Heart Palpitations While Running: Causes, Prevention, and Management

Have you ever experienced that sudden, fluttering sensation in your chest while you’re out on a run?

Yep, I’m talking about heart palpitations.

It’s like your heart decides to bust a move and go all out of rhythm. Don’t worry, my friend, you’re in the right place. We’re about to dive into the realm of heart palpitations and uncover some valuable insights.

Here’s the deal—heart palpitations during running are more common than you might think. For most runners, they’re an occasional hiccup in the rhythm of their cardiovascular symphony. But hey, before you start panicking, let me assure you that in most cases, they’re nothing to lose sleep over.

While heart palpitations can raise some valid concerns, they are typically harmless. Yep, you heard that right. They’re like the occasional blip on your running radar. However, it’s always wise to consult with your doctor just to be on the safe side. Remember, I’m just a fellow runner sharing my experiences, not a medical expert.

Now, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty. What exactly are heart palpitations? How do they happen? And most importantly, what can you do about them? We’ll explore all of that and more in this blog post.

So, lace up your running shoes, take a deep breath, and let’s hit the ground running!

What Are Heart Palpitations?

Heart palpitations are basically when your heart decides to break free from its usual rhythm and go on a rebellious spree. It’s like your heart is saying, “Hey, I’m gonna beat to my own drum today!” And boy, can it catch you off guard.

These palpitations can manifest differently for each runner. It’s like a personalized heart symphony. Some of you might feel a wonky pulse, as if your heart is doing a funky dance routine. Others might experience that unsettling flip-flopping sensation in the chest. And let’s not forget about the not-so-fun extras like chest pain, discomfort, shortness of breath, and that terrifying feeling that your heart might just call it quits and leave you in the dust. Trust me, it’s a rollercoaster of emotions.

But hold on tight, because here’s the good news: Heart palpitations, for the most part, aren’t the ultimate party crashers. They’re usually harmless and tend to settle down on their own. Phew! Take a deep breath and let that sink in. However, it’s important to note that in some cases, heart palpitations can be a red flag, warning of potential dangers lurking beneath the surface.

Palpitations Gone Bad

In some exceptional cases, heart palpitation can be a warning sign of a more serious heart condition, such as an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) or an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).

That’s why you need to consult with your doctor if the palpitations won’t go away even after taking some of the preventative steps.

Severe Symptoms

If you ever find yourself experiencing heart palpitations accompanied by some serious symptoms like passing out, feeling lightheaded to the extreme, enduring chest pain that could rival a sledgehammer blow, or fainting like a damsel in distress, don’t hesitate—seek immediate medical help. Seriously, don’t brush it off like a minor inconvenience. Your health is too important to take any chances.

Once you arrive at the doctor’s office, they’ll dig deep into your medical history. They’ll give you the 411 on your current medication, diet, and lifestyle, because every clue matters. But that’s not all—brace yourself for more than a few tests.

These tests aim to confirm or rule out any underlying causes of your heart palpitations. Expect a thorough examination of your heart and lungs, with an ECG giving them a glimpse into the electric symphony happening inside your chest.

Blood work will be involved too, searching for any sneaky imbalances or abnormalities that might be pulling the strings behind the scenes. And if things get real intense, they might even whip out an ultrasound of your heart, strap you onto a treadmill for a workout you didn’t sign up for, or dive into some complicated blood tests that will make you appreciate the complexity of your own body.

Now, I know all of this might sound like a marathon of medical exams, but trust me, it’s worth it. Your health is no joke, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Don’t make the mistake of lacing up those running shoes when you should be making a beeline for the hospital instead. Let the professionals work their magic and uncover any hidden truths before they have a chance to wreak havoc on your well-being.

Additional guide  – Running With Seasonal Allergies

Causes of Heart Palpitations While Running

Let’s talk about the pounding sensation in your chest while you’re out there conquering those miles. Don’t fret, my friend, because an increase in heart rate during exercise is as normal as a sunny day in summer. It’s your body’s way of saying, “Hey, I need to pump more blood to those hardworking muscles!”

But hold on a sec. If you’re experiencing heart palpitations that go beyond the usual beat, it’s time to delve into the possible culprits. Let’s shine a light on some common triggers that can make your heart dance to an irregular rhythm:

Too Much Stimulants

First on the list are those sneaky stimulants that can throw your heart into a jittery frenzy. Think alcohol, chocolate (yes, even our beloved treat!), and caffeine. They may give you a temporary boost, but they can also make your heart go wild if you’re sensitive to their effects.

Heavy Food

You’ve just enjoyed a hearty feast of carb-loaded goodness or indulged in a sugary, fatty delight. Your body is working hard to digest all that deliciousness, and when you decide to lace up your running shoes right after, your heart might not appreciate the extra workload. Oh, and be cautious with foods high in monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium, or nitrate—they might join the party of palpitations too.

Emotional Turmoil

Stress and anxiety—we’ve all been there, right? Running can be a fantastic stress-buster, but if you’re already feeling overwhelmed, your heart might protest with some palpitations. It’s like trying to sing a sweet melody while a marching band blares its horns right next to you. Keep an eye on your stress levels and find ways to manage them, so your heart can find its rhythm once again.


Ladies, this one’s for you. Hormonal changes during menstruation and pregnancy can sometimes throw your heart for a loop. Your body is going through some incredible transformations, and your heart is along for the ride. It’s just a temporary detour, but if the palpitations become too bothersome, consult with your doctor for some expert guidance.

OTC Medicine

Watch out for over-the-counter medications too an unexpected jolt. And those diet pills or medications high in stimulants? They might rev up your heart rate like a race car hitting the gas pedal.

Intense Exercise

Now, imagine running at high elevation or pushing yourself to the limits with intense, hardcore workouts. Your heart might be a bit startled, wondering, “Wait, we’re at this altitude? And we’re running how fast? Hold on tight!” Give yourself some time to adapt and gradually increase your intensity.

The above are some of the most common causes of heart palpitations in runners, but the list is by no means complete. For a deeper dive into your own condition, it’s always better to consult a doctor. I hate to sound like a broken record but nothing beats a thorough exam by a professional. The internet can only help you this far.

Runner woman running on beach in sunrise

How to Prevent Heart Palpitations While Running

There are so many strategies you can follow to stop (and prevent future) heart palpitations on the run.

Some of these prevention strategies include:

1. Hydration

Researchers have delved into the magical world of hydration and found a captivating connection to those pesky palpitations we’ve been talking about. Turns out, if you’re dehydrated, your heart might start throwing a tantrum, leading to palpitations and a whole lot of other trouble.

We don’t want that, do we?

So, here’s the secret to maintaining a happy, well-hydrated body: Make water your best friend. Throughout the day, ensure you’re sipping on that liquid gold to keep your body’s hydration levels in check. And guess what? Before lacing up those running shoes, quench your thirst with a refreshing 4 to 6 ounces of water about half an hour prior to your run. It’s like giving your body a gentle reminder that it’s time to hydrate and conquer the miles ahead.

Now, when it comes to longer runs, my friend, especially during those scorching summer days, it’s essential to bring along your trusty sidekick—a water bottle. Treat it like a loyal companion that’ll be by your side, quenching your thirst mile after mile. Aim to sip on that life-giving elixir during your 45-minute (or longer) adventures, ensuring your body stays hydrated and your heart keeps up the beat.

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to the Maffetone Method.

2. Decrease Stress

Let’s talk about stress, my friend. It’s like an unwelcome guest that overstays its welcome and wreaks havoc on our well-being. But fear not, for I have a secret weapon that’ll help you bid farewell to stress and reclaim your inner peace. Are you ready? Here it is: stress reduction practices!

Imagine a world where stress is no longer calling the shots in your life. A world where heart palpitations take a backseat as you embrace tranquility and find your inner Zen. It’s not just a dream—it’s a reality waiting to unfold. Researchers and experts have uncovered the remarkable benefits of stress-reduction practices, and trust me, they’re backed by science!

First up, we have relaxation exercises that can work wonders. Picture yourself practicing Yoga Nidra, a form of deep relaxation that can transport you to a blissful state of calmness. Or perhaps you find solace in the gentle movements of yoga, the serene stillness of meditation, or the graceful flow of tai chi. It’s like giving your mind and body a soothing massage, releasing tension and leaving you feeling rejuvenated.

But wait, there’s more! Guided imagery, self-hypnosis, biofeedback, and aromatherapy are additional tools in your stress-busting arsenal. They offer unique ways to tap into your inner reservoir of peace and channel it into your daily life. Choose the practice that resonates with you the most, and make it your loyal companion on this journey towards serenity.

Now, my friend, stress doesn’t just magically disappear by practicing relaxation exercises alone. We must also tackle the sources of stress head-on. Whether it’s those demanding work deadlines or the chaos of family life, identify the triggers and explore strategies to navigate them. Seek balance, set boundaries, and prioritize self-care. Remember, you have the power to create a life that’s free from the clutches of stress.

Additional resource – Your guide to heart rate variability

 3. Breathe Deep to Relax

Picture yourself in this scenario. Your heart is racing, your mind is racing, and it feels like chaos has taken over. But you have a secret weapon—deep breathing. It’s a simple yet powerful technique that can work wonders in reducing anxiety and calming your racing heart.

Take a moment to slow down.

Breathe deeply from your diaphragm, allowing your belly to rise and fall with each breath. Feel the tension melt away as you consciously relax your body from head to toe.

Studies have shown that deep breathing can have a profound impact on our nervous system, triggering the relaxation response and helping to restore balance. It’s like pressing the reset button for your body and mind. So, the next time those palpitations come knocking, don’t rush around in a frenzy of terror. Take a breath, find your calm, and embrace the power of the present moment.

  1. The Valsalva Maneuver

When your heart is putting on a noisy performance, it can be challenging to find your inner Zen with just deep breathing. But fear not, for I have a secret technique up my sleeve that might just do the trick. Enter Vagus nerve massage!

Research has shown that massaging your Vagus nerve, the mighty controller of heart rate, can work wonders in putting those palpitations to a screeching halt.

By stimulating the Vagus nerve, you’re essentially sending a signal to your heart, telling it to calm down and find its rhythm once again. It’s like having a magical remote control for your heart, ready to switch off the unwanted noise. So, let me introduce you to a technique called the Valsalva maneuver—it’s simple yet oh-so-effective.

Are you ready to give it a try? Here’s how it goes: First, pinch your nose shut and close your mouth. Now, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, imagine you’re blowing up a balloon with all your might. Feel the pressure building up in your chest as you push that air out forcefully.

5. Get your Electrolytes

Imagine your heart as a finely tuned orchestra, playing a symphony of beats to keep you going. But like any musical ensemble, this masterpiece requires the right balance of elements to create harmonious rhythms. In the case of your heart, these essential elements are known as electrolytes—calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium.

Research has shown that an imbalance in these vital electrolytes, whether it’s an excess or a deficiency, can lead to those pesky palpitations. It’s like throwing the conductor off balance, causing the music to falter. But fear not, my friend, for there’s a way to restore the harmony.

To ensure your electrolytes are in perfect balance, a simple blood or urine test can do the trick. This will reveal if there’s an imbalance that needs to be addressed. And who better to guide you through this symphony of electrolytes than your trusted doctor? They can provide expert advice on how to restore these essential elements back to their rightful places.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the foods that can help you conduct this delicate balancing act.

First up, we have calcium—the maestro of strong bones and steady heartbeats. Almonds, beans, vibrant vegetables, and a chorus of fruits all play their part in providing this essential mineral.

Next, potassium takes the stage, known for its role in maintaining healthy blood pressure and heart function. Behold the mighty banana, accompanied by the soothing melodies of milk, apples, and sweet raisins.

Magnesium steps forward with its calming presence, lending its talents to promote relaxation and support proper muscle function. Joining the ensemble are peanut butter, nuts, the smooth notes of milk and yogurt, and the nourishing hum of cooked soybeans.

Lastly, sodium makes its grand entrance, adding a dash of flavor and aiding in fluid balance. Meats sizzle with its essence, spices add their vibrant touch, and certain dairy products gracefully dance alongside.

6. Avoid the Diet Triggers

Just as you wouldn’t pour sticky syrup into the fuel tank of a high-performance sports car, you must be mindful of what you put into your body before a run to avoid any unpleasant surprises, like heart palpitations.

Let’s start with a common pitfall: running immediately after indulging in a heavy, carb-loaded, fat-filled feast. It’s like trying to sprint through a swamp of sluggishness. Your poor digestive system needs time to process and break down all that goodness (or not-so-goodness) you’ve consumed. Give it some breathing room, my friend. Aim for a generous window of two to three hours between your meal and your run. That way, you’ll be avoiding a collision course with disaster.

Ah, the seductive allure of caffeine—the energizing elixir that brings joy to countless souls. But for some, it may cause their heart to perform an impromptu drum solo during a run. If you suspect that caffeine is the mischievous culprit behind your heart palpitations, it’s wise to bid farewell to caffeinated beverages and treats like chocolate at least two to three hours before lacing up your running shoes.

Consider this a precautionary measure, an insurance policy to keep those heart flutters at bay. And don’t worry, my friend, you can still savor these delights on your non-running days, enjoying their delights without the fear of palpitation-induced surprises.

Additional resource – Heart murmurs in runners

7. Medication

If you find that the lifestyle changes we’ve discussed haven’t quite tamed those pesky heart palpitations during your runs, it might be time to have a heart-to-heart with your doctor about potential prescribed medications.

Now, before we delve into the realm of medicine, let me emphasize the importance of open and thorough communication with your trusted healthcare provider. They possess the knowledge and expertise to guide you on this path. Together, you can weigh the pros and cons, ensuring that any prescribed medications are a tailored fit for your unique situation.

When it comes to tackling heart palpitations, there are a couple of classes of medications that may come into play. One common option is beta-blockers, which work their magic by impeding the effect of adrenaline on your body. Think of them as traffic cops, skillfully directing the chaotic rush of adrenaline so that it doesn’t wreak havoc on your heart. Another possibility is calcium-channel blockers, which lend a helping hand in regulating the electrical impulses in your heart, keeping them in check and preventing those palpitations from stealing the spotlight.

Now, let’s be clear—medication should always be your last resort, a trusted ally to turn to when all else fails. It’s important to exhaust all lifestyle changes and non-medical approaches first. However, if you find yourself in a situation where heart palpitations persist and disrupt your running escapades for a prolonged period, don’t hesitate to explore this option with your doctor.

Heart Palpitations While Running – The Conclusion

There you have it. If you’re dealing with heart palpitations during or after running, then today’s post should put you on the right track.

The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions below.

In the meantime thank you for dropping by.

David D.


From Zero to Running Hero: How to Make Running a Lifelong Habit

runner trying to Make Running a Habit

It was a crisp morning when my trusty alarm clock chimed at 6:00 a.m. As a dedicated runner, I’ve always prioritized my sleep, aiming to get a solid 7-8 hours of shut-eye every night.

My morning routine is a well-oiled machine. By around 10:00 p.m., I’m already snuggled in bed, ensuring I’m well-rested for the next day’s adventure. When that alarm sounds, I’m raring to go. Within minutes, I’m up, dressed in my running gear – sneakers, socks, a comfortable tee, and my favorite workout shorts.

At precisely 6:15, I step out the door, ready to embark on my morning run. Today, it’s all about tempo training. But tomorrow, it’s a different story. I’ll rise at the same early hour, but my focus will shift to yoga. Later in the day, you’ll find me at the gym, tackling a CrossFit WOD. I prefer evening gym sessions – they somehow boost my productivity.

My exercise routine has become second nature, etched into my daily life. There’s no resistance, no forcing myself out of bed, no teeth-grinding to get going. It just flows naturally. Of course, there are moments when life throws curveballs, and I might stray from my routine. But rest assured. I always come back stronger than ever.

A Very Common Struggle

Let’s face it: forming an exercise habit is no walk in the park for most people. Many folks start off with good intentions, whether it’s running, eating healthier, reading more, or reducing screen time, only to find themselves stopping and restarting repeatedly.

But fear not! What I’m about to share with you today will provide the keys to breaking free from this endless cycle and transform your running routine (or any other workout regimen) into a lifelong, ingrained habit.

How To Make Running a Habit – Start Small

A common mistake many new runners make is pushing themselves too hard right from the beginning. This approach can lead to injury, burnout, and frustration. To build a sustainable running habit, it’s crucial to begin with manageable and realistic goals.

Starting small, such as incorporating a walk-run method or going for a short run around the block, can make the early weeks of running more enjoyable and achievable. Remember the mantra, “A short run is better than none.” This mindset is especially helpful for beginners.

Whether your goal is weight loss, completing a 10K, or simply being able to jog for 20 minutes without getting out of breath, ensure that your initial goals are realistic and attainable.

The Walk-Run Method

For beginners, the walk-run method is an excellent approach to establishing a running habit. Here’s a beginner’s running program that incorporates this method.

Additional Resource – When it’s the best time to run

Come Up with a Running Plan

Deciding to start running is a significant step, but it’s equally important to support your decision with a well-thought-out plan. The saying, “Failing to plan is planning to fail,” attributed to Benjamin Franklin, holds true for managing exercise routines.

To ensure your running journey is successful, create a detailed plan covering every aspect related to your running routine. This includes choosing a running route, deciding on the time and type of run, and even preselecting your music playlist or any other elements of your training routine.

As crucial as planning your runs is, don’t forget to plan your rewards as well. These rewards can be anything that motivates you, whether it’s a post-run smoothie, a massage, or a relaxing hot shower. These incentives will keep you motivated on your path to achieving your long-term running goals.

Write It Down

Research supports the effectiveness of planning in achieving fitness and health objectives. An experiment conducted at the University of Hertfordshire revealed that individuals without a plan struggled to achieve their New Year’s resolutions.

Once you’ve determined the components of your running plan, write them down and place them where you’ll see them regularly. Be specific about the details, including:

  • Running distance
  • Running time
  • Running duration
  • Type of run
  • Walk/run ratio (for beginners)
  • Training pace
  • Running route

I have written a comprehensive guide to running program design.

You can find it here.

