Can you run in your Cross Training shoes

While cross trainers may feel comfortable, I still won’t recommend them for running, especially on long-distance runs.

Running shoes

Although running has a lot to offer, the high-impact nature of the sport can take a toll on your muscles and joints. This, over time, can lead to pain and injury, especially if you’re not using the right footwear.

Running shoes are made for, wait for it, running. They’re designed for heel-to-toe movement and have a higher heel drop. This, in turn, gives them extra support and cushioning in the midfoot and heel.

What’s more?

Running shoes tend to be light for the best running experience. But, even if it’s just an ounce, over the miles, those extra ounces are fast to pile one to extra pounds. This will slow you down, and you don’t want that.

Running shoes feature extra arch support and cushioning than cross trainers, which can help reduce the risk for overuse injuries such as runners’ knee or stress fractures.

What’s more?

Running shoes tend to be lighter than cross-trainers. This is because a lighter design makes running easier, especially if you’re logging in many miles.

Additional Resource – Here’s a list of the best running shoe brands.

Do you Need Both Running Shoes and Cross Trainers?

Of course, you do, especially if you engage in activities other than running.

If you’re not into cross-training, then you should get started ASAP. I  cannot emphasize it enough.

You should also have different running shoes for different runs. Road shoes and trails shoe are designed for specific purposes, you know. Use the right one for the job.

Are you planning to do a lot of trail running? Then go for running shoes with deeper lugs and more durable uppers to help improve traction and protection while navigating technical terrains.

Additional Resource:


For these reasons—and some more—you shouldn’t be running in your cross-trainers.

They simply won’t offer enough support and cushioning, whether you’re pounding the pavement or running indoors on a treadmill. Be careful

Why Do My Ears Hurt When I Run? The 7 Most Common Causes

ear pain when running

Do your ears hurt when you run? Then you’ve come to the right place.

If you’ve been running for a while, then  you’re familiar with the occasional soreness in the feet, legs, knees, hips, or back.

In fact, you might even have had your fair share of pain from the runner’s knee, shin splints, and ITBS.

These are common overuse injuries from repeated use—or overuse. You can find plenty of information both on this blog and other websites on how to treat and prevent overuse injuries.

But what about ear pair while running?

Here’s the truth. One less-than-common yet super important region in the body that doesn’t get much attention are the ears.

This might seem entirely unrelated to running, but according to my experience as a runner and running coach, painful ears—both during or after—are relatively a common issue.

Fret no more.

In this article, I’ll explain several potential causes of ear pain in runners, along with guidelines on preventing and treating the pain so you can run more comfortably.

The Main Reason Your Ears Might Hurt During/After Running

Ear pain is often caused by a change of pressure within the inner ear. This can be triggered by different and often small changes in your biology and/or environment.

The human ear is highly sensitive and prone to such pressure fluctuation, which can be blamed on many variables, such as blood vessel contraction, muscle tension, weather, etc.

Here’s a list of reasons you might have ear pain during or after a run. Check through the symptoms and see if it matches your case.

Additional guide – Here’s how to breathe when running in the cold

Cold Temperature

If ear pain only strikes during outdoor runs, it’s likely an extrenal factor (or factors) at work. This is especially the case when running during the cold season.

You can tell if your ear pain comes from wind and cold if you only experience the pain during your outdoor winter runs.

How come?

Your ear is exposed to cold air, which can get into your ear canal.

Since the nerves within your ear canal are not protected by skin, exposure to cold air can cause a strong and painful reaction. The moment the cold air reaches your eardrum, pain follows.

That’s not the whole story. If your head is cold, it can trigger muscle cramps in your neck, leading to ear discomfort, such as tinnitus—the ringing in the ears.

The solution

First, make sure that your pain is caused by the cold. If it’s the case, try wearing a hat or ear warmers to protect your ears from the elements. Both of these items can keep your ears protected, even in very extreme temperatures.

Not enough?

Get a proper pair of earmuffs, a thick beanie, or a buff that shields your ears from the cold, then see if the problem goes away.

Additional resource – Can you run with a broken toe?

Ill-Fitting Earbuds

Do you often listen to music while running? If yes, then you’re likely dealing with ill-fitting earbuds.

Although music can help a lot, ill-fitting earbuds can put pressure on your ear, leading to pain.

So how do you make sure?

Simple. Do a simple test during your next run. All you have to do is to leave your earbuds at home. Feeling no pain? Then the earbuds will likely be behind it.

The Solution

Once you’re sure that your earbuds are the culprit, it’s time to try some new earbuds and see if your pain has gone away. Most likely, it will.

As a rule, choose earbuds that fit snugly in your ears but are not too tight.

When looking for earbuds, choose ones that fit snugly in your ears and don’t slip out easily. But keep in mind that ears should allow for airflow in and out of your ears instead of suctioning themselves in.

To ensure proper fit, choose a product that includes a variety of earbud tip sizes. You should also test out each size before choosing the best fit.

What’s more?

Remember to clean your earbuds after rot use to avoid bacterial build-up, therefore, smells, and possible ear infections.

Loud Music

To get motivated for a hard run, you may feel tempted to crank up the tunes to an ear-splitting level. When you do this over the miles, you have the perfect recipe for ear pain, even irreversible noise-induced hearing loss.

Even earbuds of the ideal size cannot help your ears if the problem lies in the volume of your music.

The Solution

I hate to state the obvious, but the best way to prevent ear pain from loud music is to keep the music down and follow the volume warnings on your music device.

This helps protect your ear from damage and makes it safer when running outdoors. In addition, you’ll need your ears to alert you of any incoming danger, as missing the sound of oncoming traffic can be lethal.

What’s more?

I recommend using wireless earbuds with active noise cancellation (ANC) design.

My advice?

Instead of music, try to tune in to podcasts or audiobooks, which may call for lower volume.

Additional resource – Guide to big toe pain from running


Experience ear pain during running only after eating acidic food? Then you’re dealing with GERD.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which the stomach’s content is forced to back up into the esophagus (stomach pipe), leading to heartburn.

In addition to nausea, chest pain, a lump in the throat, burning sensation in the chest, especially after eating, difficulty swallowing, and coughing, some people may also develop ear pain.

