Stop the World from Spinning: Effective Strategies for Dealing with Dizziness During Runs

Can Running Help Cure Your Hangover?

Are you tired of feeling like you’re on a rollercoaster during your runs? That feeling of lightheadedness, dizziness, or blurred vision can be alarming, scary, and even dangerous. But don’t let it stop you from hitting the pavement and reaching your goals.

As a seasoned runner, I know firsthand the frustration of experiencing dizziness during a workout. It can be discouraging, and it’s essential to understand why it’s happening and what you can do to prevent it.

That’s why I’ve put together this comprehensive guide to dizziness while running. By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear understanding of the causes and symptoms of lightheadedness during exercise, the link between blood pressure and feeling dizzy, and, most importantly, how to prevent and manage these symptoms.

Don’t let dizziness keep you from reaching your full potential. With the right knowledge and strategies, you can keep running strong and steady. So, let’s dive in and learn how to stay on solid ground while hitting the pavement.

Dizziness While Running Red Flags

Dizziness can be a real pain in the neck, but it’s not always a cause for alarm. However, there are certain red flags that should prompt you to seek medical attention immediately. If you start experiencing slurred speech, chronic and severe headaches, sudden deafness in one ear, or numbness, don’t wait for things to get worse. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your health.

And let’s talk about projectile vomit. I’m not talking about a little bit of queasiness or an upset stomach. Projectile vomit is exactly what it sounds like – vomiting with such force that it shoots out of your mouth like a cannon. Not only is this gross, but it’s also a clear sign that something is seriously wrong. If you experience this while running, stop immediately and seek medical attention.

According to a study published in the Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, chest pain and palpitations during exercise can be indicative of heart problems. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and seek medical attention if you experience these symptoms.

Remember, your body is your temple, and you should always take care of it. Don’t ignore any red flags that your body is giving you. It’s better to take a break from running and get checked out by a medical professional than to push through and potentially cause more harm.

Here are some of the warning signs to watch out for:

Firstly, if you’re experiencing slurred speech or sudden deafness in one ear, it’s time to seek medical help. These symptoms could be indicative of a stroke, which is a medical emergency.

Secondly, if you’re experiencing severe and chronic headaches, it’s also a cause for concern. Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of exercise-induced dizziness, but if they’re persistent and debilitating, they could be a sign of something more serious.

Numbness or weakness are also red flags to watch out for. These symptoms can be indicative of a stroke or nerve damage, which can be serious and require immediate medical attention.

Extreme exhaustion, chest pain, palpitations, and projectile vomiting are other symptoms that could indicate an underlying medical condition that requires medical attention.

How To Not Get Light-Headed When Running

If your head starts spinning or gets woozy during a run, various culprits could be to blame.

Here are the main ones, as well as how to how to deal with each.

Blood Pressure Drop

One common reason why you might feel lightheaded when running is due to a drop in blood pressure. When you stop running, your heart rate decreases, which can cause your blood pressure to drop. This can result in dizziness and weakness.

The solution? To prevent this, try doing a 5- to 10-minute cool-down after your run. This will give your body enough time to slowly transition back to a normal resting state, preventing the dizzying sensation.

Running Too Hard

Another culprit of lightheadedness is overexertion. It’s tempting to push yourself to the limit during a workout, but doing so can lead to dehydration and a decrease in blood volume, both of which can cause dizziness.

How to Prevent Overexertion

Running too much too fast can do more harm than good, so listen to your body and adjust your training accordingly.

If you’re feeling lightheaded during a high-intensity workout, slow down and take a minute to catch your breath and slow your heart rate.

It’s great to push yourself on the running track every now and then, but don’t turn it into a habit.

Otherwise, you might be setting yourself up for a painful setback.

Dehydration & Dizziness During A Run

Another reason why you might feel lightheaded is due to dehydration. When you run, your body sweats to regulate your core temperature. This can cause you to lose a lot of water and electrolytes, especially during long runs in the heat.

Early warning signs of dehydration include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Extreme thirst
  • Running headache
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue

How to Prevent Dehydration

To prevent this, make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before and after your runs. During long runs, aim to sip an ounce or two of water every 15 to 20 minutes.

Low Blood Sugar

Let’s dive into the importance of fueling your body during training. Food is not just something we eat for pleasure; it is energy that fuels our body for daily activities, exercise, and training. Skipping meals can leave you feeling weak and lightheaded, making it hard to keep up with the demands of your training. In fact, studies have shown that exercising on an empty stomach can lead to low blood sugar levels, which can cause symptoms like dizziness and trembling.

How To Prevent Low Blood Sugar

Instead of running on an empty stomach, opt for a light meal or snack that includes complex carbohydrates and protein, such as yogurt with fruit or apples with peanut butter. According to research, carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy during exercise, and protein helps repair and build muscle tissue.

Improper Breathing

Breathing, on the other hand, is an often-overlooked aspect of running. Proper breathing technique not only helps improve performance but also prevents dizziness and lightheadedness. Many runners have a tendency to hold their breath or take shallow breaths, which can impede oxygen flow to the brain, leading to lightheadedness.

How To Prevent Improper Breathing

You can no longer control your breath while running?

Slow it down, or stop to rest and recover.

To err on the side of caution, especially if dizziness is a big issue, stick to a conversational training pace.

This means being able to talk while running without panting for air.

Another trick to help prevent improper breathing is to synchronize your breathing with your steps while running. I recommend a 3:2 ratio—in for three steps, out for two steps. Inhale, inhale, inhale-exhale, exhale, in sync with your steps. This can help regulate your breathing and keep you feeling great during your run.

Getting Light-Headed When Running On The Treadmill

If you’re feeling dizzy while running on the treadmill, you’re not alone. This is a common complaint among runners, and it’s caused by a disconnect between your brain and your body. When running on the treadmill, your body gets used to the ground moving beneath your feet to meet your steps. However, once you step off the machine, the floor becomes motionless, which can cause motion sickness or dizziness.

But don’t worry; this type of vertigo is not dangerous and often goes away after a few treadmill runs.

How to Overcome Treadmill Vertigo

To prevent treadmill dizziness, try slowing down gradually. Reduce your pace over the course of three to five minutes until you’re walking comfortably and breathing normally. Then, and only then, get off the machine. Get into a recovery position or simply sit down and rehydrate.

Medical Issues

Feeling dizzy during exercise can be a concerning and uncomfortable experience, but it’s important to remember that there are many factors that can contribute to this sensation.

While some causes of dizziness can be easily remedied with simple lifestyle changes, others may require medical intervention. Here are some additional factors to consider if you’re experiencing dizziness during running:

Underlying Medical Issues:

As mentioned earlier, underlying medical issues such as ear problems or heart diseases can contribute to dizziness during exercise.

For example, Meniere’s disease is a condition of the inner ear that can cause vertigo, dizziness, and ringing in the ears. Similarly, conditions such as tachycardia, bradycardia, and arrhythmia can affect the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively, leading to dizziness during exercise.

It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider if you suspect you may have an underlying medical issue contributing to your dizziness.


Certain medications, especially those that affect blood pressure, can cause dizziness during exercise. If you’re taking medication and experiencing dizziness during exercise, talk to your healthcare provider about potential side effects and alternative treatment options.

What To Do If You Feel Lightheaded When Running?

Running can be a great form of exercise, but it’s important to listen to your body and take steps to prevent dizziness and lightheadedness. One key factor to keep in mind is staying hydrated. Dehydration can lead to a drop in blood pressure, which can cause dizziness during exercise. It’s important to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your run to stay hydrated.

Another factor to consider is nutrition. As mentioned earlier, food is energy, and if you’re skipping meals, you won’t have the fuel you need to keep up with the demands of your training. Make sure to eat a balanced diet that includes complex carbohydrates and protein, and try to have a light meal or snack before your run.

Additionally, improper breathing can contribute to dizziness while running. Focus on taking deep breaths and syncing your breath with your foot strikes to help prevent shallow breathing.

If you’re experiencing dizziness while running, it’s important to take steps to address the issue. Stop running and find a cool spot to rest, elevate your legs above your heart to promote blood flow, and try to identify the cause of your symptoms. If your symptoms persist or worsen, it’s important to seek medical attention.

Research has also shown that regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost overall mood and well-being. So, keep training strong, but always prioritize your health and safety.

Feeling Dizzy While Running – The Conclusion

Congratulations, you’ve stumbled upon the ultimate guide to banishing lightheadedness during your runs! If you’re tired of feeling dizzy and craving the secrets to running with a clear head, today’s post is your golden ticket. Say goodbye to those pesky bouts of disorientation!

Remember, the devil is in the details, but don’t fret. Once you implement the strategies we’ve outlined, the rest is a breeze. But hey, don’t just take my word for it. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and burning questions. Drop them in the section below, and let’s keep the conversation going.

Thank you for gracing us with your presence today, fellow runner. Your determination and unwavering commitment to training strongly inspire us all. So lace up those shoes, embrace the challenges, and let’s conquer that dizzy dragon together!

Keep training strong,

David D.

Top 14 Best Running Shoe Brands

running shoe brands

Are you on the hunt for the ultimate list of top-notch running shoe brands? Well, look no further because you’ve stumbled upon a treasure trove of athletic footwear wisdom.

Let’s debunk a common misconception right off the bat—there’s no such thing as a universally perfect running shoe brand. Sorry, Nike, but it’s true. The brand that reigns supreme for you depends on a multitude of factors that are as unique as your fingerprints.

Think about it—your foot size, shape, running style, weight, and even your running goals all play a significant role in determining which brand will be your running soulmate. It’s like finding a running shoe brand that whispers sweet nothings to your soles.

But fret not! In this article, we’re about to unveil a plethora of trustworthy and reputable brands that are at the forefront of designing running shoes for every activity and preference under the sun. These brands pour their heart and sole (pun intended) into crafting running shoes that boast premium materials, unrivaled support, heavenly comfort, and jaw-dropping performance.

So, get ready to step into a world where your feet are treated like royalty. We present to you the crème de la crème—the top 14 best running shoe brands that are guaranteed to help you put your best foot forward.

The Importance of Choosing Proper Running Shoes

Your running shoes are the most important piece of gear you’ll need as a runner, and investing in the right pair can make a world of difference in your performance and injury prevention.

It’s like picking the perfect tool for a specific job. Just as you wouldn’t use a hammer to drill a hole, you wouldn’t want to use the wrong shoe for your specific foot type, running style, or terrain.

Don’t take my word for it. Research has also shown the importance of choosing the right running shoe. For example, a study published in the Journal of Athletic Training found that choosing the wrong shoe can increase the risk of injury and reduce performance. That’s why it’s crucial to find a shoe that fits properly and is designed for your specific needs.

Another study conducted by the American Council on Exercise found that choosing the right running shoe can improve running performance and reduce the risk of injury. They recommend selecting a shoe based on the type of foot arch, foot strike pattern, and the terrain you typically run on.

