The Ultimate Guide to Cold Weather Running: Stay Fit, Stay Safe

Ready to conquer the chill or are you just skating on thin excuses? Let’s dive headfirst into an exhilarating debate: Is running in the cold a daring adventure or just a frosty myth?

In today’s article, I’ll share with you everything you need to become a winter runner.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

1. The Deadly Danger of Hypothermia

Now, let’s delve into the bone-chilling reality of hypothermia. Picture your body’s internal thermostat going haywire, plunging your temperature into treacherous territory.

When the weather turns bitterly cold, windy, or drenched, your vulnerability soars. To put things into perspective, envision hypothermia as your core body temperature plummeting to a bone-numbing 95 degrees Fahrenheit (approximately 35 degrees Celsius).

When this occurs, it’s akin to your body’s various systems hitting the panic button. Your cardiovascular system, your dependable nervous system, and other essential organs begin to falter.

In the direst of circumstances, it can even culminate in heart complications, respiratory breakdowns, and, heaven forbid, fatalities. That’s precisely why we treat hypothermia as a grave medical crisis, my friends. It’s not a matter to be taken lightly.

Prevent It

Cover your Head

Now, let’s unravel the secrets to shield yourself from hypothermia’s icy clutches. First and foremost, protect that noggin of yours. It’s no hidden truth that a substantial portion of our body heat escapes through our heads – up to a staggering 50 percent, in fact.

But why is preserving the head so pivotal? Well, it serves as the gateway to your body’s warmth. My personal favorite for cold-weather running is the Nike Pro Combat Skull Cap. It’s a genuine game-changer, ensuring you remain snug as you conquer those frosty miles.

Wear the Right Clothing

Now, let’s delve into the realm of attire. When it comes to choosing the right attire for your winter runs, opt for cutting-edge, specially engineered-fabrics that perform like magic.

These materials whisk away sweat from your skin, ensuring you stay warm and dry throughout your outdoor exercise.

However, here’s a cardinal rule: steer clear of cotton. Why, you might ask? Well, when cotton becomes saturated, it behaves like an obstinate sponge, refusing to let go and causing a myriad of discomforts and complications.

Stick to the high-tech options, and you’ll be in the clear.

Wear Several Layers

Instead of piling on those bulky winter clothes, why not try embracing the idea of multiple, lightweight layers? You might be wondering, “Why layers?” Well, it’s all about being clever when it comes to gearing up for a frosty run. Think of these layers as your running companions on this chilly journey.

They grant you the power to tailor your outfit as you go. When you start to generate heat during your run, it’s like having your very own temperature adjustment dial. Just unzip or peel off a layer, and voilà! You’re in your sweet spot, feeling as snug as a runner in a well-fitted shoe. It’s all about staying cozy throughout your entire running adventure.

Know the Warning Signs

The key to steering clear of hypothermia is to stay in tune with your body throughout your workout. So, what should you be on the lookout for?

Well, here are some early signals that your body might give you:

  • Speech that’s a bit slurred
  • Intense shivering, like a leaf rustling in the wind
  • A touch of dizziness and a dash of nausea
  • Breathing that’s faster than your feet hitting the pavement
  • Feeling a tad wobbly and uncoordinated
  • A heart rate that’s decided to pick up the pace
  • A sprinkle of unusual fatigue
  • A smidge of confusion or making decisions that are, well, not your usual self

If you experience a couple or more of these signals, it’s crucial to seek immediate assistance. Let’s not take any chances when it comes to cold-related health concerns. Hit the pause button on your run, head indoors, and make sure you take the necessary steps to look after yourself. After all, your well-being is always the top priority.

Now, let’s not forget the research that supports all these helpful tips! Studies have shown that layering in cold weather can help regulate body temperature more effectively during exercise. Additionally, being aware of early warning signs and taking action can be crucial in preventing serious cold-related health issues.

2. The Frostbite       

A frostbite is a crucial concern when it comes to braving extreme cold. But first, let’s unravel the enigma of what frostbite truly entails.

Frostbite occurs when certain parts of your body, often those left uncovered and exposed, come into direct contact with freezing cold air, leading your skin and the tissues beneath to freeze.

The peril of frostbite becomes all too real, particularly when the thermometer plunges to -10 degrees Celsius or even lower. These insights come courtesy of the National Weather Service, so it’s imperative to heed this warning when you venture into the frosty embrace of winter weather.

Prevent it

Protect the Weak Spots

When it comes to frostbite, certain regions are more predisposed than others. These include your fingers, toes, nose, ears, chin, and cheeks. When you embark on a cold-weather run, pay extra attention to these zones, as they are the ones most likely to succumb to the frosty grasp.

Protect your Face

If you’ve ever felt the biting chill on your ears and nose during a winter run, it’s vital to provide them with added protection. While a full-fledged hat or ski mask might seem excessive, you have other options to shield your ears. Consider donning a headband or earmuffs designed for cold-weather running. Brands like Thermax or Coolmax offer fantastic choices to keep your ears snug and cozy as you brave the frigid air.

Don’t Forget Sunscreen

When planning to venture outdoors in cold weather, don’t skip sunscreen application. Contrary to popular belief, winter doesn’t grant you immunity from the sun’s rays. They can still pose a threat to your skin, so slather on some sunscreen to defend against potential harm as you relish your chilly outdoor run.

Caring for Your Hands and Fingers

Begin with a thin pair of gloves crafted from moisture-wicking materials such as polypropylene. You can easily find lightweight glove options on Amazon.

However, when confronted with truly frigid conditions, it’s time to deploy the heavy artillery. Invest in a pair of thicker gloves or mittens lined with snug fleece or cozy wool. These will furnish you with an extra layer of defense against the biting cold.

The best part? You can always shed the outer layer if you begin to warm up without exposing your fingers to the frigid air. Personally, I’m quite partial to mittens because they excel at keeping my fingers toasty during those winter runs.

Get the Right Shoes and Socks

When it comes to guarding your precious feet from the frostbite risk lurking in the cold during your runs, the choice of shoes and socks becomes absolutely crucial.

First and foremost, consider investing in running shoes that boast either waterproof properties or are fortified with a specialized moisture-repelling lining. This additional layer of protection works wonders in ensuring your feet remain dry and snug, even when confronted with damp conditions.

However, let’s not overlook the significance of your sock selection. Opt for dry, moisture-wicking socks, preferably crafted from acrylic or polypropylene materials. These sock varieties are masters at whisking moisture away from your skin, guaranteeing that your feet stay dry and content throughout your frosty escapades.

The Early Warning Signs

In extreme cold, frostbite is a genuine concern, and your ability to recognize these signs can be a game-changer.

Maintain a watchful eye on your body, particularly those areas prone to vulnerability, such as your fingers, toes, nose, and ears. Should you begin to sense numbness, a loss of sensation, or a stinging sensation in any of these regions, consider it a potential early indicator of frostbite.

If you suspect that frostbite may be creeping in, swift action is imperative. Seek refuge indoors to escape the cold, and do so with utmost haste.

Once indoors, gently warm the affected area by enveloping it in a cozy blanket or bathing it in comfortably warm water. However, remember this cardinal rule: never, and I mean never, rub the affected area. Such actions could exacerbate skin damage, and that’s the last thing you want. Stay safe out there.

3. The Freezing Lung

Now, let’s tackle a concern that often looms over cold-weather running – the unfounded fear of freezing lungs. Allow me to set your mind at ease.

You see, there’s no need to fret about your lungs succumbing to the icy grip of subzero temperatures while you’re out pounding the pavement.

Our bodies are truly remarkable, and our respiratory system possesses a remarkable talent for warming the frigid air we inhale. So, even if the air you breathe during your cold-weather run feels glacial, by the time it reaches your lungs, it’s been warmed to your body’s cozy temperature.

Now, that’s not to say it’s all smooth sailing. Cold air can still present some challenges for your airways, potentially leading to irritation and that uncomfortable, burning sensation in your throat, particularly when you’re confronting temperatures as low as minus 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

But here’s the silver lining – with a few simple precautions, you can mitigate these effects and continue your cold-weather runs in comfort. While the threat of freezing lungs may not be as dire as some suggest, it’s essential to remain mindful of these potential discomforts and take measures to address them. Your running endeavors should never be hindered by a bit of brisk air.

Prevent It

Cover Your Mouth & Nose

Consider sporting a scarf or a trusty balaclava to shield your nose and mouth while you brave the cold. This ingenious tactic helps preserve the moisture typically lost during exhalation. By trapping that moisture, you can significantly reduce many of the breathing difficulties associated with exercising in cold conditions.

Not only does this keep your air passages more content, but it also curtails the likelihood of developing an annoying runner’s cough. So, wrap up, protect those airways, and enjoy your chilly runs with confidence!

Try Inhaling through the Nose

In my personal experience, opting to inhale through your nose rather than your mouth can be a helpful strategy to diminish the likelihood of encountering breathing difficulties.

Nevertheless, it’s important to bear in mind that the effectiveness of this technique can vary depending on factors such as the intensity of your run, your fitness level, and your personal preferences when it comes to breathing methods.

While relying solely on your nostrils for air may not always be feasible, keeping this trick up your sleeve can prove beneficial when you find yourself contending with those pesky burning sensations in your air passages.

Remember, what works like a charm for one individual may not yield the same results for another – there’s no universal approach that fits everyone like a well-worn pair of running shoes.

4. Slipping and Falling

Now, let’s confront one of the most underestimated perils of cold-weather running: the risk of slips and falls. It’s a hazard that can transform your winter jog into a painful ordeal or, worse yet, lead to severe injuries if caution is not your running companion.

We’ve all heard or experienced firsthand accounts of runners encountering treacherous slips and sustaining injuries on icy or damp surfaces. Depending on your geographical location, your winter runs might range from relatively smooth outings to full-fledged skirmishes against slippery paths, rain-soaked roads, or trails inundated with slush and snow.

Allow me to share a personal anecdote to underscore the gravity of this issue. A couple of years ago, I found myself on the brink of a left knee mishap after a heart-stopping slip on ice. It served as a painful reminder of the risks that cold-weather running can entail.

