VO2 Max Charts Explained – How to Find Your V02 Max Score The Easy Way (2023 Update)

If you’re into fitness—like me—you’ve probably heard the term “VO2 Max” thrown around.

Maybe you’ve picked up that it’s got something to do with oxygen and exercise, and you’re on the right track!

In essence, VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen you can tap into during and it’s a critical fitness metric.

The higher your VO2 max, the longer and more intense you can perform.

However, it’s also one of those terms that can sound super technical, especially when looking at VO2 Max charts.

But trust me, it’s not as complex as it seems, and once you get the hang of it, you’ll find it’s a valuable tool in your fitness journey.

Let me break it down further.

So, What Exactly is VO2 Max?

As I said before, VO2 Max is the maximum volume of oxygen your body can use during intense exercise. It’s measured in either liters per minute (L/min) or milliliters per minute per kilogram of body weight (mL/min/kg).

Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • V in VO2 stands for volume.
  • O2 is oxygen, of course.
  • Max refers to the maximum.

Think of VO2 Max like the horsepower in a car. It tells you how much “power” your body can produce with the oxygen it consumes.

The higher your score, the longer and faster you can keep going—whether running, swimming, biking, or doing any other aerobic activity.

How VO2 Max Works in Your Body

Several factors, primarily influence your VO2 Max:

  1. Lung and Heart Capacity: The bigger your lungs and heart, the more oxygen-rich blood they can pump.
  2. Capillary Delivery: How efficiently your body delivers oxygen to your muscles.
  3. Muscle Efficiency: How well your muscles use the oxygen to generate energy.

In practical terms, improving any of these factors will boost your VO2 Max and, in turn, your endurance and performance.

When I started focusing on lung capacity through specific breathing exercises, I noticed a tangible difference in my stamina during long runs.

Types of VO2 Max Measures

There are two main ways to measure VO2 Max:

  1. Absolute VO2 Max: This is expressed in liters per minute and tells you the total amount of oxygen your body can consume in a minute. Factors like your body size and physiology influence it.
  2. Relative VO2 Max: This is more individualized and measures oxygen consumption per kilogram of body weight, allowing for better comparisons between people of different sizes.

For runners like me, relative VO2 Max is often the more useful metric since it gives you a better idea of how fit you are for your size.

What Factors Affect VO2 Max?

VO2 Max varies from person to person and is influenced by a few key factors:

  • Age: Most people hit their peak VO2 Max in their late 20s or early 30s. After that, it decreases by about 10% every decade. But don’t worry, regular training can slow this decline even as you age.
  • Gender: On average, men tend to have higher VO2 Max scores than women due to larger hearts, more blood volume, and greater muscle mass. That said, women can still achieve impressive scores with the right training.
  • Heredity: Genetics account for about 10-30% of your VO2 Max, so some of us have a natural head start. But hard work can always make a difference!
  • Altitude: The higher you go, the less oxygen in the air can lower your VO2 Max. I remember my first high-altitude run—it was brutal!
  • Training: VO2 Max is highly trainable. With consistent effort, you can increase your score by up to 20%, depending on your current fitness level and how you train.

 VO2 Max and Athletic Performance

If you aim to boost your athletic performance, VO2 Max is a useful metric, but it’s not the whole story.

Athletes with similar VO2 Max scores can perform very differently depending on techniques, mental toughness, and muscle efficiency. For example, a runner with excellent form and a well-structured training plan will outpace someone with a higher VO2 Max but poor form.

It’s also worth noting that having a high VO2 Max in one sport doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll excel in others.

For example, Eliud Kipchoge might dominate the marathon, but that doesn’t mean he could switch to swimming and be just as successful. Different sports require different skill sets, even if they all rely on aerobic fitness.

More Benefits

Research found the V02 Max drastically impacts your lifespan.

A low score has been correlated with higher risks of cardiovascular disease, according to the American Heart Association (AHA).

