How to Find the Perfect Running Watch for You

As runners well all know, having the correct gear and accessories can make the all the difference between a pretty good run and an absolutely excellent one. When it comes to improving on our times and performance, a running watch is one of the most important pieces of equipment a runner can own. With so many different models on the market these days, choosing yourself the perfect running watch can be a difficult and sometimes overwhelming task. But with a few simple tips, you can find a watch that fits your needs and budget without too much stress. This article will help you find the perfect running watch for you. We’ll discuss what features are important, how to choose from different styles, and give you some advice on finding the best options for you.

From tracking distance and pace to monitoring heart rate and analyzing sleep, the features of running watches vary greatly. It’s important to determine which functions are necessary for you when selecting your perfect watch. Consider how you plan to use it—if you’re a serious runner who takes part in races and you are looking to improve your times, you most probably will want a running watch that includes GPS tracking and advanced metrics. If you’re more of a casual runner, a basic watch with distance tracking may be sufficient. Once you decide on the features that are important to you, it’s easier to narrow down the selection of available watches.

When choosing a running watch, there are several different styles and designs to choose from. If you’re looking for something sleek and stylish, consider a traditional wristwatch. If you’re looking for something more durable and functional, an action sports watch may be the right choice. For runners who want to track their progress over time, a smartwatch with Bluetooth capabilities could be a great option. Think about what style best fits your lifestyle and needs before making any decisions.

By taking the time to research and compare different running watches, you can find the perfect one for your needs and budget. Knowing what features are important to you and finding a style that fits your lifestyle will help make sure you get the most out of your watch. With these tips, you’ll be able to find the perfect running watch for you.

The biggest mistakes to avoid when choosing the perfect running watch for you

When you decide to invest in a running watch, it can be hard to know where to start. With so many options out there, it can be easy to get overwhelmed and choose the wrong one for you. To help make sure that your purchase is the right one, here are some of the biggest mistakes to avoid when trying to find the perfect running watch for you.

The first mistake to avoid is buying a watch that doesn’t have enough features or accuracy for your needs. If you are a serious competitive runner, you will need a running watch with the latest GPS tracking technology and plenty of training data metrics such as heart rate monitoring, pace tracking, and interval timers. On the other hand as we mentioned above, if you are a casual runner who is just starting out and running a couple of times per week and seeing where things go, you don’t need all the bells and whistles on your device, there are plenty of simpler watches that will still provide you with the basic performance tracking that you need without breaking the bank.

The second mistake we find may users make is going for aesthetics and style above the functionality of the running watch itself. As we mentioned there are so many different options on the market currently when it comes to running watches, not only are there many various different functions available but also many different shapes and sizes. Never let the look of a running watch put you off buying it if it has all the functions you are looking for. Remember you are buying this running watch to improve your performance not your style. You can always keep this watch for running and have a dress watch for the evening or just improve the look of your running watch with some new smartwatch bands for your device.

Also, something else very important to consider is battery life. There is no point having the fanciest running watch with the most amazing features ever created, if half way through your run you look down at your watch to see a blank screen staring back at you. If you plan on running long distances or if you like to track your runs for days at a time, make sure to purchase a watch that has enough battery life to last. Firstly look at the product description for the running watch you are considering purchasing and see if the battery life the brand is claiming would be suitable for how you are planning on using it. After this take time to read review forums online regarding that specific watch and make sure that claims made by the company are somewhat correct from other real users of the device. This way you will get a better idea of the actual battery life of the watch rather than just what is being claimed by the company. Follow this advice to make certain you never yourself in the middle of nowhere with no way to track your run and an empty battery.

As we touched on before, selecting the perfect running watch for you can be a tricky and even daunting task to runners of all abilities and financial means. With so many styles, designs, and features available on the market, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. But one thing that we would urge all runners to consider before making their purchase is to try the watch on in person.

Trying on a running watch is important because it ensures that the watch will be comfortable and convenient for you to use. Even if a watch looks great online or in a store, it may not feel as good when worn on your wrist. It may feel much heavier that you expected or the buttons and display a little more clunky. You should be able to easily access all the features of the watch without having to fumble with buttons or straps. A well-fitting watch can also help you stay motivated to reach your goals, as it will be comfortable enough for you to wear all day long.

Another reason why trying on a running watch is important is because of its size. The size of the watch should be appropriate – not too big and not too small – in order to ensure that all the features can be easily accessed and used. You want a watch that fits you well, instead of one that will constantly be slipping off your wrist or feel too tight.

Finally, trying on the running watch before purchasing it can help you decide if it is suitable for the type of running you plan to do. As we spoke about above, different running watches come with complete with varying features, such as tracking options for speed, distance, and heart rate. Depending on the type of runs you plan to do, some watches may be more beneficial than others. Therefore it is important to understand which features are most important for your specific needs before making a purchase.

By trying on the running watch beforehand, you can ensure that you have chosen the perfect one for you. This way, you can be confident that your watch will be comfortable and suitable for the type of running you plan to do. With the right running watch, you can stay motivated and reach your goals with ease!

In conclusion, finding the perfect running watch for you is no small feat no matter what your running ability or the size of your budget. There are so many watches out there from various brands that offer different features and cater to different needs. It can be daunting knowing where to start or what to look for in a good running watch. To make sure you get the best possible product for your money, keep the following tips and tricks in mind when searching: research models and check user reviews, try before you buy if possible, focus on functionality over aesthetics, considering the battery life and making sure the claims are correct by reading reviews on this.  By avoiding these common mistakes when shopping for a running watch, you’ll be sure to find the ideal fit for your needs and ultimately enjoy a more rewarding running experience.

Run Strong, Run Smart: 25 Essential Core Exercises for Every Runner

Are you ready to take your running to the next level? Then you’re in luck because today, I’ve got over 25 killer core exercises that will help you do just that.

But before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s clear up a common misconception – running more isn’t the only way to improve your running game.

While it’s true that practice makes perfect, cross-training is an essential part of any well-rounded training program. It can improve your overall athleticism, prevent injury, and even enhance your running performance.

One of the most effective forms of cross-training for runners is strength training, specifically core training. The muscles in your core are some of the most critical muscles in your body, yet they’re often neglected in running training programs.

That’s why I’ve put together a list of the best core exercises for runners to help you strengthen those muscles and take your running game to the next level.

But before we jump into the exercises, let’s talk about why core strength is so important for runners. Not only does it improve your posture, balance, and stability, but it also helps you maintain good form and prevent injuries. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that core strength training improved running economy, which means you can run faster and longer with less effort.

So, are you ready to strengthen your core and improve your running game? Let’s get started with these killer exercises.

What Exactly Is The Core?

Let’s get to the core of the matter, shall we? Your core is much more than just a six-pack. In fact, it’s a complex network of muscles that extend beyond what meets the eye. Your core is a powerhouse of muscles connecting your pelvis, spine, and trunk to the rest of your body. Think of it as the foundation of a house – it supports and stabilizes everything on top of it.

When we talk about the core, we’re not just talking about the visible muscles that everyone obsesses over. Sure, your rectus abdominis, or “abs,” play a role, but they’re just a small piece of the puzzle. Your core also includes the transverse abdominis, which are the innermost muscles that wrap around your spine and sides, the erector spinae in your lower back, obliques on the sides of your abdomen, as well as other muscles like the glutes, scapula, flexors, and pelvic floor.

You might be wondering why does any of this matters? Well, having a strong core is essential for runners. A study published in the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy found that runners who had weak hip and core muscles were more prone to injuries like shin splints and plantar fasciitis. On the other hand, a strong core can help improve your running efficiency, reduce your risk of injury, and even boost your speed and endurance.

So, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned runner, incorporating core exercises into your training program can benefit you in more ways than one. Now, let’s dive into some of the best core exercises for runners that will help you build a strong foundation for your running game.

The Benefits of Core Exercises for Runners

Core training is like laying a solid foundation for a house. Just like how a strong foundation supports the entire structure, a strong core supports your entire body during running. So, what are the benefits of core training for runners? Buckle up because we’ve got a lot to cover.

Deep Abs Help You Run Faster

Let’s start with the obvious: faster running. When you have powerful rectus and transverse muscles – your lower and deep abs – you’ll be able to generate more speed and power as you push off the ground. It’s like having a turbocharger for your running engine.

Reduce injury risk

Research has reported that a strong body is more resilient to injury. And as far as I can tell, the muscles of the core are some of the most important muscles in your body that not only ensure performance but also keep your body structure together.

Maintain Stability

Neglecting proper core work can lead to inefficient movement, creating an imbalance in your gait that can cause trouble down the road. This can lead to issues like understriding or overstriding, which can not only affect your performance but also increase your risk of injury.

Cor Muscles Protect Your Lower Back

Speaking of injury, research shows that a strong core can reduce lower back pain and lower the risk of injury to this vulnerable area. Plus, a strong body, in general, is more resilient to injury, and the muscles of the core are some of the most important muscles in your body that not only ensure performance but also keep your body structure together.

Hello Six-Pack Abs.

Strengthening your core muscles will not only help you power through the late stages of a tough run or race, keeping form and drive throughout the run/race, but it can also give you the six-pack abs you’ve always dreamed of.

Note: The information listed is by no means an exhaustive list of the benefits that core training offers, but it should give you a clear idea of what you stand to gain by adding a few simple core exercises each week.

The 25 Best Core Exercises For Runners

There are plenty of exciting exercises that can help you achieve a stronger and more toned core. Recent studies have shown that compound exercises, which engage multiple muscle groups at once, are more effective at activating your core muscles than isolated exercises like crunches or sit-ups. So why not work smarter, not harder?

Now, let’s get down to business. This beginner-friendly routine includes a mix of abs-focused moves like the classic plank and compound exercises that hit your entire core. And the best part? You can do it anywhere, whether at the office, home, or gym.


I love planks.

This tough isometric exercise hits every angle of the core.

It also works on spinal stability, vital for efficient and pain-free running.

Proper Form

Lie on your stomach and prop yourself onto your toes and elbows with your feet slightly apart.

Your toes should be about hip distance apart, with your elbows resting on the ground in a straight line under your shoulders.

Now lift and straighten your body to form a straight line from your head to your heel. Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the exercise.

Gaze at the floor while keeping your head relaxed and stress-free.

Hold the plank position for 45 seconds.

For more of a challenge:

Hold the position for a full minute or more as you get stronger.

Additional Reading  – Does running give you abs?

Side Planks

This plank variation strengthens the obliques while building endurance throughout the core.

Just make sure you engage your obliques the entire time.

No cheating allowed!

Proper Form

Lie on your side, supporting your upper body on your lower forearm while holding your top arm at your side or up in the air.

Your feet should stack on top of each other.

While lifting your body, keep a straight diagonal line from your head to your feet.

Hold the position for 30 seconds to one full minute, then switch sides.

Balance Plank

An advanced plank variation that builds strength and endurance throughout the body.

Proper Form

Assume a plank position.

While keeping a straight line from your head to toe, hold the position, making sure your lower back, glutes, and abs are all engaged.

While holding the position, extend your left arm in front of you, return to position and then extend your right arm.

Then return to position and lift your right Leg off of the ground behind you, return to position and repeat with the left Leg.

Hold each new position for 3 to 5 seconds, and repeat the cycle for 45 seconds.

For even more of a challenge: Hold each position longer, or do crunches in a plank position by bringing your left elbow down to meet your right knee while lifting the knee, then switch sides.

Russian Twists

Russian twists are some of the best exercises for firing up side muscles.

Proper Form

Have a 5- to 15-pound medicine ball or weight next to you.

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your heels about a foot from your butt

Keeping your back straight, lean back slightly without rounding your spine to a 45-degree angle, and raise your feet off the floor.

Pick up the weight and hold it at chest level, then twist to the right, reaching with the ball as far behind you as possible.

Pause, then rotate to the other side.

Keep alternating sides.

For more of a challenge: Use a heavier medicine ball or dumbbell, or do more reps.


The Superman exercise targets your lower back muscles, vital for maintaining stability in the hip region.

Proper Form

Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended and raise your head off the floor slightly to look like Superman in flight.

While holding this pose, raise your left arm with your right leg roughly 3 to 5 inches off the floor, holding for a 5-second count.

Slowly lower your arm and Leg, and switch sides. Repeat for 45 seconds.

For more of a challenge: Hold the Superman pose longer and do more reps.

Single-Leg Glute Bridge

This excellent core exercise mainly targets the glutes, but other core muscles work hard as well.

Proper Form

Lie on your back with your legs bent at almost 90-degree angle and your feet flat on the floor.

While engaging your core, lift your hips off the ground, so there’s a straight line from your knees to your shoulder.

Extend your right Leg with your toes pointing toward the ceiling.

Hold for a moment, then lower your Leg to the floor and repeat on the other side.

Continue for 45 seconds.

Make sure to use good form throughout the exercise.

No sagging or dipping of the butt is allowed.