Prevent It

Pay Attention to where you run

One of the most invaluable pieces of advice I can offer is to exercise keen awareness regarding your running terrain.

Here’s the scoop: You must be discerning and vigilant when it comes to your chosen running paths. Not all routes are created equal, especially in winter conditions. To minimize the chances of unfortunate slips and tumbles, endeavor to conduct the majority of your runs on terrain with minimal snow cover and steer clear of surfaces that scream slip hazards.

Furthermore, exercise enhanced caution when descending hilly stretches. These can be dicey even in optimal weather conditions, so it’s paramount to exercise added care when they potentially harbor icy or wet challenges.

Run on Good Routes

When it comes to braving the winter conditions while running, making savvy choices about your routes can be the difference between a safe, enjoyable experience and a slippery misadventure.

Here’s some sage advice to bear in mind:

  • Opt for Well-Traveled and Well-Lit Paths: Seek out routes that are renowned for heavy foot traffic and ample illumination. Such areas tend to receive regular snow and ice clearance in most urban settings. Where there’s a bustling populace, there’s a higher likelihood of diligent maintenance.
  • Embrace Dedicated Jogging Paths: If you have access to dedicated jogging paths or well-kept trails, they can prove to be splendid options for your winter runs. These routes are often plowed and generally less prone to treacherous surfaces compared to sidewalks or roadways.
  • Keep It Close to Home: As an added precaution, consider running routes that are in proximity to your residence. By doing so, you ensure that you’re not far from safety should conditions deteriorate or you encounter unforeseen challenges.

Equip Yourself with Winter-Ready Running Shoes

Investing in a suitable pair of winter running shoes can be a game-changer for your cold-weather workouts.

Here are some pointers on selecting the perfect winter running shoes, along with a couple of top-notch recommendations:

  • Prioritize Waterproof and Insulated Options: Winter running shoes should excel at keeping your feet warm and dry. Seek out footwear explicitly engineered to be waterproof and insulated, offering resolute protection against moisture and frigid temperatures.
  • Embrace Superior Traction: To minimize the risk of slipping on icy or snowy surfaces, opt for shoes equipped with substantial traction. Outsoles sporting deep lugs and an effective tread pattern are your allies in maintaining stability on slippery terrain.
  • Consider Ankle Support: Though not always imperative, shoes featuring some degree of ankle support can deliver added stability, particularly when navigating uneven or icy ground.

Here are two esteemed contenders in the winter running shoe category:

  • Brooks Adrenaline ASR 12 GTX: Renowned for its durability and dependable traction, the Brooks Adrenaline ASR 12 GTX is tailored to conquer diverse terrains, including winter landscapes. Its Gore-Tex waterproof lining ensures dry feet, while the shoe provides exceptional support.
  • Nike Air Zoom Structure 19 Flash: Nike’s Air Zoom Structure 19 Flash stands as another stellar choice. Marrying Nike’s responsive cushioning with a water-resistant upper, it ensures comfort and protection for your feet in chilly conditions. The shoe’s reflective elements enhance visibility during low-light runs.

Use Anti-slip Grips

When it comes to staying upright on slippery winter runs, let’s talk gear that’ll have your back (or should I say, your feet!).

Here’s the lowdown:

First up, winter running shoes are your new best friends. These babies come with extra grippy soles that could make Spider-Man jealous. They’re like snow tires for your feet, keeping you steady on icy terrain.

If you’re still feeling a bit unsure about icy patches, you can level up your shoe game with anti-slip add-ons. Picture this: tiny chains or coils that give your shoes superpowers on slippery surfaces. Think of it as your secret weapon against gravity’s pranks.

Speaking from personal experience, Yaktrax is the real MVP in the anti-slip game. These nifty contraptions slip right over your shoes and turn you into an instant ice ninja. You can grab a pair at your local running store – they’re like the golden ticket to slip-free winter adventures.

And here’s the best part – the price won’t make your wallet shed tears. Last time I checked they were sold for around 30 bucks.

When To Avoid Cold Weather Running?

Now, hold up, cold weather warrior! I know I’ve been singing the praises of chilly runs, but here’s the real deal: It’s not a one-size-fits-all adventure. There are moments when you’ve gotta pump the brakes, prioritize safety, and know when to say “no” to the frosty fun.

Let’s break it down:

If you’re dealing with some serious health conditions – think cardiovascular diseases, asthma, exercise-induced bronchitis, or Raynaud’s disease (a tricky one that messes with blood flow) – you might want to reconsider those subzero sprints.

Remember, the name of the game is safety. If your health or life is on the line, it’s a hard pass on the cold weather escapades.

But hey, don’t let winter freeze your fitness journey. Instead of playing ice roulette, consider cozying up to the treadmill. It might not be your first love, but it’s way better than a day on the couch, right?


Well, in my experience, running in winter is just running. It’s neither good nor bad as long as you are healthy and you take the right safety precautions vital for the outdoor conditions and the temperature of the air.

As I have already discussed, most of the troubles you might encounter while running in cold weather are preventable and avoidable—provided that you do what you have to do.

Run Through the Seasons: Adapting Your Running for Extreme Weather Conditions

Have you ever embarked on a jog through a winter wonderland or sprinted under a blazing summer sun? If you’re a dedicated runner, you’ve likely been there! Weather is that unpredictable friend who can shift from balmy to blistering or from a drizzle to a downpour in the blink of an eye. But you know what? It’s these challenges that make running so thrilling.

Let’s be honest; it can be tempting to hang up our sneakers when the thermometer goes wild. However, extreme weather shouldn’t freeze your running goals or melt your motivation. Because here’s the deal: Every runner, whether you’re a newbie or a marathoner, faces weather challenges as part of the training package.

So, lace up those shoes and stay with me, because I’ve got the ultimate guide for you! Today, we’ll navigate through Mother Nature’s mood swings together, ensuring that rain, shine, or snow, your running game remains strong all year round

Note: While embracing the elements can add an exhilarating twist to your run, it’s crucial to remember that not all runners are created equal, especially when it comes to health considerations. If you’re living with a heart condition, grappling with Raynaud’s disease, navigating asthma, or managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, extreme weather isn’t just a challenge – it can be a serious risk.

Running In The Cold

When you’re hitting the pavement in plummeting temperatures, it’s crucial to take measures to stay warm and safe. Let’s dive into the essentials.

The Layering

The key here is to opt for multiple lighter layers instead of a few heavy ones. This approach creates an insulating air pocket around your body, effectively trapping heat. Plus, these layers excel at wicking moisture away from your skin, ensuring you stay dry and comfortable.

Don’t take my word for it. Research confirms that layering is effective for both heat retention and moisture management. It’s a vital technique for maintaining a comfortable body temperature in cold conditions.

Here’s how to do it right:

  • Base Layer Essentials: Your first layer should consist of moisture-wicking synthetic materials. Materials like polypropylene or polyester work well because they don’t absorb sweat, leaving you feeling dry. A base layer with a high neckline provides extra protection against the wind.
  • Insulating Second Layer: When temperatures plummet, adding a second layer provides extra insulation. This layer should retain heat while still moving moisture away from your body. Materials like wool or fleece are effective choices, offering warmth without excessive bulk.
  • Protective Outer Shell: The outer layer should shield you from wind, rain, and snow. A waterproof and wind-resistant jacket will protect you from external elements, completing your cold-weather running ensemble.

Cover Your Head

When you’re running in the cold, don’t overlook the importance of keeping your head and neck warm. These areas are prime spots for heat loss, so proper coverage is key. Opt for a snug hat or beanie to trap heat and maintain warmth.

In more extreme conditions, extend this protection by adding a face mask, balaclava, or scarf to shield yourself from biting winds, allowing you to stay focused on your run. Research confirms the significance of this practice in staying warm during cold weather.

Skin Protection

Chapping and chafing can be a bother for runners, but there are simple solutions. Use sweat-resistant moisturizers or Vaseline on exposed areas like hands, lips, cheeks, and nose. This not only prevents dryness and irritation but also creates a barrier against harsh conditions.

Remember to apply these sparingly, especially around the neck and head, to ensure your body can effectively regulate its temperature through sweating.

Know the Signs

When running in extreme cold, it’s vital to remain vigilant for signs of frostbite and hypothermia. These conditions can significantly impact your winter running routine, so recognizing their signs is crucial.

Frostbite Warning Signs:

Frostbite is a cold-induced injury that typically affects exposed areas like ears, nose, cheeks, feet, and hands. Be on the lookout for:

  • Numbness: If you can’t feel your fingers or toes, consider it a clear warning.
  • Loss of Sensation: If you experience a lack of sensation in any body part, it’s a sign of frostbite.
  • Stinging or Burning: This sensation is your body’s way of alerting you to potential damage.

If you notice any of these signs, stop your run immediately. Warm up gradually with a blanket or lukewarm water. Remember that rubbing the affected area can worsen the condition. If numbness persists, seek medical attention.

Hypothermia Symptoms:

Hypothermia occurs when your body can’t maintain its necessary temperature. Warning signs include:

  • Slurred Speech: Difficulty speaking clearly may indicate hypothermia.
  • Intense Shivering: Uncontrollable shivering is a classic symptom.
  • Loss of Coordination: Difficulty moving smoothly is a serious warning sign.

If you experience these symptoms, seek warmth immediately. Use blankets or dry clothing to raise your body temperature. If conditions don’t improve, seek medical help without delay.

Running In the Rain

Running in the rain is an experience every dedicated runner encounters. There’s a unique thrill in those rain-soaked runs, with the sound of raindrops and the refreshing mist on your face providing a natural backdrop.

While we might wish to stay completely dry, that’s often not possible. Being prepared is key when Mother Nature decides to mix things up. Here’s how you can gear up to stay as comfortable as possible in the rain.

Choosing the Right Layers:

Your base layer plays a pivotal role. Opt for moisture-wicking materials that fit well and are designed for technical performance. This layer’s purpose is to keep you dry and comfortable, no matter the weather.

The Importance of an Outer Shell:

Waterproof jackets and pants are must-haves for braving the rain. Look for breathable options to prevent overheating. A brimmed hat can also be incredibly useful, acting as a shield to keep rain out of your eyes.

