What’s A 5K In Miles? Your Guide to Average 5K Time By Age And Gender

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Beginner Runner
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Written by :

David Dack

Looking for what’s a 5K in miles? Simple. A 5k is 3.1 miles.

Here’s the truth. The 5K is one of the most popular road races in the world. The reason? Training for a 5K requires relatively little effort—unlike training for a half marathon or marathon—and the event is over fairly quickly.

But before you add a 5K to your bucket list, you may be pondering: what’s the average 5K time by age? What factors impact it? And how to run your best race?

Fret no more.

In today’s article, I’ll dive into how long it takes the average runner to run a 5K and why knowing this helps.

More specifically, I’ll cover:

  • What’s 5K In miles?
  • The average 5K pace
  • How long it takes to run a 5K
  • The average 5K time by age
  • How to train for a 5K
  • How to improve your 5K times
  • Fastest 5K time
  • And so much more

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

How Many Miles is A 5K – The Exact Distance

First things first, how long is a 5Kin miles?

Let’s start at the beginning. The “K” in 5K stands for a kilometer, so a 5K is technically 5 kilometers long.

But if you live in one of the three strongholds of the imperial system of measurement– The United States of America, Myanmar, and Liberia—it might be easier for you to understand how far a 5K in miles.

Technically, one kilometer is the equivalent of 0.62 miles. Thus, a 5K race is precisely 3.1 miles long, which is a great distance for newbie runners to conquer.

To put that distance in perspective, a 5K is the equivalent of running:

  • 45 laps around a baseball diamond
  • The length of 45.5 football fields, including both end zones.
  • The length of an NBA basketball counts over 174 times.

Note – Keep in mind mile markers are used on the racecourse instead of kilometers markers in the U.S. You can also learn more about marathon distance here.

5Ks Are Great

It shouldn’t be a surprise that 5Ks are one of the world’s most popular road races.

According to Running USA survey, there were around 9 million 5K registrants in the U.S. alone in 2019. That’s a lot of people. (but since the pandemic, most races in 2020 and 2021 were canceled).

A beginner runner? Try this couch to 5K plan.

Want to take things to the next level? Try running a 5K in 30 minutes.

So what’s the secret behind this success?

Most people in decent shape can do it, and you can also be one of them.

At over three miles, a 5K isn’t an event you have to train for months and months for—in fact, as long as you have got a good base level of conditioning, you’re good to go.

Following a couple of months of training, anyone should be able to complete a 5K without stopping to walk.

Are you a complete beginner? No worries. My couch to 5K running plan should get you started on the right foot.

What’s more?

5K events are abundant and easy to find, especially in the spring, summer, and fall months.

How Long Does It Take To Run A 5K?

Let me ask you a quick question.

How long does it take for an average runner to run a 5K?

30 minutes?

45 minutes?

Or longer?

Here’s the truth.

Just like anything else, there’s no universal answer as what makes a good 5K time depends on many factors such as age, fitness level, gender, experienced, terrain, and weather conditions—to name a few.

But, overall, if you can finish a 5K in under 25 minutes, then you have got a good time. (Learn more about the average time to run a mile here)

5K in Miles – The Average 5K Pace

What’s a great time for one runner may be a setback for another.

All in all, the average running speed per mile during a 5K race is roughly 11-minute for men and 13-minute for women, resulting in finish times of about 35 and 42 minutes.

The keyword here is a beginner.

Runners with years of experience might be able to run a 7- or 8-minute mile pace, completing the race in 20 to 25 minutes.

Check the chart below for more:

Average 5K pace in miles

Average 5K Time By Gender

Thanks to genetics, men, on average, are faster than women (the reason for having men & women division in sports, after all).

Therefore male runners will finish more quickly than female runners.

If you’re a complete beginner, you can use the national average statistics in the tables below to get a rough idea of your performance results.

Average 5K Time By Age

Younger runners tend to run faster than older ones. Expect to run your best 5K time between the ages of 20 and 30. The older you’re, the longer a 5K race will take you to finish.

Sure, an older runner with years of experience may outpace a younger beginner, but the young still holds a big advantage.

That’s why age-grading was invented, which is the ideal way to place all 5K competitors on a level playing field regardless of age and gender.

average 5K time by age

Terrain and weather conditions

The best running surface for the 5K consists of flat terrain, which allows you to keep a consistent and steady pace.

What’s more?

Extreme temperatures and precipitation influence how fast you can run a 5K.

Some other factors include:

  • Your height
  • Your weight
  • Your running shoes
  • Your mental game
  • Your motivation
  • Your warm-up routine
  • And so much more.

How Does Speed Affect Your 5K Time

To estimate how long it takes to run the 3.1-mile distance, you’ll have to factor in your pace.

Let me give you some concrete examples:

  • If you run a 5-minute mile 5K, you’ll finish it in 15 minutes, 30 seconds.
  • If you run a 6-minute mile 5K, you’ll finish it in 18 minutes, 35 seconds.
  • If you run an 8-minute mile 5K, you’ll finish it in 24 minutes, 48 seconds.
  • If you run a 10-minute mile 5K, you’ll finish it in 31 minutes.
  • If you run a 12-minute mile 5K, you’ll finish it in 37 minutes.

