How to Properly Pace Your Running Workouts

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Cross Training For Runners
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David Dack

Serious about mastering the art of proper pacing for various types of runs? You’ve come to the right place.

Regardless of your running experience, pacing is a skill that holds immense importance. It not only aids in achieving specific training objectives but also enhances performance while safeguarding against injuries.

Effective pacing ensures you don’t exhaust your energy prematurely, facilitates efficient energy conservation, and is vital for both training sessions and race day success.

In today’s article, I’ll walk you through the ins and outs of proper pacing for different types of runs. By the time you finish reading, you’ll have a clear grasp of the ideal pace for different workouts, whether it’s an easy run, interval training, or a long-distance journey.

Sounds like a great deal?

Then let’s dive in.

The Concept of Pacing

When I first started running, I thought pacing was all about how fast I could move my feet. But over time, I’ve learned that it’s more than that.

Pacing is a blend of speed, endurance, and strategy. It’s a skill that’s crucial for runners of all levels, and I’ve come to understand its importance for achieving training goals, enhancing performance, and preventing injuries.

I still remember my first race, where I went out too fast and ended up struggling in the latter half (of course, that’s the most common racing mistake that everyone makes). That experience taught me the importance of effective pacing: it’s about managing your energy efficiently so you don’t burn out too soon.

Think of pacing as a form of strategic energy management. It’s like overseeing a reserve of energy and wisely using it up to ensure peak performance throughout the entire run or race, rather than depleting it prematurely.

Importance of Proper Pacing

Convinced about the importance of proper pacing? If not, allow me to make a compelling case.

In Training:

Proper pacing is essential for developing endurance, speed, and strength. I learned this the hard way when I overtrained for a marathon, resulting in a disappointing race day. Since then, I’ve paid close attention to pacing myself correctly to avoid such pitfalls.

By pacing yourself correctly, you avoid the pitfalls of overtraining or undertraining. Each training run serves a specific purpose, whether it’s for recovery, endurance-building, or speed enhancement, and proper pacing ensures these goals are met effectively.

In Racing:

Racing is where your pacing strategy is put to the test. I’ve had races where I started too aggressively and paid the price later. Conversely, being too cautious has left me crossing the finish line with too much left in the tank. Finding that sweet spot is key.

Initiating a race too aggressively can lead to premature fatigue, causing you to burn out before the finish line. Conversely, starting too cautiously can result in untapped energy reserves, leading to a less-than-optimal race time.

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Factors Affecting Pacing

Many variables can impact your running fast. Let me dive into the most important ones:

  • Fitness Level: Your current fitness level impacts your running pace the most. What might be an easy pace for a seasoned runner could feel like an all-out sprint for a newbie.
  • Training Goals: Whether you’re striving for a personal best, aiming to build endurance, or simply running for fitness, your goals will influence the pace at which you should run.
  • Weather Conditions: Weather can have a substantial impact on your running pace. Hot, cold, or humid conditions may necessitate adjustments. In hotter weather, most runners are forced to a slower pace.
  • Course Terrain: Tackling hills generally requires more effort and typically calls for a slower pace to maintain energy levels.

Without further ado, let’s demystify running pace for different runs and workouts.

The Easy Pace run

Imagine this: you’re walking through a beautiful park, having an easy conversation with a friend. That’s the feeling you should aim for during your easy runs. These runs are called “easy” for a reason – they should feel just that, easy.

I use these runs for recovery, aiming for 60 to 70 percent of my maximal heart rate. It’s about finding a conversational stride. If I can’t talk comfortably, I know I need to slow down.

To determine your easy pace, consider your oxygen consumption and heart rate. Aim for 60 to 70 percent of your maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 Max) or roughly 60 to 70 percent of your maximal heart rate. This range provides benefits without excessive effort.

In terms of numbers, your easy pace should be around 90 seconds per mile slower than your marathon pace.

Here’s the action step: go for the conversational stride. During training runs, including warm-ups and cool-downs, maintain an easy pace. If you can chat comfortably, you’re on track. If you’re struggling to talk, slow down to find your ideal pace.

Long Run Pace

The long run is a vital component of long-distance training, serving as a test of endurance, technique, and pacing mastery. Research studies have emphasized the numerous benefits of long runs. They build stamina, enhance running technique, and tap into your body’s fat-burning potential, making you a more efficient runner.

Now, let’s talk about pace, a critical aspect of the long run.

If you’re a beginner, then keep your long runs at a leisurely pace, slower than any other training session. These runs should be conversational, a time to connect with your running partner or engage in introspection.

To nail the right pace, consider the talk test. Maintain a pace that allows for conversation without gasping for air. If speaking becomes challenging, you’re pushing too hard; slow down and find your natural rhythm.

If you’re seeking a challenge during long runs, there are options. Experiment with a negative split, gradually increasing your pace in the second half of the run. Or add random accelerations, injecting bursts of speed at unpredictable intervals for a playful twist.

For those aiming for a personal record, finish strong by running the last few miles at your goal race pace, unleashing your full potential.

Lactate Threshold Pace

Lactate Threshold Pace, also known as tempo training, combines the excitement of speed work with the endurance of long runs.

But what exactly is the lactate threshold? Think of it as a tipping point where your body produces more lactate than it can clear away comfortably. It’s like a game of catch-up, with your body struggling to keep up with the lactate overflow. By training at this threshold, you can push it further, increasing your body’s endurance and performance.

Your tempo pace is typically a bit slower than your 5K race pace but faster than your marathon pace.

For many runners, it falls into the zone where speaking in full sentences is tough, but you’re not gasping for breath—often described as “comfortably hard.”

A more precise method to identify your tempo pace is to aim for 85-90% of your maximum heart rate. This pace corresponds to the speed you could theoretically maintain for about an hour in a race setting.

Speedwork Pace

Interval training is like a turbo boost for your running performance, supercharging your body’s ability to use oxygen efficiently. Research has shown the undeniable connection between VO2 max and athletic success, with interval training emerging as a key player in improving this crucial metric.

Interval training is all about intensity, pushing you to run faster and harder. It’s a symphony of speed that propels you to new heights.

The pace for speedwork varies depending on the length of the interval and your individual running goals.

Generally, intervals are run at a pace faster than your goal race pace, often aligning with or surpassing your 5K race effort. This means pushing yourself to a level where speaking is impossible, and you’re operating at a high intensity.

The goal is to run these intervals at a pace that challenges you significantly but is still sustainable for the duration of the effort.

Closing Thoughts

Pacing is a journey, and like any journey, it’s filled with learning experiences.

Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, understanding and implementing effective pacing strategies can make all the difference. So, lace up your shoes and let’s hit the road together, one step at a time.

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