Breathability is a key factor for your outer layer. Without it, you may end up feeling uncomfortably warm and damp. Balancing rain protection with the ability to let your skin breathe is important.

Don’t forget your lower body. Consider rain pants that allow for layering underneath, providing a comfortable, waterproof barrier for your leg

A Hat and Glasses

Running with rain in your eyes can be a real hassle. A brimmed hat offers a simple yet effective solution. It acts as a personal shield, keeping raindrops out of your eyes and allowing you to stay focused on your run, whether it’s a drizzle or a downpour.

For added protection, consider wearing sunglasses. They safeguard your eyes from rain, wind, and UV rays while adding a stylish touch to your running gear. In colder and wetter conditions, a lightweight beanie or headband can provide extra warmth for your head and ears, making runs in lower temperatures more comfortable.

Preventing Chafing in Wet Conditions:

Chafing can be a significant discomfort, especially in rainy weather. To prevent this, apply products like Vaseline or Body Glide to areas prone to chafing or blisters, such as underarms, sports bra lines, nipples, inner thighs, and feet. These products act as protective barriers against friction.

To further reduce the risk of chafing, you might want to wear compression shorts under your regular running shorts or pants. They provide muscle support and help minimize skin irritation by creating a smooth, snug layer.

Stay Visible, Stay Safe

In heavy rain and wind, being highly visible is crucial. Use reflective gear and lights – these aren’t just accessories but safety necessities. The goal is to stand out clearly to others, ensuring your safety on the road.

Wind Resistance Tactics:

Running against the wind can be as challenging as an impromptu training session. To cope, lean slightly into the wind, shorten your stride, and focus on maintaining a steady effort rather than a consistent pace. Slowing down is perfectly fine – remember, you’re not just running; you’re conquering a force of nature!

Handling Slippery and Flooded Surfaces:

Puddles and flooded paths can be treacherous. What appears shallow might be much deeper. It’s best to steer clear of large puddles or flooded areas, as they can pose significant hazards. On slippery surfaces, adjust your running technique with shorter, more stable steps and exercise caution when making turns.

Protecting Your Electronics:

Deciding whether to bring electronics on a rainy run can be a dilemma. If you choose to take them, make sure they are well-protected. Use a sealable plastic bag or a waterproof carrier, or keep them in the inner pockets of running apparel designed for electronics.

Alternatively, consider leaving your devices at home. Running without electronics in the rain can be a refreshing and immersive experience, allowing you to fully savor the natural ambiance around you.

Running in Snow and Ice

Snow and ice may discourage runners from outdoor winter training, but with the right precautions, you can safely continue your training even in these conditions.

Protecting Your Extremities:

In cold temperatures, your body focuses on keeping your core warm, often at the expense of extremities like fingers and toes. Extra protection is essential.

  • Cover your ears with a fleece headband or a warm hat. These serve as effective barriers against the cold and help prevent frostbite, especially in sensitive areas like your earlobes.
  • For your feet, Gore-Tex socks can be a game-changer. They act as a barrier against snow, slush, and moisture, ensuring your feet stay dry and warm. This is vital for comfortable and safe winter runs.

Choosing the Right Footwear:

Traction is crucial on snowy and icy paths. Using traction devices like microspikes on your shoes can provide plenty of grip and stability to prevent slips and falls. They function like winter tires for your feet, enhancing safety and confidence in your stride.

For a DIY approach, consider creating “screw shoes.” By inserting small screws into the soles of an older pair of running shoes, you can make homemade traction aids. This can be an effective, budget-friendly solution for a better grip on icy surfaces.

Running In The Heat

Summer runs can be enjoyable, but it’s crucial to respect the intensity of the heat. Elevated temperatures bring risks of serious heat-related conditions:

Heat Exhaustion:

This condition occurs when you exert yourself excessively in hot weather. Symptoms like nausea, dizziness, profuse sweating, and a rapid heartbeat indicate that your body is overwhelmed and needs to cool down.

Heat Stroke:

Heat stroke is a severe heat-related condition that happens when your body’s temperature regulation fails. Symptoms like confusion, a rapid pulse, and even unconsciousness are severe and require immediate medical attention.

Recognizing Heat-Induced Illnesses:

Your body sends clear signals when it struggles with high temperatures. Pay attention to these warning signs:

  • Headaches: An indicator that it’s getting too hot for your body.
  • Dizziness: A sign to slow down and cool off.
  • Extreme Fatigue: Unusual tiredness after light activity is a warning.
  • Nausea: Discomfort that suggests your body isn’t coping well with the heat.
  • Confusion: Mental disorientation can be heat-induced.
  • Poor Balance: Instability is a signal to stop.
  • Lack of Sweating: When it’s hot, not sweating is a concern.
  • Skin Changes: Paleness or redness can indicate heat stress.
  • Loss of Consciousness: This is a severe and urgent sign.

If you experience any of these symptoms, immediately stop your run. Seek a cooler environment, hydrate, and rest. If your condition doesn’t improve quickly, seek medical assistance.

The Right Clothing

Dressing appropriately for summer runs is crucial for comfort and safety. Here’s how to dress smartly in the heat:

  • Avoid Cotton: Cotton absorbs sweat and retains moisture, which can lead to discomfort and chafing. It’s not the best choice for hot weather running.
  • Opt for Light Colors: Dark colors absorb more heat, making you feel hotter. Light-colored clothing reflects sunlight and helps keep you cooler.
  • Choose Breathable Fabrics: Look for lightweight, moisture-wicking materials like Dri-Fit or CoolMax. These fabrics help move sweat away from your skin, allowing it to evaporate and cool you down.
  • Protect Your Head and Face: Wear a hat and sunglasses to shield yourself from the sun. Think of it as sunscreen for your head and eyes.
  • Consider Sun Protective Sleeves: If you’re running in direct sunlight, sun protective sleeves can be a great option to shield your arms from harmful UV rays.

Timing Your Run:

To avoid the hottest parts of the day, plan your runs for early morning or late evening. During these times, temperatures are lower, the sun’s intensity is reduced, and humidity is often less oppressive.

Stay Well Hydrated:

Hydration is crucial for running in the heat. It’s not just about drinking water immediately before a run; it’s about maintaining hydration throughout the day.

Hydration Strategy:

  • Consistent Hydration: Treat hydration like a long-distance run, not a quick dash. Get into the habit of drinking water regularly throughout the day.
  • Morning and Evening Routine: Start by drinking a glass of water before going to bed and another first thing in the morning. This helps ensure you begin and end your day well-hydrated.
  • Pre-Run Hydration: About two hours before your run, aim to drink 16 to 20 ounces of water. This preps your body for the activity ahead.
  • Hydrating During Your Run: For longer runs, especially those over an hour, make sure to hydrate on the go. Drink 8 to 12 ounces of water during your run. If you’re sweating a lot, consider a sports drink for additional electrolyte replenishment.

Treadmill Belt Replacement Made Easy: Your Complete DIY Guide

If you’re considering replacing your treadmill belt, you’re in the right place.

Treadmills are a fantastic tool for maintaining fitness throughout the year. They offer the convenience of logging miles without having to contend with outdoor weather conditions.

Running on a treadmill can also be gentler on your muscles, bones, and joints compared to outdoor surfaces, allowing you to run longer and harder with a reduced risk of overuse injuries. What’s not to love about that?

However, like any machine, treadmills need regular maintenance, and various parts will require replacement over time. The treadmill belt, in particular, bears the brunt of the impact when running. If it begins to wear down, the machine becomes less effective and can even pose a safety risk.

But there’s no need to worry. In this article, I’m going to guide you through a detailed, step-by-step process to replace your treadmill belt easily. Whether you’re a hands-on DIY enthusiast or new to treadmill maintenance, this guide is designed to simplify the process and ensure a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Ready to dive in?

Let’s begin.

couch to 5K on the treadmill

The Tools You Need

Before we dive in, let’s talk tools. To successfully replace your treadmill belt, you’ll need a few basic tools.

Here’s what you need to gather:

  • A screwdriver (Phillips or flat-head, depending on your treadmill model),
  • An Allen wrench or hex key (for adjusting the belt tension),
  • A socket wrench to tackle any bolts that stand in your way.
  • A marker to mark the points of alignment and ensure a seamless transition.
  • Piers
  • Cleaning supplies
  • A reliable friend to offer both strength and support during the lifting and installation.

Preparing the Treadmill

Before you start replacing your treadmill belt, it’s crucial to prepare the machine properly to ensure a smooth and safe process. Here are the steps to get your treadmill ready for a belt replacement:

  1. Unplug the Treadmill: Safety first. Make sure the treadmill is completely unplugged from the power source. This step is essential to avoid any risk of electrical shock.
  2. Clear the Surrounding Area: Ensure you have ample space to work around the treadmill. Move any nearby furniture or objects to create a comfortable workspace, allowing you easy access to all sides of the machine.
  3. Clean the Treadmill’s Exterior: Give your treadmill a good clean before you start. Wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth to remove any dust or debris. This helps prevent external dirt from entering the machine during the belt replacement.
  4. Remove the Motor Hood: The motor hood, usually at the front end of the treadmill, protects the motor and front roller. It’s typically secured with screws. Use a screwdriver to remove these screws, and keep them safe for reassembling later.
  5. Familiarize Yourself with the Belt and Deck: The running belt is the part you walk or run on, and the deck is the surface underneath it that supports the belt. Understanding these components is important for the replacement process.
  6. Access the Belt Area: Depending on your treadmill model, additional covers or parts might need to be removed for full access to the belt. Refer to your treadmill’s manual for specific instructions tailored to your model.
  7. Locate the Belt Adjustment Bolts: Usually found at the rear of the treadmill, these bolts are used for adjusting the belt’s tension and are crucial for both removing the old belt and installing the new one.
  8. Record Initial Belt Tension: If you can, measure the current tension of the belt with a tension gauge or take note of the adjustment bolts’ positions. This will be a useful reference for installing the new belt.
  9. Organize Your Tools: Arrange all the necessary tools beforehand. Having everything within reach will make the process more efficient and reduce interruptions.