The next two VO2max charts show the ideal fitness levels for reducing your risk of cardiovascular diseases, according to research from the Cooper Institute.

VO2 max chart

Source – Whyexercise.com

Congratulation for those who are in the blue zone, your fitness level is impeccable.

For those in the yellow and green zone, you can still reduce your risks by making a few lifestyle changes—one of them is improving your V02 Max (more on that later).

What’s a Good VO2 Max? 

Like any fitness metric, there’s no one-size-fits-all “good” VO2 Max score.

Several factors influence it, and what’s considered a good score for one person may be different for someone else.

For example:

  • A non-trained male might have a VO2 Max of around 30 to 40 mL/kg/min, while a non-trained female might be closer to 27 to 30 mL/kg/min.
  • Elite male athletes can have VO2 Max scores as high as 90 mL/kg/min, and elite female athletes can hit the 80s.

If you’re in your 30s, a good score might be around 50-55 mL/kg/min for men and 45-50 mL/kg/min for women. The higher your number, the better your aerobic fitness.

Here are some VO2 Max charts for good averages based on gender, age, and fitness taken from top-end sports, that show normative data in different population groups.

VO2 max charts

VO2 max chart

VO2 Max Averages by Fitness Level

Let’s break it down with some numbers to give you a general idea:

  • Non-trained male: Around 30 to 40 mL/kg/min
  • Non-trained female: Roughly 27 to 30 mL/kg/min
  • Elite male athletes: Can reach as high as 90 mL/kg/min
  • Elite female athletes: Around 77 to 80 mL/kg/min

For a 30-year-old man, a VO2 Max score between 50-55 mL/kg/min is considered good, while for a 30-year-old woman, a score between 45-50 mL/kg/min is solid.

As a rule of thumb, the closer your score gets to 60, the better your aerobic fitness.

VO2 max testing

Endurance Training And VO2’max

As you can already tell, VO2 max is key to top-notch athletic performance

The living proof? Renowned ultra-endurance runner Kilian Jornet was reported at 92.0 ml/kg/min during the peak of his conditioning, while Norwegian cross country skier Espen Harald Bjerke scored 96.0 ml/kg/min.

v02 max chart

How to Measure your VO2 Max

How to Measure Your VO2 Max

There are several ways to measure your VO2 Max, ranging from high-tech lab tests to simpler, submaximal tests you can do on your own. Let’s dive into both options.

The VO2 Max Lab Test: The Gold Standard

A lab test is the most accurate way to get a true VO2 Max reading. Here’s how it works:

  1. The Mask: You’ll wear an oxygen mask that measures the concentrations of inspired and expired air as you exercise.
  2. The Workout: You’ll start at a low intensity, then gradually increase the difficulty by adding resistance, speed, or incline (depending on the machine). The test continues until you reach exhaustion.
  3. The Reading: Your VO2 Max is recorded when your oxygen consumption plateaus, despite increasing exercise intensity.

I’ve done this test myself, and while it’s super accurate, it’s also expensive and not something you need to do unless you’re an elite athlete or serious about your training.

Le’t’s check the alternatives.

Submaximal VO2 Max Tests

For most of us, a lab test isn’t necessary. Instead, you can use submaximal tests to estimate your VO2 Max. They’re not as precise but still provide valuable insights.

Here are a couple of easy tests to try:

1. The Cooper 12-Minute Run Test

Dr. Kenneth Cooper developed this test and is a great way to estimate your VO2 Max. It’s simple, requires minimal equipment, and gives you a reliable reading of your aerobic capacity.

How to Perform the Cooper Test:

  1. Warm up for 10 minutes with a light jog and some dynamic stretches.
  2. Find a flat track or road and run as hard as possible for 12 minutes. The goal is to cover as much distance as possible.
  3. Record the distance you covered, then use a formula to estimate your VO2 Max:

Formula: VO2 Max = (Distance in meters – 504.9) / 44.73

For example, if you ran 2,200 meters, your VO2 Max would be: VO2 Max = (2200 – 504.9) / 44.73 = 37.97 mL/kg/min.