Also, prepare in advance your running shoes, clothes, water bottle, and running backpack, preferably the night before.

This helps eliminate any excuse to skip the run.

Turn Your Plan into a Ritual

Once you’ve established a solid running plan, the next step is to turn it into a daily ritual. This concept draws inspiration from Tony Schwartz, the author of “The Power of Full Engagement,” a renowned book on productivity and personal management. If you’re serious about making lasting changes in your life, this book is a must-read.

But what exactly is a ritual, and how can it benefit your running journey?

A ritual consists of a specific set of behaviors that you perform at the same time every day or on specific, designated days. To create a ritual, you need to define the precise behaviors related to running that you’ll engage in. Once these behaviors are defined, commit to performing them at the designated times.

By establishing a fixed time for your running routine, you eliminate the need to expend mental energy on when to fit it in. Additionally, rituals often carry a sense of spirituality or religiosity, making them more compelling, even for individuals who aren’t particularly religious or spiritual.

Creating a running ritual helps you solidify your commitment to regular running, making it an integral and non-negotiable part of your daily or weekly routine.

Additional reading – How to Prevent Overuse Injury

Set a Specific Time for the Ritual

Selecting a specific time of day for your running ritual is crucial. You must determine whether the morning, midday, or evening is the most suitable and feasible time for your runs. Once you’ve chosen a time, it’s vital to stick with it consistently, regardless of any obstacles or distractions.

For example, I’ve committed to running every day at 6:15 a.m., and I find that maintaining this consistency greatly contributes to my success, whether I’m going for a run or practicing yoga.

To enhance your chances of success, treat your runs with the same level of importance as you would an essential work meeting or a family obligation. Make it a non-negotiable commitment by scheduling it into your calendar. This approach demonstrates your dedication to the practice.

As a helpful strategy, develop a habit of marking your calendar with a prominent red “X” on the days you plan to go for a run. This visual representation can serve as a powerful motivator, and ideally, you should aim for three to four big red “Xs” on your weekly calendar. This level of consistency will reinforce your commitment to your running ritual.

Run First Thing in the Morning

Our lives are incredibly busy, filled with long work hours, childcare duties, the captivating but time-consuming world of social media, and various daily obligations. Balancing it all can be challenging, but there’s a strategy to help you maintain your running lifestyle even in the midst of a hectic schedule: run in the early morning when your willpower is at its peak, and the rest of the world is still asleep.

Research supports the idea that individuals who consistently exercise prioritize morning workouts. Therefore, it’s advisable to establish a morning running routine before the hustle and bustle of the day begins, especially before your children wake up. But how can you make this adjustment to your schedule?

It’s relatively straightforward. Start by setting your alarm an hour earlier than usual. If you prefer, you can have a light snack before your run. Once you’ve completed your run, follow it up with a refreshing shower and a nutritious breakfast. By doing so, you’ll already have accomplished more than many people do in the morning.

Remember that being a morning person is not an inherent trait; it’s a habit that can be cultivated. Running in the morning will not only boost your metabolism but also enhance your productivity throughout the day, which is pretty cool, right?

picture of Calf Pain

Lay Out your Running Gear

If you have a run scheduled in the morning, make sure to get your running gear ready the night before.

Doing this will help you head out the door with minimum friction, as there’s nothing worse than waking up early and having to hunt through a dark room in a semi-awake state for gear that you need.

This is especially important if you’re not naturally a morning person: if your running gear is nowhere to be found, you’re much more likely to drop the whole plan and say that you’ll run another time.

So, what do you need to lay out? Your clothes, from underwear and running socks to your hat.

Earphones, shoes,  watch, hydration belt, headlamp, reflective vest, gels, even post-run rewards—everything that’s needed for your run, in a nutshell.

For more discipline, try sleeping in your running clothes.

If you’re an efficiency freak like me, this is your best option.

Make it Regular

Once you decide on a running ritual, do your best to never skip a workout.

If you skip a day, the process of exercise habit formation only gets harder.

It’s all about keeping your momentum going, especially during the first few weeks.

The easiest way to keep your resolution going is simply not to stop.

Objects in motion tend to stay in motion.

It’s a basic physics law, and you should use it to your advantage.

If your ultimate goal is to run three times a week, then schedule your three runs on non-consecutive days (On Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, for instance) and do your best not to miss a day.

Pick A Time

Once you establish your running ritual, strive never to skip a workout. Skipping a day makes forming the exercise habit more challenging. Maintaining momentum is crucial, particularly during the initial weeks of habit formation.

Remember the basic physics law: “Objects in motion tend to stay in motion.” Leverage this principle to your advantage. If your goal is to run three times a week, schedule these runs on non-consecutive days, such as Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Make a commitment not to miss a day.

Consistency is key, and it’s easier to stick to a routine when you keep it going. Choose a specific time of day for your runs and try to stick to it. For example, if you prefer running in the morning, aim to run at the same time every morning. Establish a routine of at least five workouts per week, including three runs and two cross-training sessions.

On rest days, remain active. Go for long walks, hikes, or bike rides. The principle is simple: keep moving during the early stages of habit formation to solidify exercise as a regular part of your daily schedule.

Prioritize your workout schedule by treating your running sessions as appointments that cannot be canceled. By prioritizing your fitness and health, you ensure that your exercise routine becomes a non-negotiable part of your life.

Make it Pleasurable

Running shouldn’t feel like a dreaded ordeal; it should be an enjoyable experience. While working on building your exercise habit, focus on the pleasure and fun of running rather than solely on end results.

Here are some ideas to make your running more enjoyable:

  • Treat yourself to some new, colorful running gear that makes you happy.
  • Run with a friend, your dog, or both for added companionship.
  • Explore new routes and locations to keep things fresh and exciting.
  • Choose pristine trail routes that immerse you in natural beauty and fresh air.
  • Use a running app to track your progress, helping you stay motivated.
  • Take in the beauty of the sky and appreciate the solitude.
  • Create an upbeat playlist of your favorite songs to keep you energized and distracted from fatigue.
  • Use the time to listen to an audiobook, podcast, or radio show, making the most of your run.

There are endless possibilities to infuse joy into your running routine, so find what works best for you and make each run an enjoyable experience.

Recharge—Have a Recovery Day

Recovery is crucial for your body’s well-being and performance. It provides an opportunity to rest and readapt to your training load. To support your running habit, consider having a designated recovery day.

I highly recommend taking one day off from intense exercise every week. On this day, prioritize rest and relaxation. If you feel that you need some activity, limit it to a gentle half-hour walk to keep your body moving without exerting too much effort.

The key is to engage in some form of activity every day except your designated rest day. Ideally, this activity should be something you enjoy, and that maintains your habit of staying active. Don’t hesitate to explore other exercise routines in addition to running, as they can also contribute to the development of your exercise habit. Incorporate activities such as strength training, swimming, cycling, and yoga into your routine to keep things fresh and enjoyable.

Give Your Running Ritual Eight Weeks

Be patient with yourself and commit to at least 66 days to establish your new running habit. Habits don’t develop or change overnight; they require time and dedication to become ingrained in your daily routine.

Research conducted at The London University College suggests that it can take six to eight weeks to form a lifelong, lasting habit. Therefore, aim to stick with your running routine for a minimum of 50 to 60 days.

Once you reach this point, you’ll begin to notice significant changes. Your running habit will start to feel like a natural part of your daily life. You’ll build enough cardiovascular endurance to run comfortably for around 45 minutes, experience weight loss, and see tangible improvements in your body and overall well-being. Keep persevering, and the results will be worth it.

Life is Messy Y’know…

A word of caution: Life is unpredictable, and there will be times when your running routine faces obstacles. Whether it’s due to injury, demanding work hours, family commitments, or holiday celebrations, these challenges can disrupt your plans. Remember, it’s not personal; it’s just a part of life.

Perfection should not be your goal, as striving for it will only lead to frustration. Accept that you may miss a day or two (or more) occasionally. When these disruptions occur, don’t beat yourself up or lose sleep over them. Everyone makes mistakes, and life can be unpredictable; it’s a part of the human experience.

Forming a habit, like maintaining a running routine, is a skill that requires consistent practice. Think of it as a muscle you’re training; the more you work on it, the stronger it becomes. So, if you stumble along the way, pick yourself up, brush off the dust, and start anew. Embrace the warrior spirit and never give up on your running habit.

Track Your Progress

You cannot make progress without measurement. This is one of my all-time favorite sayings related to productivity and management, and it holds true when it comes to physical exercise. Whether you choose to track your progress with pen and paper or using a dedicated app, keeping a record of your runs is essential for maintaining your fitness routine.

Being analytical about your exercise regimen pays off. By maintaining a record, you’ll start to notice training trends that can help you determine what works best for efficient and successful training. After all, how can you decide what to do next if you don’t have a record of what you’ve done in the first place?

Progress in your fitness journey can take many forms, from being able to run longer without fatigue to lifting heavier weights or even experiencing improved fitness in how your clothes fit. These are all signs of progress, and they’re something to be proud of.

The Things to Track

It’s important to track various aspects of your exercise routine and achievements, whether you maintain a workout journal or store the information digitally for periodic review. Here are some key things to track:

  • Running Workouts: Log the details of your running sessions, including distance, duration, pace, and any specific notes about the run.
  • Heart Rate: If you monitor your heart rate during workouts, record this data to track your cardiovascular fitness.
  • Running Goals: Document your running goals, both short-term and long-term, and track your progress toward achieving them.
  • Running Times: Keep a record of your best running times for different distances to monitor improvements.
  • Mileage on Running Shoes: Note how many miles you’ve logged on your running shoes to determine when it’s time for a replacement.
  • Running Performance: Track your performance in races or time trials, including race results and personal records.
  • Cross-Training Activities: If you engage in cross-training activities like strength training, yoga, or swimming, record these sessions.
  • Weight: Monitor your weight regularly to track changes, especially if weight loss or maintenance is a goal.
  • Body Measures: Measure your body dimensions, such as waist circumference or body fat percentage, to assess changes in your physique.
  • Before and After Pictures: Take photos to visually document your progress over time.
  • Meals: Keep a food diary to track your daily meals and calorie intake, which can be helpful for nutrition and weight management.
  • Weather: Note the weather conditions during your runs, as weather can affect performance.
  • Sleep Patterns: Record your sleep duration and quality to ensure you’re getting adequate rest for recovery.
  • Weekly Mileage: Summarize your weekly running mileage to gauge your training volume.
  • Calorie Intake: Keep track of your daily calorie intake if you have specific dietary goals.
  • Aches and Pains: Document any injuries, aches, or pains to help identify patterns and seek appropriate treatment or adjustments to your training.

How to Make Running A Habit – The Conclusion

Have you considered starting the running habit? Do you run regularly? I’d love to hear from you in the comment section.

Featured Image Credit – Ed Yourdon through Flickr.

Top 19 Superfoods for Runners: Boost Your Performance Naturally

Super Foods

Ready to supercharge your performance and take your running game to the next level? Well, guess what? It all starts with what you put on your plate! Yep, you heard me right. The food you eat before, during, and after each run can make a world of difference, not just in your running performance, but also in your overall health and well-being

Here’s the deal: neglecting your nutritional needs is like trying to run a marathon with shoes that are two sizes too small. It’s a recipe for mediocrity, injury, and burnout. But fear not, my friend, because I’m about to let you in on a little secret that will revolutionize your diet.

In today’s article, I’m sharing with you a list of the most incredible, nutrient-dense foods in the world!

These powerhouses of nutrition are packed to the brim with everything your body craves. We’re talking top-notch quality carbohydrates to fuel your runs, proteins to repair and build those hardworking muscles, and fats that give you the sustained energy you need.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Food For Runners – 1: Beans

Let me tell you a little story about my relationship with beans. Back in the day, I used to turn my nose up at those humble legumes. They just weren’t on my culinary radar. But oh, how things have changed! In my mid-20s, I took a leap of faith and gave beans a chance—and boy, am I glad I did!

You see, beans are like hidden treasures of the food world. Not only are they incredibly delicious once you develop a taste for them, but they also come with a whole host of benefits for us runners. Picture this: one cup of beans serves up a whopping 15 grams of fiber. That’s like getting a fiber-packed superhero cape that swoops in and provides you with 60 percent of your recommended daily minimum! And let’s not forget about the 20 grams of protein they bring to the table. This protein power duo not only tames those hunger pangs but also helps keep those notorious overeating tendencies at bay. It’s like having a personal bodyguard against mindless snacking.

But wait, there’s more! Beans are not just fiber and protein powerhouses. They’re also bursting with vitamins, antioxidants, slow-burning carbs, and a wide range of minerals. It’s like a nutrient extravaganza, with each bean bringing its unique set of goodies to the party. And here’s the kicker—they’ll leave you feeling satisfied, energized, and ready to conquer the world without weighing you down like a lead balloon. I

Oh, and here’s some exciting news for those with type 2 diabetes. A study published in the Archive of Interval Medicine found that incorporating beans, along with their legume buddies like lentils and chickpeas, into your diet can actually improve blood sugar control and reduce the risks of heart diseases. That’s like getting a double win for your health, all thanks to these humble legumes.

Food For Runners – 2: Lentils

Let me introduce you to the true superhero of the legume world—lentils! These tiny powerhouses are like metabolic dynamos, packed with an arsenal of nutrients that can give your body the boost it craves.

First up, let’s talk about iron. Lentils are an iron-rich treasure trove. And trust me, iron is a nutrient you don’t want to mess with. It’s like the secret fuel that powers your body’s engine. When you’re low on iron, it’s like running on an empty tank. You’ll find yourself getting tired at the drop of a hat, and even a simple jog can leave you feeling dizzy and drained.

Not to mention, iron deficiency can show up on your skin, giving you that pale appearance, and weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. But fear not, my friend, lentils have got your back. They’re here to replenish your iron stores and supercharge your energy levels.

But that’s not all—lentils have an entire arsenal of nutrients to offer. Think of them as a compact package of essential vitamins and minerals. They’re like a treasure chest of Vitamin B, potassium, and other valuable goodies that your body craves. These nutrients work together like a symphony, supporting your overall health, boosting your metabolism, and keeping your body functioning at its best.

And here’s the best part—lentils are not only a nutritional powerhouse, but they’re also incredibly convenient. They’re like the MVPs of meal prep. With lentils, you don’t have to spend hours slaving away in the kitchen. They’re like the culinary wizards that can go from bag to plate in less than half an hour.

Food For Runners – 3: Avocados

First things first, avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats. Don’t let the word “fat” scare you away because these are the good guys that your heart loves. It’s like having a heart-friendly ally by your side.

Research studies have shown that avocados can work their magic by helping to lower levels of LDL, which is the notorious artery-clogging bad cholesterol. But that’s not all—avocados also have the superpower to boost your levels of HDL, the good cholesterol.

But the wonders of avocados don’t stop there. They’re like a treasure trove of over 20 vital nutrients, all wrapped up in a creamy green package. Inside, you’ll find choline, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B, just to name a few.

These nutrients play a unique role in supporting your overall health and well-being.

Now, let’s talk about potassium, another runner-friendly nutrient that avocados have in abundance. Think of potassium as the conductor of your body’s orchestra. It’s like the maestro that regulates heart and muscle contractions, keeping everything in harmony.

However, it’s important to remember that while avocados are delicious and nutritious, they do come with a caloric punch. Think of it as a worthy indulgence. One avocado packs roughly 220 calories and 20 grams of those beneficial monounsaturated fats.

Food For Runners – 4: Eggs

Let’s talk about one of my all-time favorite protein sources—the incredible egg. I absolutely adore eggs, and I’m here to tell you that you shouldn’t shy away from them either.

If you’ve been avoiding eggs because you’ve heard they’re bad for your cholesterol, it’s time to rethink that notion. Recent research has shown that eggs don’t have a negative impact on blood cholesterol levels and are not the culprits behind heart attacks. So go ahead and crack those eggs with confidence!

But wait, there’s more! Eggs are not only delicious but also one of the best foods you can consume if you’re looking to shed those extra pounds.

They are a powerhouse when it comes to nutrition. Packed with protein and healthy fats, eggs have the incredible ability to keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer, all while being low in calories. It’s like having a satiety superhero on your plate.

What makes eggs even more extraordinary is their abundance of essential amino acids—the building blocks of protein that your body needs for a wide range of functions, from creating brain chemicals to building strong muscles.

Protein is like the construction crew that builds and repairs your body, and eggs provide an excellent source of these essential nutrients.

When you consume protein-rich foods like eggs, they work their magic by keeping you satiated for longer periods, helping you eat less throughout the day. But that’s not all. The protein found in eggs, especially in the yolks, stimulates the release of a hormone called glucagon. Think of glucagon as as the hormone that promotes fat burning, helping you on your weight loss journey.

In fact, research conducted by the Pennington Biomedical Research Center found that having eggs for breakfast can make a significant difference in your hunger levels throughout the day compared to a breakfast consisting of complex carbs, like a bagel. So, starting your day with an egg is like setting yourself up for success and keeping those hunger pangs at bay.

Eggs truly are an “eggcellent” option for your morning meal. I personally enjoy having two or three eggs, scrambled to perfection, with a generous serving of greens and a drizzle of olive oil. It’s a delightful combination that fuels my day and keeps me energized.

Food For Runners – 5: Sweet Potato

One of the standout qualities of sweet potatoes is their impressive content of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that can work wonders for our bodies.

Think of beta-carotene as a shield against the oxidative stress that comes with intense workouts.

It helps protect our cells from damage and aids in post-exercise recovery. Sweet potatoes are like little orange powerhouses, supplying us with this essential nutrient to support our athletic endeavors.

But that’s not all the goodness sweet potatoes have to offer. They’re also abundant in Vitamin A, a nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy eyes, preventing sun damage (a must for all outdoor runners), and boosting our immune system. Think of Vitamin A as your superhero sidekick, keeping your eyes sharp and your immune system in tip-top shape.

And let’s not forget about the mighty Vitamin C found in sweet potatoes. As runners, we put our bodies through rigorous workouts, and that can lead to the production of free radicals—those pesky molecules that can cause oxidative stress.