Removing the Old Belt

Great, you’re all set to begin! Now it’s time to remove the old treadmill belt, but remember, this is a delicate process that requires careful attention to ensure everything goes smoothly and safely.

Here’s how to remove the old belt from your treadmill:

  1. Loosen the Rear Roller Bolts: Use an Allen wrench or hex key and go to the back of the treadmill. Turn the rear roller bolts counterclockwise, but not all the way. You’re aiming to reduce tension, not remove the bolts entirely.
  2. Ease Tension on the Belt: Once the rear roller bolts are loosened, the belt’s tension will decrease. You should be able to lift the belt slightly off the deck. If it’s still tight, gently twist the bolts a bit more, but avoid making them too loose. Keep the bolts in their slots to prevent the roller from coming out.
  3. Remove the Front Roller (If Needed): Some treadmill models require removing the front roller to take the belt off. This usually means unscrewing the roller’s mounting bolts with a screwdriver or socket wrench.
  4. Slide the Belt Off the Rollers: Carefully slide the belt off both the front and rear rollers. You might need to lift or tilt the rollers slightly to help remove the belt.
  5. Lift the Belt from the Deck: After freeing the belt from the rollers, gently lift it off the deck. Be cautious to avoid snagging or damaging the deck’s surface.
  6. Clean the Exposed Areas: With the belt removed, it’s a good opportunity to clean the deck and rollers. Clear away any dust, debris, or buildup to ensure smooth operation when the new belt is installed.
  7. Inspect Rollers and Deck: Before putting on the new belt, check the rollers and deck for any signs of wear or damage. Address any issues to ensure optimal performance of the new belt.
  8. Prepare for New Belt Installation: Ensure the area is tidy and the rollers are properly positioned for the installation of the new belt.

Here’s How To Put Together The New Belt 

Now that the old belt is off, it’s time to install the new one. This step is key to ensuring a smooth and safe running experience on your treadmill. Here’s how to properly position, align, and tension the new treadmill belt:

  1. Position the New Belt on the Deck: Lay the new belt flat on the treadmill’s deck. Ensure it’s correctly placed, with any belt seam or directional arrows (if present) facing the right way, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. Align the Belt with the Rollers: Place the belt over the front roller, then over the rear roller. If you removed the front roller earlier, now’s the time to reinstall it with its mounting bolts.
  3. Center the Belt: The belt might not be perfectly centered initially. Adjust its position on the rollers so that it’s equidistant from both sides of the treadmill deck.
  4. Adjust Rear Roller Bolts for Tension: Retighten the belt by evenly tightening the rear roller bolts on both sides, turning them clockwise. The correct tension allows you to lift the belt about 2 to 3 inches off the deck at the treadmill’s midpoint.
  5. Check and Adjust Belt Centering: Run the treadmill at a low speed without walking on it and observe the belt’s movement. It should remain centered. If it drifts, stop the treadmill, turn it off, and adjust the tension on the drifting side by slightly tightening the corresponding bolt.
  6. Adjust the Deck (If Needed): In some cases, adjusting the deck might be necessary for smooth belt operation. This could involve leveling the deck or adjusting its position. Consult your treadmill’s manual for specific guidance.
  7. Final Tension and Alignment Check: After centering the belt, perform a final tension check. The belt should be tight enough to prevent slipping when you walk on it but not so tight that it strains the motor.

Treadmill Belt Maintenance: Tips to Keep Your Running Machine in Top Shape

Looking for practical strategies to help you maintain your treadmill belt? Then you’ve come to the right place.

The treadmill belt is one of the most important pieces of this amazing machine. In fact, If you’re like me, trying to keep your treadmill in top shape can sometimes feel like you’re navigating a complex maze.

But don’t worry, I’ve been down this road and have some tried-and-tested advice to help you maintain that trusty belt of yours.

Trust me, with a little TLC, your treadmill will remain your faithful running companion for years to come.

Sounds like a good idea?

Let’s roll in.

Why Treadmill Belt Maintenance Matters

Maintaining the treadmill belt is more than just a chore; it’s a critical practice to ensure the longevity and performance of one of the most popular pieces of fitness equipment. Here are a few reasons to help do it more often:

  • Smooth Operator, Always: A well-pampered belt equals a consistently smooth running journey. No more awkward slips or sticking moments to ruin your running groove. It’s all about that flow!
  • Safety First: Ever had nightmares about sudden stops or slips on your treadmill? Regular maintenance is your superhero move to ward off accidents and keep your running adventures accident-free.
  • Dust Bunnies Begone: Over time, your treadmill belt becomes a magnet for dirt, dust, and all kinds of debris. Letting them party there unchecked can lead to more wear and tear than you’d want. A clean belt is a happy belt, trust me.
  • Friction Drama: Regular running creates friction, and friction can be a treadmill belt’s worst enemy. Thinning, fraying, or developing uneven spots? No, thank you. Proper care helps your belt stay in its prime, saving it from unnecessary strain.
  • Life Extension: Dream of your treadmill lasting longer without draining your wallet? Bingo! Regular maintenance is the secret sauce to extending the life of your trusty fitness companion. Who wouldn’t want that?
  • Early Detective Work: Ever heard the phrase ‘prevention is better than cure’? It holds true for treadmill belts too. Regular check-ups help spot those sneaky issues early on. Adjusting belt alignment and tension? It’s like giving your treadmill a mini spa day, preventing major meltdowns. So, let’s dive into some awesome tips to keep your treadmill belt happy and running smoothly:

Cleaning Your Treadmill Belt

Extending its lifespan. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to clean your treadmill belt effectively, using gentle methods and appropriate cleaning products. Regular cleaning is the most important step in keeping its performance and extending its lifespan. This helps prevent the build-up of salt and dirt and reduces the need for a more time-intensive cleaning. It’s also a simple process. So, grab your cleaning gear, and let’s get down to it:

  1. Safety First, Captain: Before we embark on our cleaning adventure, safety comes first! Turn off that treadmill and give it a power nap by unplugging it.
  2. Dust Off the Drama: Armed with a soft cloth or a handheld vacuum, start removing loose dust and debris from the belt surface and the area around the belt.
  3. Mix Up Your Magic Elixir: Use a mild detergent mixed with warm water. Avoid harsh chemicals, as they can damage the belt material. Some treadmills require specific cleaning solutions, so check your manufacturer’s guidelines.
  4. Belt Spa Time: Dip that soft cloth in the cleaning solution, making sure it’s damp, not soaking. Gently caress the treadmill belt surface, moving it manually to hit every nook and cranny. Next, move the belt manually to clean the entire surface area.
  5. Wipe with a Dry Cloth: Post-cleaning, grab a dry cloth to waltz away any lingering moisture from the belt.
  6. Peek Under the Belt: If your treadmill model allows a sneak peek underneath, go for it! Lift those edges and let your dry cloth perform its magic. Be gentle to avoid dislodging the belt from its track.
  7. Let it Air Dry: Allow the belt to air dry completely before using the treadmill again.
  8. Re-center and Tension Check: After cleaning, ensure that the belt is properly centered and tensioned according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Checking and Adjusting Belt Tension

Beside regular cleaning, check ing the belt tension is another must step in the maintenance process.

Just like how you adjust the laces on your shoes to get the perfect fit, your treadmill belt needs some attention too. A belt that’s too loose can slip or shift during use, while one that’s too tight can strain the motor and wear out the belt prematurely.

Here’s how to check and adjust your treadmill belt tension to ensure an optimal workout experience.

  1. Power Nap Time: Safety first! Ensure your treadmill is catching some Zs – turned off and unplugged. It’s a pre-tension ritual.
  2. Belt Press Test: Stand beside the treadmill and use your hand to press down on the middle of the belt. Typically, you should be able to press it down about 2 to 3 inches.
  3. Slow Stroll Test: Walk on the treadmill at a slow speed and notice if the belt slips or hesitates. If it does, it’s a sign that the belt is too loose.
  4. Meet the Tension Bolts: The tension bolts are usually located at the rear end of the treadmill. Refer to your treadmill’s manual for the exact location..
  5. Make Small Adjustments:: Armed with an Allen wrench, give those tension bolts a quarter turn to the right. Balance is key, so make sure adjustments are equal on both sides for perfect alignment.
  6. Test Run and Fine-Tune: After making adjustments, walk on the treadmill to test the tension. Continue to make small adjustments until the belt no longer slips, but avoid over-tightening.
  7. Avoid Over-Tightening: A belt that’s too tight can cause excessive wear and damage to the belt and motor. The belt should not be immovable or overly hard to press down.
  8. Alignment Spotlight: Keep an eye on that belt – it should be center stage. No drifting drama during your workout. Misalignment is a no-no, and adjustments might be needed.
  9. Manual Wisdom: Your treadmill’s manual is your trusty sidekick. Always consult it for specific tension and alignment tips tailored to your treadmill model.

And there you have it – belt tension bliss achieved! Your treadmill is now in peak condition, ready to take you on countless running adventures

Lubricating the Treadmill Belt

Serious about having the belt operate smoothly and quitely? Then regular lubrication is the way to go. For hassle-free indoor running, the movement of the belt has to be smooth. Any degree of friction in the movement of the blet might cause accidents or for ce the machine to break down sooner than later.

Hence the need for regular lubrication as it plays a significant role in reducing friction between the belt and the deck, which in turn minimizes wear and tear on both the belt and the motor.

Before you star the lubrication process, keep in mind that you have two options.

  • Silicone-Based Lubricants: Most modern treadmills require a silicone-based lubricant. These can come in a spray or a liquid form.
  • Manufacturer Recommendations: Always check the treadmill’s manual for specific lubricant recommendations, as using the wrong type can damage the belt and void warranties.

