The Runner’s Dilemma: Key Differences Between Jogging and Running Explained

how to choose a running group

Ever found yourself pondering the age-old question: What sets running apart from jogging? Are they truly interchangeable terms, or is there more to it? And, most importantly, does it even matter?

Well, you’ve landed in the right spot to unravel these mysteries!

At first glance, it might seem like running and jogging are two peas in a pod – both involve putting one foot in front of the other at a pace quicker than a stroll but not quite as speedy as a Usain Bolt sprint.

But if we scratch beneath the surface, you’ll discover that there’s more to this running vs. jogging conundrum than meets the eye.

In today’s exploration, we’re going to dig deep, uncovering the nuances that distinguish running from jogging while also celebrating the common ground they share. So, fasten your shoelaces and let’s embark on this fitness journey!

The Similarities Between Running & Jogging

Whether you see yourself as a runner or jogger, both provide plenty of amazing benefits to your body.

Let’s start by sharing what running and jogging have in common.

Although most people may use the terms running and jogging interchangeably, the main common denominator is that they’re forms of cardiovascular training.

Here’s where they overlap:

  • Burning calories
  • Aiding in weight loss
  • Strengthening muscles
  • Improving confidence
  • Reducing stress
  • Building stronger bones
  • Outdoor workout gear

Now that we’ve got the similarities out of the way, let’s delve into what sets running and jogging apart.

Running Vs. Jogging – The Pace

Ask most runners (and joggers) about these terms, and they’ll probably tell you that jogging is just a slower version of running. But let’s break it down further.

Jogging, as we define it in the running community, is all about maintaining a pace slower than 5 miles per hour. To put it simply, it’s covering a mile in 12 minutes or more. When you’re jogging, you’re moving at a comfortable, easy-breezy pace. It’s that sweet spot where you can chat away with your running buddy, discuss your weekend plans, or even recite the pledge of allegiance without gasping for air.

In fact, you could practically jog for hours on end as long as you keep your pace under control. It’s a low-intensity, leisurely activity that’s perfect for those days when you want to enjoy a gentle workout without pushing your limits.

Now, let’s switch gears to running. Running means picking up the pace, clocking in at speeds faster than 6 miles per hour. This is where things get exciting and intense. You’ll notice that running demands more effort and focus. Holding a conversation becomes a bit tricky, and you might find yourself gasping for breath if you try to recite the pledge of allegiance while sprinting.

Running opens up a world of possibilities for your fitness journey. It’s a dynamic activity where you can challenge yourself with various speeds, terrain, and distances. Whether you’re training for a 5K race or simply aiming to boost your cardiovascular fitness, running allows you to push your limits and set new goals.

And here’s the fascinating part: both jogging and running offer incredible health benefits. Studies have shown that regular jogging, with its lower intensity, can improve cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and help with weight management. On the other hand, running, with its higher intensity, can enhance cardiovascular endurance, build stronger muscles, and even lead to greater calorie burn.

Running Vs. Jogging – Running Is Harder

The key lies in the pace – running demands a faster pace than jogging. This elevated intensity makes running a more robust form of aerobic training. It’s no walk in the park, that’s for sure! This is precisely why runners are often perceived as being in better shape than joggers, especially when it comes to cardio endurance and overall fitness. But hey, you can always challenge me on this topic later.

Science has our back on this one. Research published in the journal Scientific Reports confirms that as your speed increases, so does the energy you expend. Let’s break it down with a practical example: imagine you’re running a 7-minute mile pace. It’ll take you roughly 20 minutes to complete a 5K race at this speed. Now, if you decide to tackle a 10K race at the same pace, expect over 40 minutes of continuous effort.

Surveys have even shown us the average running pace for men (about 9:03 per mile) and women (approximately 10:21 per mile). So, if you’re tight on time and aiming to maximize the benefits of your workout, opting for an intense 20-minute run might just do the trick. It’ll give you more bang for your buck compared to a leisurely jog for the same duration.

Running Vs. Jogging – Calorie Burn

When it comes to calorie burn, both jogging and running are winners, but there’s a noticeable difference in the rate at which they torch those calories.

As a rule, energy expenditure escalates as you crank up your speed. Running, being the speedier sibling, makes your body work harder and consequently burns more calories per minute. Picture it like this—a faster pace equals more calories incinerated.

Let’s dive into some numbers. If you weigh around 160 pounds and go for a leisurely jog at a pace of five miles per hour for half an hour, you’ll bid farewell to approximately 300 calories. But here’s where it gets interesting. Crank up the speed to eight miles per hour, and that same person will sizzle over 430 calories during the same 30 minutes of exercise.

Now, brace yourself for this: research has spotlighted the supremacy of sprinting in the calorie-burning and body fat-reducing game. Sprinting, a form of interval training, trumps steady-state, low-intensity exercises like jogging. The International Journal of Obesity backs this up, revealing that high-intensity workouts, such as sprinting, lead to more significant total body mass reduction.

But wait, there’s more! Running, especially interval running, unlocks a fantastic bonus—the after-burn effect, scientifically known as excess post-oxygen consumption. When you push your body beyond its comfort zone, it exhausts its fuel reserves, and that means it needs to work extra hard to replenish them.

This post-workout calorie burn continues for up to 48 hours. So, the more you challenge yourself, the longer your body keeps the calorie furnace roaring.

Additional link – How to perform running strides for beginners

female runner doing Tabata Workout routine

Running Vs. Jogging – The Mindset

Let’s delve deeper into the distinctions between jogging and running; it’s not just about the physical aspect but also the mindset.

Runners, well, they’re like the go-getters of the fitness world. They thrive on setting goals, chasing them down, and reveling in the satisfaction of achievement. For them, it’s all about pushing boundaries, whether it’s breaking a personal record or working on that speed. The relentless pursuit of excellence fuels their passion.

Joggers, on the other hand, take a more laid-back approach. They’re all about enjoying the journey at a comfortable pace without the intense drive to set new records. For joggers, it’s about savoring the moment and the simple pleasure of moving. No need for speed demons here!

Now, here’s the kicker—calling a runner a jogger is akin to a slap in the face (metaphorically, of course). It’s like saying, “Hey, buddy, you’re not taking this seriously enough.” And trust me, that’s the ultimate insult in a runner’s book!

Running Vs. Jogging – The Form

Let’s talk about the nuances of form when it comes to running versus jogging. While the basics of proper form are quite similar, there are some key distinctions.

Jogging has a certain bounce to it. It’s a relaxed, comfortable movement. Your strides are shorter, and you’re not in a hurry. Your arms move casually, almost like a gentle sway.

Running, on the other hand, is all about precision. It demands a steady rhythm, faster arm swings, and longer strides. When you’re running, you want to land on the forefoot, ensuring your knees stay aligned with your toes. Your arms become powerful engines, pumping back and forth to generate the momentum needed for sustained speed over longer distances. You’ll notice your knees come up higher, and your arm swing is stronger.

Now, let’s talk about breathing. When you’re running, you’re taking deeper breaths. Your body craves more oxygen to fuel the high demands placed on it during those faster paces.

So whether you’re running or jogging, remember, it’s not just about the speed—it’s also about the way you move and breathe.

Training vs. Leisure

Often, people choose running over jogging when training for specific goals, such as races, marathons, or personal best timings. The structured approach, involving speed workouts, hill repetitions, and long runs, underscores the seriousness attached to running.

On the other hand, jogging is more frequently chosen as a leisure activity—a way to stay active, soak in the environment, or even engage in light-hearted conversation with a friend.

Recovery and Health

Interestingly, jogging is often recommended as a recovery or “easy” day for seasoned runners. I’ve already explained the ins and outs of this practice in this article. Easy jogging offers a way to keep the legs moving without exerting undue stress on the body. Moreover, those recovering from injuries or health concerns might opt for jogging as it tends to be gentler on the joints and muscles.

The Main Differences Between Jogging and Running – The Conclusion

At the end of the day, both jogging and running have a lot to offer. They both provide immense positive results for your overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being, as well as protect your body from a plethora of chronic diseases.

Whether you decide to choose to run or jog, remember to always start your workouts with a 5-10-minute warm-up to get your body ready for training. Here’s the sequence I recommend.

Then, end the session with a 5-minute cool-down, either as a slow jog or walk, to slowly bring your body back to the pre-workout state.

If you’re a complete beginner and planning to start jogging or running, make sure to first consult your doctor, especially if you have any chronic conditions or a history of athletic injury. It’s always better to err on the side of caution.

The Science Behind Curved Treadmills: How They Boost Your Running

Ready to dive into the world of curved treadmills? You’ve come to the right place! I’m about to unveil the secrets of this exciting piece of cardio equipment that’s taking the fitness industry by storm.