Surveys show that about 40 percent of people with GERD report ear pain during exercise due to disruption of stomach content.

Untreated, GERD may even cause period ear problems.

Additional Resource – Here’s the full guide lower abdominal pain while running.

The Solution

Avoid acidic foods like citrus and tomatoes in the hours before your workout. Some non-acidic foods might cause GERD, such as mint and garlic.

You should also consult your doctor if you have a history of GERD.

Remember that GERD can be serious and even lead to permanent hearing loss, so it’s important to get yourself treated as soon as possible.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to stop feeling nauseous after running.

Jaw Tightness

A common mistake many runners make is clenching the jaw while running. This can cause pain in the jaw, which extends to the neck, teeth, and ears.

Even if you’re not clenching your jaw while running, it could lead to ear pain if you’re currently experiencing more stress than usual.

The Solution

Keep your facial muscles relaxed while running.

If you start experiencing pain, slow down, relax your face, and get back to your pace while keeping your face relaxed.

You can also try massaging your ears before running to improve blood flow and soothe pressure.

You should also address any stress-inducing causes in your life, as well as practicing some relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to help you feel calmer.

Additional resource – Your guide to runners cough

Blood Vessel Constriction

Tend to run often outdoors in sub-freezing temperatures? Then you might experience vasoconstriction, which is the constricting of blood vessels, similar to cold ears.

Your blood vessels can get constricted while running hard, especially in cold weather or at high altitude.

Often common among long-distance runners, vasoconstriction can cause serious pain in the ears. The pain is worse when running in cold wither or

The Solution

There aren’t many measures to take to avoid vasoconstriction other than keeping your ears warm and steering clear of altitude training.

So, remember to protect your ears from the elements. Wear a head band or hat when running or exercising in cold weather. Make it a rule.

If the pain persists, consider moving your workouts indoors.

Ruptured Eardrum

Experiencing temporary hearing loss? Then you’re dealing with a ruptured eardrum

Another common cause of ear pain is a ruptured eardrum, a condition with a tear or hole in the thin tissue that separates the ear canal from the eardrum (the middle ear).

Although a ruptured eardrum isn’t caused by running, logging the miles—and exercise generally—can worsen the pain. Not only that, any sweat or moisture that makes its way to your ear can trigger pain from a ruptured eardrum.

And the pain will also be present when not exercising.

Common culprits include loud sounds, sudden changes in air pressure, ear infections, severe head trauma, or small objects shoved into the ear.

The Solution

If you suspect a ruptured eardrum, you should visit a doctor immediately to diagnose the problem. Cases of rupture eardrums should be treated ASAP.

As a runner, you should stop exercising immediately and get the necessary medical care.

Otherwise, you’ll just make things worse for yourself, and you don’t want that.


Additional resource – Sore quads after running

Consult your Doctor

If you’ve covered all bases but are still dealing with ear pain during or after exercise, then it’s time to consult a doctor to get at the root cause of the issue.


There you have it!

If you often experience ear pain while running, then today’s article should set you off on the right path. The rest is just details.

Thank you for dropping by.

Have a great day.

Runner’s Guide: Tackling Bruised Toenails and Keeping Your Feet Injury-Free

Bruised Toenail From Running

Do you often experience bruised toenails from running? You’re not alone, and I’m here to help.

Those bruised toenails might seem like a runner’s badge of honor, but they can be painful and disruptive to your training.

But don’t worry, there are steps you can take to prevent those unsightly and uncomfortable bruises.

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of runner’s toenails, explore how to treat bruised toenails from running, and, most importantly, discover ways to keep your toes happy and injury-free.

Let’s get started!

What is A Bruised Toenail From Running?

A bruised toenail from running, also known as a jogger’s toenail, occurs when the nail and the surrounding area become bruised or turn black due to the stress placed on them while running.

Medically termed a subungual hematoma, this condition involves bleeding under the toenail, which causes it to appear black. The black color results from blood leaking from damaged blood vessels.

A bruised toenail can lead to throbbing pain, intense discomfort, and the accumulation of blood beneath the nail. However, despite the pain, it is usually not a serious condition. In runners, the big toe and the second toe are often the most affected by jogger’s toenails because they are typically the longest toes and absorb the most stress during the running stride.

The Complications

While runners’ toes are not usually considered a serious running injury, they can be extremely uncomfortable and potentially interfere with your training. Ignoring runners’ toes can sometimes lead to painful complications, including:

  • The loss of the toenail.
  • Development of blood blisters.
  • Risk of infection (more details on this later).

It’s important to address runners’ toes and take appropriate measures to prevent or manage these complications to ensure your running experience remains as pain-free as possible.

The Causes of Bruised Toenails

The primary cause of runners’ toenails is repetitive stress. With each step you take while running, the tips of your toes repeatedly rub against or hit the front of your running shoe. Even if you have proper running shoes and form, the impact can still lead to your toenails, especially the big one, repeatedly slamming into the front of the shoe during each foot strike.

While this impact may seem minor individually, over the course of thousands of steps during your training, it can lead to the rupture of blood vessels beneath the toenail, resulting in blood leakage. The more stress and impact your toes endure, the greater the damage that accumulates over time.

Additional Resource – Your Guide to Groin Strains While Running

Symptoms of Infection After Nail Injury

As I mentioned earlier, bruised toenails are generally not a cause for concern. However, in some cases, the condition may lead to an infection if bacteria or germs enter the toes through a break in the nail or skin. Additionally, if the nail comes off, there will be an open area on the toe where infection could potentially develop.

In cases of infection, antibiotics may be required, but only a healthcare professional can determine the appropriate course of treatment. It’s important to be vigilant for the following signs of infection following a nail injury:

  • Feeling ill or experiencing a fever
  • Red streaks appearing around the affected area
  • Increased redness in the affected area
  • Swelling or persistent pain in the area.