And here’s how to properly lubricate the belt:

  1. Unplug and Clean: Safety first, remember? Turn off and unplug the treadmill. Clean that deck surface.
  2. Belt Lift: Gently lift one side of the belt. You may need to loosen the belt slightly if it’s too tight to lift..
  3. Lubrication Magic: Apply the lubricant evenly under the belt, from the front to the back of the deck. If using a spray, maintain a consistent spray pattern. If using a liquid, apply in a zigzag pattern.
  4. Treadmill Stroll: Walk on the treadmill for a few minutes at a slow pace to spread the lubricant evenly across the deck.
  5. Wipe the Stage: If any lubricant spills, wipe it off. Shoot for a slip-free experience, not a surprise slide.
  6. Routine Encore: The frequency of lubrication depends on your treadmill’s workout schedule. Check your manual for the recommended lubrication routine.
  7. Lubrication SOS: If the belt starts sticking or you hear unusual belt noises, it might be time for lubrication.

Use The Treadmill Properly

How do you use the treadmill also mattes when it comes to its maintenance and lifespan. In fact, this is not only key for your safety. Misuse or overloading can lead to unnecessary wear and tear, which, as you can already tell, can break down the machine sooner than you wish.

Here are some tips to ensure that you use your treadmill correctly and maintain it in optimal condition.

  • Weight Wisdom. Every treadmill comes with a weight limit, like a backstage pass. Stick to it. Exceeding this limit is like giving your treadmill an unplanned heavy metal concert – not great for the motor or the belt.
  • Stay in Your Lane. Treadmills are divas designed for walking, jogging, or running. Avoid using them for exercises that they are not designed for, as this can cause damage.
  • Shoe Etiquette. Always use clean, indoor shoes when running on the treadmill. Dirt and debris from outdoor shoes can damage the belt and the deck.
  • Appropriate Shoes: Wear proper running or athletic shoes for cushioning and support. Avoid using heavy or hard-soled shoes, as they can increase the impact on the treadmill’s surface.
  • Smooth Takeoff. Start with a slow walking pace and gradually increase to your desired speed. This prevents sudden strain on the treadmill motor and belt..
  • Chill Out. Similarly, at the end of your workout, slow down gradually instead of stopping abruptly. This helps in reducing wear on the belt and motor.
  • Change Running Position: If possible, vary your position on the belt during different workouts. Running in the same spot all the time can lead to uneven belt wear.
  • Workout Mixtape. Shuffle those workouts. Walk, jog, run – keep it diverse. Even wear across the belt is the key to a long and happy relationship.
  • Bolt Check. I hate to sound like a broken record, but you should regularly inspect your treadmill for loose bolts or parts. Tighten them up – no wobbles allowed.
  • Ears Open. Listen up! Unusual noises during operation are like a treadmill’s SOS signal. Pay attention and address issues promptly.
  • Treadmill Environment: Keep the area around the treadmill clean and free of dust. A clean environment reduces the amount of dirt that can accumulate in the machine.

Your Treadmill Maintenance Plan

Does the above sound like too much digest? Then here’s a simple to-do list to help make sense out of the guidelines shared in today’s post.

Daily Users:

  • Daily: Wipe down the machine to remove sweat and dust.
  • Weekly: Vacuum around and underneath the treadmill to prevent dust build-up.
  • Monthly: Check belt alignment and tension. Lubricate the belt as needed.
  • Every Six Months: Inspect the belt for wear and tear, and evaluate the need for more in-depth servicing or replacement.

Weekly Users:

  • After Each Use: Clean the belt and handrails to remove any dust or debris.
  • Monthly: Vacuum around the treadmill and check the belt tension and alignment.
  • Every Six to Twelve Months: Lubricate the belt and perform a thorough inspection for any wear.

Infrequent Users:

  • Monthly: Dust and clean the treadmill, even if it’s not in use. Check for any issues like belt cracking or deteriorating.
  • Every Six to Twelve Months: Perform a comprehensive check of the treadmill, including lubrication and belt tension.

Keeping Records:

  • Maintenance Log: Keeping a log of maintenance activities can help you track what has been done and when the next service is due.

How To Find Cheap Running Shoes

If you’re on the hunt for affordable yet high-quality running shoes, you’ve landed in just the right spot.

Let’s lay it out straight: Running shoes are more than just footwear for a runner; they’re a vital piece of the puzzle. They cushion your steps, shield your feet, and can make the difference between a tough, painful jog and a triumphant, smooth marathon run. There’s no arguing their importance.

But here’s the rub: High-quality running shoes often come with a hefty price tag, and searching for the right pair can feel like navigating a maze of budget-busting options.

Fear not, though! In this article, I’m going to walk you through an easy, step-by-step process to help you find top-notch running shoes that won’t empty your wallet. It’s all about getting the most bang for your buck without compromising on quality.

Excited to find that perfect, wallet-friendly pair? Let’s dive in and start the journey.

How To Buy Cheap Running Shoes

Investing in running gear, especially shoes, can take a serious toll on your finances. A quality pair of running shoes usually costs between $90 to $220, and these expenses can pile up quicker than your miles.

But there’s more to consider. Given that most running shoes need a replacement after every 400 to 500 miles, if you’re clocking in about 30 miles a week, you’re looking at needing at least three new pairs each year. Even opting for the more affordable end of the spectrum, you’re still spending over $300 annually on shoes alone!

Understanding now the importance of comfort and fit over simply chasing big brand names, let’s dive into some savvy shopping strategies. These tips are all about finding those great deals on running shoes, ensuring you don’t sacrifice quality while keeping your budget in check. Let’s find out how you can keep running in great shoes without emptying your wallet.

Buy During Sales

One smart strategy for buying running shoes without breaking the bank is to shop during major sales events. It might require a bit of patience to wait for these sales, but the potential savings are well worth it. Additionally, keep your eyes peeled for online deals and discounts, as you can often find some great bargains.

Running specialty stores, just like other retailers, periodically need to clear out old inventory to make room for new models and styles. This is your golden opportunity. For instance, you can often find great deals on summer running gear in late autumn or winter, when demand is lower, and similarly, you can score discounts on winter gear during the warmer months.

Another tip is to remember that many sports brands typically mark down the prices of last season’s shoes at the start of a new year. This timing can be ideal for finding quality running shoes at a reduced cost, allowing you to maintain high performance without straining your wallet. By capitalizing on these opportunities, you can keep your running shoe game strong without spending a fortune.

Check Other Colors

Sometimes, different colors or styles of the same shoe model can be priced differently. Explore various options to find the best deal.

Compare Prices

Finding the best deals on running gear requires patience and research. Use online tools like Best Budget to compare prices and read reviews, making your search for affordable gear easier and more efficient.

Last Year’s Models

Don’t feel pressured to always have the latest and greatest running shoe model. Often, the differences between last year’s version and the current one are minimal in terms of performance. Yet, the savings can be substantial.

Retailers frequently discount older models to make way for new inventory. So, keep an eye out for these discounted gems, and you might just find a top-shelf pair for a fraction of the price!

Bargain Hunting

Department stores and outlet malls can be treasure troves for discounted running shoes. Big brands like Nike, Adidas, and Brooks often have stores in these locations, and they love to clear out slow-selling items, including running shoes, during semi-annual sales events. It’s a fantastic opportunity to find quality shoes at reduced prices.

Online Savings

The internet can be your best friend when it comes to finding deals on running shoes. According to, you can save around 40% (that’s roughly 40 bucks!) by shopping online. This option works best when you already know your feet well and are confident in your size and shoe preferences. Here are a few of our favorite online shoe sites:

  • Zappos: They offer a wide range of running shoes with free shipping and returns, making it a convenient and risk-free option.
  • ShoeKicker: This handy website helps you pinpoint the lowest possible prices on shoes in one place, saving you both time and money.
  • Shoebuy: With a price-match guarantee, Shoebuy promises to refund you 100% of the difference if you find a better deal elsewhere. This peace of mind can help you shop with confidence.

Check Outlet Stores

Outlet stores are another fantastic avenue for savings. A well-known brand like Nike, for instance, often offers its premium running shoes at outlet locations.

Brands like Nike and Adidas often have outlet stores with premium running shoes at lower prices. In fact, you could end up with discounts of 30% or more without compromising on quality.

Sign up For Newsletters

If you prefer brand-name products, subscribe to their newsletters to stay informed about major sales and discounts. You can also sign up for store newsletters to receive coupons and special offers. Consider creating a separate email address for these subscriptions to avoid clutter in your main inbox.

Quality Over Trends:

The most important piece of advice to keep in mind when looking for running shoes on a budget is to prioritize quality and functionality over the latest fashion trends. While it might be tempting to chase after the newest shoe models with flashy designs and marketing hype, the reality is that the right pair of running shoes should primarily serve your performance needs.

The end is gravy, so please keep performance the goal.

Run Long: Pro Tips to Extend the Life of Your Running Shoes

Are you wondering how to extend the life of your running shoes? Well, you’re in the perfect spot to find out.

If you’re an avid runner, you’ll quickly realize that running shoes aren’t invincible. They age, just like everything else.

In the running community, it’s generally agreed that a good pair of running shoes should last between 400 to 500 miles. Hard to picture? Think of it this way: for an average runner, that’s about six months of hitting the pavement or the trails.

But once your shoes hit that mileage mark, they start losing their mojo, potentially increasing your risk of injury. And trust me, running in shoes that are past their prime is like driving a car with bald tires – not a great idea.

But here’s the good news: with a bit of TLC, you can significantly extend the lifespan of your running shoes.

Today, I’m going to share some tips and tricks to help you do just that. I’ll explain why shoe care is so important, how it can breathe new life into your trusty trainers, and ultimately, how it can elevate your running experience.

Sounds like a good idea?

Let’s get started.

Get the Right Shoes

Let’s face it: when it comes to running, your shoes are more than just a fashion statement – they’re the backbone of your entire experience. The right pair of running shoes is like a trusty sidekick, offering cushioning, support, and even helping to prevent injuries.

So, how do you pick the perfect pair? Here’s a secret – it’s all about comfort. Sure, flashy brands and the latest trends can be tempting, but nothing beats how a shoe feels on your foot. I always say, “Choose comfort over trends,” and it’s a mantra that has never steered me wrong.

Don’t just take my word for it, though. A study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine backs this up, highlighting the importance of comfort in selecting the right running shoe. It’s reassuring to know that science agrees with what many runners have learned through trial and error.

But wait, there’s more. Your feet are as unique as your fingerprints, and the same goes for running shoes.