But with so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect pair of shoes for your unique needs, but it’s well worth the effort.

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a running shoe is your foot type. Do you have flat feet or high arches? Are you a neutral runner, or do you overpronate or underpronate? Understanding your foot type and gait pattern can help you choose a shoe that provides the right amount of support and cushioning to prevent injuries and enhance your performance.

Another crucial factor is your running style and the terrain you typically run on. Are you a road runner or a trail runner? Do you prefer a minimalist shoe or a more cushioned one? Different shoes are designed for different types of running, and choosing the right shoe for your preferred terrain and running style can help you perform better and reduce your risk of injury.

Finally, don’t forget to take into account the fit and comfort of the shoe. Your shoes should fit snugly but not be too tight or too loose. You should have enough room in the toe box to wiggle your toes comfortably, and the heel should fit snugly without slipping. Walk around in the shoes before you buy them, and make sure they feel comfortable and supportive.

Now you have an idea on the importance of making the right choice, let’s delve into some of the most successful running shoe brands out there!

Running Shoe Brand – 1. Brooks

If you’re looking for a reliable and high-quality brand, look no further than Brooks. This sporting equipment manufacturer has been in the game since 1914 and has since expanded globally, making it a go-to for runners worldwide.

Brooks running shoes are designed with ultimate foot protection in mind, no matter your fitness level. Their shoes feature long-lasting cushioning on the arch and midsole, ensuring maximum comfort during even the most grueling workouts. And let’s not forget about their unbeatable grip, thanks to their 3D lugs on the outer sole.

So, which Brooks shoes should you consider? The Launch 7, Ricochet 2, Hyperion Elite 2, Glycerin GTS 19, and Adrenaline GTS 21 are all top picks. Trust me, and your feet will thank you later.

In fact, research shows that finding the right running shoe can have a significant impact on your performance and even reduce the risk of injury. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that selecting shoes based on comfort and support can reduce the likelihood of injury in runners.

Running Shoe Brand – 2. Asics

From a humble beginning in 1949, Asics has come a long way in providing the ultimate athletic experience to runners worldwide.

Did you know that the company was initially established to cater to judo athletes? It wasn’t until the 60s that Asics branched out into producing shoes for track and field athletes. The 80s marked a significant milestone for the company as it began producing running shoes under its brand name.

Asics has a unique brand name that reflects the company’s values. “Anima Sana in Corpore Sano,” a Latin phrase that translates to “a healthy soul in a healthy body.” It is no wonder that Asics is one of the most innovative and reliable running shoe brands in the market.

When it comes to Asics running shoes, it’s all about comfort and support. Their cutting-edge shock absorption technology provides runners with the much-needed support to achieve their endurance goals.

Did you know that Nike founders Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman played a crucial role in importing Asics shoes to the US? This paved the way for future athletic shoes, making Asics a game-changer in the running shoe industry.

Some of the famous Asics styles include the GEL-DS Trainer, GEL-Nimbus 23, GT 2000, and GEL-Kayano 27. These shoes are designed to cater to a wide range of runners, from beginners to elite athletes.

Research shows that Asics is a favorite among runners. In a study conducted by Running USA, Asics emerged as the most preferred shoe brand among the runners surveyed.

Running Shoe Brand – 3. Hoka

Hoka, the French athletic footwear brand, is taking the running world by storm with their unique blend of style and function.

Although the brand is relatively new to the industry, having been founded just over a decade ago, they have already made a name for themselves among fashion-savvy and serious runners alike. Hoka’s designs are eye-catching, and their shoes are engineered with top-of-the-line technology that provides uncompromising performance.

One of the things that sets Hoka apart is their focus on cushioning. Their shoes are some of the most-cushioned athletic footwear on the market, making them a top choice for long-distance runners and anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet. With superior shock absorption and a low heel drop in nearly every design, Hoka shoes offer maximum performance and comfort, helping you go the extra mile.

But it’s not just their performance that’s catching people’s attention – Hoka’s trendy designs are also turning heads. The All Gender Ironman Kona Carbon X, for example, is a sleek and stylish shoe that is sure to make a statement on your next run. And with other popular styles like the Clifton 8, Rincon 3, Speedgoat 4, and Clifton Edge, there’s a Hoka shoe to suit every style and preference.

Additional resource – Running Shoes Vs. Cross Trainers

Running Shoe Brand – 4. New Balance

New Balance is a privately owned company that is still headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. It is one of the few major shoe companies that still manufacture shoes in the United States.

With over a century’s worth of experience, it’s no surprise that New Balance makes some of the best running shoes out there. The brand has earned a reputation for its superior craftsmanship and innovative designs that cater to the needs of all types of runners.

What sets New Balance apart is its focus on producing specialist orthopedic training shoes that provide supreme support for the feet. Their shoes have been praised for their cushioning, comfort, and durability, ensuring that runners can go the distance without any discomfort or risk of injury.

The Fresh Foam Zante V2 is a popular choice among runners thanks to its snug fit and responsive cushioning. The PureFlow 7 is also a go-to for runners who need a shoe with a minimalist feel while still providing ample support. And if you’re looking for speed, the Vazee Pace V2 is the shoe for you.

Running Shoe Brand – 5. Nike

Nike is not just a brand, but it’s a culture that has influenced athletes and fashion enthusiasts alike. The brand’s iconic “swoosh” logo is one of the most recognizable logos in the world, and the company has been a trendsetter in the world of fashion and sports.

Nike has a long history of innovation and has been at the forefront of creating running shoes that meet the needs of runners worldwide. One of the most significant innovations introduced by Nike is the “Air” technology, which revolutionized the industry by providing exceptional cushioning and comfort.

The Nike Zoom Pegasus Turbo 2 is a popular choice among runners, featuring the brand’s cutting-edge ZoomX foam technology that offers optimal energy return, making it perfect for those looking to improve their speed and endurance. The Roshe Run is another stylish and comfortable choice, with a sleek design and lightweight feel that makes it perfect for everyday wear.

Versatile and stylish, you can wear these shoes with jeans and complete the ensemble with a t-shirt, button-down, hoodie, or sweater for a casually cool outfit for guys.

The Free RN Distance is an excellent choice for runners looking for a shoe that offers a natural feel and flexibility while still providing the necessary support and cushioning. The Zoom X Vaporfly is another exceptional shoe, designed with a carbon fiber plate to provide a more responsive ride and improve running economy.

Research has shown that Nike’s innovative designs have helped improve runners’ performance. In a study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences, researchers found that Nike’s “Air” technology significantly reduced impact forces during running, which can help prevent injuries and improve performance.

Running Shoe Brand – 6. Reebok

When it comes to running shoes, Reebok is a true veteran in the game. Having been founded in 1895, the German-owned brand has a long and rich history of crafting premium footwear. But don’t let their age fool you; Reebok is still at the forefront of the industry and continues to produce shoes that perfectly blend style, comfort, and performance.

Reebok shoes are not just functional; they are also fashionable. Their shoes come in a variety of colors and styles and are designed to make you stand out from the crowd. But it’s not just about the looks; Reebok shoes are designed to provide superior comfort and support to every type of runner, from beginners to seasoned pros.

One of Reebok’s signature features is their groovy sole, which provides a comfortable and smooth ride no matter how far you’re running. The synthetic upper is also designed to keep your feet cool and dry, even during the most intense workouts.

But the best part about Reebok shoes? You don’t have to break the bank to get a high-quality pair. Reebok shoes are affordably priced, so you can invest in a pair of premium shoes without breaking the bank.

Some of Reebok’s most popular styles include the Floatride Run Fast Pro, which is perfect for speed demons looking to shave seconds off their times, and the Forever Floatride Grow, which is made from eco-friendly materials. No matter what your needs are, Reebok has a shoe that will suit you perfectly.

Running Shoe Brand – 7. Saucony

Saucony’s history is a testament to the company’s dedication to creating the perfect running shoe. They have been making shoes for over a century, and their experience shows in their products. From their humble beginnings in 1898, Saucony has grown into a brand that is loved and trusted by runners around the world.

Their commitment to quality is evident in their shoe designs. Saucony offers shoes for runners of all levels and backgrounds, whether you are a beginner looking for a lightweight shoe or a seasoned runner in need of a cushioned stability shoe. Their shoes are designed to provide maximum comfort and support, with PWRRUN insoles that offer superior shock absorption and cushioning.

Saucony’s focus on innovation has led to the development of some of the most popular styles in the market, including the Triumph ISO 3, Osprey, Grid Omni 3, and Freedom ISO 5. These shoes have earned their reputation as reliable, comfortable, and high-performance, making them a go-to choice for runners of all skill levels.

Here’s the full guide to arch support for running

Running Shoe Brand – 8. Altra

Picture this: you’re running along a winding path, surrounded by trees and greenery, and your feet feel free like they’re dancing in the wind. This is the feeling you get when you wear Altra Footwear.

Founded in 2009, Altra Footwear has revolutionized the way we think about athletic shoes. Unlike other brands that design shoes with narrow-toe boxes, Altra’s FootShape technology offers a more natural, square-toe box that lets your feet spread out evenly. This means your toes have more room to breathe and push off naturally, providing a more stable and balanced foundation for your entire body.

It’s no surprise that Altra’s FootShape technology has taken the running world by storm. The company’s shoes are designed to deliver superior performance, all while keeping you comfortable and injury-free. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting, Altra shoes are perfect for people who are always on the go.

Some of the most popular styles include the Altra Lone Peak 5, which is perfect for rocky terrain, and the Altra Olympus 4, which offers unbeatable traction on wet and slippery surfaces. The Escalante 2.5 is another fan favorite, featuring a sleek design and comfortable fit that’s perfect for everyday use. And if you’re looking for a shoe that offers extra support, look no further than the Altra Provision 5.

Running Shoe Brand – 9. Adidas

Step into any gym or go for a run, and you’re bound to spot Adidas shoes on someone’s feet. The iconic three stripes have become synonymous with high-performance shoes, and the brand continues to dominate the market.

The Adidas shoes are engineered for comfort, durability, and style, and it’s no surprise that the German brand has been at the forefront of the industry for decades.

One of Adidas’s standout features is the use of innovative technology in its shoes. The Ultraboost technology, for instance, is an outstanding innovation that delivers a responsive and comfortable ride. With every stride, the shoes return energy to the wearer, making them perfect for long-distance running.

The Adizero Adios Pro is another high-performance shoe that has taken the running world by storm. It’s one of the most advanced racing shoes, and it features a unique construction designed to provide maximum energy return, ensuring that you can go the extra mile.

The Adidas Solarboost 3 is another excellent shoe designed to help runners maintain maximum energy return even in the toughest conditions. The shoe features the Solar Propulsion Rail, which helps to guide your foot from landing to takeoff, ensuring a smooth ride.