Additional resource – Labral tears in runners

Other Causes Of Bruised Toenail

While bruised toenails in runners are often caused by the repetitive stress of running, it’s important to note that there can be other underlying causes. These include:

  • Fungal Infection: A fungal infection of the nail (onychomycosis) can cause discoloration, thickening, and darkening of the toenail.
  • Melanonychia Striata: This is a condition where there are dark lines or streaks in the nail caused by increased melanin production. It may be benign, but it’s important to have it evaluated by a healthcare professional to rule out any serious issues.
  • Cancerous Tumor: In very rare cases, a black toenail could be a sign of a cancerous tumor. This is extremely uncommon, but any suspicious changes in the toenail should be examined by a doctor.
  • Chronic Ingrown Toenail: An ingrown toenail that becomes chronic can cause discoloration and damage to the nail.
  • Subungual Exostosis: This is a type of benign tumor that can develop under the toenail, leading to nail discoloration and deformity.

Additional resource – Labral tears in runners

How To Treat Bruised Toenail

If you’re not experiencing serious pain, you likely don’t need any specific treatment for runners’ toenails.

But, if too much blood accumulates under the toenail to the point of forcing the nail to lift from its bed, then you’re in trouble. This often results in sharp or throbbing pain.

Head to the nearest clinic if you’re experiencing this type of pain. The physician will drain the affected toe for immediate pain relief.

Here are some steps to consider:

  • Rest and Elevation: If you have a bruised toenail but it’s not causing severe pain, you can simply rest and elevate your foot to reduce swelling.
  • Draining Pooled Blood: If a significant amount of blood has accumulated under the toenail, causing severe pain and pressure, it may be necessary to have a healthcare professional drain the blood. They will use a heated needle to make a small hole in the nail to release the pressure.
  • Nail Falling Off: If your nail is already loosening or falling off, it’s essential to keep the area clean. Clean the exposed area with an antibiotic cream and cover it with a bandage. Consult your doctor for guidance on proper wound care and to ensure the nail grows back correctly.
  • Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen can help manage pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Protective Measures: To prevent further injury, wear shoes that provide ample room for your toes, and consider using padding or cushioning to protect the toenail during recovery.
  • Consult a Doctor: If you’re unsure about the severity of the injury, experiencing persistent pain, or if you suspect an infection, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional. They can assess the injury and provide appropriate treatment recommendations.

Additional Resource – Your Guide to Groin Strains While Running

How To Prevent Bruised Toenails From Running

Repeated stress is the main culprit behind bruised tonsils. Therefore, anything you can do to minimize the stress is surely welcome.

Here are some of the measures to consider.

Get The Right Shoes

Choosing the perfect running shoes is like finding the right dance partner – it can make all the difference in the world. So, let’s talk shoe fit, shall we?

Picture this: you’re out on the trails, logging those miles like a champ. But wait, what’s that? Your feet start to feel like they’re staging a mutiny inside your shoes. You see, during your training, your feet can swell up a bit like they’ve had one too many cookies. So, here’s the deal – your running shoes need to have some wiggle room for those toe-party guests.

Let me break it down for you: your toes should be able to move freely, like they’re dancing at a music festival, inside your shoes. No cramped toes allowed! But hold on, we’re not talking clown shoes here – the toe box (that’s the front of your shoe) should be just right, not too wide, and definitely not too narrow.

Now, let’s get specific. Imagine your biggest toe is the star of the show (which it is), there should be about a thumb’s width of space between its tip and the end of your shoe. That’s the sweet spot for comfort and preventing toenail troubles.

But here’s the kicker – don’t just grab any pair of sneakers off the shelf. Nope, I recommend heading to a running-specialty store, the kind that lives and breathes sportswear. Those folks know their stuff and will make sure your feet find their ideal fit.

Additional resource – Guide to big toe pain from running

Tie Your Shoes Properly

You’ve got the fanciest running shoes designed to pamper your feet with every step. But guess what? If those laces aren’t handled with care, they could become your toenails’ worst enemy.

Here’s the deal: shoes laced too tightly can squeeze your toenails, and that’s a recipe for disaster. But if you’re too chill about it and let your feet slide all over the place inside your shoes, your toenails will be slamming into the front end like they’re in a rock concert mosh pit.

So, how do you find that sweet spot? It’s all about getting your laces just right – snug but not suffocating. Here’s a pro tip: try an “Anklelock” lacing technique. It’s like giving your feet a cozy little hug inside your shoes, preventing them from going wild and wrecking your toenails.

Here’s how:

Avoid Too Much Downhill Running

Have a history of bruised toenails? Then, you should take a look at your running surfaces.

If you’re all about those downhill runs, you’re putting your toenails through the wringer. Speeding downhill increases the vertical impact force, and your poor toenails end up taking the hit, no matter how snug your shoes are.

But fear not, we’ve got a secret weapon for you: toe caps or pads. They’re like little shock absorbers for your toes, cushioning the blow and sparing you from toenail trauma. Just make sure to find the perfect fit to avoid adding unnecessary bulk or causing friction with your other toes.

Keep Your Toenail Short

Another measure to protect your toes from taking a beating is to maintain a square-shaped toenail.

Long toenails are a no-no if you want to keep those nails happy. They’re like little battering rams, constantly slamming into the front or sides of your shoes. So, keep ’em short and square-shaped to prevent any unnecessary drama. But remember, don’t go overboard and aim for the perfect circle – that’s a slippery slope to ingrown toenails!

Go For the Right Socks

Your choice of socks can significantly impact your run, especially if you’re dealing with bruised toenails.

Selecting the right socks can help prevent moisture build-up, whether it’s from sweat or damp weather. Moist feet are more susceptible to friction, which can cause your feet to slide uncomfortably inside your shoes.

To mitigate this, opt for cushioned running socks with seamless toes. These socks provide extra padding and help absorb the forces, protecting your toenails.

For those prone to black toenails, consider thicker running socks with added padding. Doubling up on socks can also provide additional protection.

Increase Mileage Slowly

Now, let’s talk about increasing your mileage.

Abruptly increasing your weekly mileage can raise the risk of injuries. Research has shown that beginner runners who boosted their weekly training volume by over 30% for a few weeks were more prone to injury compared to those who adhered to the 10% mileage increase rule.

Keep in mind that sudden changes in training intensity or terrain can contribute to a runner’s toe, especially if your runs include a love of downhill miles.

