Anterior Tibialis Tendonitis in Runners: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

runner suffering from shin splints

Are you tired of dealing with that nagging pain in your tibialis anterior? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

We all know how frustrating it can be to have that pesky pain in the front of your shin, hindering your running performance and leaving you feeling frustrated. But fear not! I’ve got your back (or rather, your shins) with all the tips, tricks, and strategies you need to kick tibialis anterior pain to the curb and get back to doing what you love most—running like the wind.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the ins and outs of tibialis anterior tendonitis, exploring its causes, symptoms, and, most importantly, the best ways to treat and prevent it. No more guesswork or endless internet searches. I’ve got all the information you need right here, in one convenient spot.

So, are you ready to say goodbye to that annoying shin pain once and for all? I bet you are! Let’s dive into this guide and arm you with the knowledge and strategies to conquer tibialis anterior tendonitis.

What is Tibialis Anterior Tendinopathy

Alright, let’s dive into the fascinating world of tibialis anterior pain and get our anatomy lesson on! Picture this: your lower leg is like a city divided into four distinct neighborhoods, each with its own set of muscles.

In one of these neighborhoods, the Anterior District, lies the mighty tibialis anterior tendon. This tendon is responsible for flexing your foot upward, allowing you to lift your toes towards your shin. It’s like the hardworking construction crew that helps you take each confident step as you conquer the roads and trails.

But sometimes, this bustling neighborhood can face some trouble. Tibialis anterior pain can occur when the tendon becomes inflamed and swollen, putting a damper on your running adventures. This can happen due to overuse, where repetitive movements strain the tendon, or as a result of a traumatic ankle injury that throws everything off balance.

Now, let’s zoom in a bit closer. The boundaries of this Anterior District are formed by the sturdy tibia and fibula, the bones that give structure to your lower leg. Think of them as the protective walls that enclose this vibrant neighborhood. And to keep things organized, the anterior intermuscular septum and the interosseous membrane act as reliable border guards, ensuring that everything stays in its rightful place.

Understanding the intricate anatomy of our lower leg is key to unraveling the mysteries of tibialis anterior pain. So, put on your explorer hats and get ready to navigate through the remarkable world within your own body. By delving deeper into this knowledge, we’ll arm ourselves with the understanding necessary to conquer tibialis anterior pain and regain our running freedom.

What is The Anterior Tibialis?

Imagine the anterior tibialis as a trusty guide, accompanying you on every step of your running journey. This muscle-tendon duo takes its place on the outside of the tibia, marching alongside the shin bone with unwavering dedication.

As you move forward, this dynamic duo crosses the ankle and continues its mission, reaching its final destination along the inside of your foot. It’s like a well-choreographed dance routine, with the tendon connecting to the bone just behind the big toe, ensuring stability and strength.

But what exactly does this muscle-tendon duo do? Well, let’s break it down. During your gait, they have not one, but two important roles to play. Think of them as the dynamic duo with a double mission.

First, during the swing phase of your stride, the anterior tibialis goes into action, concentrically dorsiflexing your ankle.

In simpler terms, it pulls your foot upwards to help with precise foot placement.

But the journey doesn’t end there. As your foot makes initial contact with the ground, the anterior tibialis shifts gears. It now switches to an eccentric contraction, acting as a regulator for the transition from heel strike to mid-stance. It’s like a vigilant traffic controller, ensuring a smooth flow of movement as your foot hits the ground and prepares to carry you forward.

The Dire Consequences

Ignoring this problem is like poking a sleeping dragon with a stick—it can quickly escalate into a full-blown disaster. We’re talking about dire consequences that we definitely want to avoid.

Picture this: if left untreated, that innocent-looking anterior tibialis injury can turn into a full-blown tendon rupture. It’s like a ticking time bomb, waiting to go off and throw your running routine into complete chaos. Trust me, you don’t want to go down that road. Recovering from such an injury is no walk in the park; it’s a long and winding road to recovery that tests your patience and resolve.

But wait, there’s more. Brace yourselves for a term that sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie: “drop foot.” It’s not as fun as it sounds, believe me.

When the anterior tibialis muscle becomes alarmingly weak, it can lead to this unfortunate condition.

Imagine trying to walk with your foot seemingly dragging along, lacking the strength to lift it properly. It’s like having an invisible anchor weighing you down, making every step feel like an uphill battle.

running shoes for overpronators

Causes of Tibialis Anterior Pain

Picture this: our poor tendon, trying to keep up with our relentless training regimen, is pushed beyond its limits. It’s like squeezing a lemon until every last drop is extracted. The result? Micro-tears in the tendon, causing damage that sets off an inflammatory response within our bodies.

It’s the body’s way of saying, “Hey, we’ve got some repair work to do!”

Now, here’s where things get interesting. Tendinopathy is the culprit behind the swelling within the tendon. It’s like a sneaky intruder that sets up camp, causing discomfort and hindering our running adventures. But guess what? It’s not just our intense training sessions that can trigger this condition. Oh no, there are other factors at play too.

Let’s talk about tight footwear and tight shoelaces—those sneaky saboteurs that compress our poor anterior tibialis tendon. It’s like putting our foot in a vise grip, squeezing the life out of it and leaving our tendon crying out for freedom. So, let’s give our feet some breathing room, shall we?

And last but not least, poor foot or ankle biomechanics can add fuel to the fire. It’s like trying to run with a wonky wheel on a shopping cart—it throws our entire stride out of whack, putting undue stress on our precious anterior tibialis tendon.

The Symptoms

You’re out there pounding the pavement, feeling the wind in your hair, when suddenly, discomfort or pain strikes from your knee all the way down to your big toe.

Ouch! That’s the signal that something’s not right within the intricate web of tendons and muscles in your lower leg.

Now, let’s zoom in on the main troublemaker—the tibialis anterior tendon. It’s like a mischievous troublemaker that decides to cause a ruckus right in front of your ankle joint.

Gradually, you’ll start feeling pain in that specific area. Sometimes it creeps up on you, coming and going like a mischievous phantom.

Other times, it becomes a constant companion, reminding you of its presence with every step you take. And guess what? The intensity of your exercise can make those symptoms worse. It’s like poking a sleeping dragon with a stick—expect some fiery discomfort.

But wait, there’s more to the story. As the condition progresses, any extra miles you tack on to your run will bring about even more pain. It’s like adding fuel to the fire, intensifying the discomfort.

And it doesn’t stop there. Even non-running activities can become a pain in the ankle—literally. Imagine climbing stairs or flexing your foot—each movement can be met with a surge of unwelcome pain. You may even feel it while navigating the pedals in your car, as if the road itself is conspiring against you.

So, how do you know if you’re dealing with tibialis anterior muscle strain? Well, there are some telltale signs to watch out for.

Keep an eye out for swelling at the affected area—your body’s way of signaling that trouble is brewing. And then there’s the pain itself, which can manifest as cramping, aching, or that delightful burning sensation.

You may also notice weakness in the affected leg, as if it’s lost some of its power. It’s like trying to run a race with a limp—you’re not at your full potential.

How To Treat

Alright, my fellow runners, let’s tackle the elephant in the room—tibialis anterior tendinopathy.

You’ve been hit with this nagging injury, and let me tell you, it’s not going to magically disappear if you continue running like nothing happened. It’s time to face the music and take action. So, what’s the game plan? Let me break it down for you.

Step one: Seek professional help. Yup, that’s right. Schedule a visit with a doctor or therapist who can give you an accurate diagnosis and rule out any other possible culprits.  You need to make sure you’re addressing the right problem here. They’ll be like the detectives of your lower leg, investigating every nook and cranny to uncover the truth behind your discomfort.

Once you have your diagnosis, it’s time to embark on a personalized treatment plan. Your doctor or therapist will be your guiding light on this journey. They may recommend a variety of strategies based on your specific situation. Brace yourself—I’m about to drop some knowledge on you:

First up, let’s talk about building strength. We need to give some love to those weakened or dysfunctional muscles, especially our troublemaker, the tibialis anterior. It’s time to pump some iron, or maybe just work with resistance bands, to strengthen those muscles and restore their functionality. We want them firing on all cylinders once again.

Next on the agenda: loosen up those tight muscles. We’re talking about those sneaky troublemakers that might be causing abnormal movement within your limb. By stretching and mobilizing them, we can restore the full range of motion in your joint and create a more harmonious symphony of movement.

Now, let’s talk about some cool therapy—literally. Cold therapy is our secret weapon against inflammation and pain. Applying cold packs or ice to the affected area can help soothe those fiery sensations and speed up the recovery process. It’s like a refreshing ice bath for your muscles, calming them down and giving them a chance to heal.

Oh, and we can’t forget about orthotics. These nifty devices bring some extra support to the tendon and can address any abnormal foot biomechanics that might have contributed to the overuse of the tendon in the first place. They’re like the trusty sidekicks that provide stability and keep everything aligned, just like a superhero duo.

Prefer to Treat it On Your Own?

Alright, my fellow injured warriors, it’s time to take charge and bring that tibialis anterior tendinopathy under control. Get ready to unleash the power of the RICE method—our secret weapon for tackling swelling and pain head-on. Let’s dive in and learn how to do it like a pro.

First up, we have the letter “R” for Rest. This is your golden ticket to recovery. When you feel pain during weight-bearing, it’s crucial to give that affected limb some well-deserved rest.

Think of it as a timeout for your injury. Movement and weight-bearing can aggravate the situation, leading to more inflammation and swelling. And trust me, I don’t want to feed the fire.

Next, let’s move on to the letter “I” for Ice. Grab yourself a bag of frozen peas or some crushed ice, but hold up—don’t apply it directly to your skin. That would be a chilly mistake. Wrap it up in a damp cloth to protect your precious skin.

For a glorious 10 to 15 minutes, let the ice work its magic on the affected area. Cold therapy is like a cool breeze on a scorching summer day—it soothes inflammation, numbs the pain, and helps kickstart the healing process. Ah, refreshing relief!

Now, let’s tackle the letter “C” for Compression. Wrap that injured foot up like a present, but don’t go overboard and turn it into a tourniquet.

I’m talking about using an elastic bandage, like those trusty ACE wraps, to provide some gentle compression and support. Think of it as a cozy embrace for your injury—it stabilizes the area, minimizes irritation, and gives you that extra layer of protection. Just remember, snug but not suffocating. You want proper circulation flowing through your veins.

Last but not least, we have the letter “E” for Elevation. It’s time to give your injured foot a well-deserved lift. When you’re lying down or catching some Z’s, prop that foot up above heart level.

Why? Well, gravity becomes our ally here. By elevating your foot, we create a downhill path for those pesky fluids to escape. It’s like a grand escape plan for pain and swelling. For optimal results, aim to elevate the entire foot around eight to ten inches above your heart. Let gravity work its magic.

Additional Resource – How To Prevent Ankle Pain For Runners


There you have it

The above tips are all you need to know about treating (and why not prevent) this injury for good.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

David D.

Top 5 Causes of Lower Leg Pain While (or After) Running

hotspots while running

For many runners, lower leg pain is an all-too-common experience. It’s the bane of our existence, the thorn in our side, the nagging ache that just won’t quit. But fear not; I’m here to help.

In this post, I’ll be diving into the five most common causes of lower leg pain while (or after) running.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie lacing up your shoes for the first time, we’ve got you covered. So let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of this pesky problem and get you back on the road pain-free.

Lower Leg Pain Cause. 1 Shin Splints

First up, we have shin splints – a frustrating and painful condition that can plague even the most experienced runners.

Shin splints, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome or MTSS, is an inflammation of the muscles, bone tissue, and tendons around the tibia. This can cause pain along the inner (medial) side of the tibia, usually where the muscles attach to the bone.

If you think you might be dealing with shin splints, you’ll likely feel tenderness around the lower two-quarters of the inner tibia, and the affected spot will be tender to touch. You may also notice some mild swelling in the lower leg.

The causes of this injury are often attributed to repetitive stress on the shinbone and the connective tissue that attaches the muscles to the bone. This can happen when you suddenly increase your training volume, either with a new activity, or intensity or by changing something in your running routine. Even the skipping recovery section also takes part in this injury.

So, what can you do to treat and prevent shin splints?

First and foremost, rest is key. Take a break from high-impact exercises and opt for low-impact sports like swimming and cycling during the acute period.

Ice the affected area, wear proper shoes with arch support and change your running surfaces more regularly. Adding insoles or padding inside your shoes can also minimize the impact. For persistent cases, it’s important to consult a physiotherapist or chiropractor to help you improve the mobility and strength of your Achilles tendon, ankle, and calf.


The best way to prevent shin pain is to take it slow and listen to your body. Assess your running routine and look for anything that could be making the injury worse, such as hills or hard surfaces. Instead, opt for softer surfaces like dirt paths or trails.

It’s also important to improve strength in the muscles along the front and side of your lower leg and improve the flexibility of your calf muscles. This can be done through exercises such as calf raises and stretches. And don’t forget to wear proper shoes with arch support and consider adding insoles or padding to minimize impact.

If you do experience lower leg pain, don’t push through it. Take a break from high-impact exercises and consider low-impact sports like swimming or cycling. And if the pain persists, don’t hesitate to seek the help of a physiotherapist or chiropractor to improve mobility and strength. Remember, prevention is key, so take care of your lower legs and keep them pain-free for all your running adventures.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to use KT Tape for runners knee.