Treadmills have come a long way over the past few decades, evolving into one of the most dependable options for a killer cardio workout. But now, there’s a new player in town—the curved treadmill. These bad boys are making waves in health clubs and CrossFit gyms worldwide, becoming the go-to machine for cardiovascular fitness enthusiasts.

But hold on a second! Before you step onto one of these curved wonders, let’s make sure you’re in the know. Have you ever experienced the thrill of a curved treadmill? Do you know what sets them apart from the classic models?

Today, I’ve got you covered.

Get ready, because in this article, we’re serving up the ultimate guide to curved treadmills. By the time you finish reading, you’ll be well-versed in everything you need to know, including what exactly a curved treadmill is, the incredible benefits they offer, and yes, even the downsides. We’ll teach you the art of running on a curved treadmill and provide essential tips for purchasing a self-propelled gem of your own.

Are you ready to lace up your shoes and join us on this exciting journey? Fantastic! Let’s dive right in.

What is A Curved Treadmill?

A curved treadmill is a cardio machine with a twist, featuring a curved running deck that propels you forward with every foot strike. But here’s the kicker—curved treadmills are unlike anything you’ve ever encountered. They defy convention by ditching the motor and eliminating the need for electricity. Instead, these innovative machines harness the force of your own body to drive the belt.

Now, let’s delve into the science behind the hype. Research conducted at the esteemed University of Essex has uncovered some jaw-dropping findings.

Running on a curved treadmill was associated with a significant increase in perceived effort and physiological demands. According to the study participants, it felt like they were exerting themselves a whopping 25 percent harder on the curved treadmill. Talk about turning up the heat!

But that’s not all. There was an astonishing 30 percent surge in oxygen consumption and a heart-pounding 16 percent spike in heart rate. And wait, there’s more—a 2.5 percent increase in cadence means you’ll be effortlessly gliding through your strides, achieving a rhythm that propels you towards your goals.

Curved Treadmill Benefits

Curved treadmills offer a range of advantages that will take your training to new heights. Let’s dive into the exciting realm of curved treadmill benefits.

More Muscle Activation

Curved treadmills are like a full-body workout in disguise. Unlike their flat counterparts, curved treadmills kickstart your lower body engagement right from the start. Every stride activates a multitude of muscles, from your powerful calves to your glutes of steel.

Run more Naturally

Curved treadmills work in harmony with your body, encouraging a more authentic running style compared to motorized flat treadmills. As you drive your feet into the belt, you’re propelling yourself forward, rather than chasing a powered belt.  And here’s the kicker—the unique U shape of the curved treadmill compels you to land on the balls of your feet, promoting a more natural and efficient stride.

What’s more? Thanks to curved treadmills, you have the potential to minimize this vertical movement, making your training sessions even more effective.

Lower Injury Risk

Curved treadmills are designed to promote a more natural running stride, encouraging you to land on the balls of your feet. This helps reduce the impact on your muscles and joints, lowering the risk of pain and injuries.

Increased Calorie Burn

Research has revealed that individuals tend to push themselves approximately 30 percent harder on a curved treadmill compared to a traditional one. That means you’ll be torching a third or even more calories during your sweat sessions. It’s like igniting a metabolic fire, turning your body into a calorie-burning machine.

Good Incline

If you’re preparing for a race set on hilly terrain or find yourself living in a flat area, a curved treadmill is your secret weapon. With its incline-like effect, you can simulate those challenging uphill battles and conquer any racecourse with confidence. This allows you to build strength and endurance like never before.

No Electricity

Curved treadmills bring you the ultimate freedom from electricity bills and tangled cords. Since you’ll be using your own body to power the machine, no electrical outlet is required. Say goodbye to worrying about plugging in and endless extensions cords. The built-in displays are even battery-powered, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free workout experience.

Longer Service Life

Unlike their motorized counterparts, curved treadmills have fewer moving parts, meaning less maintenance and repair fees in the long run. And let’s not forget about the slatted belt, known for its remarkable durability compared to standard treadmill belts. It’s a guarantee that your investment will go a long way.

Disadvantage of Curved Treadmills

But as with any story, there are some downsides to consider. Here are a few.

Foot Print

If you plan to bring this marvel into your home gym, be prepared for its huge size. These machines tend to be a bit bulkier than compact flat-belt treadmills, with dimensions ranging from around five to six feet in length and about three feet in width.


Curved treadmills often come with a higher price tag, which can be a roadblock for those on a tight budget. However, fear not! If you live in a bustling city, chances are there’s a gym nearby equipped with a curved treadmill, saving you from splurging your hard-earned cash.

That said, anti-gravity treadmills are still the most expensive type of a treadmill out there!

How To Use A Curved Treadmill

The answer is simple—just like you’d run outside, especially after you get used to the machine’s curvature.

Ready to conquer the curved treadmill? Get ready for a thrilling run that brings the great outdoors right into your workout space. Using a curved treadmill is as natural as a breath of fresh air, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

First things first, let’s talk about form. When you step onto that curved surface, let your body flow just like you would on an open road. Don’t overthink it or try to force any unnatural adjustments. Embrace the freedom and let your body do what it knows best—run.

Here’s how to keep good form on a curved treadmill.

  • Posture perfection: Keep your gaze fixed ahead, engage your core for stability, and pull those shoulders back with confidence. Pump your arms like a well-oiled machine and take deep, steady breaths to fuel your journey.
  • Center stage: Position yourself in the center of the treadmill. Remember, the placement of your feet determines the speed of the belt. If you want a gentle jog, keep your feet closer to the rear. If you’re ready to pick up the pace, move those feet forward and feel the exhilaration of speed.
  •  Unwind and relax: Tension is the enemy of smooth movement. So, take a deep breath, let go of any nervousness, and allow your body to flow effortlessly. The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to find your rhythm and conquer the curved terrain.
  • Safety first: When the belt gracefully slows down, feel free to rest your hands on the rails to maintain balance and ensure a safe dismount. Especially if you’re catching your breath and your heart is pounding, those handrails are like trusty companions, providing a comforting stability.

How Fast Can you Run On A Curved Treadmill?

On a regular motorized treadmill, you manually set your desired speed and incline, and off you go. But when it comes to the curved treadmill, it’s an entirely different ball game. You become one with the machine as you seamlessly adapt your speed to its curves and contours.

And here’s the mind-blowing part—there are no limits to how fast you can go on a curved treadmill. As long as your legs can keep up with the pace, you can reach lightning-fast speeds that will leave your heart pounding and your senses electrified.

In fact, elite runners have embraced the curved treadmill as a tool to shatter speed barriers. Imagine sprinting at over 24 mph, defying gravity and pushing your limits like never before.

But remember, with great speed comes great responsibility. It’s crucial to listen to your body and ensure that you’re maintaining proper form and technique. Take it step by step, gradually building up your speed and endurance.

The Best Workout On Curved Treadmill

There are many different running workouts you can perform on a curved treadmill, depending on your running goals and fitness level.

Let’s discuss a few.


By far, the best workout you can perform on this machine is the good old’ sprints.

Curved treadmills are ideal for sprint workouts. Whether you’re looking to change up your running routine or looking for a fast way to lose weight, it’s a fantastic way to get faster.

This is the case since a curved treadmill allows you to pick up the pace fast without having to wait for the belt to catch up with you. Just like when running outside, you can speed up and slow down easily. You really have complete control over your pace.

What’s more?

You’re also running on a more stable surface than when running outside.

Curved Treadmill Price – How Much Do Self Propelled Treadmills Cost?

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room—the price tag. It’s true that curved treadmills can be a significant investment, with high-quality models ranging from $4,000 to around $10,000. But here’s the thing: when you consider the unique features and long-term benefits, it’s a worthy investment in your fitness journey.

For starters, maintenance costs are significantly lower with curved treadmills, meaning fewer repair hassles and more uninterrupted workouts. Plus, you won’t have to worry about racking up your electric bill since curved treadmills don’t require electricity. It’s a win-win situation—efficiency for both your workouts and your wallet.

How To Buy A Curved Treadmill

So, you’ve got the funds to embark on an exhilarating fitness journey with a curved treadmill. Fantastic!

But before you dive headfirst into the purchase, let’s pump the brakes and ensure you make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and goals. After all, finding the perfect model is like finding the ideal running partner—it should complement your style, support your stride, and help you reach new heights.

Let’s explore the key features to consider when venturing into the world of curved treadmills.

First things first: price. Curved treadmills can range from $4,000 and up, depending on the brand and the bells and whistles you desire. Remember, the more features you seek, the higher the price tag. So, it’s essential to strike a balance between your budget and the features that truly enhance your workout experience.