Visit a Professional

If you’re experiencing persistent pain or notice unusual changes in your toenail, it’s time to seek professional help. This is especially crucial if you’re tempted to use at-home pedicure tools or if your toenail appears abnormal.

When determining whether a visit to the doctor is necessary after a toenail injury, be vigilant for specific signs and symptoms.

Boost Your Running Game: 7 Essential TRX Exercises for Improved Performance

Whether you’ve recently started running or you’re preparing for your 14th marathon, TRX training is an excellent cross-training tool to enhance your overall strength, endurance, and athletic performance.

Don’t get me wrong. While running more quality miles is undoubtedly crucial for reaching your full potential, there’s a limit to how far and fast you can go before things become monotonous.

The truth is, that TRX training is one of the most effective ways to improve the strength and mobility necessary to become a faster and more agile runner. Regardless of your running and fitness objectives, the following TRX exercises will help you establish a solid foundation and bolster all aspects of your athletic performance.

When integrated into your training regimen, TRX training exercises can enhance your power, build strength, increase flexibility, boost endurance, and more.

In this article, I’ll outline the key benefits of TRX training and share some runner-friendly TRX exercises to help you achieve your next personal record.

Let’s kick it up a notch!

What IS TRX Training?

TRX, which stands for Total Resistance Exercise Training, is a highly effective fitness system designed by former Navy Seal Randy Hetrick. He developed this system to address the need for a versatile and portable training method that can maintain fitness levels even in limited space and time constraints.

The fundamental principle behind TRX is quite straightforward: it leverages body weight and gravity to enhance muscular strength and endurance. TRX workouts typically involve performing a variety of movements, including push, pull, squat, lunge, rotation, hinge, and plank exercises. What makes TRX so appealing is that it allows anyone to engage in a robust workout using just this single piece of equipment.

Here are some key benefits of TRX training:

  • Customizable Intensity: TRX workouts can be tailored to your fitness level. By adjusting your body’s position and angle, you can make exercises more or less challenging, making them suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes.
  • Versatility: TRX offers a wide range of exercises that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This versatility enables you to target different areas of the body and achieve a full-body workout in a short period.
  • Portability: TRX suspension trainers are lightweight and portable, making them an ideal choice for individuals who travel frequently or have limited workout space at home. You can set up your TRX system almost anywhere with a secure anchor point.
  • Core Engagement: Many TRX exercises inherently engage the core muscles, helping improve core strength and stability.
  • Functional Fitness: TRX exercises often mimic natural body movements, promoting functional fitness that translates into improved everyday activities and sports performance.
  • Balance and Flexibility: TRX workouts challenge your balance and flexibility, promoting a well-rounded approach to fitness.
  • Time Efficiency: TRX workouts can be intense and efficient, making them suitable for individuals with busy schedules.
  • Injury Prevention: TRX exercises emphasize proper form and body alignment, reducing the risk of injury.

Additional Resource – Here’s a strength training plan for runners.

Works Your Entire Body

TRX training is known for its ability to engage and work the entire body effectively. The instability created by suspending yourself in the air using the TRX bands requires your muscles to work hard to maintain stability and control throughout each exercise.

As a result, nearly all major muscle groups are activated during TRX workouts, making it a comprehensive full-body training system.

Here are some key muscle groups that are targeted during TRX training:

  • Core Muscles: TRX exercises inherently engage the core muscles, including the abdominals, obliques, and lower back, to stabilize the body and maintain proper form.
  • Upper Body: TRX exercises like rows, push-ups, and tricep extensions target the chest, shoulders, back, and arms.
  • Lower Body: Squats, lunges, and hamstring curls work the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.
  • Back and Postural Muscles: Exercises like rows and Y-flyes help strengthen the upper back and improve posture.
  • Hip Muscles: Movements that involve hip abduction and adduction, such as leg lifts and hip presses, engage the hip muscles.
  • Balance and Stabilization Muscles: TRX challenges balance and stability, which recruits various smaller stabilizer muscles throughout the body.
  • Cardiovascular Endurance: Some TRX workouts can be quite intense, helping improve cardiovascular fitness as well.
  • Ease of Use: TRX is user-friendly and requires minimal setup. Once you find a safe anchor point, you can start your workout right away. The simplicity of TRX exercises makes it accessible to individuals of all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.
  • Low Impact: TRX exercises are low-impact, which means they are gentle on the joints and muscles. This makes TRX an ideal choice for individuals who want an effective workout without the added stress on their bodies, especially if they have joint issues or are recovering from injuries.
  • Space Efficiency: TRX workouts don’t require a lot of space. You can use TRX in a small room or even outdoors, making it suitable for home workouts or crowded gym environments.
  • Comprehensive Workouts: With TRX, you can perform strength training, flexibility exercises, core workouts, and even cardiovascular exercises. It offers a well-rounded fitness solution in a single piece of equipment.

The 7 Best TRX Exercises For Runners

Without further ado, here are the top TRX exercises for runners.


TRX Exercise For Runners – 1. TRX Plank

The TRX plank is an effective core-strengthening exercise that engages multiple muscle groups. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform the TRX plank:

Equipment Needed: TRX suspension trainer

Adjust the Straps: Begin by adjusting the TRX straps to mid-calf length. Ensure that the straps are evenly adjusted on both sides.

Set Up Position: Stand facing away from the anchor point of the TRX. Kneel down on the floor and position yourself on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly below your shoulders.

Secure Feet: Place your toes into the foot cradles of the TRX straps. Make sure the foot cradles align with the middle of your calves.

Maintain Proper Alignment: Keep your head in line with your shoulders, creating a straight line from your head to your shoulders, hips, and ankles. Your body should form a plank-like position.

Engage Core: Activate your core muscles by pulling your navel toward your spine. This will help stabilize your body during the exercise.

Lift Knees: Lift your knees off the floor, maintaining a straight line from your head to your ankles. Your hips should be in line with your head and shoulders. Keep your glutes tight and your shoulder blades slightly apart throughout the exercise.

Hold the Position: Maintain the plank position for the desired duration. Start with one minute and gradually increase the time as you build strength and endurance.

Lower Knees: To complete one set, slowly lower your knees back to the floor while maintaining control and stability.