Lower Leg Pain Cause. 2 Stress Fractures

Imagine you’re in the middle of your morning jog, heart pumping, sweat dripping down your face, and suddenly, you feel a sharp pain radiating down your leg. What could it be? It might be a stress fracture. This serious injury can knock you out of commission for weeks or even months, so it’s important to know the signs and how to prevent it.

Stress fractures occur when tiny cracks form in a bone due to repetitive trauma. They’re common in long-distance runners, particularly women who may be more prone to osteoporosis, hormonal imbalances, and low body weight. The metatarsals and the inside edge of the tibia are the most susceptible bones.

Unlike shin splints, which can also cause pain during or after running, stress fractures are characterized by sharp, persistent pain that worsens with each run. You might also experience tenderness, swelling, or bruising that doesn’t go away. Even putting weight on the affected leg or sleeping at night can be painful.

If you suspect a stress fracture, don’t try to power through it. That’s like driving a car with a broken engine and expecting it to work. You need to see your doctor as soon as possible for a thorough diagnosis. X-rays are necessary to detect the fracture, and you’ll likely need to stop weight-bearing exercises for 6 to 8 months, sometimes even longer in severe cases.

You may also need to wear a cast or elastic bandage for a certain amount of time to provide firm support.


To prevent stress fractures, examine your running routine and make any necessary changes. Don’t overdo it by increasing the intensity or amount of training too quickly, as that’s the primary cause of this injury. T

It’s also important to maintain proper form and strength in the muscles along the front and side of your lower leg and improve the flexibility of your calf muscles. Take care of your body, and it will take care of you.

Lower Leg Pain Cause. 3 Achilles Tendinitis 

Imagine your Achilles tendon as a strong rope that connects your calf muscles to your heel bone. When that rope is overused, overstressed, or strained, it can lead to a painful condition known as Achilles tendinitis. This common issue affects many runners and can put a serious dent in your training routine.

One of the most frustrating things about Achilles tendinitis is that it can take a while to diagnose. You may not even realize that you have it until you start feeling pain in your lower calf or near the back of your heel. The pain can be sharp and persistent, especially in the morning, and may be accompanied by inflammation, swelling, and poor range of motion in the affected leg.

So, what causes this pesky condition? Overuse and strain on the Achilles tendon are the main culprits. Runners who log too many miles too quickly or overwork their calf muscles are particularly susceptible to Achilles tendinitis. It can also be caused by bad running form, wearing inappropriate footwear, and even certain medications.

If you suspect that you have Achilles tendinitis, it’s crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Ignoring the pain and continuing to run can make the problem worse, leading to more serious injuries and a longer recovery time. Your doctor may recommend rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) therapy, as well as physical therapy or even surgery in severe cases.

Preventing Achilles tendinitis requires a bit of self-care and attention to your running routine. Make sure to properly warm up before your runs, wear supportive and comfortable shoes, and gradually increase your mileage to avoid overuse.

Strengthening your calf muscles and incorporating cross-training exercises, such as swimming or cycling, can also help prevent Achilles tendinitis. Remember, taking care of your body is key to staying injury-free and reaching your running goals.

Lower Leg Pain Cause. 4 Posterior Tibial Tendonitis

Have you ever felt a sharp, stabbing pain on the inside of your ankle? If so, you may be dealing with posterior tibial tendonitis. This sneaky injury can creep up on even the most experienced runners and cause havoc on your training schedule.

The posterior tibialis muscle is a key player in running, responsible for pointing your ankle and toes downward and supporting the arch of your foot. When this muscle gets overused, it can lead to posterior tibial tendonitis, which can cause tenderness, swelling, and pain in the inside of your ankle.

But fear not! There are steps you can take to treat and prevent posterior tibial tendonitis. RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) is your first course of action. You can also use an ankle-compression sleeve to help soothe pain and prevent re-injury when you return to running. But remember, it’s important to avoid painkillers without consulting your doctor first.

Prevention is key when it comes to avoiding this injury altogether. Consider adding custom foot orthotics to your running shoes to provide extra arch support, and make sure your shoes are well-cushioned. To avoid compressing your neuroma, loosen the laces near the toes. And don’t forget to strengthen your ankle muscles with exercises like calf raises.

As tempting as it may be to go barefoot or wear flip-flops or flat shoes, these types of footwear can contribute to the development of a fallen arch, which can worsen your condition. So stick to well-cushioned, supportive shoes and give your feet the love and attention they deserve.

Lower Leg Pain Cause. 5 Muscle Strains

As a runner, there’s nothing more frustrating than having to deal with an injury that keeps you from pounding the pavement. And lower leg pain is a particularly common culprit that can really put a cramp in your style. One of the most frequent causes of this type of pain is muscle strain in the calf muscles.

Picture this: you’re sprinting down the track, feeling great, and suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your calf. It’s like a light switch has been flipped, and suddenly, you can barely move. You might even feel like your calf has given up on you entirely. If this sounds familiar, you’ve likely strained a calf muscle.

Symptoms of a calf strain include pain in the lower leg, limited range of motion, and a feeling that the muscle has “given way.” This can be especially frustrating for runners, who may mistake the strain for simple tightness. You may even feel like the pain subsides during a run, only to come back with a vengeance afterward.

Calf strains are often the result of overtraining or making sudden changes to your routine, like increasing your mileage or switching up your running technique. To treat a mild strain, you can try the RICE method at home, but if the tear or strain is severe, it may require medical attention.

Preventing calf strains is key, and that means taking the time to warm up properly before your run. A good warm-up should include low-intensity running and dynamic movements like lunges, butt kicks, and squats. Additionally, it’s important to strengthen your calf muscles and prepare them properly for hard training. Isometric exercises can be particularly helpful in preventing calf strains.

If you’re dealing with lower leg pain as a runner, there are a variety of injuries and conditions that could be to blame. By taking steps to prevent injuries and addressing them quickly when they do occur, you can keep hitting the pavement and chasing those personal records.

Additional Resource – Your guide to runners itch

Lower Leg Pain – The Conclusion

In the thrilling world of running, lower leg pain can sometimes be the villain that threatens to derail our athletic pursuits. We’ve uncovered a handful of notorious culprits responsible for this pesky pain, but let me tell you, my friends, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

If you hunger for more knowledge and crave deeper insights into running injuries and prevention, be sure to pay a visit to my page. It’s a treasure trove of wisdom waiting to empower you on your journey to pain-free running.

Oh, and let’s not forget the foot pain relief article and the heel pain guide, both waiting eagerly to shower you with valuable tips and tricks.

But wait, there’s more! I’m not just here to deliver information; I’m here to connect with you. I want to hear your stories, your triumphs, and even your struggles. So drop me a line in the comments section below. Let’s build a community of passionate runners who support and inspire each other.

Thank you for dropping by.

Keep training strong.

David D


Running Blisters Explained: Causes and Solutions For Runners

running blisters

Got blisters? Don’t let them slow down your running game! We’ve all been there, and I’m here to tell you that there’s no need to hang up your running shoes for good.

In fact, with the right know-how, you can treat those pesky blisters and keep them from ruining your runs.

In this article, we’re diving deep into the world of running blisters: what causes them, how to treat them like a pro, and most importantly, how to kick them to the curb for good. Ready to hit the ground running?

Let’s jump right in!

Running Blisters Explained

Picture this: You’re in the middle of an exhilarating run, the wind in your hair, and the world at your feet. But then, it happens – that telltale burning sensation that reminds you of an unwelcome guest: blisters.

Yep, those pesky little bumps that seem to have a knack for showing up just when you least expect them.

So, what exactly is a running blister? Well, think of it as your body’s way of saying, “Hey, I need a break!”

Blisters are like the little alarms that go off when the outer layers of your skin decide to have a friction-filled party. They rub together, break apart, and fill up with not-so-pleasant fluid.

Now, here’s the kicker – anything that cranks up the friction can make these blisters throw an even bigger tantrum.

We’re talking about improper running shoes, the ones that are either too tight or feel like they’ve got a mind of their own. And let’s not forget about bad running form – it’s like an open invitation for blisters to crash your running party.

But wait, there’s more! Sometimes, it’s not your shoes or your form but your feet themselves that can lead to blister trouble. Conditions like hammertoes, bunions, and heel spurs are like the troublemakers of the foot world, making you more susceptible to these irritating bumps.

Now, where do these blisters like to hang out the most? Well, they’ve got a soft spot for areas like the arches, the soles of your feet, and those poor little toes.

Why? Because these spots love to cozy up to your running shoes, engaging in a non-stop rubbing marathon.

The Blistering Process

Have you ever wondered what’s cooking beneath that bubbly surface? Well, here’s the lowdown, and trust me, it’s more intriguing than you might think.

Stage 1: The Epidermal Tear

So, picture this: you’re out on a long run, miles under your belt, and suddenly, you start feeling that familiar hot spot on your foot. That’s when the blister story begins. It all kicks off with a tiny tear in the epidermis – that’s the fancy term for the upper layer of your skin.

Stage 2: Separation Anxiety

Now, the real action starts. The outer layer of your skin decides to have a little separation party from the inner layers. It’s like they’re saying, “We need some space!”

So, they create a gap, a pocket of emptiness if you will, while keeping the surface intact.

Stage 3: Lymph Fluid Invasion

As if the separation shindig wasn’t enough, here comes the guest of honor – lymph fluids. These little guys seep into that gap, filling it up under the affected skin.

It’s like a mini swelling party that’s just getting started. The pressure builds, and voilà, you’ve got yourself a full-blown blister.

Bonus Stage: The Blood Vessel Twist

And for the grand finale – sometimes, things take a dramatic turn. A blood vessel in the vicinity might decide to add a little extra pizzazz to the mix. That’s when you end up with a blood blister.

Yep, it’s as intense as it sounds. Blood vessel rupture, fluid buildup, and a vibrant shade of red – it’s a blister with a twist!

For more on blisters and the science behind treatment, check the following scientific articles:

How to Treat Blisters For Runners

Most cases of running blisters aren’t medical emergencies but shouldn’t be ignored—especially when they’re too painful.

In fact, some blisters can get infected if you don’t take care of them early and properly.

Here’s how to safely treat running blisters in the comfort of your own home.

race warm-up

“To Pop or Not to Pop—That is the Question.”

Imagine this scenario: you’re out on a run, pounding the pavement, and suddenly, you feel the unmistakable presence of a blister. But here’s the deal – if it’s not causing you pain, it’s okay to let nature do its thing. You see, blisters have a tendency to break on their own eventually, and when they do, the fluid drains naturally.

Now, let’s talk about the big, bad blisters – the ones that are throbbing and causing you agony. When you’ve got a blister that’s making every step painful, it’s time to take matters into your own hands – but don’t worry, we’ll guide you through it.

Safely Draining a Running Blister: Step by Step

Do the following for a safe blister drainage procedure.

Clean Hands Rule:

First things first, wash your hands thoroughly. No shortcuts here – use soap and water to make sure those hands are squeaky clean.

Needle Sterilization:

If you’re going to pop that blister, you’ll need a trusty needle. But before you get to work, sterilize it! You can wipe it down with some alcohol or go the extra mile by boiling it for a solid 10 minutes. Safety first!

Piercing Strategy:

Now, it’s time to be precise. Carefully pierce the blister in several spots, but aim for areas close to the blister’s edge. This will allow the fluid to drain effectively.

Fluid Drainage:

Get yourself a clean piece of gauze or cotton – we’re talking pristine here! Gently press on the blister to encourage the fluid to drain out. But here’s the golden rule – leave the skin covering the blister intact.

Antiseptic TLC:

After the fluid is out, it’s time for some antiseptic love. Apply an antiseptic cream to the wounded area – this helps keep nasty bacteria at bay.

Second Skin Saver:

For an extra layer of protection, consider using a second skin product like Band-Aid Blister Block. It adds another level of defense against unwanted intruders.

No Peeling Allowed:

Repeat after me – “I will not peel the excessive skin!” Let that skin peel on its own time. Trust the process. Peeling it prematurely can expose your blister’s sensitive underbelly to potential infections.

Dealing With Blisters in The Middle of A Race

So, you’re in the middle of a race – be it a middle-distance sprint or a long-haul endurance challenge – and suddenly, there it is, that unwelcome blister making its grand entrance.

What do you do? Here’s your playbook:

Stop at a Medical Station:

Most races, especially organized ones, have medical stations strategically placed along the route. Consider these your pit stops for foot-related emergencies. When a blister strikes, make a beeline for the nearest medical station.

Let the Pros Handle It:

At these medical stations, you’ll find seasoned professionals who know the ins and outs of dealing with blisters. They’ve seen it all and can provide expert advice and assistance.

Assessment and Treatment:

The pros will assess your blister, taking into account its size, location, and severity. Based on their evaluation, they’ll recommend the best course of action. Sometimes, it might be as simple as draining the blister or providing padding to reduce friction.

Return to the Race:

Now, here’s the good news – with a bit of luck and the right care, you should be able to get back in the race pain-free. The pros are equipped to offer quick solutions so you can continue chasing your race-day goals.

Why It’s the Best Approach

Dealing with a blister during a race is no joke, and here’s why turning to the medical station is your best bet:

Medical stations offer immediate care, ensuring you don’t waste precious time fumbling with your blister or trying to tough it out. They’ll get you back on track faster.

These medical professionals deal with runners’ woes day in and day out. They know what works best and can provide tailored solutions for your specific situation.