But fear not, for sweet potatoes come to the rescue once again! Packed with Vitamin C, they provide us with a natural defense against those running-induced free radicals. It’s like having a shield to protect our cells and keep our bodies performing at their best.

Now, let’s talk about convenience. As athletes, we’re always on the lookout for quick and nourishing pre-run meals. Well, look no further than sweet potatoes! These versatile tubers can be easily incorporated into your pre-run routine. A cup of mashed sweet potato serves up approximately 55 grams of carbohydrates, giving you a fantastic energy boost for a solid hour of running. It’s like fueling up with nature’s own energy source.

Food For Runners – 6: Blueberries

Picture this: as you conquer those miles, your body is hard at work, churning out free radicals through its metabolic processes. These pesky molecules can wreak havoc on your cells and hinder your performance. But fear not, for blueberries are here to save the day!

In a groundbreaking study conducted at Cornell University, researchers found that blueberries reign supreme when it comes to antioxidant capabilities among a whopping 25 fruits and berries. They’re like the superheroes of the antioxidant world, ready to fight off those free radicals and keep your body in top shape. So, when it comes to antioxidant power, blueberries take the crown.

But that’s not all blueberries have to offer. These little gems are also packed with an abundance of manganese, a mineral that plays a crucial role in converting carbohydrates, protein, and fats into energy. Think of manganese as the fuel pump for your running machine. It helps your body efficiently transform the nutrients you consume into the energy you need to power through your runs. With blueberries by your side, you’ll have that extra boost to crush your goals and keep your energy levels soaring.

Whether you prefer sprinkling them on your morning oatmeal, blending them into a refreshing smoothie, or simply popping them as a post-run snack, blueberries are a versatile and delicious way to fuel your runs and support your overall well-being.

Food For Runners – 7: Kale

Let’s talk about Vitamin K, a key player in bone development. As runners, our bones endure a lot of stress and impact. But fear not, because kale is here to fortify your skeletal system. Packed with Vitamin K, this leafy green superhero ensures your bones stay strong and resilient, even in the face of high-intensity running. In fact, just one serving of kale delivers a whopping 700% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin K.

Now that’s a bone-boosting dose you don’t want to miss!

But wait, there’s more! Kale has another trick up its sleeve: Vitamin C. We all know that keeping our immune system in top shape is crucial for runners. The last thing we need is to be sidelined by infections, viruses, or pesky colds. Luckily, kale comes to the rescue with its sky-high Vitamin C content. A single serving of this vibrant green goodness provides a staggering 200% of your daily recommended dosage of Vitamin C. With each bite of kale, you’re giving your immune system the support it needs to fend off those unwelcome invaders.

What’s more?

Besides being a Vitamin K and Vitamin C powerhouse, kale also boasts impressive amounts of vitamins A and B6, iron, and calcium. It’s like an all-in-one nutrient package tailor-made for runners.

Food For Runners – 8: Spinach

Picture this: Popeye, the iconic cartoon character, with his bulging biceps and unrivaled strength, has a secret weapon tucked away in his back pocket—spinach. But here’s the fascinating part: Popeye’s creator wasn’t just spinning a tale. He tapped into the real science behind spinach, harnessing its incredible ability to provide both strength and power.

This leafy green superhero is armed with a special ingredient called nitrates, and they hold the key to unlocking your running potential. Research has revealed that spinach is packed with these nitrates, which act as mighty boosters for your performance on the road. How, you ask? Well, nitrates have the remarkable ability to supercharge your circulatory system and muscles by maximizing the delivery of oxygen and essential nutrients. It’s like having a turbocharger for your running engine, propelling you forward with enhanced endurance and efficiency.

But that’s not all—spinach has more tricks up its sleeve. Let’s talk about Vitamin K, a nutrient that plays a vital role in maintaining healthy bones. If you want your running adventures to be supported by a strong skeletal system, spinach is your go-to teammate. This leafy green powerhouse is loaded with Vitamin K, ensuring that your bones stay robust and resilient, ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

Now, let’s address another health aspect: blood pressure. We all know that maintaining a healthy blood pressure is crucial for our overall well-being, especially as runners. And guess what? Spinach comes to the rescue yet again. Hidden within its vibrant leaves are peptides, little wonders that work their magic by lowering blood pressure. It’s like spinach has its own team of superheroes, swooping in to keep your blood pressure in check and allowing you to run with confidence and ease.

But the goodness of spinach doesn’t stop there. This leafy green powerhouse is a treasure trove of essential nutrients that your body craves. Think of it as a nutritional goldmine, boasting generous amounts of Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and iron. These nutrients play crucial roles in supporting your overall health, from bolstering your immune system to maintaining strong muscles and optimizing energy production. Spinach truly is a one-stop shop for all your nutritional needs.

Food For Runners – 9: Wild Salmon

Imagine diving into a culinary adventure fit for a king—a journey where taste, nutrition, and performance converge.

A succulent four-ounce serving of wild salmon gracing your plate, brimming with a mighty 30 grams of protein. It’s no wonder that wild salmon has earned its royal title as the king of fish. With each flavorful bite, you’re fueling your body with a protein powerhouse that supports muscle growth, repair, and overall strength. It’s like granting your body a regal feast fit for a champion.

But wait, there’s more to this majestic fish than just its protein prowess. Wild salmon holds a secret weapon in the form of selenium—an antioxidant that works tirelessly to promote cardiovascular health. It’s like having a loyal knight protecting your heart from the perils of oxidative stress, ensuring that it beats strong and steady throughout your running adventures.

Now let’s delve into the magical world of Omega-3 fatty acids. These precious nutrients, abundantly found in wild salmon, hold the key to reducing post-workout inflammation. Imagine this: as you push your limits on the road, your muscles may experience some battle scars in the form of inflammation. But fear not, for the Omega-3s in wild salmon come to your rescue, soothing those inflamed muscles and speeding up your recovery process. It’s like having a healing potion specially brewed for runners, granting you a faster rebound and keeping you ready for your next run.

But here’s where things get truly enchanting. Wild salmon’s benefits extend far beyond health—they have a direct impact on your athletic performance. Prepare to be amazed by the findings of a study published in the prestigious European Journal of Applied Physiology. This research uncovered a captivating link between fish oil supplementation (rich in Omega-3s) and enhanced cardiovascular performance.

Imagine your heart as the valiant hero of your body, pumping life-giving blood with every beat. This study revealed that fish oil supplementation can boost your heart’s stroke volume—the amount of blood it pumps with each contraction. It’s like unlocking a hidden power within your heart, enabling it to pump more blood, deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your hard-working muscles, and propel your performance to new heights.

But that’s not all—the magic doesn’t stop there. Fish oil supplementation also sparks an increase in cardiac output—the grand total of blood that your heart pumps out. It’s like giving your heart an extra burst of energy, allowing it to unleash its full potential and propel you forward with renewed vigor.

Food For Runners – 10: Watercress

Imagine a vegetable so dense with nutrients that it effortlessly claims the top spot on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s list. Yes, you heard that right—watercress reigns supreme as the ultimate nutrient powerhouse. It’s like a shining gem among ordinary foods, elevating your plate to a whole new level of nutrition.

Let’s unravel the magic of watercress and uncover why it’s a true superhero among greens. First, its antioxidant power is nothing short of extraordinary. Picture a battalion of antioxidants armed and ready to combat the free radicals that can wreak havoc on your body. Watercress leads the charge, delivering a formidable army of these protective agents that shield your cells from damage and contribute to your overall well-being.

But that’s not all—watercress has a secret weapon called Vitamin K. This essential nutrient plays a crucial role in bone health, ensuring that your skeletal fortress remains strong and resilient, especially during high-impact activities like running. It’s like fortifying your body’s architectural structure, equipping it with the strength to endure any challenge that comes your way.

And let’s not forget about the hidden treasures that lie within watercress. It’s a treasure trove of other valuable nutrients, waiting to be discovered. From Vitamin A, which supports healthy vision and boosts your immune system, to Vitamin C, which bolsters your body’s defenses against the oxidative stress of running, watercress delivers a wealth of benefits.

But what makes watercress even more remarkable is its ability to offer all these nutritional wonders while being exceptionally low in calories. It’s like indulging in a guilt-free feast, where every bite fuels your body with nourishment without tipping the scales.

Food For Runners – 11: Walnuts

Picture this: you’re on the move, conquering the world one stride at a time, and suddenly hunger strikes. You reach into your pocket and retrieve the ultimate energizing snack—the mighty walnut. These bite-sized powerhouses are not only convenient but also brimming with benefits that will keep you running strong.

Let’s crack open the walnut’s secrets and discover why it’s a go-to snack for on-the-go runners. First, let’s talk about the Omega-3 fatty acid ALA. Studies have shown that ALA can effectively reduce the type of inflammation that poses a threat to your cardiovascular health. It’s like providing a protective shield for your precious arteries, ensuring smooth blood flow as you conquer each mile.

But the wonders of walnuts don’t stop there. These remarkable nuts also play a role in bone health, keeping your skeletal system strong and resilient. The ALA found in walnuts has been linked to a reduced breakdown of bones, providing a solid foundation for your running adventures. It’s like giving your bones the support they need to endure the impact of each footstrike, preventing any cracks or fractures along the way.

Now, let’s delve into the heart-healthy properties of walnuts. These little gems are rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fats, which have been shown to have a positive impact on cholesterol levels. Say goodbye to the dreaded LDL cholesterol, also known as the “bad” cholesterol, as walnuts have been found to effectively lower its levels.

But the benefits of walnuts extend beyond the heart. These plant-based powerhouses are a treasure trove of essential nutrients. Just think of the fiber, Vitamin B, and antioxidants they contain. Fiber keeps your digestion in tip-top shape, promoting a healthy gut and preventing any hiccups along your running journey.

Vitamin B provides an extra boost to your energy levels, keeping you fueled and ready to conquer any distance. And let’s not forget about the antioxidants, such as Vitamin E, which act as your body’s defenders, warding off the harmful effects of oxidative stress and supporting your overall well-being.

Food For Runners – 12: Salmon

Picture a 3-ounce serving of salmon, delivering a modest 150 calories, while generously providing you with 20 grams of protein and 7 grams of fat. It’s like a well-balanced symphony of nutrients, carefully orchestrated to fuel your body and support your overall well-being.

One of the crowning glories of salmon lies in its abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. These remarkable compounds have been extensively studied and hailed for their incredible health benefits. Research has shown that consuming omega-3s can help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart diseases, and even ward off a myriad of health troubles.

But the wonders of omega-3s don’t stop there. These fatty acids are also champions in the battle against inflammation. Whether you’re recovering from an intense workout or striving to build stronger muscles, the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s can be your trusted allies. They help your body bounce back faster, promoting faster recovery and supporting long-term muscle growth. It’s like having a team of skilled healers working behind the scenes, ensuring you’re always at your peak performance.

Let’s not forget about another key nutrient found abundantly in salmon: iodine. This mineral plays a vital role in proper thyroid functioning, which is crucial for maintaining an optimally running metabolism. It’s like a conductor orchestrating your body’s internal symphony, ensuring every process runs smoothly and efficiently. By including salmon in your diet, you’re giving your body the fuel it needs to keep your metabolism humming along.

When preparing salmon, let your creativity shine. Broiling is a fantastic cooking method that brings out the fish’s natural flavors, while keeping the calorie count in check. Enhance the experience with a delightful blend of spices, a splash of lemon juice, a sprinkling of herbs, or a touch of garlic. These additions will infuse your dish with tantalizing flavors, all without adding extra calories. It’s like painting a masterpiece on your plate, transforming a simple fish into a culinary masterpiece.

And remember, salmon isn’t the only fish that offers these remarkable benefits. Cast your net wider and explore the seas of flavor with sardines, mackerel, trout, herring, and other types of oily fish. These are equally rich in omega-3s and can be delightful additions to your seafood repertoire.

Food For Runners – 13: Broccoli

Broccoli, the green superhero of the vegetable kingdom, may not have been love at first sight for me, but once I discovered its incredible benefits, I couldn’t help but fall head over heels for it. This versatile veggie is not just a pretty face; it’s a nutritional powerhouse that can support your weight loss journey in more ways than one.

Let’s delve into the magic of broccoli and unlock its secrets to shedding those unwanted pounds. This cruciferous delight is brimming with dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins, making it a superstar in the realm of healthy eating. But the real star quality lies in its low-calorie and low-fat profile. It’s like finding a treasure trove of nutrition without the guilt of excess calories or unwanted fats.

So, how exactly can this mighty green veggie help you on your weight loss quest? Well, its high fiber content plays a pivotal role. Fiber is like a trusty sidekick that swoops in to keep you feeling full and satisfied, all while helping you control those pesky hunger pangs. By adding broccoli to your meals, you’re giving your body a fighting chance against the temptations of overeating. It’s like having a loyal ally in your battle against the munchies.

But wait, there’s more! Broccoli is not just filling; it’s also incredibly low in calories. Just imagine, a generous cup of cooked broccoli weighing in at a mere 6 ounces and boasting only around 50 calories. It’s like nature’s gift to calorie-conscious individuals. And here’s another interesting tidbit: cooked broccoli is roughly 90 percent water by weight. So, not only does it satiate your appetite, but it also keeps you hydrated, contributing to your overall well-being.

Let’s not forget about the dazzling array of nutrients that broccoli offers. It’s like a nutritional treasure trove, packed with calcium, and a bounty of vitamins, including the mighty trio: A, C, and K. These vitamins are like a dynamic trio of protectors, standing guard against various health ailments. From fighting cancer to keeping blood pressure in check, and even combating heart diseases, they play a crucial role in maintaining your well-being. In fact, a single cup of cooked broccoli surpasses the daily requirements for both Vitamin K and C.

To make the most of broccoli’s benefits, let your culinary creativity soar. Toss it into your salads to add a vibrant crunch, or serve it as a delightful side dish to complement your main meal. And guess what? You can even enjoy it for breakfast! Starting your day with a filling and nutritious meal sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Food For Runners – 14: Apples

Apples, the portable powerhouses of the fruit kingdom, have won my heart for their convenience and undeniable snacking appeal. But let me tell you, their benefits go far beyond their portability. These vibrant fruits are a true treasure trove of fiber and an array of valuable nutrients, making them a smart choice for those aiming to shed some extra pounds.

Now, let’s address the burning question: Can an apple a day truly  helps keep those pesky pounds away? The answer is a resounding yes! A fascinating study published in the esteemed journal Nutrition revealed that overweight women who indulged in three apples (or pears) each day for a three-month period actually shed more weight compared to those who opted for a similar diet but replaced the fruits with oat cookies. Women should also take plenty of multivitamins for an effective weight loss plan. Learn more about it here.

So, what makes apples so incredible for weight loss?

Well, let’s start with the fact that a large apple boasts approximately five grams of fiber. Fiber is like the hero of your digestive system, keeping things running smoothly and promoting a feeling of fullness. And here’s another fun fact: apples are comprised of roughly 85 percent water. It’s like nature’s way of ensuring that you stay hydrated and satisfied.

But that’s not all! Apples have a few more tricks up their sleeve. They contain a compound called quercetin, which acts as a powerful ally in the fight against cancer, promotes healthy lung function, and even helps reduce the risk of cholesterol damage. And let’s not forget about pectin, a soluble fiber found in apples that contributes to that delightful feeling of satiety. It’s like a natural appetite suppressant that keeps you feeling satisfied for longer, preventing those pesky cravings from derailing your progress.

And the nutritional goodness doesn’t stop there. Apples also offer a dose of potassium, vitamin C, and a host of other valuable nutrients that support your overall well-being. It’s like a nutritional treasure packed into a single fruit, ready to nourish your body from the inside out.

Food For Runners – 15: Chicken Breast

A 3-ounce portion of boneless, skinless chicken breast (or half a chicken breast) is a mere 140 calories, making it a smart choice for those watching their waistlines. But wait, there’s more! This poultry delight packs a whopping 25 grams of high-quality protein.

But here’s the real magic: indulging in grilled, skinless chicken breast helps you consume fewer calories while keeping hunger at bay. By opting for the lean and mean version without the skin or breading, you’re not only reducing calorie intake but also maximizing satiety.

Now, a word of caution: steer clear of the seductive temptations of fried chicken, chicken strips, and chicken nuggets. These little troublemakers are notorious for their calorie-loaded nature and unhealthy fats that can sabotage your hard-earned progress. Let’s keep our focus on the grilled goodness that keeps our bodies nourished and our taste buds satisfied.

While we’re on the topic, let’s talk about the importance of choosing free-roaming, organic chicken. These feathered friends live their lives in more humane conditions, allowing them to roam and enjoy a more natural diet. Not only does this benefit the chickens themselves, but it also ensures that we’re consuming a higher quality product that aligns with our commitment to healthier living. Plus, let’s be honest, the taste of organic chicken is truly something to behold. It’s like nature’s way of rewarding us for making mindful choices.

But hey, I get it—personal preferences play a big role here. Whether you go for organic or not, the most important thing is to savor the flavors and embrace the nourishing power of this versatile protein source.

Food For Runners – 16: Tuna

Imagine cracking open a can of this fishy delight, and within that mere 100 grams of tuna lies a powerhouse of Vitamin D, ready to shower you with its goodness. We’re talking about a dose that covers half of your recommended intake, packing a serious punch to keep your bones strong, your immune system in top shape, and your overall well-being soaring.

But wait, there’s more! We’re about to unveil the tantalizing connection between tuna and your love life. It turns out that Vitamin D, in all its glory, has a remarkable effect on your libido.

According to a study conducted by the esteemed Medical University of Graz, this marvelous vitamin actually works its magic by regulating a sneaky chemical called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). You see, SHBG has a knack for suppressing libido, but Vitamin D comes to the rescue, limiting the levels of this libido-squelching villain and allowing your desire to soar.

But let’s not forget that tuna has a lot more to offer than just its bedroom-boosting powers. It’s a nutritional powerhouse, teeming with protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and a host of other essential nutrients that your body craves..