Next, let’s talk about support—literally. Choose a curved treadmill with a weight limit that matches your needs. You want a sturdy companion that can withstand your fitness journey and keep you steady every step of the way. Look for a model that can handle your stride with confidence and resilience.

Comfort is key when it comes to your running partner. The best curved treadmill for you is the one that fits like a glove—supporting your unique running form and stride. Take the time to try out different models and find the perfect match. Remember, a comfortable fit reduces the risk of injury and ensures a smooth and enjoyable ride.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room—space. Curved treadmills are not petite accessories; they demand ample real estate in your living room or designated workout area. And while using the machine, you’ll need sufficient space to move freely and safely. Consider the dimensions of the treadmill and ensure you have enough room to avoid any unwanted collisions. After all, the last thing you need is a game of treadmill tango in your living room!

Quality matters, and it matters a lot. Look for a curved treadmill with sturdy handrails that can withstand your toughest workouts. A well-built machine means less time and money spent on maintenance down the road. Opt for reliability and durability—it’s an investment in your long-term fitness journey.

Customer service is the unsung hero of any equipment purchase. As you embark on your fitness adventure with your curved treadmill, inevitable wear and tear may occur. That’s when exceptional customer service becomes your saving grace. Ensure the company you choose provides top-notch support, assisting you with any issues or questions that may arise.

Last but not least, let’s talk warranties. Most curved treadmill manufacturers offer warranties ranging from one to five years. Take a close look at the warranty terms and choose a model that provides the coverage and peace of mind you deserve.

Curved Treadmills – The Conclusion

A curved treadmill is a fantastic way to change up your running routine and/or take it to the next level.

It will help engage more muscle groups, improve your form, burn more calories, and upgrade your overall speed and conditioning.

What’s not to like, really!

That’s why I think it’s worth considering—if you have the money—to get your own curved treadmill for home use.

Or, at the very least, look for a health club or a CrossFit gym nearby that has them (chances you’ll if you live in a big city). Just make sure don’t spend over your budget and abandon it later.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

David D.

The Best Yasso 800 Workout for A Marathon PR

Yasso 800 Workout

If you have ever trained for a marathon or had a specific marathon goal, you more than likely have heard of the famous Yasso 800 workout.

You might even have tried them in the past.

Yasso 800s are a popular workout among serious runners looking to run their fastest marathon ever.

In this article, I’ll share with you the full guide to Yasso 800s, covering the basics, history as well as how to add the session into your training plan in the most effective way.

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

What Is Yasso 800 Workout?

Although the long run is the bread and butter of marathon training, it’s by no means the only workout you should be doing, especially if you have a specific marathon goal in mind.

In fact, regardless of your marathon goals, performing Yasso 800s is a sure way to help you achieve them.

So what are they all about?

Quite simple. Yasso 800s involves performing 800-meter reps, usually on a standard track.

The goal behind them is to get your body accustomed to running at the exact pace you’ll run during the event with minimal recovery between sets.

More specifically, performing a series (usually 10) 800 meters reps alternated with short breaks will simulate the effort and pace of running a marathon at your target pace.

Before I explain more, let’s first say a few words about the man behind the workout. He coined it, after all.

Enter Yasso Bart – The Gurus’ Guru

As the name implies, Yasso 800s comes from Bart Yasso, the legendary biathlete and former chief running officer at Runner’s World Magazine.

Having run races on all seven continents, he’s unofficially referred to in the running community as “the mayor of running.”

Yasso won the 1987 U.S. national Biathlon Long Course Championship, ran the Badwater Ultramarathon, and has competed in five Ironman triathlons.

In other words, the guy is a true running legend.

The Theory Behind The 800 Yasso Workout

Yasso 800s are popular because they’re a quick and simple way to guestimate your marathon time based on your 800-meter time.

According to Yasso, the average time it takes a runner to perform ten 800-m intervals in minutes and seconds roughly correlates to the marathon time expect to run in hours and minutes.

For example, if you ran 800-meters in two minutes and 40 seconds on the track, your estimated marathon time will be around two hours and forty minutes.

The workout is also simple. The session consists of 10 intervals of 800-meters (or two laps around a standard track), with recovery intervals of the same length between each interval.

Additional resource – How to qualify for the Boston Marathon

The Best Yasso 800 Workout for A Marathon PR

Start by determining your marathon goal time in hours and minutes. Next, convert it to minutes and seconds.

For example, if you’re shooting for a four-hour marathon ( a common goal among beginner runners), your converted time will 4 minutes per interval.

By the same token, if you’re a faster runner aiming for a sub-3 hour marathon, your Yasso 800m goal time should be a sub 3 minutes too.

Once you have figured out your time, perform the following routine.

  • Warm-up. This is the first step. Perform a 10-minute dynamic warm-up that consists of 5 minutes of jogging and another 5 minutes of dynamic warm-up exercises (as described here). You can also perform a few 100-meter strides to get your body really ready for faster-paced running.
  • 800-meter interval. Run your first 800 meters (roughly half a mile) at your converted time (4 minutes in this example).
  • Recovery: Jog slowly for the same amount of time to recover. (again, 4 minutes in this example)
  • Repeat: Shoot for three to four reps per session in the first few weeks. Up the ante later on.
  • Cool-down: Finish your session with 5 to 10 minutes of easy jogging, following by stretching.

And voila! There’s nothing to it but to do it.

Yasso 800s Workout for a marathon

How Many 800s Reps?

Although the exact number of intervals you perform may vary according to your fitness, when this is your first time doing Yasso 800s, start with no more than four reps and work your way up to completing ten in a single session two weeks before race day.

As you get fitter, aim to add one more repetition every other week until you reach ten repetitions per training session.

It should feel really easy during the first few weeks and don’t worry about running under your goal time. Don’t chew more than you can swallow, or you’ll regret it later on.

Can’t keep up the goal pace throughout all the intervals? Then simply stick with fewer reps again during your next speedwork—only progress when you can handle it.

Additional resource – When to skip a run

How Many Yasso 800s Workouts Per Week?

Aim to complete one Yasso 800-m session a week. Doing more will defeat the purpose, and remember that a well-rounded marathon training program includes other sessions, such as easy runs, interval workouts, and the long run.

Where To Do Yasso 800 Workout?

The best—and most practical place—to perform Yasso 800s is on a track since it makes it easy to measure 800 meters, which is about two laps around a standard track, or roughly one-half mile.

However, feel free to also do the workout on a treadmill as long as you keep track of how far and fast you’re running.

What’s more?

As long as you know the distance, feel free to do Yasso 800s on a long stretch of rad if you have a track or treadmill at hand.

Follow A Well Rounded Marathon Training Plan

Although Yasso 800s are a tried-and-true strategy for running a faster marathon, the workout is not the answer to all of your marathon prayers. In fact, it should be used in conjunction with other training runs.

As a rule, you should follow a well-rounded training plan that includes various runs such as progressive, tempo, and long runs, especially long runs with a few miles at your goal marathon pace.

What’s more?

Besides endurance, speedwork training can take a toll on your body, so cap it at no more than twice per week to prevent injury and/or burnout when training for a marathon.

The guy himself prescribes doing the workout one per week, but if you haven’t been doing speed work lately,  feel free to do the Yasso 800s every other week.

That’s ok, too.

Check the couch to marathon plan.

Yasso 800 Workout – Conclusion

There you have it! If you’re planning to add the Yasso 800 workouts to your running plan, then this article should be enough to set you on the right path. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong

David D.

Conquering the Pain: A Runner’s Guide to Managing & Treating Hemorrhoids

Running with Hemorrhoids

Looking for some valuable advice on how to conquer the tricky challenge of running with hemorrhoids?

Well, you’ve landed in the perfect spot. Trust me, I’ve got your backside covered!

Now, let’s get real for a moment. Running with hemorrhoids can be an absolute pain in the, well, you know where. Those swollen, inflamed anorectal veins can make every step a painful reminder that life isn’t always fair. Sitting becomes a struggle, walking feels like tiptoeing on hot coals, and the thought of running seems like a distant dream. But fear not, my determined friend, because where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Are you ready to uncover the secrets of running with hemorrhoids? I know you are! And guess what? It’s totally possible to hit the pavement and conquer those miles, even with those pesky swollen veins. But first, you need to know what you’re doing. That’s where today’s post swoops in to save the day!

In today’s article, I’m going to unveil all the secrets to running with hemorrhoids. I’ll equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and guidelines you need to not only find relief but also prevent these pesky veins from ruining your running bliss. Consider this your personal roadmap to success, specially designed for those facing the hemorrhoid hurdle.