How to Prevent Running Blisters

Want to avoid running blisters in the future?

Do the following.

Minimize Friction

Alright, let’s talk about the real MVPs of your running journey – your shoes! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, your choice of running shoes can make or break your experience.

When it comes to preventing those pesky blisters, it all starts with proper footwear.

Here’s your guide to finding the perfect pair of running shoes and avoiding blisters like a pro.

The Shoe-Blisters Connection

Let’s get straight to the point – shoes are often the culprits behind those annoying blisters that plague many runners.

Ill-fitting trainers can turn your exhilarating run into a painful ordeal, particularly in areas like the arches, under your toes, and around the ends of your toenails. But fear not because we’ve got the playbook to help you make the right shoe choices.

Rule #1: Proper Fit

The golden rule of choosing running shoes is that they should fit like a glove but not too tight! You want to leave enough room inside the shoe for your feet to breathe and move comfortably. Here’s how to nail the perfect fit:

Aim for at least a thumb’s width of space between your longest toe and the end of the shoe. This gives your toes room to wiggle without feeling cramped.

Rule #2: Test Drive Your Shoes

Before committing to a pair of running shoes, it’s like dating – you’ve got to test the waters! Don’t just grab the first pair you see and hit the road. Instead, follow these steps:

Try on different pairs:

Explore a variety of brands and models to see which ones feel the most comfortable. Everyone’s feet are unique, so what works for one runner may not work for another.

Test drive them:

Once you’ve picked a potential pair, wear them around for a bit. Walk, jog, and let your feet get accustomed to the shoes. This “breaking in” period is essential to prevent blisters and ensure maximum comfort.

Additional Resource – Your guide to runners itch

Choose Running Socks

Socks play a vital role in keeping your feet comfortable and blister-free during your runs. They’re not just an afterthought; they’re a crucial part of your running gear.

Here’s why:

Extra Support:

Running socks are designed with your comfort in mind. They offer extra cushioning and support in all the right places, reducing the risk of blisters.

Moisture Management:

Sweaty feet are a breeding ground for blisters. Proper running socks are excellent at wicking moisture away, keeping your feet dry and blister-free.

Friction Fighters:

Running socks are your first line of defense against friction. They reduce the chances of your skin rubbing against your shoes, a common cause of blisters.

Say No to Cotton

Now, let’s address the sock no-no – cotton. While cotton socks might be cozy for lounging around, they’re a big no-no for running. Here’s why:

Cotton soaks up sweat and moisture like a sponge, increasing your risk of blisters.

Instead, go for specialized running socks designed to keep your feet happy. We recommend synthetic options like polypropylene socks or brands like WrightSocks, Teflon, or CoolMax. These socks are moisture-wicking pros, ensuring your feet stay dry and blister-free.

Double Trouble – In a Good Way!

If blisters have been a persistent problem for you, here’s a pro tip – double up on your socks. When you wear two pairs of socks, any friction occurs between the socks themselves rather than between your skin and the sock. It’s like an extra layer of protection for your precious feet.

Prepare for Rainy Runs

For those unpredictable rainy runs or races, always have an extra pair of socks on hand. Wet socks are a recipe for disaster, increasing your chances of blisters. Switching to dry socks, mid-run can make a world of difference.

Additional resource  – Here’s your guide to pain on top of the foot when running.

Apply Lubricants

You’ve got your shoes and socks sorted, but there’s one more trick to keep those blisters at bay – lubricants. Think of them as your secret weapon against friction, the arch-nemesis of blister-free running.

Here’s why.

Lubricants act as a protective barrier between your skin and your trainers. They’re like the bodyguards of your feet, reducing the friction that can lead to blisters.

If you’ve got dry skin or skin with cracks, you know how vulnerable those areas are to blisters. Lubricants step in to keep these trouble spots in check.

What’s more?

Applying a lubricant is a breeze. It’s a simple step that can make a big difference in your running comfort.

Apply Liberally (But Not Too Much!)

Now, let’s talk application. The key here is to strike a balance – apply enough to protect your feet, but not so much that you turn your shoes into a slip ‘n slide.

Here’s how to do it right:

Trouble Areas: Start by identifying the areas of your feet that are prone to blisters or where you tend to develop dry skin. These are your trouble spots, and they deserve extra attention.

When it comes to lubricants, you’ve got options. Many runners swear by good ol’ petroleum jelly – it’s affordable and readily available. But if you’re looking for specialized products, consider brands like Sportlick, Runners Lube, Body Glide, Chamois, or Sports Shield. Your pick may come down to personal preference.

Last but not least, don’t skimp on lubrication. Apply it generously to your feet, paying close attention to those trouble areas. A little extra now can save you from a lot of discomfort later.

Running Blisters – The Conclusion

There you have it! If you’re serious about treating and preventing foot blisters when running, then today’s article has you covered.

The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

Thank you for stopping by

Unleash Your Inner Athlete: Defeating Calf Pain for Runners

picture of Calf Pain

Tired of those pesky calf pains cramping your stride? Well, you’re in luck because we’ve got the inside scoop on how to kick those calf issues to the curb!

I get it – calf troubles are like that uninvited guest at your running party. But fear not, because with a little TLC for your calf muscles (and all those other running buddies), you’re not just avoiding injury land, you’re also on the fast track to boosting your endurance and unleashing your inner athletic beast!

So, lace up those running shoes, and let’s dive into the world of calf care to keep you running smoother and faster than ever before. Ready? Let’s roll

The Anatomy Of The Calves

Let’s kick things off by getting up close and personal with your calf muscles – those unsung heroes of your lower legs.

Meet the Dynamic Duo:

Gastrocnemius Muscle:

This is the big shot, the one responsible for that curvy calf shape you flaunt. It’s like the Hollywood star of calf muscles, visible and impressive.

Soleus Muscle:

Now, meet the quieter sibling. The Soleus muscle hangs out beneath the Gastrocnemius, flatter but no less important. It’s like the talented understudy doing a lot of the heavy lifting.

These two buddies are your ticket to ankle and foot action. When they’re happy and healthy, you’re in business!

But wait, there’s more to this calf tale. Your lower legs are like a bustling city, complete with a complex network of muscles, joints, and tendons. Unfortunately, it’s also a hotspot for runners’ woes.

What Is Calf Soreness?

Calf soreness is like your muscles’ way of waving a red flag. It’s completely natural and usually happens because your calf muscles, mainly the gastrocnemius and soleus tag-team, are reacting to the demands you place on them during your runs.

Now, when might you experience this unwelcome visitor? Well, it’s an equal-opportunity annoyance – whether you’re a newbie runner, making a triumphant comeback after a running hiatus, or pushing your limits with more miles or speed. Calf soreness can sneak up on you at any of these times.

So, how does it manifest? Imagine feeling like your calf muscles are throwing a bit of a tantrum. You might get spasms, a nagging pain, or that awkward pulling sensation, especially when you’re flexing or pointing your foot.

But here’s the plot twist: The reasons behind calf soreness can be as varied as a box of chocolates.

For mild soreness, you might have forgotten to do your warm-up or didn’t keep up with your water intake – simple fixes, right? But for those pesky strains, you might be dealing with muscle imbalances or not-so-great running form.

Is it Okay To run With Sore Calves?

Alright, let’s address the burning question: Is it a good idea to hit the pavement when your calves are throwing a fit?

Here’s the scoop: If you’re dealing with the occasional calf soreness after your runs, especially the tough ones or those epic long-distance adventures, you’re probably in the clear to keep on truckin’.

But (and it’s a big “but”), if that calf soreness becomes a clingy, long-term companion that’s messing with your daily life, it’s time to put on the brakes. Chronic soreness is like a neon warning sign, and you shouldn’t ignore it.

You see, while some discomfort is par for the course when you’re diving into running or amping up the intensity, chronic calf soreness is like your body’s way of shouting, “Houston, we’ve got a problem!”

So, here’s the deal: Listen to your body.

If your calves are just having a minor grumble, you can probably lace up those running shoes and keep going. But if it’s more of a full-blown protest, it’s time to give your legs a break and figure out what’s going on

Additional Resource – A Tibial Posterior Tendonitis Guide in Runners

The Common Conditions Behind Calf Pain In Runners

Now let’s dive a little deeper into the medical conditions that could be to blame for your calf soreness and issues.

What are Calf Pulls?

Also known as calf tears or strains, these are like an unwelcome surprise party for your calf muscles.

Imagine one of your calf muscles, usually the big shot called the gastrocnemius, getting stretched way past its comfort zone, and then it decides to part ways with the Achilles tendon. Ouch!

Now, what might trigger this dramatic exit? It could be a classic case of “too much, too soon.” You know, when you amp up your training volume without giving your muscles a proper heads-up.

Or, it could be a sudden plot twist – a swift push-off, a gravity-defying jump, or a lightning-fast turn. Your calf muscles weren’t expecting this action movie stunt, and they might just decide to protest.

So, how does it feel when a calf pull gate-crashes your workout? Well, picture this: You’re in the middle of your run, and suddenly, you might hear or feel a bit of a pop or snap in the muscle. But the real star of the show is the sharp pain that follows, hitting you square in the back of your calf. Ouch, again!

Over the next few hours, your calf might act like it’s throwing a tantrum – it’ll feel sore and stiff. But don’t worry, you can still put some weight on it, even though it might not be the comfiest experience.

Now, if your calf pull is playing the role of the villain, you might notice some bruising and swelling.

Additional guide – Running with bunions guide

What are Shin Splints?

Shin splints are like a protest from the muscles and tissues that cozy up to your shinbone, aka the tibia. These tissues decide they’ve had enough and start sounding the alarm.

Here’s what you might feel: a persistent, dull ache or a sharp “hey, pay attention to me” kind of pain on the inside of your lower leg bone. It’s like a cranky neighbor who won’t stop complaining when you’re walking, running, or putting any weight on that leg.

So, what’s cooking in the shin splints recipe of discomfort? There are a few ingredients:

  • Terrain Trouble: If you’re a fan of pounding the pavement on hard surfaces, that can be like a battle cry for shin splints.
  • Pronation Problems: Overpronation, where your feet roll inward excessively, can be a contributing factor. It’s like your feet are playing a game of Twister, and your shins aren’t having any fun.
  • Shoe Shenanigans: Wearing the wrong shoes can be a real party pooper. Imagine trying to dance in shoes that just don’t fit – your shins are feeling that discomfort.
  • Calf Quandary: Ah, the calf muscles strike again! When they’re tight and weak, they can be like the orchestra out of tune, creating havoc in your lower legs.

Now, here’s the kicker – the pain tends to be a bit dramatic at the beginning of your run, like an overture, but it often mellows out as you warm up.

What are Stress Fractures?

Stress fractures are like the result of a battle between repetitive microtrauma and your bones’ ability to heal themselves. These tiny cracks appear on the surface of your tibial bones, and they happen because your bones are taking a beating that they can’t quite keep up with.

Now, here’s the tricky part – stress fractures love to set up shop in specific spots. They often choose the upper and lower regions of your tibia (the big shinbone) as their favorite hangout spots. Sometimes, they even venture down to the lower part of your fibula just to keep things interesting.

But here’s the catch: If you ignore them, these fractures don’t throw in the towel. They’ll actually get worse over time, transforming into a full-blown, “I-can’t-run-and-it’s-killing-me” kind of injury. Trust us, you don’t want to go down that road.

When it comes to recovery, stress fractures are like the marathon of shin injuries. They’re in it for the long haul. You’re looking at a strict rehab regimen and a substantial rest period – typically 8 to 12 weeks – for a full recovery.

Other Causes of Calf Pain

The above three conditions do not cover the full gamut when it comes to the conditions that can manifest as calf pain.

According to a vein doctor in Phoenix, there is a variety of ailments that can affect the calf muscles, as well as the tissues and blood vessels around it.

Here are a few :

  • Baker’s cyst
  • Compartment syndrome
  • Neurogenic claudication
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • PCL injuries
  • Trapped arteries or vessels, such as the popliteal artery.
  • Arterial claudication
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Varicose veins
  • Deep vein thrombosis

Additional Resource – Overpronation vs. Underpronation

How to Prevent Calf Pain In Runners

Take the following steps to reduce your risk of getting sore calf muscles after running.

Increase Your Load Gradually

When it comes to keeping those calves happy and pain-free, gradual progression is the name of the game!

Here’s the golden rule: Don’t overload the muscle. It’s like teaching your body to dance – you start with slow, smooth moves before attempting those fancy spins and leaps.

One smart strategy is to build your cardio base by running for time rather than obsessing over distance. So, for instance, aim to run for 30 to 45 minutes three times a week. Forget about tracking miles for now; focus on the clock instead.

Can’t quite hit that 30-minute mark without feeling like you’re sprinting a marathon? No worries! The walk/run method is your best friend. Start with a mix of walking and running, gradually increasing your running time while decreasing the walking intervals.

After a few months of patiently building your base, you can set your sights on distance goals. Once you’ve conquered those, you can even dabble in some speedwork to add a little spice to your running routine.

Stretch Your Calves

Flexibility is like the secret sauce to keeping those calf muscles happy and cramp-free when you’re out for a run!