Just remember, moderation is key. While tuna is a treasure trove of health benefits, it’s important to be mindful of your consumption. Opt for sustainable sources, such as pole-and-line caught or troll-caught tuna, to ensure you’re making a responsible choice for both your health and the environment.

Food For Runners – 17: Chocolate

Chocolate often gets a bad rap, with whispers of guilt and indulgence floating in the air. But fear not because when enjoyed in moderation, the dark variety can be a game-changer for your health and overall well-being. Yes, you heard that right – chocolate can actually be good for you!

But hey, don’t just take my word for it. A study conducted by experts in the field has revealed that dark chocolate, with a cacao content of at least 70 percent, can work wonders for your precious blood vessels. How, you ask? Well, it’s all about that remarkable increase in elasticity.

You see, indulging in the velvety smoothness of dark chocolate can give your blood vessels a boost, enhancing their flexibility and promoting better circulation throughout your body. This means improved blood flow, reduced risks of stroke, and a heart that’s singing with gratitude.

But hold on, there’s more to this chocolatey tale. Dark chocolate, with its rich and complex flavors, isn’t just a treat for your taste buds. It’s a powerhouse of stimulatory compounds that can rev up your energy levels and boost your performance.

What’s responsible for this delightful burst of energy, you may wonder? Well, it’s the dynamic duo of caffeine and theobromine that dance within each bite of dark chocolate. These compounds have been known to awaken your senses, sharpen your focus, and give you that extra kick to conquer your day.

Food For Runners – 18: Raw Milk

Raw milk boasts a bounty of muscle-healing proteins that can work wonders for your post-workout recovery. It’s like giving your muscles a superhero’s embrace, providing them with the building blocks they need to bounce back stronger and faster. With every glass, you’re nurturing your body from within, setting the stage for accelerated rejuvenation.

But that’s not all, my friends. Raw milk is a hydration hero, offering a refreshing dose of pure, thirst-quenching water with every sip. It’s like a cool, revitalizing waterfall cascading down your throat, replenishing your body’s fluid levels and keeping you well-hydrated. This natural hydration boost is a key ingredient in keeping you fueled and ready to conquer your day.

Let’s not forget about the essential nutrient that raw milk brings to the table: calcium. This mighty mineral is a champion when it comes to bone health, providing the foundation for strong and resilient skeletal structures. With each glass of raw milk, you’re giving your bones a loving embrace, ensuring they stay robust and ready for whatever challenges come your way. It’s like fortifying your body’s fortress, equipping yourself with the tools for long-lasting strength.

Now, here’s an intriguing twist. Did you know that enjoying a glass of raw milk around bedtime can work its magic while you sleep? Yes, you heard it right! Raw milk possesses a secret weapon in the form of slow-digesting casein proteins. These proteins ensure a gradual release of nutrients, creating a sense of sustained nourishment throughout the night. But that’s not all—raw milk has the power to enhance the release of sleep-promoting melatonin and serotonin, ushering you into a deeper and more restful slumber..

So, how much raw milk should you savor? Well, that depends on your personal preferences and needs. But let me offer a gentle suggestion: make it a daily ritual to indulge in at least one cup of this liquid gold. Give yourself the gift of nourishment and wellness, knowing that with each sip, you’re embracing the remarkable benefits that raw milk has to offer.

Food For Runners – 19: Spice

Studies have shown that capsaicin, the star of the chili pepper show, has the remarkable ability to curb your appetite and rev up your fat-burning furnace. It’s like having a personal trainer for your metabolism, pushing it to new heights and helping you shed those unwanted pounds. This magical substance has even found its way into weight loss supplements, solidifying its reputation as a secret weapon in the battle against excess fat.

But that’s not all. Let’s turn our attention to another spice that deserves a moment in the spotlight—black pepper. Beyond its role as a flavor enhancer, black pepper harbors a secret ingredient called piperine, a potent thermogenic compound that works wonders for your body.

Recent studies have revealed that piperine, with its remarkable thermogenic properties, can do more than just add a kick to your favorite dishes. It has the power to reduce inflammation and thwart the formation of new fat cells, a process known as adipogenesis. It’s like putting a roadblock in the way of excess fat, preventing it from taking up residence in your body. The result? A reduction in body fat, cholesterol levels, and waist size—truly a triumphant victory in your quest for a leaner, healthier you.

So, it’s time to embrace the spicy allure of red chili pepper and the remarkable benefits it brings to the table. Sprinkle it on your favorite meals, infuse it into your sauces, and let its fiery essence awaken your taste buds and supercharge your fat loss journey. Don’t be afraid to embrace the heat—it’s a small price to pay for the potential rewards that await.

Bonus Food: Whole Psyllium Husks

Whole psyllium husk may not be the most famous runner in the superfood race, but it certainly deserves a place at the starting line. If we consider its high fiber content, whole psyllium husk becomes an essential player for runners looking to maintain digestive health. 

This unassuming supplement works tirelessly to aid in regular bowel movements and can also help manage cholesterol levels. Additionally, the gel-forming fibers in whole psyllium husk are great at keeping hunger pangs at bay, providing a feeling of fullness that can assist with weight. 

Not only that, but whole psyllium husks are known to prevent colon cancer. That’s because a high-fiber diet protects against colon cancer in general, meaning whole psyllium husks can be a great ally in the fight. And if that wasn’t enough, whole psyllium husks can also reduce your risk of heart disease, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, and so much more.

So next time you’re stocking up on pantry essentials, remember to reach for whole psyllium husk—the underdog that supports both your digestive well-being and your running performance

Unlock Your Running Potential: Top 6 Glute Exercises for Enhanced Performance

Glute Exercise

Are you ready to turbocharge your running performance, prevent those pesky injuries, and maybe even turn a few heads in those favorite jeans of yours?

Well, you’re in the right place, and we’re about to embark on a glute-powered journey that’ll have you sprinting, striding, and conquering the trails like never before.

Now, you might be thinking, “Why all the fuss about glutes?” Let me tell you, these powerhouse muscles are your secret weapon in the world of running. They’re not just your body’s natural shock absorbers; they’re the engines that propel you forward with every stride.

So, if you’re serious about taking your running game to the next level, it’s time to give those glutes the attention they deserve.

Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, I’ve got a glute-focused workout routine that’s about to become your new best friend. And guess what? You don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership to get started.

But before we dive into this glute-tastic routine, let’s explore why these muscles are the real MVPs of your running journey and how neglecting them can lead to some unwanted setbacks.

The Glute Muscles Explained

The two most important muscles that make up the glutes include:

Gluteus Maximus:

Think of this as the Captain America of your glute team—the big kahuna. It’s all about hip extension, which is crucial for that powerful forward drive while you’re clocking in those miles. Ever wondered how you surge ahead with each stride? Thank your Gluteus Maximus!

Gluteus Medius:

Now, this muscle might be smaller, but it’s just as essential. It’s perched right at the top of your glutes and takes care of hip abduction—basically moving your leg out to the side. Plus, it’s responsible for the subtle tilting of your pelvis. It’s like your body’s own steering system.

The Road To Trouble

Studies have shown that if your glutes aren’t up to snuff, you could be cruising for a running-related bruising. We’re talking about the whole host of injuries that might come knocking at your door:

  • IT Band Syndrome: That pesky IT band can become your arch-nemesis if your glutes aren’t pulling their weight. It’s like a tug-of-war, and your IT band could win, leaving you sidelined.
  • Achilles Tendonitis: The Achilles tendon is like a rope connecting your calf muscle to your heel. If your glutes aren’t helping maintain proper form, this rope can fray, leading to discomfort and pain.
  • Shin Splints: Those sharp pains shooting down your shins? Yup, the glutes can play a role here too. Weak glutes can contribute to improper mechanics and the dreaded shin splints.
  • Knee Pain: Runner’s knee is a pain that many runners know all too well. When your glutes aren’t doing their job, your knees might take the brunt of the force.
  • Back Pain: Even your lower back isn’t safe from the consequences of glute neglect. Weak glutes can lead to poor posture and put extra strain on your lower back.

Glute Workout For Runners

Alright, it’s time to fire up those glutes!

No need for fancy gym equipment or complicated routines. I’ve got your back with these bodyweight glute-strengthening exercises that you can do anytime, anywhere.

Here’s the game plan:

  • Exercise Selection: We’ve got six fantastic exercises coming your way. Choose your favorites or tackle them all—it’s your call!
  • Sets and Reps: Aim for two to three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions for each exercise. Don’t worry; you’ve got this!
  • Frequency: If your glutes have been taking a siesta for the past few years, no worries. Start slow and steady. Aim to complete this glute workout two to three times per week.

Now, let’s meet your glute-busting squad.

Glute Exercises For Runners – 1: Bridge

If you want to unlock the secret to powerful running, your Gluteus Maximus should be your best friend. The bridge is your ticket to a stronger butt, and as a runner, that’s a game-changer.

Muscles Engaged:

  • Gluteus Maximus: The star of the show, responsible for hip extension and driving your legs forward while you run.
  • Rectus Abdominis: Your core is engaged to stabilize your body.
  • Hamstrings: These guys help lift your hips.
  • Hips: The hip joint plays a crucial role in this move.

Proper Form:

Get Comfy: Start by lying flat on your back. Your hands should be resting by your sides, feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart, and your knees bent.

Lift Off: Imagine pushing through your heels to lift your hips off the ground. Keep your back straight throughout this exercise.

Stay in Line: Your body should form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. No sagging or bending!

Squeeze Tight: Engage those glutes and tighten up your abs like you’re bracing for a surprise. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to a full minute. Feel the burn!

Slowly Return: Ease back down to your starting position. Don’t rush it; control is key.

Glute Exercises For Runners – 2: Single-Leg Elevated Glute Bridge

The Single-Leg Elevated Glute Bridge is your golden ticket to stronger, more powerful running. It’s not just about your glutes; your hamstrings and core are in on the action, too!

Muscles Engaged:

  • Glutes: They’re the stars of the show, firing up to the max!
  • Hamstrings: These guys join the party, helping you lift your hips.
  • Core: Your core is engaged to keep you balanced and stable.

Proper Form:

  • Get Set: Assume the bridge pose with your feet flat on the floor. Engage that core!
  • Extend and Elevate: Now, here’s the fun part. Lift your right leg straight up toward the ceiling while keeping your thigh in line with your hips.
  • Reach for the Stars: Imagine you’re reaching for the stars with your extended leg. Drive through your heel and lift that butt off the floor. Go as high as you can!
  • Hold On: Hang in there for 5 to 10 seconds. Feel the burn as those glutes work their magic.
  • Switcheroo: Gently bring your leg back down and switch sides. Left leg, you’re up!

Glute Exercise For Runners – 3: Glute Kickback

The Glute Kickback exercise is your ticket to sculpted glutes, powerful hamstrings, and sturdy upper legs. Get ready to kick it like a pro!

Muscles Engaged:

  • Glutes: These are your powerhouses, working hard.
  • Hamstrings: They join the party to help extend your leg.
  • Upper Legs: Your legs are in action, creating stability.

Proper Form:

  • Get in Position: Start by gethttps://youtu.be/26qmCoP8IyAting on all fours with your back parallel to the ground. Make sure your hips are lined up over your knees and your hands are directly under your shoulders.
  • Get Ready to Thrust: As you take a deep breath in, it’s time to thrust your right foot backward like you’re giving a mighty kick, just like a horse in full stride.
  • Flex Those Glutes: Here’s the trick – flex your glutes at the peak of the kick for a quick one-count. Feel the burn!
  • Almost There: Bring your knee almost all the way down to the floor. You’re not touching the ground; this is all about control and balance.
  • Repeat and Switch: Go for eight to ten reps on one side, then lower your knee back to the starting position. Now, switch sides! Left leg, it’s your turn to kick up some heat.

Glute Exercises For Runners – 4: Step-up with Knee Raise

Looking to boost your core, hip flexors, glutes, hamstrings, and quads? The Step-Up with Knee Raise is the exercise that’s got it all!

Muscles Engaged:

  • Abs: Your core muscles are working hard to maintain stability.
  • Hip Flexors: They’re essential for lifting your knee.
  • Glutes: Providing power for the step-up.
  • Hamstrings: These join the action for knee flexion.
  • Quads: They’re engaged during the entire movement.

Proper Form:

  • Position Yourself: Stand upright, facing a bench or box of challenging but appropriate height. This will be your stepping platform.
  • Step Up: Begin by stepping up onto the box with your right foot. Your knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle when your foot is on the box. As you straighten your right leg, you’ll rise to a standing position.
  • Balancing Act: Now, here comes the fun part! While you’re standing on the box, balance on your right leg and flex your left knee, raising it as high as you can in a controlled and deliberate manner.
  • Hold It: Pause for a brief moment at the peak of the knee raise. Balance and control are key here.
  • Return Gracefully: Slowly and steadily lower your left foot back to the ground, returning to the starting position. Now, you’re ready for the next repetition!

Additional resource – Running Vs. Strength training

Glute Exercises For Runners – 5: Side-Lying Leg Lift

Are you looking to target your gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and abductor muscles? The Side-Lying Leg Lift is your secret weapon for sculpting and strengthening these crucial areas!

Muscles Engaged:

  • Gluteus Medius & Minimus: These are the stars of the show, helping you lift that leg with control.
  • Abductors: These muscles work alongside your glutes to move your leg away from the midline of your body.

Proper Form:

  • Get in Position: Start by lying on your right side with your legs fully extended and perfectly aligned. Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe.
  • Engage the Core: Brace your core to maintain stability throughout the exercise.
  • Lift Off: Now, it’s time to lift your left leg. Keep it straight as you raise it upward toward the ceiling. Focus on using your glute muscles to perform this movement. Imagine lifting your leg against gentle resistance.
  • Pause and Feel the Burn: At the top of the movement, pause for a brief moment. You should feel a nice contraction in your glutes and abductors.
  • Lower Gracefully: Slowly lower your leg back down to its starting position.
  • Repeat with Control: Perform the desired number of repetitions on one side before switching to the other. Remember, quality over quantity is key here.

Glute Exercises For Runners – 6: Band Walks

Ready to strengthen those glutes and hip abductors while having a little fun with resistance bands? It’s time to get into Band Walks, an exercise that can take your lower body workout to the next level!

Muscles Engaged:

  • Glutes: Your glute muscles will be working overtime in this exercise.
  • Hip Abductors: These muscles are essential for moving your leg away from your body’s midline.

Proper Form:

  • Gear Up: Get yourself a resistance band and wrap it around your legs, just above your ankles. Make sure it’s secure but not too tight.
  • Find Your Stance: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. You should feel a little resistance from the band even in this starting position
  • Engage the Core: Brace your core muscles. This will help you maintain balance and stability throughout the exercise.
  • Start Stepping: Begin by slightly bending your knees and shifting your weight onto your right leg.
  • Step Wide: Take a wide step sideways to the left with your left foot. The resistance from the band will make you want to pull your legs together, but resist it!
  • Alternate Steps: After stepping left, bring your right foot in to meet the left. This is where the magic happens! Your glutes and hip abductors are working hard to keep those legs apart.
  • Keep Moving: Continue this side-to-side motion, stepping ten times to the left and then ten times to the right.
  • Sets and Reps: Aim for 12 to 15 repetitions in each set. Complete three sets in total, and your glutes will thank you!

Additional resource – Clamshells for runners

Glute Strengthening Exercises For Runners – The Conclusion

There you have it. This post covers some of the best glute exercises for runners. Now, it’s up to you to put them into action. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions below.

David D.

Run Hard, Recover Harder: The Ultimate Blueprint for Runner’s Recovery

running recovery

Are you feeling sore, tired, and completely drained after your daily run? Then know you’re not alone.

Running can take a toll on both your body and mind. Fortunately, proper recovery after running is the key to achieving peak performance and avoiding potential injuries.

But it’s more than just resting or taking a break. It involves a series of actions that help your body and mind heal and rebuild after an intense workout. Studies have shown that proper recovery not only helps prevent injuries but it can also improve overall performance and endurance.

In this post, we’ll discuss the best post-running recovery tips to help you bounce back and avoid burnout. From nutrition and hydration to stretching and foam rolling, I’ve got you covered. Get ready to recover like a pro!

Post Running Recovery Defined

I hate to break it to you but recovery isn’t just sitting on the couch and binge-watching your favorite show (although that can be a part of it!). Recovery is about restoring your body to its natural state. This, in turn, occurs, by repairing any damage done during training and preparing your body for the next run.

In fact, study out of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research reported that performing active active, light jogging for example or walking, after a hard session was more effective at soothing muscles soreness than sitting on the couch the whole day.

This means that simply resting on the couch isn’t enough. You need to be proactive in your recovery efforts.

So what exactly does proper recovery entail? It’s all about the 3 R’s: repairing, resting, and replenishing. Repairing your muscles and tissues, resting your mind and body, and replenishing your energy stores.

Let me discuss these in detail.

  1. Your Muscles Need Rest

Recovery is essential for repairing and rebuilding the micro-tears in your muscles that occur during running. These micro-tears are a good thing, as they’re what make you stronger, faster, and fitter. But without proper recovery, they can easily turn into painful injuries that can derail your training and send you to the sidelines.

  1. Avoid Overtraining

I love the energy burst I get from a challenging session, but more running does not always mean more energy.

I learned this the hard way.

The danger of overtraining cannot be overstated.

It causes a drastic drop in performance despite (actually because of) increased intensity and volume of training.

A planned once-a-week recovery day may be all you need to prevent an overtraining episode since it gives your body a chance to rejuvenate.

Err on the side of caution and make sure you’re listening to your body.

If you feel so sore that you dread sitting down, you need to dial it down.

Take as much rest as needed.

If you second guess the message your body is sending, you’ll end up hurt and discouraged.

  1. Prevents Overuse Injury

Running puts your muscles, joints, ligaments, and soft tissues under an immense load, and sooner or later, something is going to snap if you don’t take care of your body.

So what happens when you don’t take enough recovery? That’s when your body starts to break down in the form of overuse injuries such as stress fractures and Achilles Tendonitis.

You don’t want that.

Rest is crucial in protecting against all sorts of overuse injuries.

These are runners’ worst enemies and can put you out of commission for weeks, even months.