For more of a challenge: Flex your legs and reach them as high as you can while solely relying on your glutes to support you the entire time.

Windshield Wipers

Also known as metronomes, this is a powerful core exercise for your obliques.

It’s also key for building rotational core strength, another vital component of good performance.

Proper Form

Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and raised over your hips and your ankles parallel to the floor.

While engaging your core muscles and keeping your hips in contact with the floor, rotate your legs to the right, hold for a moment, then bring them back up and repeat the movement on the other side.

Aim for at least eight reps on each side.

Avoid swinging too fast and using the momentum of the movement.

For more of a challenge: Flex your toes and keep your Leg straight while doing the exercise, or hold the pose longer on each side.

Scorpion Planks:

This tough move will not only give your core a tough workout but also build strength and mobility in your upper body.

Scorpion planks also help you stretch out your hip flexors and obliques, which are often neglected.

Proper Form

Assume a push-up position with your hands on the floor and the balls of your feet resting on a low chair or a bench.

Keep your back and legs aligned in a straight form.

Lift your left Leg off the bench and cross your knee under your body toward your right shoulder as far as you can, then return it to the bench and do the same with your right knee and left shoulder.

Repeat for 45 seconds

For more of a challenge, add a push-up to the top of every scorpion move you make.

The Boat

A fantastic exercise to strengthen your erector spinae, rectus abdominis, and the hip flexors.

Proper form

Begin by sitting up straight on the floor with your knees bet, feet flat on the floor, and back straight.

Next, hold your arms out in front of you as you slowly lift your feet off the floor while keeping them together until they form a 45-degree angle to your torso.

Active your entire core, balance on your tailbone, and keep your back flat the whole time.

Extend your legs so they’re straight and your body forms a V shape.

Hold the pose for a count of 10, slowly lower your legs, then repeat.

Reach your arms straight in front of you while keeping them parallel to the ground.

For more support, feel free to place your hands on the ground or underneath your hips.

Dead Bug

The dead bug (which looks exactly like it sounds) is an awesome exercise for connecting your mind to your core.

It’s an all-encompassing core move that works your deep inner core, mainly the diaphragm, transverse abdominis, multifidus, and pelvic floor; what’s not to like.

Proper form

Begin by laying on your back with your arms extended toward the ceiling, directly over your shoulders, and legs in a tabletop position (both knees bent 90 degrees and stacked over your hips).

Lower your left arm and right Leg at the same time until they’re hovering just above the ground, then slowly return to starting position.

Keep both knees hovering a few inches from the floor.

Engage your core and squeeze your body throughout the exercise, lower back pressed into the floor.

Slowly extend your left leg straight while dropping your right arm overhead at the same time.

Kneeling Extension

Another great move that keeps your core muscles strong, as well as helps prevent lower back pain.

Proper Form

Begin by kneeling on all fours, with your hands beneath your shoulders and knees directly under your hips.

Activate your core muscles and slowly raise your left arm and extend it straight forward.

Slowly lift your right Leg and extend it straight back, and point your toes down.

Hold the pose for a count of ten and slowly lower to starting position, and switch sides.

Repeat five times on each side.

Bicycle Crunches

Regular crunches are too boring.

Spice them up with bicycle crunches.

It’s beginner-friendly, and can be done anywhere, but it’s also challenging.

This is one of the best core exercises you can do—and one of my favorites—targeting not only the usual abs but also the obliques and deep abs.

Proper Form

Lie flat on the ground, with your lower back pressed flat into the ground, knees bent, and head and shoulders raised slightly above it.

Next, place your hands lightly behind your head, then bring your knees toward your chest and raise your shoulder blade off the floor, but be sure not to pull on the back of your neck.

Bring one knee up towards your armpit while straightening the other Leg, keeping both elevated higher than your hips.

Rotate your torso as much as possible so you can touch your elbow to the opposite knee as it comes up.

As you perform the movement, twist through your core as the opposite arm comes towards the elevated knee.

Focus on moving through your core as you turn your torso.

Don’t feel like you have to touch the elbow to knee, but it’s a worthy goal to have.

Additional resource – Guide to running lingo

Scissors kick

Begin by laying on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, and hands underneath the lower back for support.

Next, lift your left leg one inch off the ground while extending the right Leg to the ceiling, then kick the legs, toes pointed. Keep alternating back and forth so that it looks like a scissor motion.

Engage your abs throughout the exercise.

Aim for eight reps on each side to complete one set.

Glute kickback

Start by kneeling on the floor, on all fours, hips lined over the knee, hands directly under the shoulders, and back parallel to the floor.

Next, lift your right leg until your hamstrings are in line with your back, pause, and then slowly lower your Leg back to starting position, then switch sides to complete one rep.

Continue alternating between legs.

The Bridge

Lay flat on the ground with hands on the side and knees bent. Next, raise your hips off the ground by pushing with the heels.

Next, squeeze your glutes for a moment as hard as possible to keep the hips up.

Then take three to five seconds to slowly lower back to the ground to complete one rep.

Mountain climbers

Assume a push-up position, so your hands are directly under your chest at shoulder-width apart with straight arms.

Next, while holding the upper body steady, raise your right foot off the ground, bring the knee as close to the chest as possible, then repeat with the left Leg.

Continue alternating right knee, then left knee to the chest, as fast as possible while keeping good form.

Aim for 16 to 20 reps to complete one set.

Swiss-ball Roll-out

Begin by kneeling on a mat or the floor, elbows bent under the shoulders and resting tightly on a stability ball and core engaged.

To perform the Swiss ball roll-outs, roll the ball forward on the elbows as far as possible, then slowly roll back to starting position while keeping the back straight the entire time.

That’s one repetition.

Do three sets of 15 reps each.

Cross-climber with Feet on a Swiss Ball

Assume a standard push-up position, arms straight, shins resting firmly on a Swiss ball.

Be sure that your body is forming a straight line from the head to the ankles.

Next, while bracing the core and keeping the back straight, raise the right Leg off the ball and bring the right toward the left elbow, hold it for a moment, then move the right Leg to start position, and repeat on the other side, left knee to right elbow this time.

That’s one rep.

Do 12 reps to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Medicine Ball V-up

Hold a med ball, and lie on your back with legs straight and arms directly above the head.

That’s the starting position.

Next, while keeping the elbows straight the entire time, lift your torso and legs as you bring the ball toward your feet, pause for a count of three, then slowly lower back to starting position.

That’s one rep.

Do three sets of 12 to 15 reps each.

Spider-man Plank Crunch

Begin in a classic plank position with your forearms on the mat and body straight from head to ankles.

Next, raise your right Leg, and bring your right knee in towards the right elbow, hold it for a moment, then move your Leg back to plank position and switch sides.

Make sure to engage your core and keep your body steady and straight throughout the movement.

Keep alternating sides for a total of 16 reps to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Double Mountain Climber

Get into a push-up position with hands a bit wider than the shoulders.

Next, jump both of your feet up towards the hands, with the knees coming just outside of the elbows, pause for a second, then push back to starting position in one continuous and explosive motion.

Do at least 25 reps on each side to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Jump Squats

Assume an athletic position and stand as tall as you can with the feet spread shoulder-width apart.

Next, while keeping your back straight and head up, squat down until the knees are bent at roughly 90 degrees; then, as soon as you reach the bottom part of the squat, jump up explosive in the air by mainly pressing with the balls of your feet, using the thighs like springs.

Move into the next rep as soon as you land on the floor.

Do 12 to 16 reps to complete one set.

Aim for three sets.

Plank with Alternating arm and Leg Raise

Assume a standard push-up position with both arms straight, fingers pointed forward, and core activated.

Next, raise your right arm and left Leg, then extend and straighten them both until they are parallel to the floor, hold it for a count of three, then repeat to starting positing and switches sides.

Do eight reps on each side to complete one set.

Shoot for three sets.

Core Exercises For Runners – The Conclusion

As runners, we are constantly pushing ourselves to go the extra mile, striving for those moments of euphoria as we conquer new distances and personal records. But beneath the surface of our powerful strides lies a crucial foundation that determines our success: a strong core. Throughout this article, we have explored the vital role that core exercises play in enhancing our running performance and preventing injuries.

From the fiery intensity of planks to the graceful fluidity of mountain climbers, these exercises have proven to be the unsung heroes of the running world. They strengthen the muscles deep within our torsos, creating a solid support system that propels us forward with each step. The science is clear—runners who incorporate regular core workouts into their training routines experience improved stability, increased endurance, and reduced risk of common injuries.

But let’s not forget the benefits that extend beyond the physical realm. Engaging in core exercises unlocks mental fortitude as our bodies become a harmonious symphony of strength and resilience. It is through these workouts that we tap into our hidden potential, discovering the power within ourselves to overcome challenges on the road and in life.

Imagine your core as the anchor to your running vessel—a steadfast force that keeps you grounded amidst the ever-changing terrain. As you engage in exercises like Russian twists, bicycle crunches, and leg raises, envision your core as a sturdy oak tree, its roots growing deep into the earth, providing stability and unwavering support.

Research has shown that runners who diligently incorporate core exercises into their training routines experience a myriad of benefits. Not only are they less likely to be sidelined by injuries, but they also possess the agility and strength needed to conquer demanding terrains and reach new heights. By honing our cores, we unlock the potential to become running legends, blazing trails with every stride.

So, dear runners, let us embrace the power of the core. Let us make these exercises a cornerstone of our training programs and witness the transformative effects they have on our running journeys. The path ahead may be challenging, but with a strong core as our ally, we have the foundation to conquer any race, any goal, and any dream.

Breaking Through the Plateau: Uncover the 7 Reasons Why Your Running Isn’t Improving

runner improving muscles

Are you frustrated with your running performance plateauing?

It can be disheartening to put in so much effort and not see any improvements.

But before you give up on your running dreams, it’s important to understand that there are several reasons why your progress may be stalling. Some reasons are easily fixable, while others may require more attention and medical intervention.

In this post, we’ll take a deep dive into the potential causes behind your running slump and provide you with actionable steps to help you break through it.

So, if you’re ready to lace up your shoes and get to the bottom of your running struggles, then keep reading.

Note—Get checked by a medical professional to rule out any serious conditions such as heart, blood, thyroid, or other health issues as the culprit behind the decline in your running performance. I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on the internet.

Running Not Improving Reason – 1. Overtraining

The most common culprit behind your stalled performance could be something as simple as overtraining.

Think of it this way: your body is like a car engine, and overtraining is like revving the engine too high for too long. Just like a car engine, your body needs rest and recovery to perform at its best.

So, what can you do to fix this? Alternate between hard and easy training days and take at least one day off a week. It’s like giving your body a chance to catch its breath and recharge its batteries. And if you experience any of the symptoms of overtraining, such as chronic pain, poor sleep, or frequent colds, it’s time to pump the brakes and give yourself some rest.

You should also keep tabs on overtraining symptoms.

You’re likely in an overtrained state if you’re experiencing more than a couple of the following:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Depressed mood and irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Chronic aches and pains
  • Fatigue
  • Poor sleep
  • Unwanted weight loss
  • Altered sleep patterns
  • Colds and the flu.

Running Not Improving Reason – 2. Not Eating Enough

Food plays a critical role in running performance.

Skimping on calories means mediocre performance and slower times.

That’s why when you’re logging serious miles, you’d need to make sure that your overall calorie intake fits your exercise level and body needs.

Just keep in mind that proper fueling before, during, and after running requires experimentation.

There’s no such thing as a universal rule that applies to everyone.

The Fix

It’s simple.

Eat more.

As a runner, your daily fuel needs exceed those of the average sedentary person.

It’s not uncommon for serious runners to have calorie needs exceeding 2,400-3000 calories per day.

What’s more?

Consume the right proportions of carbohydrates, protein, and fats (50%/30%/20% is a good guideline to follow).

As a rule, get your carbs from good sources such as veggies, fruits, and whole grains instead of processed foods.

You should also shoot for more protein after a hard run to help with recovery.

And don’t shy away from healthy sources of fat—they’re good for you.

Your pre-run choices also matter.

If you’re running hard or for more than 45 or so minutes, it helps to have something in the tank first before braving the outdoors.

I’d recommend any of these snacks.

What else?

Keeping your body well-hydrated is also key.

Proper hydration helps carry nutrients to your cells and flush out your organs.

Shoot for 60 to 90 ounces of water per day, depending on your training intensity, sweat rate, training duration, etc.

Can Running Help Cure Your Hangover?

Running Not Improving Reason – 3. Respect The Weather

As a runner, it’s important to respect the weather and its impact on your performance. The elements can either be your ally or your worst enemy. Imagine running in 92-degree heat with high humidity and feeling like an invisible vise is squeezing your chest a couple of miles in. Not exactly an enjoyable experience, right? On the flip side, running in the cold can present a whole other set of challenges, including snow, ice, wind, and freezing temperatures that can slow you down and wear on you over time.