TRX Exercise For Runners – 2. TRX Suspended Lunge

The TRX Suspended Lunge is a challenging lower-body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves while also engaging the core for stability. Here’s how to perform it:

Equipment Needed: TRX suspension trainer

Adjust the Straps: Start by adjusting the TRX straps to an appropriate length. Ensure that the straps are evenly adjusted on both sides.

Position the Foot Cradles: Line up the foot cradles of the TRX with the middle of your calves. This ensures proper alignment during the exercise.

Set Up: Stand facing away from an anchor point, such as a wall, with your feet hip-width apart. Place your left foot into both TRX foot cradles, securing it in place.

Lunge Position: Step your right foot forward to get into a single-leg lunge position. Your right knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle, and your right shin should be perpendicular to the floor. Keep your chest up and shoulders back.

Execute the Lunge: Slowly lower your body into the lunge position by bending your right knee and sending your left foot backward. Lower yourself until your rear knee is almost touching the floor or hovering just above it.

Push and Return: Push through the heel of your right foot to rise back up to the starting position. Keep your core engaged for balance and stability.

Complete Repetitions: Perform 8-10 repetitions on one leg (right leg forward) to complete one set.

Switch Legs: Rest for about 30 seconds, then switch to the other leg (left leg forward) and repeat the exercise for 8-10 repetitions.

Additional Sets: Complete two more sets, resting for 30 seconds between sets.

TRX Exercise For Runners – 3. TRX Squat Jump

The TRX Squat Jump is an explosive lower-body exercise that combines squats with a vertical jump, providing a full-body workout. Here’s how to perform it:

Equipment Needed: TRX suspension trainer

Adjust the Straps: Start by adjusting the TRX straps to an appropriate length. Set them to mid-calf length and ensure that they are evenly adjusted on both sides.

Stand Facing the Anchor Point: Stand facing the anchor point of the TRX with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the TRX handles with your palms facing inward.

Squat Position: Begin the exercise by squatting down towards the floor while keeping your chest up, back straight, and hips pushed back. Your knees should be in line with your toes, and your thighs should be parallel to the floor. This is the starting position.

Jump Explosively: From the squat position, explode upward by extending your hips, knees, and ankles simultaneously. Jump as high as you can while keeping your arms extended.

Control the Landing: As you reach the peak of your jump, begin to descend back to the ground. Bend your knees to control the landing and ensure a soft, controlled landing.

Complete Repetitions: Perform 6 to 8 squat jumps in a controlled manner to complete one set. Focus on quality jumps rather than speed.

Rest and Repeat: Rest for approximately 30 seconds between sets.

Additional Sets: Perform two more sets of 6 to 8 reps each, with a 30-second rest between sets.

TRX Exercise For Runners – 3. TRX Single Leg Squat

The TRX Single Leg Squat is an excellent exercise for building strength and stability in your lower body, particularly your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core. Here’s how to perform it:

Equipment Needed: TRX suspension trainer

Adjust the Straps: Start by adjusting the TRX straps to an appropriate length. Ensure that they are evenly adjusted on both sides.

Stand Facing the Anchor Point: Stand facing the anchor point of the TRX with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a TRX handle in each hand with your elbows under your shoulders.

Single Leg Position: Lift your right leg straight in front of you, with your toes pointed upward. Keep the leg elevated throughout the exercise.

Squat Down: Begin the exercise by squatting down while maintaining your balance on your left leg. Lower your hips and torso while keeping your chest up and core engaged.

Knee Alignment: Ensure that your left knee stays aligned over your left ankle and doesn’t go too far forward during the squat.

Focus on Heel: Most of your weight should be on your planted left leg. Focus on driving up through your left heel as you extend your hips and return to a standing position.

Repeat on Both Sides: After completing the desired number of repetitions on your left leg, switch to your right leg and perform the same number of reps.

Complete Repetitions: Aim to perform 6 to 8 reps on each leg to complete one set. Maintain control and balance throughout the movement.

Rest and Repeat: Rest for approximately 30 seconds between sets.

Additional Sets: Perform two more sets, focusing on maintaining proper form and balance.

TRX Exercise For Runners – 4. TRX Atomic Pushup

The TRX Atomic Pushup is a challenging full-body exercise that combines a push-up with a knee tuck. It targets multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, core, and hip flexors. Here’s how to perform it:

Equipment Needed: TRX suspension trainer

Adjust the Straps: Start by adjusting the TRX straps to an appropriate length and ensuring that they are evenly adjusted on both sides.

Plank Position: Begin in a plank position with your feet suspended in the TRX straps. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders, forming a straight line from your head to your heels. Engage your core, tighten your glutes, and maintain a stable shoulder position.

Push-Up: Lower your chest toward the floor by bending your arms and performing a push-up. Keep your elbows close to your sides and maintain a straight body position. Lower yourself as far as your strength allows.

Knee Tuck: After completing the push-up, shift your weight forward slightly, bringing your knees toward your chest. Engage your abdominal muscles to tuck your knees as close to your chest as possible.

Return to Plank: Extend your legs back to the starting plank position, ensuring that your hips are in line with your shoulders and your body forms a straight line. This completes one repetition.

Repeat: Perform 6 to 8 repetitions of the TRX Atomic Pushup in a controlled manner, maintaining proper form throughout.

Sets: Complete two more sets with a brief rest (approximately 30 seconds) between sets.

Additional resource – Clamshells for runners

TRX Exercise For Runners – 5. TRX Sprinters Start

The TRX Sprinter’s Start is a challenging exercise that targets the core, hip flexors, and lower body while also improving balance and coordination. Here’s how to perform it:

Equipment Needed: TRX suspension trainer

Adjust the Straps: Start by adjusting the TRX straps to an appropriate length and ensuring that they are evenly adjusted on both sides.

Initial Position: Begin in a standing plank position facing away from the anchor point. Hold the TRX handles with your arms fully extended, forming a straight line from your head to your heels. Your body should be at a 45-degree angle from the ground.

Sprinter Position: From the initial position, begin to walk your feet forward toward the anchor point while maintaining the 45-degree angle. Keep your body straight and engaged.