You need a pair that matches the shape and mechanics of your foot. If a shoe feels like it’s altering the way you walk or run, trust your instincts – it’s probably not the right fit for you.

Choosing the right shoes is a topic beyond today’s post. For more guidelines and tips, check the following posts:

  • Post 1
  • Post 2
  • Post 3
  • Post 4
  • Post 5
  • Post 6
  • Post 7

Use Your Running Shoes For Running Only

Remember, running shoes are designed specifically for running. It might seem obvious, but it’s a point worth emphasizing. When you use your running shoes for other activities – like grocery shopping or Zumba – you’re not only wearing them out faster, but you’re also diminishing their primary function.

Think of it this way: your running shoes have a mileage limit, around 400 to 500 miles. Every non-running step counts against this mileage, gradually wearing down your trusty shoes. It’s like having a dedicated dance partner who you bring to a football match – not quite the right fit, right? So, let’s keep our running shoes loyal to running. They’ll last longer and perform better that way.

Storing Your Shoes

Storing Your Running Shoes

Running shoes aren’t a big fan of extreme temperatures or the elements. Storing them in your shoebox after a run, leaving them in the scorching car trunk during a summer heatwave, or letting them chill outside in freezing weather – those are all fast tracks to shoe breakdown. And that’s not our goal here.

Here’s how to store them to prevent damage:

·       Cool and Dry: Store your shoes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Excessive heat can cause the materials to break down.

·       Elevated Space: Keep your shoes on a shelf or rack to prevent them from coming into contact with the ground. This reduces the risk of dust, dirt, and moisture accumulation.

·       Ventilation: Choose a well-ventilated area for storage to allow air to circulate around the shoes. This helps prevent odors and mold growth.

·       Avoid Compression: Don’t stack heavy objects on top of your shoes, as this can deform them over time.

Here are more tips on how to make your running shoes last longer.

Rorate Your Running Shoes

Did you know that switching up your running shoes might just be the secret weapon to keeping injuries at bay?

Switching up your running shoes can work wonders for preventing injuries.

A study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine throws in a surprising fact: runners who alternated between different shoe models over six months were 40% less likely to get hurt than those who stuck to one pair. It’s a compelling reason to diversify your shoe collection for a safer running experience.

Imagine you’re prepping for a big race and clocking in lots of miles. In such cases, consider rotating between two or more pairs of shoes. This isn’t just for the aesthetics of your shoe rack but about choosing the right shoe for each run. You wouldn’t wear shoes designed for sprints in a marathon, would you?

Additional resource – Guide to running lingo

Wash Your Running Shoes

It’s an undeniable fact: running shoes need a bath every now and then. But here’s a little secret: your running shoes aren’t fond of washing machines.

Instead of tossing them in with the laundry, get that dirt off by giving them a good wipe down with a shoe brush or a dry cloth after each run.

Cleaning your shoes regularly helps achieve the following:

·       Extended Lifespan: Removing dirt and debris prevents premature wear and tear, helping your shoes last longer.

·       Optimal Performance: Clean shoes maintain their original cushioning, support, and traction, ensuring you get the performance you paid for.

·       Hygiene: Keeping your shoes clean reduces the buildup of bacteria and fungi that can cause odors and foot issues.

Here’s a quick guide:

  • Go manual: Hand washing is the way to go. Tossing them into the machine can damage the structural integrity of your shoes.
  • The Right Cleaning Tools: Grab an old toothbrush or a nail brush. Pair it with a mild soap (anti-grease ones work wonders). A touch of water will help remove the stubborn stains, dirt, and those pesky mud spots.
  • No to the Dryer: The dryer’s heat can warp your shoes or affect their fit. Instead, let them bask in the sunlight and dry naturally.

Take them Off Properly

Taking off your running shoes properly is just as important as how you wear them. After a long run, it’s tempting to kick them off without a second thought, but that’s a shortcut to damaging them. Rough handling can stretch out the laces and distort the shape of the heel collar.

Here’s a more shoe-friendly way to take them off:

  • Always start by untangling and loosening your shoelaces. Yanking your shoes off with the laces still tied puts unnecessary stress on them, leading to wear and tear.
  • Consider using a shoehorn if you find it tough to slide your shoes on and off. This little tool helps maintain the shape of the heel and prevents damage.
  • And remember, stepping on one heel to remove the other shoe is a big no-no. It might seem convenient, but it can deform the heel counter, that critical part that gives your shoe its structure around the heel.

By treating your shoes with a bit of care and respect when taking them off, you’re not just maintaining their shape; you’re extending their life and ensuring they’re ready to go for your next run.

Replace Your Running Shoes

Every runner faces the inevitable moment when it’s time to say goodbye to their trusty running shoes. It’s a bittersweet farewell, dictated not by time but by miles.

The tricky part? There’s no universal rule for when to retire your shoes. Several factors influence their lifespan, including:

  • Running Terrain: Different terrains, like a smooth track or a rugged trail, wear down shoes at different rates.
  • Your Weight: The more weight the shoes bear, the quicker they may wear out.
  • Weekly Mileage: High mileage can significantly shorten a shoe’s life.
  • Training Intensity: Intense sprint sessions affect shoes differently than leisurely jogs.
  • Running Biomechanics: Each runner’s unique foot strike and gait pattern can alter how and where a shoe wears down.
  • Climate: Environmental factors like rain, snow, and heat also play a role in a shoe’s durability.

Although there’s no exact number, most running shoes tend to hit their stride between 500 and 600 miles. Pushing them beyond this point can lead to a less-than-ideal running experience and potentially increase injury risk.

Ignoring the recommended mileage limit can have several consequences:

  • Increased Risk of Injury: Worn cushioning means more impact on your feet and joints, potentially leading to issues like shin splints, stress fractures, or knee pain.
  • Reduced Performance: As shoes wear out, they can affect your running efficiency, impacting speed and endurance.
  • Unpredictable Traction: A worn outsole may offer less grip, increasing the risk of slips, especially on wet or uneven ground.
  • Discomfort: Breaking down materials can lead to uncomfortable runs, causing blisters or hot spots.

To keep track of your shoe mileage, consider using an app like MapMyRun. It’s a handy way to monitor how far each pair has traveled. If you’re more old-school, jotting down mileage in a notebook or keeping a simple Excel sheet works just as well. The key is to stay aware and proactive about your shoes’ condition.

Used vs New treadmills – Which is the Better Option?

When it comes to deciding between a new treadmill and a second-hand one, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It’s a conundrum with pros and cons on both sides. On one hand, purchasing a shiny, brand-new treadmill offers the allure of pristine quality and the security of a warranty.

On the other hand, opting for a second-hand treadmill can save you a significant amount of money while still allowing you to break a sweat.

However, the choice between new and used treadmills isn’t just about budget; it involves considering various factors.

In today’s article, I’ll delve into the pros and cons of buying a used treadmill to assist you in making this critical decision. We’ll explore essential aspects, including cost considerations, quality assessments, longevity expectations, and more.

So, are you ready to make an informed decision? Let’s dive in and explore your options.

Pros of Buying a Used Treadmill

Let’s dive into why opting for a pre-owned treadmill can be a savvy choice for your budget and overall value.

Affordable Prices:

Imagine walking into a fitness equipment store and spotting a top-of-the-line treadmill with a price tag that makes your wallet shiver in fear. It’s a staggering $2000, enough to give anyone financial pause. Now, take a detour into the world of used treadmills, and suddenly that same model can be yours for a mere $500-$700. Yes, you read that right—a fraction of the cost that leaves your hard-earned cash intact for other adventures.

Access to Higher Models:

This cost-effectiveness can open the door to higher-end treadmill models. What might be out of reach when new becomes accessible when it’s second-hand. You can enjoy premium features and quality without the premium price.

Lower Overall Investment:

Are you uncertain about your long-term commitment to treadmill workouts? If so, a used treadmill represents a lower financial burden, making it a less intimidating investment. It allows you to test the waters without diving in too deep.

Rapid Depreciation of New Treadmills:

Just like cars, treadmills depreciate rapidly, especially in the first few years after purchase. This depreciation means that the actual value of a new treadmill drops significantly once it’s been in use.

When you buy a used treadmill, much of this depreciation has already occurred. Therefore, if you decide to resell the treadmill later, you’re likely to recoup a larger percentage of your investment compared to reselling a new treadmill. It’s a smarter financial move in the long run.

Cons of Buying a Used Treadmill

Certainly, while there are many benefits to buying a used treadmill, it’s essential to consider the potential downsides.

Here are some of the cons associated with purchasing a pre-owned treadmill:

Unknown Usage History:

One of the primary concerns with a used treadmill is the lack of a clear usage history. It can be challenging to determine how much the treadmill has been used, the intensity of workouts it has endured, and whether it has been properly maintained. Questions about mileage and previous usage may remain unanswered, making it akin to comparing a well-taken-care-of sedan driven by a single cautious owner to a beaten-up jalopy passed around like a hot potato.

Potential Wear and Tear:

Second-hand treadmills can exhibit varying degrees of wear and tear, which may not be immediately visible. Critical components like the motor, belt, and electronics could have experienced significant stress, affecting their functionality and longevity. Some sellers may attempt to offload a poor-quality or malfunctioning treadmill, leaving you with a wobbly belt and a motor that gives up after only a few days of use.

No Manufacturer’s Warranty:

Unlike new treadmills that often come with a manufacturer’s warranty covering defects and repairs, used treadmills typically do not transfer this protection to new owners. This means you won’t have the safety net of warranty coverage, potentially exposing you to repair costs.

Risk of Additional Costs:

Without a warranty, any necessary repairs or replacements after purchase will be out-of-pocket expenses, potentially increasing the total cost of ownership.

Outdated Technology:

There’s a risk of purchasing older treadmill models that lack the latest features and technological advancements found in newer models. While this may not be a significant concern for everyone, those seeking advanced fitness tracking or interactive features may be disappointed.

Limited Support and Parts:

Older treadmill models might no longer be supported by the manufacturer, making it challenging to find replacement parts or receive service. This can be particularly problematic if the treadmill requires repairs or maintenance.