So, what’s the fix for dealing with weather-related performance issues? Well, for starters, it’s time to work on the skill of running by feel. Rather than obsessing over pace targets, focus on your breathing and how you feel during your run. Adjust your pace accordingly and toss your GPS watch to the side for a change. This approach will help you develop a stronger sense of pacing and allow you to adjust to the conditions more effectively.

It’s also crucial to dress appropriately for the weather. For  winter running, layering is key. Wear moisture-wicking clothing and avoid cotton. Don’t forget to protect your extremities with gloves, a hat, and warm socks. And for those hot summer runs, be sure to stay hydrated and wear breathable, lightweight clothing that allows for proper ventilation.

Research shows that high heat and humidity can lead to a decrease in running performance, especially for longer distances. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that running performance decreased by an average of 4.4% in hot and humid conditions. So, when it comes to the weather, remember to respect it and adjust your training accordingly.

Running Not Improving Reason – 4. You’re Doing The Same Runs

Running is like cooking a gourmet meal – you can’t use the same ingredients and recipe every day and expect to wow your taste buds. Similarly, if you want to wow your running performance, you need to switch up your training.

It’s easy to get comfortable running at the same pace, but that won’t help you improve. If you want to see results, you need to vary your speed and distances. Studies show that different types of training trigger different types of physiological adaptation, which means incorporating a variety of runs will make you a better runner.

Start by building an endurance base with low to moderate-effort runs. These runs will strengthen your muscles and overall health. However, if you want to push your pace and reach your running potential, you need to challenge yourself with faster-paced workouts.

To avoid plateauing, your running schedule should include a variety of running workouts, from easy recovery runs to challenging race-pace intervals. Each run has its purpose, so don’t push too hard on easy days, but give it your all during interval sessions.

Add some spice to your training with a fartlek session or some strides at the end of your easy runs a few times per week. These faster-paced workouts will help you build speed, endurance, and mental toughness, making you a better, more well-rounded runner.

Running Not Improving Reason – 5.You’re Lazy

It’s time to face the hard truth – you might be lazy.

Yes, you heard that right. Sometimes, the reason we’re not seeing results is as simple as not putting in the effort. Inconsistency in training is a common issue that can prevent us from reaching our goals and reaping the benefits of hard work.

But don’t worry, there’s a simple fix to this problem. The key to staying consistent is having a plan. Start by deciding how many days per week you want to train, even if you don’t have a specific training goal in mind yet. Then come up with a plan that works for you and your lifestyle, and stick to it.

But how do you stay motivated to stick to your plan? Find your source of motivation, whether it’s losing weight, beating a personal record, or running for a cause you care about. Keep your focus on that goal and use it to push yourself to run regularly.

Remember, consistency is key to improving your running performance. So, stop being lazy and start putting in the effort to reach your goals. The results will be worth it.

Running Not Improving Reason – 6. You’re Getting Older

Age may be just a number, but it can take a toll on your running performance. As we get older, our athletic abilities gradually decrease, and it becomes more challenging to hit our targets. It’s like a hill that gets steeper and steeper as we climb, and the peak seems further and further away.

Studies suggest that VO2 max, a critical metric that measures the amount of oxygen your body can absorb and deliver to your muscles, declines at a rate of 1-2% per year after the age of 40. That means that you could lose up to 20% of your maximum aerobic power between 40 and 50! A significant drop, right?

But don’t worry; it’s not all doom and gloom. You can slow down the decline and aim to be the best at any age. Consistency is key. Keep your training regular, but listen to your body. It’s essential to strike a balance between training hard and giving your body time to recover. It will help keep your athletic performance in check while improving your overall longevity as a runner.

Strength training can help mitigate the effects of aging, as you naturally lose muscle mass as you age. Consistent resistance training can help you maintain muscle mass, improve bone density, and reduce the risk of injury.

Balance is crucial for runners and non-runners alike. It’s even more critical as we age since we’re more likely to lose our balance, increasing the risk of falls. Incorporating balance exercises into your routine can help you maintain your stability and prevent injuries.

Remember, age may slow us down, but it shouldn’t stop us from pursuing our goals. With consistency, proper training, and a healthy lifestyle, we can continue to improve our running performance and be the best versions of ourselves at any age.

Give this 30-day running challenge a try.

Running Not Improving Reason – 7. You’re Not Sleeping Enough

Your performance improves when your body recovers from and adapts to the training stimulus—a process that requires sleep and lots of it.

Sleep can’t be overlooked, yet a lot of runners disregard it.

Your performance doesn’t improve when you’re cranking out hard reps during a track workout or going for a long run.

In fact, sleep time is your body’s prime time for repair.

Research has revealed that sleep-deprived athlete reports reaching a point of exhaustion about 10 percent faster than well-rested athletes.

What’s more?

Research has also shown that inadequate sleep can also result in increased fatigue, hormone irregularity, low energy, poor focus, mood swings, etc.

The Fix

Aim to sleep seven to nine hours during the night’s time.

Do the following to improve your sleep.

  • Go to bed and wake up at consistent times.
  • Cultivate a cool-down and window routine before you go to sleep.
  • Avoid heavy dinners or stimulants in the two to three hours before going to bed.
  • Reduce blue light exposure in the evening.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine late in the evening

Additional Resource – Running in polluted areas

Running Not Improving  – The Conclusion

There you have it.

The above covers some of the most reasons why you’re losing your running performance, as well as what to do about it.

The rest is just a matter of implementation.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

Why Are People Moving Towards Red JongKong Kratom To Enhance Their Fitness Journey?

Kratom has rapidly become one of the most prevalent compounds for people looking to enhance their physical fitness. This is primarily because it has numerous associated benefits, including increased energy levels and improved focus and concentration.

Among these is Red Jongkong Kratom which stands out thanks to its unique properties that provide additional benefits suited explicitly for athletes or those on a fit lifestyle journey. If you want red jongkong kratom, you may consider buying red jongkong kratom at Bulk Kratom Now to enhance your lifestyle. This blog post explores why more people are turning towards Red Jongkong Kratom to improve their fitness results.

Here Are Seven Reasons Why People Are Moving Towards Red JongKong Kratom To Enhance Their Fitness Journey:

1. Relaxation –

Red JongKong Kratom has become increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts to enhance their journey towards a healthier lifestyle. But before consuming it, knowing some facts about kratom is essential. While it is not a recommended compound for various uses, many people have claimed that it helps them to relax and unwind after a long workout.

This red strain is derived from the Mitragyna speciosa tree native to Southeast Asia. It is believed to effectively promote relaxation, gaining recognition in the fitness community. While further research is needed to understand it’s effects on the body, many people have found it an effective compound for enhancing their fitness.

2. Enhanced Focus –

Red Jongkong Kratom has recently become popular among those looking to enhance their fitness journey. The key reason why people gravitate towards this particular strain is due to the improved focus it provides. Whether pushing through a challenging workout or staying on track with a healthy meal plan, a guide is essential for achieving fitness goals.

Red Jongkong Kratom, derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, is known for its ability to increase energy and enhance clarity. With these benefits, it’s not hard to see why athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and wellness-conscious individuals are incorporating it into their routines for that extra boost of focus.

3. Increased Motivation –

Red Jongkong Kratom has become a favorite compound for fitness enthusiasts seeking an extra boost in their fitness journey. This strain has the potential to enhance energy levels, boost focus, and increase motivation during a workout. With many people still adapting to working out at home, motivation can quickly dwindle, making it challenging to stick to fitness goals.

It has become a favored solution to this problem. Although it is vital to note that the FDA does not regulate kratom and has not officially been approved for medical use, many people have reported its positive effects. However, as with any compound, it is essential to thoroughly research and consult a  professional before trying it.

4. Improved Creativity:

It has gained immense popularity for its ability to enhance creativity, leading to many fitness enthusiasts opting for it on their fitness journey. The benefits of the Red Jongkong Kratom are restricted to its relaxing properties and promise to enhance creative thinking.

It is believed that creativity plays a significant role in achieving fitness goals, leading to individuals becoming increasingly interested in it. The plant is native to Southeast Asia and is created by drying and grinding its leaves.

Its ability to stimulate creativity by increasing focus and concentration has contributed to many fitness enthusiasts incorporating it into their routines. It is no wonder that more and more people are moving towards the Red Jongkong Kratom to enhance their fitness journey.

5. Productivity:

As the fitness industry rapidly evolves, individuals constantly search for ways to enhance their performance and maintain their energy levels. For many, Red Jongkong Kratom has become popular due to its potential to increase productivity.

Despite the limited scientific evidence, herbal compound users have reported increased focus and motivation. Regardless of the reason, the trend towards incorporating it into fitness routines is on the rise, and it is interesting to see how its popularity will continue to evolve within this community.

6. Overall wellness –

As more and more people focus on their overall wellness, they seek new and unique ways to enhance their fitness journey. One method that has gained popularity in recent years is the consumption of red Jongkong kratom. While the plant’s properties have not been scientifically proven to aid in fitness, many users have reported increased focus and energy, which they believe has helped them with workouts.

Additionally, some have found that it has helped them manage various problems, which can be a crucial obstacle to achieving fitness goals. While it’s important to note that further research is needed to understand the effects of this plant fully, it is clear that some people are finding it to be a beneficial addition to their wellness routine.

7. Suppresses cravings –

Red Jongkong Kratom is becoming popular among fitness enthusiasts to alleviate their cravings and enhance their workout experience. Known for suppressing cravings, it has garnered attention for its potential contribution to several other benefits of kratom.

It is a strain indigenous to Indonesia and is created from drying the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree. While there have been claims about its potential benefits, there is limited scientific evidence to support them.

However, many people are still drawn to this form of alternative medicine and are using it to complement their fitness journey. It is just one of the many strains available, and interested individuals should always consult their healthcare provider before adding any compound to their routine.


Kratom is becoming increasingly popular as a fitness herb, and Red Jongkong kratom offers many benefits. It helps increase alertness and focus, aiding with workouts without tiring or overwhelming you. People who choose this strain also benefit from its effects, making exercising more enjoyable. Its unique alkaloids provide calming effects so users can wake up refreshed and ready to perform at their best. It’s no wonder why Red Jongkong kratom is becoming popular to enhance their fitness journey. Taking it regularly ensures consistent results that will help you get the most out of your routine.

Get Fit Indoors: 6 Fun and Effective Treadmill Workouts for Beginner Runners

Are you ready to dive into the world of treadmill running? Well, you’re in luck because this is the ultimate guide you’ve been searching for! Forget about risking injury or burnout, because the treadmill is your ticket to a fantastic running experience. Wondering how? Keep reading, my friend.

In today’s post, I’ll be sharing with you everything you need to know to get started with indoor running. By the time you finish reading this beginner’s guide, you’ll have the knowledge to:

  • Master the art of using the treadmill
  • Discover the incredible benefits of treadmill running
  • Learn how to improve your treadmill running form
  • Take your very first steps on this fantastic machine
  • Uncover the perfect treadmill workout designed specifically for beginners

And guess what? There’s so much more waiting for you! Excited? Then let’s hit that start button and begin this exhilarating journey together!

The Benefits of Treadmill Running

Here’s what you stand to gain from hitting the belt more often.

Less Impact

Running on hard surfaces, like asphalt and concrete, increases the risks of overuse injury.

However, the treadmill belt offers extra cushioning that helps absorb much of this stress.

Forget About the Outdoor Conditions

Outdoor running exposes you to the elements, be it the weather, unsafe streets, uneven surfaces, etc.

All of these can stand in the way of your running success.

Luckily, you don’t have to worry about any of this when running on the treadmill.

Simulate the Race

Preparing for a race?

A treadmill can help you nail your perfect pace.

For example, if you are planning for a hilly 10K race, you can simulate that racing experience by incline training or even intervals on the treadmill.

Additional Source – Check this treadmill pace chart

Safer Than Running Outside

You can always run into troubles when doing outdoor running workouts: cracks, ruts, cyclists, cars, people, thieves, stray dogs, the wrong side of town, you name it.

Again, a treadmill can help you sidestep all of these risks.


Dealing with insecurities?

Worry no more.

Hopping on the treadmill gives you more privacy as you don’t have to fret about anyone judging your performance.

You can run at your own pace and call it to quit anytime you want.

Measurable Data

On a treadmill, you have a say on your training conditions, helping you run with more accuracy, whether it’s speed, incline, calories burned, heart rate, step count, and so on.

Beginner Treadmill Workout FAQ: Answering All Your Burning Questions

Are you eager to start treadmill running but feeling unsure about how to begin? No worries, we’ve got you covered! Before we dive into the beginner treadmill workout, let’s address some common questions beginner runners often have about the treadmill.

How Fast Should I train on the Treadmill As A Beginner?

The answer depends on your current fitness level. If you’re just starting out and have a sedentary lifestyle or are over 50 and overweight, don’t worry about speed. It’s important to start slow and work your way up gradually. However, if you’re already active and in good shape, you can crank up the pace.

Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone is essential to improving your cardiovascular fitness and endurance. If you can achieve a pace of 5 mph or higher as a beginner, that would be fantastic. This will give you room for growth and help you to get your heart rate up. Plus, it’s a great way to challenge your body and boost your confidence.

Don’t be discouraged if you’re not able to hit 5 mph right away. Remember that five miles per hour is the equivalent of a 12-minute mile, which is perfectly fine for someone who’s just starting out. To help you determine your per-mile pace, we’ve included a cheat sheet with various speeds and their corresponding minutes per mile.

Here’s a cheat sheet so you can have more ideas about your per-mile pace.

  • 5.0 mph = 12:00 minutes per mile
  • 5.5 mph = 10:55 minutes per mile
  • 6.0 mph = 10:00 minutes per mile
  • 6.5 mph = 9:14 minutes per mile
  • 7.0 mph = 8:34 minutes per mile
  • 7.5 mph = 8:00 minutes per mile
  • 8.0 mph = 7:30 minutes per mile

How long Should a Beginner Train on a Treadmill?

Again, the answer depends on you.

Every beginner is different and has a different starting point.

Just do as much as you can in the beginning while staying within your fitness level and paying attention to your body’s needs and signals the entire time.

For a complete beginner, you can start off treadmill training at a slow pace for no more than 15 to 20 minutes three times a week.

Then slowly increase the duration to 30 to 40 minutes over the course of a few week.

Here’s how often should you run per week.

How To Start Running on A Treadmill
For Beginners?

To make the most out of your treadmill workouts, try to incorporate these two valuable training tips.

Know Your Treadmill

If you’re feeling nervous about using a treadmill for the first time, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Taking your first few steps on the treadmill can be quite daunting. But it’s not rocket science.

The first thing you need to do is locate the “Start Workout” or “Quick Workout” button. Once you do, hold onto the handrails, step onto the belt, and press the button. In 3…2…1, the belt will start to move. It’s that simple!

As you get started, keep in mind that you may feel a bit wobbly or dizzy. Don’t panic, this is completely normal! You’re practicing a new motor skill, and it will take a few sessions to feel at ease. Once you’re comfortable with the basic functions of the treadmill, start experimenting with the speed and incline/decline options.

Of course, not all treadmills are created equal. Some have minimal options, while others have a more complicated user interface.

But the basics are still the same: Start/Speed/Stop.

Warm-Up For Your Treadmill Workout

Just like outdoor running, the key to effective treadmill training is a proper warm-up.

Skipping it will only increase the risks of premature fatigue and injury.

A good warm-up helps you get your blood pumping and heart rate ticking and be for the hard effort ahead.

Invest in at least a 5 to 10 minutes warm-up period, then aim to slowly increase your speed as you go, but never speed up to the point that your form begins to suffer.

Pay attention to your body before you speed up.

Treadmill Running Form

Treadmill running form is essential.

Bad form hinders performance and leads to injury.

Keep your treadmill running technique in check by doing the following:

  • Run tall and look straight ahead as if gazing at the horizon.
  • Aim to run with your natural gait, and avoid taking short and quick strides as well as thumping the belt too hard. Not good for your sole and ankle.
  • Keep your posture straight, the head should be up, back straight, and shoulders level.
  • Never slouch or curve your back, especially when going against an incline. Open your chest, make space for more air.
  • Let go of the handrails and keep pumping your arms the same way you do when running outside.

 6 Treadmill Workouts For Beginners

If you’re not sure how to proceed with your next treadmill workout, here are six treadmill runs to get you started.

Routine I – The 30-minute Beginner Treadmill Workout

To get started, let’s dive into some beginner treadmill workouts. If you’re brand new to running, start with the 30-minute beginner routine. This workout incorporates intervals of slow jogging and walking breaks for recovery.

First step –Start walking at a 1.5 to 2 mph pace and stick to it for at least 10 minutes.

Be sure to breathe deeply and visualize success all the way through.

Mental preparation is key.

Second Step Pick up the pace and start jogging at 5 to 5.5 mph for two minutes.

This is your first interval, so you shouldn’t push yourself here.

Practice good running form the entire time.

Run as tall as you can, engage your core, let go of the handrails, and swing your arms by the sides.

Keep your form aerodynamic,

Third Step – This is your first two minutes break, so make the most out of it.

Breathe deeply, towel off, and hydrate.

Fourth Step – Repeat the jogging/walking cycle for five times.

If it feels too much, pace yourself and slow it down, especially when your form starts to suffer.

Fifth Step –Slowly decrease your jogging pace and start walking at two mph for five minutes and cool down properly.

Breathe deeply and release all tension.

Make sure to also check in with your body and see how you feel.

Try to perform this workout at least three times per week during the first few weeks.

Then, as you get fitter and stronger, increase the time you spend jogging and less for recovery until you can run at a comfortable pace for 30 minutes without gasping for air.

Want more structure? Try my Couch to 5K treadmill Plan.

Routine II – The 30-minute Interval treadmill workout

Already a runner?

Then try this more challenging routine.

First Step – Warm up for 5 minutes by jogging slowly and taking deep breaths.

Skipping on the warm-up leads to premature fatigue or, even worse, injury.

Second Step – Run at your 5K pace (it should feel hard) for one to two minutes, depending on your fitness level.

Third Step – Recover by jogging slowly for one full minute.

Fourth Step – Repeat “Second Step” and “Third Step” five to eight times, depending on your fitness experience and training goals.

Fifth Step – End your workout with a 5-minute slow jog to cool down.

Stretch gently afterward.

A proper cool-down will help you avoid dizziness and might reduce muscle soreness for the following day.

Additional Resource- Your guide to curved treadmills

Routine III – The Incline Treadmill Workout

Want to take intervals to the next level?  Do them on an incline.

This helps simulate outdoor hill running, which boosts endurance and builds killer lower-body strength.

First Step – Warm up for 10 minutes.

Second Step – Increase the incline to 3 or 4 percent and run for 90 seconds at 80 percent of max-effort—a pace that feels moderately challenging.

Third Step (Recovery) – Jog for 60 seconds with no incline.

This is your recovery break.

Fourth Step – Raise the incline to five or seven percent and run for another 90 seconds at 15 seconds slower than your 10K paces.

Recover for one minute.

Fifth Step – Repeat the previous step three to four times, depending on your fitness level and goals.

Choose a steeper incline for more challenge.

Sixth Step – Cool-down

Additional Resource  – When to replace a treadmill belt

Routine IV – The Beginner Tempo Treadmill Run

A treadmill tempo workout teaches your body how to adapt efficiently to increased intensity.

This type of running helps you build up a fairly high volume of intense exercise that enhances both aerobic and lactate-threshold systems.

First Step – Warm up for 10 minutes.

Second Step – Run a mile at 20 to 30 seconds slower than your half-marathon pace—a pace that feels comfortably easy.

Third Step – Pick up the pace every mile by five to 20 seconds until you’re running the final mile 20 to 30 seconds faster than your half marathon pace.

Fourth step –  Cool down for five minutes.

Additional resource – How To run with a partner

Routine V – The Pyramid Treadmill Workout

Pyramid workouts are straightforward.

You’re simply kicking off your hard interval at one-minute segments, going for a longer running segment, and then working you’re back down one minute.

It should take you at least 50 minutes to complete the routine, but that’s not cast in stone.

Do what feels the best for you, and remember to always stay within your fitness level.

First Step – Five minutes: The Warm-up

Start with a proper warm-up, jogging for 10 minutes at a speed of 4 to 5 mph with no incline.

Second Step –Seven minutes: 1st Ladder

Increase speed to 6.0 mph and keep it going for the next three minutes. Practice good form.

Keep your torso straight, and your body relaxed from head to toe.

Next, increase the speed to 7 mph and incline to three percent for four minutes.

Second Step – Two minutes: Recovery

Slow down and recover for three minutes.

Hydrate, breathe deeply and release any built-up tension.

Third Step – Nine minutes: 2nd Ladder Interval

Increase the speed to 7 mph and incline to three percent for four minutes.

Next, increase the speed again to 8 mph and incline to five percent for five minutes.

Fourth Step – Two Minutes: Recovery

Slow down to 4 mph with a two percent incline.

Fifth Step – Nine minutes: 3rd Ladder

Increase speed to 7 to 7.5 mph and incline to five percent, and keep running strong for a full five minutes.

For the upcoming four-minute, keep the same speed, but lower the incline to three percent.

Sixth Step – Two minutes: Recovery

Slow down to 4 mph and recover.

Seventh Step – Six minutes: Ladder No 4

Speed it up to 8 mph and raise the incline to three percent.

Then, for the next two minutes, keep the same speed but raise the incline to five percent for the last interval of this pyramid workout.

Eighth Step – Five minutes: The cool-down

Jog slowly for ten minutes at a speed of 4 mph with no incline.

Additional resource – How to become a morning a runner

Routine VI – The Beginner Hybrid Treadmill Workout

Mixing treadmill training with bodyweight exercises can help you burn more fat, improve performance, and bust treadmill boredom.

Here is a CrossFit-Running treadmill workout.

It’s one of my favorites.

You can choose to add these bodyweight exercises to your treadmill workout any way you like.

After a proper warm-up of 5 minutes of jogging and some dynamic exercises, do the following.

  • Sprint for 30-second
  • Pushups: 8-12 reps
  • Sprint for 30-second
  • Squat Jumps: 8-12 reps
  • Sprint for 30-second
  • Treadmill recovery: 90 seconds of slow jogging.
  • Sprint for 30-second
  • Jumping jacks: 60 seconds
  • Lunge steps: 16 to 20 reps
  • Sprint for 30-second
  • Finish it off with a 5-minute slow jog as a cool down, followed by stretching.

Need more structure?

Try my beginner running plan.

For more, check my How to design your running program guide.

Treadmill workouts for beginners  – The Conclusion

Still, wondering how to start running on a treadmill? Then I believe today’s post has you covered.

The above simple training guidelines are all you need to start treadmill running.

The rest is really up to you.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

And please, if you have any treadmill workouts for beginners, please share.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

Keep running strong.

David D.

The Pain-Free Run: Unlocking the Secrets to Overcoming Lower Abdominal Discomfort

runners stomach

If you’ve never experienced the discomfort of lower abdominal pain while running, consider yourself fortunate. Whether it’s an unexpected stomach cramp, a pesky side stitch, or the desperate need to find the nearest porta-potty, these stomach troubles can truly put a damper on your runs.

Imagine this: you’re in the zone, feeling unstoppable, and then out of nowhere, it hits you like a sucker punch. The pain in your lower abdomen can come without any warning. Sometimes, it’s just a passing discomfort that vanishes after a few minutes. But for others, it clings on stubbornly, tormenting you for the entire duration of your run. Talk about annoying, right?

But fear not! When it comes to stomach pain while running, I’m here to shed light on the likely culprits and equip you with the tools to fight back. You see, identifying the cause of your abdominal agony is the first step towards finding relief and preventing it from sabotaging your runs.

So, are you ready to explore the top 4 causes of lower abdominal pain while running?

Then let’s go!

Lower Abdominal Pain Cause – 1: Side Stitch

Ah, the side stitch. If you’ve ever experienced this stabbing pain around your ribs while running, you’re not alone. Also known as exercise-related transient abdominal pain (ETAP), side stitches are one of the most common abdominal issues among runners.

The pain can be achy or dull, as well as sharp and stabbing, coming out of nowhere without any warning. Research published in 2015 by Australian researchers revealed that 70 percent of runners surveyed reported having experienced a side stitch while running in the past year. That’s how common it is.

What causes side stitches, you ask? Well, science isn’t entirely sure, but there are many theories. One popular theory is that the pulling of the belly organ ligaments on the diaphragm is the culprit. It could also be brought on by the bouncing forces inside the abdominal wall as well as running too soon after eating.

Other common causes that may contribute to side stitches include bad form, improper breathing technique, and consuming too much food or drinks before a run.

How To Manage Side Stitches While Running

If you’re mid-run and a side stitch strikes, slow down your pace and take a break. You can bend forward at the waist while engaging your core muscles and taking deep breaths. This helps to stretch your diaphragm and reduce the pain.

Another technique is to place your hand in the affected region and push gently with your fingers while inhaling. On each exhale, push a little deeper into the stitch until it starts to fade away.

Never Run on a Full Stomach

Running on a full stomach is a recipe for disaster. The food in your stomach will bounce around and can lead to cramping and pain.

Instead, space out your meals and runs by at least three to four hours. If you’re prone to stomach cramps, then give yourself even more time between eating and running. And make sure to stay hydrated.

Hydrate Properly

Dehydration can also cause cramping. It’s important to stay hydrated before, during, and after your run. Sip small amounts of water before and during your training session, and make sure to drink plenty of water post-workout.

If you plan to run for more than 45-60 minutes, then take water with you and sip regularly throughout your run. This is especially important in hot temperatures when you’re more likely to become dehydrated.