Post Run Recovery – How to Recover From Running

By now you should be sold on the importance of post running recovery. To help you get your things in order, here are ten practical strategies you can follow:

Running Recovery Rule – 1. Cool-down properly

One of the essential rules for running recovery is the cool-down, which is often neglected by many runners.

Think of the cool-down as the graceful finale of your running performance. It marks the transition from running to stretching and other post-run activities, and it’s a must-do for all runners. In fact, research shows that the cool-down window is critical and can significantly speed up or put a halt to your run recovery rate.

Skipping the cool-down is a big no-no. Stopping on the spot increases the risk of blood pooling and may cause your blood pressure to drop. This, in turn, may leave you feeling dizzy and disoriented.

Proper cool-down, on the other hand, efficiently transitions blood from the working muscles to the rest of the body, helping you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Not cooling down after a run can also put you at risk of injury and other problems. By stopping on the spot, your muscles are still in a contracted state, and suddenly halting can lead to cramping, soreness, and other issues. To avoid these problems, it’s essential to take the time to cool down properly before shifting from running to “normal life.”

So, how do you cool down after a run? It’s simple, really. First, slow it down to an easy jog around 5 minutes. This helps regulate your breathing and heart rate, and it’s also a great time to reflect on your run, celebrate your achievements, and learn from your challenges.

Next, walk slowly for three to five minutes. You should be also breathing deep and scanning your body from head to toe to make sure that everything is back to normal.

Running Recovery Rule – 2. Hydration

Let’s start by acknowledging that when you run, you sweat, and sweat like a lot. It’s a natural process that helps regulate your core temperature, but it also depletes your body of fluids and essential electrolytes.

This is where post-run hydration comes in.

Why is hydration so critical for recovery? For starters, water helps transfer nutrients and electrolytes throughout your body. Without enough of it, the delivery of nutrients to your muscles slows down, hindering recovery and even leading to injuries.

What’s more? Enough water intake aids in protein synthesis. This is the process by which your muscles repair and rebuild themselves. Studies have shown that dehydration can delay this process and even cause muscle breakdown. Yikes!

So how much is enough?

That’s a tricky question because it depends on factors such as your training intensity, sweat rate, and personal preferences.

But, overall, I’d recommend aiming for about half of your body weight in ounces of water per day.

To make sure you’re having enough, drink water through the day. You should also time your intake before, during and after your training. Research has shown that hydrating right after a workout can significantly speed up your heart rate recovery.

Additional resource – Can Running Help Cure a Hangover?

Running Recovery Rule – 3. Ice Baths

Ice bathe are used by elites athletes to reduce inflammation, flush out lactic acid, and kick-start the recovery process. But what’s the mechanism behind them?

Let me explain.

When you run, your muscles are working overtime, producing waste and breaking down fibers in the process. Ice baths help to reverse this damage by constricting your blood vessels, reducing inflammation, and allowing your muscles to heal and recover more quickly.

Research supports this. One study published in the Journal of Athletic Training found that runners who took ice baths after their workouts reported significantly less muscle soreness than those who did not.

Of course, getting into an ice bath can be a shock to the system. To avoid the pain and discomfort that comes with the territory, it’s important to ease your way in slowly. Start by submerging your lower body in cool water, then gradually add ice until the temperature reaches around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Stay in the water for no more than 10-15 minutes. Keep your mind under control by focusing on something else other than the cold.

Not ready for a full-body ice bath? Then try applying ice packs to sore or achy areas, such as your knees, calves, or quads.

Running Recovery Rule – 4. Rest (Active Recovery)

Proper recovery is the key to unlocking your full potential as a runner. It’s the difference between being sidelined with an injury and achieving your personal best. Think of it as the fuel that powers your running machine. Without it, your engine will quickly burn out.

Research has shown that rest is essential for the body’s natural repair processes to occur. By allowing your muscles to rest, you’re giving them the opportunity to heal and recover. And when your muscles are properly rested, they’re able to perform better the next time you hit the pavement.

But rest doesn’t have to mean being a couch potato. In fact, active recovery is the way to go. This means performing relatively easy exercise that stimulates blood flow to your muscles without inducing additional stress on your body.

You could perform active recovery by going for an easy bike ride, a leisurely swim, or even a light jog. But if you really want to rejuvenate your mind, then join a yoga class.

Running Recovery Rule – 5. Eat for Recovery

Post-workout period is one of the most critical windows for nutrient absorption, and the choices you make during this time can make or break your recovery rate.

Think of your body as a high-performance sports car, and your post-run meal as the high-octane fuel that keeps your engine humming. During the recovery window, your body is like a sponge, primed to absorb nutrients that can help restore muscle glycogen and repair muscle tissue. But not all calories are created equal. If you skip post-run eating or opt for junk food, you’ll do more harm than good.

So, what should you be eating? The two big players are carbohydrates and proteins, which are the main protagonists for maximum recovery. Aim to consume a balanced meal within 30 to 60 minutes of your run, or carry a sports drink or milk-based shake if you don’t have the stomach for a full meal. Shoot for at least one-half gram of carbohydrates per pound of body weight, depending on your fitness level, training intensity, goals, and personal preferences.

But here’s the catch: not all carbohydrates are created equal, either. Aim for food that scores high on complex carbs, like sweet potatoes, peas, beans, lentils, and brown rice, to replenish your empty energy tanks. Quality protein, like eggs, lean meat, and dairy, provides your body with the building blocks and essential amino acids for the repair process.

If you’re short on time or can’t stomach food after a hard run, consider a sports drink or recovery shake. And if you want to keep things simple and convenient, reach for a glass of chocolate milk. This magical recovery drink is packed with natural sugar and protein, making it the perfect choice for busy runners who want to stock up on their energy stores and speed up the rebuilding process.

Running Heart Rate Zones

Running Recovery Rule- 6. Sleep Tight

Do you want to recover faster from your runs and improve your performance without spending a dime? Look no further than sleep! It’s the cheapest and most underrated recovery tool you have at your disposal. It’s not rocket science; just good old-fashioned sleep.

Proper sleep makes up at least 70 percent of proper recovery, according to performance experts, coaches, and professional athletes. It’s right up there with nutrition as the backbone of a good recovery. So, if you master these two, you’re on your way to proper recovery without worrying about any fancy equipment or expensive recovery tools.

When you’re running, you’re breaking down muscle fibers and draining energy levels. It’s during the non-REM deep sleep stage that your pituitary gland secretes the famous growth hormone, HGH, which promotes growth, cell regeneration, cell reproduction, and other vital bodily functions responsible for restoring bones and muscles.

Research studies have shown that getting enough quality sleep can improve athletic performance in basketball players and college tennis players. For instance, a Stanford research published in SLEEP, conducted at the Stanford University, revealed that maintaining a regular sleep routine of 10 hours for up to five to seven weeks improved athletic performance in basketball players.

Here’s the bad news. When you’re lacking on sleep, you’re limiting your body’s production of the growth hormone, which makes complete recovery tricky. Skimping on sleep also increases the secretion of catabolic hormones, like cortisol, and hinder the release of anabolic hormones, such as testosterone and insulin-like growth factor. That’s why too little sleep can spell disaster for your fitness and overall health status.

What’s more?

Research has linked sleep problems with plenty of health issues such as heart disease, obesity,  chronic fatigue, impaired immune function, low productivity, and mental disorders.

So, what’s the ideal amount of sleep per night you need as a runner?

Again, I don’t have the answer since sleep needs vary widely by individual, depending in large part on activity level, age, environment, genetics, etc.

The fact is, you might even need different amounts of sleep at different stages of your life and through various stages of your training cycle.

So, if you still feel tired in the morning, you probably require more sleep.

But most experts recommend shooting for seven to eight hours during the night time is ideal.

Here are more sleeping tips.

No heavy eating. Avoid consuming high-sugar foods or alcohol and watching TV before hitting the sack. Research shows that this can disrupt our sleep patterns.

Schedule it. Go to sleep and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Sticking to a rigid schedule can help regulate your body’s internal clock, thus making falling asleep and staying so easier.

Make a routine. Set up a sleep routine in which you get ready to hit the sack in the 60 minutes before you go to bed. Make sure that your sleep routine consists of activities that get your body ready to sleep.

Some of these include getting rid of electronics (especially your Smartphone and TV), dimming the lights, meditating, reading fiction, stretching, self-hypnosis, taking a hot shower, and journaling.

Sleep in a cooler environment. Sleep in good temperature that’s roughly 65 degrees and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, or 18 or 19 degrees Celsius.

Add Naps

Power naps are a must since they can help you with recovery and feeling more energized for the rest of the day—especially after a lunch break run. Study suggests that taking a nap around two hours after a run can help your body access a deeper and more restorative state of sleep.

Even a 20-minute is better than none. Just make sure it does not go over an hour; otherwise, you will feel sluggish afterward and may even find it hard to fall asleep at night.

Running Recovery Rule- 7. Stretching

Studies have shown that runners are more prone to tightness than other athletes. It’s important to address this tightness through a proper stretching routine, especially after a hard run.

Although there is no conclusive evidence that post-workout stretching reduces soreness, from personal experience, stretching does help. Stretching after a run allows for the flushing out of lactic acid from the muscles, reducing stiffness and fatigue the following day. It’s best to stretch during the post-run period when your muscles are warmed up and loose.

A proper stretching routine should last between 10 to 20 minutes. The longer, the better. Focus on stretching your quads, calves, hips, hamstrings, and lower back.

If you have any soreness or a troubled spot in your body, focus on it, stretch it properly, and breathe into it to release the discomfort. Just remember to stay within the limits of pain and not force it, or you risk injuring yourself.

After your stretching routine, take five minutes to do leg drains, also known as legs over the wall or Viparita, in yogic circles. This involves lying next to a wall, bringing your butt to the wall, your knees into your chest, and straightening your legs up onto the wall. Wiggling your butt closer to the wall will give you a better stretch. Doing this will further promote blood flow and help your muscles recover quicker.

Running Recovery Rule – 8. Foam Roll

Foam rolling, oh boy, where do I even begin? It’s like having your own personal masseuse at your disposal, minus the hefty price tag.

I first discovered foam rolling during my P90X DVD program, and it completely changed my post-workout stretching game. I owe a huge shoutout to Tony Horton and the folks who came up with foam rolling because it’s an absolute game-changer.

But why does it matter so much? Well, in my opinion, foam rolling takes traditional stretching to a whole new level. In fact, in some cases, it’s even more powerful than stretching.

When you foam roll, you can alleviate tightness and knots that traditional stretching just can’t seem to reach. And the benefits don’t stop there. According to a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Journal, foam rolling can increase tissue repair, enhance mobility, and reduce soreness.

But how exactly does it work? You see, most of that post-run soreness and tenderness happens when your muscles and fascia, which is the connective tissue running throughout your body, become tangled and entwined. With a simple foam rolling routine, you can work out these troubled areas to get rid of those pesky knots and tightness. It’s like using a rolling pin on a ball of dough, kneading out all those pesky kinks.

But let me tell you, foam rolling isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. It can be a real pain in the butt, especially when you’re working on those troubled areas. You know you’re doing it right when it hurts and challenges you. You’re untangling muscle knots, after all. It’s not supposed to be a comfortable experience but trust me; it’s worth it.

Running Recovery Rule – 9. Limit the pills

Let me tell you, my friend; there’s nothing quite like that post-run soreness. But when the pain gets too much to bear, it’s tempting to reach for the quick fix of Advil or Aleve. But before you do, listen up.

Though these drugs may help soothe your pain, they also have their own downsides. They’re synthetic, man-made creations that can disrupt the delicate balance of your body’s natural healing process. And as a runner, relying too heavily on these drugs can actually hinder your recovery, leaving you feeling worse in the long run.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But I need them to push through the pain and hit my training goals!” I hear you. I really do. As a fellow runner, I know how hard it can be to listen to your body when you’re trying to achieve your next personal record.

Research has shown that NSAIDs can inhibit muscle growth, cause ulcers, and lead to a host of other health problems. And while small doses here and there may not be too harmful, crossing that fine line can lead to serious trouble. That’s why it’s so important to consult with a physician who understands the importance of proper exercise recovery before making them a regular part of your routine.

But don’t worry, my friend. There are other recovery tools out there that can offer the same relief without the negative side effects. Foam rolling, stretching, and rest are all essential components of a healthy recovery plan. And if you can make time for them after every run, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your body bounces back.

Of course, I know we all have busy lives, and fitting into a full recovery routine isn’t always feasible. But even if you can only do a few stretches here and there, every little bit helps. Just remember the three essentials: hydration, refueling, and sleep. These are the building blocks of a healthy body, and ignoring them will affect not only your running but your overall quality of life as well.

Recovery For Runners – The Conclusion

I’m well aware that not everyone will have the time needed to perform this routine after every run.

But the more you do it, the faster you are going to recover between your hard runs and workouts.

In my opinion, this is the ideal recovery plan, but feel free to do and apply what you are able to fit in after each run.

But never forget the three essentials: hydration, refueling, and sleep. These are the backbone, and ignoring them not only hurts your running, but life quality as well.

The Secret to Pain-Free Running: Defeating Muscle Imbalances

BCAAs for runners

Have you ever wondered why your legs feel a bit lopsided after all those invigorating runs? You’re in good company.

Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or just dipping your toes into the running world, I’ve got something crucial to share with you.

Running, that exhilarating cardio adventure, does wonders for your fitness and those extra pounds. It’s like your legs are sculpted by the running gods themselves, right? Well, not quite.

There’s a sneaky culprit lurking in the shadows – muscle imbalances. They’re like the silent villains of the running world, and if left unchecked, they can turn your running paradise into a painful pitfall.

But fret not!

Today, I’m here to spill the beans on these muscle imbalances, understand what makes them tick, and, most importantly, discover how to outsmart them.

So, are you excited to dive into the world of balanced, pain-free running? Then let’s go.

Muscle Imbalances Explained

Muscle imbalances are like the yin and yang of your muscles.

Let me explain more. You’ve got muscles that do the heavy lifting, like the ones responsible for pulling off those impressive pull-ups at the gym. But what if these beefed-up muscles don’t have an equally tough opponent to spar with? That’s where the trouble starts.

Take our pull-up enthusiast, for instance. They’re nailing those upper body pulling exercises day in and day out. But bench presses or push-ups? Nah, it’s not their jam. The result? An upper body that’s like a seesaw, with one end doing all the heavy lifting while the other just chills.

Now, here’s the kicker – it’s not just the weightlifters who need to watch out. If you’re into any sport with repetitive moves, like our beloved running, you’re in the game too. Those marathon miles can be both a blessing and a curse, and the sneaky culprits are these muscular imbalances.

Here’s the deal: These imbalances are like tiny time bombs, ticking away as you hit the trails. They’re the reason you might feel those unnecessary aches and pains, and they can seriously cramp your running style.

The Solution

Alright, now that we’ve called out these muscle imbalances, it’s time to spill the beans on how to set things straight.

Here’s the deal – it might sound like Captain Obvious is in the room, but the best way to tackle these imbalances is by picking exercises that go head-to-head with those weaker muscles.

Let’s dive in.

A Fight of Planes – The Scoop behind the imbalances

Speedwork, hill sprints, and those long, glorious runs do wonders for sculpting your body into a lean, mean running machine. But there’s a catch, and it’s a hefty one. All this running comes at a cost – a rather substantial cost, if I may add.

You see when we lace up our running shoes and hit the pavement, our bodies rely heavily on a select group of muscles to propel us forward. These muscles are like the rockstars of the show, hogging the spotlight while the others play second fiddle in the background.

Enter the sagittal plane, the ruler of the running realm. This is where the action happens, where we move forward and backward like well-oiled machines. But hold on, what about the other two planes – the frontal and transverse? Well, they’re relegated to the sidelines during our running escapades.

And since we’re so fixated on that forward-backward motion, our calves and quads become the muscle MVPs, soaking up all the glory as they power us through. But what about the muscles in charge of the other two planes, like our shins and glutes? They’re left in the dust, growing weaker by the day.

Muscular imbalances can lead to a host of problems, from discomfort and pain to more serious issues like knee pain, muscle strains, Achilles tendonitis, piriformis syndrome, and IT band syndrome.

Problems linked to muscle imbalances

As you continue to rely on those dominant muscles, they start to put immense pressure and stress on various parts of your body.

Joints, ligaments, and even the very muscles you’re working so hard to strengthen become the victims of this one-sided affair.

The consequences? Well, they range from stalled fitness growth to discomfort and outright pain.

And let’s not forget about the more severe outcomes, like overuse injuries that can plague even the most dedicated runners.

We’re talking about the dreaded knee pain, bothersome muscle strains, Achilles tendonitis, the notorious piriformis syndrome, and the ever-persistent IT band syndrome.

It’s like a domino effect – one muscle group’s dominance leads to a breakdown in the harmony of your body’s movements, resulting in these unwelcome guests: pain and injury.

Common Muscle Imbalances in Runners

As you can tell now; muscle imbalances aren’t just an abstract concept. They can have a direct and tangible impact on your running and overall health.

Let’s break it down.

First up, let’s talk about those core muscles. I’m not just talking about washboard abs here; I mean the muscles of your abdomen, lower back, and even your glutes.

When these muscles are weaker than they should be, it’s like having a shaky foundation for a building. Your posture takes a hit, running efficiency goes down the drain, and before you know it, you’re stuck in the land of bad form. This domino effect can even affect your breathing, making it less than optimal, and it’s a one-way ticket to overuse injuries.

But wait, there’s more.

Another red flag is weakness in the hips and glutes.

According to a study conducted at East Carolina University, this kind of weakness is the culprit behind dreaded conditions like runner’s knee, the infamous IT band syndrome, and a whole host of knee-related problems. These issues can be a real game-changer when it comes to your running journey.

Now, what happens when certain muscles are overused, especially the hamstrings? Well, it’s like playing with fire. Overused muscles become susceptible to inflammation, nagging pulls, and chronic tightness – a triple threat that’s always bad for business.

But enough with the theory, right? It’s time to roll up our sleeves and dive into some practical training guidelines that will help you address these imbalances head-on.