Adidas shoes are the perfect combination of style and function, making them a favorite for professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Additional Resource – Here’s your guide to cross-country running

Running Shoe Brand – 10. Mizuno

Mizuno is a brand that has been honing its craft since its inception in 1906. With more than a century of experience, this Japanese company has been producing some of the most innovative and reliable running shoes in the market. In fact, the company’s motto is “Contributing to society through the advancement of sporting goods and the promotion of sports.” And they do that by making running shoes that are tailored to suit every type of runner.

One of the best things about Mizuno shoes is the SmoothRide Support Wave technology that is used to create a smooth and comfortable ride. This innovative technology helps reduce shock and vibrations during running, making the running experience much more comfortable and enjoyable. Moreover, Mizuno shoes feature a reinforced heel that is both lightweight and stylish, providing added stability and support.

When it comes to style, Mizuno knows how to make a statement. Their shoes are sleek and contemporary, with bold colors and designs that appeal to runners of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a minimalist shoe for daily training or a high-performance shoe for race day, Mizuno has got you covered.

Some of the most popular Mizuno running shoe styles include the Kinsei 4, the Wave Sayonara, and the Wave Alchemy 7. The Kinsei 4, for example, is a high-performance shoe designed for runners who demand the best. It features lightweight construction, superior cushioning, and a supportive fit that allows you to push yourself to the limit.

Running Shoe Brand – 11. Puma

Puma, the sibling brand of Adidas, has been creating top-of-the-line shoes since 1948, and their footwear is trusted by athletes and sneaker enthusiasts alike. Their shoes offer not only style but also support and protection that are essential for anyone on the move. Puma is constantly pushing the boundaries of design and technology to create shoes that are both innovative and comfortable, perfect for runners of all levels.

One of Puma’s most notable features is its Hybrid Foam technology, which offers the perfect balance of cushioning and responsiveness to maximize your performance with every step. This technology is found in many of Puma’s popular styles, such as the Velocity Nitro, Deviate Nitro, Deviate Nitro Elite, and Magnify Nitro.

Puma’s shoes are not just functional but also fashionable, with sleek designs and eye-catching colors that will make you stand out from the crowd. Whether you’re running a marathon or just running errands, Puma has the perfect shoe for you.

Running Shoe Brand – 12. Salomon

Salomon is like the sherpa of the athletic shoe world, leading runners to conquer uncharted territories with confidence. This French company has gained an excellent reputation among athletes and for a good reason. Salomon shoes are built to handle rugged terrain and harsh environments with ease. The company specializes in creating shoes that can tackle all kinds of land, from rocky terrains to muddy trails, ensuring that runners can focus on their journey without worrying about their shoes.

One of the standout features of Salomon shoes is Gore-Tex technology. This advanced technology provides superior flexibility across the feet, ensuring that runners can move swiftly and comfortably. The brand’s shoes are designed with a midsole made of Salomon’s signature Optivibe material. This material is the result of over six years of research and provides unparalleled cushioning and energy return with every stride.

Some of the most popular styles include:

  • Salomon XT-6 ADV “Ebony” – perfect for those who want to hit the trails with style and confidence.
  • Salomon XT-Wings 2 ADV “Peat Green” – designed for serious trail runners who demand the best in performance and durability.
  • Salomon XT-6 AD – features a sleek, modern design and provides excellent traction and stability on any terrain.
  • Salomon XA-Pro – ideal for runners who require extra support and stability on rugged trails. The XA-Pro also features a waterproof upper to keep your feet dry in wet conditions.

Running Shoe Brand – 13. Skechers

When it comes to Skechers, you might have heard some people say that the brand is “sketchy,” but let me assure you that there’s nothing suspicious about this innovative footwear company. Founded in 1992 in California, Skechers has quickly become one of the most recognized brands in the world, making shoes for all ages, including a range of shoes specifically designed for track events.

Skechers running shoes are designed to give you a high-performance experience with breathable mesh and comfortable insole support. The Air Cooled Goga mat technology, and insole body provide comfort and a lightweight feel, so you can focus on your training without any discomfort.

One thing that sets Skechers apart from other brands is its use of high-quality synthetic materials, which makes its shoes strong and durable. You won’t have to worry about your shoes breaking down quickly, even with daily use.

If you’re looking for a pair of Skechers to take your running to the next level, check out the GoMeb, GoRun, and GoTrail lines. These shoes are designed to meet the needs of serious runners, providing a balance of comfort, stability, and performance.

Research has also shown that Skechers running shoes are effective in reducing impact and providing support, making them a great choice for runners who want to minimize the risk of injuries. So, lace up a pair of Skechers and hit the pavement with confidence!

Running Shoe Brand – 14. Newton Running

Newton Running is the shoe brand that brings you closer to nature with every stride. This company knows a thing or two about how to design shoes that are both performance-driven and eco-friendly. By using eco-friendly fabrics and textiles, Newton Running is committed to reducing its environmental footprint while still delivering the perfect running shoe for its customers.

What sets Newton Running shoes apart is their unique design, which follows the natural form of the foot. Their shoes are crafted with precision, giving runners the perfect blend of comfort and support, all while being incredibly lightweight. And with every pair of Newton Running shoes, you can rest easy knowing that you’re making a sustainable choice that limits negative environmental impact.

So, whether you’re a seasoned marathon runner or just starting out, Newton Running has got you covered. With styles like the Newton Kismet 4, Gravity 7, Fate II, and Aha 2, you’ll find the perfect fit for your next run. And not only will your feet thank you, but so will the planet.

 Best Running Shoe Brands – The Conclusion

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of our journey exploring the best running shoe brands out there! Now, it’s time to put your best foot forward and start running towards your goals.

Remember, running shoes are not just a piece of equipment; they’re an investment in your health and fitness journey. By choosing the right pair, you’ll be able to run more comfortably and reduce the risk of injuries.

So, whether you’re a seasoned marathon runner or just getting started on your fitness journey, make sure you choose a brand that fits your specific needs and style.

And who knows, maybe one day you’ll be running your own shoe brand, inspired by the amazing technology and design featured in these top brands.

We hope you enjoyed reading about these amazing shoe brands and have found the information helpful in making your decision. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment or question below if you have any, we would love to hear from you. Now, lace up those shoes and hit the road!

Running Towards Language Mastery: The Surprising Connection Between Running and Language Learning

Running is not only a fantastic way to stay fit and improve cardiovascular health, but it can also be an unexpected ally in your language learning journey. The combination of physical exercise and cognitive engagement can enhance memory, focus, and overall learning ability. 

In this article, we will explore the surprising connection between running and language learning and how you can leverage your running sessions to accelerate your language acquisition.

The Cognitive Benefits of Running

When we engage in aerobic activities like running, our brain receives an increased supply of oxygen and nutrients. This influx of oxygen-rich blood promotes the growth of new neurons and strengthens the connections between existing ones. These neurobiological changes enhance cognitive function, including memory retention, attention span, and information processing.

Research has shown that exercise, particularly aerobic exercises like running, can improve language learning outcomes. When we exercise, our brain releases endorphins and other neurotransmitters that boost our mood and enhance our cognitive abilities. 

These neurochemical changes create an optimal environment for language acquisition, allowing us to absorb and retain new vocabulary and grammar rules more effectively.

Creating a Language Learning Routine

Running provides an excellent opportunity to create a language learning routine. By incorporating language learning activities into your running sessions, you can maximize your time and make significant progress in your language studies. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. a) Language Learning Apps: Utilize language learning apps that offer audio lessons, vocabulary drills, and interactive exercises. Three popular language learning apps that you can use during your runs are:
  • Promova: Promova is a leading language learning app that provides comprehensive courses taught by experienced adult English teachers. With Promova, you can improve your language skills while enjoying your running sessions. Take advantage of their extensive curriculum, which covers a wide range of topics and includes interactive exercises to enhance your vocabulary and conversational abilities.
  • Duolingo: Duolingo is a popular language learning app that offers bite-sized lessons in various languages. Its gamified approach makes language learning fun and engaging. Take advantage of Duolingo’s mobile app to learn new vocabulary and practice your language skills while on the go.
  • Memrise: Memrise is a language learning app that utilizes spaced repetition and mnemonic techniques to help you memorize vocabulary effectively. Use Memrise during your runs to reinforce your language knowledge and expand your vocabulary.
  1. b) Language Podcasts: Listen to language podcasts or audio lessons while running. This allows you to immerse yourself in the language and improve your listening skills. Choose podcasts that align with your language proficiency level and areas of interest.
  2. c) Language Learning Music: Create a playlist of songs in the language you are learning. Music has a powerful impact on memory and emotion, and listening to songs in your target language while running can help you internalize vocabulary and improve pronunciation.

Mindful Running and Language Learning

Running provides an opportunity to practice mindfulness, which can be beneficial for language learning. Mindfulness involves focusing your attention on the present moment and being fully aware of your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. By applying mindfulness techniques during your runs, you can enhance your language learning experience. 

Here’s how:

  1. a) Mindful Listening: Pay attention to the sounds around you while running. Notice the rhythm of your footsteps, the rustling of leaves, and any other auditory stimuli. Apply this focused listening to your language learning by actively listening to language podcasts or audio lessons.
  2. b) Visualization: Use visualization techniques during your runs to imagine yourself in situations where you can apply the language you are learning. Picture yourself having conversations with native speakers or confidently using the language in real-life scenarios. This mental rehearsal can boost your confidence and prepare you for future language interactions. As you visualize yourself speaking the language fluently, your brain becomes more attuned to the patterns and structures of the language, facilitating faster language acquisition.
  3. c) Language Learning Mantras: Create positive affirmations or language learning mantras that you can repeat to yourself during your runs. These affirmations can be specific language goals or motivational phrases to keep you inspired and focused on your language learning journey. 

By reinforcing positive beliefs about your language abilities, you can overcome self-doubt and maintain a growth mindset.

Learning Communities and Running Clubs

Combining language learning with running can be a social and motivating experience. Look for language learning communities or language exchange programs in your area that organize running events, or join a running club where you can connect with fellow language learners. 

Here are some ways you can integrate language learning communities and running clubs into your language acquisition journey:

  1. a) Language Exchange Runs: Some language learning communities organize language exchange runs where participants pair up with native speakers or language enthusiasts. These runs provide an opportunity to practice your target language while enjoying the camaraderie of fellow runners. You can engage in conversations, exchange language tips, and learn about different cultures during your runs. Not only will you improve your language skills, but you’ll also build lasting friendships.
  2. b) Running Clubs with Language Learning Themes: Look for running clubs that have a language learning focus or cater to individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds. These clubs often organize language-themed runs or language-related events, such as language trivia nights or language immersion activities. Joining such a club allows you to combine your passion for running with your desire to learn a new language, creating a supportive and motivating environment.
  3. c) Virtual Language Learning and Running Challenges: In the digital age, many language learning platforms and running apps offer virtual challenges that you can participate in from anywhere in the world. These challenges may involve running specific distances or completing language learning milestones. By joining these virtual challenges, you can connect with a global community of language learners and runners, share your progress, and gain inspiration from others pursuing similar goals.
  4. d) Language Practice Meetups: Check if there are language practice meetups or conversation groups organized by local running clubs or language learning communities. These meetups provide a structured environment for practicing your language skills while engaging in physical activity. You can pair up with language partners or join group discussions during warm-ups, cool-downs, or post-run social gatherings. The combination of exercise and language practice creates a dynamic and interactive learning experience.