Change Your Breathing

Changing your breathing pattern can help to prevent side stitches. Try inhaling on three steps and exhaling on two steps. If you’re trying to pick up the pace, try a 2:1 ratio, inhaling on two steps and exhaling on one. Just remember to slow down for a few minutes to allow yourself to keep up with the pattern.

In conclusion, managing and preventing side stitches while running takes a bit of effort and discipline, but it’s definitely worth it. Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to run pain-free in no time!

Lower Abdominal Pain Cause – 2: Heart Burn

Are you feeling a burning sensation in your chest or upper abdomen while running? You may be experiencing heartburn, a common cause of abdominal pain during exercise. Heartburn occurs when stomach acid travels back up into the esophagus, causing discomfort and other unpleasant symptoms like burping and belching.

But what causes heartburn during running? As a high-impact sport, running can disturb the flow of acidic content in your stomach, leading to heartburn. The harder you push yourself, the more likely you are to experience this unpleasant sensation. Additionally, if the lower esophageal sphincter muscle is worn out or too relaxed, stomach content can escape into the esophagus, causing trouble.

The diet also plays a significant role in exercise-induced heartburn. Foods that are high in acid, spicy, or carbonated can contribute to this uncomfortable sensation. If you experience heartburn frequently, it could be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

How To Manage Heart Burn While Running

If you want to manage heartburn while running, there are a few things you can do:

Change Your Diet

Start by changing your diet and avoiding triggers like chocolate, tomato-based foods, citrus, spicy foods, and orange juice. It’s also important to avoid eating at least two hours before running and to experiment with different amounts of time between eating and exercise. For some runners, a small snack 30 minutes before a run can be enough, while others need to wait three to four hours.

Loosen Your Waistband

Don’t forget to wear comfortable clothing while running. Tight clothing that compresses your stomach can be a culprit behind heartburn, so make sure you’re wearing a comfortable pair of running shorts and legwear. If you’re wearing a belt, try loosening it, and pay attention to any compression garment you’re using.

Additional resource – Your guide to Runners cough


Taking over-the-counter drugs, such as Mylanta, nexium, or chewable antacids, may also help.

Antacids work best as it’s the ingredient that neutralizes stomach aches. It works the fastest and be taken during your training if symptoms develop.

For stronger medication, try H2 blockers which you can get with a prescription.

Lower Abdominal Pain Cause – 3: Stomach Muscle Cramps

Have you ever experienced sharp pain in your stomach while running? If yes, then you’ve probably experienced stomach muscle cramps. These involuntary muscle contractions can strike out of nowhere and can be debilitating.

Several factors can cause stomach muscle cramps, such as running in the heat, dehydration, lack of warm-up and stretching before training, and muscle fatigue and exhaustion. When you eat food just before running, your digestive system and muscles start fighting for blood flow, and if the digestive system wins, your muscles won’t get enough oxygen and nutrients to perform at their best.

How To Manage Stomach Muscle Cramps While Running

Deal with and prevent stomach cramps while running by doing the following.

Stop What You’re Doing

If one of your stomach muscles seizes up while running, stop running and gently stretch and massage the muscle with your fingertip. In most cases, the pain will fade quickly on its own. Feel free to apply ice to soothe any lingering soreness and heat to loosen tight muscles. If you’re not a fan of cold compression, try a hot compression pad.

Additional resource – Side stitches while running

Stay Well Hydrated

Muscles are less pliable when they aren’t properly lubricated, especially during running. This, in turn, may set the stage for cramps.

As a rule of thumb, drink plenty of water throughout the day. This will help ensure that you’re well-hydrated at any moment of the day.

More specifically, drink 12 to 16 ounces of water the hour before a run. Planning to run for more than 30-45 minutes? Drink two to four ounces every 10-15 minutes during your run.


I cannot emphasize enough the importance of warming up properly before a run, especially when it comes to preventing running pains—muscle cramps are no exception.

Cold muscles are also prone to overstretching, which, again, may cause a cramp.

Additional Resource -Your guide to jaw pain while running

Lower Abdominal Pain Cause – 4: Abdominal Strain

Abdominal strains are less common than stomach muscle cramps but can be equally painful. An abdominal muscle strain is caused by actual trauma or injury to the abdominal muscles, which can cause extreme pain with any core movement as well as deep breathing, laughing, coughing, or sneezing.

Several factors can cause abdominal muscle strain, such as intense sprinting, sudden twisting or fast movement, bad running form while spiriting, lack of proper rest for overused muscles, lifting heavy objects with improper form, bad weight-lifting technique, and sneezing, laughing, or coughing too hard.

How To Manage Abdominal Strains While Running

Take the following steps to help speed up recovery and prevent abdominal strains while exercising:


To soothe pain, consider taking over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, such as naproxen sodium (Aleve) and ibuprofen (Advil). This helps relieve swelling and inflammation.

Core Work

Strengthen your core if you’re prone to abdominal muscle tears.

Core training will not only help you prevent abdominal pain but can also help prevent overuse injury as well as improve performance.

Some of the best core exercises to perform include:

  • Planks
  • Russian twists
  • Bridges
  • Boat
  • Mountain climbers

Medical Conditions

Lower abdominal pain while running can sometimes be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Here are a few conditions that may contribute to lower abdominal pain:

  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs): UTIs are caused by bacteria in the urinary tract and can cause pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. If you’re experiencing frequent urination, pain or burning during urination, or cloudy urine, you may have a UTI.
  • Digestive disorders: Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can cause abdominal pain, bloating, and discomfort, which may be exacerbated by running. If you have a history of digestive issues, talk to your doctor about how to manage them while running.
  • Endometriosis: This is a condition in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, causing pain and discomfort. Endometriosis can cause lower abdominal pain, especially during menstruation, and may be worsened by running.

If you have a pre-existing medical condition such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), endometriosis, or hernias, it’s important to consult with your doctor before running. They may recommend specific modifications to your running routine to manage your condition while minimizing the risk of lower abdominal pain.

Consult A Physician

If the pain is too excruciating and/or you experience a complete loss of muscle function, consult a doctor immediately, as it may indicate a complete tear.

Otherwise, most cases of abdominal muscle strains can be managed at home by:

  • Applying ice on the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes, three to four times a day, to help soothe swelling.
  • Stopping any type of vigorous activity that makes the pain worse
  • Wrapping an elastic bandage around your midsection helps limit movement and swelling.

Apply this protocol for at least three days after the injury. Return to running gradually only when the pain and swelling have been faced.

Additional resource – Common cause of lower leg pain while running

Stomach Pain While Running – When To See A Doctor?

If you’re chronically suffering from stomach problems while exercising, you might be dealing with an issue not directly related to your workout routine.

When it’s the case, consult a doctor to be evaluated for proper treatment.

This is especially the case if normal daily activities such as sitting, walking, or sleeping are disturbed because of your stomach pain.

Visit a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Stabbing pain with a burning sensation,
  • Tenderness around the abdominal region followed by over sweating
  • Frequent constipation
  • Frequent diarrhea and cramping
  • Bloody stools
  • Bloating, gas, and nausea whether you exercise or not.

Your doctor can check for any more serious medical conditions as well as prescribe the right drugs to treat symptoms and soothe the pain.

And most importantly, if you have any chest pain or any history in your family with a heart condition either triggered by running or not, seek medical help immediately.

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to Anterior Tibial Tendonitis 

Lower abdominal pain while running – The Conclusion

There you have it! If you’re experiencing lower abdominal pain while running and would love to know more about the causes (as well as how to deal with them), today’s post should provide you with enough guideposts to get you started on the right path. Stay safe.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

David D.

Stop the World from Spinning: Effective Strategies for Dealing with Dizziness During Runs

Can Running Help Cure Your Hangover?

Are you tired of feeling like you’re on a rollercoaster during your runs? That feeling of lightheadedness, dizziness, or blurred vision can be alarming, scary, and even dangerous. But don’t let it stop you from hitting the pavement and reaching your goals.

As a seasoned runner, I know firsthand the frustration of experiencing dizziness during a workout. It can be discouraging, and it’s essential to understand why it’s happening and what you can do to prevent it.

That’s why I’ve put together this comprehensive guide to dizziness while running. By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear understanding of the causes and symptoms of lightheadedness during exercise, the link between blood pressure and feeling dizzy, and, most importantly, how to prevent and manage these symptoms.

Don’t let dizziness keep you from reaching your full potential. With the right knowledge and strategies, you can keep running strong and steady. So, let’s dive in and learn how to stay on solid ground while hitting the pavement.

Dizziness While Running Red Flags

Dizziness can be a real pain in the neck, but it’s not always a cause for alarm. However, there are certain red flags that should prompt you to seek medical attention immediately. If you start experiencing slurred speech, chronic and severe headaches, sudden deafness in one ear, or numbness, don’t wait for things to get worse. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your health.

And let’s talk about projectile vomit. I’m not talking about a little bit of queasiness or an upset stomach. Projectile vomit is exactly what it sounds like – vomiting with such force that it shoots out of your mouth like a cannon. Not only is this gross, but it’s also a clear sign that something is seriously wrong. If you experience this while running, stop immediately and seek medical attention.

According to a study published in the Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, chest pain and palpitations during exercise can be indicative of heart problems. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and seek medical attention if you experience these symptoms.

Remember, your body is your temple, and you should always take care of it. Don’t ignore any red flags that your body is giving you. It’s better to take a break from running and get checked out by a medical professional than to push through and potentially cause more harm.

Here are some of the warning signs to watch out for:

Firstly, if you’re experiencing slurred speech or sudden deafness in one ear, it’s time to seek medical help. These symptoms could be indicative of a stroke, which is a medical emergency.

Secondly, if you’re experiencing severe and chronic headaches, it’s also a cause for concern. Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of exercise-induced dizziness, but if they’re persistent and debilitating, they could be a sign of something more serious.

Numbness or weakness are also red flags to watch out for. These symptoms can be indicative of a stroke or nerve damage, which can be serious and require immediate medical attention.

Extreme exhaustion, chest pain, palpitations, and projectile vomiting are other symptoms that could indicate an underlying medical condition that requires medical attention.

How To Not Get Light-Headed When Running

If your head starts spinning or gets woozy during a run, various culprits could be to blame.

Here are the main ones, as well as how to how to deal with each.

Blood Pressure Drop

One common reason why you might feel lightheaded when running is due to a drop in blood pressure. When you stop running, your heart rate decreases, which can cause your blood pressure to drop. This can result in dizziness and weakness.

The solution? To prevent this, try doing a 5- to 10-minute cool-down after your run. This will give your body enough time to slowly transition back to a normal resting state, preventing the dizzying sensation.

Running Too Hard

Another culprit of lightheadedness is overexertion. It’s tempting to push yourself to the limit during a workout, but doing so can lead to dehydration and a decrease in blood volume, both of which can cause dizziness.

How to Prevent Overexertion

Running too much too fast can do more harm than good, so listen to your body and adjust your training accordingly.

If you’re feeling lightheaded during a high-intensity workout, slow down and take a minute to catch your breath and slow your heart rate.

It’s great to push yourself on the running track every now and then, but don’t turn it into a habit.

Otherwise, you might be setting yourself up for a painful setback.

Dehydration & Dizziness During A Run

Another reason why you might feel lightheaded is due to dehydration. When you run, your body sweats to regulate your core temperature. This can cause you to lose a lot of water and electrolytes, especially during long runs in the heat.

Early warning signs of dehydration include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Extreme thirst
  • Running headache
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue

How to Prevent Dehydration

To prevent this, make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before and after your runs. During long runs, aim to sip an ounce or two of water every 15 to 20 minutes.

Low Blood Sugar

Let’s dive into the importance of fueling your body during training. Food is not just something we eat for pleasure; it is energy that fuels our body for daily activities, exercise, and training. Skipping meals can leave you feeling weak and lightheaded, making it hard to keep up with the demands of your training. In fact, studies have shown that exercising on an empty stomach can lead to low blood sugar levels, which can cause symptoms like dizziness and trembling.

How To Prevent Low Blood Sugar

Instead of running on an empty stomach, opt for a light meal or snack that includes complex carbohydrates and protein, such as yogurt with fruit or apples with peanut butter. According to research, carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy during exercise, and protein helps repair and build muscle tissue.

Improper Breathing

Breathing, on the other hand, is an often-overlooked aspect of running. Proper breathing technique not only helps improve performance but also prevents dizziness and lightheadedness. Many runners have a tendency to hold their breath or take shallow breaths, which can impede oxygen flow to the brain, leading to lightheadedness.

How To Prevent Improper Breathing

You can no longer control your breath while running?

Slow it down, or stop to rest and recover.

To err on the side of caution, especially if dizziness is a big issue, stick to a conversational training pace.

This means being able to talk while running without panting for air.