Step Back: Once your feet are closer to the anchor point, step your right foot back, positioning it behind you. Bend your left knee, bringing it toward your chest in a sprinter-like stance. Your right leg should be extended behind you.

Engage Core: Engage your core muscles to help stabilize your body in this sprinter position. Maintain a strong and balanced posture.

Return to Plank: To complete one repetition, return to the initial standing plank position by reversing the movements. Step your right foot forward, extending both legs and walk your feet back to the 45-degree angle plank.

Alternate Sides: After completing a set with your right leg back, switch to the left leg back for the next set. This ensures balanced training for both sides.

Repetitions: Perform 6 to 8 repetitions on each leg, alternating sides, for one set.

Sets: Complete two more sets with a brief rest (approximately 30 seconds) between sets.

TRX Exercise For Runners – 6. TRX Squat To Row

The TRX Squat to Row is a compound exercise that combines squats with a rowing motion, targeting multiple muscle groups, including the legs, back, and core. Here’s how to perform it:

Equipment Needed: TRX suspension trainer

Adjust the Straps: Begin by setting the TRX straps to mid-length. Ensure that they are evenly adjusted on both sides of the anchor point.

Initial Position: Stand facing the anchor point with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold both TRX handles with an overhand grip (palms facing each other) and extend your arms fully in front of you.

Lean Back: Lean back to approximately a 45-degree angle while keeping your arms extended. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels. Adjust your stance by walking your feet in closer to the anchor point, creating tension in the straps.

Squat: From the leaned-back position, initiate the movement by bending your knees and hips to lower into a squat. Keep your weight on your heels, chest up, and core engaged.

Row: As you begin to rise from the squat, simultaneously bend your elbows and pull your chest toward your hands, performing a rowing motion. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together during the row.

Return to Squat: After completing the row, straighten your arms and return to the squat position.

Complete the Repetitions: Continue the squat-to-row movement for 30 seconds, performing as many repetitions as possible with proper form.

Rest: Rest for 20 seconds before transitioning to the next set.

Repeat Sets: Perform 8 to 10 repetitions (or as many as possible in 30 seconds) for one set. Complete two more sets with a 30 to 45-second rest between sets.

Additional resource – Single leg bridge technique

What is a Good 5K Time for a Beginner

What is a Good 5K Time for a Beginner?

What’s a good 5K time for a beginner?

The answer isn’t black or white as it depends on several things.

Here’s the truth.

Running a 5K is a wonderful goal that’s great for those who are just getting into running and simply want to cross the finish line for the first time.

Even if you have never run a mile, you can probably get in shape for a 5K within a few weeks by devoting yourself to the right training program.

In today’s sweet post, I’ll answer the question and discuss those numbers of things in detail. I’ll also share a few tips for beginner 5K runners, including how to prepare for the event and what to do on race day.

How Long is A 5K?

The 5K is the most common road race distance for beginner and experienced runners, but how far is it?

To wrap your head around what a good 5K time is, you also need to understand just how far is a 5K race.

The “K” in 5K stands for kilometer. One kilometer is a little more than a half-mile, or 0.621 miles. Therefore, after doing some math, a 5K equals 3.1 miles.

It would take around 22.5 laps around an outdoor track to complete a 5K. Similarly, you’d need to run back and forth on a football field around 50 times to cover the 3.1-mile distance. So that’s one more reason you shouldn’t underestimate this race.

When running a 5K in the U.S., you’ll find mile markers—instead of kilometer markers—along the course.

What is A Good 5K Time For a beginner?

So how long does the average runner take to complete a 5K?

30 minutes?

50 minutes?

Two hours?

The answer, as you might already have guessed, depends on many variables such as your age, training level, and gender.

But all in all, most beginners can complete a 5K in 30 to 40 minutes, and most newbies are pretty satisfied if their finish time is around this benchmark.

A very good finish time for a beginner is anything under 25 minutes, which means maintaining an 8-minute-mile pace throughout the event. However, if this is your first time, shooting for an 8-min/pace is quite aggressive—and might be out of your grasp.

Keep in mind that if you walk, you will finish a 5k in around 50 to 60 minutes.

Common 5K Times

As you can already tell, 5K times will vastly differ among runners depending on fitness level, running experience, age, the elevation of the course, etc.

But here are some broad ideas to get started on the right foot.

Average For Intermediate Runners

For the intermediate runner, or those who log 15 to 20 miles for at least six consecutive months, an average 5K finish time would be roughly 20 to 25 minutes. This equals around an average speed of roughly 7 to 9 miles per hour over the course.

Those looking to improve their 5K time may benefit from adding tempo training and speedwork into their running program to help improve both endurance and pace.

Additional resource – How to promote a 5K

Average For Elite Runners

The best and fastest runner can finish a 5K between 15 and 17 minutes, which works out at a 4-50 minute mile pace to  XX mile pace.

Advanced runners, or those logging over 20 miles per week for at least one year, may finish a 5K within 15 to 20 minutes—age and genetic ability being the BIG factors.

The World Records

The world record for the 5K is at 12:37.35 minutes for men, held by Kenenisa Bekele –That’s super fast. As for the women’s record currently stands at 14:11.15 minutes and is held by Tirunesh Dibaba. Again, that’s fast.

Your Beginner 5K Time

Please keep in mind that these are just estimates. Several factors will influence your race time—some of which you have zero control over.

For starters, your age, gender, and physiology are all factors that will impact your 5K finish time, but you can’t change them.

Some people are natural-born runners and have physiques conducive to running. In contrast, others are better built for strength training and other athletic endeavors, so don’t worry too much about this.

What’s more?

Race, terrain, and weather will also play a drastic role. If the race course has a significant elevation profile, it will be more challenging for you to run fast than if it” super flat.

By the same token, if you race in the heat or extreme cold, this will influence your finish time.

Additional Resource – Here’s how many miles should a beginner run

Your Goal As A Beginner Running your First 5K

Although the 5K is the shortest distance of any road race, it’s as s huge milestone, especially among beginner runners.

When you’re a beginner, your main goal should be to build up your endurance to run the whole 3.1-mile distance. You can worry about performance and finish times after.