To Conclude  – The Average 5K Time Time For a Beginner

As a beginner runner, aim to complete a mile in roughly 10 to 12 minutes. This means clocking in the race in 30 to 40 minutes.

If you just took up running, you may be more comfortable doing a mix of running and walking to begin with.

Planning to walk the whole distance? No problem. It’ll take you about 15 to 20 minutes to walk a mile. If your brisk walk, you should be able to complete a 5K in around one hour.

5K in Miles – Average 5K Time For Intermediate

Intermediate runners, specifically those who run 15 to 20 miles per week and have been doing it for more than a year, can expect to clock in a 5K at 22 to 25 minutes,.

This is roughly an average speed of 7- to 9-minute per mile over the course.

5K in Miles – Average 5K Time For Advanced Runners

If you’re logging up to 50 miles per week and have been doing it for a relatively long time, then you’re an advanced runner.

Typical elite running plans involve plenty of speed work, such as intervals and fartlek, as well as distance running.

With proper training, it’s possible to finish a 5K race between 15 to 18 for men and 18 to 21 for women.

Of course, chances are you are not going to take the gold at this 5K pace, but you’re definitely at the top of the top when it comes to running competing in this distance.

And that, my friend, is a great achievement in itself.

Average 5K Time By Age  – Winning Times

The chart below explains in detail the exact finish time you’ll want to aim for if you’re looking to cross the finish line first at a 5K event.

Average 5K winning time by age


The Fastest 5K Time

The average 5K time for advanced runners is under 16 minutes for men and 18 minutes for women.

As of 2020, the current IAAF world record time is held by Kenenisa Bekele at 12:37.35 for men and at 14:11.15 minutes for women held by Tirunesh Dibaba.

Rating Yourself

If you already have experience running 5K races, then you can also rate yourself.

If you finish a 5K in:

  • 12- to 14-minute – You’re an Olympic-level athlete.
  • 14- to 18-minute – You’re one of the best runners in the world.
  • 18- to 22-minute – You’re very competitive and faster enough.
  • 22- to 25-minute – You are an average runner.
  • 25- to 30-minute – You’re fit enough to run
  • 30- to 40-minute – You’re a complete beginner
  • Above 40 minutes – You are unfit but trying to run. We all have to start somewhere, right.

Measuring Your 5K Pace

There are many tools you can use to help measure your paces, such as apps and fitness trackers that will monitor your speed and distance and keep it in a log.

You can also manually set your running pace if you’re training on a treadmill, then play around with it as you get fitter and stronger.

5K Running tips – How To Improve your Times

Now that you know how many miles in a 5K, let’s look at some practical ways to help achieve your best 5K time.

Although the 5K is one of the relatively short races, the 3.1-mile distance is nothing to scoff at.

Try to run it with no experience, and you’ll soon realize that’s not actually as easy as it seems.

To make sure you train right for a 5K, do the following:

Build Gradually

To get faster, focus on building up slowly over a few weeks or months.

Don’t try to chew more than you can swallow—or else you’re going to hurt yourself.

As a beginner, set aside at least 8 to 12 weeks of training before you stand on the starting line of the race.

In the early weeks, start with 20 to 30 minutes sessions at a slow pace, then gradually increase duration and intensity as you get more fit.

That’s the golden rule of getting fit without getting hurt.

I’d recommend that you start with a walk/run program, like this one.

You should also complement your running by doing low-impact exercises such as cyclingweight lifting, swimming, ad elliptical training.

You’re more advanced? Then Try the following 5k training plans

Interval Training

Once you can run at a slow pace for 30 to 40 minutes without panting for air, start doing some interval training.

This method helps you exhaust your body by pushing yourself as hard as possible for a set time and then allow for a rest period.

Then repeat.

One example is to do two minutes of running at a slightly faster 5K pace goal, followed by two minutes of slow jogging as recovery.

Perform this for five rounds for a total of 20 minutes.

Have A Pacing Strategy

Keeping a consistent pace is challenging during a race, especially when you add in factors such as racing vibe, other runners, terrain, fatigue, wind, etc.

For this reason, plan for a flexible pacing strategy to help you achieve your average goal pace.

The strategy I’d recommend is to do a negative split—this means running the second of the race faster than the first.

Still confused?

It’s actually quite easy.

All you have to do is to start the race easy, then finish it strong, but do it in a planned and well-thought-out manner.

Here’s a breakdown for a 10:00 mine per mile average pace

  • Mile One – 10:30 MPH
  • Mile Two – 10:00 MPH
  • Mile Three – 9:30 MPH
  • The last portion (0.11 mile) – As Fast As You Can


To conclude, whatever your finish time is, that’s a good 5K time. Knowing what’s a 5K in miles is the first step. Now it’s time for work. Get out there and start training right now!

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

Thank you for dropping by.

David D

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