Ready? Let’s get going.

What Are Hemorrhoids?

Alright, let’s dive into the fascinating world of hemorrhoids and unravel the mystery behind these pesky little buggers!

Picture this: your rectum is like a bustling neighborhood, and within it, there’s a group of veins that are just a little more sensitive than the others. We call them hemorrhoids. They’re like the varicose veins of the rectum, and they can cause quite a commotion, especially for us runners.

So, here’s the deal. Hemorrhoids are these swollen, weakened veins that form lumps of tissue inside the rectum. Think of them as the cushions of vascular tissues in your anal canal, working hard to provide support and comfort. But just like the varicose veins you may have seen on legs, these little vessels can become overwhelmed under pressure. And boy, can they make their presence known!

Pain, itching, and even bleeding are some of the delightful symptoms that hemorrhoids bring to the party. And let’s be honest, as runners, the last thing we need is an unwelcome guest in our rectal neighborhood causing a ruckus. But fear not, my friend, because we’re about to equip you with the knowledge and strategies to tackle these annoyances head-on.

Here’s a mind-boggling statistic for you: surveys have shown that a whopping 70 to 80 percent of adults in the U.S., both men and women, will experience hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. That’s right, it’s like a secret club that most people are unwittingly a part of. But here’s the good news: hemorrhoids aren’t typically dangerous or life-threatening. And here’s an even better news flash: they’re not contagious! Phew, we can all breathe a sigh of relief there.

Internal Vs. External Hemorrhoids

Just like a rollercoaster ride, hemorrhoids come in different levels of intensity, and we’re here to take you through each thrilling stage!

First up, we have the first three stages of hemorrhoids, also known as the undercover agents of the rectal realm. These sneaky fellows hide away, not visible to the naked eye. But don’t be fooled, they might decide to make a grand entrance and show themselves outside the anus, leaving behind traces of blood on toilet tissue or in your stool. It’s like their secret code, a signal that they’re up to no good.

Now, here’s an interesting tidbit: internal hemorrhoids, even though they may not be painful at first, can be quite mischievous when it comes to bleeding, especially when you’re out there pounding the pavement or engaging in high-impact activities. They love to make a grand spectacle, reminding you of their presence with each stride you take.

But wait, there’s more! Enter the fourth stage, the external hemorrhoids. These are the rebels that you can see and feel, hanging out around the opening of the anus like uninvited guests at a party. They bring along a whole entourage of discomfort, including pain, itching, swelling, and bleeding. Oh, and let’s not forget the mucus they like to leave behind as their calling card. They’re the troublemakers of the bunch, causing a real ruckus, especially when you’re trying to enjoy a peaceful run.

Here’s the thing: if you neglect these external troublemakers, they can become real troublemakers indeed. They have a knack for forming blood clots, turning a simple annoyance into a potential medical emergency. That’s when you might need some expert intervention to prevent further complications and ensure your running adventures remain worry-free.

Additional guide  – How to run with seasonal Allergies

Hemorrhoids Symptoms

As runners, we’re no strangers to aches and pains, but when it comes to those pesky hemorrhoids, how do we know if we’re dealing with the real deal? Let’s dive in and unravel the clues, shall we?

First off, let’s talk about internal hemorrhoids, the masters of disguise. These crafty fellows like to keep things low-key, but they do leave behind some telltale signs. One of their favorite party tricks is bleeding during bowel movements. It’s like their secret code, a subtle hint that they’re up to something.

But wait, there’s more! These sneaky internal hemorrhoids might decide to take center stage and prolapse or protrude to the outside when you least expect it. That’s when you might experience some discomfort and pain, like an uninvited guest overstaying their welcome.

On the flip side, we have the external hemorrhoids, the rebels of the rectum. They’re not ones to shy away from making their presence known. If you’re dealing with these troublemakers, you might encounter a whole range of symptoms. Picture this: pain or discomfort, a bit like an annoying itch that just won’t go away.

They also have a flair for dramatics, so don’t be surprised if you witness some bleeding or notice some anal swelling. And let’s not forget the irritation and itchiness they bring along, like a mischievous prankster trying to disrupt your peace. Plus, these external troublemakers have a stubborn streak—they refuse to be manually reduced, making it even more frustrating to deal with them.

Additional resource – Running with osteoarthritis 

Causes Of Hemorrhoids in Runners

When it comes to the root causes of hemorrhoids, it’s like navigating through a maze with multiple pathways. One prominent theory that has made its way into the medical literature points to factors such as constipation, straining during bowel movements, and even prolonged sessions on the porcelain throne. These can all contribute to a disruption in the delicate balance of blood flow, leading to the dreaded swelling and inflammation of those pesky veins.

Now, here’s where things get interesting for us runners. The culprit that often sneaks into the spotlight is none other than dehydration, that sly thief of bodily fluids. Picture this: as runners, we push our limits, pounding the pavement with every stride. But if we neglect to replenish our water stores, chronic dehydration creeps in, leaving our bodies parched like a desert.

And what happens when we don’t have enough water flowing through our systems? You guessed it—constipation takes center stage, starring as the villain in this tale. With hard stools that require Herculean efforts to pass, we find ourselves straining, unknowingly placing extra pressure on those innocent hemorrhoids.

But wait, there’s more! The cast of characters behind hemorrhoids doesn’t end there. Research has uncovered a motley crew of culprits. Frequent bouts of diarrhea can throw a curveball into the mix, wreaking havoc on the digestive system.

Weight gain and poor digestion join forces, casting shadows on our gut health.

And let’s not forget the role of diet—a protagonist or antagonist, depending on our choices.

Genetics play their part too, as our DNA whispers secrets that may make us more susceptible to these unwanted visitors.

For some, the chapters of pregnancy and childbirth add their own twists and turns to the hemorrhoidal tale. And as we age, the plot thickens, with the passage of time becoming a contributing factor. Oh, and let’s not overlook the importance of the poop position—a seemingly insignificant detail that can make all the difference.

Can Running Cause Hemorrhoids?

In the realm of running and hemorrhoids, it turns out that running itself is not the villain. No, no, my friends, running is actually a hero in the battle against those swollen blood vessels.

When done in moderation, physical activity like running can be your trusty sidekick, aiding in colon health and helping you maintain a healthy weight. It’s like having a superhero protecting your backside from the clutches of hemorrhoids.

But wait, there’s more to this story. If you find yourself straining like there’s no tomorrow during your bathroom visits, constantly battling chronic dehydration, munching on a low-fiber diet, or even having a family history of hemorrhoids, then the plot thickens. These factors, combined with your hardcore running regimen, could potentially create a perfect storm, paving the way for those unwanted hemorrhoids to make their grand entrance.

Now, let’s talk about the unfortunate scenario where you’re already grappling with those pesky piles. If you’re in that boat, lacing up your running shoes and hitting the pavement may not be the most pleasant experience. You see, running is like a mischievous trickster, a high-impact and repetitive activity that can wreak havoc on your perianal skin and delicate hemorrhoidal tissues. It’s as if every step sends a jolt of discomfort through your nether regions, intensifying your pain and making you wish for smoother trails.

But hold on, my fellow runners, there’s a silver lining. While running may temporarily exacerbate your hemorrhoid-related symptoms, it doesn’t mean the condition itself will permanently worsen. Think of it like a passing storm, where the rain may pour a little harder for a while, but eventually, the skies will clear. So don’t be too quick to hang up your running shoes just yet.

Can You Run With Hemorrhoids?

First things first, let’s get one thing straight. Running itself doesn’t bear the blame for causing hemorrhoids. However, it’s important to note that any high-impact exercise that aggravates those pesky swollen blood vessels can prolong your road to recovery.

And let’s be honest, my fellow runners, the sooner we heal, the faster we can lace up our shoes and return to the bliss of logging those satisfying miles.

Now, here’s the crucial part: You need to be mindful and not exacerbate your condition by going full throttle with your running routine. Listen closely to what your body is telling you. If your hemorrhoids are causing you discomfort or pain that’s beyond what you can tolerate, it’s time to hit the brakes and give yourself some well-deserved rest. Think of it as a pit stop on your running journey, where you can take the time to heal and recharge before hitting the road once again.

If your symptoms are mild and manageable, running with hemorrhoids should be a walk (or rather, a run) in the park. In fact, for many runners, engaging in their beloved activity while dealing with this condition poses no significant harm.

However, let’s not disregard the warning signs along the trail. If you experience extreme pain and discomfort while running with hemorrhoids, it’s crucial to listen to your body’s distress signals. Don’t push through the agony, my friends. It’s essential to prioritize your well-being and give yourself the time and space needed for healing.