Another trick to help prevent improper breathing is to synchronize your breathing with your steps while running. I recommend a 3:2 ratio—in for three steps, out for two steps. Inhale, inhale, inhale-exhale, exhale, in sync with your steps. This can help regulate your breathing and keep you feeling great during your run.

Getting Light-Headed When Running On The Treadmill

If you’re feeling dizzy while running on the treadmill, you’re not alone. This is a common complaint among runners, and it’s caused by a disconnect between your brain and your body. When running on the treadmill, your body gets used to the ground moving beneath your feet to meet your steps. However, once you step off the machine, the floor becomes motionless, which can cause motion sickness or dizziness.

But don’t worry; this type of vertigo is not dangerous and often goes away after a few treadmill runs.

How to Overcome Treadmill Vertigo

To prevent treadmill dizziness, try slowing down gradually. Reduce your pace over the course of three to five minutes until you’re walking comfortably and breathing normally. Then, and only then, get off the machine. Get into a recovery position or simply sit down and rehydrate.

Medical Issues

Feeling dizzy during exercise can be a concerning and uncomfortable experience, but it’s important to remember that there are many factors that can contribute to this sensation.

While some causes of dizziness can be easily remedied with simple lifestyle changes, others may require medical intervention. Here are some additional factors to consider if you’re experiencing dizziness during running:

Underlying Medical Issues:

As mentioned earlier, underlying medical issues such as ear problems or heart diseases can contribute to dizziness during exercise.

For example, Meniere’s disease is a condition of the inner ear that can cause vertigo, dizziness, and ringing in the ears. Similarly, conditions such as tachycardia, bradycardia, and arrhythmia can affect the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively, leading to dizziness during exercise.

It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider if you suspect you may have an underlying medical issue contributing to your dizziness.


Certain medications, especially those that affect blood pressure, can cause dizziness during exercise. If you’re taking medication and experiencing dizziness during exercise, talk to your healthcare provider about potential side effects and alternative treatment options.

What To Do If You Feel Lightheaded When Running?

Running can be a great form of exercise, but it’s important to listen to your body and take steps to prevent dizziness and lightheadedness. One key factor to keep in mind is staying hydrated. Dehydration can lead to a drop in blood pressure, which can cause dizziness during exercise. It’s important to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your run to stay hydrated.

Another factor to consider is nutrition. As mentioned earlier, food is energy, and if you’re skipping meals, you won’t have the fuel you need to keep up with the demands of your training. Make sure to eat a balanced diet that includes complex carbohydrates and protein, and try to have a light meal or snack before your run.

Additionally, improper breathing can contribute to dizziness while running. Focus on taking deep breaths and syncing your breath with your foot strikes to help prevent shallow breathing.

If you’re experiencing dizziness while running, it’s important to take steps to address the issue. Stop running and find a cool spot to rest, elevate your legs above your heart to promote blood flow, and try to identify the cause of your symptoms. If your symptoms persist or worsen, it’s important to seek medical attention.

Research has also shown that regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost overall mood and well-being. So, keep training strong, but always prioritize your health and safety.

Feeling Dizzy While Running – The Conclusion

Congratulations, you’ve stumbled upon the ultimate guide to banishing lightheadedness during your runs! If you’re tired of feeling dizzy and craving the secrets to running with a clear head, today’s post is your golden ticket. Say goodbye to those pesky bouts of disorientation!

Remember, the devil is in the details, but don’t fret. Once you implement the strategies we’ve outlined, the rest is a breeze. But hey, don’t just take my word for it. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and burning questions. Drop them in the section below, and let’s keep the conversation going.

Thank you for gracing us with your presence today, fellow runner. Your determination and unwavering commitment to training strongly inspire us all. So lace up those shoes, embrace the challenges, and let’s conquer that dizzy dragon together!

Keep training strong,

David D.

Top 14 Best Running Shoe Brands

running shoe brands

Are you on the hunt for the ultimate list of top-notch running shoe brands? Well, look no further because you’ve stumbled upon a treasure trove of athletic footwear wisdom.

Let’s debunk a common misconception right off the bat—there’s no such thing as a universally perfect running shoe brand. Sorry, Nike, but it’s true. The brand that reigns supreme for you depends on a multitude of factors that are as unique as your fingerprints.

Think about it—your foot size, shape, running style, weight, and even your running goals all play a significant role in determining which brand will be your running soulmate. It’s like finding a running shoe brand that whispers sweet nothings to your soles.

But fret not! In this article, we’re about to unveil a plethora of trustworthy and reputable brands that are at the forefront of designing running shoes for every activity and preference under the sun. These brands pour their heart and sole (pun intended) into crafting running shoes that boast premium materials, unrivaled support, heavenly comfort, and jaw-dropping performance.

So, get ready to step into a world where your feet are treated like royalty. We present to you the crème de la crème—the top 14 best running shoe brands that are guaranteed to help you put your best foot forward.

The Importance of Choosing Proper Running Shoes

Your running shoes are the most important piece of gear you’ll need as a runner, and investing in the right pair can make a world of difference in your performance and injury prevention.

It’s like picking the perfect tool for a specific job. Just as you wouldn’t use a hammer to drill a hole, you wouldn’t want to use the wrong shoe for your specific foot type, running style, or terrain.

Don’t take my word for it. Research has also shown the importance of choosing the right running shoe. For example, a study published in the Journal of Athletic Training found that choosing the wrong shoe can increase the risk of injury and reduce performance. That’s why it’s crucial to find a shoe that fits properly and is designed for your specific needs.

Another study conducted by the American Council on Exercise found that choosing the right running shoe can improve running performance and reduce the risk of injury. They recommend selecting a shoe based on the type of foot arch, foot strike pattern, and the terrain you typically run on.

But with so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect pair of shoes for your unique needs, but it’s well worth the effort.

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a running shoe is your foot type. Do you have flat feet or high arches? Are you a neutral runner, or do you overpronate or underpronate? Understanding your foot type and gait pattern can help you choose a shoe that provides the right amount of support and cushioning to prevent injuries and enhance your performance.

Another crucial factor is your running style and the terrain you typically run on. Are you a road runner or a trail runner? Do you prefer a minimalist shoe or a more cushioned one? Different shoes are designed for different types of running, and choosing the right shoe for your preferred terrain and running style can help you perform better and reduce your risk of injury.

Finally, don’t forget to take into account the fit and comfort of the shoe. Your shoes should fit snugly but not be too tight or too loose. You should have enough room in the toe box to wiggle your toes comfortably, and the heel should fit snugly without slipping. Walk around in the shoes before you buy them, and make sure they feel comfortable and supportive.

Now you have an idea on the importance of making the right choice, let’s delve into some of the most successful running shoe brands out there!

Running Shoe Brand – 1. Brooks

If you’re looking for a reliable and high-quality brand, look no further than Brooks. This sporting equipment manufacturer has been in the game since 1914 and has since expanded globally, making it a go-to for runners worldwide.

Brooks running shoes are designed with ultimate foot protection in mind, no matter your fitness level. Their shoes feature long-lasting cushioning on the arch and midsole, ensuring maximum comfort during even the most grueling workouts. And let’s not forget about their unbeatable grip, thanks to their 3D lugs on the outer sole.

So, which Brooks shoes should you consider? The Launch 7, Ricochet 2, Hyperion Elite 2, Glycerin GTS 19, and Adrenaline GTS 21 are all top picks. Trust me, and your feet will thank you later.

In fact, research shows that finding the right running shoe can have a significant impact on your performance and even reduce the risk of injury. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that selecting shoes based on comfort and support can reduce the likelihood of injury in runners.

Running Shoe Brand – 2. Asics

From a humble beginning in 1949, Asics has come a long way in providing the ultimate athletic experience to runners worldwide.

Did you know that the company was initially established to cater to judo athletes? It wasn’t until the 60s that Asics branched out into producing shoes for track and field athletes. The 80s marked a significant milestone for the company as it began producing running shoes under its brand name.

Asics has a unique brand name that reflects the company’s values. “Anima Sana in Corpore Sano,” a Latin phrase that translates to “a healthy soul in a healthy body.” It is no wonder that Asics is one of the most innovative and reliable running shoe brands in the market.

When it comes to Asics running shoes, it’s all about comfort and support. Their cutting-edge shock absorption technology provides runners with the much-needed support to achieve their endurance goals.

Did you know that Nike founders Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman played a crucial role in importing Asics shoes to the US? This paved the way for future athletic shoes, making Asics a game-changer in the running shoe industry.

Some of the famous Asics styles include the GEL-DS Trainer, GEL-Nimbus 23, GT 2000, and GEL-Kayano 27. These shoes are designed to cater to a wide range of runners, from beginners to elite athletes.

Research shows that Asics is a favorite among runners. In a study conducted by Running USA, Asics emerged as the most preferred shoe brand among the runners surveyed.

Running Shoe Brand – 3. Hoka

Hoka, the French athletic footwear brand, is taking the running world by storm with their unique blend of style and function.

Although the brand is relatively new to the industry, having been founded just over a decade ago, they have already made a name for themselves among fashion-savvy and serious runners alike. Hoka’s designs are eye-catching, and their shoes are engineered with top-of-the-line technology that provides uncompromising performance.

One of the things that sets Hoka apart is their focus on cushioning. Their shoes are some of the most-cushioned athletic footwear on the market, making them a top choice for long-distance runners and anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet. With superior shock absorption and a low heel drop in nearly every design, Hoka shoes offer maximum performance and comfort, helping you go the extra mile.

But it’s not just their performance that’s catching people’s attention – Hoka’s trendy designs are also turning heads. The All Gender Ironman Kona Carbon X, for example, is a sleek and stylish shoe that is sure to make a statement on your next run. And with other popular styles like the Clifton 8, Rincon 3, Speedgoat 4, and Clifton Edge, there’s a Hoka shoe to suit every style and preference.

Additional resource – Running Shoes Vs. Cross Trainers

Running Shoe Brand – 4. New Balance

New Balance is a privately owned company that is still headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. It is one of the few major shoe companies that still manufacture shoes in the United States.

With over a century’s worth of experience, it’s no surprise that New Balance makes some of the best running shoes out there. The brand has earned a reputation for its superior craftsmanship and innovative designs that cater to the needs of all types of runners.

What sets New Balance apart is its focus on producing specialist orthopedic training shoes that provide supreme support for the feet. Their shoes have been praised for their cushioning, comfort, and durability, ensuring that runners can go the distance without any discomfort or risk of injury.

The Fresh Foam Zante V2 is a popular choice among runners thanks to its snug fit and responsive cushioning. The PureFlow 7 is also a go-to for runners who need a shoe with a minimalist feel while still providing ample support. And if you’re looking for speed, the Vazee Pace V2 is the shoe for you.

Running Shoe Brand – 5. Nike

Nike is not just a brand, but it’s a culture that has influenced athletes and fashion enthusiasts alike. The brand’s iconic “swoosh” logo is one of the most recognizable logos in the world, and the company has been a trendsetter in the world of fashion and sports.

Nike has a long history of innovation and has been at the forefront of creating running shoes that meet the needs of runners worldwide. One of the most significant innovations introduced by Nike is the “Air” technology, which revolutionized the industry by providing exceptional cushioning and comfort.

The Nike Zoom Pegasus Turbo 2 is a popular choice among runners, featuring the brand’s cutting-edge ZoomX foam technology that offers optimal energy return, making it perfect for those looking to improve their speed and endurance. The Roshe Run is another stylish and comfortable choice, with a sleek design and lightweight feel that makes it perfect for everyday wear.

Versatile and stylish, you can wear these shoes with jeans and complete the ensemble with a t-shirt, button-down, hoodie, or sweater for a casually cool outfit for guys.

The Free RN Distance is an excellent choice for runners looking for a shoe that offers a natural feel and flexibility while still providing the necessary support and cushioning. The Zoom X Vaporfly is another exceptional shoe, designed with a carbon fiber plate to provide a more responsive ride and improve running economy.

Research has shown that Nike’s innovative designs have helped improve runners’ performance. In a study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences, researchers found that Nike’s “Air” technology significantly reduced impact forces during running, which can help prevent injuries and improve performance.

Running Shoe Brand – 6. Reebok

When it comes to running shoes, Reebok is a true veteran in the game. Having been founded in 1895, the German-owned brand has a long and rich history of crafting premium footwear. But don’t let their age fool you; Reebok is still at the forefront of the industry and continues to produce shoes that perfectly blend style, comfort, and performance.

Reebok shoes are not just functional; they are also fashionable. Their shoes come in a variety of colors and styles and are designed to make you stand out from the crowd. But it’s not just about the looks; Reebok shoes are designed to provide superior comfort and support to every type of runner, from beginners to seasoned pros.

One of Reebok’s signature features is their groovy sole, which provides a comfortable and smooth ride no matter how far you’re running. The synthetic upper is also designed to keep your feet cool and dry, even during the most intense workouts.