How to Fix Muscle Imbalance in Legs For Runners

Now it’s time to unravel the power exercises that specifically target the common imbalances that often plague runners. With consistent training, they’ll become your secret weapon for restoring equilibrium in your muscles.

But first, a word on how to integrate these exercises into your routine. Ideally, aim to perform this routine two to three times a week. You can seamlessly incorporate them into your regular strength training regimen or tackle them during your post-run cool-down.

Remember, consistency is key.

And here’s a pro tip: if you suspect that you’re battling some major muscle imbalances, it’s time to go all-in. Dedicate yourself to this routine on your cross-training days diligently until you start noticing those signs of improvement. Your body will thank you, and your running journey will be smoother than ever.

1. Seated Row


Most runners who do not follow a strict strength routine usually have the upper body strength of a 10-year-old.

The good news is that this exercise helps you develop the upper body strength you need to maintain a good running posture—stopping you from hunching over.

Proper Form

Begin by sitting as tall as you can with a slight arch in the lower back with legs extended.


Next, inhale and draw the handlebars towards your ribcage without shrugging your shoulders upward or backward.

Focus on “pinching” your shoulder blades together.

Make sure to perform the movement slowly, keep the elbows tucked at the sides, and lift your chest throughout the eccentric portion of the movement.

Release slowly and repeat.

Aim for two to three sets of 10- to 12-rep.

Additional Guide – A leg workout for runners

2. Single Leg Squat


The Single Leg Squat is one of the best functional exercises that build strength and mobility in the glutes, hips, and core, as well as improving balance and coordination.

It also builds stabilization in the pelvis.

When the pelvis is steady and firm, your entire body, gait, and stride become more balanced, too.

This is especially helpful for runners with foot pronation issues.

Additional Resource – 13 Exercises to improve running

Proper Form

Stand tall with feet hip-width distance apart, then find your center and shift your weight to your right foot.

Next, raise your left foot and balance on your right, then squat down by bending at the knee and sitting your hips back as if you are going to sit on a chair behind you.

If mobility is a big issue, then you can either hold on to a suspended rope or squat down to sit on a bench or a chair behind you.

Avoid bad form at all costs.

Squat down slowly on your supporting leg as much as you can (at least 90 degrees in your knee), then slowly raise yourself up and extend your leg back up to standing.

The key is to focus on balance and good form.

Additional resource – Your guide to Charleys Horse in runners

3. Superman


For building strength and endurance in the entire lower back—a key component of the core, as well as the transversus abdominis—or the deep abs.

Proper Form

Begin by laying face down with your arms and legs extended out so you look like Superman flying through the air.

Next, lift your left arm with the right leg about five inches off the floor.

Hold for a count of five, then slowly lower down and alternate sides.

Do up to 6 to 8 reps on each side to complete one set.

Aim for two to three sets.

4. Single-Leg Deadlift


The Single-Leg Deadlift targets the piriformis and the glutes—which are common runners’ fragile spots that can be overwhelmed by stronger quads and hamstrings.

By doing this exercise, you will be building your gluteal muscles and making them strong enough to they can be used when running—especially if you do any hard hill running.

Proper Form

Begin by holding a light dumbbell or a medicine ball for an extra challenge.

Next, balance on your right foot and slightly bend the knee with your left foot behind you and in the air.

While keeping your back straight and shoulders back, hinge forward from the hips and tap the weight on the floor.

To come back to standing, engage the glute and hamstrings of the leg planted on the floor and slowly press up to standing.

Shoot for 8 to 10 reps on each side.

Aim for three sets.

5. One-Legged Bridge


It’s one of the best core strengthening exercises out there.

This one isolates the underworked muscles in the lower back and can help you build balanced core strength.

It also strengthens and isolates the gluteus muscles—also known as the butt muscles—as well as the hamstrings.

Proper Form

Lie on your back with your knees bent 90 degrees feet on the floor.

Then, raise your hips and back off the floor until your body forms a straight line from your knees to the shoulders.

Next, squeeze your glutes, then slowly raise and extend your right leg while keeping your pelvis raised.

Hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds.

Release the leg down, and repeat on the other side.

Make sure to contract both lower back and abdominal muscles to hold your pelvis and keep it steady throughout the exercises.

Repeat 4 to 6 times to complete one set.

Do two sets.

6. Walking Lunge with Twist

This lunge variation is an impressive move that strengthens the core and builds lower body strength and balance while improving proprioception.

Proper Form

Begin by holding a medicine ball (or 10- to 25-pound weight plate) in your hands, elbows by the side.

Next, lunge forward until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee is almost touching the floor. Then, while contracting the core, rotate your torso to the same side as the front leg.

Lastly, rotate your body back to the center as you press back to a standing position.

7. Toe Raises

Shin’s muscles are a vital muscle group that’s in charge of controlling foot landing.

And when it’s weak, the calves wind up absorbing the bulk of the shock, which can set the stage for shin splints.

The good news is that the toe raises exercise is a simple exercise that can help you build strength in this critical—and often ignored—area.

Proper Form

While using a chair for balance or sitting on it  with the knees bent and feet flat on the ground, slowly lift your toe off the floor as high as you can, then lower them in a controlled and slow manner

That’s one rep.

Do 16 to 20 reps on each leg to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

8. One-arm, One-leg Plank

The core isn’t just your abs.

It’s more than that.

The core usually includes the surface abs, the deep abs, the obliques, and the glutes.

The bad news is that the core isn’t working hard enough when running—expect when sprinting.

The good news is that a simple move like the plank can help you build total core power and strength.

For more challenges, try the one-arm, one-leg core variation below.

It will help you build strength as well as balance and total body endurance.

Proper Form


Begin laying face down, then prop yourself up onto your forearms.

Make sure your body is in a straight line from head to toe, core engaged, and back straight.

This is a basic plank position.

Next, if you are looking for more challenge, then reach out with your right arm in front of you while lifting the left leg behind you, hold it for a count of 10, then lower slowly down and switch sides.

Aim for 6 reps on each side to complete one set.

Do two sets.

Plyometrics for Runners: Explosive Workouts for Speed and Power

plyometric exercises

Can I just say how excited I am about plyometrics? It’s like the secret ingredient that takes your training to a whole new level. Trust me, once you experience the benefits, you’ll be hooked. So, let’s dive right into the world of plyometric training, shall we?

I first stumbled upon plyometrics a few years back when I embarked on a P90X program. Little did I know that this discovery would change my entire fitness game. Since then, I’ve made it a non-negotiable part of my workout routine. And let me tell you, the results have been incredible.

But enough about me, let’s talk about YOU. If you’re wondering how to get started with plyometrics, you’ve come to the right place. This article is your ultimate guide to all things plyometric. By the time you finish reading, you’ll not only have a solid understanding of what plyometric training is, but you’ll also have a killer plyo routine in your arsenal.

So, what can you expect from this adventure? Well, we’ll cover everything from the basics of plyometric training to its three fascinating phases. We’ll delve into the specific benefits that plyometrics can bring to your running game. And of course, we’ll discuss the nitty-gritty details like proper form, warming up, and when to add plyometric workouts to your training schedule.

But wait, there’s more! I’ve even prepared a fantastic plyometric routine tailored specifically for runners like you. It’s like a treasure trove of explosive exercises that will have you leaping and bounding with joy.

Now, here’s the deal. If you’re not really into the theory behind plyometrics and just want to jump straight into the training routine, no problemo! Just skip ahead and get ready to sweat it out. We won’t judge.

Other than that are you ready? Let’s get started.

When to Add a Plyometric Workout For Runners

So, when should you add a plyometric workout to your routine? The answer lies in having a solid foundation of cardio and strength. Aim to reach a point where you can comfortably run for half an hour without gasping for breath.

Additionally, ensure that you’ve completed at least eight weeks of bodyweight training, where you’ve built strength and mastered the foundational exercises. Once these milestones are met, you’re ready to introduce plyometric training into the mix.

How to Get Started With Plyometric Exercises

If this is your first foray into the world of plyo, it’s important to start with lower-impact moves and gradually increase both intensity and volume over time.

To begin, devote no more than 5 to 10 minutes for your plyometric circuit, once a week, for the initial couple of months. This cautious approach allows your body to adapt and minimize the risk of injury. It’s also a great idea to incorporate plyometric movements into exercises you’re already familiar with and can perform safely.

For example, if you’re comfortable with lunges, add a jump to the top of the movement, elevating your explosive power. If push-ups are a breeze for you, try incorporating plyo push-ups—adding a jump at the end of each rep.

Remember, form matters! Whether you’re grounded or airborne, maintaining proper form is crucial. Focus on executing each movement with precision and control.

Ready for some beginner-friendly bodyweight plyo exercises? Here are a few to get you started:

  • Burpees: A full-body exercise that combines a squat, plank, and jump. It’s a challenging but rewarding movement to ignite your plyometric journey.
  • Jump tucks: Explosively jump up, bringing your knees towards your chest mid-air. It’s like spring-loaded power unleashed.
  • Jump squats: Begin with a squat and then explode upward, propelling yourself off the ground. It’s a fantastic way to engage your lower body and improve your vertical leap.
  • Split lunges: Perform lunges with a twist by incorporating a jump-switch in mid-air. This dynamic movement works your lower body muscles in a whole new way.

Start with three sets of 10 to 12 reps of each exercise, gradually increasing the number of repetitions and sets as you gain strength and confidence. Listen to your body, take rest days as needed, and don’t be afraid to modify the exercises to suit your current fitness level.

Take Enough Rest

Let’s face it, plyometrics can be demanding on your muscles, bones, joints, and tendons. It’s like putting your body through an intense obstacle course that requires time to recuperate and rebuild.

As a beginner, it’s important to space out your plyometric workouts with ample rest days in between. Aim for a minimum of two to three days of rest, or even more if you feel the need. Trust me, neglecting recovery is a recipe for regret. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way myself.

Imagine your body as a finely tuned machine, and each plyo session as a rigorous test of its capabilities. Just like any machine, it needs time to cool down, recharge, and repair. By giving yourself sufficient rest, you allow your muscles to recover, your bones to strengthen, your joints to regain their flexibility, and your tendons to rebuild their resilience.

So, here’s a practical tip: if you’re already running three times a week, try incorporating one plyometric session into your routine, and reserve the remaining days for total body strength and core training. This way, you’re striking a balance between explosive power development and overall strength enhancement.

When I first started my plyo journey, I vividly remember feeling the soreness that lingered for days after each workout. It was a clear sign that my body needed ample time to adapt and adjust to this new form of training. And you know what? That’s perfectly okay! Everyone’s body responds differently, and it’s important to listen to yours.

In fact, during the initial months of my plyo training, I stuck to just one workout per week. I followed the plyometric DVD workout from P90X, and let me tell you, even with just that one session, I still experienced significant soreness. It was a clear indicator that my body required ample time to adapt, recover, and grow stronger.

Basic Plyo Gear

Keep in mind that you’ll need a few equipment to get the most out of plyometric training.

These include:

When it comes to plyometric training, having the right gear can make all the difference. Let’s take a look at some of the essential equipment you’ll need to maximize your plyo game.

Box Sets

First up, we have the star of the show—the box set, also known as the trusty plyo box. This versatile piece of equipment comes in various platforms of different widths and heights, offering you a range of options to level up your plyometric exercises.

When selecting your plyo box, make sure to choose one with a top and bottom surface that provides enough friction to prevent any unwanted slipping. Safety should always be a priority, so opt for a box with a sturdy steel frame that can absorb some of the impact, reducing the risk of injury. And remember, always keep your plyo box on a level surface to avoid any unexpected accidents.

Master The Basics First

Plyometric training is no joke—it’s high-intensity and can put you at risk of injury if you’re not properly prepared. So, start by honing your skills in fundamental movements such as push-ups, planks, squats, and lunges.

These four exercises lay the foundation for most plyometric moves and will help you build strength and technique. Once you feel confident in these key movements, you can gradually progress to more challenging exercises like jumping burpees or hand-clap push-ups. But before you jump into those, let’s go through the checklist:

  • Firstly, make sure you’re landing correctly from your jumps. Land on the forefoot, keeping your knees tracking over your toes, and distribute the weight evenly throughout your legs. This ensures a safe and stable landing that minimizes the risk of injury.
  • Secondly, it’s crucial to have a solid foundation of basic strength and endurance. Plyometrics require power and stamina, so make sure you’ve built up the necessary strength to handle the demands of these explosive movements.
  • Thirdly, focus on developing proper core strength and stability. Your core acts as a powerhouse, providing stability and control during plyometric exercises. Strengthening your core will enhance your performance and reduce the risk of injury.
  •  Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, ensure that you’re injury-free before diving into intense plyometric training. If you’re nursing any lingering injuries or discomfort, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional to address those issues before engaging in high-impact exercises.

Warming up For A Plyometric Workout

Before you ignite your explosive power and dive into the thrilling world of plyometric workouts, it’s crucial to lay the groundwork with a proper warm-up.

Think of it as priming the engine of a sports car, revving it up to unleash its full potential on the open road.

So, let’s rev up that engine and prepare your body for the exhilarating journey ahead!

To kickstart your warm-up, we’ll begin with a burst of dynamic jogging on the spot. This not only elevates your heart rate but also raises your core temperature, signaling to your body that it’s time to shift into high gear.

Once you’ve got your blood pumping and your body buzzing with anticipation, it’s time to delve into some dynamic stretching. But hold on a second, we’re not talking about the sleepy, static stretches of yesteryear. We’re diving into the realm of dynamic stretches that take your muscles on a captivating journey from your head all the way down to your ankles.

As you stretch dynamically, envision your body as a well-oiled machine, gracefully moving through a full range of motion. Embrace the fluidity of your movements as you release any tension lurking within your muscles..

Now, it’s important to note that certain plyometric exercises may require specific equipment to ensure your safety and maximize your performance.

One essential piece of gear is a trusty plyo box, a versatile platform designed to withstand the impact of your explosive jumps. Look for a plyo box with a solid steel frame, providing a sturdy foundation to absorb the forces you unleash.

And don’t forget about a well-padded mat that acts as a cushioning buffer, protecting your joints and providing a comfortable surface to perform your plyometric feats.

Top 7 Plyometrics For Runners

I recommend performing these exercises twice a week after a solid dynamic warmup.

Do this routine on your non-running days, since explosive training requires so much focused energy and effort.

Perform each exercise for 8 to 12 reps each.

Rest and repeat one more time before moving on to the rest of the routine.

To keep things challenging, change up the order of the exercises each time you do this plyometric workout.

1.     Jump squats

Ideal for strengthening the glutes, which can provide you with power on the run and reduce the risks of overuse injuries like runner’s knee and IT band syndrome.

This move also works the quads, hamstring, calves, and most core muscles.

Bonus benefit, shaping your butt.

Proper form

Start with your feet turned out slightly, toes pointing forward, arms extended and back straight.

squat down until your butt is just lower than your knees, then press up through the heels jumping off the ground as high as possible, then land softly without letting your knees fall in toward each other, then descend into the next squat.

Do 12 to 15 reps to complete one set.

Aim for two to three sets.

2.    Burpees

The burpee is a total body conditioning exercise per excellence.

This is one of the best exercises for the core muscles, thighs, shoulder, arms, and chest—and if you only have 5 minutes of free time for plyo training, then do the burpees, please.

Proper Form

Assume a feet hip-width apart stance, then bend your knees and place your hands on the floor.

transfer all of your weight into your hands, jump your feet back so that you end up in a push-up position.

Then, bring your knees to your chest, assuming a low squat position, and press up and jump as high as you can with hands overhead, feet going airborne.

Clap your hands overhead or even straighten your legs like air split for more challenge

Without delay, hit the ground again to perform the next burpee.

3.    Jumping lunge

This is one of the most running-specific exercises you can do since jumping lunges target all of your running muscles in the most efficient and explosive way.

Proper Form

Begin in a lunge position, weight distributed equally on both legs

Next, jump straight up into the air as high as possible, reversing the position of the legs and landing with your feet in the opposite positions, then immediately lower down into a deep lunge.

Make sure to land with a good lunge from—knees behind or in line with the toes—and to use your arms to help you jump higher.

Do three sets of 12 to 16 reps, alternating sides on each jump.

4. Side hops

One of the best plyometrics for runners that works all of your lower body muscles, including your hamstrings, glutes, calves, and quads—all key muscles for running and most athletic activities.

Proper Form

Start by standing on your right foot with your right knee slightly bent and your left foot up.

Next, begin hopping on the right foot as fast as you can with minimal ground contact.

Imagine that you are jumping over a set of hot coals.

Hop in one place 12 times, then hop side to side for 12 times then hop forward and backward for another 12 times.

Aim for two to three sets on each foot.

Make sure to keep your hips steady and nearly motionless through the exercise.

Avoid bouncing around.

5.    Single-Leg Lateral Jumps

Along with increasing power in the legs, this plyo move also improves balance.

Plus, this plyo moves boosts ankle strength and stability as well as control and proprioception, which is your own sense of the relative position of your body and strength of effort being employed in each movement.

For those who have ankle instability, you may use an ankle brace.

Choose the breathable one.

Proper Form

Stand on your right foot with your left knee slightly bent and left foot off the ground.

Then, drop into a half squat and jump diagonally as high as you can to your left, landing in a half squat on your left foot.

Repeat, jumping diagonally while engaging the whole core to your right.

That’s one rep.

if this is too easy for you, then do it with eye closed.

Aim for three sets with 10 reps each.

6.    Box Jumps

These build explosive speed, rev up your body’s ability to absorb force, and they target the muscles that contract the most when running, the hamstrings and glutes.

Proper Form

Pick a jumping box of challenging height or stack aerobics steps 6 to 14 inches high.

Be careful.

From the ground, squat down and jump with both feet onto the box, swinging your arms forward to generate enough momentum.

Next, jump backward off the box, and land softly on the ground with knees slightly bent.

For more challenge, try with one leg.

Don’t try this without a steady posture and a nice balance.

Do 12 reps aiming to complete three sets.

7.    Bleacher hops

Another powerful exercise to add to your arsenal.