Here’s the lowdown on how to stretch your calves like a pro:

  1. Slow and Steady Wins: Picture your muscles as a fine wine – they need time to breathe and loosen up. So, when you’re stretching, take it slow. Hold each pose for a good 30 to 45 seconds. There is no need to rush this delicate process.
  2. No Pain, No Gain is a Myth: Contrary to the saying, there should be no pain involved in stretching. If you feel pain, that’s your body’s way of saying, “Hold on, we’re not ready yet.” Ease up a bit, and keep a gentle pressure on the muscle until it decides to relax on its own. Be patient; your muscles will thank you.
  3. Both Sides of the Story: Balance is key. Always make sure to stretch both sides. You don’t want to have one flexible calf and one that’s feeling left out, right?
  4. Smooth Operator: When you’re stretching, think graceful and smooth, not bouncy and jerky. Bouncing can lead to strains or even muscle ruptures – definitely not the kind of excitement you’re looking for during your stretching routine.

Try the following stretches

Standing Calf Stretch

Downward Dog

Heel Drop Stretch

If you want to take stretching to the next level, try yoga.

There’s a reason why a downward-facing dog works very well for lower body flexibility and mobility.


Here’s a golden rule to etch into your running routine: Never hit the ground running cold!

Instead, kick off your runs with a dynamic warm-up that’s like a wake-up call for your muscles. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Start with a 5-Minute Easy Jog: Think of it as a gentle invitation for your muscles to join the party. A slow jog for about 5 minutes gets your blood flowing and your body temperature rising.
  2. Get Dynamic: Now, it’s time to step up the game. Spend the next 5 to 10 minutes on a series of dynamic exercises. These aren’t your typical static stretches – they’re moves that activate your muscles, increase your heart rate, and prepare your body for action. Think high knees, butt kicks, leg swings, and hip circles.

This dynamic warm-up combo is like your secret weapon to prevent injury and optimize your performance on your run. It wakes up your muscles, lubricates your joints, and gets your body ready to tackle the miles ahead.

Stay Well Hydrated

Hydration is the unsung hero of your running journey, and it’s not just about avoiding calf soreness – it’s about keeping your entire body in top form!

Here’s the hydration playbook:

  1. Daily H2O Goal: Make it a rule of thumb to aim for at least 60 ounces of water every day. But here’s the twist – if you’re training in hot weather and turning into a sweat machine, you’ll need to up your game. More sweat means more water, so listen to your body and drink accordingly.
  2. Pre-Game Hydration: Start your workouts well-hydrated. It’s like giving your body a head start. Sip on some water before you hit the road, and make sure you’re feeling adequately hydrated.
  3. Sip While You Stride: When you’re out there running for more than an hour, don’t forget to keep sipping on the go. A hydration belt or handheld bottle can be your best friend during those long runs.
  4. Electrify Your Hydration: Electrolytes are your pals, too! They help maintain your magnesium, sodium, and potassium levels. So, consider adding a pinch of salt to your water or grab an electrolyte tablet to drop into a few glasses.

Improve Your Running Technique

If you suspect that your running technique might be contributing to your calf pain, it’s time to make some tweaks. Visualize yourself landing on the rear part of the ball of your foot rather than on your toes. This mental switch helps you instill a proper midfoot strike.

A midfoot strike is like a gentle kiss for your calf muscles. It distributes the impact more evenly and reduces the strain on your lower legs.

But here’s the catch – changing your running technique isn’t a one-time magic trick. It takes practice and patience. So, start with short runs and gradually work on maintaining that midfoot strike.

For more, check out this video.

Run In Proper Shoes

Getting the right pair of running shoes is another useful strategy for preventing calf soreness. I’d recommend heading to the nearest running specialty store and asking the staff there for advice.

Remember that you need to test a few pairs before you settle on the one.

For more on running shoes, check my following guides:

Strengthen Your Calves

Strength training is like the secret weapon in your battle against calf soreness while running – and eccentric training is the superhero of the story!

What follows are are some of the best exercises that target your calves. Aim to do them two to three times a week, preferably on your non-running days. It’s like a little extra TLC for your calf muscles.

Now, a word of caution. When you’re venturing into eccentric training, take it slow. The first few sessions may leave you with some muscle soreness – it’s like your muscles’ way of saying, “Hey, we’re getting stronger here!” But don’t overdo it; gradual progress is your friend.

Unleash Your Inner Athlete: Defeating Calf Pain for Runners – The Conclusion

There you have it. The strength exercises mentioned above are some of the best moves that can help not only prevent calf pain while running but also reach your full athletic potential. That’s a good thing if you ask me.

Now, the rest is up to you. You need to take action on what you’ve just learned. Or nothing will change.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

Keep Running Strong.

David D.

Underpronation Meaning – What is Under Pronation While Running?

picture of underpronation

As a runner, you may have heard the word before—but what does underpronation (supination) mean and why is it (allegedly) a bad thing?

That’s what we are going to tackle in today’s as I’ll be giving you the full low-down on what under pronation is all about.

Hopefully, by the end of this post, you’ll be better placed to assess whether you suffer from supination and to know how to deal with it.

But first things first, let’s explain what under pronation actually entails.

Underpronation Meaning

Pronation refers to the normal rolling-in motion of the ankles and flattening of the arches that happen during the walking and running gait.

Some pronation is a must—ideally, 15% roll-in collapse at the ankle—as it helps distribute the shock of impact while walking or running.

Virtually everyone pronates, but to different degrees.

Some may pronate much more or much less than others. Too much pronation during the running cycle—what’s known as overpronation—can result in collapsed arches, or flat feet, and lead to trouble in the hips, knees, and, of course, the ankles.

Underpronation, also known as supination,  is the exact opposite of overpronation. It also comes with its own set of problems—some of them which we’ll discuss in today’s post.

In today’s article, I’ll solely focus on underpronation as I have already written an in-depth post on overpronation is a previous article that you can find here.

Under Pronation Defined

Also known as underpronation, supination is a foot positioning issue usually stemming from having high arches. Technically, it refers to the insufficient inward rolling of the foot after landing on the ground during the walking and running gait.

In a normal stride, the feet slightly roll inward and sit evenly on the heel so that the body weight is on the ball of the foot, then push off the big toe.

However, runners who supinate tend to rest the bulk of their body weight on the outer edge of the foot, then push off from toes instead.

This excessive stress placed on the outer edge of the foot, mainly on the pinky side, can cause problems for runners or any athlete performing high-impact sports.

Supination might be caused by having naturally high-arching feet. Certain muscle imbalances in the lower leg, improper footwear as well as a history of chronic injury, may also turn you into an under pronator.

The Issues of A Supinator Runner

If you tend to under pronate, chances are you may develop several conditions, some of which include

  • Knee pain
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Swelling of ankle or foot
  • Lower back pain
  • Plantar fasciitis, which inflammation of the sole
  • Calluses
  • Hammertoes or clawed toes
  • Running bunions
  • Bunions on the outer edge of the foot
  • Shin splints
picture of underpronation

The Main Signs Of a Supinator Runner

What follows are some of the most common signs that you may be an excessive supinator.

Assess Your Running Shoes for Supination

The simplest way to tell if you supinate or not is to check the wear pattern on the rubber on a used pair of shoes.

Start by placing your used running shoes on a table in front of you, then assess the back of the heels. If you notice drastic wear and tear on the outside, or lateral, portion of your shoes, then you most likely under ponate.

As a supinator, the outside of the heel of your foot strikes the ground first. Since the foot does not adequately roll inward after hitting the ground, the force of impact stays concentrated on that particular region of the foot.

That’s why you’ll notice much more wear on the outside heel as well as in the forefoot area—just behind the toes.

Check Your Foot Print

The second thing you can do is to examine your foot type. The wet test a good objective assessment that determines whether or not you underpronate.

To perform it, wet the bottoms of your feet with water, then step onto a flat surface, preferably walking across some cardboard, thick paper or any surface that clearly reveals a footprint. Remember to get print of both your feet to assess them closely.

Feet with a normal amount of pronation and healthy arches will leave a visible arch connected to the forefoot by a strip roughly 1-2 the width of the foot on the outside of the sole.

Yet, if only a fraction of your arch is visible (as shown in the image)—or none at all—then you probably have high arches, therefore,  might be a supinator.

Note: The footprint you leave behind—mainly the way in which your arch appears—is a clear sign of how your foot pronates, but it’s not the ultimate sign of underpronation. Make sure to follow your foot type test with a visit to a certified professional (i.e., podiatrist, physical therapist, or running coach) who can provide a proper gait analysis.

Additional Resource – Overpronation vs Underpronation

Tight Achilles and Calves

Tightness of the calf muscles tends to reinforce the movement pattern caused by under pronation, which, in turn, magnifies the effect of supination.

This usually results in plantar fasciitis, which is a common overuse injury that manifests as sharp pain or aches along the arch of the foot or in the middle of the heel.

How to Deal With Under pronation While Running

Supinators out there, there’s still hope for you. Here are some things you can do and measures you can take right now to soothe what ails you.

Strength Train

The most recommended measure for alleviating the negative effects of underponation is strength training.

Strength training is key for injury prevention, as I hate stated in some previous posts. That’s why you should increase strength all the way through your kinetic chain

Focus on, ankle, feet, and hip strengthening exercises. These will provide much more stability to your lower leg.

Also, strengthening the inner calf muscle—mainly the gastrocnemius—can help reassert muscular imbalance and provide more stability throughout your gait.

Here are some of the best exercises :



Calf Raises

Crab Crawls


Underpronation Running Shoes

Good footwear is key in addressing supination.

Most experts recommend going for flexible and lightweight running shoes for runners who supinate. This means shoes with additional flexibility and cushion.

As a side note, make sure to visit a podiatrist first who may recommend the most appropriate type of shoe for supination.

What’s more?

Remember to replace your used up running shoes before they’re drastically worn on the outer side. Here’s the full guide you need.

You should also consider getting your shoes from a specialty running store to get some additional advice before you make any purchase.

Additional resource – Calf pulls from running

Try Orthotics

Experts also recommend using under pronation friendly orthotics. The right orthotics should focus on offering cushioning and a comfy surface area for your foot. These can support the arch and heel to control the motion of the foot.

Inserts for underpronation can be found in stores and one. But, to err on the side of caution, consider getting a custom-made by a podiatrist. This is especially the case if you log in serious mileage and/or have a history of under pronation issues.

Additional guide – Running with bunions guide

Stretch Regularly

Although the science on the effectiveness of stretching is still inconclusive, I strongly believe in its importance in injury prevention—especially for underpronators.

Having a full range of motion is extremely important in injury prevention. When your muscles are flexible, they’ll be able to move more efficiently and perform without being overstretched.

Regularly stretch your shins, calves, ankles, and Achilles to help reduce the tension that might be contributing to your supination.

Here are some of the stretches you should be doing on a daily basis.

Toe Touch

Quadricep Stretch

Leg Raises

Lifted Toe Step

Proper Running Form

Last but not least, take a look at your running technique.

It’s vital to opt for proper running technique to address excessive under pronation.

Here are the main proper technique guidelines you need :

Land as lightly and softly on the feet, hitting the ground as close to the midfoot as possible instead of the heel.

Stay light on your feet rather than pounding your feet too hard on the ground.

Aim for a soft landing. Imagine running on eggshells of trying to run on water.

Shorten your stride and improve your running cadence.

Land closer to your midfoot, rather than at the back of the heel.

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.


There you have it. If you tend to under pronate during the running gait, then the above guidelines are exactly what you need to help you soothe—and prevent—any potential pain or issues.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions in the comments section below.

In the meantime thank you for reading my post.

Keep running strong

David D.

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Runners Nipples Guide – Stop Your Nipples From Bleeding While Running

Picture of joggers nipples

Looking for the perfect guide to runners nipples? Then you’ve come to the right place.

I remember the first time I got joggers nipples while running.

It was a few years ago.

After getting home from a long run on a hot day, I walked into the living room, only to find my sister looking at me with horror.

I looked down and gasped upon seeing that my tee shirt was soaked in blood.

It was only after I’d taken off my shirt that I realized that both my nipples were gushing blood.

I was completely freaked out, and worried that something was wrong with me.

Fast forward a few Google searches I learned that it was nothing to worry about and that avoiding the bloody condition is not rocket science.

Once I applied some preventive measures, bloody nipples became a thing of the past.

rIf you’re looking for practical ways to prevent bloody nipples from running, this post is perfect for you.

Why do Nipples Bleed When Running

Known as a fissure of the nipple, or runners nipples,  joggers nipples is a pretty common occurrence among male runners.

When you’re running, your body’s blood flow increases and blood comes closer to the surface of your skin.

When this happens, most people’s nipples begin to harden.

Once your nipples get hard, continuous rubbing against the fabric of your shirt creates more friction than your skin is used to.

Combine the direct effects of rubbing against clothing with the salt from sweat, and bloody nipples can happen.

They start as a stinging or burning sensation as the skin gets rubbed raw, and this can lead to bleeding if allowed to continue.

After a while, you’ll experience a nasty cutting sensation with every stride you take.

Jogger’s nipple is more common in extremely hot or wet and cold weather and primarily affects male runners.

Female runners tend not to have the issue as long as their sports bra provides adequate support.

Here are more resources to deepen your understanding of joggers nipples;

How To Stop Your Nipples From Bleeding While Running

Thankfully, dear (mostly male) readers, preventing nipple bleeding while running is easy.

Seriously, it’s super simple.

Here’s how to start your chafed nipples while running.

Runners Nipples Fix – 1.   Lubricants

If you want to prevent chafing disasters—not just joggers nipples, but all over —start lubing.

This is what helped me the most with nipple chafing during a run.