Additional resource – Salt tablets for runners

Treating Hemorrhoids in Runners

First things first, let’s establish a crucial fact: Hemorrhoids don’t exactly “heal” in the traditional sense. They have their ups and downs, much like the undulating terrain we encounter during our runs. But fret not, my resilient friends, for we have tools at our disposal to manage and alleviate the discomfort.

When it comes to treatment, the approach you take depends on the severity of your condition and the extent of the damage. But let’s start with some fundamental lifestyle adjustments that can make a significant difference in your battle against hemorrhoids..


As runners, we understand the importance of choosing the right gear for the job. Similarly, selecting the appropriate over-the-counter medications can help alleviate the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Ibuprofen or Tylenol can be a runner’s ally in soothing the pain and reducing inflammation. However, it’s important to note that painkillers may only mask the symptoms temporarily, so anti-inflammatories are often recommended.

But wait, there’s more! In our quest for relief, you have a range of other solutions to explore. Ointments, suppositories, and pads come to the rescue, offering potential relief for the affected area. Look for salves containing witch hazel or hydrocortisone, which have a reputation for soothing itching and pain.

Rubber Band Ligation

When all else fails and the home remedies have left you yearning for relief, it might be time to consider this intriguing option, carried out by a skilled doctor. Picture it as a strategic maneuver in the battle against hemorrhoids, designed to cut off their blood supply and bring about their ultimate demise.

In this “non-invasive” procedure, a tiny rubber band takes center stage. It slips around the base of the hemorrhoid, constricting its blood flow and leaving it no choice but to surrender. It’s as if we’re tying a knot to prevent an escape route, sealing the fate of those troublesome piles.

Now, here’s the interesting part: Over the course of a few days, the banded hemorrhoids, deprived of their life force, begin to wither away. It’s like watching the leaves of a once-mighty tree shrivel and fall to the ground, bidding farewell to their existence. This natural process allows the body to eliminate the remnants of the hemorrhoids.

But let’s not sugarcoat the truth. This procedure may come with its share of discomfort and bleeding, like unexpected potholes along our running route. Some cases experience these side effects two to three days after the procedure. It’s crucial to keep in mind that while the majority of cases proceed smoothly, severe complications are rare but can occur.

Once the procedure is complete, it’s time for the crucial after-care phase. Just as we adjust our training and recovery routine after a challenging race, a drastic diet change may be in order to support the healing process. This dietary shift aims to prevent irritation in the affected area, much like a gentle breeze soothing a tender wound. Hard stool is the nemesis here, so we must be mindful and take measures to ensure a smoother recovery.

Additional Resource – Your Guide To Runners Nipples

Consult Your Doctor

If despite your best efforts, those pesky symptoms just won’t quit, it’s time to pick up the phone and reach out to your healthcare provider. Remember, we’re talking about prolonged discomfort and, most importantly, any form of excessive or profuse rectal bleeding. That’s the moment to hit the brakes and seek guidance.

Why is this step so crucial, you might wonder? Well, let’s consider the bigger picture. While hemorrhoids themselves typically aren’t life-threatening, there’s a chance that your symptoms could be a sign of something more serious lurking beneath the surface. We don’t want to play a game of chance when it comes to our health, right?

In such situations, it’s wise to consult a specialist who focuses on colon and rectal health. Think of them as the seasoned captains navigating the treacherous waters of gastrointestinal issues. They possess the knowledge and expertise to identify any potential red flags and guide you toward the most appropriate course of action.

One of the reasons it’s essential to consult a specialist rather than a general practitioner is because, in rare cases, hemorrhoids can evolve into a more advanced and serious condition, such as colon cancer. Now, we don’t want to go down that road, do we? By proactively seeking the advice of a specialist, we can address any concerns early on, ensuring the best possible outcome.


Additional Resource – Your Guide To Joggers Nipples

Running With Hemorrhoids – The Conclusion

There you have it!

If you’ve ever suffered from hemorrhoids while running but wanted to keep your running routine on the go, then today’s article should have provided you with enough answers and guideposts on what to do.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Have a painless run!

David D.

Conquer the Race: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Negative Splits

Beginners Runner Guide To Negative Splits

Ever felt that you’ve pushed hard at the beginning of a race only to find yourself lagging by the end? Or perhaps you’re seeking that extra edge to elevate your running game? Enter the world of the negative split.

“Negative split? Sounds like some technical term!” you might muse. But fear not! This isn’t some arcane technique reserved for the elites. It’s a tried-and-true strategy that could be the key to unlocking your best performance.

Today, we’re going to unpack this game-changing approach in plain language, sans the jargon. By the end of this guide, you’ll have:

  • A solid grasp of what negative splits are (And no, they’re not a type of dessert)
  • The advantages and potential pitfalls of this strategy
  • Practical advice on integrating it into your training regimen
  • A step-by-step guide to executing that negative split on race day
  • … And some inspiration to keep your momentum up and your feet moving forward.

Does that sound intriguing? Whether you’re a running novice or a seasoned marathoner seeking a fresh perspective, this guide is packed with insights that might just revolutionize your next run.

Ready to transform your runs? Let’s dive in!

What Is A Negative Split In Running & Racing?

Running a race isn’t just about putting one foot in front of the other. It’s a strategic game that involves understanding your body, the course, and your competition. In the world of running, one strategy stands out as a powerful tool for success – the negative split.

Let me unpack this for you.

A negative split is a pacing strategy where you run the second half of a race faster than the first half. In simpler terms, you start slow and finish strong.

But why would anyone choose to start a race slower than their potential? The answer lies in the science behind it and the numerous advantages it offers.

The Science Behind Negative Splits

Your body needs time to warm up. Starting off at a slightly slower pace allows your muscles, joints, and cardiovascular system to warm up gradually, reducing the risk of injuries and making your run more efficient. By the time you’re warmed up, you’re better primed to increase your pace.

Running too fast at the beginning of a race can deplete your energy stores rapidly. Negative splits conserve your glycogen (your body’s energy source) for when you need it most – during the latter stages of the race when fatigue sets in.

Knowing that you have energy left in the tank during the final miles of a race can boost your confidence. You’ll pass other runners who started too fast and are now struggling, giving you a mental edge.

Numerous studies have shown that running negative splits can lead to faster overall race times. One study published in the journal “Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise” found that runners who employed a negative split strategy had significantly faster 10-kilometer race times.

The Benefits of Negative Splits

Let’s dive into the world of negative splits and uncover the incredible benefits they bring to your running journey.

  1. Warm Up Like a Pro

Imagine this: you’re about to embark on a race or a long run. Instead of sprinting out of the gate, you ease into it with a gentle, slower pace. This is the magic of negative splits in action. By allowing your muscles and joints to gradually warm up, you reduce the risk of injury and set the stage for peak performance.

  1. Discover Your True Pace

One of the most common pitfalls for runners is the temptation to start a race at a blazing speed. It’s an adrenaline rush that can lead to a mid-race burnout. But with negative splits, you get a chance to uncover your true pace – the rhythm that matches your current fitness level. Think of it as a compass guiding you toward a realistic time goal for your run or race. It’s a journey of self-discovery that pays off in the long run.

  1. The Need for Speed

Negative splits are all about finishing stronger than you start. By running the second half of your race faster than the first half, you’re essentially saving the best for last. This strategic approach allows you to conserve precious energy, ensuring that you have plenty in the tank for that final sprint.

  1. Mental Grit and Strategy

Negative splits aren’t just a physical feat; they’re a mental game as well. They demand patience, discipline, and a well-thought-out strategy. As you navigate your run with this approach, you’re training your mind to adapt and persevere.

Additional resource – How many miles is a half marathon

The Downsides of Negative Splits

While negative splits are a powerful tool in a runner’s arsenal, it’s essential to recognize that they aren’t a universal remedy. Like any strategy, they have their limitations, and here’s where they may not be your golden ticket:

  1. Course Matters

Let’s imagine a racecourse that starts with a steep downhill and concludes with a grueling uphill climb. In such scenarios, negative splits might not be your best bet. A positive split, where you maintain a consistent effort throughout, could be the smarter choice. It’s all about adapting your strategy to the unique challenges of the course.

  1. Sprint Distances

For shorter sprint distances, like the 100 meters in track and field, negative splits don’t play a significant role. These races are all about explosive bursts of speed from start to finish.

  1. Mastery Takes Time

Mastering the art of negative splits isn’t an instant achievement. It requires practice, race experience, and an acute sense of your body’s capabilities. If you’re just starting your running journey, don’t be disheartened if negative splits seem elusive. They become more relevant as you build your endurance and racing expertise.

What Are Positive Splits?