By joining language learning communities and running clubs, you can tap into the collective knowledge and motivation of like-minded individuals. These communities offer a supportive environment where you can exchange language learning strategies, seek advice from experienced learners, and find encouragement during challenging times. Additionally, the social aspect of running and language learning together can make the journey more enjoyable and help you stay motivated for the long haul.

Overcoming Challenges and Staying Motivated

Language learning, like running, can have its fair share of challenges. It’s important to stay motivated and overcome obstacles along the way. Here are some strategies to help you maintain your enthusiasm for both running and language learning:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Break down your language learning and running goals into manageable steps. By setting realistic targets, you can celebrate small victories along the way and stay motivated to continue.
  • Track Your Progress: Keep a journal or use language learning apps that allow you to track your progress. Seeing how far you’ve come can be a powerful motivator and remind you of the progress you’re making in both running and language learning.
  • Find Accountability Partners: Connect with fellow runners and language learners who share similar goals. Join online communities, find language learning partners, or participate in virtual running challenges to stay accountable and motivated.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate your achievements, whether it’s completing a language level or reaching a running milestone. Reward yourself with small treats or engage in activities that inspire and rejuvenate you.


Running and language learning may seem like two unrelated activities, but their combination can have a profound impact on your language acquisition journey. By incorporating language learning activities into your running routine, you can leverage the cognitive benefits of exercise and create a powerful synergy between physical and mental fitness. 

Whether it’s using language learning apps, practicing mindful running, or joining language learning communities, the surprising connection between running and language learning offers an exciting and effective approach to mastering a new language. Lace up your running shoes, grab your language learning materials, and embark on a journey towards language mastery while enjoying the many benefits of running.

Break the 20-Minute Barrier: Master the Art of Running a Sub-20 5K

5K good time

Looking for a sub-20 5K training plan?

You have come to the right place.

Let’s be honest, a sub-20 minute 5K is no easy feat. It requires serious dedication, hard work, and of course, good genes. But don’t let that discourage you! With the right training plan, anyone can crush their personal best and become a member of this elite club.

First, let’s break down what it takes to run a sub-20 minute 5K. According to the International Association of Athletics Federations, the current world records for men and women stand at an astonishing 12:37 and 14.11, respectively.

Of course, these times are set by elite athletes who run for a living, but for the rest of us, anything under 30 minutes is a great finish time.

And for those seeking to challenge themselves and reach their full running potential, joining the Sun 20 Minutes 5K club is a true feat. How quickly you can get to sub-20 will depend on your current fitness level, gender, age, and natural talent. However, with the right training and a bit of perseverance, you can do it!

That’s where today’s post comes in handy.

In today’s article, I’ll dive into virtually everything related to running a sub-20 5K. And that includes:

  • The exact breakdown of the distance
  • The right pace for a sub-20 minutes 5K
  • The importance of recovery for maximum running performance
  • How to train for the distance
  • And so much more


Let’s lace up and dig in.

Note- Keep in mind that you’ll need to be pretty close to 20 minutes already to make the needed improvement in 8 weeks. How fast you can get to the sub-20-min 5K depends on you—your current conditioning level, your gender, your age, your response to training, and your natural talent.

A beginner runner? Try this couch to 5K plan. You can also try my sub 30 5K plan if you don’t feel ready yet.

A Sub 20 5K – The Breakdown

So, how hard is it to run a sub-20 5K?

Regardless of fitness level, experience, gender, age, or any other factor, to run 3.1 miles under 20 minutes, you’ll need to be able to run under the target race of 6:25 minutes per mile for the whole distance—or roughly 4 minutes per kilometer.

For most, running at that sort of speed demands serious training.

That’s why if you’re serious about running your best 5K race or reaching any other challenging running goal, you must break it down into smaller, more easily achievable milestones.

When you do so while training hard and staying committed, you’ll, sooner or later, find yourself at the finish line.

To understand what it takes to run a good 5K, let’s make sure we all understand just how far the race is.

  • A 5K is 3.1 miles in distance.
  • Sub-20-min is anything less than 20 minutes.
  • Divided by 3.1 miles, that’s roughly 6.4 minutes per mile.
  • That equals a 6:26 running pace.

So, if you run the first 3 miles at 6:26 per mile, you’ll reach the 3-mile mark at 19:18, and then you still got 1/10 of a mile to make it to the end.

If you keep up the pace, it will take you roughly 40 seconds to run the last one-tenth of a mile, rounding up at 19:58 race time.

So how do you get there?

Simple: get faster.

How to Run a 5K in 20 Minutes or Less

I hate to sound like a broken record, but running a sub-20-minute 5K will take some serious dedication, but with the right training plan, you can achieve this goal and join the exclusive club of runners who have accomplished this feat.

To get there, you’ll need to prepare your body for sustained speed at a much higher intensity than it may be used to. This means incorporating intervals into your training runs a couple of times per week. Intervals are short bursts of high-intensity running followed by periods of rest or low-intensity recovery.

In my own experience, interval training can lead to significant improvements in running performance, particularly in events like the 5K.

And don’t take my word for it.

A study published in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine found that runners who incorporated interval training into their training plan improved their 5K times by an average of 39 seconds.

Here’s an example.

  • Start with a 15-minute dynamic warm-up.
  • Perform ten 30-second controlled sprints at 80 to 90 percent of maximum effort, getting your heart rate as high as possible. Recover for one minute between each sprint.
  • Cool down and jog for 5 minutes.

For more sub-20 5K specific interval training, here are some suggestions and routines that can be performed on the track or the road.

  • 5 x 1km at race pace with three minutes of jog recovery.
  • 10 x 400m with 60 seconds of jog recovery.
  • 6 x 800m with two minutes of jog recovery.

Take Time to Recover

Running a successful race is not just about training hard and pushing your limits; it’s also about knowing how to take care of your body before and after the race. It’s like preparing a car for a long trip – you need to make sure it has enough fuel and oil and is in good condition to avoid any breakdowns on the way. Similarly, as a runner, you need to make sure you have all the necessary components for optimal performance.

One of the most important aspects of running a sub 20 5K is practicing good recovery. If you don’t allow your body to recover properly, you can easily run yourself into the ground just before race day. That’s why it’s crucial to take a few days off from any type of exercise and focus on stretching and relaxing.

picture of Running Tips

Here’s what you need to do to ensure you’ll be in good shape on race day.

  • Sleep right. You can train hard all you want, but skimping on sleep won’t do any good. Also, pre-race jitters may keep you awake the night before the race. Shoot for at least 8 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep during the night time.
  • Stop any hard training. Take two days completely off from any type of exercise. Ideally, train hard on a Monday or Tuesday and race on a Saturday or Sunday. Spend a few days leading to the race stretching and relaxing.
  • Eat right. Make sure you have enough fuel in the tank. Opt for high-energy and easily digestible food.
  • Drink plenty of water too. Your body is just like a car—you need to put good fuel in it to have performed its best—no way around that.
  • Get there early. Make it to the race site at least an hour before the start. This will give you enough time to take care of the many things that need to be done on race morning, including parking, using the restroom, packet pick-up, etc.
  • Warm-up. Race day is not the day to test out a new warm-up routine. Instead, perform the same warm-up routine as you did during training.

Find Your 20-Minute 5K Pace.

To have the best race experience, it’s key to remember that the race is not a sprint but rather a strategic challenge. Just like a chess game, you need to think ahead and plan your moves accordingly.

The 3.1-mile race is relatively short, so it’s easy to assume that all you need to do is to dash to the finish line.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

In fact, sprinting right off the gate will more than likely result in accumulated fatigue and poor performance.

Sure, research shows that starting a 5K race a little bit faster than your goal pace may help, but don’t start with a sprint.

Instead, opt for an even pace, speeding up gradually and as you go.

Begin by setting into a good rhythm where your breath and heart rate are sustainable.

Ideally, aim for a pace of about five to ten seconds per mile, slower than your goal pace for the first mile.

Keep in mind that it might feel slow, even too slow, and you might be getting passed by runners you want to beat.

As soon as you clear the first mile, start to increase your effort and pace into the goal pace range.

Then run the last tenth as fast as you can.

Push your body harder than you ever had before, and hopefully, you’ll achieve that sub-20 5k time.

But how do you find your goal pace? It all comes down to knowing your body and understanding your limits. Start by setting into a good rhythm and gradually building up your pace over time. Don’t be discouraged if you feel like you’re going too slow in the first mile – it’s all part of the plan.

It’s also important to be prepared to adjust your pacing during adverse weather conditions or difficult terrain. If you encounter a steep hill or headwind during the race, you may need to slow down temporarily to conserve energy and maintain your overall pace.

Be Flexible

While the training plan outlined in this article is a great starting point for anyone looking to run a sub-20 minute 5K race, it’s important to remember that everyone’s fitness level and schedule are different. That’s why you should consider customizing the plan to fit your individual needs.

For example, if you’re a beginner runner, you may want to start with shorter distances or slower paces. Alternatively, if you have more experience, you may want to increase your mileage or incorporate more speed workouts.

It’s also important to consider your schedule when planning your training. If you have a busy work schedule or other commitments, you may need to modify the plan to fit your available time. Consider splitting your workouts into shorter sessions throughout the day or incorporating alternative workouts such as HIIT or yoga to maintain your fitness level when you’re short on time.

Your Sub-20 5K Plan

To help provide you with the exact step by step plan (or at least a path) to follow, here’s a a 3-week training program designed to to get your body ready to run a a 5K in 20 minutes or less.

Week 1

Monday: 30-45 easy run

Tuesday: 5 X 1Km at 4:00 per kilometer

Wednesday: 30 minutes easy

Thursday: Rest or cross train

Friday: 3 X 2Km at 4:10 per kilometer

Saturday: 60 to 90 minutes long run

Sunday: Rest or cross train

Week 2

Monday: 30-45 easy run

Tuesday: 10 hill sprints (45 to 60 seconds sprints)

Wednesday: 30 minutes easy

Thursday: Rest or cross train

Friday: 40-50 fartleks

Saturday: 60 to 90 minutes long run

Sunday: Rest or cross train

Week 3

Monday: 30-45 easy run

Tuesday: 10 X 400m sprints

Wednesday: 30 minutes easy

Thursday: Rest or cross train

Friday: 6 X 800m at 4:00 per kilometer

Saturday: 60 to 90 minutes long run

Sunday: Rest or cross train

Running a sub-20-minute 5K – The Conclusion


By completing this sub-20 5K training plan, you’ve taken the first step towards breaking through your own sound barrier.