How lubrication works is no mystery.

Lube serves as a protective barrier between the nipple and the shirt, reducing undue friction.

It also softens the nipples and keeps them from drying, which in turn lowers the risk of irritation.

As a rule, generously apply a lubricant like Body Glide or petroleum jelly to the nipple area before heading out for a run.

Make sure to apply it to all the areas prone to chafing, including your underarms and thighs.

Make sure you apply it liberally, especially if you’re going to be running for a while.

In some cases, especially during long runs, you may want to carry a small packet of it with you in case the constant running and sweating wear away the lubricant you’ve already applied.

Additional resource – Here’s how to stop chafing while running

Runners Nipples Fix – 2. Get the Right T-Shirt

Quite often, preventing joggers nipples is a simple matter of opting for the right clothing.

Here’s what I mean.

If your running T-shirt is either made of or has cotton in it, you’re asking for chafed nipples.

Cotton is your nipples’ worst nightmare.

Instead of wearing a cotton shirt or bra, go for synthetic materials such as Coolmax, Dri-Fit, or polypropylene, especially for the layer that will be closest to your skin.

These fabrics will help wick moisture away from your skin, keeping you dry and limiting friction.

Clothing made from technical fabric also dries faster than cotton, which is key because wet skin can make chafing worse.

If it’s appropriate and possible, you can also consider running shirtless — this should put an end to your upper body chafing issues.

For female runners, a properly-fitting bra that limits breast movement helps prevent jogger’s nipple, according to my research and the testimony of some of my female friends.

Additional Resource – Your Guide To Runners Nipples

Runners Nipples Fix – 3. Use a Product

Some of my running friends use a product like NipGuards to protect their nipples.

I’ve never used them.

All I know is that they work and can cost about $10 for ten sets, and that can get expensive.

NipGuard, as the name implies, is a popular product designed to protect the nipples from the chafing caused by rubbing against upper body clothing.

That, in theory, should prevent the condition.

According to the product’s official website, NipGuards are exceptionally sticky.

They adhere directly to the nipple and stay on, even during long training runs.

If you can’t afford NipGuards, simply cover your nipples with Band-Aids or tape.

I’ve done this many times, and it works just fine.

Keep in mind that these may not stick well if you’re sweating profusely, so you may have to experiment with a few options before you find what works best for you.

joggers nipples

How To Treat Joggers Nipples

Treatment of runners nipples depends on the severity of your injury, but here’s what should generally be done.

  • Rinse the chafed nipples with lukewarm water and dry them thoroughly. I’d recommend doing this in the shower so you don’t have to apply pressure with a washcloth, or something else that may exacerbate your pain. You can also try cleaning the wound with hydrogen peroxide.
  • To avoid further irritation, apply A&D ointment or Neosporin. Cover your nipple with sterile gauze, then use athletic tape to attach it to your chest. This can help prevent infection while your nipples heal.
  • Err on the side of caution and take a couple of days off from running to give your nipples time to heal and recover.
  • If your runners nipples persist and your nipples are still swollen, crusted, or bleeding, seek medical help.

If the area is infected, you might need a prescription-strength antibiotic ointment.

An underlying condition can also be the source of your trouble.

These include eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, fungal infection, or allergic reaction.

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

 Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.

Runners Nipples  -The Conclusion

Although joggers nipples is pretty common among runners of all fitness abilities, there’s no need to let the condition get in the way of your running routine.

The preventive measures shared here, along with a bit of forethought, can help you keep running strong without having to deal with runners nipples.

Keep in mind that you may need to test out a few approaches or mix them before you find what works best for you.

After all, no suit fits all.

In the meantime, thank you for dropping by.

Feel free to leave your comments or question in the section below.

How to Prevent Knee Pain When Running

Knee Pain From Running

Would you like to learn how to prevent knee pain when running

Then you have came to the right place.

Whether you’re training to lose weight or for your very first marathon, running is an awesome way to get in shape and maintain good health.

It’s good for your waistline, your heart, and even your brain.

At the same time, running comes with a certain degree of injury risk.

The high impact repetitive nature of the sport can place a lot of stress on your joints, especially the knees.

As a matter of fact, surveys show that up to 70 percent of runners may experience knee issues at a point.

That’s why for some people running is synonymous with knee pain.

This is especially the case if you drastically increase your running mileage too quickly, train with bad form, wear the wrong shoes, or have muscle imbalances—common training blunders among all runners.

But is that enough reason to stop running altogether?

Of course: NO!

Knee Pain in Runners – The Definition

There are many overuse injuries that strike the knee joint.

One of the most common is known as runners knee, or patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS).

The condition is also pretty common among those who any sports that involve repeated stress to the knee joint.

So what is all about?

Runners’ knee is all the catch term used to refer to pain in the kneecap.

The condition causes an achy, dull pain at the front of the knee and around the kneecap.

It’s widespread among runners, basketball players, cyclists, and those who participate in sports involving jumping.

Symptoms may include a dull ache or sharp pain, grinding or clicking on or around the patella, and chronic stiffness.

Classic treatment options include cold therapy, anti-inflammatory meds, and stretching.

Knee pain, especially runners knee, is sometimes caused (and often made worse) by tightness in the muscles and tendons that connects to the knees, especially the quads, calves, hamstrings, glutes, and hips.

That’s why when it comes to soothing and preventing knee issues in runners, stretching can help.

Don’t take my word for it—research backs this up.

A study published in American Family Physicians reported that increase strength and flexibility in the quad muscles is more effective than the routine use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or knee braces for soothing and preventing pain.

How to Prevent Knee Pain when Running

Here is the little secret.

All you got to do is protect your knees from the get-go by taking some of the following injury prevention measures to protect your knees while running.

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 1. Wear The Right Shoes

The foot is a very complex part of the human anatomy.

It’s made up of 19 muscles, 26 bones, 107 ligaments, and 33 joints—and these take the brunt of a foot strike when running.

Since running is a high impact sport that places a great deal of stress on the knees, wearing the right trainers not only helps you to run faster and longer, but may also reduce risks of pain and injury.

A good running shoe is designed specifically to diffuse the load shooting up the rest of your leg.

By training in improper shoes, you might increase risks of knee pain (and other issues)—and you don’t want that.

Just don’t get me wrong.

I’m not suggesting that proper shoes are the ultimate solution to your knee issues.

But it’s a start, and an important part of an overall prevention and treatment and plan.

That said, I should also point out—and this may surprise some of you—that the current research on the effectiveness of running shoes in improving performance and preventing overuse injury is, at best, mixed.

This link provides you with more insight on the subject at hand.

Yet, in my experience, a proper pair is non-negotiable—regardless.

Therefore, to stay safe, you got to find a shoe that fits your feet properly.

More importantly, go for a pair that supports your natural foot type—whether you’re neutral, high arched (supinator), or flat-footed (overpronator) runner.

To find a suitable pair, head to your local running store and ask for a foot type and gait analysis, which will help you find what best matches your physiological and training needs.

Also, be sure to replace your trainers regularly.

The more miles you run in a pair, the more worn down the shock absorption becomes.

This increases the load stresses shooting up your legs, which, in turn, could result in knee pain.

As a general rule, change your running shoes every 400 to 500 miles—depending on your training intensity, body weight, running terrains, and personal preferences.

For more advice on how to pick proper running shoes, check these posts:

Post 1

Post 2

Post 3

Post 4

Additional Resource – Here’s how to use KT Tape for runners knee.

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 2. Strength Train

Strength training is good for you.

If this is news to you, you have a lot to catch up to.

I have already written extensively on the importance of strength training for runners here.

More specifically, a good strength routine can do wonders for preventing knee pain—and all sorts of overuse injuries.

For instance, if the muscles of your lower body are weak, then it’s your joints—mainly the knees—that take the brunt of the impact of each pounding strike.

And research supports this.

One example is a study published in the Journal of Athletic.

In the research, almost 80 percent of runners with knee issues reported experiencing less pain after three to four weeks of hip and core strength training.

Not convinced yet?

Another research published in Medicine & Science found that female runners with patellofemoral joint pain —a notorious overuse injury colloquially known as “runner’s knee” —had a deficit in hip external rotation, abduction and extension strength, when compared to age-matched injury-free runners.

So, to avoid the pain (or to keep it from creeping back), spend time doing strength training exercises that target your lower body.

Specifically, exercises targeted at your knee stabilizing muscles. These include your hips, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves. This makes it hard to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to identifying the most effective strength exercises.

The following exercises consist of my seven favorite moves. They’re easy to perform, effective and suitable for most runners regardless of fitness level or training background..

Additional resource – Knee brace for running

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 3. Eat Right

When dealing with knee pain, don’t overlook the power of diet.

As a runner, you’ll need the right nutrients and substances to help protect your cells from damage and maintain healthy joints.

For starters, get plenty of calcium.

Most experts recommend 1,100 to 1,300 mg of this mineral each day.

Dairy products and dark green veggies are some of the ideal sources of calcium.

Here is the full guide to calcium foods.

Another nutrient is omega-3 fatty acids.

These fatty acids are natural anti-inflammatories that can help ease joint inflammation before it damages the joints.

The best sources of omega-3s include salmon, herring, tuna, cod, sardines, and mackerel, as well as fish oil supplements.

Furthermore, you might need to supplement.

Many athletes take Chondroitin sulfate and Glucosamine supplements to deal with joint pain since it’s believed that these encourage cartilage formation and repair.

However, the research is still mixed on the effectiveness of the supplements, so consult a certified physician if it can be helpful to your case.

Most experts recommend a minimum dosage of 1,200 mg of Chondroitin sulfate and 1,500 mg of Glucosamine daily.

Additional Resource – Running after knee replacement

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 4. Lean Forward

If your knees are in pain while running, it could be that you need to change your form—more specifically, your trunk position.

In fact, according to this research paper published in Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, an increased trunk flexion may decrease compressive forces on the patellofemoral joint.

In English: a slight forward lean while running reduces the load placed on the knees, which, in turn, cuts the risks of discomfort and injury at the joint.

The Process?

Opting for a slight forward lean while running may help shift your weight from the knees to the hip, thus reducing impact forces on the knees.

That said, getting the slight forward lean right is a bit tricky.

Here is how to do it right:

Make sure that the lean, or the “fall,” is coming from the ankles, not the hips.

It should feel almost like you’re falling forward.

You should not feel broke nor bent at the trunk.

Allow your torso to come a bit forward—at least seven to ten degrees, according to the before mentioned research—while simultaneously flexing your hips and lower abdominals subtly.

In other words, opt for a mild lean, not a complete bent-over position.

Think skiers stance.

Here is an awesome YouTube Tutorial

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 5. Increase Your Cadence

Another technique tweak to consider when dealing with knee pain from running is to to avoid overstriding.

So what is it all about?

When you overstride, you’re, in essence, reaching too much forward with your legs as you swing them forward in front of your “center of gravity

When you do, you’ll be slamming your foot down, creating a braking action with each stride.

Then, all of these impact stresses of hitting the ground goes right up your feet to your knees.

This, in theory at least, limits your efficiency and increases your risk of injury.

As a result, most experts agree on the fact that overstriding is bad.

Do not let your feet get ahead of you.

Make sure to stay ahead of your feet.

Do not let your legs swing forward, not to the rear.

Here is the good news:

Reducing stride length can put a stop to overstriding, thus decrease injury risk, research shows.

And one of the best ways to do so is to simply increase your cadence.

In fact, research conducted at the University of Wisconsin found that an increased cadence reduces the impact load on the lower body.

Here is how to improve your cadence:

Determine your current cadence by counting how many times your feet hit the ground in one minute of running.

If it’s over 160, you’re in the clear.

But, if your cadence is below 160 steps per minute, they should increase it by 5 to 10 percent from one week to the next.

Additional resource – Sore quads after running

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 6. Stretches For Knee Pain

There are plenty of exercises that focus on stretching the quadriceps, hips, hamstrings, and knee regions.

By stretching regularly regularly, you’ll help keep your muscles loose, limber, and up for the job, which will provide better protection for your knees.

check the following routines:

  • Routine 1
  • Routine 2
  • Routine 3

Prevent Knee Pain When Running – 7. Avoid Overtraining

Running too much too soon is the recipe for knee pain—and all sorts of injury.

In fact, whether you’re motivated to lose the pounds as soon as possible or have just signed up for a race, it’s important not to increase training intensity too abruptly.

Instead, ease yourself into running, regardless of how incentivized you feel.

Start with low to moderate intensity runs for shorter distances, then progress as you feel up to it—not the other way around.

One simple rule is to follow the ten percent principle—do not increase your weekly mileage by more than 10 percent from one week to the next.

Also, be sure to take enough rest—when needed—to allow for proper recovery.

Furthermore, listen to your body and train accordingly.

So, for instance, if you’re experiencing knee pain, back off and assess what you’re doing.

In fact, stop running whenever you’re experiencing knee discomfort or pain.

To deal with the pain, opt for the PRICE method.

This consists of:

  1. Protecting the affected knee from further injury—for example, by using a support.
  2. Let the affected knee rest by avoiding high impact exercise for a few days.
  3. Ice the injured knee for 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times per day.
  4. Compress the affected knee by using a wrap, a splint, etc.
  5. Elevate the affected joint above heart level to reduce swelling.

If pain persists, seek medical help ASAP.

Dilly-dallying with knee pain will only make your case way more severe—and that’s not something you’d want to.

You are a smart runner, aren’t you?