Not bad, right?

Let’s check the Vo2 max chart related to the Cooper Method

Cooper VO2 max

The Astrand Treadmill Test

Another submaximal test you can do is the Astrand Treadmill Test. It’s straightforward, but it will push you to your limits.

How it works:

  1. Set the treadmill speed to 5 mph (8 km/h).
  2. Start with no incline for three minutes, then increase the incline by 2.5% every two minutes while maintaining the same speed.
  3. Run until you reach exhaustion, then record your total time.

Once you have your time, you can use a simple formula to calculate your VO2 Max: VO2 Max = (Time in minutes x 1.44) + 14.99

For example, if you lasted 13 minutes, your calculation would be: 13 x 1.44 = 18.72 18.72 + 14.99 = 33.71 mL/kg/min.

The Rockport Fitness Walking Test


3. The Rockport Fitness Walking Test

The Rockport Fitness Walking Test is perfect for you if you prefer walking to running. It was developed in the 80s and is easy to self-administer.

How to perform it:

  1. Find a level 1-mile track or road.
  2. Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. Walk one mile as fast as you can without breaking into a run.
  4. Record your time and your heart rate at the end.

Formula: VO2 Max = 132.853 – (0.0769 x Weight) – (0.3877 x Age) + (6.315 x Gender) – (3.2649 x Time) – (0.1565 x Heart rate)

The math looks complicated, but once you plug in your numbers, it’s a great way to estimate your VO2 Max without fancy equipment.

Still want more V02 Max tests?

There are many methods for estimating VO2’max scores and different types of VO2 max charts.

Maybe you heard a similar term but different methods.

Here are some of the most reliable ones.

These should be suitable for any fitness and lifestyle—even if you can’t walk:

How to Increase Your VO2 Max

Increasing your maximal oxygen consumption won’t help you automatically run, swim, or ride faster.

But it’s a step in the right direction.

So, what’s the fastest (and legal) way to improve your VO2 Max?

Is it:

(a) Diet

(b) Sleep

(c) Steady-state cardio training

(d) High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

(e) Altitude training

If you answered (d), you’re on the right path.

According to research, high-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT for short, is the ideal way of improving your peak oxygen intake, as it challenges your cardiovascular system to work to maximum effort.

The more you push yourself (the higher the RPE Scale), the better.

HIIT workouts consist of performing intervals of intense aerobic exercise, like running, spinning, or swimming, taking a recovery break, then repeating the whole cycle for a specific amount of time.

Here are two specific workout routines to help you boost your VO2 Max:

  1. Track Workout: Run five 1,000-meter intervals at near-max intensity, with two to three minutes of recovery between intervals.
  2. Treadmill Incline Workout: Set the treadmill to an 8% incline and do five two-minute intervals at maximum effort, with two minutes of rest in between.

How to Improve Your VO2 Max

Improving your VO2 Max takes time, effort, and consistency, but it’s worth it. Here are some of the best ways to boost your VO2 Max:

  1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): I hate to sound like a broken record, but research shows that HIIT is one of the most effective ways to improve your VO2 Max.
  2. Steady-State Cardio: While HIIT is great for fast improvements, longer steady-state cardio sessions (like long runs) also improve your VO2 Max. Mix it up for the best results.
  3. Altitude Training: Training at higher elevations forces your body to use oxygen more efficiently, which can increase your VO2 Max over time.
  4. Cross-Training: Activities like cycling, swimming, and rowing can also improve your cardiovascular capacity without the repetitive impact of running.

Take It Slow

Training to improve VO2 Max is tough, so don’t rush it.

 Gradually increase the intensity and volume of your workouts, and always allow time for recovery. Avoid doing VO2 Max workouts on back-to-back days. As with any fitness goal, consistency is key, so stay the course, and you’ll see results over time.

Got more questions, or looking for more VO2 Max workout ideas? Drop them in the comments—I’m always happy to help!