As the name implies, a positive split occurs when you run the second half of a run or race slower than the first half. It’s like starting a bonfire with all your wood at once, only to see it burn out prematurely.

When to Use Positive Splits

Positive splits can have their place in certain situations. For instance, on a challenging, hilly course with constant elevation changes or unpredictable terrain, maintaining a consistent pace might be unrealistic. In such cases, embracing a positive split strategy can help you conserve energy early on, knowing that the second half of the race will demand more effort.

What Are Even Splits?

Now, let’s shift our focus to the even splits strategy. Imagine a race where you maintain the same pace throughout, like a metronome ticking steadily. That’s even splits in action.

Even splits are all about keeping a consistent pace from start to finish. Each segment of your race or run, be it a lap on the track or a mile in a road race, is completed in roughly the same amount of time.

For beginners and seasoned runners alike, the allure of even splits is undeniable. It’s a straightforward strategy – run at a steady, manageable pace throughout the race. However, there’s a catch. Even a minor distraction, fatigue, or unexpected challenge can derail your plans and turn your even splits into a daunting task.

So, which pacing strategy should you choose? The answer is not one-size-fits-all. It depends on your goals, the course, and your personal preferences.

  • Negative Splits: Ideal for shaving off those precious seconds from your personal best, negative splits allow you to finish strong and maximize your energy when it counts the most.
  • Positive Splits: Consider this strategy for courses that throw constant surprises your way. Embrace the challenge of adapting your pace to the ever-changing terrain.
  • Even Splits: Aiming for consistent pacing requires discipline and focus. If you’re confident in your ability to maintain your pace, even splits might be your ticket to victory.

In the end, the choice is yours. Whether you’re chasing personal records, tackling a rugged trail, or aiming for steady consistency, the world of pacing strategies offers a variety of tools to help you achieve your running goals. Experiment, adapt, and find the strategy that suits you best.

How To Execute A Negative Split

While it’s easy to say, “run the second half faster than the first,” it’s actually much more challenging to put it into practice.

In fact, Practicing negative splits is tricky, especially in the midst of a race when your adrenaline is soaring, and other runners begin to outpace you.

To get the hang of it, you’ll need to follow a proper training plan and practice negative splits as often as possible.

Practice makes perfect, after all. And it’s what you need to ensure that you get used to the experience of performing a negative split so you can easily follow the strategy on race day.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieving negative splits in your races:

  1. Set a Goal Pace:

Determine your goal pace for the race, whether it’s a 10K, half-marathon, or any other distance.

This goal pace should be challenging but achievable based on your training and fitness level.

  1. Start Conservatively:

During the early miles of the race, resist the urge to start too fast.

Aim to run 20-30 seconds per mile slower than your goal pace in the initial stages.

Focus on conserving your energy and finding a comfortable rhythm.

  1. Maintain Control:

Continue running conservatively during the first third of the race.

It’s essential not to push too hard or get caught up in the excitement of the race.

Run 10-30 seconds per mile slower than your goal pace during this phase.

  1. Gradual Acceleration:

As you enter the middle third of the race, gradually increase your pace.

Transition to a pace that is still realistic but slightly faster than your initial conservative pace.

This is where you’ll start picking up the tempo.

  1. Push for Negative Splits:

In the final stretch of the race, tap into your remaining energy reserves.

Shift into a higher gear and aim to run 20-30 seconds per mile faster than your goal pace.

This is your opportunity to finish the race strong.

  1. Example for a Half-Marathon:

Suppose you’re running a half-marathon with a two-hour target time.

Aim to complete the first half (approximately 6.55 miles) in 61-63 minutes.

Then, for the second half, target a finish time of 57-59 minutes.

This approach ensures you achieve negative splits and finish strong.

  1. Training for Negative Splits:

To master negative splits, incorporate them into your training runs.

Gradually increase your pace throughout specific training sessions.

Practice the mental discipline required to maintain control during races.

running in the sun

Steady Runs

Steady runs, ranging from two to six miles at a consistent effort, are an excellent opportunity to practice negative splits, even if you don’t have specific racing goals in mind. Here’s a simple approach to consistently achieve negative splits in your steady runs:

  1. Divide Your Run into Three Thirds:

Let’s say you plan to run for 45 minutes. Break this session into three equal thirds, each lasting 15 minutes.

  1. Start Easy:

In the first third (approximately 10 minutes), begin at an easy pace. This is your warm-up phase.

Focus on loosening up your muscles and finding your running rhythm.

  1. Build Up in the Middle:

During the middle third (around 20 minutes), gradually increase your pace to a medium-fast level.

This phase should feel comfortably challenging but not an all-out effort.

  1. Finish Strong:

As you enter the final third (last 15 minutes), give it your all and run as fast as possible while maintaining good form.

This is your chance to finish the run with a burst of speed.

By following this approach, you’ll consistently achieve negative splits in your steady runs. Your body will become accustomed to finishing stronger than you started, which can benefit your overall race performance and running endurance.

Progression Run

A great way to hone your negative split strategy is through a progression run. This workout involves gradually increasing your pace throughout the session, ultimately finishing with a strong sprint. Here’s how you can execute a progression run effectively:

  1. Start Slower Than Necessary:

Begin your run at a pace slower than your typical comfortable pace. This is your warm-up mile.

  1. Incremental Pace Increases:

Over the next several miles (you can choose increments like every mile or every kilometer), gradually increase your pace.

Aim to run faster than the previous segment while maintaining control and good form.

  1. Finish Strong:

In the final segment, unleash your speed and run as fast as you can while maintaining proper running mechanics.

  1. Cool Down:

After completing the progression, spend a few minutes jogging or walking to cool down.

Here’s a sample six-mile progression run to get you started:

  • Mile 1: Easy pace (warm-up)
  • Mile 2: Marathon pace
  • Mile 3: Half marathon pace
  • Mile 4: 10K pace
  • Mile 5: 5K pace
  • Cool down: 5 minutes of jogging or walking

Progression runs are an effective way to train your body and mind to accelerate even when you’re fatigued, which can translate into stronger negative splits during races.

Interval Training

Go for an interval workout appropriate for your race distance. For example, if you’re training for a 5K, you can perform 400-meter intervals, while longer races may require 800-meter intervals.

Begin your session with a 10-15 minute dynamic warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints for the workout.

Execute your interval workout with a specific focus on running each interval faster than the previous one. Here are a couple of examples:

Example 1: 10 X 400-Meter Intervals (5K Training)

  • Run intervals 1 to 4 approximately five seconds slower than your goal 5K pace.
  • Run intervals 5 to 8 at your goal 5K pace.
  • Finish strong by running the last two intervals 5-10 seconds faster than your goal pace.

Example 2: 8 X 800-Meter Intervals (10K or Half Marathon Training)

  • Run intervals 1 and 2 about five seconds slower than your goal pace.
  • Run intervals 3 to 5 at your goal pace for the race distance.
  • Finish with a flourish by running the last three intervals 5-10 seconds faster than your goal pace.

Allow yourself 60 to 90 seconds of rest between each interval to recover and prepare for the next one.

Conclude your interval session with a 10-minute cooldown to gradually lower your heart rate and prevent muscle soreness.

The Long Run Negative Split

Begin your long run at a relaxed and comfortable pace. The first 60-70 percent of your run should feel easy, allowing you to maintain a conversation without struggling for breath. Think of this portion as a leisurely warm-up.

As you approach the latter part of your run, it’s time to pick up the pace. Start to increase your speed gradually, aiming to reach your 10K race pace or slightly faster for the final portion of the run.

For example, if your long run is scheduled for two hours, follow this division:

  • Run the first 80 to 90 minutes at an easy, conversational pace.
  • In the last 40 to 30 minutes, begin to increase your speed steadily.

Practicing negative splits during your long runs helps build endurance and teaches your body to conserve energy for a strong finish. This strategy can be particularly valuable when you’re preparing for races where pacing and finishing strong are critical factors.

Beginners Runner Guide To Negative Splits – The Conclusion

Most running coaches and experts emphasize the importance of protecting a good pacing strategy for the optimal racing experience.

As you can tell by now, I’m a big fan of the negative splits, and I believe it’s the ideal way to pace on race day.

You just need to practice it more during your training so you can set realistic expectations and learn how your body reacts to the pace.

The rest is just details, really.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

David D.

Embrace the Wild: The Ultimate Guide to Cross-Country Running

cross country running

Ever felt the urge to break away from the monotony of the track and dive deep into nature’s playground? Cross-country running might just be the call of the wild your heart is yearning for!

Sure, it’s not your usual breezy jog through manicured parks. It’s a rugged, adventurous leap into terrains that would make even an obstacle course look easy-peasy. From cheeky pebbles and roots plotting to trip you to hills that challenge your very spirit and streams that tempt you with their refreshing allure—every step in cross country is a flirtation with unpredictability.