Additional Resource -Your guide to jaw pain while running

How to Prevent Knee Pain When Running – The Conclusion

Running without hurtling your knees can be done if you follow the above guidelines. The rest is just detaisl.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

Thank you for dropping by.

David D.

The 10 Causes of Hip Pain From Running

hip Pain From Running

Suffering form hip pain from running? This article is ideal for you. In fact, you are about to learn how to deal with hip pain during or after running as well as how to prevent any further damage.

Sure, hip injuries, unlike knee ailments, are not a huge problem in the running world, but a lot could go wrong.

Left unchecked, what started as a mild hip soreness may turn into a debilitating injury, which may bring your running routine to a screeching halt.

In today’s article, I’ll discuss the primary conditions causing hip pain for runners, then share with you a few treatment and prevention guidelines.

Hopefully, by the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of how to proceed in the presence of pain in the hip joint and surrounding tissues whether during or after your workouts.

10 Causes of Hip Pain From Running

Formed between the femur and the os coxa, the hip joint is the largest ball-and-socket joint in the body,

Since the hip joint plays a vital role in power, balance, flexibility, and momentum when running, it’s a common source of pain for runners.

But here is the kicker. Diagnosing hip pain when running can be a fickle beast because more than one condition can be present at a given time, and some of these share similar symptoms.

Also, the hip is a very complex joint that’s attached to many muscle groups.

Hip pain can be blamed on a host of reasons. Much of the main causes will depend on when,  where, and how they hurt and got injured. For instance, injury to the upper quads or hamstrings can manifest as pain in the hip region.

For these reasons (then some), the exact cause(s) of a given case will depend on when, where, and how you experience/feel the pain.

Pain can be caused by structures within the hip joint itself or from structures enclosing the hip joint. Pain might be experienced in front of the of the hip (usually as groin pain), the back of the hip in the buttocks, or on the outside of the joint.

To help you clear away confusion, here are some of the most common causes of hip pain from running.

Note—Keep in mind that not all of the below conditions are running/training-induced. Lifestyle decisions and genetics can also contribute to the onset of hip pain.

Hip Pain From Running # 1 – Inflammation of the Bursae

Experiencing pain on the outside of the hip? Then you might have inflammation of the bursae.

Also known as trochanteric bursitis, the condition is an inflammation of the bursae, which consist of small sacs of fluid between the tendon and bone that lubricate your joint, known as the bursae.

This is located between the greater trochanter (bony prominence on the femur) and the muscles and tendons surrounding it.

The bursae function as a gliding surface to limit friction between moving tissues of the body, lubricating the area between muscles, tendons, and bones.

While running, the trochanteric bursa takes a lot of impact, and over time, it can get inflamed. Runners who suffer from bursitis report feeling a dull ache or burn, popping sensation on the outside of the hip during or after a run.

Further, issues like direct trauma, pelvis issues, prolonged sitting, etc. can make the condition worse.

The Solution

Noninfectious cases of bursitis can be treated with enough rest, ice therapy, and anti-inflammatory medications. Reduce your mileage by 30 to 50 percent, steer clear of the hills, stretch your IT band and hamstrings after a run, etc.

That said, infectious bursitis—very rare—call for medical intention. Antibiotics, and even, surgery, is required.

How much time you take off the running road depends on the severity of symptoms.

If you feel pain when putting pressure on the injured limb, then cross train. Opt for activities, such as swimming, aqua jogging, cycling, rowing machines, etc.

Check the following links for more options:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4 

Hip Pain From Running # 2 – Muscle Imbalances

Another common cause of hip pain while running is muscle imbalances. These develop when you have relatively weaker muscles in one area of your body while the opposing muscles are stronger.

This means that any strength/mobility imbalance in the hip flexors, glutes, or core muscles may lead to hip alignment issues, tears, or strains that cause pain.

Hip-related muscular imbalances can be with a proper cross-training exercise program.

The Solution

The best way to prevent muscle imbalances, in general, is by following a well-rounded strength program that’s based on full body compound movements. These include pushups, squats, lunges, deadlifts, turkey getups, bridges, etc.

But, all in all, single leg and balance exercises, such as pistol squats, are especially helpful in dealing with muscular imbalances in runners. Check this routine.

Or visit a certified physician, who, after assessing your unique conditions, can prescribe a set of exercises and drills to fix your issue.

You can also check these stretches for hip pain.

Hip Pain From Running # 3 – Bad Running Form

Proper running form is also really important.

Bad running form may force your hips out of alignment, resulting in wear and tear on the joint surface. This almost always leads to pain.

The Solution

It’s simple: fix your running form.

Here are a few tips:

  • Run tall with a slight forward lean.
  • Keep your body relaxed from head to toe.
  • Keep your core tight and back flat the entire time.
  • Avoid overstriding by improving your running cadence and taking (relatively) shorter steps.
  • Keep your head level, shoulder loose, and arms bent at a 90-degree angle.

For more on proper running form, check these posts:

Hip Pain From Running # 4 – Stress Fractures

If you feel throbbing or stabbing pain on the inside of your hip (or in the groin area), then you might have a stress fracture.

If you experience pain coming more from the inside of your hip—especially if you end to run on hard surfaces like sidewalk or pavement—then you might have a stress fracture.

Stress fractures consist of a break in the bone caused by repetitive strain. A fracture can be partial or a complete break, depending on the severity of the condition.

Hip stress fractures are usually associated with the elderly, but they can happen at any age—especially among endurance athletes who do lots of impactful training.

More specifically, in runners, the excessive impact can cause a small crack to develop in the femoral neck—near the ball at the top of the femur. These fractures can occur in the neck of femur—what’s known as the femoral neck.

Stress usually manifest as a dull ache either in front or behind the hip, especially when exercising. Left unchecked, the pain will gradually increase until it becomes excruciating.

The Solution

If a stress fracture is what you’re dealing with, then running will make it worse. Stop running altogether and talk to a doctor to get the treatment you need.

Treating this notorious injury may take six to eight weeks of rest—read: no running—but you might be able to do some low-impact cross-training.

During the recovery period, feel free to cross train, opting for exercises such as biking or aqua running, but only if your physician clears it first.

Once your doctor gives you green light, ease into running, making sure to train on softer surfaces.

Here some useful links:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Hip Pain From Running # 5 – Hip, Thigh or Hamstring Muscle Injury-Tear

Injuries and tears in the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and groin muscles are common among runners. Some of these conditions may manifest as pain in the hip region,

Hip Flexor Strains

The hip flexors are a group of muscles located in the front portion of the hip that work to lift the thigh upward and assist in a forward motion when walking or running.

If you’re experiencing pain at the front of the hip, especially where your thigh meets your hip near the leg crease, then you might have a hip flexor strain.

A hip flexor strain is the overstretching or tearing of these muscles.

Gluteus Medis Muscle Injury

Since the gluteus medius—one of the three main glute muscles—and the hip joint are located in the same area, inflammation or injury to this muscle may affect the whole hip region and vice versa.

A runner with injured/strained glutes may feel a tender, aching pain on the outside of the hip region

Hamstring Injury/Tear

Made up of three distinct muscles that run down the back of your thighs, hamstring injuries happen when muscle fibers are forced to bear a drastic load while fully or almost fully extended.

Inflammation or injury of the top of the hamstrings can result in pain and tenderness in the top of the back of the thigh and the lower buttocks.

Quadriceps Tears

If you experience pain or tenderness in the front of the thighs, then this may indicate inflammation or injury to the quadriceps muscles.

When you overwork your quads, they can become strained from overuse, especially if they’re relatively weak and/or when doing too much downhill running.

The Solution

Treating muscle injuries is not complicated.  Mild cases can be treated with the RICE protocol.

As a rule, avoid any activities that put weight on the injured hip for the first few days after onset.

Also, stretch and strengthen your critical running muscles, such as the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves, on a regular basis.

Here are more useful links:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Hip Pain From Running # 6 – Cartilage Tear

If you’re suffering from intermittent pain in the hip region, accompanied by a clicking or locking sensation, especially following a recent hip fall or twist, then you might blame it on a cartilage tear.

Also known as a labral tear, the condition is a tear of the acetabulum, which is a thick ring of cartilage that cushions the hip joint.

Cartilage tears can be a gradual onset caused by overuse and repetitive strain on the hip.

These tears typically take place where the ball and socket joint insert. Typically, this injury is caused by trauma, as in a sudden fall or twist.

They can also be acute, caused by a traumatic event such as a bad fall, collisions, etc.

Additional resource – How to choose Chiropractor for runners

The Solution

Again, stop running for a few days.

Depending on the severity of the tear, your choice of treatment largely depends on the condition.

In case symptoms didn’t improve, then see a doctor immediately.

Some may recover with simple treatments in a few weeks, whereas serious cases require arthroscopic surgery to repair or remove the torn labrum and clear out a fragment from the joint.

Here are some useful links:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Link  5

Hip Pain From Running # 7 – Iliotibial Band Syndrome

If you experience sharp pain on the outside of your knee and/or hip region, you could have iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS). This is especially the case if you tend to run on paved roads or track all season.

ITBS is an inflammation or irritation of the iliotibial band, which is a tough tendon that runs down the outside of the thigh from the hip to the knee, connecting the hip to the shin bone.

Tightness in the band, as well as weak hip and glute muscles, can lead to the onset of the condition.

The Solution

Your first line of defense is to reduce running by 30 to 50 percent or stop altogether if pain interferes with your gait.

Also, strengthen your glutes and hip muscles and correct any muscle imbalances in the area.

Other measures include:

  • Changing your running routes
  • Avoid running on roads that slope laterally
  • Alternating direction on the track
  • Replacing your running shoes
  • Stretching your IT band, hamstrings, and glutes

For the full guide on how to deal with ITBS, check my post here.

Here are more useful links:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Hip Pain From Running # 9 – Avascular Necrosis

Also known as osteonecrosis, this condition occurs when blood supply to the femoral head—the ball of the hip—is limited, resulting in the death of bone tissue.

Avascular necrosis can be brought up by a host of causes, including;

  • Excessive alcohol intake,
  • High-dose steroid medications,
  • Radiotherapy,
  • Sickle cell diseases,

When Ignored the condition can result in tiny breaks in the bone, leading to the bone’s eventual collapse.

female runner suffering from hip injury

The Solution

If you just got diagnosed by your doctor, then it’s crucial that they refer you for an immediate MRI scan to confirm that you have avascular necrosis.

As soon as you the result, start treatment, which may stop the condition from getting worse (and thwart the onset of arthritis).

Check this post for an in-depth overview of how to slow and stop the progression of avascular necrosis.

Here are more useful links:

Link 1

Link 2 

Link  3

Hip Pain From Running # 10 – Running on Cambered roads

This is one of the lesser-known causes of hip pain in runners…something that not a lot of runners are aware of nor are willing to acknowledge—especially us city dweller.

Here’s the truth. If you put safety first by running against traffic on the road, then you’re likely running on a cambered surface—without even realizing it.

Sure, camber is useful. Having the center of the road a bit higher than the sides allows water to drain off, and helps motored vehicles gain better traction.

However, running on inclined structures forces one of your legs to reach down a bit farther than the other, resulting in misalignments in the kinetic chain. Thus, increasing the risks of injury.

Additional resource – Aqua jogging for beginners

The Solution

Run on flat surfaces. When it’s possible, run in the middle of the road or try switching to the other side of the road. Or, stick to the sidewalk.

Furthermore, listen to your body, especially following a run on a sharply inclined road. Also, consider adding some hip and lower back strengthening and stretching exercises into your cross-training routine.

Serious Cases of Hip Pain

If resting and mild stretching didn’t help relieve your hip pain, or the pain got worse, see a doctor for a thorough assessment.

Stubborn hip pain calls for a visit to a doctor or a sports medicine specialist for a thorough assessment.

Other conditions that can cause pain in the hip joint and the surrounding tissues include:

  • Femoral acetabular impingement
  • Sciatica
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Groin pulls or tears
  • Snapping Hip Syndrome
  • Hip tendonitis
  • Septic Arthritis
  • Hernias
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
  • Meralgia Parasthetica

Here are more resources to check out:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Link 5

Hip Pain From Running Infographic

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.



Here you have it!

I hope the above advice will prove useful in helping you deal with and prevent hip pain when running.

In the meantime, thank you for reading my post.

Please stay safe, and run strong.

David D.

How to Get Rid of Shin Splints – The Ultimate Guide

Shin Splints pain

Looking for the best strategies on how to get rid of shin splints?

Then you’ve come to the right place.

Shin splints is a common overuse injury. According to the National Institute of Health, this condition is widespread among runners but also afflicts dancers, gymnasts, and military recruits.

Fortunately, this insidious injury is both curable and preventable.

In today’s comprehensive guide, I’ll dive into everything you need to know about shin splints, and that includes:

  • What are shinsplints
  • Shin splints symptoms
  • The mechanism behind the injury
  • What causes shin splints
  • Warning signs of shin splints
  • How to diagnose shin splints
  • How to treat shin splints
  • How to get rid of shin splints
  • And so much, so much, more.

Sounds great?

Let’s dig in.

The Anatomy Of Shin Splints

Shin splints is caused, in short, by a mechanical malfunction of one—or more—of the structures that make up the lower leg. That’s why understanding the anatomical makeup of the lower legs may improve your understanding of these causative variables.

In other words, it’s time for anatomy 101.