This one works you on all levels.

It’s also a great cardiovascular and endurance exercise—just like hill sprint on steroids.

Proper Form

Find a set of steps—whether at the nearby park or at your local high school stadium, stadium or even a building with a large flight of stairs—then with feet shoulder-width apart,  hop up the steps with both feet together and as fast as you can with no breaks until you reach the top.

Don’t rely on your flexibility, use your momentum.

Next, walk back down and repeat.


Plyometrics for Runners  – The Conclusion

There you have it.

Now not only you know what plyometrics training is all about but also have a plyometric workout you can start doing right away.

That’s pretty cool.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime thank you for reading my post.

Keep running strong.

Prevent Running Injuries with These 5 Hip-Strengthening Exercises For Runners

If you’re on the hunt for the ultimate hip-strengthening exercises to boost your running game and keep those pesky injuries at bay, you’ve landed in the right spot!

Today, we’re diving headfirst into the world of hip strength training for runners, and trust me, it’s going to be a game-changer.

Here’s the lowdown on what’s coming your way:

  • We’ll break down the hip muscles so you know exactly what we’re working with.
  • Discover how these hip muscles play a crucial role in your running performance.
  • Uncover the fascinating connection between hip muscles and running injuries (yes, we’ve got some science-backed insights for you).
  • Get ready for the main event – the top 5 exercises that’ll have your hip strength and mobility skyrocketing.
  • Plus, a whole lot more to keep you informed and inspired.

Excited? Well, let’s lace up those running shoes and dive in.

Anatomy of The Hips Muscles

Your hips aren’t just there to look good in yoga pants; they’re true workhorses. Nestled in your upper legs, the hip allows  you to strut your stuff, climb stairs, grab that fallen pen, or gracefully park yourself on the couch.

But here’s the real star of the show: the hip joint! It’s a nifty ball-and-socket setup, and it’s key to everyday movements.

Every time you take a stroll, conquer a staircase, reach for your dropped phone, or elegantly plop onto your favorite chair, your hip joint and its trusty muscle squad swing into action.

And guess what? We’ve got more hip intel coming your way, so stay tuned

The most important muscles of the hips include :

The Hip Flexors

The hips flexors play a vital role in the grand scheme of things. They’re like the supporting cast in your body’s blockbuster film, making sure everything runs smoothly.

And consist of five muscles:

  • Rectus Femoris
  • TFL (Tensor Fasciae Latae)
  • Iliacus
  • Psoas
  • Sartorius

These hip flexors are the MVPs behind knee elevation and keeping your pelvis and legs in perfect harmony during your runs.

Think of them as your body’s own mechanics for knee operations. But here’s the kicker: weak hip flexors could spell trouble, with the dreaded runners’ knee and iliotibial band syndrome lurking in the shadows


The adductors are responsible for pulling your legs inward and orchestrating those nifty cross-body moves.

And consist of the following:

  • Adductor Brevis
  • Adductor Longus
  • Adductor Magnus
  • Pectineus
  • Gracilis

Think of them as your body’s graceful dance troupe, ensuring your legs move seamlessly in any direction you desire.

These performers add finesse to your legwork and contribute to the harmony of your hip movements. Without them, things might get a bit clunky on the dance floor—or, should we say, the running track?


The Glutes are the powerhouse behind your backside and so much more!

Meet the Gluteal squad:

  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Gluteus Medius
  • Gluteus Minimus
  • Tensor Fasciae Latae

These muscles are your body’s true all-stars, responsible for various functions, from extending your hip and moving your leg out to the side to ensuring your leg’s external rotation.

The Importance of hip Muscles While Running

Let’s dive deeper into the critical role of hip muscles while running.

Efficient and Injury-Free Running:

Whether you’re a casual jogger or a marathon enthusiast, strong and functional hips are your secret weapon. They keep you in the game, preventing those dreaded injuries.

Stabilizing Powerhouses:

These muscles aren’t just for show; they’re the guardians of your running stance. They ensure each leg is rock-solid during every step, maintaining stability in the process.

The Perils of Weak Hips:

Now, imagine weak hip flexors crashing this party. Your performance takes a nosedive, your form goes haywire, and injuries gatecrash your running journey.

Studies linking hip weakness to running injuries

There’s some compelling research highlighting the connection between hip weakness and running injuries.

Study 1: Hip Rotation and Iliotibial Band Syndrome

This study, published in the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy, unveils a crucial link. It suggests that when hip rotation and inward collapse occur excessively during the gait cycle, the risk of Iliotibial Band Syndrome shoots up.

Study 2: Weak Hip Muscles and Lower Extremity Injuries

In another study featured in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, the evidence becomes even more compelling. It draws a strong association between weak hip muscles, including the abductors, adductors, and flexors, and a range of overuse injuries in the lower extremities.

Study 3: Runners’ Knee and Weak Hip Muscles

The Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine presents evidence that links overuse injuries like Runners’ Knee to weaker hip muscles. Specifically, the hip abductor, adductor, and flexor muscles were weaker in individuals with these injuries compared to a control group. This underscores how critical strong hips are in preventing injuries like Runners’ Knee.

Study 4: Pelvic Instability and Runner’s Knee

Another study published in Medicine & Science in Exercise & Sports delves into pelvic stability and its role in Runner’s Knee among women. It was discovered that women who developed Runner’s Knee exhibited greater pelvic instability in their gait compared to those who remained injury-free. This insight highlights the significance of hip and pelvic stability for injury prevention.

Study 5: Hip Strength Training for Iliotibial Band Syndrome

The study by Frederickson et al. focused on 24 distance runners dealing with Iliotibial Band Syndrome, a common issue among runners. They examined the hip abductor strength in the injured limb compared to the healthy leg and a control group.

Notably, they found a 2 percent strength deficit in the Gluteus medius of the injured limb. However, after undergoing a six-week strength training program, 22 out of 24 injured runners were able to return to training with minimal or no symptoms. It underscores the potential of targeted hip strength training in rehabilitating running injuries.

The Evidence is Overwhelming!

It’s clear that hip strengthening exercises should be a priority for every runner to prevent injuries and enhance performance. Ignoring hip strength can lead to a host of problems that no runner wants to deal with.

The great news is that there’s a wide array of effective hip-strengthening exercises available. These exercises are a proactive approach to injury prevention and overall improved running performance.

By dedicating time to strengthening your hip muscles, you’re investing in your long-term running success.

Remember, once your hip strength is improved, you’re not only less likely to experience pain and injuries, but you’ll also find your running form and efficiency improving.

5 Hip Strengthening Exercises For Runners

Consistency is key when it comes to strengthening your hip muscles. Starting with one set of 8 reps and gradually progressing to three to four sets of 12 to 15 reps is an excellent approach.

It allows your body to adapt and grow stronger over time, reducing the risk of injury and improving your running performance.

Remember, patience and persistence pay off when it comes to fitness and strength training. Keep up the good work, and you’ll undoubtedly notice significant improvements in your hip strength and overall running abilities in just a few weeks

Hip Strengthening Exercise – 1. Single-Leg Bridge

Targeted Muscles: Glutes, Lower back, Calves, Quads, and Hamstrings.

Proper Form

Lie on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms pressed against the floor by your sides.

Then, lift your hips, engage your thighs, and squeeze your glutes.

Next, raise your right leg in the air as straight as possible, keeping the foot flexed, and extend it while raising your lower back and butt.

Lift your hip as high as possible by engaging your abs and pressing down through the left heel.

Hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds; lower your hips to lightly touch the ground, then switch legs.

Number of sets: Three to four sets

Number of Repetitions: 8 to 12 reps.

Hip Strengthening Exercise 2. Donkey Kicks

Targeted muscles: All three butt muscles — gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus, plus the lower back

Proper Form

Get on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees under the hips, wrists aligned under your shoulders.

Next, draw your abdominals in you gradually lift your leg behind you until it’s almost parallel to the floor, with knee bent and foot flexed.

Hold the position and pulsate your flexed foot toward the ceiling by engaging and squeezing your glutes.

Keep the motion small and controlled with the muscle doing most of the work.

Focus on the muscle, and avoid using momentum.

And make sure to keep your back straight and spine in a neutral position.

Last up, return to the starting position to complete one rep.

Number of sets: Two to three sets

Number of Repetitions: 12 to 15 reps

Hip Strengthening Exercise 3. Side-Lying Hip Abduction

Targeted muscles: Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus and Tensor Fascia Lata.

Proper Form

Lie down on your side on the floor or the mat.

Make sure your hips and feet are stacked in a neutral position—Meaning the right hip is directly over the left hip (or the other way around).

And keep your body in a straight line from ankles to head.

Next, place your lower hand on the floor in front for support, and your upper hand resting upon your upper hip.

Keep your pelvis in a neutral position.

Engage your core muscles to support the spine.

Then, exhale and extend and raise your top leg off the lower while keeping the knee straight and your foot in a neutral position.

No hip rolling—forward or back—is allowed.

Raise the top leg as high as possible.

Inhale and slowly return the leg to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner.

After finishing the set, roll over and repeat on the other side.

Number of sets: Two to three sets

Number of Repetitions: 8 to 10 reps

Hip Strengthening Exercise 4. Bird Dog Hip Strengthening Exercise

Targeted Muscles: Glutes, Lower Back Muscles, and Rectus Abdominis Muscle.

Proper Form

Get down on all fours on your hands and knees with palms flat on the floor and shoulder-width apart, with knees directly under the hips and hands beneath the shoulders.

Make sure to keep your lower back and abdomen in a neutral position.

Next, engage your core to keep a good balance; raise your left arm and extend it straight out in front of your body as you raise your right leg and straighten it behind you.

Hold the position for 3 to 5 seconds, return to the starting position, and repeat.

Number of sets: Two to three sets.

Number of reps: 6 to 8 reps.

Hip Strengthening Exercise 5. Single-Leg Deadlift

Muscle engaged: Glutes, Hamstrings, Spinal Erectors, and Abs

Proper Form

Stand on your left leg with your right leg behind you and in the air.

Then, while keeping your shoulders back and back straight throughout the movement, hinge forward at the waist and raise the right leg behind you, then reach your hands toward the ground.

Last up, come back to the starting position by engaging your glutes and hamstring of the left leg.

For more challenges, use weight or a medicine ball for added resistance.

Number of sets: Three to four sets

Number of reps: 10 to 12.

Here are more strength exercises for runners.

 Bonus Hip Strength Exercises For Runners

Seated hip Flexion

This simple move activates the hip flexor past a 90-degree angle to condition the muscles throughout their range of motion.

Additional resource – Running Vs. Strength training

Proper Form

Begin by sitting on a chair with good posture.

Make sure your feet are flat on the floor, core engaged, and back flat.

Next, while bending your right knee to about a 90-degree angle, raise it toward your chest without letting your thigh roll in or out or leaning back, pause, then slowly lower it to start position.

Perform three sets of 10 to 12 reps on each side.

Add weights for more challenges.


Another fantastic move for strengthening the hip muscles as well as the lower body.

To make the most out of lunges, make sure to include different variations of this standard lunge, including static, backward, and plyo versions.

Proper Form

Begin in standing position, feet just slightly apart, looking straight ahead with back flat and core engaged.

Next, place your hands on your hips, then take a giant step forward with your right foot.

Make sure your hips are hanging straight on either side of your body.

Then, once you ensure heel contact with the floor, bend the right knee over the ankle while bending the left toward the ground.

Last up, press back into the starting position, pushing off the ground with your leading foot.

Changes sides to complete one rep.

Skater Squats

This is one of my favorite squat variations, focusing specifically on the hips instead of every muscle in the lower body.

Proper Form

Begin by performing a mini-squat, bending from the hips and knee and lowering your butt toward the floor while keeping your chest lifted and back flat, then transition your weight to the right side and lift the left leg slightly off the floor, toes pointed ahead.

This is your starting position.

Next, slowly squat by pushing your hips and butt backward.

Keep squatting until your right knee is bent to a 90-degree angle, if possible.

Perform  10 to 12 reps on each side to complete one set.

Shoot for three sets.


You’ll often find this move on most lower body rehabilitation programs, the reason being it works.

Not only does it strengthen your hips and glutes, but it also stabilizes your pelvis muscles and helps soothe tightness in the lower back, which is key for injury-free training.

Proper form

Begin by laying on the mat on your side, hips stable, heels together, and legs stacked up on top of each other.

Your shoulders, hips, and heels should form a straight line.

If it’s uncomfortable to lay in this position, lie with your back against a couch.

Next, open your top knee so that it points at the ceiling.

Keep your feet stacked together and allow for no rolling backward throughout the movement.

Raise the top knee as far as possible without rotating your hip or lifting your bottom knee off the floor, then pause for a moment.

To complete one rep, close the leg.

Perform 16 to 20 on each side to finish one set.

Shoot for three sets.

For more resistance, wrap a resistance band around your lower thighs.

Standing hip flexion

Another excellent move for isolating the hip flexors while improving muscle control and balance.

The movement is easy to perform but provides the lower body a good workout.

Proper Form

Begin by assuming an athletic position, back straight, core engaged, and feet hip-width distance apart.

Next, while keeping your left foot planted in the ground, raise your right leg off the ground so that you form a 90-degree angle at the hip.

Then, hold for a count of five to ten, then slowly lower the leg.

Switch sides to complete one rep.

Perform five reps to complete one set.

For more challenges, use weight or slowly flex your hip forward.

Additional resource – Clamshells for runners

Hip Strengthening Exercises For Runners – The Conclusion

There you have it!

The above hip strengthening exercises should make a huge part of your resistance training if you’re serious about improving performance and preventing injury.

Whatever you do, make sure to stay within your fitness level the entire time. Doing regular exercises to strengthen your hips is a good thing, but overdoing it is not the way to go.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

Keep Running Strong

David D.

How to Increase Running Stamina For Beginners – 12 Ways

Running VS. Strength Training

Are you ready to take your running stamina to the next level? Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on an exhilarating journey towards building endurance and crushing those running goals!

Now, let’s get real for a moment. Improving your running endurance isn’t a walk in the park. It takes effort, dedication, and a whole lot of sweat. But fear not, my friend, because I’m here to guide you with the best advice and strategies that will transform you into an unstoppable running machine.

But before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s address the elephant on the road. Yes, building running stamina requires time and miles on the road. It won’t happen overnight, but with the right mindset and training strategy, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can see progress.

So, without further ado, let’s unleash the 12 ultimate strategies that will have you soaring to new heights of endurance. These tried-and-true methods will help you build stamina, get fitter, and stronger without risking injury or burnout. It’s time to lace up those running shoes and put these strategies into action.

1. Gradual Progress

The ultimate secret to building your running stamina without risking injury or burnout comes down to one powerful concept: “train smart.” But what does that really mean?

Training smart means embracing the art of gradual progression. You start small and steadily increase your mileage and speed, all while maintaining consistency over the long haul. It’s a simple yet effective approach that harnesses the power of the gradual adaptation rule.

Now, let me tell you, this rule is no joke. It’s a universal principle that applies to every runner out there, from the newbie taking their first brave steps around the block to the seasoned marathon enthusiast aiming for that elusive personal best. But here’s the kicker: it’s not just about running. The gradual adaptation rule is a mindset you should adopt in every aspect of your exercise routine.

Once you fully embrace this principle, the doors to success swing wide open. Whether you’re striving for a faster 5K time, conquering a challenging trail run, or even venturing into the realm of ultramarathons, the gradual adaptation rule will be your guiding light.

2. Run-Walk

If you’re just starting your running journey, I’ve got some crucial advice for you on how to boost your running stamina without falling victim to injury or overtraining.

Here’s the secret weapon for beginners: the run/walk method. It’s like having a trusty sidekick that guides you through the early stages of your running adventure. Here’s how it works:

  • Step one: Begin with a brisk 10-minute walk to warm up those muscles and get your body ready for action. You’re setting the stage for something great, my friend.
  • Step two: Alternate between easy-paced jogs for around 30 seconds and recovery walks for 30 seconds to a full minute. Picture it as a dance between running and walking, finding your rhythm as you go. This gentle cycle allows your body to adapt and progress at a pace that suits you.
  • Step three: Keep repeating this process until you can confidently run for a solid 25 to 30 minutes without gasping for air like a fish out of water. You’ll be amazed at the progress you make, my friend. It’s all about persistence and gradually pushing your limits.
  • Step four: As you start feeling fitter and stronger, it’s time to level up. Gradually increase the duration of your running intervals and decrease the length of your recovery walks. It’s like unlocking new levels in a video game—each achievement propels you forward.

3. Add a Long Run

Once you’ve built up your running stamina, it’s time to take it to the next level and add some distance to your runs, especially when it comes to your longest run of the week. Trust me, these long runs are like a secret weapon for your running journey. They bring a whole host of benefits that you won’t want to miss out on.

Why are long runs so crucial, you ask? Well, it’s simple yet incredibly powerful. Long runs target your heart like nothing else. They make it stronger, pumping that blood through your veins with vengeance.

Not only that, but they also act as a cleanse for your tired muscles, flushing out all that waste and leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Plus, they even have the magical ability to improve your running form.

I could go on and on about the wonders of long runs, but you get the idea, right?

Now, you might be wondering how to fit these long runs into your existing running program. Here’s the secret formula: aim to allocate at least 25 to 30 percent of your weekly mileage to the long run.

Of course, the exact percentage will depend on your overall mileage, training goals, and fitness level.

Now, here’s a sample workout to get you started on your next long run adventure. Stick to a comfortable and consistent pace for a minimum of 50 to 70 minutes. As you gain strength and confidence, aim to gradually increase your long run duration by no more than 5 minutes each week.

4. Tempo Runs

Tempo workouts have one main mission: to elevate your lactate threshold level and take your performance to new heights.

So what exactly is this lactate threshold? Picture it as the tipping point where lactic acid starts to accumulate in your hard-working muscles.

By pushing this threshold further, you unlock the ability to run longer and faster, like a turbo boost for your running prowess.