Just like a rocket launching into space, you’ve blasted through the limits of what you thought was possible and emerged on the other side stronger, faster, and more resilient than ever before.

Remember, statistics show that only a small fraction of all 5K runners can achieve this feat – so be proud of yourself for having the courage to try. As you continue on your running journey, keep pushing yourself to new heights, and never forget the feeling of triumph you experienced when you crossed that finish line in under 20 minutes.

With each step you take, you’ll be one step closer to the stars. Keep running strong, and who knows – maybe one day you’ll even reach the moon.

How Does Running Help With Academic Performance?

running shoes for overpronators

Finland has a national action program dubbed Finnish Schools on the Move (FSM). Under the program, children in comprehensive schools go on a 15-minute break to play and socialize after every 45-minute lesson. On the program website, officials say engaging in physical activity improves learning. Away from Finland, studies done over the years show a strong link between exercising and better performance in school.

You may have thought of incorporating a running regime into your study plan. Well, Finnish education authorities show you’re on the right track. And it’s possible to do both activities well, especially if you choose to buy papers and essays, where buying an essay online can place you miles ahead in your studies.

Let’s look at how running helps improve academic performance.

Running Improves Memory

Running improves memory in several ways:

● It increases blood flow to the brain: Blood perfusion in the brain means better memory, so you develop better recall of what you study.
● It increases the size of the hippocampus: As a form of aerobic exercise, running increases the size of the hippocampus. A greater hippocampal volume is associated with improved memory.
● Supports endorphin production: Running raises body temperature and activates sweat glands. And as you sweat, the body ramps up the production of endorphins like dopamine and serotonin. These ‘happiness’ chemicals have a positive effect on learning and memory.

Running Improves Brain Activity

We’ve determined that running has an impact on hippocampal volume. The hippocampus, in turn, connects to the prefrontal cortex. This is the part of the brain responsible for:
● Comprehension
● Problem-solving
● Reasoning
● And creativity, among other functions.

Neuroscientists call these critical brain activities executive functioning. Unlike reflex action, executive functions are actions we take willfully. When you have excellent executive functioning, your academic achievements are likewise exemplary.

Running Helps You Focus Better in Class

Healthy hippocampus activity helps you block distractions, improving your concentration and focus. Running helps redirect your attention to where you need it most when school is in session:

● The classroom
● Group discussion
● Or private study time.

Running Helps with Multitasking
Another benefit of a healthy hippocampus is that it gives you cognitive flexibility, enabling you to multitask. Without this ability, you cannot take notes as the instructor is teaching. You would also find it hard to carry out instructions as the teacher gives them.

Running Improves Mood

According to Mayo Clinic, running lifts your mood and helps ease anxiety. When you’re less anxious and in good spirits, you’re more likely to concentrate while studying. Conversely, a depressive mood weighs down the brain and leads to cognitive dysfunction.

Scientists found that depression shrinks gray matter volume and reduces functional activity in the hippocampus. Your academic performance takes a hit when in such a condition. Even though life regularly throws us curveballs, you can push yourself to get your daily dose of exercise and, in this way, alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety.


1. How Often Should I Run?

To get the most out of running, do it 3-5 days weekly, each lasting at least 30 minutes. Remember to have a rest day between your active days to give your muscles time to recuperate. Going at it every day of the week is unhealthy and will only hurt you in the end, as you develop tears in the muscle tissue, which leave you too sore to exercise.

If you haven’t been physically active, start small and then add to the minutes as you go on. A 10-minute run is acceptable for someone who’s just starting. Then increase it to 15, 20, 25, and 30 minutes every few days or week.

You may go beyond 30 minutes if you feel up to it. Let your body guide you. You’ll know when to increase the sprint duration as you listen to your body. Keep the intensity low initially, then increase it as your body adapts to the new routine.

The important thing is to keep your routine consistent. That’s how you get the benefits, by doing it week after week.

2. When Is the Best Time to Run?

You can run at any time. Some people prefer to do it early in the morning, some in the evening, and others during the day. Research into the different time slots shows that each has unique benefits. But for students who want to reap maximum academic gains from the exercise, plan your schedule so you finish your running session an hour before your study time.

Cognitive neuroscience researcher Prof. Charles Hillman reports that enhanced cognitive ability following a bout of exercise lasts at least an hour. That’s according to findings from a study he led on the impact of exercise on cognition in preadolescents. Running one hour before studying a particularly challenging topic can help with information absorption and retention.

3. Should I Eat Anything Before Running?

A prerun snack is important if you’re running for over an hour. Experts recommend eating a high-carb meal 3-4 hours before your run. Avoid foods that slow digestion, such as fat, fiber, and protein. You want your digestion system to work optimally to prevent the sluggishness that could impact your performance.

Carbohydrates are preferable as they increase the amount of glycogen in muscles, keeping your blood sugar levels high so you don’t develop hypoglycemia. Consuming carbohydrates also increases exogenous carbohydrate oxidation, which improves your endurance so you can run longer without exhaustion. Ensure you don’t take a heavy meal, as this can cause indigestion or nausea. Fruit, cereal, or an energy bar are all good snack options.

If you’re running for less than an hour, you can omit snacking before your run. But there’s no harm in taking a light meal 1-2 hours before your run. Should you opt out of a prerun snack, listen to your body during the run, and stop if you feel dizzy.

Take fluids to keep you hydrated before and during the run. Experts agree that spelling out a standard fluid intake threshold for every runner is impossible. The amount of water to take depends on the temperature, how long you intend to run, and how much you sweat. Keep a bottle of water with you and sip a little as you go if your body demands it.
Final Thoughts
Beyond improving posture and physical fitness, running can help improve your academic performance. It does this by boosting memory, focus, comprehension and problem-solving ability, and easing anxiety. To make these effects long-term, make running a lifestyle goal rather than a one-time or short-term endeavor.


American College of Sports Medicine Joint Position Statement. Nutrition and Athletic Performance – PubMed. (2016, March 1). PubMed.
Hillman seeks to understand exercise-cognition links. (2011, February 9). Default.
Oxidation of carbohydrate feedings during prolonged exercise: current thoughts, guidelines and directions for future research – PubMed. (2000, June 1). PubMed.
Beck, K. L., Thomson, J. S., Swift, R. J., & von Hurst, P. R. (2015, August 11). Role of nutrition in performance enhancement and postexercise recovery. PubMed Central (PMC).
What to Eat Before Running. (n.d.). What to Eat Before Running.
Running for health: Even a little bit is good, but a little more is probably better – Harvard Health. (2014, July 30). Harvard Health.
Mental Health Benefits of Running. (2023, May 9). WebMD.
Zhang, F., Peng, W., Sweeney, J. A., Jia, Z., & Gong, Q. (2018, March 5). Brain structure alterations in depression: Psychoradiological evidence. PubMed Central (PMC).
Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms. (2017, September 27). Mayo Clinic.
C. (n.d.). Serotonin: What Is It, Function & Levels. Cleveland Clinic.
Voss, M. W., Soto, C., Yoo, S., Sodoma, M., Vivar, C., & Praag, H. V. (2019, February 16). Exercise and hippocampal memory systems. PubMed Central (PMC).
C. (n.d.). Serotonin: What Is It, Function & Levels. Cleveland Clinic.

How To Run Commute – The Complete Running To Work Guide

run commute

It’s a fantastic way to sweat while doing something productive.

But it requires some preparation and planning.

I’ve compiled today’s article’s ultimate guide to starting your run-commute.

By the end, you’ll learn the following:

  • What is run commuting?
  • The benefits of running to and from work
  • How to get started with run commuting
  • The run commuter checklist
  • How to choose the right running bag pack for running commuting
  • How to plan your route
  • How to get cleaned up
  • And so much more…

Let’s get started

The Benefits of The Run-Commute

Though run-commuting is not a popular way to get to and from work, there are many benefits to doing so.

Let’s discuss a few.

  • Running Is Fast Than Walking. On average, expect to be able to walk three to four miles per hour. But if you can keep an 8-minute running pace, you can cover 7.5 miles per hour or 12 kilometers per hour. In some cities, running can also be faster than driving. For example, driving speeds in crowded cities can be around seven mph.
  • Boosts productivity. Running first thing in the morning improves your productivity. Not only will you arrive at the office feeling awake, but your brain will be functioning at its best.
  • Reduce Stress. Running home from work can help clear up your mind and clear the day’s stress from your system so you can enjoy the rest of your day.
  • No More Traffic. Hate getting stuck in traffic? Then run commuting is for you. By running to work, you’ll no longer have to worry about getting stuck in traffic for hours and hours, moving at a snail’s pace while losing your sanity with every passing minute. Instead, you’ll be the master of your work commute. So say goodbye to burning traffic—as long as you have a realistic run-commute plan.
  • More base miles. One of the best ways to build endurance is to do a lot of long, slow miles. The more miles you can run without fatigue, the faster you’ll likely run on race day. But it’s not easy to find time for them. Running to and from work is a great opportunity to add miles to your weekly total without compromising your lifestyle.
  • Running Is Cheap. Compared to other transportation means, running is cheap. You don’t need to pay for any gas, train tickets, or parking fees. It’s just you and your feet. Of course, you’ll still use up your running shoes, but you’ll use them most productively and frugally.
  • Eco-friendly. You’ll be doing an excellent service to the environment by leaving a “smaller” footprint and inspiring other people to follow (and run) in your footsteps.

How to Start Run-Commuting 

Here are the guidelines you need to become a daily run commuter.

Plan Thoroughly

Success favors the prepared mind—this couldn’t be more true regarding run-commuting.

As a rule, plan out the logistics and running gear needed for the job in advance—you’ll need more than your running shoes.

Here are the five steps to an effective run-commute plan:

  • Make a Run commute list
  • Lay out your running gear
  • Get the right running backpack
  • Plan your running route
  • Have fun Run Commuting

Let’s explain each step.

Make a Run Commute List

Make a checklist of everything you’ll need for the run and work.

Planning takes care of all your excuses not to start running and commuting.

Here are the run commute essentials to consider.

  • Running gear such as your shoes, clothes, reflective vest, and a GPS watch,
  • A small purse,
  • Your phone and other electronics,
  • Work-related stuff, like your laptop, a diary, a lightweight folder, and glasses,
  • door keys,
  • Breakfast and/or lunch packs. Snacks too,
  • A water bottle,
  • A waterproof jacket that wicks moisture away for a rainy day,
  • A spare plastic bag to keep your spare clothes dry,
  • Reflective tape or a reflective vest if you plan to run near sunrise and/or sunset on roads.
  • Towel and toiletries

Of course, you cannot keep all this in your pocket and typical work bag.

You’ll need a special running bag.

Let’s see how to choose one.

Running Backpack

The most important piece of run commute gear is the one that carries everything—your backpack.

Few things are as frustrating as a backpack that bounces all over the place and causes painful rubbing.

Of course, if you can narrow your carry-on items to your phone, wallet, and keys, then a fanny pack is enough.