As you can see in the picture, the lower legs comprise many muscles, bones, and tendons. The primary structures of the lower leg affected by the pain caused by shin splints are:

The Tibia and Fibula

These are the two primary bones that make up the lower leg. The tibia is found on the inside of, the medial part, whereas the fibula is located on the outside, the lateral part, of the lower leg. The main function of these bones to support your knees, hips, and pelvis.

The Lower Leg Muscles

These include:

  • Soleus (Lower calf),
  • Gastrocnemius (Upper calf);
  • Plantaris (Upper calf);
  • Tibialis posterior (Upper calf), and
  • Tibialis anterior (Shin).

Together, the muscles move your lower leg as well as stabilize your foot and ankle. They’re all also associated—in one way or the other—with shin splints pain. Overuse of these muscles can cause a pull on the fibula and tibia bones, causing shin-splints-related pain.

The Definition Of Shin Splints

Shin splints can hinder your training whether you just took up running or are a seasoned marathoner. The pain is nagging, stubborn, and really, really, annoying.

So what are they all about?

Shin splints are the “all–catch” term commonly used to describe a wide range of lower-leg injuries and lower-leg exercise-induced pain.

More specifically, and also known as medial tibial stress syndrome, shin splints is an overuse injury infamous for nagging pain along the front—anterior—portion of the shin, usually toward the inside of the tibia bone.

In most cases, shin splints occur as a direct result of the repeated impact on the bone tissue, tendons, and muscles surrounding the tibia, leading to inflammation of the connective tissue. This tissue is known as fascia and it’s what covers and joins the muscles of the lower leg to the shin bone.

The injury is also pretty common. According to a survey, shin splints account for 10 percent of injuries in male runners and roughly 16 percent in female runners.

The good news is that shin splints are not a serious injury and can be treated with simple measures—provided that you pay heed to the condition early on before it gets any worse.

What’s more?

You can also do a few things to guard your lower legs against this condition, helping you prevent it in the long term (more on this later).


Symptoms Of Shin Splints

The main symptom of shin splints is a dull or aching pain in the front of the shins, usually felt in an area measuring roughly 5 inches in length on either side of the shinbone or in the muscles surrounding it. The pain may radiate from the tops of the feet up toward and through the knee.

In mild shin splints, you might feel pain at the first few minutes of a run but subsides after your muscles have warmed up. You may also experience discomfort if you press along the length of the bone. The condition can also be present in one or both legs.

In most cases, the pain is worse in the morning—especially right after stepping out of bed—since muscle tissue tends to tighten up overnight—with extreme inflammation and tenderness.

The shin bone might be painful on contact, and you might also feel actual bumps and lumps along the affected area..

In severe cases of the condition, this connective tissue can be under so much stress that it’s forced to split and separate from the shin bone, which is very painful and sometimes excruciating, involving a slow and long healing process.

Ignore shin splints can progress to a more insidious injury: tibial stress fracture.

Shin Pain is not Always A Shin Splint

As mentioned in the definition section, shin pain is not always a case of shin splints.

A host of other ailments and injuries plague the lower legs other than MTSS.

For example, pain and tenderness on the outside part of the lower leg might be blamed on compartment syndrome, which occurs when excessive pressure builds up within a “closed compartment,” leading to swelling and pain.

Another common injury that plagues the lower leg is what’s known as stress fractures—which are tiny cracks in the bones. This injury happens to have far more serious ramifications (and requires a longer recovery time) than shin splints.

How Are Shin Splints Diagnosed?

The best way to diagnose shin splints—as is the case with any other condition—is to consult a physical therapist or a sports medicine doctor and then perform a thorough physical examination, including an assessment of your training volume and physiology and training risk factors.

At least the basics have to be covered before you make any decision.

If you’ve been experiencing pain for long periods, you might need additional testing to rule out other conditions.

The most common method is a simple scan to help rule out a larger tear in the local tendons or a tibia stress fracture. A compartment pressure test can also be conducted to rule out chronic exertional compartments syndrome

Testing At Home

To check yourself for the condition, squeeze the lower two-thirds of your lower leg, including the shin bone and the surrounding muscular structure.

You’re positive if you feel pain, bumps, or lumps all along the bone.

In extreme cases, shin splints can become so bad that’s impossible to even stand or walk on the injured limb without experiencing excruciating pain.

Causes of Shin Splints

It’s hard to pinpoint the exact cause of shin splints, but, like most overuse injuries, it always goes back to doing too much too soon.

Specifically, beginners who take up running for the first time or those returning to the sport from a break or injury who increase their mileage too fast are at risk of developing shin splints.

Here’s the truth.

Your body needs time—and a lot of it—to adapt to the high-impact stresses of running.

Running, as well as other forms of high-impact exercise, causes micro-tears in your muscles. These are harmless when you take plenty of recovery since muscle fiber heals between workouts.  That’s one reason I always say that recovery is as important as the training itslef. There’s no way around that.

But, when you increase your training load too quickly—whether it’s ramping up speed, mileage, or both—you’ll cause more drastic tears in the muscle fiber or postpone recovery of the normal micro-tears in the tibialis anterior.

Subsequently, you accumulate more damage, leading to more weakness and inflammation. This, as you can already tell, sets the stage for injury.

Here are some of the main factors that can lead to the overload of the muscles in the lower legs:

Weak lower body muscles, especially hips and calves. Research has found a link between shin splints and weak hip abductors.

Poor running form, e.i. Overstriding, too much heel striking, etc.

Downhill running. It’s believed that too much downhill running can put a lot of stress on the muscles of the front of the tibia.

  • Running in improper footwear
  • Running on hard or unstable surfaces, like concrete, sidewalks, or snow.
  • Biomechanic issues, such as being flat-footed.
  • Runners with lower bone density—especially female runners.
  • A high body mass index
  • A history of overuse injury

How To Treat Shin Splints

Treating shin splints—as well as other overuse injuries—should start with the RICE method.

Although shin splints are not serious, treating them before they become a chronic, debilitating injury is vital.

The moment you come down with symptoms, do the following:


Rest is key since shin splints result from repetitive stress being applied to the lower legs, so any more high-impact activity will only exacerbate the condition.

As a rule, avoid doing any type of running (and any other high-impact exercise) until you can do it pain-free.

Instead, stop running altogether, or, at least, drastically reduce your weekly mileage as long as there is pain.

Ice Therapy

Ice the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes three to four times daily to reduce pain and swelling.

And keep icing it daily until the injured area is no longer inflamed or/and painful to touch.


In cases of severe pain, consider taking Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs), like aspirin or ibuprofen, to soothe the pain and speed up recovery.

But be careful not to overdo it.

Research shows that these over-the-counter pills have side effects, like ulcers. That’s why you should only take them for a short period, preferably under the guidance of a certified physician.

How Long Does It Take To Recovery From Shin Splints

I don’t have the exact answer since recovery time depends on how long and severe you’ve had the symptoms.

But overall, expect the following recovery periods:

  • Symptoms for less than a month – Expect three to four months to fully recover.
  • Symptoms for one to three months – Expect four to six months for a full recovery.
  • Symptoms for more than three months – Expect more than six months for a full recovery.

During the downtime, you might opt for an alternative, low-impact exercises such as spinning, swimming, pool running, elliptical machine, weight lifting, or yoga to keep your fitness in check.

If the pain persists and symptoms fail to improve (despite taking the right RICE measures), seek immediate medical assessment to check for other causes for your stubborn shin pain.

As you can already tell, shin splints do not heal that fat, but the earlier you get the right treatment, the quicker your recovery will be. The rest is just details.

Scoring a Running Comeback

As a rule of thumb, you must slowly re-start your running engines.

In other words, avoid rushing back into training. If you start to exercise before your shin completely heals, you may risk a flare-up, and you don’t want that.

Once you return to training, avoid hard surfaces or steep hills until you are sure that the shin pain has gone away completely and you have fully recovered.

How to Get Rid of Shin Splints

My motto when dealing with a running injury is “prevention is better than cure.”

Hence, prevention should always be your first objective. Preventing shin splints should involve following sound training strategies such as progressive mileage increase, strengthening the muscles of the lower legs, and using proper running footwear.

Let’s discuss a few.

Start Slow

The first rule to prevent all sorts of sports injuries is to avoid the “three too’s” trap—doing too much, too soon, too fast.

Sudden increases in training volume/distance/intensity can overwork your lower legs, making you more prone to various injuries.

So, instead of falling into this classic trap, increase your distance and speed gradually and slowly over time.

For the complete beginner, start with the walk/run method. This consists of 20 to 30 minutes alternating between jogging and walking every other day.

For the full guide on this method, check my post here. But what if you’re already a regular runner? Then stick with the 10 percent rule.

That’s the golden principle to abide by whenever you want to increase training duration and intensity.

And it’s quite simple.

The 10 percent rule states that you should never increase your weekly training load by more than 10 percent from one week to the next.

Strength Train

Strengthening your lower leg muscles may help prevent this common injury by making them stronger, increasing their ability to handle the impact. Your main goal is to increase your calf muscles’ localized muscular capacity and your tibia’s bone load capacity.

So what kind of exercises you should be doing to prevent shin splints?

Simple. Strengthen your feet, ankles, calves, and hips, which support your shins.

The following exercises are exactly what you need.

Not only will they help you prevent future flare-ups, but they are also effective at relieving pain if you’re already afflicted.

You can perform the following exercises as either a part of your warm-up sequence or as a routine in itself two to three times per week.

Perform 12 to 15 repetitions of each exercise in sets of two to three.

Straight-leg Calf Raise

Toe Raises

Eccentric Calf Raises

Heel Walking


Although the science is still hazy on the effectiveness of stretching in preventing injury, I’d still recommend it as a part of a proactive injury prevention protocol.

According to theory, stretching the posterior leg muscles (especially the calves) along and the muscles surrounding the shin bone (especially the anterior tibialis) may be effective at keeping shin pain at bay.

Here are a few of the stretches

Standing Shin Stretch

The anterior Shin Muscle Stretch

The Toe Alphabet Stretch

Trace the alphabet with your toes.

The Calf Stretch

Fix Your Form

Improper running form is often blamed for shin splints. Bad form can disrupt your kinetic chain, triggering biomechanical dysfunctions that may cause symptoms to recur even if you resume running slowly.

Here’s how to improve your running technique.

Here are two measures to take:

The first thing you need to do is to avoid heel striking—or landing heels first when running.

According to theory, the heel strike places excessive stress on the lower leg.

Heel striking causes the foot to slap down on the pavement, forcing the lower leg muscles to work harder than usual.

This may place excessive stress on the lower legs, increasing the risks of shin splints and other running-related injuries.

Also, heel striking often leads to overstriding.This may increase injury risk and reduce running efficiency.

Here is an awesome YouTube tutorial explaining the difference between heel striking and midfoot running.

Next, shorten your stride. If you have a terrible history of shin splints, then consider slightly shortening your normal stride—roughly 10 percent.

Research has revealed that subjects who shorten their stride by 10 percent reduced the risks of tibial stress injury by three to six percent.

The Reason?

By shortening your stride, you’ll be landing softer with each foot strike, thus, experiencing reduced impact.

So, invest at least a couple of weeks purposely running with a relatively short stride.

Lastly, improve your cadence, which is the number of steps you take per minute.

It’s also known as leg turnover.

To determine your cadence, count your foot strikes on one side for one minute, then multiply that by two.

A good number is 170 to 180 strikes per minute—depending, of course, on your biomechanics and training speed/intensity.

For the full guide on cadence, check my post here.

Wear The Right Shoes

Training in ill-fitting or worn-out shoes are a leading cause of injury. Proper foot wear helps reduce running-related high-impact stresses, whereas a worn-out or ill-fitting pair won’t.

Choose stable, supportive, running shoes that suits your individual needs. A good pair should have the right mix of shock absorption and support for your running needs and anatomy.

Rather than buying your shoes online or at a sporting goods store, head to a running specialty store.

The expert staff will assess your unique biomechanical and gait type and make the most appropriate recommendations.

Also, replace your sneakers every 400 to 500 miles—or at least every year if you do not log serious miles weekly.

Try Compression Socks

According to research, compression garments may help limit inflammation and swelling around damaged muscles, tissues, or bone.

Not only that, but research has also found that it reduces muscle damage and may speed up recovery following a hard workout.

For these reasons, compression gear, especially compression socks, might effectively treat and prevent shin pain.

Of course, no conclusive research has proved that compression socks are effective at preventing shin splints.

But I believe it’s worth considering—especially if you don’t mind investing a $50 to $70 per pair.

Just get the right compression socks. Make sure they fit well, giving your calves a tight squeeze while promoting blood flow to the region and not feeling too constrictive.

Also, get a pair with the right amount of compression per sock.

According to research, shooting for 20 to 24 mmHg at the ankle is ideal.

Plus, make sure they are made with technical, high-performance fabrics that are breathable and look good.

Foam Roll or Massage

According to many experts, foam rolling is one of the simplest yet effective ways of dealing with shin pain (and other overuse injuries).

How does it Help?

In essence, foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release or self-massage that removes adhesions in the muscles and connective tissue.

Left unchecked, these adhesions can create points of weakness in the tissue, leading to susceptibility to pain and injury.

And you don’t want that.

Further, foam rolling also reduces muscle tension, promotes blood circulation, and increases mobility, which are key to faster recovery and injury prevention.

Of course, foam rolling might feel tight or painful at first, but this is a good sign.