Now, let’s talk about the ideal tempo pace. During your tempo runs, you want to find that sweet spot where the effort feels challenging, but not so hard that you’re gasping for breath. It’s like dancing on the edge of your limits. And guess what? This magic pace is slightly slower than your 10K race pace. So, get ready to discover a whole new level of speed and endurance.

To give you a taste of the tempo run experience, here are a couple of sample workouts to try on for size:

Variation I: After a nice and cozy 10-minute warm-up, where you can ease into the rhythm of your run, it’s time to shift gears. Go all out and tackle the next three to four miles at your steady tempo pace. Feel the exhilaration as your body adapts to the challenge. And as you wrap up this thrilling portion, don’t forget to cool down with a gentle 5-minute jog, letting your body savor the accomplishment.

Variation II: Start off your long run at a comfortable pace, settling into a rhythm that puts a smile on your face. Then, once you hit the midway point, gradually unleash your inner speed demon and pick up the pace. Let your tempo pace shine as you conquer the last three to four miles with gusto. And when you cross that finish line, don’t forget to treat your body with a soothing 10-minute cooldown jog, like a cool breeze after a thrilling adventure.

5. Interval Running

Experts are singing praises about interval training, calling it the closest thing to a fitness miracle. And guess what? It’s backed by science too. Studies have shown that interval training improves cardiovascular capacity, enhances endurance, and even sparks metabolic changes that torch calories long after your workout is done. It’s like turbocharging your body’s engine for optimal performance.

Now, let’s dive into the structure of an exhilarating interval run. The beauty of interval training lies in its versatility. It can be tailored to suit your fitness level and goals, whether you’re a beginner runner or a competitive athlete chasing podium dreams.

For beginners, start with shorter sprints at a moderate effort. Feel the rush as you push your limits and gradually build up your endurance. Competitive athletes, on the other hand, can customize their interval workouts to align with their racing objectives, honing their skills with precision.

To maximize the benefits of interval training, it’s crucial to combine it with your regular running routine. Think of it as a harmonious blend of easy runs, tempo runs, and long runs. Together, they create the perfect symphony of training methods, enhancing your overall fitness and performance.

But where should you perform these magnificent workouts? Simple. Any smooth, flat surface will do the trick. If your established running loop fits the bill, great! However, be cautious about taking your intervals to the trails. Safety and optimal performance are the priority, so save the trails for another adventure.

Are you ready for your next interval run? Head to your local track and get set for an epic workout. Start with a proper warm-up, gently awakening your body and preparing it for the challenge ahead. Then, it’s time to rev up the engine. Sprint at 85 to 95% of your maximum effort for 30 glorious seconds. Feel the surge of power as you push through the intensity. But don’t forget to catch your breath. Take one minute to recover, jogging at a comfortable pace.

Repeat this exhilarating cycle six to eight times, feeling the rush of achievement with each round. And when you’ve conquered the intervals, it’s time for a well-deserved cool-down. Jog slowly for 5 minutes, allowing your body to gradually return to a state of calm.

If you’re seeking an even greater test of your mettle, we’ve got Variation II for you. Take on Workout I, but this time, embrace the hills. Find a route that boasts a 6 to 8 percent grade, a challenge that will take you 20 to 30 seconds to conquer at top speed. Feel the burn as you power up those inclines, and let the hills become your ally in building strength and resilience.

6. Perform Yasso 800s

Are you ready to supercharge your stamina and conquer that marathon like a boss? Well, I’ve got a simple yet powerful method for you: Yasso 800s.

So, what exactly are these Yasso 800s all about? Picture this: You’ll be pushing yourself to the limit with hard-hitting 800-meter run intervals, followed by a rejuvenating recovery jog that lasts one minute or even longer.

Now, let’s talk about where to unleash the power of Yasso 800s. To make the most of this workout, I highly recommend finding a track or hopping on a treadmill. Why? Well, it’s all about precision and measurement. On the track, you can easily gauge the 800-meter distance, which is roughly two laps around a standard track. And on a treadmill, you can control the speed and distance with ease.

Before you jump into the intensity, give yourself a solid 10-minute warm-up to prepare your body for the challenge that lies ahead. Once you’re warmed up and raring to go, it’s time to embark on the 800-meter challenge. Push yourself at a challenging pace, perhaps even a tempo pace, feeling the burn and the exhilaration with every stride.

Once you’ve completed your 800 meters, take a well-deserved recovery jog for one to two minutes. Catch your breath, let your muscles regroup, and prepare yourself for the next round. Repeat this cycle, always staying true to your fitness level and within your capabilities.

If you’re new to Yasso 800s, start with no more than four sets per session. Listen to your body, gauge your progress, and as you become stronger and more fit, gradually add more sets to your repertoire. Remember, the key is to challenge yourself while also respecting your limits.

race warm-up

7. Cross Train To Increase Running Endurance

Becoming a top-notch runner isn’t just about hitting the pavement day in and day out. Oh no, my friend. If you want to unleash your full potential, you need to level up your game with a well-rounded approach to training. That means not only logging those road miles but also embracing a variety of activities that will push your limits and enhance your running endurance.

First up on our cross-training adventure is the magical realm of swimming. Picture yourself gliding through the water, your body engaged from head to toe. Swimming isn’t just a refreshing escape from the pounding of the pavement; it’s also a total body endurance and strength workout. Dive in and make the most of it by focusing on proper technique and incorporating interval swims.

Now, let’s shift gears and hop onto two wheels. Whether you prefer the open road or the thrilling trails, biking is a cross-training gem that shouldn’t be overlooked. Just like running, biking offers a range of possibilities to explore. Go for those epic long weekend rides, challenge yourself with interval bike workouts, conquer hills that make your legs scream, and don’t forget those easy recovery rides to keep your body in balance. Remember, safety first. Put on that helmet, follow the rules of the road, and remember to have fun.

But wait, there’s more! It’s time to pump some iron and embrace the power of strength training. This isn’t just about looking like a Greek god or goddess (although that’s a nice bonus); it’s about fortifying your body from head to toe.

By incorporating total body exercises like squats, deadlifts, and pull-ups, you’re strengthening your bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The result? Improved performance and a decreased risk of injury.

Let me explain more.

8. Weightlifting

Let’s start with the burning question: how does weight lifting actually boost your endurance? It’s as simple as tying your shoelaces.

When you incorporate a regular weight lifting routine into your training, you’re giving your running muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones the royal treatment. It’s like fortifying your body’s foundation, enhancing your running efficiency, and unlocking a whole new level of total body endurance. Who wouldn’t want that, right?

So how do you make the most out of the iron?

First up, embrace the power of compound moves. These are the bread and butter of weight lifting, engaging multiple muscles in one go. Think squats, deadlifts, push-ups, and step-ups. These powerhouse exercises will skyrocket your strength gains way better than those isolated moves like bicep curls or leg extensions.

But wait, there’s more. If you’re up for a real challenge, crank up the intensity by lifting weights at a lightning-fast pace. This not only builds strength but also adds an exhilarating endurance element to your strength workouts.

Now, here’s a little secret for you. Mixing and matching is the name of the game. Try combining aerobic exercises with your strength training routine. For example, kick things off with a challenging 400-meter run at a pace that makes your heart race, then grab those dumbbells or kettlebells and dive into some strength-building exercises. It’s a potent blend that will ignite your endurance and sculpt your muscles simultaneously.

To give you a taste of what a killer workout might look like, here’s a sample routine to get your gears turning. After a thorough warm-up that gets your blood flowing, aim for 12 to 16 reps of the following exercises with a weight that truly challenges you. And don’t forget to take a well-deserved minute of rest between each set:

9. Embrace Plyometrics To Increase Running Stamina

After a few months of strength and interval training, you’re ready for some more action, and plyometric exercises are just the ticket.

What are they and how can they help you become a better runner?

Plyometric training is all about doing explosive movements.

It can help you become a better runner by improving your running form efficiency.

Being more explosive benefits runners for many reasons.

Once you start becoming more explosive, your entire body will start moving faster without you putting in any additional effort.

Sample Workout

After a thorough dynamic warm-up, do 45 seconds to a minute of any of the following exercises

  • Burpees
  • Box Jumps
  • Squat jumps
  • Jump knee tucks
  • One leg hops (30 seconds on each leg).

Rest for one minute, then repeat the cycle two to three times.

10.  CrossFit Training

Still looking for more endurance-building strategies? Give CrossFit (CF) a try.

CF is a diversified training program designed to improve all facets of fitness.

These include speed, strength, agility, endurance, coordination, and stamina.

CrossFit is commonly referred to as functional fitness.

This is achieved through the use of bodyweight training, plyo exercises, Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics rings, sled pushes, Kettlebell exercises, interval-style cardio workouts, and much more.

I enjoy doing CF, and still do WODs (Workout Of the Day) at least a couple of times a week.

A standard WOD might include sprinting, rope climbs, power cleans (an Olympic weightlifting move), and slamming a medicine ball against the floor or a wall.

Sample Workout

Here’s a beginner-friendly WOD called the Cindy (CrossFit workouts have universally-used names).

In a 20-minute period, do as many reps as possible of the following circuit: 5 Pull-ups -> 10 Push-ups -> 15 Squats

11. Don’t Forget Recovery

Taking the time to rest is an absolute game-changer. It’s not just a luxury, but an essential part of your training routine.

In fact, the right recovery strategy is just as crucial as the blood, sweat, and tears you put into your workouts. It’s the downtime that allows your body to bounce back, rebuild, and repair all those hardworking muscles that have been pushed to their limits.

Now, I’m not trying to rain on your parade, but if you skimp on recovery, you’re basically throwing a wrench in your fitness progress. And trust me, you don’t want that.

So, let’s talk action steps to ensure you give your body the TLC it deserves.

First and foremost, give yourself enough time to fully recover. Your body needs its fair share of rest to come back stronger than ever. One effective approach is incorporating a reload week into your training every third or fourth week of intense workouts. During this magical week, you reduce your mileage by around 40 to 50 percent. It’s like pressing the reset button, allowing your body to catch its breath and recharge.

But hold on, even if you’re not in the midst of intense training, a reload week is still a must. It’s a way to show your body some appreciation and prevent burnout. And here’s another tip: after a particularly challenging session, treat yourself to a recovery run. It’s a gentle, therapeutic jog that helps flush out the toxins and promote healing.

Oh, and let’s not forget about those early warning signs of overtraining.

Your body is a master communicator, and it won’t shy away from sending signals when it’s had enough. So, keep an eye out for an elevated heart rate, chronic fatigue, persistent soreness, and even those dreaded sleepless nights.

If you notice any of these red flags, it’s time to listen to your body and give it a well-deserved light week. It’s like hitting the brakes before you crash.

12. Be Consistent

When it comes to improving your running endurance, two key players steal the show: consistency and patience. They’re the dynamic duo that can unlock the potential within you. But here’s the catch: they only work their magic if you’re willing to embrace them day in and day out. No shortcuts or quick fixes here, my friends. It’s all about the long game.

So, listen up and listen well. The workouts and training guidelines we’ve discussed are like gems in a treasure trove. They hold immense power to transform your running prowess. But here’s the secret sauce: you’ve got to be consistent. Just like any other skill in life, practice makes perfect. There’s no way around it. If you think you can improve your running endurance by lacing up your shoes a couple of times a week, well, you might want to rethink that strategy.

Now, let’s get down to business and talk action steps. If you’re serious about achieving mind-blowing training consistency, here are a few things you need to have up your sleeve:

First off, turn your running program into a habit. Make it as automatic as brushing your teeth or scrolling through your social media feeds (we all know how addictive that can be). It’s all about ingraining running into your daily routine until it becomes second nature. Trust me, it’s a game-changer.

Next, consider finding yourself a trusty training buddy. Think of them as your partner in crime, your running confidant. Having someone by your side who shares your goals and can keep you accountable is a surefire way to stay on track and keep those running shoes pounding the pavement.

But wait, there’s more. Shake things up and keep your running program fresh. Variety is the spice of life, after all. Explore new routes, try different training methods, and challenge yourself in ways you never thought possible. It’s like adding flavor to your running journey and keeping the fire burning within.

Feeling a bit lonely on your running quest? Fear not. Joining a running club can be a game-changer. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion for pounding the pavement. Not only will you find a supportive community, but you’ll also gain access to valuable resources, training tips, and maybe even a few running buddies to accompany you on your adventures.

And finally, for the truly dedicated, consider running twice a day. But tread carefully. This is an advanced strategy that requires proper planning and recovery. So, consult with your running coach or experienced runners before embarking on this double-dose of running goodness.

How To Increase Running Stamina For Beginners – The Conclusion

That’s all you need to know about how to increase running endurance, both for the short run and the long run, literally and figuratively.

Feel free to leave your comments below, or send me your questions and suggestions.

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How To Breathe While Running

woman running

Whether you’re a beginner runner, a 5K fanatic, or a marathon junkie, the way you breathe while running matters.

To most runners, learning to breathe may seem like an exercise in triviality. But what if mastering proper breathing techniques could improve your performance?

Research has shown that endurance athletes—including runners, cyclists, rowers, etc.—can experience small but important improvement in performance.

Would you like to learn how to take your running breathing to the next level? Then you’re in the right place.

How To Breathe While Running

In this article, I’ll dive into:

  • The importance of proper breathing while running
  • How to master deep breathing
  • Is rhythmic breathing worth it?
  • Nose Vs. Mouth breathing – Which one is better?
  • And so much more

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

Enter The Right Pace

The best way to keep your breathing under control while running is to stick to a conversational pace—a pace in which you can hold a conversation or recite the pledge of allegiance without panting for air.

As a rule, beginner runners should perform their workouts at this conversational and relaxed pace.

If you find it hard to talk, you’re pushing it too hard.

Slow down and get your pace under control. By controlling your exercise intensity, you’ll be able to regulate the rate at which you breathe.

Beginners – Slow Down

Let’s start with the crucial step on your journey to breathing like a pro while you hit the trails – Beginners, Slow Down!

Now, before you start beating yourself up for feeling out of breath, take a deep breath and relax! Trust me, it’s not about your lung capacity or your running form. It’s just that you’re taking off like a racehorse right out of the gate!

So, what’s the secret to conquering this pesky breathlessness? Easy peasy! Gradually build up your mileage over time, and you’ll witness your stamina skyrocketing.

But hold your horses, speedy sprinters! At the beginning of your running adventure, let’s keep it chill and cozy. Picture this: you and your buddies having a laid-back chat, casually reciting the pledge of allegiance without gasping for air.

That’s the perfect conversational pace you need to embrace!

Now, if you’re huffing and puffing like a steam engine on steroids, it’s time to ease off the gas pedal. Slow down, my friend, and regain control of your pace. By keeping your training intensity in check, you’ll have a magic wand to control your breathing rate.

Synchronized Breathing

Once you’ve graduated from the beginner stage and have a few months of running under your belt, it’s time to upgrade your breathing technique. Picture this: with every footstrike, your breath flows rhythmically, like a symphony playing in perfect harmony.

Sure, it might sound a bit daunting at first, like mastering a powerful incantation, but trust me, it’s the secret potion to becoming a breathing maestro while you run. And don’t worry, we’ll take it step by step.

First things first, slow down the pace a bit to give yourself some breathing room (pun intended). Practice synchronizing your breath to your foot strikes like a dance partner in perfect sync.

Finding The Ideal Breathing Ratio

Now, let’s talk about the golden ratio – the key to unlocking your breathing mastery. Most running experts, recommend the 3:2 ratio for beginners. Here’s the magic formula: inhale on the RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT foot strikes, then exhale like a dragon releasing fire on the LEFT, RIGHT foot strikes.

But hey, as you gain confidence and unleash your inner roadrunner, you can experiment with different ratios. Try a 2:2 or 2:1 ratio for those lightning-fast training sessions like interval training or tempo runs.

And when it’s time to cast that final spell of speed and power in a race, go all out with a 1:1 ratio! It’s like unlocking the ultimate power-up to rocket towards the finish line.

Deep Breathing While Running

Let’s unravel the secret to Deep Breathing, a magical technique that unlocks the full potential of your lungs, like a treasure chest filled with pure energy!

In this enchanting art, you’ll be tapping into the depths of your core, engaging every inch of your lungs to breathe like never before. Say farewell to those quick, shallow breaths we take when at rest, and embrace the power of deep breaths that fuel your body with pure vitality.

As you inhale, your rib cage and belly gently expand sideways and forward, like a graceful dance of air within your very being. With each exhale, you release any tension and fatigue, as if you’re casting away negative spells.

But wait, there’s more magic in store! Deep breathing isn’t just a charming display; it brings real benefits to your running journey. It keeps your muscles relaxed and nimble, ensures a steady flow of oxygen, and banishes the weariness that may try to hinder your progress.

And fret not, brave souls, for mastering this art isn’t reserved for the wizards alone. I’ve got a delightful surprise for you! An awesome YouTube tutorial awaits, guiding you on a journey to practice deep breathing right in the comfort of your home.

Nose Vs. Mouth Breathing

The Nose Vs. Mouth breathing is a topic that’s old as running itself. But when it comes down to it, it’s really up to the individual and the pace.

If you’re sticking to an easy and relaxed pace, breathing in through the nose should be enough to meet your oxygen needs. But as you pick up the pace, you might find doing so harder because you simply can’t get enough oxygen to your working muscles. When it’s the case, you’ll have to breathe in from both your nose and mouth.

But what about the exhale?

In my experience, inhaling through the nose and exhaling out of the mouth is much more efficient for running.

Inhaling through the nose allows for deeper breaths and warms the air on its way to the lungs, whereas breathing out from the mouth helps eliminate as much carbon dioxide as possible. It also relaxes the body.

How to put this into practice? Simple.

During your run, the mouth should be held slightly open in what’s known as the “dead fish” (the name speaks for itself).

Here’s how to breathe properly in cold weather.

How To Breathe While Running – The Conclusion

Breathing is key part of every movement—running is an exception. How to breathe while running is a must skill for every runner who is serious about optimizing their performance and comfort. There’s no way around that.

I hope this blog post was helpful.

It covers all you need to know about how to breathe while running.

Please feel free to leave any comments below or send me any questions you may have.

I’ll be happy to answer ASAP.

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