Curious about why this sport has a cult following? Or maybe you’re itching to kick-start your own love affair with the trails?

Either way, you’re in for a treat today! I’ll dive into cross-country running and even toss in a handful of golden nuggets to make your initiation into this world a memorable one.

Ready? Let’s go!

What is Cross Country Running?

Unlike track or road races, cross country courses include hills, woods, mud, grass, and water. This varied terrain tests a runner’s agility, endurance, and technique.

In many cross country events, individual performances combine to produce a team score. This introduces a unique strategic element to the race, where positioning and teamwork can play a crucial role in a team’s success.

The distances for cross country races vary but are typically between 5k and 12k for adults. For younger athletes, such as high school or collegiate competitors, the distances can be shorter.

Benefits of Cross Country Running:

Here’s a glimpse of what you stand to gain from this sport:

  • Strength Building: The varied terrains, such as hills and mud, can help develop leg strength.
  • Improves Running Technique: Navigating different terrains teaches runners to adjust their stride and pace effectively.
  • Mental Toughness: Battling through adverse weather conditions and challenging terrains can boost a runner’s mental resilience.
  • Low Impact: Running on softer ground like grass or mud is easier on the joints compared to road running.

Distances for Various XC Running Events

The standard distance for senior men in the World Cross Country Championships has varied over the years, but since 2019, it has been set at 10km.

Similar to the men’s category, the distance for senior women has seen changes, but as of recent years, it stands at 10km.

For younger participants, typically under the age of 20, the distances are shorter. Junior men often run around 8km, while junior women run about 6km.

NCAA Cross Country:

  • Men’s Division I: College men in Division I typically run an 8km or 10km course, depending on the specific meet or championship.
  • Women’s Division I: College women in Division I usually compete over a 6km course.
  • Division II & III: Distances can vary, but men typically race over 8km, and women race over 6km.

Cross Country Championships (U.S. High School):

  • Boys: High school boys in the U.S. usually run a 5km (3.1 miles) course.
  • Girls: High school girls in the U.S. typically also run a 5km course, although, in some states or specific competitions, they might run shorter distances.

The English National Cross-Country Championships:

  • Senior Men: The distance can vary but is traditionally around 12km.
  • Senior Women: Women race over a course of about 8km.
  • Youth Categories: Depending on the specific age group, younger participants might run courses ranging from 3km to 7km.

The Olympics and Beyond

When cross country running was introduced at the 1912 Stockholm Olympics, it was met with enthusiasm. The event, with its rugged terrain and unpredictable weather conditions, provided a unique challenge compared to the track events.

The athletes not only had to deal with the physical exertion of the race but also navigate through natural terrains, making it an ultimate test of their endurance and adaptability.

The success of the event in the 1912 Olympics paved the way for its inclusion in subsequent Olympic games. However, the event’s unpredictable nature would soon prove to be its downfall on the grand Olympic stage.

A Dark Day in Paris

The 1924 Olympics held in Paris would witness one of the most grueling cross country races ever recorded. Runners had to contend with sweltering heat and a challenging course. Of the 38 participants, only 15 managed to cross the finish line.

Several runners faced severe health complications due to the extreme conditions, with reports suggesting that some had even lost their lives, though these claims were later debunked.

Such was the impact of this event that the Olympic committee took the decision to remove cross-country running from the roster of events in future Olympic games, fearing for the safety of the participants.

Legacy Lives On

Despite its removal from the Olympics, cross country running remained popular in many countries. The discipline’s grassroots appeal, especially in schools and universities across countries like the UK and the USA, ensured that it never lost its fervor. Local, national, and international championships continued to be organized, celebrating the sport’s spirit and resilience.

For more on the history of cross country running, check the following articles:

Additional Resource – Here’s how many miles should a beginner run

When Is Cross Country Season?

Cross-country season is a favorite among many runners because it ushers in the fresh, crisp air of autumn and the chilly breeze of winter. The changing colors of the leaves and the cool atmosphere make for an invigorating backdrop to the races.

Beginner Cross Country Running Tips

Now that you know a thing or two about XC running, the question is, how do you actually train for one?

Let’s find out.

How Train For Cross Country Running

As previously explained, typical XC running events range from 4 to 12 kilometers.

All these distances are primarily aerobic, meaning if you go off the gate too fast, you’ll run yourself into the ground in the latter portions of the race. Few things are as bad as being passed by one runner after the next over the last part of a cross country event.

That’s why, to run your cross country race, make sure you’ve enough endurance to run well over a distance of 6.2 miles. This is a key factor in cross-country success.

Crush Hills

While it’s true that uphill work is vital for building strength and endurance for cross country running, downhill running is equally crucial. Downhill running can teach you to use gravity to your advantage, improve your stride turnover, and train your muscles to handle the eccentric loading that comes with descending.

Practice downhill strides to hone your skills.

  • Find a gradual hill, about 200 to 300 meters in length.
  • After warming up, begin at the top of the hill.
  • Let gravity help you as you stride downhill, focusing on quick turnover and staying in control. This isn’t about speed but maintaining a steady and controlled pace.
  • Walk or slowly jog back up the hill for recovery.
  • Perform 6 to 8 downhill strides, ensuring that you’re not overstriding or slamming your feet.

Mixed Hill Repeats:

Perform the following for a more challenging hill workout.

  • Choose a hill that offers both incline and decline sections.
  • Start with a dynamic warm-up, then run uphill with a strong effort.
  • Turn around at the top and immediately focus on a controlled descent, maintaining good form.
  • Walk for 1 to 2 minutes for recovery.
  • Repeat for 6 to 8 sets.

Strengthening for Hills:

To complement your hill workouts, add strength exercises that target muscles used predominantly in incline and decline running:

  • Plyometric Lunges: These help improve explosive power, especially useful for uphill sprints.
  • Eccentric Calf Raises: This exercise strengthens the calf muscles and prepares them for the demands of downhill running.
  • Squats and Deadlifts: Both exercises target the quads, hamstrings, and glutes, the primary muscles used in hill running.

Flexibility and Recovery:

Running hills, especially downhill, can be tough on the quads, calves, and knees. Incorporate stretching and mobility work focusing on these areas to ensure flexibility and reduce the risk of injury. Post-hill workout, consider foam rolling to alleviate muscle tightness.

You can also work on improving your form by doing agility ladder drills.

Your Running Shoes

For anyone new to cross-country running or those familiar with road running, the idea of spikes might seem foreign or unnecessary. However, in the world of cross-country, where races take place on uneven terrain that might be muddy, slippery, or filled with obstacles, traction is paramount.

Here’s what to look for in cross country running shoes:

  • Spikes: Cross-country shoes come with a spiked sole, which can be metal or ceramic. These spikes provide traction, especially in slippery conditions.
  • Low Profile: Unlike regular running shoes that might have a significant amount of cushioning, cross-country shoes typically have a lower profile. This design ensures better stability on uneven surfaces.
  • Lightweight: Cross-country races are relatively short but intense. Therefore, cross-country shoes are designed to be lightweight for speed.
  • Durable Upper: Given the variety of terrains and the potential for wet and muddy conditions, many cross-country shoes have a more durable upper that can withstand the elements while providing some level of water resistance.
  • Flexibility: A flexible shoe allows for better foot movement, especially when navigating through challenging terrains.

Cross Country Running Tips For For Beginners – Conclusion

Giving cross country running isn’t that hard. All you need is the right mindset, a reliable training plan, and the right gear. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

David D.

Breaking the Hour Barrier: How to Run a 10K in One Hour or Less

Run a 10K in one hour

Are you tired of running the same distance at the same pace?

Then setting a goal to run a 10K in under 60 minutes is just the challenge you need! Not only will it give your training a renewed sense of purpose, but it will also provide you with a powerful sense of satisfaction.

In this article, I’m going to be your personal running coach and guide you through the best strategies for cracking the sub-1-hour 10K.

And that includes:

  • How Achievable is a sub 1 hour 10k?
  • Is Running a 10K in an hour good?
  • How to run a 10K in one hour
  • Long Runs For A One-Hour 10K
  • Strategies For One-Hour 10K Race Day
  • Know Your Sub 1 Hour 10K Pace
  • and so much more

So, whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, it’s time to lace up your shoes and get ready to take on the ultimate running challenge.

Are you ready to go the distance? Let’s dive in and crush that sub-1-hour 10K goal!

How Achievable is a Sub 60 10K?

While the answer is not a one-size-fits-all, there are several factors that can determine your success, including your fitness level, running experience, and even your mental toughness. But fear not, as with the right training and mindset, you can achieve this impressive feat and take your running game to the next level.