Be sure to roll your shins and calves for 30 to 60 seconds, then take breaks of an equal period.

Repeat the process four to five times, at least five times per week.

Check out this YouTube tutorial:

Try Acupuncture

Another possible way to get rid of shin splints is Acupuncture.

Based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, Acupuncture involves sticking thin needles into particular energy points, releasing a variety of substances, including serotonin, endorphins, etc.

This can help alleviate pain and inflammation.

Research published in the Journal of Chinese Medicine revealed that Acupuncture could be quite effective in treating symptoms associated with shin splints, especially during the early stages of onset.

The researchers found that acupuncture treatment—twice weekly for three weeks—is more effective at treating shin splints than physiotherapy and the use of anti-inflammatories when treating this condition.

Rest and Recovery

As I have stated, the leading cause of shin splints—and most overuse running injuries for that matter—is overuse. As a runner, you should have already realized the time between runs is as important as the training itself. There’s no way around that.

Your body repairs itself and returns stronger during this recovery time. However, skipping on it can result in musculoskeletal issues, which, in turn, can become very painful and take much longer to heal properly.

As a result, sometimes, the best course of action to take in the presence of shin splints is to stop running altogether.

Just don’t get me wrong.

This does not mean giving up all physical exercise altogether either.

Just because you’re dealing with shin splints does not mean the end of your training.

Instead, do plenty of cross-training exercises, opting for activities that do not put excessive stress on the injured limb, such as cycling, swimming, etc.

Then, once your symptoms subside—likely in a matter of a couple of weeks— slowly reintroduce, running into your training program.

Just make sure to listen to your body the entire time, paying attention to any signs of pain or tenderness during and after training.

Seek out Professional Help

If the above measures prove futile in your quest to get rid of shin splints, then you SHOULD seek the help of a professional health provider.

Biomechanics can contribute to shin splints, whether you’ve severe muscle imbalances, tend to overstride, or have poor posture.

These are not the issues you can solve on your own, especially if you don’t know what type of underlying issues you’re dealing with in the first place.

Hence, you require outside help—not from a blog or a magazine article—but from a real certified professional.

I recommend visiting a podiatrist or physical therapist with experience helping out runners.

They should assess your running form and biomechanics and see if it’s possible to single out what might be contributing to or causing your pain.

Then, once a clear conclusion is reached, prescribe specific drills, stretches, and strengthening exercises to help fix the underlying issue(s).

You can also experiment with treating your shin pain with electrotherapy methods, such as electronic muscle stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, or microcurrent.

In addition, consider taping the injured limb with medical-grade tape. Research has shown that it can decrease swelling, increase the range of motion, and provide support for the muscles of the lower leg.


There you have it! If you’re dealing right now – or have a history of – shin splints, then today’s article should get you started on the right foot when it comes to treating and preventing the condition. The rest is just details.

Please feel free to leave your comments and questions in the section below.

In the meantime thank you for dropping by.

Keep running strong.

David D.

How To Choose The Best Running Shoes for Flat Feet

how to run with Flat Feet

Looking for the best running shoes for flat feet? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Being a flat-footed runner can be challenging.

But it does not inherently preclude you from running.

In fact, just because you’ve flat feet, it doesn’t inherently mean that you are bound for trouble.

As we are going to see in today’s article, having flat feet shouldn’t discourage you from running, even if you find it difficult to pound the pavement on a daily basis.

So what does it mean to be a flat-footed runner?

Are there any special precautions that should be taken?

what are the best running shoes for flat feet?

These are some of the questions I’ll answer in today’s post.

So, are you excited?

Then here we go.

What You Should Know About Running With Flat Feet

Before I get into how to choose the best running shoes for flat feet, let’s first explain what being flat footed is all about.

Also known as “fallen” or “low” arches, and medically referred to as “Pes Planus,” flat feet are viewed as a postural deformity condition in most fitness circles.

The condition occurs when the tendons, ligaments, and the tiny bones in the foot’s underside collapse, forcing the arch to sit low or completely flat against the ground.

According to conventional thinking, having flat feet is cause for alarm for most adults, and for some, it can cause serious issues.

These include foot pain, leg pain, muscle soreness, back pain, limited athletic ability, overuse injuries, etc.

For these reasons, as a runner, if you’ve trouble with your flat feet, then you must do something about it.

Otherwise, you may succumb to pain.

Surveys show that out of the general population, roughly 20 to 25 have flat feet, so it’s not really an “abnormality,” nor is it uncommon.

The Foot Arch Explained

For us runners, this condition affects one of the most critical components of our physiology: the foot arch.

Made up mostly of tendons, ligaments, and bones, and supported by muscles in the foot, the foot arch has three main arches:

Two longitudinal (medial and lateral) arches that run from front to back, with one on each side.

One anterior transverse arch that runs across the middle of the foot.

All of these three arches play a crucial role in promoting and maintaining all forms of movement, running included.

Most importantly, the foot arch act as a natural shock absorber, helping to reduce impact during the running gait cyle.

In fact, it can bear around 200,000 to 300,000 pounds of stress each mile we walk.

Without sufficient arch support, the impact stresses of a foot strike travel unhindered up the feet and legs, increasing the risk of injury.

Additional resource – How to measure foot size for running shoes

How To Choose The Best Running Shoes for Flat Feet

How to Determine Your Arch Height – The Wet Test

A podiatrist can determine your arch height, but you can also easily do it at home using the wet test.

Here is how

Start by dipping the sole of one of your feet in water, then step onto a piece of paper towel on a flat surface where your footprint will show.

Make sure to put sufficient weight on that foot to leave an imprint behind.

Last up, step away and assess the mark your feet leave.

If you can see nearly the entire bottom of your feet on the surface, then likely have flat feet.

See Image.

How Do Flat Feet Form?

Flat feet do not develop overnight to the overworked or overweight folks of the world.

Most people get it during the course of their lives as they get older without even realizing it.

Only a small percentage of the flat-footed populace is affected by hereditary flat foot.

Sure, flat feet can happen at birth (in cases of rheumatoid arthritis as one example), but any of the following reasons might contribute:

  • Wearing improper shoes,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Aging,
  • Injury,
  • Obesity,
  • Diabetes,
  • Improper training form,

Additional resource – Running shoes for plantar fasciitis

Brace For Pain

According to conventional wisdom, having flat feet can lead to severe injuries, especially when running in the wrong pair.

Examples include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, Shin splints, tibialis posterior tendinopathy, etc.

But that’s not a universal rule.

Injuries are prevalent among all runners, regardless of their foot type and/or pronation style.

Even runners with regular arch heights get injured.

So, do you REALLY need special running footwear?

Well, the answer isn’t black and white.

First, let’s look at the theory.

Additional resource – How to recycle used running shoes

Flat Feet and Overpronation

Often than not, having flat feet causes overpronation.

Surveys show that roughly 90 percent of people with flat feet develop this abnormal inward turning of the feet upon foot impact.

Just don’t get me wrong.

Pronation is part of the regular movement of the foot that occurs upon foot strike when walking or running.

This allows the foot to mould to the surface and reduce shock impact.

That said, overpronation occurs when there is excessive pronation following the foot strike.

This places undue stress on the ankle, knee, hips, lower back, increasing injury risk.

Therefore, and according to most experts, flat-footed runners may need special footwear that help stabilize the feet when running.

These will be either stability or motion control shoes that have a steady medial post.

But is there any research backing up these claims?

I don’t think so.

Additional Resource – Overpronation vs Underpronation

The Research

As far as I know, when it comes to injury, flat-footed runners are subject to the same injuries as the rest of us.

There is no conclusive research with a significant sample size and consistent methodology that provides irrefutable evidence that flat-footed runners get injured more than runners with high or neutral arch heights.

Here a few studies to check out.

Research by Lees and Klenerman has found no conclusive correlation between foot type and running injuries, especially with a flat foot “deformity.”

Another research published in the Journal of Sports & Medicine found no direct association between increased running injury risk among beginner runners using a neutral shoe.

And that’s just not the case in the running world.

In fact, little scientific data suggest a link between pes planus and sports injuries to the lower extremities.

I can go on and on about this subject, but a simple Google search will satisfy your curiosity if you want to learn more.

Additional resource – Running Shoes Vs. Cross Trainers

The Bottom Line

As long as you’re not experiencing any pain or issues while running in neutral shoes, there is probably no need for a stability or motion control shoe, even if you’ve incredibly flat feet.

In fact, by simply taking the right training, injury and footwear precautions (like any other smart runner), you’d still manage to run relatively injury free.

Yes, this goes against conventional advice, but just keep mind that shoe producers have a vested interest in you buying their products.

So please don’t be a dumb costumer.

Before you decide on a given pair, take into consideration your personal preferences, running conditions, shoe history, budget, etc.

In the end, the best pair for you could or could not turn out to a shoe from the stability, or motion control category.

Additional Resource – Here’s how to dry running shoes.

Neutral Shoes Cause you Pain?

If you’ve chronic arch or heel pain (and are pretty sure that your neutral shoes are to blame), then consider changing your footwear.

Here is what you need to know about the so-called “flat feet” running shoes.

The Best Shoes For Runners With Flat Feet

If you have flat feet and overpronate, then get a pair that reduces over-pronation and provides more support throughout the running gait.

This is especially the case if you tend to exhibit moderate-to-severe overpronation and/or have had issues running in a neutral pair.

Major running footwear brands have developed specific shoe models over the last few decades catered toward runners with flat feet.

As previously stated, trainers that serve this purpose are commonly known as stability and motion control shoes.

These shoes are designed with a firmer midsole that limits excessive pronation.

Additional resource – Guide to insoles for running shoes

How To Choose The Best Running Shoes for Flat Feet

If you don’t know how to pick the right running shoes, then head to a specialty running store and consult the expert staff in there.

They can analyze your running mechanics, determine your foot type, then suggest the appropriate recommendations.

Just keep in mind that what works for someone else may not work for you and vice versa.

So do you research and be willing to experiment with different models to find the most suitable pair.

Stability Shoes Demystified

Stability shoes are made with layers of polyurethane materials in the arch to provide more stability and support for arches that may collapse upon foot strike.

The primary technology used in stability shoes is a medial post of dual density foam.

This is the gray and firmer piece of foam located on the inner side of the midsole, usually under the heel or midfoot regions—an area highly impacted by overpronation.

Further, these shoes have plenty of cushioning.

Every major shoe manufacturer has their own collection of stability running shoes.

It’s up to you to choose what brand appeals the best.

Just keep in mind that stability shoes are not a ‘one size that fits all.’

They may not work for everyone since not all stability shoes are the same.

The best stability shoes are Adidas Adistar Boost, etc.

Motion Control Demystified

If you’re a severe overpronator, motion control shoes might help.

These are usually the heaviest and most rigid shoes available in the running footwear market.

Motion control shoes are designed with more support in the arch of the foot, provide features such as stiffer heels, and a relatively straight shape/last to counter overpronation.

The best motion control shoes include the Mizuno Wave Inspire 9, Brooks Ravenna 4, etc.

Additional Tips

Keep on reading if you have issues with your flat feet.

Experiment with Barefoot Running

Barefoot running encourages a mid-foot or forefoot strike.

According to research, this may help strengthen your foot’s muscles and tendons, which can improve shock absorption.

So, if it’s all possible, add a few barefoot runs to your running program, preferably on a softer surface, such as grass or a beach.


Massage With a Tennis Ball

Having chronic arch pain?

Then try massaging with a tennis ball.

This exercise stretches the plantar fascia ligament and comes highly recommended by podiatrists and sports experts.


Just place a tennis ball under your foot, then roll it back and forth under the arch for 90 to 120 seconds.

Check this YouTube Tutorial.

Lose Weight

Being overweight can put excessive stress on the ligaments of your feet, resulting in pain.

In fact, the more extra pounds you’re carrying around, the more pressure you exert on your arches.

This is especially the case if you engage in high impact exercise, such as running, on a regular basis.

Having trouble losing weight?

Then these resources can help.

Post 1

Post 2

Post 3

Hot Water Foot Baths

Heat therapy is effective at relieving arch pain and soreness—as long as your feet are not cut, bruised, or injured in any way.

You can either soak your feet for 15 to 20 minutes in a bath of warm water and Epsom salt or simply wet two towels with warm water then wrap them around your feet.

Additional resource – Running shoes for overpronators

Consider orthotics

Orthotics are custom-designed arch supports that may help you reduce pain by relieving pressure from the arch by limiting the rate of pronation, thus, reduce injury risk as related to excessive motion.

There are plenty of options to pick from, but as a rule of thumb, opt for insoles with substantial arch support, allow for enough wiggle room (so you don’t get blisters), and have a flexible sole.

Just keep in mind that not every runner with flat feet is an overpronator, and having a normal arch height does not make you injury proof.

New to Running? Start Here…

If you’re serious about running, getting fit, and staying injury free, then make sure to download my Runners Blueprint Guide!

Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to start running and lose weight weight the easy and painless way. This is, in fact, your ultimate manifesto to becoming a faster and a stronger runner. And you want that, don’t you?

 Click HERE to check out my Runners Blueprint System today!

Don’t miss out! My awesome running plan is just one click away.

Running Shoes for Flat Feet – The Conclusion

There you have it! If you’re looking for advice on how to choose the best running shoes for flat feet then today’s article should get you started on the right foot. The rest is just details.

Thank you for dropping by

Keep Training Strong