Pros Vs Cons of Buying a Used Treadmill – The Assessment

In conclusion, the decision between purchasing a new or used treadmill boils down to your tolerance for risk and your specific priorities. Each option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and it’s crucial to consider your individual circumstances and preferences. Here’s a summary of the assessment:

Buying a Used Treadmill:

  • Budget-Friendly: If budget is a primary concern, a used treadmill offers a cost-effective solution, allowing you to save a significant amount compared to buying new.
  • Eco-Friendly: Choosing a used treadmill aligns with sustainability goals by reducing the environmental impact associated with manufacturing new fitness equipment.
  • Potential Maintenance Costs: Be prepared for potential maintenance costs, as used treadmills may require repairs or replacements. It’s essential to prioritize finding well-maintained models.

Buying a New Treadmill:

  • Peace of Mind: A new treadmill comes with the assurance of a manufacturer’s warranty, providing peace of mind and protection against defects or issues.
  • Latest Features: New treadmills typically feature the latest technology and advancements, offering a smooth and up-to-date fitness experience.
  • Higher Cost: While new treadmills offer benefits, they come at a higher price point compared to used ones.

Ultimately, the choice should be based on your financial situation, fitness goals, and willingness to invest time and effort in the decision-making process. Regardless of your choice, it’s essential to arm yourself with knowledge, thoroughly inspect the machine, and, if possible, test it out before making a final decision. This way, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your needs and priorities.

What to Look for When Buying a Used Treadmill

Decided to go the used treadmill route? Ensuring that you get a good deal and a reliable machine requires careful consideration and examination. Here are the key steps to follow:

Conduct Thorough Research:

Before you start shopping for a used treadmill, it’s essential to understand the model’s features, specifications, and original pricing. This knowledge will help you assess whether the price you’re being offered is fair.

Familiarize yourself with the brand, model name, and any notable features. Researching common issues or defects associated with that model is also valuable. Online forums, reviews, and fitness equipment websites can be excellent sources of information.

Inspect Carefully:

When you come across a used treadmill, don’t rush into the purchase. Instead, take your time to thoroughly inspect the machine. Check for visible signs of wear and tear, including scuffs, scratches, or worn paint.

Examine the condition of the running belt; it should be in good shape without fraying or significant wear. Test the functionality of electronic components such as the display console, buttons, and heart rate monitors. Listen to the motor while it’s running to ensure it operates smoothly and quietly. Be sure to test various speed and incline settings to confirm that they work correctly.

Ask for History:

It’s crucial to gather information about the treadmill’s usage history. Ask the seller about how frequently it has been used and the types of workouts it has endured. Inquire about the maintenance routines followed, including whether the treadmill has been regularly lubricated and serviced.

Understanding the treadmill’s history can provide insights into its overall condition and potential issues. Also, ask the seller about their reason for selling the treadmill; this may reveal any undisclosed problems.

Real-World Pricing Examples

To gauge whether the price of the used treadmill is reasonable, it’s helpful to compare it to the prices of new treadmills with used ones.

Let me explain.

New Treadmills:

Prices for new treadmills can vary widely based on brand, features, and quality. Here’s a general price range:

  • Basic Model: New treadmills with basic features can start at around $500. These models are suitable for light to moderate use.
  • Mid-Range Model: A mid-range treadmill with more advanced features like incline settings and preset workouts might cost between $800 and $1500.
  • High-End Model: Premium treadmills with state-of-the-art technology, powerful motors, and extensive workout programs can range from $1500 to $3000 and above. These treadmills are designed for serious runners and fitness enthusiasts.

For instance, a new, state-of-the-art treadmill from a premium brand might cost $2500, whereas a more modest but new model from a less renowned brand could be priced around $800.

Used Treadmills:

The price of used treadmills can vary significantly depending on factors like brand, age, condition, and features. Here are some examples:

  • High-End Used Model: A high-end used treadmill, which might have originally cost $2500 or more when new, could be found in the used market for around $1200. This represents significant savings compared to buying new.
  • Basic Used Model: A less advanced used treadmill, especially if it’s an older model, could be priced as low as $300, depending on its condition and age. These can be budget-friendly options for those looking for basic functionality.


The price of treadmills, new or used, is not a straightforward matter.

By understanding the factors that affect pricing, you can set a more informed budget and identify the best value for your needs, whether you decide to buy a new or opt for a pre-owned machine.

The Smart Shopper’s Guide to Scoring the Best Used Treadmills

Are you on the lookout for the perfect used treadmill? You’ve just hit the jackpot because you’re exactly where you need to be (and yes, that pun was totally intended)!

Setting up a home gym or just spicing up your workout routine? A treadmill often becomes the star of the show.

But let’s face it, these fitness buddies can sometimes be a bit too pricey, right? If you’re not keen on spending a fortune but still want to jog your way to fitness, we’ve got a solution.

Enter the world of second-hand treadmills – your wallet’s new best friend. Why go for a used one, you ask? Here’s the scoop: top-quality treadmills are like the tanks of the fitness world, they’re built to endure.

So, a gently used model can offer you the same top-notch performance as its brand-new counterpart but at a fraction of the cost.

I’ve already chatted about the how-tos of choosing and buying used treadmills, but there’s one burning question that deserves its very own spotlight: “Where on earth do you find these high-quality used treadmills?” That’s what I’m here to spill the beans on today.

In this article, I’m going to share my top secrets and insights on where to scout for these pre-owned gems that won’t leave your bank account gasping for air.

Sounds like a good deal?

Let’s get started.

Why Opt for a Used Treadmill?

Choosing a used treadmill over a new one isn’t just about saving money; it’s a sustainable choice that benefits both your finances and the environment. Let’s explore several reasons why opting for a used treadmill can be a valuable addition to your fitness routine.

  • Maximizing Value for Money: Used treadmills are often available at a significantly reduced price compared to new models, offering substantial cost savings. This lower price point opens up access to higher-end models with advanced features, providing excellent value for your investment.
  • A Step Towards Sustainability: Opting for a used treadmill contributes to environmental sustainability by extending the lifespan of the equipment. This choice helps reduce waste and promotes a circular economy, aligning with eco-friendly principles.
  • Potential for High-Quality Finds: When you know where to look, you can discover many used treadmills in excellent condition, having seen light use from their previous owners. In some cases, you may even come across commercial-grade treadmills known for their durability and superior performance.

Second-Hand Stores

Looking for the best-used treadmills? Then, you should start with second-hand stores and fitness equipment outlets.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Varied Selection: These stores often have a diverse range of treadmills, from basic models to more advanced ones.
  • Condition Range: Treadmills in second-hand stores can vary greatly in condition. Some may be nearly new, while others might show more signs of wear.
  • Opportunity to Negotiate: Many second-hand stores allow room for price negotiation, offering the chance to secure a better deal.

Sold out on the idea? Then let me give you a few recommendations:

  • Play It Again Sports: A well-known chain that specializes in used sports and fitness equipment, including treadmills. They offer a mix of individual and commercial-grade options.
  • The Fitness Resource: Known for a wide selection of used and refurbished fitness equipment, including treadmills.
  • Local Thrift Stores: Don’t overlook local thrift stores or charity shops, as they occasionally receive donations of fitness equipment.
  • Specialty Fitness Equipment Stores: Some areas have local stores that focus on selling used and refurbished gym equipment. These stores often provide a warranty even on used items.

Scour the Digital Marketplace

The online marketplace provides a vast and varied platform for finding used treadmills. From widely-known websites to more niche online communities, there’s no shortage of places to search.

Here are some of my favorite platforms and essential tips for navigating these digital spaces safely.

  • eBay: A global marketplace known for its vast selection. You can find treadmills from private sellers and professional dealers.
  • Craigslist: Ideal for local deals, Craigslist allows you to find treadmills nearby, which can save on shipping costs and enable in-person inspections.
  • Facebook Marketplace: A growing platform for local and regional sales, offering the ability to communicate directly with sellers and see their profiles.
  • OfferUp and Letgo: User-friendly apps for buying and selling locally. They often feature a range of used treadmills at various price points.
  • GymTrader and FitnessEquipmentEmporium: Niche sites specializing in used fitness equipment, where you can often find higher-quality treadmills.

Gym Equipment Liquidators

In essence, liquidators sell equipment from gyms that are upgrading their gear or closing down. That’s why they often offer commercial-grade treadmills at significantly reduced prices.

The best way to find a gym equipment liquidator is to search online for one in your area or check for advertisements in fitness-related publications.

Online Refurbished Equipment Retailers

Another useful option is to check online refurbished equipment retailers. These specialize in selling refurbished gym equipment, including treadmills. Refurbished models are often thoroughly inspected and repaired, offering a like-new experience.

I’d recommend looking for online retailers with positive reviews and transparent refurbishing processes. Not every retailer out there does their job well, so you’ll have to dig through and do your research. Plus, check if they offer warranties or guarantees on their products.

Community Forums and Social Media Groups

The internet is to the rescue. Fitness and social media groups can be great resources for finding used treadmills. Members often post about equipment sales or can offer recommendations.

To make the most out of this, make sure to join any local fitness group or forums. Next, engage in these communities and ask for a head-up on upcoming sales or exclusive deals.

Fitness Centers and Local Gyms

Do you prefer the direct approach? Then this one is for you. Sometimes, local gyms sell their old equipment directly to customers. Contacting them directly can lead to first-hand deals.

All you have to do is keep an eye out for announcements or notices in local gyms about equipment sales or upgrades.

Specialty Fitness Stores

Some stores accept trade-ins and sell these used treadmills. They usually inspect and repair the equipment before resale.

Try finding the nearest one, then visit the store to check their inventory and get expert advice on choosing the right treadmill.

Making the Right Choice

Finding the right place for your used treadmill is just one piece of the puzzle. You also need to make sure you’re making the right choice by buying the used machine.

Here are a few tips to help you get started on the right path.

  • Research the Seller: Check the seller’s history and reviews. Reliable sellers usually have positive feedback and a record of past sales.
  • Ask Detailed Questions: Look at the treadmill’s age, usage history, any repairs done, and the reason for selling. Request current photos or videos to verify the condition.
  • Arrange Safe Payment Options: Use secure payment methods and avoid transactions that seem suspicious. Be wary of sellers who request untraceable payment methods.