A beginner runner? Try this couch to 5K plan.

The Tables Of Average 5K Times

Here’s a list of top averages for male and female runners across all categories.

Keep in mind that other countries, as in the rest of the world, use the metric system, so I’ll be using the minute per kilometer to refer to pace. The minute per mile is standard in the U.S.

Age-Group Runners

Runners outside the professional or elite category are often referred to as “age group runners.”

You’ll notice a quite of difference in finish time within the groups. This is because some age group runners may have trained competitively in the past or were college runners. Therefore, they’re likely to cross the finish line at super competitive times.


Age groupMenWomen
0 to 1534:4337:55
16 to 1929:3937:39
20 to 2429:2736:22
25 to 2931:0936:16
30 to 3431:2738:41
35 to 3933:4437:21
40 to 4432:2638:26
45 to 4933:1339:19
50 to 5434:3041:20
55 to 5937:3345:18
60 to 6440:3345:49
65 to 9942:5950:13


What is a good 5K time for 40 year old?


Age groupTime (minutes and seconds)

Pace And 5K times. Let’s check different 5K times by pace. These are usually times runners aim to achieve—or just get under.


  • 5 min/mile – 15:32
  • 6 min/mile – 18:38
  • 7 min/mile – 21:45
  • 8 min/mile – 24:51
  • 9 min/mile – 27:58
  • 10 min/mile – 31:04
  • 11 min/mile – 34:11
  • 12 min/mile – 37:17


5K Training Plans

To make sure you train right for your 5K, choose one of the following plans to get you started on the right foot.

What is a Good 5K Time for a Beginner -The Conclusion

In the end, what makes a good 5K finish time for a beginner will vary drastically depending on your age, experience, and overall health.

If you’re running your first 5K, don’t worry too much about the finish time. Instead, focus on having a good time, living in the moment, and crossing the finish line—hopefully in one piece. The rest is just details.

As a general guideline, any 5K time under 30 minutes for a beginner (or an old runner) is good, while a sub-25 minute 5K is really, really, good for a newbie.

What’s the Best Temperature For Running?

best temperature for running

Curious about the best temperature for running? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Whether you’re a beginner runner or have been around the block for a while, there’s no denying that the perfect temperature can motivate you to get out there.

Good weather is always welcome, but what makes good may vary from one runner to the next. varies based on the runner. Some love it when it’s a bit chill, whereas others like it when it’s a bit hot. Different people, different strokes, and all that.

Preferences aside, in today’s article, I’ll delve into what science has to say when it comes to the ideal temperature for a run.

I’ll explain some of the science behind the impact of temperature and weather conditions on performance.

What’s the Best Temperature For Running?

Before we get into the optimal temperature for running, let’s first discuss the impact of heat and cold on running performance.

The Impact of Heat On Running Performance

Run often enough, and you’ll know it takes more energy to maintain a normal pace when the temperature rises.

And yes, that’s a universal experience.

Research has reported that weather factors such as temperature, wind, precipitation, and cloud cover all impact running performance, but none is more impactful than the air temperature.

If you tend to do most of your running during the hottest time of the day (and year) or during a heatwave, you’re undoubtedly limiting your running potential.

Running in hot temperatures increases the need for oxygen since some blood circulation is redirected from working muscles to the skin to cool our bodies.

You also store a lot of heat internally, leading to overheating when it’s scorching out there.

This causes an increase in lactate production, energy usage, and an elevated heart rate at a given pace than in milder temperatures. That’s not the whole story.

What’s more?

Heat can cause you to fatigue faster by increasing hydration and your body’s need for water. This can lower stroke volume, cardiac output, and blood pressure.

Additional resource – Here’s how much water a runner should drink

Running In The Cold

When you run in cold or in mild weather, your body can give off more heat to prevent you from getting too hot.

What’s more?

Your body also burns a little bit more calories when you run in winter. Because of this, you may get drained faster, especially in the long run.

Additional resource – Here’s the full guide to winter running gear.

Optimal Temperature For Running

Most runners know the feeling of experiencing an ideal run: windless weather, a fast, flat course, and an ideal temperature

In fact, in case you’re wondering if there’s such a thing as the perfect temperature to run at, know that it exists.

So is there an optimal temperature range?

That’s what some research has set to discover, and the answers are quite intriguing.

Let’s check some of the studies.

The perfect temperature for running has been dissected thoroughly across many races. Different studies’ conclusions and results tell us that the ideal temperature for outdoor running varies between sprinters and marathon runners

Most of the science reported that the ideal temperature for endurance running is cooler than what it feels when you’re not running. And for every degree warmer, performance is drastically impacted.

As far as I can tell, most of the research that looked into the impact of temperature exercise performance over the past few years has taken place in a lab setting—mainly with cyclists pedaling to exhaustion.

Additional guide – Here’s how to breathe when running in the cold

optimal temperature for running

Luckily there are a few studies that assessed the effect of temperature on “real” runners.

One example is this research that reported that the ideal temperature range for most runners seems to be around 44° F and 59° F (or 7-15° C).

Another research out of the Public Library Of Science examined the result of six marathon runners. Four factors were considered, and that included: temperature, humidity, dew point, and atmospheric pressure at sea level.

In the end, the researchers concluded that air temperature had the biggest impact on both speed and withdrawal rates. They specifically reported that recreational marathon runners—or those crossing the finish line between 3.30 and 5.00 hours—found optimal conditions at roughly 44 F or 7 C.

Another study exclusively assesses Boston Marathon finishers and their finishing times in concert with the weather on that day.

Based on the data, the researchers found that, when considering average temperature, performance was the best for men at between 8 and

A decade-long study of the Boston Marathon reported that the best temperature range for all runners –regardless of their fitness level—is around 46 to 59 F or 7.7 to 15 C.

Additional Resource – Running in polluted areas

Best Temperature For Sprinting

If long-distance running isn’t your goal, you don’t inherently want to be that cold.

Sprint performance is at its peak during drastically warmer conditions since the muscles need to be warm enough to exert power at a peak but not so warm as to generate excessive heat.

For example, this research has reported that male 100m sprinters performed their best at 72 degrees F, whereas female did their best at around 73 degrees F.