But the best part about Reebok shoes? You don’t have to break the bank to get a high-quality pair. Reebok shoes are affordably priced, so you can invest in a pair of premium shoes without breaking the bank.

Some of Reebok’s most popular styles include the Floatride Run Fast Pro, which is perfect for speed demons looking to shave seconds off their times, and the Forever Floatride Grow, which is made from eco-friendly materials. No matter what your needs are, Reebok has a shoe that will suit you perfectly.

Running Shoe Brand – 7. Saucony

Saucony’s history is a testament to the company’s dedication to creating the perfect running shoe. They have been making shoes for over a century, and their experience shows in their products. From their humble beginnings in 1898, Saucony has grown into a brand that is loved and trusted by runners around the world.

Their commitment to quality is evident in their shoe designs. Saucony offers shoes for runners of all levels and backgrounds, whether you are a beginner looking for a lightweight shoe or a seasoned runner in need of a cushioned stability shoe. Their shoes are designed to provide maximum comfort and support, with PWRRUN insoles that offer superior shock absorption and cushioning.

Saucony’s focus on innovation has led to the development of some of the most popular styles in the market, including the Triumph ISO 3, Osprey, Grid Omni 3, and Freedom ISO 5. These shoes have earned their reputation as reliable, comfortable, and high-performance, making them a go-to choice for runners of all skill levels.

Here’s the full guide to arch support for running

Running Shoe Brand – 8. Altra

Picture this: you’re running along a winding path, surrounded by trees and greenery, and your feet feel free like they’re dancing in the wind. This is the feeling you get when you wear Altra Footwear.

Founded in 2009, Altra Footwear has revolutionized the way we think about athletic shoes. Unlike other brands that design shoes with narrow-toe boxes, Altra’s FootShape technology offers a more natural, square-toe box that lets your feet spread out evenly. This means your toes have more room to breathe and push off naturally, providing a more stable and balanced foundation for your entire body.

It’s no surprise that Altra’s FootShape technology has taken the running world by storm. The company’s shoes are designed to deliver superior performance, all while keeping you comfortable and injury-free. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting, Altra shoes are perfect for people who are always on the go.

Some of the most popular styles include the Altra Lone Peak 5, which is perfect for rocky terrain, and the Altra Olympus 4, which offers unbeatable traction on wet and slippery surfaces. The Escalante 2.5 is another fan favorite, featuring a sleek design and comfortable fit that’s perfect for everyday use. And if you’re looking for a shoe that offers extra support, look no further than the Altra Provision 5.

Running Shoe Brand – 9. Adidas

Step into any gym or go for a run, and you’re bound to spot Adidas shoes on someone’s feet. The iconic three stripes have become synonymous with high-performance shoes, and the brand continues to dominate the market.

The Adidas shoes are engineered for comfort, durability, and style, and it’s no surprise that the German brand has been at the forefront of the industry for decades.

One of Adidas’s standout features is the use of innovative technology in its shoes. The Ultraboost technology, for instance, is an outstanding innovation that delivers a responsive and comfortable ride. With every stride, the shoes return energy to the wearer, making them perfect for long-distance running.

The Adizero Adios Pro is another high-performance shoe that has taken the running world by storm. It’s one of the most advanced racing shoes, and it features a unique construction designed to provide maximum energy return, ensuring that you can go the extra mile.

The Adidas Solarboost 3 is another excellent shoe designed to help runners maintain maximum energy return even in the toughest conditions. The shoe features the Solar Propulsion Rail, which helps to guide your foot from landing to takeoff, ensuring a smooth ride.

Adidas shoes are the perfect combination of style and function, making them a favorite for professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to cross-country running

Running Shoe Brand – 10. Mizuno

Mizuno is a brand that has been honing its craft since its inception in 1906. With more than a century of experience, this Japanese company has been producing some of the most innovative and reliable running shoes in the market. In fact, the company’s motto is “Contributing to society through the advancement of sporting goods and the promotion of sports.” And they do that by making running shoes that are tailored to suit every type of runner.

One of the best things about Mizuno shoes is the SmoothRide Support Wave technology that is used to create a smooth and comfortable ride. This innovative technology helps reduce shock and vibrations during running, making the running experience much more comfortable and enjoyable. Moreover, Mizuno shoes feature a reinforced heel that is both lightweight and stylish, providing added stability and support.

When it comes to style, Mizuno knows how to make a statement. Their shoes are sleek and contemporary, with bold colors and designs that appeal to runners of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a minimalist shoe for daily training or a high-performance shoe for race day, Mizuno has got you covered.

Some of the most popular Mizuno running shoe styles include the Kinsei 4, the Wave Sayonara, and the Wave Alchemy 7. The Kinsei 4, for example, is a high-performance shoe designed for runners who demand the best. It features lightweight construction, superior cushioning, and a supportive fit that allows you to push yourself to the limit.

Running Shoe Brand – 11. Puma

Puma, the sibling brand of Adidas, has been creating top-of-the-line shoes since 1948, and their footwear is trusted by athletes and sneaker enthusiasts alike. Their shoes offer not only style but also support and protection that are essential for anyone on the move. Puma is constantly pushing the boundaries of design and technology to create shoes that are both innovative and comfortable, perfect for runners of all levels.

One of Puma’s most notable features is its Hybrid Foam technology, which offers the perfect balance of cushioning and responsiveness to maximize your performance with every step. This technology is found in many of Puma’s popular styles, such as the Velocity Nitro, Deviate Nitro, Deviate Nitro Elite, and Magnify Nitro.

Puma’s shoes are not just functional but also fashionable, with sleek designs and eye-catching colors that will make you stand out from the crowd. Whether you’re running a marathon or just running errands, Puma has the perfect shoe for you.

Running Shoe Brand – 12. Salomon

Salomon is like the sherpa of the athletic shoe world, leading runners to conquer uncharted territories with confidence. This French company has gained an excellent reputation among athletes and for a good reason. Salomon shoes are built to handle rugged terrain and harsh environments with ease. The company specializes in creating shoes that can tackle all kinds of land, from rocky terrains to muddy trails, ensuring that runners can focus on their journey without worrying about their shoes.

One of the standout features of Salomon shoes is Gore-Tex technology. This advanced technology provides superior flexibility across the feet, ensuring that runners can move swiftly and comfortably. The brand’s shoes are designed with a midsole made of Salomon’s signature Optivibe material. This material is the result of over six years of research and provides unparalleled cushioning and energy return with every stride.

Some of the most popular styles include:

  • Salomon XT-6 ADV “Ebony” – perfect for those who want to hit the trails with style and confidence.
  • Salomon XT-Wings 2 ADV “Peat Green” – designed for serious trail runners who demand the best in performance and durability.
  • Salomon XT-6 AD – features a sleek, modern design and provides excellent traction and stability on any terrain.
  • Salomon XA-Pro – ideal for runners who require extra support and stability on rugged trails. The XA-Pro also features a waterproof upper to keep your feet dry in wet conditions.

Running Shoe Brand – 13. Skechers

When it comes to Skechers, you might have heard some people say that the brand is “sketchy,” but let me assure you that there’s nothing suspicious about this innovative footwear company. Founded in 1992 in California, Skechers has quickly become one of the most recognized brands in the world, making shoes for all ages, including a range of shoes specifically designed for track events.

Skechers running shoes are designed to give you a high-performance experience with breathable mesh and comfortable insole support. The Air Cooled Goga mat technology, and insole body provide comfort and a lightweight feel, so you can focus on your training without any discomfort.

One thing that sets Skechers apart from other brands is its use of high-quality synthetic materials, which makes its shoes strong and durable. You won’t have to worry about your shoes breaking down quickly, even with daily use.

If you’re looking for a pair of Skechers to take your running to the next level, check out the GoMeb, GoRun, and GoTrail lines. These shoes are designed to meet the needs of serious runners, providing a balance of comfort, stability, and performance.

Research has also shown that Skechers running shoes are effective in reducing impact and providing support, making them a great choice for runners who want to minimize the risk of injuries. So, lace up a pair of Skechers and hit the pavement with confidence!

Running Shoe Brand – 14. Newton Running

Newton Running is the shoe brand that brings you closer to nature with every stride. This company knows a thing or two about how to design shoes that are both performance-driven and eco-friendly. By using eco-friendly fabrics and textiles, Newton Running is committed to reducing its environmental footprint while still delivering the perfect running shoe for its customers.

What sets Newton Running shoes apart is their unique design, which follows the natural form of the foot. Their shoes are crafted with precision, giving runners the perfect blend of comfort and support, all while being incredibly lightweight. And with every pair of Newton Running shoes, you can rest easy knowing that you’re making a sustainable choice that limits negative environmental impact.

So, whether you’re a seasoned marathon runner or just starting out, Newton Running has got you covered. With styles like the Newton Kismet 4, Gravity 7, Fate II, and Aha 2, you’ll find the perfect fit for your next run. And not only will your feet thank you, but so will the planet.

 Best Running Shoe Brands – The Conclusion

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of our journey exploring the best running shoe brands out there! Now, it’s time to put your best foot forward and start running towards your goals.

Remember, running shoes are not just a piece of equipment; they’re an investment in your health and fitness journey. By choosing the right pair, you’ll be able to run more comfortably and reduce the risk of injuries.

So, whether you’re a seasoned marathon runner or just getting started on your fitness journey, make sure you choose a brand that fits your specific needs and style.

And who knows, maybe one day you’ll be running your own shoe brand, inspired by the amazing technology and design featured in these top brands.

We hope you enjoyed reading about these amazing shoe brands and have found the information helpful in making your decision. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment or question below if you have any, we would love to hear from you. Now, lace up those shoes and hit the road!

Running Towards Language Mastery: The Surprising Connection Between Running and Language Learning

Running is not only a fantastic way to stay fit and improve cardiovascular health, but it can also be an unexpected ally in your language learning journey. The combination of physical exercise and cognitive engagement can enhance memory, focus, and overall learning ability. 

In this article, we will explore the surprising connection between running and language learning and how you can leverage your running sessions to accelerate your language acquisition.

The Cognitive Benefits of Running

When we engage in aerobic activities like running, our brain receives an increased supply of oxygen and nutrients. This influx of oxygen-rich blood promotes the growth of new neurons and strengthens the connections between existing ones. These neurobiological changes enhance cognitive function, including memory retention, attention span, and information processing.

Research has shown that exercise, particularly aerobic exercises like running, can improve language learning outcomes. When we exercise, our brain releases endorphins and other neurotransmitters that boost our mood and enhance our cognitive abilities. 

These neurochemical changes create an optimal environment for language acquisition, allowing us to absorb and retain new vocabulary and grammar rules more effectively.

Creating a Language Learning Routine

Running provides an excellent opportunity to create a language learning routine. By incorporating language learning activities into your running sessions, you can maximize your time and make significant progress in your language studies. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. a) Language Learning Apps: Utilize language learning apps that offer audio lessons, vocabulary drills, and interactive exercises. Three popular language learning apps that you can use during your runs are:
  • Promova: Promova is a leading language learning app that provides comprehensive courses taught by experienced adult English teachers. With Promova, you can improve your language skills while enjoying your running sessions. Take advantage of their extensive curriculum, which covers a wide range of topics and includes interactive exercises to enhance your vocabulary and conversational abilities.
  • Duolingo: Duolingo is a popular language learning app that offers bite-sized lessons in various languages. Its gamified approach makes language learning fun and engaging. Take advantage of Duolingo’s mobile app to learn new vocabulary and practice your language skills while on the go.
  • Memrise: Memrise is a language learning app that utilizes spaced repetition and mnemonic techniques to help you memorize vocabulary effectively. Use Memrise during your runs to reinforce your language knowledge and expand your vocabulary.
  1. b) Language Podcasts: Listen to language podcasts or audio lessons while running. This allows you to immerse yourself in the language and improve your listening skills. Choose podcasts that align with your language proficiency level and areas of interest.
  2. c) Language Learning Music: Create a playlist of songs in the language you are learning. Music has a powerful impact on memory and emotion, and listening to songs in your target language while running can help you internalize vocabulary and improve pronunciation.

Mindful Running and Language Learning

Running provides an opportunity to practice mindfulness, which can be beneficial for language learning. Mindfulness involves focusing your attention on the present moment and being fully aware of your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. By applying mindfulness techniques during your runs, you can enhance your language learning experience. 

Here’s how:

  1. a) Mindful Listening: Pay attention to the sounds around you while running. Notice the rhythm of your footsteps, the rustling of leaves, and any other auditory stimuli. Apply this focused listening to your language learning by actively listening to language podcasts or audio lessons.
  2. b) Visualization: Use visualization techniques during your runs to imagine yourself in situations where you can apply the language you are learning. Picture yourself having conversations with native speakers or confidently using the language in real-life scenarios. This mental rehearsal can boost your confidence and prepare you for future language interactions. As you visualize yourself speaking the language fluently, your brain becomes more attuned to the patterns and structures of the language, facilitating faster language acquisition.
  3. c) Language Learning Mantras: Create positive affirmations or language learning mantras that you can repeat to yourself during your runs. These affirmations can be specific language goals or motivational phrases to keep you inspired and focused on your language learning journey. 