Inspecting a Used Treadmill

When you’re about to buy a used treadmill, it helps to know what to look for to make sure you get a quality machine that meets your fitness needs.

Here’s what to check for:

Motor Condition

Listen to the motor for any unusual noises. A well-functioning motor should run smoothly and quietly. As you already know, the motor is the heart of the treadmill. Any irregular sounds or overheating issues can indicate wear or internal damage.

Belt Condition

Examine the belt for any signs of fraying, cracks, or excessive wear. Walk on the treadmill to feel for any slippage or sticking. Why? The belt’s condition can affect the safety and performance of the treadmill. Replacing a worn belt can be costly.

Electronic Functions

Test all the console functions, including the display, speed adjustments, incline settings, and any pre-programmed workouts. It should come as no surprise, but faulty electronics can limit the functionality of the treadmill and could be expensive to repair.

Stability and Frame

Ensure the treadmill frame is sturdy and free from any cracks or significant rust. Check the stability during use. A stable and robust frame ensures safety during workouts and the longevity of the machine.

The Price Of a Second-Hand Treadmill

When it comes to determining the fair price for a used treadmill, consider these steps to ensure a successful negotiation:

  1. Research Retail Prices:
    • Visit the manufacturer’s website or popular online retailers like Amazon to find the retail price of the treadmill model you’re interested in.
    • Check out used sporting goods stores, such as Play It Again Sports, to gather a rough estimate of the acceptable price range.
  2. Consider Brand Reputation:
    • Keep in mind that the reputation of the brand plays a significant role in pricing. Reputable brands often command higher prices in the used market due to their quality and durability.
    • Be cautious when dealing with lesser-known brands with questionable records and customer reviews. In such cases, aim for a price that aligns with your budget.
  3. Negotiate Fairly:
    • Start the negotiation process, aiming to reach a price that satisfies both you and the seller.
    • Be aware that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. If a store offers tempting discounts, check for hidden fees, such as delivery and set-up charges.

By following these steps, you can navigate the negotiation process confidently and secure a fair price for your used treadmill without any surprises along the way.

The Cambivo Non Slip Exercise Mat Full Review

Whether you’re a regular runner looking to invest in a yoga mat or a yogi who loves to run, getting the right mat for the job is key.

Yoga is a convenient and easy way to stretch and strengthen your body. But your experience can be less convenient if you’re using a low-quality yoga mat.

That’s why a premium mat is a worthwhile investment. Practicing Yoga on a slippery towel, rug, or super-soft gym cushion can cause pain and injury. Sure, most yoga studios and gyms provide mats for their members, but owning your can be the more hygienic option.

What’s more?

If you prefer to do yoga post-run, a high-quality NON-SLIP mat can make a huge difference in your practice. You’ll need a mat that provides enough grips for your hands and feet so you won’t have to constantly adjust your position—or, God forbid—fall flat on your face.

Although there are many options available, if you’re looking to buy your first—or new—mat, I recommend the CAMBIVO Large Non-Slip Exercise Mat.

This mat is incredibly supportive yet lightweight while also offering the thick and reliable cushioning you expect from a high-quality mat.

The mat is also made from eco-friendly material, has a non-slip surface on both sides, and is pretty big—like really big.

But before we into why this yoga mat is such a great choice, let’s first explain some of the benefits yoga has to offer runners.

Why Runners Need Yoga In Their Lives?

Runners from all levels and backgrounds can benefit from regular yoga practice. The physical, emotional, and mental aspects of Yoga can help you increase strength, prevent injury distress, improve focus—to name a few.

What’s not to like!

The two main benefits yoga offers runners are the following:

Helps With Flexibility

Runners are notoriously known for their tight hips, hamstrings, and calves.

Fortunately, Yoga has some of the best stretches that focus on improving blood flow and flexibility to these key running muscles. This, in turn, not only speeds up recovery but can also improve your performance and protect you against injury.

Improve Total Body Strength

Logging the miles involves a repetitive movement that uses virtually the same muscles over and over.

However, Yoga training engages all of your muscles in a position very different from running.

That’s why doing Yoga regularly can help improve strength and stability within your hips and core, which is key for optimal and pain-free running.

Some other benefits of Yoga include:

  • Improves breathing control and capacity
  • Improve running form
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Weight loss and management
  • Improves focus
  • Improves mobility
  • Improves sleep
  • Enhances well-being
  • And so much more.

How to Get Started

Do you know what the best part about Yoga is?

It’s easy to get started. All you need is the right mat, and a few simple Yoga poses to perform.

Since Yoga has exploded in popularity over the last few decades, there are a ton of types of yoga mats to choose from. This can prove tricky, especially if you don’t know what type of yoga mat you need.

One great yoga mat to try out is the CAMBIVO Large Non-Slip Exercise Mat.

Here are the reasons why you should go for this brand.

Super comfortable

The Cambivo Yoga mat is designed to provide the most comfortable yoga experience. The mat’s thickness lets you easily perform virtually any yoga pose, Yin pose, Stretch, and Pilates.

You can also perform barefoot bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, planks, lunges on the mat.


As someone who tends to sweat a lot, especially post-workout, having a mat with a great grip is non-negotiable.

The mat features honeycomb bottom grips designed to prevent it from sliding around and provides stability on most soft or hard surfaces. You’ll feel easily secured and grounded on the mat as you go through your practice.

Great Cushioning

The Cambivo features a 6mm thickness for stellar cushioning and is resilient for practitioners with excellent stability in any pose.

The thicker the mat, the more cushion to your muscles, bones, and joints. This helps take some pressure away from your joint to protect you from injury. This makes the mat perfect for newbies who require extra padding or just want a bit more comfort.

What’s more?

This oversized mat also protects your carpets and floors from damage during training and reduces noise caused by exercise.

Just keep in mind that thicker mats also test your balance.

Designed For Tall People

Looking for a mat that will allow you to stretch into every position? Then The Cambivo yoga mat has you covered.

The Cambivo yoga mat was designed for taller individuals and those who need longer and wider exercise space by offering extra space to stretch and practice.

At around six feet (72″) long and four feet (48″) wide, The Cambivo yoga Mat is around the double side of your typical yoga studio mat for all-purpose workouts. Thanks to this space, you won’t ever feel limited or restricted by the size of this mat.

For this reason, this yoga mat might be better suitable for home and than to take to a yoga studio since the length requires more space than the typical size mat.

Tear Resistance

The Cambivo yoga mat is constructed with an extra mesh fiber layer in the middle, which improves the durability and lifespan of the mat.

As long as you’re taking good care of your yoga mat, it can last you for a very, very long time. This alone makes paying the extra buck for the Cambivo yoga mat worth it over the long haul.


There you have it! If you’re in the market for a new yoga mat, then the Cambivo yoga mat is exactly what you need.

So what are you waiting for?

Get the yoga mat here for $120 and use the coupon code B24FBW8AB9JV to get 20 Percent OFF!

How To Choose A Running Jacket

running jacket

Looking for the best running jacket to help protect you throughout the cold season? Then you have come to the right place.

Choosing the proper running jacket depends on factors such as weather conditions, run duration, and your personal preference.

That’s why when it comes to workout jackets, there are a lot of options to consider, but keeping the following in mind while choosing a running jacket should help you make the right decision.

Feel excited?

Then here we go.

How To Choose A Running Jacket

First things first, let’s discuss what’s the difference between a waterproof jacket and a water-resistant one.

As the name implies, a waterproof jacket will NEVER let water—or pouring rain—penetrate the fabric.

These jackets usually feature taped seams to prevent water from seeping in while also moving the sweat away from the body.  However, keep in mind that lack of taping doesn’t inherently mean that the jacket is of poor quality.

On the other hand, a water-resistant jacket will allow some moisture in after some time. Generally, these can keep the water out for about 30 to 45 minutes. Good luck after that.

Additional resource  – Here’s the full guide to winter running clothes.

Breathability of Running Jacket

While preventing pouring rain from seeping in is important, a jacket’s breathability can be just as important.

The IDEAL running jacket should protect against the elements but without causing overheating. That’s why it should be made from protective but also breathable materials.

When a running jacket lacks breathability, the exercise-induced moisture gets trapped inside the garment and condenses, turning your run into an uncomfortable experience.


A good running jacket should provide protection without hindering performance. That’s why it should be as lightweight as possible, designed in slim and ergonomic cut, which provides the highest level of movement freedom.

What’s more?

A lightweight jacket can also be packed in your gym back or suitcase to keep handy in case of weather conditions change all of a sudden.

How To Choose A Running Jacket

High Visibility

Running in winter—or when it’s dark in general—can put your safety at risk.

Luckily, choosing a running jacket constructed with high visibility fabrics can help.

Reflective materials allow you to stay more visible when running early in the morning or at night.

Usually, these reflective details is placed around high-motion areas of the jacket, such as the elbows, allowing for light to reflect nonstop off your body.

Additional resource  – Your guide to running belts

Proper Fit

For a running jacket to work well, it should fit well. That’s why you never go for a running jacket that’s too tight to put over other layers.

The main rule is to wear an exercise jacket you can move in, whether you prefer looser styles or a more streamlined fit.

When trying the jacket, make sure you have a full range of arm movement. The jacket should adapt to your movement without feeling restrictive, especially when you swing your arms or taking deep breaths.

The best ones are typically designed with stretch panels and flatlock seams that won’t irritate.

Price Of A Running Jacket

Your budget matters when choosing a running jacket.

Expect to pay anywhere between $60 to $300, depending on the brand and intended use of the jacket.

If you’re on a budget but also prefer quality clothing, I’d recommend going for a mid-range jacket, or about $100 to $140. The price shoots up with an extra feature or more advanced technologies.

Also, keep in mind that a waterproof jacket usually costs a little bit more than a water-resistant jacket. You’re also paying for research, development, and performance of the material. Can’t complain.

Additional resource – How to choose running gloves

How To Choose A Running Jacket – Conclusion

There you have it. If you’re looking for the best guidelines on how to choose a proper running jacket, then today’s article has you covered. The rest is just details.