Additional Resource –

What’s the Best Temperature For Running? – Conclusion

There you have it! Now you know that there is actually such thing as the optimal temperature for running. But don’t wait for things to be perfect to log your miles. Just get out there and run. The rest is just details.

Thank you for dropping by today.

Keep training strong

David D.

How To Choose Running Compression Arm Sleeves?

Looking for advice on choosing the right compression arm sleeves while running?  Then you have come to the right place.

Running arm sleeves have gathered a lot of steam over the last few years.

Many runners, from beginners to advanced, don those sleeves on their arms while logging the miles. It’s a popular gear in the running world, and even elite runners swear by them.

There are many reasons to sport running arms sleeves ranging from improving recovery to enhancing comfort and safety during training.

In this article, I’ll share the full guide to running arm sleeves. More specifically, I’ll look into:

  • What are arms sleeves?
  • The benefits of arms sleeves
  • Research on recovery and performance
  • How to choose running arms sleeves
  • And so much more

Sounds great? Let’s get started.

What Are Running Arm Sleeves

Running arm sleeves consist of tight and elasticized bands of fabric worn over the arms in order to mainly improve blood flow. Some runners also wear the sleeve on their legs, calves, knees, or ankles—different runners, different strokes, and all that. These are designed to fit around and tighten your muscles to improve blood circulation ability.

These sleeves function like any other compression gear made from an elastic material.  They function the same way as compression calf sleeves, providing similar benefits but instead designed for the arms.

Nowadays,  compression arm sleeves are used by everyone from recreational runners to serious athletes and professional marathoners. In fact, over the last few years, compression arm sleeves have turned into a fashionable athletic accessory.

The Benefits Of Running Arm Sleeves For Runners

Here’s a list of why you should give arm sleeves a try.


The main reason runners turn to compression sleeves—and compression gear in general—is to help reduce and/or soothe swelling caused by longer runs.

The swelling is often caused by muscle vibrations and tears, which causes an inflammatory response.


Improving blood circulation in the compressed area speeds up the removal of lactic acid from your body, which, in turn, aids in the process of recovery.

Additional resource – Compression pants for running

Improved Recovery

Running arm sleeves, as well s other forms of compression gear, are often used as recovery tools.

Compression gear improves oxygenation to the muscles, which aids in blood flow. This, in turn, helps remove lactate, which is great for muscle recovery.

This tool increases blood circulation, which helps remove lactic acid that builds up in your muscles while logging the miles. This, in turn, shortens the time it takes for your body to recovery from training and also reduces muscle soreness.


The other most popular reason runners put compression arm sleeves is to offer more protection on the go.

These sleeves can provide you with an extra layer of skin if you fall while running.

Sure, the fabric of the are sleeve may tear, but at least you’re not tearing your skin apart.

What’s more?

Wearing eye-catching or brightly colored arm sleeves can drastically improve your visibility on the road.

This is especially the case if you like logging the miles in the early morning or low light conditions; they will increase the odds of you being seen by other road users.

Additional resource  – Your guide to running belts

Extra Warmth

Quality running arm sleeves are made with high-performance fabrics and are more comfortable than adding an extra layer or wearing a long sleeve shirt. The light and comfortable design equal more enjoyable running.

Protect From The Sun

Some companies are making arm sleeves primarily designed to protect you from UV rays—something your typical running shirt can’t do.

This sleeve can shield your skin from likely dangerous  UV rays when running outdoor. This is vital as too much exposure to UV rays can cause sunburns, cancer, and other skin problems.

You might be putting yourself at t risk from sunburn anytime you’re going out under the sun for longer than 30 minutes without applying any sun protection.

By wearing a pair of compression arm sleeves, you’ll provide protection for your arms against sunburn

What’s more?

If the sleeve is made of breathable fabric, it will also prevent heat rashes.

Extra Readings:

What To Look for In  A Compression Arm Sleeve For Runners

Here’s the good news.

Choosing compression arm sleeves isn’t rocket science. You can find plenty of models and designs in the fitness market—guaranteed to suit any one of your desires.

Here’s what to keep in mind when picking a pair of running arms sleeves


The most important factor when choosing a compression arm sleeve is size. Why? Because proper arm sleeve should not be too loose or too tight—or else you risk losing its overall impact.

Remember to check the size charts provided by the company to help you choose the correct size for your arm sleeve.

The Fit

The fit is another important consideration when choosing arm sleeves. Having proper fit can give the ideal amount of compression on the arteries and veins, which may allow making your training more comfortable.

Read The Labels

Not all running arm sleeves featured compression technology, and not all arms sleeves featured UV protection properties, so make sure to read the description before buying.

Ask the staff for help if you’re confused. You don’t want to end up with the wrong pair.

Even if compression isn’t on your list, you might as well get this extra benefit. You may need to invest a few more dollars, but it’s worth it. Believe me!


The material is another key factor when choosing the sleeves.

The fabric of your running arm sleeves should be able to quickly wick out moisture, whether it’s from sweat, rain, dew, or any other type. This will help you stay dry and comfortable while logging the miles, as you’ll be relatively bothered by sweat or body odor.

Choose Colors Wisely

Colors also matter when choosing running arm sleeves.

White, as well as other light colors, for running arm sleeves may get dirty easily, so you might be better off with some dark colors.

Want to look fashionable? Then make sure that the color of your arm sleeve complements your running kit—especially your t-shirt.

Check the reviews

Choose a pair with favorable reviews and a color you like. Even a popular brand may get negative reviews so remember to check the feedback before making any decision.

In some cases, the lesser-known and cheaper options might be a better choice when they already have raving reviews from satisfied customers.

Additional resource – How to choose running gloves

Buy more than one

Quality compression arm sleeves are not that expensive, so feel free to purchase more than one pair and see which one(s) you prefer. Having more than one pair can also come in handy for cleanliness reasons.

Running Compression Arm Sleeves – The Conclusion

Although running arm sleeves have a lot to offer,  sporting a pair won’t turn you into a super runner overnight. But it does help.

Feel free to leave your comments and question in the section below.

In the meantime thank you for stopping by.

Keep training strong.