But that’s not always the case, as most of us need to carry more, whether it’s clothes, a laptop, toiletries, or any other item.

The market for running packs has grown thanks to run commute’s rising popularity in recent years. You can find these online and in most running shops.

The Right Backpacks For Run-Commuting

Get a backpack that’s specifically designed for running.

These are usually made with ultralight materials and have straps that wrap around the chest or waist level. This helps prevent it from bouncing all over the place during a run

The straps also help evenly distribute the backpack’s weight and hold it comfortably across your back.

Make sure the backpack fits firmly without chafing or weighing you down.

Try out a few before you make up your mind.

Pack Smart

Do not pack more than you must—or this will wear you out, especially when you’re not used to running with weights.

One trick to help you avoid carrying extra items is to bring several days’ worth of toiletries and clothing in your drawer or locker room.

Things to leave at the office may include:

  • Deodorant
  • Suit
  • Loose change
  • Laptop
  • Hard files
  • Towel
  • Work shoes

Not sure if your backpack is waterproof?

Pop your clothes and electronics into a plastic bag.

how to run commute

Know The Route

Always taking public transport to the office? Then you might not know exactly how far is your daily commute.

So, as a rule, know your routine. Then, check your online maps and look for the alternative route if it seems not passable. You can also check out likely routes by car or bike first if you’re unfamiliar with the region.

It’s not fun if you get lost and run out of time. Few things are worse than arriving at the office drenched wet, exhausted, hungry, and behind schedule because you got lost and had to run some extra miles

I’d also recommend looking for the most pedestrian-friendly areas, especially if running through an urban area.

Running on the freeway is no fun—it’s also illegal.

What’s more?

Have a few running routes of different lengths to vary your running distance and make your training more enjoyable.

When It’s Too Far

Let’s be practical.

If you live 30 miles from your office, then you’ll have to run an ultramarathon every time you run commute. That will be asking for too much.

Here’s the workaround: you don’t have to run the whole distance.

Here are three options:

  • Get off the train or bus a stop earlier, then log the remaining miles on your feet.
  • If you drive to work, perhaps you can find a safe parking lot, then run the rest of the distance to the office.
  • Look for a colleague who lives closer to the office and asks them to join you.

Give It a Test Run

Anything that can derail you from your new plan during the early stages will discourage you from carrying on.

Before running to and from work, your first step should be to test your running gear and run-commute strategy.

Doing this will ensure that everything is in place and working smoothly. Once you know you have a solid strategy and backpack, try your first few runs on days when the weather is friendly.

Get Cleaned Up

Unless you’re willing to spend the next work shift avoiding all of your colleagues, then having a shower is a must.

Most office buildings have a shower (even facilities for fitness fanatics), but what if your workplace is a shower-free zone?

The easy solution is to take a bus/train to the office, then run home and shower in the comfort of your home.

Insist on running to work, but your office building is a free shower zone?

Consider visiting nearby cheap gyms or pools you can join and use their changing facilities.

Take Care of Your Hygiene

Here are the essentials:

  • Shampoo,
  • Soap,
  • Deodorant,
  • Comb,
  • Foot powder,
  • Wipes,
  • Lotion

You can easily find all of this in the travel section of any department store.

Get all you need, stash all your toiletries in a little bag, and store it in your drawer.

How To Run Commute  – The Conclusion

Here you have it!

Now you know all there is to know about running to and/or from work.

I hope you start doing that soon.

So please make sure to build this awesome running habit ASAP.

Thank you for reading my blog


How To Choose The best Running Shoes for Overpronation

running shoes for overpronators

If you’re a runner who overpronates, you might consider getting running shoes specifically designed for this condition.

Overpronation may cause shin splints, runners’ knees, and other overuse injuries—not ideal issues to deal with while logging the miles, right?

But what’s overpronation to start with? And how do running shoes for overpronators help (if they help)?

Keep on reading to find out the answers.

In this article, I’ll briefly overview overpronation and how to choose the best running shoes for overpronators.

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

What Is Pronation

To understand overpronation, let’s first discuss what pronation means.

Pronation refers to the foot’s natural movement from heel to toe during foot landing while walking or running.

When your foot hits the ground, it rolls inward to absorb the shock, and your arch bears, on average, three times your body weight.

Those with arches that collapse excessively are overpronators, while those whose arches collapse relatively little or not enough are known as supinators.

A neutral runner is someone whose arch collapses an average amount—not too much or too little.

Overpronation Explained

Overpronation refers to the excessive inward roll of the foot following a foot strike.

Technically, it occurs when your foot rolls more than 15 percent inward or downward during the foot strike cycle

When you overpronate, you’re putting more weight on the inner side of your feet. This puts excessive strain on your big and second toes.

The uneven weight distribution undermines your foot and negatively impacts other biomechanics of your legs.

Most notably, overpronation can cause strain on the big toe and second toes and instability in the lower legs, especially in the tibia, which can increase your risk of shin splints, knee pain, etc.

More than often, runners with the condition are often considered to have “flat feet.”

The Solution To Overpronation

One of the best ways to limit the effects of overpronation is to wear shoes specifically designed to address such a problem.

These are called stability and motion control shoes and offer much support and structured cushioning.

This can limit the excessive inward rolling of the foot during a foot strike, which, in theory, may help prevent injury.

But before you start using shoes for overpronators, ensure you do overpronate.

Don’t try to fix something that ain’t broken!

How To Determine Your Pronation Style

You can take many tests right now to get your pronation checked.

Go To A Running Store

The easiest (and most effective) step is to head to the local running specialty store and ask the staff to analyze your technique as you run—or walk—on a treadmill.

If you don’t have access to a sports store or want a more personalized approach, consider consulting a podiatrist and have them assess your pronation style.

The Wear Pattern Test

Don’t want to go anywhere or spend any money?

Then simply check the wear patterns on a pair of worn-out shoes.

The wear location and severity can tell you whether you need stability or motion-control shoes (more on that later).

This method can also provide extra clues about the impact on your feet. This can help you decide where you might need more support and cushion.

To perform this test, get a pair of running shoes that you have already worn out extensively. Then check the bottom of the shoes and see where the most wear is.

If most of the wear appears on the inside edges along with the ball of the foot and the heel, along the inner edge, and toward the big toe, you likely overpronate

Note – Using stable running shoes won’t cure or correct your overpronation.

Sorry, it’s too late for that. Every runner pronates. The natural inward-rolling motion is part and parcel of the gait cycle. As a runner who overpronates, you’ll need maximum support and stability.

Shoes made for overpronators are usually designed with extra arch support, a firmer midsole, and some additional cushioning that offers plenty of support.

This helps distribute the shock stress of running more effectively to limit pronation.

Since overpronation is a common issue for runners, most running shoe companies provide stability shoes and their neutral models with various degrees of support depending on your overpronation level.

How to Choose The Right Running Shoes For Overpronator

Got the confirmation about your overpronation?

Time to move to the next step.

Stability Vs. Motion Control

The main difference between stability and motion control shoes is the degree of support and cushioning.

Both stability and motion control shoes are designed to manage overpronation but to different degrees.

Stability shoes only provide midsole support and are often designed with few other support systems. This makes them ideal for runners who overpronate slightly.

On the other hand, motion-control shoes are for more severe pronation issues.

These offer support virtually everywhere on the shoe—from the midsole to the heel.

Motion-control shoes are also designed with additional support in the heel of the shoes and the arch.

Motion-control shoes also tend to be less flexible than stability shoes, allowing for less movement of the feet.

This is why these shoes are heavier and more durable than the average.

This may make your running experience less comfortable, especially if you’re not used to running in them.

Not sure how to make sense of this?

Err on the side of stability shoes.

These tend to be more flexible and less heavy than motion-control shoes.

They’re also easier to run in.

If the overpronation is causing problems, try moving onto motion control shoes.

The Checklist For Running Shoes For Overpronators

In short, here’s is what to look for when choosing running shoes for overpronation:

  • Proper arch support
  • Good stability
  • A supportive and cushioned midsole or insole
  • A firmer structure and sole
  • A durable outsole, preferably made from rubber
  • Motion control for serious overpronators.

The 5 Best Running Shoes For Overpronators

Below are some shoes that offer some of the features that overpronators need.

Feel free to experiment, then choose the shoe that best suits your needs.

Asics GEL-Kayano 24 Lite-Show

ASICS Gel Kayano 24 is one of the best shoes for overpronators, providing comfort and stability.

This shoe focuses on the two primary spots where you need a lot of support as an overpronator—the heel and midsole.

Despite the extra cushioning in those key areas, the shoe is also lightweight and flexible.

What’s more?

ASICS lite-show reflective technology helps you stay more visible in low light conditions, which is key for staying safe when running early in the morning or at night when it’s dark outside.

Asics Gel-Kayano 27

Another awesome shoe designed by Asics for the overpronator.

This shoe is one of the top stability shoes, designed with a dual-density midsole, a structured heel counter, and an outsole Guidance line to guide your foot straight and lessen pronation.

The sole is also more flexible to help encourage a more natural gait.

What’s more?

The mesh upper helps your feet cool and comfortable.

Brooks Addiction 14

This fantastic motion-control shoe works very well for runners who require a lot of stability on their runs and heavy runners who overpronate.

It also provides a generous fit, ideal for those with flat feet or using custom orthotics.

Remember that Brooks Addiction shoes tend to be heavier than other shoes since they have a lot of cushioning.

Saucony Omni ISO 2

In Latin for “everything” or “all,” Omni ISO 2 is a stability shoe that works well for overpronators.

It has a good fit and comes in a good-looking design.

The shoe also features ISOFIT technology, which appeals to various foot types as it adapts to most foot types for a comfortable fit.

Running Shoes For Overpronators – The Conclusion

There you have it!

If you’ve ever wondered how to deal with overpronation while running, you know something about the subject.

Being well-informed is key to making the right decision—running is no exception.

Please feel free to leave your questions and comments in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

Mile by Mile: Essential Safety Tips for Runners to Avoid Getting Injured

How To Clean Running Shoes

You’re a runner. It’s a pastime, an outlet, a stress-reliever, a hobby. It’s your particular way of life and that deserves to be celebrated, protected. Running is a great way to stay in shape and clear your mind, but these things cannot be done if you’re running safely. The open road can be a dangerous place, you want to make you’re doing everything you can to stay safe.

It’s important to be aware of the safety precautions you can take to avoid being injured. No one wants to end up in the ER with a twisted ankle or worse. There are a few things you can implement into your running routine to avoid potential accidents.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Stay alert; always be aware of who or what is around you when you’re running. This means being cautious when crossing the street and avoiding busy areas with a lot of traffic. If there’s something or someone that makes you feel unsafe, it’s best to find another time or route to run.

Bring a Friend

Running with someone else can be a great way to stay safe. Not only will you have someone there to talk to and keep you company, but they can also help lookout for potential danger. If something does happen, having someone there to help is invaluable.