To give you an idea of the pace required, imagine running at an average speed of 9.40 per mile or 6.00 per km or faster. In fact, running at this pace would mean completing 12.5 laps around a standard running track, with each lap taking only 2.23 minutes.

Now, if you’re already able to run a 5K within 30 minutes, you might be closer than you think to hitting your sub-60 goal. So, it’s time to put your shoes on, hit the track, and start pushing yourself to new heights.

A beginner? Start with this couch to 10K schedules for beginners.

Is Running 10k In an Hour Good?

Running a 10K in one hour is not just good timing; it’s a feat of endurance and discipline. It takes hard work and dedication to achieve this goal, but the feeling of accomplishment is worth it. As a beginner, it’s important to approach this goal with patience and caution. It’s not something that can be achieved overnight, but with consistent effort, it’s definitely achievable.

Many runners tend to focus on their running times as a measure of their success, but it’s important to remember that running is about much more than just the numbers. It’s about pushing your limits, improving your health and well-being, and enjoying the journey.

If you’re comparing the challenge of running a 5K in 30 minutes to a 10K in one hour, it’s worth noting that the latter is actually much tougher. While the pace is the same, the endurance required to run twice, and the distance is significantly longer.

In fact, running a 5K in 30 minutes is equivalent to running a 10K in just over 63 minutes. So, if you’ve mastered the 5K distance, you’re already well on your way to achieving your sub 1 hour 10K goals.

Interval Running

If you’re serious about smashing your 10K goal, interval training is the secret weapon you need in your arsenal! By alternating periods of high-intensity running with recovery periods, you can improve your speed and endurance faster than you ever thought possible.

But what exactly is interval training? Well, it’s simple: You run fast for a set distance or time, then slow down to recover, then repeat the process. And the best part is you can customize the intensity and duration of your intervals to suit your specific goals and fitness level.

For a sub-60 minute 10K, you’ll want to focus on running at or faster than your target 10K pace during your high-intensity intervals. If you have access to a track, the perfect workout is to run fast for 400 meters, then jog slowly for 400 meters to recover. Repeat this cycle for 30 minutes, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goal!

Tempo Training

Another powerful tool in your training toolbox is tempo training. This involves running at a sustained effort level for a set period of time or distance, usually around 20-30 minutes or 2-4 miles. The trick is to maintain a pace that’s 10-20 seconds slower than your current 10K race pace.

So, where’s the best place to do tempo runs? Practically anywhere, but you’ll want to find a flat, easily-measured road with little to no traffic or obstacles. Start with a nice, easy jog for the first 5-10 minutes, then gradually increase your speed for the remainder of your workout. By the end of your tempo session, you should feel tired but not completely drained.

Research has shown that both interval and tempo training can significantly improve your 10K race time and overall running performance.

Additional resource – How to train for an 8K

Long Runs For A One-Hour 10K

Long runs are a fundamental part of a training program to achieve a sub-hour 10K. Think slow and steady. While speed is important, endurance is what will get you through the race.

So how can you build endurance?

It’s simple, start running longer distances. The golden rule is to build up your long runs to approximately 8 to 10 miles. But don’t try to run them at a blistering pace. Instead, take it easy and enjoy the run at a conversational, relaxed pace.

As a bonus, long runs provide a fantastic opportunity to improve your running technique. Focus on running with good form, keeping your head up and shoulders relaxed. And don’t worry about the time; focus on spending more time on your feet.

Studies show that long, slow runs help increase endurance by improving the efficiency of the body’s cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. It also helps develop the mental stamina to push through discomfort and fatigue.

Additional resource – When to skip a run

Strategies For One-Hour 10K Race Day

Preparing for a one-hour 10K race isn’t just about running. Your body needs to be well-rested and fueled so that you can perform your best on the big day. The last thing you want is to be feeling sluggish and tired when you need to give it your all.

Recover Well

So, how do you make sure you’re ready to run your best race?

Firstly, prioritize your sleep. Make sure you’re getting plenty of quality sleep in the days leading up to the race. Your body needs time to rest and recover, so aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Secondly, avoid pushing yourself too hard in the days leading up to the race. You don’t want to risk injuring yourself or feeling sore and tired on race day. Take it easy with your training, and focus on stretching and staying loose.

Lastly, fuel your body with the right foods. Avoid heavy or greasy foods that might upset your stomach. Instead, focus on eating foods that will give you sustained energy, such as complex carbohydrates and lean proteins. This will help you power through the race and achieve your sub-hour 10K goal.

Research has shown that proper nutrition and rest can significantly improve race performance. In a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, researchers found that athletes who ate a high-carbohydrate meal 3 hours before running a 10K race had significantly faster race times than those who didn’t. So, fuel up properly and give your body the rest it needs, and you’ll be on your way to achieving your sub-hour 10K goal.


I hate to sound like a broken record, but warm-ups are key.

Complete a dynamic warm-up in which you include five minutes of slow running to increase your body temperature and heart rate. Next, perform a series of dynamic stretches, such as inchworms and air squats, to fire up your muscles accordingly.

Mental Aspect of Running A 60-Min 10K

While physical training is a crucial part of achieving this goal, mental preparation is just as important. The key is to train your mind and body to work together in harmony, allowing you to push through the physical and mental barriers that may arise during your race.

One way to develop mental toughness is through visualization. Take some time to visualize yourself running the 10K in one hour. Imagine the race from start to finish, focusing on the details of the course and how you’ll feel at different points in the race. Visualizing the race can help build confidence and prepare you mentally for the challenge ahead.

Know Your Sub 1 Hour 10K Pace

Knowing your pace is crucial for achieving your sub-60-minute 10K goals. It’s like knowing your destination before starting a journey. You wouldn’t hop on a train without knowing where it’s headed, would you? Similarly, running a 10K without knowing your pace is a recipe for disaster.

To determine your pace, it’s important to know your 5K time splits and what they should be at each mile mark. By breaking down your race into manageable parts, you can plan your energy expenditure and pace accordingly.

But how do you figure out your splits? First, start by finding your average 5K time. Once you have that number, divide it by 3.11 to get your per-mile pace. For example, if your 5K time is 25 minutes, your per-mile pace would be 8:03.

Based on this per-mile pace, here are the normal time splits for a sub-60-minute 10K:

But don’t forget that these times are based on the assumption that you will run at the same pace for each split. You may need to adjust your pace based on factors such as terrain, weather, temperature, and your own energy levels.

Here are normal time splits for a sub-60-minute 10K:

  • Mile One – Split Time: 9:39 – Lap Time: 9:39
  • Mile Two – Split Time: 19:18 – Lap Time: 9:39
  • Mile Three – Split Time: 28:57 – Lap Time: 9:39
  • Mile Four – Split Time: 38:36 – Lap Time: 9:39
  • Mile Five – Split Time: 48:15 – Lap Time: 9:39
  • Mile Six – Split Time: 57:54 – Lap Time: 9:39
  • 21 – Split Time: 1:00:00 – Lap Time: 2:06

To ensure that you meet your sub-60-minute 10K goals, it’s important to train with your target pace in mind. You can use tools such as GPS watches or running apps to track your pace during training runs and make adjustments as needed.

Negative Split Your One-Hour 10K

Running at the same pace the entire race is often tricky to achieve when you factor in a variable such as competition, fatigue, and terrain.

The best way to do so is via a negative split, which is running the second half of the event faster than the first. This is a common tactic among elite runners but uncommon in recreational runners.

The key is simple—start easy and finish strong.

Here’s an example of a negative split for a sub-60 minute 10K:

  • Mile One – Split Time: 10:12- Lap Time: 10:12
  • Mile Two – Split Time: 20:05- Lap Time: 10:07
  • Mile Three – Split Time: 29:55- Lap Time: 9:50
  • Mile Four – Split Time: 39:40- Lap Time: 9:45
  • Mile Five – Split Time: 48:55- Lap Time: 9:20
  • Mile Six – Split Time: 58:02- Lap Time: 9:10
  • 21 – Split Time: 1:00:00 – Lap Time: 1:58

Additional resource – Guide to Urban running

Running a Sub-Hour 10K – The Conclusion

There you have it! If you’re eager to conquer a 10K in an hour or less, today’s guide has equipped you with the perfect launching pad. The time has come for you to lace up your shoes and take charge.

Remember, the devil is in the details, but you’ve got what it takes to conquer them. I’d love to hear your thoughts and answer any burning questions you may have, so don’t hesitate to leave your comments below.

Thank you for stopping by, and may your running journey be filled with unwavering strength.

Onward and upward!

David D.