By reinforcing positive beliefs about your language abilities, you can overcome self-doubt and maintain a growth mindset.

Learning Communities and Running Clubs

Combining language learning with running can be a social and motivating experience. Look for language learning communities or language exchange programs in your area that organize running events, or join a running club where you can connect with fellow language learners. 

Here are some ways you can integrate language learning communities and running clubs into your language acquisition journey:

  1. a) Language Exchange Runs: Some language learning communities organize language exchange runs where participants pair up with native speakers or language enthusiasts. These runs provide an opportunity to practice your target language while enjoying the camaraderie of fellow runners. You can engage in conversations, exchange language tips, and learn about different cultures during your runs. Not only will you improve your language skills, but you’ll also build lasting friendships.
  2. b) Running Clubs with Language Learning Themes: Look for running clubs that have a language learning focus or cater to individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds. These clubs often organize language-themed runs or language-related events, such as language trivia nights or language immersion activities. Joining such a club allows you to combine your passion for running with your desire to learn a new language, creating a supportive and motivating environment.
  3. c) Virtual Language Learning and Running Challenges: In the digital age, many language learning platforms and running apps offer virtual challenges that you can participate in from anywhere in the world. These challenges may involve running specific distances or completing language learning milestones. By joining these virtual challenges, you can connect with a global community of language learners and runners, share your progress, and gain inspiration from others pursuing similar goals.
  4. d) Language Practice Meetups: Check if there are language practice meetups or conversation groups organized by local running clubs or language learning communities. These meetups provide a structured environment for practicing your language skills while engaging in physical activity. You can pair up with language partners or join group discussions during warm-ups, cool-downs, or post-run social gatherings. The combination of exercise and language practice creates a dynamic and interactive learning experience.

By joining language learning communities and running clubs, you can tap into the collective knowledge and motivation of like-minded individuals. These communities offer a supportive environment where you can exchange language learning strategies, seek advice from experienced learners, and find encouragement during challenging times. Additionally, the social aspect of running and language learning together can make the journey more enjoyable and help you stay motivated for the long haul.

Overcoming Challenges and Staying Motivated

Language learning, like running, can have its fair share of challenges. It’s important to stay motivated and overcome obstacles along the way. Here are some strategies to help you maintain your enthusiasm for both running and language learning:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Break down your language learning and running goals into manageable steps. By setting realistic targets, you can celebrate small victories along the way and stay motivated to continue.
  • Track Your Progress: Keep a journal or use language learning apps that allow you to track your progress. Seeing how far you’ve come can be a powerful motivator and remind you of the progress you’re making in both running and language learning.
  • Find Accountability Partners: Connect with fellow runners and language learners who share similar goals. Join online communities, find language learning partners, or participate in virtual running challenges to stay accountable and motivated.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate your achievements, whether it’s completing a language level or reaching a running milestone. Reward yourself with small treats or engage in activities that inspire and rejuvenate you.


Running and language learning may seem like two unrelated activities, but their combination can have a profound impact on your language acquisition journey. By incorporating language learning activities into your running routine, you can leverage the cognitive benefits of exercise and create a powerful synergy between physical and mental fitness. 

Whether it’s using language learning apps, practicing mindful running, or joining language learning communities, the surprising connection between running and language learning offers an exciting and effective approach to mastering a new language. Lace up your running shoes, grab your language learning materials, and embark on a journey towards language mastery while enjoying the many benefits of running.

Break the 20-Minute Barrier: Master the Art of Running a Sub-20 5K

5K good time

Looking for a sub-20 5K training plan?

You have come to the right place.

Let’s be honest, a sub-20 minute 5K is no easy feat. It requires serious dedication, hard work, and of course, good genes. But don’t let that discourage you! With the right training plan, anyone can crush their personal best and become a member of this elite club.

First, let’s break down what it takes to run a sub-20 minute 5K. According to the International Association of Athletics Federations, the current world records for men and women stand at an astonishing 12:37 and 14.11, respectively.

Of course, these times are set by elite athletes who run for a living, but for the rest of us, anything under 30 minutes is a great finish time.

And for those seeking to challenge themselves and reach their full running potential, joining the Sun 20 Minutes 5K club is a true feat. How quickly you can get to sub-20 will depend on your current fitness level, gender, age, and natural talent. However, with the right training and a bit of perseverance, you can do it!

That’s where today’s post comes in handy.

In today’s article, I’ll dive into virtually everything related to running a sub-20 5K. And that includes:

  • The exact breakdown of the distance
  • The right pace for a sub-20 minutes 5K
  • The importance of recovery for maximum running performance
  • How to train for the distance
  • And so much more


Let’s lace up and dig in.

Note- Keep in mind that you’ll need to be pretty close to 20 minutes already to make the needed improvement in 8 weeks. How fast you can get to the sub-20-min 5K depends on you—your current conditioning level, your gender, your age, your response to training, and your natural talent.

A beginner runner? Try this couch to 5K plan. You can also try my sub 30 5K plan if you don’t feel ready yet.

A Sub 20 5K – The Breakdown

So, how hard is it to run a sub-20 5K?

Regardless of fitness level, experience, gender, age, or any other factor, to run 3.1 miles under 20 minutes, you’ll need to be able to run under the target race of 6:25 minutes per mile for the whole distance—or roughly 4 minutes per kilometer.

For most, running at that sort of speed demands serious training.

That’s why if you’re serious about running your best 5K race or reaching any other challenging running goal, you must break it down into smaller, more easily achievable milestones.

When you do so while training hard and staying committed, you’ll, sooner or later, find yourself at the finish line.

To understand what it takes to run a good 5K, let’s make sure we all understand just how far the race is.

  • A 5K is 3.1 miles in distance.
  • Sub-20-min is anything less than 20 minutes.
  • Divided by 3.1 miles, that’s roughly 6.4 minutes per mile.
  • That equals a 6:26 running pace.

So, if you run the first 3 miles at 6:26 per mile, you’ll reach the 3-mile mark at 19:18, and then you still got 1/10 of a mile to make it to the end.

If you keep up the pace, it will take you roughly 40 seconds to run the last one-tenth of a mile, rounding up at 19:58 race time.

So how do you get there?

Simple: get faster.

How to Run a 5K in 20 Minutes or Less

I hate to sound like a broken record, but running a sub-20-minute 5K will take some serious dedication, but with the right training plan, you can achieve this goal and join the exclusive club of runners who have accomplished this feat.

To get there, you’ll need to prepare your body for sustained speed at a much higher intensity than it may be used to. This means incorporating intervals into your training runs a couple of times per week. Intervals are short bursts of high-intensity running followed by periods of rest or low-intensity recovery.

In my own experience, interval training can lead to significant improvements in running performance, particularly in events like the 5K.

And don’t take my word for it.

A study published in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine found that runners who incorporated interval training into their training plan improved their 5K times by an average of 39 seconds.

Here’s an example.

  • Start with a 15-minute dynamic warm-up.
  • Perform ten 30-second controlled sprints at 80 to 90 percent of maximum effort, getting your heart rate as high as possible. Recover for one minute between each sprint.
  • Cool down and jog for 5 minutes.

For more sub-20 5K specific interval training, here are some suggestions and routines that can be performed on the track or the road.

  • 5 x 1km at race pace with three minutes of jog recovery.
  • 10 x 400m with 60 seconds of jog recovery.
  • 6 x 800m with two minutes of jog recovery.

Take Time to Recover

Running a successful race is not just about training hard and pushing your limits; it’s also about knowing how to take care of your body before and after the race. It’s like preparing a car for a long trip – you need to make sure it has enough fuel and oil and is in good condition to avoid any breakdowns on the way. Similarly, as a runner, you need to make sure you have all the necessary components for optimal performance.

One of the most important aspects of running a sub 20 5K is practicing good recovery. If you don’t allow your body to recover properly, you can easily run yourself into the ground just before race day. That’s why it’s crucial to take a few days off from any type of exercise and focus on stretching and relaxing.

picture of Running Tips

Here’s what you need to do to ensure you’ll be in good shape on race day.

  • Sleep right. You can train hard all you want, but skimping on sleep won’t do any good. Also, pre-race jitters may keep you awake the night before the race. Shoot for at least 8 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep during the night time.
  • Stop any hard training. Take two days completely off from any type of exercise. Ideally, train hard on a Monday or Tuesday and race on a Saturday or Sunday. Spend a few days leading to the race stretching and relaxing.
  • Eat right. Make sure you have enough fuel in the tank. Opt for high-energy and easily digestible food.
  • Drink plenty of water too. Your body is just like a car—you need to put good fuel in it to have performed its best—no way around that.
  • Get there early. Make it to the race site at least an hour before the start. This will give you enough time to take care of the many things that need to be done on race morning, including parking, using the restroom, packet pick-up, etc.
  • Warm-up. Race day is not the day to test out a new warm-up routine. Instead, perform the same warm-up routine as you did during training.

Find Your 20-Minute 5K Pace.

To have the best race experience, it’s key to remember that the race is not a sprint but rather a strategic challenge. Just like a chess game, you need to think ahead and plan your moves accordingly.

The 3.1-mile race is relatively short, so it’s easy to assume that all you need to do is to dash to the finish line.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

In fact, sprinting right off the gate will more than likely result in accumulated fatigue and poor performance.

Sure, research shows that starting a 5K race a little bit faster than your goal pace may help, but don’t start with a sprint.

Instead, opt for an even pace, speeding up gradually and as you go.

Begin by setting into a good rhythm where your breath and heart rate are sustainable.

Ideally, aim for a pace of about five to ten seconds per mile, slower than your goal pace for the first mile.

Keep in mind that it might feel slow, even too slow, and you might be getting passed by runners you want to beat.

As soon as you clear the first mile, start to increase your effort and pace into the goal pace range.

Then run the last tenth as fast as you can.

Push your body harder than you ever had before, and hopefully, you’ll achieve that sub-20 5k time.

But how do you find your goal pace? It all comes down to knowing your body and understanding your limits. Start by setting into a good rhythm and gradually building up your pace over time. Don’t be discouraged if you feel like you’re going too slow in the first mile – it’s all part of the plan.

It’s also important to be prepared to adjust your pacing during adverse weather conditions or difficult terrain. If you encounter a steep hill or headwind during the race, you may need to slow down temporarily to conserve energy and maintain your overall pace.

Be Flexible

While the training plan outlined in this article is a great starting point for anyone looking to run a sub-20 minute 5K race, it’s important to remember that everyone’s fitness level and schedule are different. That’s why you should consider customizing the plan to fit your individual needs.

For example, if you’re a beginner runner, you may want to start with shorter distances or slower paces. Alternatively, if you have more experience, you may want to increase your mileage or incorporate more speed workouts.

It’s also important to consider your schedule when planning your training. If you have a busy work schedule or other commitments, you may need to modify the plan to fit your available time. Consider splitting your workouts into shorter sessions throughout the day or incorporating alternative workouts such as HIIT or yoga to maintain your fitness level when you’re short on time.

Your Sub-20 5K Plan

To help provide you with the exact step by step plan (or at least a path) to follow, here’s a a 3-week training program designed to to get your body ready to run a a 5K in 20 minutes or less.

Week 1

Monday: 30-45 easy run

Tuesday: 5 X 1Km at 4:00 per kilometer

Wednesday: 30 minutes easy

Thursday: Rest or cross train

Friday: 3 X 2Km at 4:10 per kilometer

Saturday: 60 to 90 minutes long run

Sunday: Rest or cross train

Week 2

Monday: 30-45 easy run

Tuesday: 10 hill sprints (45 to 60 seconds sprints)

Wednesday: 30 minutes easy

Thursday: Rest or cross train

Friday: 40-50 fartleks

Saturday: 60 to 90 minutes long run

Sunday: Rest or cross train

Week 3

Monday: 30-45 easy run

Tuesday: 10 X 400m sprints

Wednesday: 30 minutes easy

Thursday: Rest or cross train

Friday: 6 X 800m at 4:00 per kilometer

Saturday: 60 to 90 minutes long run

Sunday: Rest or cross train

Running a sub-20-minute 5K – The Conclusion


By completing this sub-20 5K training plan, you’ve taken the first step towards breaking through your own sound barrier.

Just like a rocket launching into space, you’ve blasted through the limits of what you thought was possible and emerged on the other side stronger, faster, and more resilient than ever before.

Remember, statistics show that only a small fraction of all 5K runners can achieve this feat – so be proud of yourself for having the courage to try. As you continue on your running journey, keep pushing yourself to new heights, and never forget the feeling of triumph you experienced when you crossed that finish line in under 20 minutes.

With each step you take, you’ll be one step closer to the stars. Keep running strong, and who knows – maybe one day you’ll even reach the moon.