They can call for help if you get hurt, or get you someplace safe until help can be found. The worst thing about an emergency is being alone in one. You want to avoid this as much as you can.

Stay Visible

Make sure drivers can see you when running at night by wearing reflective clothing or accessories. This will make you more visible in low-light situations and could potentially save your life.

There are several types of reflective clothing that you can purchase. Things like jackets, vests, headbands, and wristbands are all great options. You can also purchase reflective tape to put on your clothing or shoes.

Be Mindful of the Weather

Pay attention to the weather conditions before heading out for a run. If it’s raining or snowing, consider staying inside. The same goes for extreme heat or cold. You don’t want to be running in bad weather and end up getting sick or suffering a sprain or fall.

Be Mindful of Your Pace

Especially when running in unfamiliar areas, it’s important to be aware of the pace you’re keeping. If you’re going too fast for the area you’re in, you might miss something dangerous or important. On the flip side, if you’re moving too slow drivers may become impatient and honk their horns. Keep your running route on roads that have sidewalks or shoulders. If you prefer open streets, stick to backroads and less populated areas.

Find a happy medium where you can get your exercise while being courteous to those around you.

Be Mindful of Traffic Laws

When running near traffic, make sure you’re following the law. This means crossing streets in designated areas and using sidewalks when available. Keep an eye out for cars and other obstacles, don’t assume that drivers can see you. Even if they’re in your line of sight, there may be barriers or blind spots that keep them from spotting you.

If there’s a crosswalk nearby, use it. Avoid running across busy streets or intersections. Watch for traffic lights and stop signs.

Watch Out for Potholes & Obstacles

Keep your eyes open for any obstacles that might get in the way of your run. This means avoiding potholes, cracks in the pavement, and other debris. If you’re running on trails or through a park, be aware of tree roots, rocks, and other hidden hazards.

Worst Case Scenario

If you are involved in an accident, seek medical attention as soon as possible. You should file a police report with your local department as well. If you want to pursue legal action, contact a personal injury attorney. Firms like Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers will help you file a claim, negotiate a settlement, and represent you in court if necessary.

They’ll do all of the legwork like contacting the people involved and gathering the necessary evidence to prove your case.

Stay Hydrated

It’s also important to stay hydrated when running. Bring along a water bottle and make stop frequently for a drink while you work out. Running is a great way to get in shape and enjoy the outdoors, but it’s important to do so safely. Your health is the priority.

Let Someone Know Where You’re Going

It’s a good idea to let someone know where you’re going. This could be your spouse, friend, neighbor, or family member. You don’t have to tell them every time you go for a run but just in case something does happen they’ll know where to look for you and what route you planned on taking.

Bring Your Phone

You want to be reachable. Carry your phone with you when running. This way if something does happen, someone can get in touch with you or call for help.

You don’t want to leave your mobile device at home because that could mean being out of reach and alone if an emergency occurs.

These are just some general safety tips to keep in mind when running. Following these guidelines can help you stay safe while getting your daily exercise.



How To Choose The Best Knee Brace for Running

knee brace for knee pain

Run often enough, and you’ll, sooner or later, experience knee pain. Most runners suffer from knee pain at one point or another. This pain can range from annoying aches to debilitating pain that can stop anyone in their tracks.

Research shows that the knee joint is afflicted by roughly 50 percent of all running injuries. In addition, as many as 70 percent of runners report experiencing knee pain at some point.

That’s a lot of runners in pain, and if you happen to be one of them, you’ve more than likely considered using a knee brace in the hope of soothing your pain and speeding up recovery.

In this article, I’ll explain a few things you need to know when considering a knee brace for running. But the most important thing is to consult a doctor or a physical before “fixing” any issue with a knee brace.

More specifically, I’ll look into the following:

  • What is a knee brace for runners?
  • The benefits of knee braces
  • Can you run with a knee brace?
  • When to wear a knee brace for running (and when not)
  • The different types of running knee braces
  • How to choose the right knee braces for runners
  • And so much more

Sounds great?

Let’s get started.

What is A Knee Brace?

A knee brace is a catch-all term for various devices designed to provide * support to the knee joint and (hopefully) relieve pain and/or speed up recovery post-injury.

Knee braces are usually made from foam, metal, plastic, or elastic straps and materials and come in many colors, designs, and sizes.

There are various knee braces, such as knee sleeves, motion control brace, and several more (explained below), which offer a range of knee joint support levels.

A good knee brace usually applies pressure around various structures of the knee. This, in turn, may provide additional support for knee stability.

But here’s a little caveat. It’s not always easy to tell when your knee requires extra support.

What’s more?

There’s a wide range of braces in the market—so what kind suits you the best?

So do knee braces work?

The best answer I can come up with is a definite maybe.

Companies that make these devices claim—and often exaggerate—the many benefits of their products.

It’s marketing, after all. Who could blame them?

But scientific research is still in the woods.

Check the following studies:








Here’s my best advice.

If you’re considering using a knee brace because of knee pain from running or have a history of a knee injury, consult your doctor about your options.

Don’t let the marketing lure you in.

Only your doctor can decide if and when you should use a knee brace for knee pain while running—and the decision should be made based on your knee condition.

Now that we got the medical warning, let’s get more into the specifics.

Should You Run With Knee Support

I hate to sound like a broken record, but you’ll experience knee pain from running sooner or later. The more miles, the more likely for knee support to follow.

Running is a high-impact activity. For this reason, the sport is notoriously known for many overuse injuries. Knee problems are common.

Don’t take my word for it. Research published in the Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute reported that roughly 20 to 40 percent of all knee issues occur at the joint, specifically the patella or the kneecap. This area experiences a lot of wear and tear linked with high-impact exercise for long periods.

So when should you start wearing a knee brace?

A knee brace might be helpful if the pain gradually starts and isn’t an acute injury.  You can also use it as a proactive tool against knee injury. This is why many pro athletes wear knee braces during training and competition.

Fortunately, wearing a knee brace, as we’ll see today, may help soothe and prevent knee problems and allow you to keep training comfortably and pain-free for the foreseeable future.


When Should You Use a Knee Brace?

The rule of thumb is to use knee braces when you’re experiencing knee pain or would like to prevent injuries during running.

Knee braces can also be used for rehabilitative goals, for example, following an ACL injury.

When it’s the case, a brace may limit the movement of joints while allowing the patient to slow recovery and regain their range of motion.

Keep in mind: Use a knee brace under the guidance of your doctor or therapist, who can help you pinpoint the exact culprit behind your knee pain.

Don’t fall for the hype.

When Should You NOT Wear a Knee Brace?

Despite the ads, a knee brace won’t answer all of your knee pain prayers

In reality, sometimes, using one can cause more harm than good.

If you’re dealing with a serious injury, such as a sprain or ligament tear, you should rest your knee instead of wearing a brace and pushing through the pain.

Even if you use the best brace worldwide, you risk worsening your injury. So, if you experience stubborn pain or swelling or can’t fully straighten or bend the injured knee, it’s time to visit a doctor.

Once you get the green light from your doctor, then it’s to pick a proper brace and start running slowly against it. The severity of your injury will determine your mileage and the kind of knee brace.

What’s more?

Remember that a knee brace is a temporary tool to fix any underlying problems that lead to knee pain.

What’s more?

Some medical conditions can make you prone to the side effects of using a knee brace. In addition, avoid using a knee brace if you’re experiencing pain in your lower limbs or have diminished sensation.

How To Choose The Right Knee Brace – Based on Brace and Injury Type

There are many types of knee braces, coming in various sizes and shapes and performing different functions.

While some knee braces are designed to prevent injury, others are designed to help speed up recovery. This is why you need to know the REASON you need a brace. Applying the right solution starts with understanding the problem. Otherwise, you might do more damage.

For this reason, the best running knee brace for you depends on your specific needs.

Let me explain some of the common types.

Knee Sleeve

Although not technically braces, knee sleeves are the most common type of knee support.

These come in various sizes; you can slip them over your knee under any clothing.

Knee sleeves offer compression to the knee and help soothe swelling and pain in the whole area.

But still, allow you a full range of motion.

Since they’re minimalist braces, these work best for reducing and soothing mild running pain.

For serious cases of knee pain, choose a brace that offers more stability and support, just like the following.

Patellar Brace

Looking for more support?

Patellar braces, as the name implies, help guide the kneecap—the patella—to track evenly and reduce pressure on the tendon.

This option works very well if your knee pain is caused by Runners Knee or Jumper knee (patellar tendonitis).

These are designed to prevent the patella from moving out of place. They’re usually employed to treat the causes of patellar tendinitis and patella sublocation. You can choose between a sleeve or a hinged design for patellar stabilizers.

Wraparound Brace

If you’re looking for maximum support while keeping somewhat of normal range of motion, look no further than a wraparound brace.

These cover roughly as much of the knee as a sleeve but tend to be thicker, which provides more support and stability.

Wraparound braces work well for runners dealing with mild to moderate knee pain.

Monitor your usage duration and whether your symptoms improve when using such a brace.

Avoid using them on a religious basis. Too much support can be…a little bit too much!

Rehabilitative Knee Brace

Recovering from a knee injury?

A rehabilitative knee brace helps regulate movement to protect the affected ligament from further damage.

This lets the knee recover at its own pace without any rushing. To get the right rehabilitative knee brace, consider going to a professional. For example, bracing services at Reflex Knees can ensure the brace is fitted correctly.

Functional Braces

Have a history of knee injuries?

Try functional braces.

These work well for runners who require a higher level of protection and support post-surgery.

This brace helps keep the injured knee properly aligned during bending movements. This, in turn, helps protect the ligament from further damage.

The Conclusion

Knee braces work very well for protecting against knee pain while running, but relying on them too much and too often can prove problematic.

As a rule, use knee braces only in pain cases, then stop once your condition improves.

And yes, get the green light from your doctor before you start using one.

If pain persists, or you regularly need a knee brace, consult a doctor or physical therapist to determine the root of your pain.

Tips For Using A Knee Brace

Here are a few things to remember when shopping for a brace for knee pain.

Choose The Right Level Of Protection

So, what’s the proper level of protection for a knee brace?

It depends on what’s ailing you.

As I have already explained, different knee braces offer various levels of support.

It’s up to you and only you to decide which ones make the more sense.

The rest is just details, as the saying goes.

Good Fit

Just like running shoes, your knee brace has to fit properly if you want it to work for you.

As a rule, a knee brace should feel comfortable and snug.

It has to firmly fit your knee without restricting blood flow or clamping on too much.

All in all, the simpler the brace, the easier it fits.

Those made from elastic materials can be simply used as a sleeve over the knee.

You just need to find the right size for you.

The Right Compression

So how tight should the brace be?

As a rule, you should experience a feeling of tightness around your knee when wearing a knee brace.

But it has to feel comfortable and offers the support needed.

Is the brace too tight or cutting circulation? Then go for a larger-sized brace or loosen the straps.

The 2-Finger Trick

Would you like to know how to ensure a proper fit?

Perform the 2-finger trick.

The fit of a knee brace depends on its type.

But performing this trick can help you decide which is best for you.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Begin by putting on the brace and securing the straps you normally would.
  • Slide two fingers between your leg and the strap.
  • It may be too tight if your two fingers hardly fit under the strap.
  • When it’s the case, loosen up the strap and try again.

What’s more?

Have your brace examined by your doctor, who can confirm that you’re using the right one correctly.

Be Consistent

Remember to wear the brace during running—or any form of physical activity that causes pain in the knee joint.

In other words, you have to be consistent about it, or it won’t help much.

But do not push too hard.

Stop running and review your actions if you feel abnormal pain or tenderness.

Paying attention to your body is the golden rule of staying fit without getting hurt.

Knee Braces For Runners – The Conclusion

Using knee braces while running can relieve pain and protect our knees from further damage and injury.

But as a rule, it’s key to use a brace correctly and stick to your doctor’s advice to get the maximum benefits from it—otherwise. As I repeatedly say, the brace may harm your fitness and well-being.

And you don’t want that.

Please feel free to leave your comments and question in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep running strong.


Stress Fractures In Runners: Causes, Symptoms, Tests & Treatment

running 3 miles a day

Out of all running injuries, nothing strikes more fear into a runner’s heart than stress fractures. They’re a painful, nagging condition that requires long weeks, even months, of recovery.

What’s more?

This notorious injury is common among runners, especially those that run long distances and/or push themselves more than they should.

So would you like to learn more about how to manage stress injuries in runners? Then you’ve come to the right place.

In this post, I’ll provide a full overview of stress fractures in runners. By the end, you’ll learn the following:

  • What is a stress fracture?
  • The causes of stress fractures in runners
  • The most stress fracture-prone areas in runners
  • The main symptoms to look for
  • Can you run with a stress fracture?
  • And so much more

Stress Fractures In Runners Explained

Also known as a hairline fracture, basically a small crack or severe bruising in a bone.

Stress fractures are the classic form of overuse injury caused by the gradual build-up of trauma from repetitive submaximal loading and bad posture.

The typical stress fracture onsets as a stress reaction, which manifests as swelling around the bone.

Then, in case it progresses, it can develop a small crack. If this injury reaches this stage,  you’ll likely have to rest the injured limb for a few weeks—even months—to let your body heal.

Surveys show that stress fractures may account for 20 percent of all running injuries.

Athletes who participate in high-impact sports like basketball, football, and soccer are also prone to this condition.

In some cases, but rarely among productive age runners, stress fractures may be blamed on inadequate bone mineral density or bone diseases, such as osteoporosis.

They can also be traced to genetic disorders or nutritional and hormonal imbalances.

Stress Fractures Vs. Bone Breaks

This may surprise you, but a fractured bone and a broken one aren’t technically the same.

As I explained earlier, a stress fracture is a bone crack or break that occurs when force is applied to a bone repeatedly and over time.

This means that they develop slowly over an extended period.

The other characteristic is your bone stays still in the same place. You won’t even notice anything except the ongoing pain or bruising.

On the other hand, the typical bone break happens when an outside force is applied suddenly to a bone. The key here is the discontinuation of bone structure.

Falls, car accidents, and sports contacts like football can often cause bone breaks.

Common Stress Fractures In Runners

A stress fracture can strike any bone, but the weight-bearing bones are most prone in runners.

Let me explain.

The lower leg in the shin bone (the tibia) is the most affected area.

Survey shows that about half of all stress fractures occur in the tibia.

But stress fractures are also common in other bones.

The foot, especially the second metatarsal, is another stress fracture-prone bone.

More specifically, the second and third metatarsals in the foot, according to the American Academy Of Orthopedic Surgeons. According to surveys, roughly 25 percent of all stress fractures strike these two bones.

The condition is also pretty common in:

  • The heel, what’s known as the calcaneus;
  • The ankle joint, more commonly in a small bone called the talus;
  • The fibula, the outer bone of the ankle and lower leg; and
  • The navicular is a boat-shaped bone on the top of the midfoot, specifically in the ankle between the talus and the cuneiform bones.
  • The talus is a small bone located within the ankle joint

Extreme (but rare) Cases of Stress Fractures

The bigger bones in your pelvis, hips, and femur are also prone to stress fractures, which aren’t common among runners.

And only a few people can feel it since it’s not the main weight-bearing.

Causes of Stress Fractures While Running

The primary cause of the condition is, of course, overuse.

If you increase your training volume and/or intensity too fast and over a short period, you’re setting yourself up for injury.

Other factors that may contribute to stress fractures include:

  • Bad footwear. Running in improper running shoes that provide little or no shock-absorbing ability.
  • Being a female runner. Research shows that female athletes are more prone than male athletes. This is blamed on the so-called “female athlete triad,” a mix of eating disorders, bone density issues, and menstrual dysfunction.
  • Running technique. Overstriding may sometimes contribute to tibial stress fracture as it stresses the main weight-bearing bones more.
  • Inadequate nutrition. For example, insufficient vitamin D intake can put you at risk, according to research from The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery.
  • Bone conditions. Bone disease compromises bone strength and density. Osteoporosis is one example.
  • Weather condition. Research shows that stress fractures are more common in the winter than in any other season of the year due to a deficiency in Vitamin D.
  • Foot Abnormalities. According to research, runners with anatomical foot abnormalities, such as fallen arches, are more prone to stress fractures than those with a neutral arch.
  • Muscle tightness. Research from the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy reported that tight calves make you roughly five times more likely to sustain a metatarsal stress fracture.

Symptoms of a Stress Fracture

If you notice any bony tenderness that worsens during running but subsides during rest, you might be experiencing the onset of a stress fracture.

Stress fractures are characterized as achy or generalized pain in and around the affected area.

You can’t pinpoint the exact place.

This pain usually develops slowly and worsens during running or any weight-bearing activity.

Pain worsens the more miles you log in. Then, it becomes highly localized to a specific “area” on the bone, which will even be painful to the touch. Sometimes it causes bruising but is mild.

Devoid of rest, the pain gradually worsens—to the point where it limits your range of motion and alters your running gait.

stress fractures while running

How Are Stress Fractures Diagnosed

Sometimes, your doctor can diagnose a stress fracture from a medical history and physical checkup, but imaging tests are often required to confirm the condition.

Since stress fractures are thin, X-rays usually cannot spot them, especially shortly after the onset of pain. The doctor may recommend an MRI or CT scan in addition to the physical checkup.

Can you Run With a Stress Fracture?

Though you might feel tempted to run on a stress fracture, it’s never a good idea. Running through a stress fracture does nothing but delay healing and will likely cause a compensatory injury for changing your running gait.

From my experience and the stories I’ve heard, I wouldn’t risk it.

It’s the dumbest thing you can do as a runner.

Running through the tibia, fibula, or fracture requires a more serious injury. It’s also painful since these are the major weight-bearing bones that withstand a lot of the stresses of running.

What’s the next plan?


If it’s an incomplete fracture with no misalignment, bandage, and casting might help. But if it’s a complete fracture with multiple breakages, a knife and fixation are the only solution.

Next? Six months rest.

As a rule of thumb, avoid running through a stress fracture.

What Should I Do If I Do Have A Stress Fracture?

If you suspect a stress fracture, stop training altogether and do what you must to speed up recovery.

Next, visit a physician—preferably a podiatrist or an orthopedist—to have it diagnosed.

Let me break down what you need to do.

Stop High Impact Exercise

Your first step is to let the affected bone(s) recover completely following injury.

It takes at least 28 days for complete remodeling.

I’d recommend that you cross-train during your recovery period.

Choose exercises with minimum impact.

Ideal options include aqua jogging, cycling, swimming, or yoga.

You’re good to go if you avoid high-impact weight-bearing exercises like running, rope jumping, and plyometrics.

Keep it as long as you feel comfortable before adding the intensity.

Reassess every month.

Cold Therapy

Apply ice on the affected area to keep swelling down and ease tenderness.

I’d recommend using a frozen bag of beans or ice wrapped in a towel or cloth for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, at least three times a day.

Just whatever you do, do not apply a source of cold directly on your skin.

Compress it

Compress the injured limb by lightly wrapping it in a soft elastic bandage to reduce swelling.

Elevate it

Keep your injured limb raised higher than your chest level.

Using a hanging traction device can help.

Severe Cases

What should you do if home treatments don’t improve your symptoms?


Consult a doctor or podiatrist.

They will help you determine your injury’s exact location and severity and what to do next to bounce back and speed up your recovery.

Left untreated, stress fractures can result in the bone breaking completely.

Further Tests

First of all, expect to be X-rayed.

But you may need to do more.

Often, traditional X-rays may look healthy as they might not be enough to spot a stress fracture, especially when the fracture is not completely through the bone.

For this reason, I recommend you consult a sports-oriented physician for a thorough bone scan.

They’ll typically recommend a nuclear bone scan, an MRI, or other advanced imaging techniques to fully detect the condition.

The Doctors Recommended Treatment Options

Your doctor will recommend taking an NSAID—Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs— such as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol to alleviate pain and reduce swelling.

Depending on the area and the severity of the stress fracture, your doctor might also recommend a splint, a cast, or protective footwear  (such as a wooden-soled sandal or a stiff-soled shoe) to immobilize the injured limb.

Crutches are also recommended to keep weight off the injured leg until you’re past the acute phase.

Sometimes, your doctor may need to put a fracture boot on the injured limb to keep the bones fixed.

This helps eliminate the stress on the leg and speed up recovery.

Expect Surgery As The Worst-Case Scenario

In extreme stress fractures, surgical intervention is needed to patch up the damage, especially when the fracture line has extended completely across the bone, or you have low bone density.

This is done by inserting a type of fastening, known as internal fixation, to support the bones of the injured area. External fixation might be one of the treatment choices for osteoporotic patients.

Again, it depends on the severity and alignment.

How long It Takes To Recover From A Stress Fracture

Recovery time varies from one runner to the next.

The good news is that most stress fractures will heal after time and rest.

Some people can recover well, starting from 28 days, but most take six weeks to six months or even longer.

That’s a wide range.

And reason stress fractures are categorized into two main groups:low risk” and “high risk.”

A stress fracture within the low-risk category often heals independently and may not call for aggressive treatment measures such as long rest time or crutches. This category includes fibular and tibial stress fractures as well as metatarsal stress fractures.

On the other hand, a high-risk stress fracture often occurs in areas notorious for healing poorly. Examples include stress fractures of the pelvis, navicular, and femur. If you develop fractures in any of these bones, you’ll need drastically longer times away from running and a proactive approach to resuming running again.

The only good news is that these high-risk fractures are less common in runners than in the low-risk types.


Stress Fractures in Runners – The Conclusion

There you have it!

If you’re serious about learning to better manage stress fractures from running, then today’s post should get you started on the right foot.

The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.